Ch.2 Mutation situation part 2
Haley's point of view:
I don't know how long I was crying for. But I was fearful for my dad. I didn't know what was going on or who took my dad. Many thoughts raced through my head.
Who kidnapped my dad ? what's with the deal with this old journal ? And what's so important about it ?
I need to find my Dad. I need help but who could help me ?
The poilce will probably think my story is ridiculous. I had to realy on family. But there was a few problems with that. If I go to Aunt Harley with this, she'll over react. I couldn't go to Aunt Chiyo becauses she mainly speaks in Japanes and is has hard time speaking english and I'm not that flunt in japanes. However there was my couisns who can keep a secret. But there where still problems with that too !
For staters the twins and Megan are very young and I don't want them to get hurt. Phoebe was an heavy sleeper so it would be impossible to wake her up. Jades was all the in Tokyo so she couldn't help and Masao was at friend's house for the night. So that left...
I groan. I didn't have a choice and I needed help. So I'm gonna have to ask for Cole's help.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
I walk into Cole's room. It wasn't a mess room, there was only a few clothes on the floor. I walk over to Cole who was sleeping.
"Cole wake up" I whisper.
Cole groans as he turns on his side. I sighed in annyounce as I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it.
"Ow !" Cole shouts sitting up and he glares at me.
"Hales ! What the heck ?!" Cole snares.
"Cole I need your help, I think dad's in trouble" I said as I explain what happened.
I explained everything to Cole who looked he was trying to process everything I said.
"Let me get this straight, Uncle Henry called you in a panic and told to protect an old journal before he was suspossley kidnapped ?" Cole said as he raised an eyebrow at me.
"Cole, I heard my dad struggling and I heard someone shout in something Japanese and by thire tone they sounded seriouses" I said.
"Was Uncle Henry in the house or some where else ?" Cole asks.
"I don't think he was in the house" I replied.
Cole looks at the journal and the Japanese symbol on the front.
"Do you know this Japanese symbol ?" I asks.
"It's a traditional japanes but not only that it's the Ikoma symbol" Cole explains.
"How do you know that ?" I asks. I didn't really expect Cole to have this much knowledge about this.
"My mom taught me to know all the traditional japanes symbols when we lived in Japan when I was younger" Cole explains.
"Also I'm not an idiot either, I'm a B student in all my classes, so I say I do fairly well in school" Cole adds.
"Okay fair enough" I said before I opening up the journal.
In the journal was neat hand writing. I idmentally regonised it as my dad's hand writing. I've seen my dad's hand writing all the time since he writes a schedule for us. I begin to flip through the pages. Cole stands next to me as he looks at it.
As I flip through the journal I noticed japanes symbols under my dad's writing. Cole explained all the Japanese symbol to me. I turn back to the first page and begin to read it.
May 4th, 1993, Tokyo Japan,
The Dagger of Iyasu, the accinent japanes wepone that has been lost for centuries. Ledgeones say the dagger had powers to heal immorter wounds and counter act cursed weapons. Many say the dagger of Iyasu could heal any victims of the cursed Muramasa blades.
Many have searched for the dagger but failed. It said to be somewhere in Japan but I believe the dagger is somewhere else. I intend to find it to prove that something lost to history can be found.
Signed Henry Rossi Evans.
I looked at Cole who looks at me confused. I didn't understand my dad was looking for some lost acient relice ? He never seemed that instered in accient japanes things. How did he even have time to be serching when he had married mom a year after this date and had me in 1998 ? When did have the time for serching for thus thing ?
This wasn't adding up.
I sigh as I place the book down on the table.
"None of this makes sense" I said.
Cole notices something sticking out of the journal. He pulls out an folded piece of paper. He unfolds it and we see half of what looks to be a map, the rest of the side it was blank.
We stare at each other. Cole folds back of the map and puts it back in the journal.
"What do we do ?" Cole asks.
"We find my dad" I said.
"Where do even begin to find uncle Henry ? he could of been any where when he called you" Cole points out.
"A few times a week dad goes to library at night" I said as I put the journal in my pocket.
"We start there" Cole said.
We snuck out house and now we where at the library. We serched and serched for my dad. I kept whispering for him, hoping, praying he could hear me.
But it was no use. It was like my dad had vanished... Oh god what if I never see him again....
"Haley you might want to see this" Cole said becking me near a table where a few chairs where knocked over. There I saw a a black cloth. In the middle of it, there was picture of a purple foot. It was a strange looking picture for sure.
I suddenly see something fimilar underneath the table. I bend down and pick it. It was my dad's wallet. Now I knew something was very wrong becauses he never went anywhere without his wallet.
Cole looks at the black cloth and he narrow his eyes.
"Cole what's wrong ?" I asked.
"When I lived in Japan, I saw this symbol all the time, plastared on the walls, posters, even at market places, heck no matter where I went I saw that symbol" Cole snares.
"What does it mean ?" I ask.
"My mom told me it was the foot clan symbol, the foot clan is ninja clan and the only genration of it's time, not to mention very dangerous" Cole said.
I snorted. I knew ninjas existed a very long time ago but in today's world ? It's not likely. It couldn't be possible that ninjas kidnapped my dad. I mean how would that sound to the poilce, they would think I was making it up. But I couldn't help but laugh how ridiculous it was or the fact this ninja clan was called the foot clan. I mean how do you take that seriously ?
"This is serious Haley" Cole snares.
"Cole, ninjas don't exist" I said as I laugh.
"Yes they do !" Cole shouts.
"Okay prove it" I said.
Suddenly a shrukin is throw near our feet and thankful it didn't hit us. We both gasped as we turn around and see ninjas staring back at us.
Me and my big mouth.
"Well there you go with the proof" Cole snorts.
"I was kidding !" I shout at him.
The ninjas advance towards us and Cole grabs me by my hand we run. We bolted towards the library exit. Once out side. I try to think where to run next.
Suddenly I see glowing green stars falling from the skies all over New York. They looked really pretty. Then I noticed one was coming at me, I felt so memorized by it that I couldn't move, I just stared at it.
"Haley look out !" Cole shouts as he shoved us both out of the way. We land on the street.
The glowing green stuff hits the ground and covers the side walk in green ozz. Cole and I stare at each other. I could of been hit by that stuff but Cole saved us both.
"Thanks" I breath out.
"Don't mention it" He said.
"What was that stuff ?" I ask.
"I don't know but don't touch it" Cole said.
Suddenly the ninjas grab us. I shout as I tried to get free from thire grasp. Cole shouts trying to kick our captors. I felt ropes being tied around my hands and feet. My eye's widen in fear as I relize they where dragging us towards a black car, mainly an opened trunk.
I began to scream.
Scream for help. Praying someone would help us. Because in theses situation that's all you could do, Scream for help and hope someone, anyone could hear you.
The ninjas shove a piece of cloth in my mouth and threw us in the back of the trunk. I screamed through my gag. The ninjas where about to shut the hatch.
But in the blink of an eye, our captors where thrown back and knocked down. I spit out my gag.
"Thank you who ever you are" I said.
"No problem dudette" Someone said.
We look up and we see 4 giant mutant turtles in front of us. We stared at them and they stared back.
Then Cole and I screamed. The turtles screamed too. Then we both fainted from shock.
The last thing I heard was....
"Oh great what do we do with them ? We have to save April"
I woke up googily. I noticed my hands weren't tied anymore and I was on some kind of coach with Cole next to me, still uncouises. I sit up,still processing what happened to me in the past hour.
My dad calling me asking me to protect a journal. Headingto the library, then being nearly kidnapped by the foot clan and to top it all of us being saved by giant turtles.
Yeah that wasn't suspposed to be my night and I should probably be sleeping back at my house.
Wait my house ! Oh no we snuck out ! Aunt Harley is going to be so in raged when she finds out.
We have to get back to the house before Aunt Harley finds out where gone. But one problem I don't know where me and Cole are right now.
"Ah I see you are awake, Would you like some tea my friend ?" A friendly japanes voice asks me as a cup of tea is in front of me.
I take the cup from the person's hands. Not noticing at first that this perosn hands area brown and fury hands.
"Thank you" I said as I bring the tea up to my lips.
Then I relized about this person's hands are brown and fury. I raised my head up and in front of me was a giant mutanted brown coated rat. I dropped the tea in shock.
I felt my hands tremble.
"Cole wake up" as I shake Cole.
"What ? What happend ?" Cole asks as he finnaly wakes up. His eyes widen too in shock.
"Haley ? You see what I'm seeing ?" Cole asks.
"Yep" I said wanting to scream.
"Run ?" Cole asks nervously
"Yep" I said as we ran from the couch, screaming as well.
"My friends, it's okay your safe, the foot won't harm you" The Rat said.
"The foot ? What do you know about the foot ?" Cole snares.
"Thire my ememies" The Rat tells us.
"They have my dad !" I suddenly shout.
"Who haves your father ?" The Rat asks me.
Tears stream down my face.
"The foot kidnapped my dad" I cried.
The Rat places a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"My sons will help you" The Rat tells me.
"Uhhh who are your sons ?" Cole asks with an raised eyebrow.
"Master we have a problem" We hear a voice.
We turn our heads to see the turtles from before.
And you can gusse what we did.
Yep we fainted. We really need to stop doing that becauses were not gonna be able to get back to the house.
No one's point of view:
Leo looks at Master with guilt.
"You where right master Splinter, we where being over confident, now April's dad is a mutant and she hates us" Leo explains.
Mikey and Donnie place Cole back on the Coach with Haley. They where again uncouises.
"Now you see that now, however you must fouces on making things right such as finding the mutagen cansisters before we have more mutants on our hands" Master Splinter said turing to Cole and Haley.
"Also you must help them find the girl's father" Splinter said.
"What happened to her dad ?" Mikey asks.
"He has been kidnap by the foot and it's our duty to help them" Master Splinter explains.
"Okay will help them, but how do we keep them from fainting again" Raph asks.
"Explain to them quickly" Splinter said.
"I gusses that could work" Donnie said.
Haley's point of view:
Me and Cole woke up again. The turtles where in front of us. Me and Cole looked at each other. I was about to scream again.
"Wait don't scream just let us indrouce our sleeves" the purple mask turtle said.
"I'm Raph, that's Leo, Mikey and Donnie" the red mask turtle said.
"What are your names ?" Mikey asks.
"I'm Haley Evans and this is my cousin Cole" I said.
"Pleasure" Cole snorts.
"Listen our master told us what happened to your dad and we're gonna help you find him no matter what" Raph said.
"Thank you" I smile.
"We have to leave, how do we get out here ?" Cole asks.
"Take a left down the tunnel and the ladder to topside is 2 mintues away" Mikey said.
Donnie hands us circle phones.
"To stay in contact" Donnie said.
Me and Cole nod as we leave to go home. Hopefully Aunt Harley didn't relize we where gone.
No one's point of view :
Shredder enters a room. Inside the room was Haley's dad,Henry Evans tied to a chair in the middle of the room.
"Where is the journal ?" Shredder snares looking Henry straint i the eye.
"Far away form me" Henry shrugs calmly.
Shredder growls as he unleashed his blades.
"You'll find Mr. Evans I can be quite persaves" Shredder growls.
Note: Finally this chapter is done !
Okay just to clear up some confusion. The whole thing with Cole and Haley took place during mutation situation. for this story I'm not gonna have the episodes accourt excatly because I don't excatly remember how the episode went also its hard to find theses
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