Ch.10 Christmas family get together part 3

Haley's point of view :

We all sat at the dinner table, talking loudly and waiting to dig in to eat all the food that was made for us. Aunt Harley sat a plate full of meat in front of me and Cole. I quickly take a bit of the honey ham while Cole dug into the dumplings which earned us a werid look from Aunt Harley. My mom side hugs me as I eat at a some what of a fast rate.

"My your very hungry, doesn't Harley feed you ?" Rosetta asks me as she rest her head on her hand.

I just nod, eating more.

"Believe me Aunt Harley makes more than enough food, she's not starving" Shina Jade said as throws a dumpling into her mouth.

Megan smirks as she copies Jades trick and throws a dumpling into her mouth. The twins get on it trying to do it and not being so sucssesful.

"I swear Shina your an bad influence on theses kids especially Megan" Aunt Harley scolds causing Jades to shrug.

"What you call bad influence I call having fun besides thire kids let them have simple fun" Jades retrols.

Aunt Harley sighs as she places a slice of honey ham in front of Aunt Kate.

"Mmm this honey ham is simply deilsihes do I taste sweet honey glaze ?" Aunt Kate asks with a sweet smile.

"Thanks but nice try" Aunt Harley snares.

"(At least give us a hint !)" Uncle Hong complains.

Megan tugs on his sleeve causing Hong to turn to her. She motions him to lean down. Then she whispers into his ear.

"Oh so she socks the entire ham in honey okay that makes sense" Uncle Hong said.

"Does she season the ham or does she put seasoning in the honey ?" Aunt Kate asks.

I face palm. Why would she tell them that ?

"Megan ! I heard that !" Aunt Harley shouts at her.

"Hey Megan how about you sit next to me and Milo" Jades suggests.

Megan smiles innocently as she walks over to Jades and Milo. Masao shackes his head.

"Wait Megan ! What seasoning does she use !" Aunt Kate asks.

"(Megan I'll pay if you tell anything you know about her cheesecake)" Uncle Hong said desperately.

"I can't believe you told them that Megan, starting today your not allowed in the kitchen when I'm cooking" Aunt Harley mutters as she sits down.

"Hey come on Harley go easy on the kid" Spencer said.

Aunt Harley just growls looking at Megan.

I look at my mom wondering something.

"Mom I never asked you, how did you meet dad ?" I asks.

Mom looks at me.

"Well it's instering story, You see me and my father were traveling hippies and we ended up traveling to Spain meeting your Aunt Janet there. I was waiting in my dad's van wondering where your Aunt was before I saw an 19 year man running for his life while armored men were trying to shoot at him..." My mom explains but Aunt Kate intrups her.

"Don't say that there's kids here" Aunt Kate said.

"Oh come Aunt Kate this sounds exiting !" My little cousin Chinna complains.

"Yeah this seems like the most awesome how I meet your story ever" Zach said.

"Please countine" The twins beg.

"I felt so worry for the young man's safety. So I decided to help him. I drove my van near towards him and shouted him to get in. He drived into the van a bullet nearly hitting him. I drove the van far away from the gun by they left bullet holes on the side of my dad's van ! After we where safe I asked the boy if he was okay. He said yes and told me his name was Henry and he brought me to an adventure I was never going to forget" My mom said with a found smile.

I smile.

"I doubt that happened you wanted an adventer story for the kids" Uncle Delta mutters.

"Actacally Aunt Janet took a picture of the van that had bullet holes in it, I still have that picture" My mom said bringing out an picture.

We look at the picture to see a hippie 19 year old girl with blond hair and flower band on her head and an 19 year old boy with brown hair. He wore adventure type outfit and an brown hat. They where both in front of he band looking very worried.

"Who's he hippie chick ?" Spencer asks.

"Yeah this was the 90's weren't hippies a more common thing in 60's ?" Joey asks.

Masao shackes his head as Jades hits Spencer in the back of the head.

"Oh that's me, I had quite the hippie phase" My mom said.

"You look good as an hippie" Spencer said.

My mom looks at me.

"Meeting your father was the best thing that happened to me" My mom said giving me a hug.


After dinner, Jades suggested we do our annual tradition of doing sled stunts while the adults where talking outside. So it was just us cousins, sleds and a very slippy snow hill. Stella was down on the hill looking at her phone.

This could end so badly but Richard was with us so it should be fine right ?

Jades does an head stand as she eyes the sleds in front of us. Megan hands Ava a rope attach to a sled. A sled Perry was about to jump on it.1

"Whooa let's do this !!!!!" Perry shouts jumping on the sled causing it to go down the hill.

"I'm related to a bunch of idiots !!!!!" Ava shouts as she goes down the hill.

Richard looks concerned as Veronica just watches her phone not minding us to much attention. Stella ' s brother My couisn Crystal holds her baby as she watches us.

Why do we let Jades talk us into this every year ?

"You know what I should check on Ava" Masao said trying to get out this but Jades grabs him.

"Come on brother you have to do it" Jades said as she places him on sled.

"Shina Jade please I don't want to" Masao pleads.

"It'll be quick besides Milo will join you" Jades said.

"Wait what ?!" Masao shouts.

Milo sits on Masao laps as Masao looks at him in shock.

"Babe take the picture !" Milo smiles with a laugh.

Jades takes pictures of Milo's face as she giggles. That's Jades and her 'unquie' sense of humor for you. She always love people's reactions to her jokes.

"Oh brother you should see your face right now" Jades giggles.

Masao sighs in defeat looking at Megan.

"Please just push us down the hill" Masoa begs her.

Megan smiles innocently as she pushes them down the hill.

"Thank you !" I hear Masao shout.

"Megan !!!!" Milo shouts.

One by one each of us went down the hill with our own stunts even Richard went down with the little kids. I didn't want to but there was only one circular sled left. Jades looks at me.

"Come on it'll be fun cous" Jades encourages me.

"That Sled won't fit both of us" I said.

"Not if we stand on it" She grins,

The next thing I knew we where both standing on the sled, gripping each other arms and trying to stay blance on it. I felt worried about falling.

"I got you girl, not gonna let you fall" Jades said with a comforting smile.

We sled down the hill as Jades holds onto me. As we reach the bottom a wave of snow hits Stella. She let's out a scream.

"Hey you runts you got me wet !" She yells in raged.

Shina Jades just smirks at her.

"Not gonna say you had that coming, but snobs people like you" should learn to have fun" Shina Jade smirks.

"I'm telling daddy" She screams as she runs towards the house.

"We're in trouble" I groan.

Jades puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"What else is new, besides if we stick together he can't touch us" Jades smiles.


Later we all sat around the tv watching school of Rock and as always I listen Perry's speech about sticking it to the man. Our Grandpa was with us and Megan was telling Aunt Kate about the honey ham recipe.

We were on the part where tomika was singing when my mom, Aunt Harley and Rosetta came in.

"Hey Haley can we please talk to you for a few mintues ?" My mom asks, she sounded very worried.

"Yeah sure" I said walking towards them and following them into a different room.

Once we where alone my mom speaks.

"Haley you already know I have to work in a differnt country and I told you a few months ago thire was going to be a job promotion where they would send one person to be a tour guide here in new York" my mom said.

"Yes...." I said before relizing what that meant, my heart raced with exitment.

"You got the job promotion ! This is wonderful ! That means you can stay and..." I suddenly noticed my mom looking sad.

"Honey...ummm your mom didn't get the New York job promotion" Aunt Harley said with a sigh.

"I worked very hard towards that promotion, maybe a little too hard because my boss took noticed of my hard work and decided to give me a differnt job Promotion. Something I desperately tried to argue and change" My mom said trying her best not crack up.

"There relocating you" I relized.

"They sending me to Thailand for thire bigger tourest events" My mom said as she hugged me.

"But that means where going to be further away from each other, where not even sure if the phone connection will work over there" I said looking at her.

"I don't want to go I want to be here with you" My mom said as her voice did cracks up hugging me tighter.

I hug my mom back trying to comfort her. That job promotion was are only chance to be with each other for longer term.

"But I've explained to her she's obligated to go Thailand, the money they are going to pay is what your family needs to stay a float in your apartment, and with your father missing and your aunt Chiyo taking off of work becauses of that, this job promotion couldn't come at better time" Rosetta explains looking at my as if she was inmurter.

No this job promotion my mom clearly didn't want couldn't come at worse time.

I wanted to say to Rosetta, you just came back into my life you can't decided what's best for me and my family. But I didn't want to causes a scence so I keep my mouth shut and held my mom as she crys into my shoulder.

I felt so bad for her. It must of broke her heart knowing she didn't get the job she wanted. It was heartbreaking enough my dad getting kidnapped but now my mom is going to be gone again and might not see her for another few years.

"You don't decide what's best for this family Rossetta, That's my job" Aunt Harley snares.

"Of course but I'm going to move in so Delta and I can help out" Rosetta said.

"Wait what ?!" Me and Aunt Harley said.

"Well you obviously need help with everything..." Rossetta began but Aunt Harley intrups her.

"Look I'm fine taking care of theses kids with Aunt Chiyo, there no need to unexpectedly drop into my life and claim I need pity just because I'm an older woman taking care of several kids, I raised my siblings and can certainly do it again with my daughter, my nephews and my niceses" Aunt Harley snares.

"I had no idea you felt strongly about that" Rosetta said.

"I feel strongly about a lot of stuff I just haven't let you know about it" Aunt Harley said with a glare.

"Well we still will move in..." Aunt Rosetta began.

"No you can't let Uncle Delta move in !" Cole shouts as he enters the kitchen with a worried expression.

"Cole ?" My aunt Harley said.

I see Della, Aunt Janet, Perry and Megan pecking in, my aunt Harley glares at them.

"You 5 where listen weren't you ?" Aunt Harley face palms.

"Aunt Harley I know you and I don't have the best relationship but you have Uncle Delta move in ! He's makes threats towards me and plans to send me to the navy where I never return ! Tonight he threatened to hurt Megan ! Please don't make that happen !" Cole begs in a pleding voice.

"My Cole you have quite the imagination about my husband" Rossetta said.

I felt worried for Cole. I knew uncle Delta wasn't the nicest person to Cole.

"No what I said is true ! Uncle Delta hated my mother and he hated my guts ! I fear that Megan might remind Delta about my mother and try to hurt her !" Cole said with a rush of emtion.

"Harley control your nephew please and what he says about my husband" Rossetta said with a glare.

I felt uneasy the way Rossetta just said that.

"Actacally Delta said the excat same thing to my sister so I believe him and I know your husband has temper issues, not a safe man to keep around the kids" Harley said narrowing her eyes.

Rosetta glares at Aunt Harley.

Cole smiles knowing he had Aunt Harley on his side.

"You believe me" Cole said with a smile.

"Well I already talked it over with the landlord and we making plans to move in a few days" Rosetta said.

Cole's eyes widen.

"It Better be the basement because we have no room for you in the house" Aunt Harley said firmly.

"No ! Aunt Harley you can't let this happen ! Uncle Delta might hurt Megan or furfill on his promises to draft me ! I'll do anything ! I'll behave ! I get A's instead of B's ! I'll even stop doing gerfette ! Just please don't have Uncle Delta move in... please I'll be...." Cole was talking so fast that he ran out of breath and was panting heavy.

Della runs in the kitchen and comforts him.

"Whoa easy baby its alright" Della said as she rubs his back, Cole was trying to catch his breath.

"Come on honey I'm gonna get you water, It's going to be alright" Della said as she walks him back to the living room.

I was feeling worried for him.

"Rosetta can I talk to you in private" Aunt Harley said sternly.

"Of course" Rosetta said as she follows Aunt Harley, leaving mom and I alone.

"I leave in a few days, I promise will spend time together before I leave" Mom said.

I just stood there hugging her.


Note: finnaly were done ! And we're gonna move onto one of my favorites of season 2 traget April O'Neil !

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