I'm Always Going To Be Here For You

Dedicated to heartstopperxo, Ames_22, JayMari-lyn, Narlieship, Robin_Writes_12, Dabisxhawksgirl, nappol, Heartst0pp3r_l0ver, and michelle_1456 for all of the superbly sweet support you've shown this story so far! I truly love you all :)

And a special thank you goes to sachas_diary, Love4Locke, Kind_Butterfly5032, shykidDebs, and heartstopp3 just for being so amazingly kind! I'm sincerely excited to get to talk more with you all!

"C'mon, Nick, where are you..." Charlie thought, excitement coursing through his every vein as he awaited the arrival of his boyfriend in the shaded patch of grassy area a few feet away from Truham's entrance, the soles of his pacing sneakered-feet incidentally uplifting a bit of dirt every minute or so.

For the first time in the fifteen year-old's life he had been granted the relaxing pleasure of finishing his school day half an hour early, something which less than a year ago would've probably felt like the greatest unexpected miracle he could ask for.

It would've let him get away from the stress which was naturally brought with high school studying, from the strict teachers who batted a blind eye during his bullying, and the kids who were doing that very aforementioned thing, also.

But those were all feelings Charlie could firmly say resided in his past now, worries which while would crop up in his mind on occasion, were moments far outweighed by his enthusiasm to meet up with his boyfriend every morning at that same very place he'd used to be so afraid of.

I don't have to worry about those things anymore, though. Because with Nick, everything's perfect. And that's the way I intend on keeping things for him, too.

Two things which were the reasons he'd been led into this excruciatingly annoying predicament of passing time until he could indeed find said boyfriend of his and envelope him in his embrace in the first place.

The looming task of burying their heads back into the seemingly endless depths of term papers and essays casting a sense of unwanted dread over Charlie's head, reminding him of yet another point as to why he preferred anxiously pacing around the leafy green alder tree that was Issac's special reading sanctuary rather than actually heading home to finish his coursework assignments.

Which I know isn't going to get me anywhere because the longer I push those things off, the less likely it is I'll be able to go to Paris with Nick, which isn't optional.

But how am I supposed to focus on a history report when I don't know if Nick's okay yet?

"You're thinking about Nick again, aren't you?" Guessed Tao, his lanky legs folded agitatedly over one another as his eyes were forced to watch the dizzying sight which was his best friend's attempt at a self-made merry-go-round.

Only one that Tao would personally presume was even more disorientating due to the fact that he and Issac were, both metaphorically and physically speaking, directly in the middle of it.

"What?" Charlie asked, distractedly, his form continuing its circular motions.

A pattern that only occasionally paused every few minutes, both so his eager eyes could search the entire front grounds for his boyfriend and to make sure he wasn't attracting too much attention to himself, either.

"I said that I assume all this chaotic nervousness is because of Nick," Tao repeated, his words said between his breath's aimless attempts to blow some of his loose wavy hair out of his face.

"And just to be clear, I would be annoyed with you right now about this if I wasn't literally dying of heat stroke at the moment," he added, his right hand fanning the collar of his buttoned white dress shirt against his chest, dramatically.

A general demeanor that could not have contrasted more with Issac's cozy attitude as he exhilaratingly flipped through to the next page of the newest book addition to his massive personal library, "Les Miserables."

I think that's like his own unique way of planning out his Paris trip, too. And if I wasn't so stressed about quite possibly everything else right now, I probably would be reading it with him, too.

Reading was a hobby he and Charlie had always bonded over, whether the book in question was something as long and thought-provoking as, "Pride and Prejudice," or simply something with less than two-hundred pages like the first of the seven Harry Potter novels.

Though it could easily be inferred by practically anyone the two boys knew that Charlie's focus couldn't often be placed singularly on a book.

Whereas Issac could effortlessly delve deep into pages upon pages of descriptive detailing without so much as breaking a sweat.

"No! Well, yes, but it's not like that," Charlie answered, the ends of his short curly black hair bouncing passionately against his forehead as he instinctively looked around for any sighting of an update on his boyfriend's status.


"You know, if you wanted, we could probably still sneak to my house before your parents get here? Maybe hang with Elle and the other girls for a bit instead of you just standing here practically having a heart attack over Nick," suggested Tao, a glimmer of hope carrying in his tone as he slowly pushed himself back onto his tired feet, his tall figure casting a faint shadow of light down on Issac's exposed knees.

"Okay, firstly, my parents would definitely kill me if I leave here without their permission and secondly, I can't just ditch Nick," Charlie protested, his attention finally being brought out of his rambling thoughts by his best friend's declaration.

As nice as getting away from my parents, more particularly, out of studying, sounds right now, I would still prefer to have the chance to go to Paris with my boyfriend. And I can't exactly prove to them that I can be focused and be dating Nick if I'm never around to show them.

"We could text Tara and Darcy and ask them to wait for Nick," rephrased Tao, his hands brushing a few small blades of grass off his dress pants.

Ones which had been unceremoniously tossed onto him throughout various points of Charlie's pacing escapade.

"Well, yeah we could...but I need to be the one who checks on him!" Charlie pleaded, his eyes widening with desperation as he met gazes with his best friend.

Yeah of course I know that they'd be able to take care of him just as well as I can, maybe even better to be honest, but Nick's always been there for me when I needed him. I just want to prove that I can do the same thing for him, too.

Tao waited a few brief moments before responding, seemingly testing with no such luck how serious his friend was truly being, a question that was eventually answered by the anxiety showing clearly behind Charlie's eyes.

"Alright, fine, we'll wait fifteen minutes longer," conceded Tao through a heavy sigh of boredom as he dropped defeatedly back down beside Issac.

"Thank you," smiled Charlie, relief flushing through his veins as he dived in for a hug with his friends, his lean arms managing to wrap around both of them in a grateful embrace.

They are literally the best friends anyone could ask for!

A hug which brought smiles, even if Tao's was sort of reluctant, to both of his friends' faces as they bumped clumsily backwards against the sturdy alder tree's trunk.

"Yeah, just make sure to actually sit down this time around, alright?" Teased Tao, his eyes rolling sarcastically as he yanked Charlie down on the other side of Issac, the latter's short legs easily finding their usual place of comfort between his friends.

"Sounds fair," laughed Charlie, his head resting in the perfect angle against the tree so as to have the entire front greenery visible.

I'll wait as long as you need me to, Nick. But I'm not going anywhere...

Optimistic words which Charlie Spring would soon come to regret for the moment he'd began to feel some of the jittery anticipation petering out of his muscles, the group of friends heard the distinct sound of the Spring family's muted red Honda pulling up to Truham's curb a few feet away from them.

Charlie immediately slumped down low beside Issac, hoping beyond hope that maybe he could evade his parents for just long enough to meet Nick before they had to leave.

Please don't see me. Please don't see me.

Internalized thoughts that must not have been hidden too well for the moment they passed through his mind, Tao seemed to straighten his posture to a slightly taller height so as to inconspicuously impede upon Mr. and Mrs. Springs' vision of their son.

"Do you boys by any chance know where Charlie is?" Mr. Spring asked, the rim of his simple black glasses resting casually against the bridge of his nose in the same laid back fashion it always would.

Julio Spring hadn't exactly ever been a man of many complexities, finding comfort in the little things like local soccer games and weekly chess matches with his other quote and quote "adult friends" as Tori had once joked to her little brother whilst they'd watched their dad's intricate board game unfold one weekend while their mother was away taking care of their grandparents.

But that was just because he enjoyed spending time with his wife and kids more than anyone else, really.

Even if those sweet family moments hadn't been occurring as much lately.

"Uh, no, not really. We mostly had different classes, today," Tao replied, swiftly, Issac nodding his head lightly in agreement.

"He might be somewhere around the school waiting for Tori, though. If you want to check in with her?" Issac suggested, politely, his words simultaneously bringing a smile of gratitude to both Charlie and Julio's faces.

Though for very different reasons.

Great going, Issac! I knew I could count on you guys!

"Okay, well, thanks for the heads-up, kids," Julio smiled, cordially across at his son's best friends before he turned back around to his wife to make sure they were in mutual agreement as to where they were heading next.

"Shall we go check on Tori, then?" Confirmed Julio, the loose sleeves of his maroon red button-up shirt rubbing vaguely against his wrists as he awaited his wife's response.

One which had nearly become a victory for the trio until Charlie heard the school's doors slowly unlocked, his hazel brown eyes widening enthusiastically at the sight of his boyfriend.

He made it just in the nick of time! Which I know sounds like I just made a really bad pun, but I don't even care because Nick's here!

Although Charlie's smile of excitement faltered slightly at the sight of his boyfriend's rather tensed arms clutched around his chest, their biceps bulged under the pressure of all the things seemingly racing on endlessly inside his head. Something that was only displayed more vividly by the way his usually bright eyes followed his foot's every step forward, almost as if he were subconsciously tracing all the imaginative prints his worn Vans left behind on Truham's paved pathway.

A series of actions that only made Charlie want to reach his hand out and squeeze Nick's, letting him know that everything was going to be okay.

Whatever happened with the exam testing, or with Ben, I'm going to be here for him.

Movements that subsequently received a sharp jab from Tao's elbow as it pushed past Issac and collided warningly with Charlie's stomach, pushing his instinctively rising body back flat onto the grassy lawn as he mouthed the words, "We're nearly there, just hold on a bit longer!"

Unfortunately for the boys, while it was sometimes possible to fool a father, mothers had a sixth sense for when their children were hiding something.

Or in Charlie's case, just hiding.

"Charles, I know you're there. Now come out this instant so we can go home," Jane Spring called, sharply, her gaze effortlessly gliding directly past Tao and Issac's shifting forms and finding Charlie.

An action that had it been performed only a few seconds prior, would've probably made Charlie groan, yet he could only find himself being relieved at the freedom of being able to stand back up where Nick could maybe see him.

The only place I need to be right now is here for him.

"Uh, yeah, mum, just a second for me to talk to Nick and-" Charlie began, his eyes remaining locked unwaveringly on his boyfriend as the latter briskly exited the school, unbeknownst to where Charlie stood due to a rather rambunctious group of fellow year twelves talking avidly beside him.

Though, his shyly spoken words were almost immediately cut off by the clicking sound of the Spring family passenger side car door opening.

"Charles Francis Spring, I will not ask again," his mother repeated, her head nodding strictly towards the vehicle's interior.

A simple movement that almost wordlessly crushed her son's hopes of grabbing his boyfriend's attention within an instant.

Charlie's gaze briefly met Tao and Issac, his last ditch pleas to help him see if Nick was okay thankfully being answered almost immediately by their reassuring half-smiles.

I might not be able to help him like I'm supposed to, but them being there is at least better than nothing, right?

Thoughts that only sent a silent wave of insurmountable guilt shooting through Charlie's stomach as he tiredly got into the back seat of the Honda, aimlessly dropping his backpack down on the seat beside him before he closed the car door with a distinct slam!

"Are you okay, Charlie?" His dad inquired, softly as Jane slowly backed their vehicle away from Truham.

And thus, leaving Nick behind with it.

"Yeah, I guess," mumbled Charlie, quietly, his chin resting defeatedly atop his hand for the reminder of their drive home as he watched the world around him drift by in a mixed blur of chaotic separation.

I can't believe I just left him like that. He needed me and I abandoned him. All because of some stupid coursework I never finished.

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