Chapter 3 - A Pretty, Crazy Girl

As Zoey, Margo and I headed into our calculus classroom, I noticed that Charlie and Skylar were also in this class as well.

They waved me over to come over by them, where they were seated in the farther back corner of the classroom. I walked over and sat on the desk next to them while Charlie gave me a smirk, nudging his head towards the two girls I walked in with.

"So, I assume you met Zoey and Margo?" Charlie said while wiggling his eyebrows.

I nodded and looked over to the two who sat near the front of the classroom towards the door. Zoey's arms were flailing all over the place as she was talking to Margo, and Margo just smiled sweetly and nodded along adding in a few words.

Zoey definitely wasn't my type... she was very outgoing and too spunky, but there was something about her that made me drawn to her. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off her, until Skylar spoke up, startling my daydreaming a bit.

"Dude, I see you checking Margo out, but believe me... I've tried for years. She's super shy around guys... except Bryan." He sighed in frustration before talking again. "They already hang out so much, and I'm sure he's gonna ask her out." His face had a hint of sadness to it, and I kinda felt bad.

"I'm not checking anyone out to be honest. Just was wondering why Ryan would cheat on someone as nice as Zoey," I replied honestly. "And I think you should ask her out. Margo, I mean. Like, I can tell you like her, so don't let that other guy... uh Bryan, beat you to it." He smiled at my friendly suggestion, then out of nowhere a devious smile came across his face.

"Ohhhhh so it's Zoey you were checking out before... alright." He winked, and I rolled my eyes. All I said was that she is nice, literally that's it. "Just letting you know she's quite a handful, a pretty crazy girl."

I looked over at Charlie who gave me a goofy grin. "I'm not sure if she's your type... she's fiery and not afraid to speak her mind either." He chuckled to himself and shook his head. "I can't believe the only word you have described her so far is ... nice. "

Both Charlie and Skylar began laughing, giving me a slap on the back. "But good luck man."

I gave them a confused look. Not once did I imply that A) I liked her and B) I want to go after her. She just got over her previous relationship recently with Ryan, and he is someone I don't want to upset again.

"Guys." I raised my voice over their laughing, but they don't hear me.

"GUYS!" I yelled louder, and they both stopped abruptly and turn their heads towards me. "I'm not interested in anyone right now... I just met the girl."

They just nodded, but Skylar still gave me that creepy smile like he knew that deep down I was lying.

"Sure buddy sureeee...." was all Skylar muttered before class began.

Class was a bore since all we learned about was what we would be learning in class throughout the year. Math was my best subject , so I tuned out my teacher's voice as he talked about tutoring offers.

"And since there is usually a huge demand for tutors for math, I am looking for one more to help with the calculus sections. So if you're good at math and like it, come talk to me after class. You'll get extra credit and service hours... which looks good on the college applications." My head jerked up towards the front. Service hours... I needed to start working on getting those for applications.

Yeah, you're probably thinking I'm a nerd for wanting hours, but colleges now are becoming stricter with their students having some possible community service hours. Plus, I like math so it was a win/win in my eyes.

Finally, after an hour of literally hearing the teacher go through the whole lesson plan for the year, class ended. I still had one more class until lunch so I had to make it a quick meeting with him.

"Uh Mr. Gomez." I stood right in front of his desk, watching the students filter out of the classroom.

His head peeked up from his notes, and he pushed his glasses up further on his nose, giving me a questioning look. "Can I help you?"

I cleared my throat. "Yeah, I uh was wondering if I could take you up on that math tutoring position. I'm extremely proficient in math, and I'd like to get service hours." He gave me a slight smile and grabbed a packet out from his desk.

"Great! Here's the information packet. It lists different equations and tactics you should know so you can help the other students out. You probably won't start until next week as we don't do much the first week anyway. What's your name again? I don't recognize you." He seemed pleased that someone was interested.

"I'm Josh Parker. I just moved here a couple weeks ago," I replied.

"Well welcome to Lakewood, Josh. And thank you... I didn't think anyone would want to volunteer." He gave me a bigger smile and handshake.

"Thank you... so do I tutor multiple people then, or just one person?" I asked.

"Usually whoever is struggling in class , I'll have them go to you or if a student feels they can do better with extra help, they'll be recommended to see you. Most tutors communicate with the other students for times that work in both of their schedules," he answered, and I nodded. That didn't sound too bad.

"Alright, that doesn't sound too bad ... thanks, Mr. Gomez."

"No, thank you! Now hurry to third hour, or you'll be late!" He gave me a wave as I exited his classroom. I ran down the halls to my third hour just before the bell rang.

After suffering through my World History class, I made my way down to the cafeteria.

I noticed most of the football guys I hung out with at a table, perfectly set in the back so the whole cafeteria could view them.

I grabbed a tray and placed a chicken sandwich, an apple, and some tator tots on it. I grabbed two chocolate milks and checked out.

With my tray piled high with food, which could've fed two other people, I walked towards the guys and sat down next to Charlie. Skylar and Jordan sat across from me. A couple other guys from the team sat with us, but I was still unsure of their names.

"Ugh I hate Mrs. Venga... like why did I have to have her for chemistry! I barely whispered to Ella about how hot she looked and Mrs. Venga gave me a detention for 'disrupting the class'," Jordan said as pieces of his chicken sandwich flew out of his mouth. The guy never ceased to disgust me.

I looked over at Charlie, and I could tell something was bothering him. He picked at his tots like they had some incurable disease. I nudged his arm , and he gave me a sad look.

"What's the matter?" I said in a low voice so the others wouldn't hear. Thankfully, Jordan was too busy blabbing about that Ella chick to the others. Plus, Cameron came down and sat next to me, so he eagerly began talking to them about Ella too.

Seriously... what's so special about this girl?

He shrugged and let out a sigh. "It's nothing, honestly. Just got some family problems at home." I knew not to push for more of an answer from him. Anytime anyone says it's nothing or it's just family problems, that's an indication that they don't want to talk about it.

"Alright." I gave him a pat on the back and continued eating my sandwich. I looked around the whole cafeteria and spotted Zoey and Margo sitting at a table with a taller guy and another girl. Zoey, once again, seemed to be putting on a show as she flung her arms around and the others seemed to laugh with her. I noticed the taller guy at their table, probably the Bryan kid the guys were talking about earlier, staring intently at Margo even though she remained stoic compared to Zoey. Skylar was right, that Bryan and Margo must have something going on. Then out of nowhere, Margo's eyes met mine and Zoey whipped her head around and looked at me. I quickly brought my head down to my plate and pretended to drink some milk, even though it was all gone.

Out of my peripheral, I saw Zoey get up and walk towards us.


She walked with this supreme confidence and her hips swayed slightly, almost model like. I felt myself looking her up in down, nonchalantly though.

"Hey boys! Whatcha up to this coming Friday night after the game?" She spoke with firmness in her voice, much like with Ryan in class earlier, but this sounded more flirty.

I nudged Charlie, and he looked up from his plate again, unamused.

"Hey Zo! And nothing honestly... why? You know about a party that we don't know about?" Cameron spoke first, crossing his arms and giving her his signature half smile.

She crossed her arms as well with a cocky grin. "I actually do. I'll be holding one at my place this Friday night... if and only if you boys win. My parents are out of town and my brother will be at his friend's house all weekend. Plus, might as well kick the school year off with a bang, right?!" A proud smile spread across her face. Jordan and Skylar high-fived as they really wanted to go to a party this weekend.

"Hell yeah! We'll all come... but you might want to persuade the new kid down there. He doesn't know how crazy these parties get, and he's kinda lame," Jordan said while pointing to me. He gave Zoey a wink and laughed. She rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed with him.

She walked over to where I sat, and I craned my neck up. I looked at her pink lips and then up at her eyes. I really wanted to feel how soft her lips were cause they looked like she put chapstick on 24/7.

What the hell? Why am I thinking about her lips?!

"So, Josh... wanna come to my party since Jordy over there doesn't think you're cool enough to come," she asked sweetly, but with the same firmness as before. I rubbed my neck, nervously. I honestly have never gone to a party before... like it was just something that never interested me; sweaty teens dancing, drinking, and making out. Ugh ... just thinking about it seemed nasty.

"Uhh...I don't know. I'm not one to party." Wow. Jordan was right... I am lame. I looked at all the guys faces around the table and they seemed disgusted or shocked with me. I looked up at Zoey again who put her hand on her hips and lifted her chin up a bit.

"Okay ... if you say so. The invite is still out there. Only juniors are invited though... like mainly you guys and a few others. It's not like an actual huge party like you may be thinking. I'm wild but not that wild," she said and began laughing. I could feel Skylar's eyes on me, giving me the "she wants you to come bro, so say yes" look. Yes, that's an actual look.

"I guess I'll go," is all I muttered before Zoey gives me a slight pat on the shoulder.

"Great! See, I knew you weren't lame! Ha! Take that Jordan!" She piped up excitedly. Jordan rolled his eyes, and Skylar gave me that creepy face like he did in calculus before. Gosh, why is that guy so weird sometimes?

"Say, Zoey... can Ryan come? You know he is a junior on the team with us?" Cameron gives Zoey a sly look and her excitement is quickly shut down. I felt my fists clench slightly under the table. Why would he ask her that?

"Oh Cameron, you know he'll be too busy with some random slut that night anyways. But by all means invite him... I really don't care anymore. So if you're just wanting to start drama, maybe you should try out for the school play." She picked up her heels and stormed away from the table. Damn. She roasted his ass.

We all laughed and Cameron glared at us and got up from the table in a hurry.

"So... you and Zoey? Mmhmmm," Skylar said to me, winking like his contact was stuck in his eye.

"I'd appreciate if you'd stop assuming I liked her like that. I honestly just met her today... she seems cool, but I'm not interested," I said calmly but slightly irritated.

I honestly didn't like all this attention like that. I always stayed under the radar, and now I was getting more attention... cause of that pretty, crazy girl...Zoey.


Hey everyone!

So I know I said i would update every Sunday, but my sister was on me to post another chapter tonight so ... here we are lol😅

Please comment, vote and share!!!

Much Love ❤️
~Madelyn Joy

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