Chapter Six


It's unfair, unjustified, as to how a mortal can cast an ethereal glow. Is it even plausible for a single soul to impart such beauty, such youth, such innocence- and yet be the only one to cause this thunder inside my traitorous heart? Eros would be envious of him, I believe, for I have never seen one like him before.

Everything fades away into nothing when he enters a room. An imaginary spotlight shining atop his head, giving him the attention he deserves. But again, my heart tugs upon witnessing the adoration everyone holds toward him, for he should be mine and mine alone to adore and cherish.

His eyes shine brighter than the sun. The stars shy away from his light. The ocean longs to lick his feet. The wind is spellbound upon kissing his skin.

Oh, the wind! How envious I am of an element. For it gets to kiss him while my hands are bound.

His presence is a warm kiss from spring, delighting even the wilting flower. And his absence- it makes me feel blue.


Harry closed his notebook after he had the words penned down and placed it back inside the drawer. His thoughts were consumed by Louis, and Louis alone, day and night without a fail.

The boy was his muse, his inspiration. He felt alive in his presence, felt a confidence he had always somewhat lacked in himself. And now that Louis was not around, was merely a house away, his mind was stressed.

Shouldn't smoke so early in the day. He reprimanded himself but continued to take a drag from the cigar between his fingers. His legs carried him to the backyard and then near the pool. The image of Louis swimming in the same pool was still fresh in his memory, burning behind his eyelids as he closed his eyes.

He shook his head as he reopened his eyes, making his way over to sit on a chair and let the smoke carry his worries away.

He had came to terms with his feeling, couldn't deny them anymore, but planned to never act on them. Accepting his feelings had opened another sea of problems for him. Even the smallest of actions from the boy got buried deep into his mind; he could write sonnets and novels about just his freckles, let alone anything else.

Only if there weren't thirteen years between them.

He was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard the grass crunching beneath approaching footsteps. He knew it wasn't Louis, recognised the sound of his light feet.

"There you are," Eliott smiled and took a seat beside him, "A little early to be smoking, isn't it?"

He shrugged and tapped the cigar to let the ash fall off before offering it to Eliott who took a drag and handed it back.

"Got to thinking," he answered vaguely.

"About?" His tone was cautious and Harry knew he got the wrong idea.

"Don't worry, it's just about my novel," he reassured. He didn't blame Eliott to be cautious as he might as well have been blaming himself again for the death of his family.

"Lacking inspiration?"

"More like too much inspired."

"And your muse is?"

"The loveliest person I ever had the joy of meeting," Harry smiled at the mere mention of him.

Eliott stayed quite for a while, both of them passing the cigar back and forth. "I hope this person is worth stressing over."

"More than worth it."

"You sound like you are in l-"

"Don't say it, please," Harry begged, heart racing wildly. Even listening it being said by someone else would make it too real, unavoidable, and it was already unattainable. He wouldn't be able to handle it.

Eliott nodded in understanding, of course he did. He could read Harry like an open book, that was what had made him take Harry under his wing in the first place; the anger and depression, the withdrawal, but also the talent, the urge to prove himself. Harry just prayed that these new pages of him were written in a language foreign to his professor.

There was brief silence that overtook them, slightly heavy but Eliott easily stirred the topic.

"We have guests coming over for lunch, come join us, I want to introduce you to them."

"Who are they?"

"Louis' friend Mia and her parents. They are returning from vacation. Louis is beyond excited and relieved to have her back, these two are joined at hip for the most part of the day," Eliott spoke casually, unaware of the jealousy burning inside Harry.

It hit him like a ton of bricks that Louis might as well have a girlfriend, he did mention a friend that was not in village, Harry recalled.

But then again, the boy had been sleeping in his bed, in his arms for past few days. Sneaking out at night to seek his company.

"I will be there," he answered with a smile, trying to quiet down the burning in his chest at the mere thought of someone else being close to his Louis.

God! When did he become possessive?

"I was wondering why you weren't there for breakfast today."

"Oh, um, I woke up late, was working last night and lost count of time." Last night Louis hadn't snuck up to his door, Harry had waited past midnight, hoping the knock would be heard any minute. He felt drained when the clock struck two in the morning. There was a trace of anger directed towards the boy but it vanished soon enough, Louis wasn't obliged to be there each night.

"Don't let your work stress you out," Eliott advised and patted his back, "I'll see you at lunch."

Harry heard his retracting footsteps and sighed. Eliott was somewhat right, he was stressed but not from work, however much he may lie to him. He was stressed because he couldn't do anything about his growing infatuation towards his muse.


Around one in the afternoon, Harry found himself in the backyard of his neighbours. He had made his presence known to the couple and proceeded to the backyard when he was told that Louis was already there.

Maybe he should have waited to accompany Eliott and Johannah, at least then he wouldn't have to witness a girl sitting on Louis' lap, both of them laughing and teasing each other.

He cleared his throat and avoided looking at them as he sat opposite to Louis.

"Ciao! Sono Mia," the girl spoke and held out her hand, smiling at Harry, but retraced her hand with a confused look when Harry just raised an eyebrow.

"Lui non parla Italiano," Louis directed his words to the girl who nodded with her lips forming an 'o'.

"Pardon me. Hi, I am Mia," she spoke again, and this time Harry did shake her hand.

"Harry. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," she nodded and turned to Louis, "I'll help your mother in the kitchen."

Harry's eyes narrowed and fist clenched when she kissed Louis' cheek, jealousy flaring in his chest. He watched her as she walked away and when his gaze landed on Louis again, he noticed the boy avoiding looking at him.

"So," he started, "Mia is your girlfriend." He didn't question it, put it down as a statement.

Louis looked up quickly with wide eyes, "No! No, no, no. She is my best friend, not girlfriend, no, god no," he chuckled.

"Why are you so adamant at making me believe that?" He questioned the way Louis denied his statement.

"Because, um, well, you see," Louis hesitated before taking a deep breath and letting his eyes connect with Harry's. In that moment, Harry could see so many emotions play on Louis' face, watched a light blush dust his cheeks, lip clasping between his teeth and coming out wet, eyes flickering with uncertainty before settling at a decision. "I don't fancy girls in that sense," Louis mumbled and Harry felt his throat parching, a piece of his fallen world connecting back and giving him hope. "I fancy someone else, someone who is far from being a girl," he never once looked away as he spoke and Harry felt slightly dizzy with the knowledge.



Harry wanted to say more, ask more, to know whether there was a chance that this someone could be him. But, they were interrupted by Jay and Mia bringing food out and Eliott rolling the record player to the patio. Mia's parents followed after them and Eliott introduced them to Harry.

The food was good, really good and Harry complimented Jay multiple times. He also noticed that Louis was surprisingly quiet and blushed each time Harry caught him staring. He raised his eyebrow when Louis zoned out looking at him. The boy blushed upon realising and bit down on his lip, looking extremely innocent, but Harry knew better, knew that Louis was far from being innocent.


He didn't get a chance to speak with Louis again and he accepted his fate, they couldn't talk with so many people lurking around.

He went back to his house an hour after lunch and had been working since, not on his novel but editing some other aspiring writer's book.

It had been a little over a month since he moved to Italy and he was familiar with a few words, unlike what he made Louis believe. He didn't let it know because Louis had a tendency to start mumbling to himself in Italian, unaware that he was doing so, and Harry liked listening to him blabber on.

Sometimes the boy sang under his breath when Harry would be working and Louis would come over for tea. He loved Louis' voice, it sounded like honey and caramel, like little bells of heaven, like melted chocolate.

"Hey," he was pulled out of his thoughts by a voice next to him, a voice like honey and caramel.

He turned his neck to the boy sitting beside him, craning his neck and looking at the pages curiously.

"Hey," his voice came out breathless.

"Why are you sitting outside?" Louis asked, running his fingers through his hair resting across his forehead.

"I felt too lonely inside," he answered honestly, not wanting to hide anything from the boy. For the first time in his life, he wanted to let someone know everything about him.

"You just have to say," Louis replied and shifted closer, laying his head on Harry's shoulder. They were quiet again and Harry couldn't stop staring at the boy with softest hair and bluest eyes. "Is this your novel?"

"No, I am editing this one," he answered and a thought crossed his mind, he didn't even hesitate before speaking, "I'll let you read one of my novels, not today, but soon."

"Really?" Louis looked up at him with excitement radiating off of him.

He nodded and was surprised when Louis hugged him tight and kissed his cheek, whispering a quiet 'thanks'.

He realised then that for the first time he wanted someone to know that he was Edward H.

Maybe they could be each other's someone.


Eeeeeep! I am so happy with this chapter. :D

Tell me what you think about it in the comments. Their relationship is making progress!!!

Also, no one hate on Mia. She is a sweet, sweet girl and you'll know in next chapter how good she is!

Thanks for reading :)
Vote and comment if you like it.

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