Chapter Four


It is one thing to envision an angel and another to espy. I doubt He is an angel, though. Aren't they supposed to be calm? He is a thunderstorm waiting to wreak havoc, and I am ready to be destroyed. Maybe He is a devil in disguise and I am not sure whether to follow or hide.

Each time Harry closed his eyes, he could picture the pure skin glistening with water, laughter echoing in his ears and blue eyes flashing at him.

Last evening, he finally gave in after Louis had been constantly bugging him to swim along. It was another one of his mistakes, he realised that when the boy had gone home and all Harry could think of was the touch of his skin under his fingertips, of how he had pressed Louis against the side of the pool when the boy was continuously splashing water at him.

They were not acquaintances, per se. Louis was still adamant that he despised Harry's presence, in spite of spending most of his evenings with him. Most evenings Louis stayed over for some tea and they talked without hesitation, those evenings were the ones where Harry could sense Louis' insecurities. The boy put up a brave front but it was a mask, partially at least.

Louis never gave up an opportunity to show his intelligence, Harry learned that pretty quick too. It was the boy's way of telling him who was smarter.

Harry was aware of the trouble he was in. He was thirty-two and the boy was merely nineteen, it was wrong to feel even the least bit of affection towards him. It was immoral and frowned upon, but he was never going to act on it; even though he felt like someone was poisoning him slowly. He had to get over this infatuation before it became toxic enough to make him fall deep into the pits of hell.

That was what made him decide to leave for the town after breakfast that day, spending time away from the boy might help.

"Eliott, Jay," he greeted the couple with a nod as he sat by the breakfast table, opposite Louis again, of course.

The boy paid no mind to him, not even a glance. It was normal, though. Louis would not spare any attention to him other than when he wanted to annoy him or they were deprived of a third company.

"What are you up to today?" Eliott asked him after putting down his newspaper.

"I am going to visit town, pick up my mail and some groceries as well."

"I'll go with you!" Louis spoke far too quickly, his cheeks heating up at his urgency, "I mean, you don't know your way around the town and dad has to work, so I'll help you. If you want that is."

"You never liked stepping into the town air," Eliott eyed his son.

"Well someone has to help our good neighbour, I thought I might do that," Louis seemed hesitant.

Harry smiled at his hesitation and for a minute forgot about all the mental talk he had had with himself before, "Sure, I would like some company."

It wasn't until breakfast was over and he was back in his house that he groaned upon realising what he had agreed to. A whole day with the boy alone. Great.

Louis was at his doorstep within half an hour, carrying a small back-pack. The boy wore a stripped t-shirt and half pants, giving Harry an early stroke by how gorgeous he looked.

"What?" Louis narrowed his eyes at him, folding his arms across his chest.

"Nothing," Harry shook himself out of the trance and stepped out of the door, locking it behind himself, "You ready to go?"

"No, I just came here so you could ask me that."

Harry rolled his eyes, walking past Louis and to his car, "You know, sometimes you can answer the questions without sarcasm dripping from it."

"You ask stupid questions."

"I don't."

"You do, trust me it's really annoying."

"I annoy you?"


"Then why are you giving me company?"

"I am a kind man."

"Man?" He laughed and earned himself a hit on his chest.

"Call me a kid one more time and I swear I will chop your balls off," Louis threatened with no sense of joke in it, "I am not kidding."

"I actually believe you would do that," Harry shrugged, "And I didn't call you a kid, did I? But man is an exaggeration. How old are you again? Seventeen?"


Louis was getting agitated and Harry was really liking the feeling, the boy always got on his nerves, this was just a small revenge.

"Sure, you are," he scoffed. Well, he knew Louis was nineteen, but there was no harm in riling him up.

"Stop the car."


"I said, stop the car. Don't know what I was thinking when I decided to help you."

"Calm down, I was only joking," he patted Louis' leg and he swore he heard a gasp, but the boy was looking out the window when he turned to see him.

"I hate you," Louis' voice was small. Harry smiled at the knowledge that he too had some effect on the boy.

"I think we have established that long since."


Maybe walking around the town by foot was a mistake. It definitely was. Louis wanted to stop and look inside every shop, reasoning that something might catch his eye. Harry knew it was to get him back for the morning, Louis was simply wasting his time.

"If you are done, can we please go collect my mails?"

"I am not done."

"Oh, come on!"

Louis gave him a sweet smile before walking inside another shop. Harry had half a mind to ditch him but then Louis was waving him over.

"Buy me something nice," the boy ordered with a smile.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I am helping you."

"I don't see how this is helping," Harry grumbled under his breath before letting his eyes sweep over the contents of the store. It was a small jewellery store, pendants, rings, brooches were shining from under the glass.

"What was that now?"

"Nothing. What do you want?" He asked as he took his wallet out.

"Surprise me."

"How about I surprise you with a punch?"

"You wouldn't know, but I can throw real good punches," Louis pushed past him and walked over to the guy behind the counter, "Ciao! Posso vedere quel ciondolo?"

Harry tuned them out and looked at the items himself, he knew Louis would just waste another half an hour here before walking out. Something caught his eye, a silver anchor pendant with a black chain.

"Let's go," Louis tapped his arm to get his attention.

"How much would that be?" He asked the shopkeeper while pointing at the item, fishing out the amount for it.

He noticed the frown on Louis' face as they left the shop.

"What are you frowning at?"

"Is it for your girlfriend?" Louis asked, a tick in his jaw.

Harry couldn't help but laugh, "I don't have a girlfriend, so no."

"Whatever, let's get your mail, I want to go home."

Louis was exceptionally quiet after that, trailing behind him as he did his work.

When they returned back to village, Harry parked the car in his garage and was about to say something but Louis beat him to it.

"Have a good night, I'll see you whenever," he was out the door, slamming it shut and walking away briskly.

"Louis, wait!" Harry called after him, stopping him by pulling his wrist when he jogged upto the boy.

Louis' expression was pinched, "What?"

"Um... thanks for today and... this is for you," he handed the case to Louis, watching pleased as his cheeks heated up and eyes widened, mouth agape as he looked up at Harry. "Good night," he smiled and was about to head back when Louis hugged him, planting a peck at his cheek before running off without a word.

Harry smiled at his retreating form, fingers lightly touching the skin where Louis' lips had been for a brief moment. Yeah, he was in deep, deep trouble.


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