Chapter 12

Grisell was not interested in sitting in, on the hearing of Iona. All she wanted was for the Board to make their final decision. The outcome the she wanted. Grisell was incensed. She felt Iona's unsolicited betrayal deep in her soul. She'd wanted a woman handling the purse strings of the tribe. She's wanted to hand that important function to one of her own. To show the womenfolk that she trusted them, to manage a function that was previously the ' select' purview of the male members.

Grisell was astounded by what was found in Gadd's quarters, two boxes filled with bundles of pound notes and one box of gold coins! Just how long had Gadd been stealing from his own tribe? She was actually elated at the amount of money he had. Now, she could pay for the reclamation project, and her father would witness it before his passing. Grisell clutched her heart and sighed joyously. She could not wait to get started. She studied the map found in Gadd's quarters. She was riveted by the circled points on the map. She suspected it was where Gadd conducted his clandestine business. She was about to instruct one of the guards to call Alfie to her, when she found one of the Board Members at her door. For one second, just one second, her heart stilled, at the fate awaiting Iona. Her face was devoid of any expression, when she nodded at the person.

' We are ___ undecided Chief. We don't have full consensus. The ladies are not in agreement of the sentence we___'

Grisell left him still talking and marched purposefully to their Board Room. She stormed in, her face filled with her evident fury. Everybody stood to acknowledge her, she ignored them and spoke decisively.

'You listen to me,' she ordered. 'Listen very attentively!' I will not have thieves in my clan,' her voice grew an octave. She leaned forward. 'I will not tolerate dissension, larceny and fraud. I won't stand for it,' she slammed the table. 'I have the power to make any executive decision,' she reminded them, but I deferred it to you to enable you the Board, to become inclusive! Now if collectively, you do not have the courage to make the bold decisions, then you have no place here! I will not have weak, spineless, fearful representation on this Board.
Here,' her palm motioned at the board room, 'you rule with an iron fist. That is your mandate! Even if I, your Chief ___ betrayed this clan,' (silently she shuddered at their interpretation of the definition of betrayal); I expect you to pronounce my death sentence! Now here is my order to every one of you,' her eyes deliberately and forcefully held the attention of both the female Board Members. 'You don't get to leave here, until this Board is in full agreement. Whether you spend the rest of today, or the next twenty four hours here; you do not leave! I want a decision. If you're spineless and want to be replaced, stand up!' she raised her voice higher. There was complete silence. Some looked down. Some shuffled papers. 'Now, can I entrust this hearing to you or not?' She demanded, her eyes meeting each one's individually. Each one nodded acquiescence. Grisell nodded. 'I leave you to it,' she began walking out.

'Chief! ' Iona called out in a sob. '

Grisell stilled, but did not turn around.

'Chief __ please. It was Gadd. He made me___.'

Then, Grisell swung around and her eyes were fiery, blazing angrily. 'You're an adult Iona! You had the choice. You chose to be deceptive. You chose to be disloyal and steal from your own tribe! '

Iona cringed and her face filled with fear. She was regretting her allegiance with Gadd , too little too late.

'I called you to two meetings to discuss our finances,' Grisell reminded her. 'You blatantly lied to me, to me, your Chief! You are insolent, dishonest and showed no remorse, for your wrongdoings. You plead now; not because you care about the wrong you've done to your tribe; but only for your life. I feel no compassion for you! None!' Grisell walked out, infuriated and disgusted.

She walked back to her room, her mind on Gadd's map. She had a suspicion she knew where Gadd had hidden his ill-gotten ship, she meant to find it and take possession of it. She would use one of the smaller boats and do her own investigation. From the paperwork she scrutinized, it seems there was an outstanding payment, before Gadd could take possession. He clearly had lots more than the final payment he needed to effect. She wondered why he hadn't yet taken possession of his vessel. Then again, perhaps he couldn't really bring his secret, ill-gotten vessel to their port, for obvious reasons.

Grisell summoned Alfie. Wearily, he entered her quarters, his eyes shifting everywhere but at her. The evidence of Gadd's recrimination was neatly stored out of sight, save for the documents there were tidily on her table.

'You asked for me Chief?'

'Yes,' she nodded. 'She removed the map from inside the file and handed it to Alfie. By the widening of Alfie's eyes, it was clear, he knew all about the site, what was being held there and whose it was.

'We're going there. Just you and I. There is an acquisition that I want to collect.'

Alfie looked at her nervously. Clearly the fear in his eyes was anticipating future potential punishment he would face from Gadd.

'This is your final opportunity,' she offered, 'for you to prove to me whether your allegiance is with our clan or one, Gadd Blane. If you make the wrong choice,' she vowed, 'I will need only one strike to end your life!'

He convulsed nervously. A thin film of sweat shaped his upper lip. He swallowed nervously and responded.

'My allegiance is to the Chief of Dalmahoy. To you Chief. No other.'

She nodded. 'Right choice. We depart immediately. What do you need?'

He looked up at the bright blue sky, the sun blazing brightly. 'We can get there in two hours Chief. We may need two crew to assist us, otherwise we will be fine.'

As they set sail, Grisell observed their departure in a southerly direction. She knew of a small port there that did ship repairs and it held a makeshift hospital for any crew of visiting vessels that needed medical attention. She wasn't aware they did shipbuilding there. Perhaps she needed to go out more often. They got there just over two and a half hours. A sudden wind from the north, slowed their voyage, with high swells bashing their small boat, but they managed to safely dock and got to meet Gadd's supplier.

'Lady Chief,' the ship builder tipped his hat. 'I was wondering whatever happed to Blane. He was meant to take possession of his boat a week ago.'

'He's ___ tied up right now,' she grinned, the man unaware of her double entendre. 'But I am here to collect our consignment. I believe we owe you a final payment.'

The man nodded. 'Yes,' he turned into a makeshift office, riffled through some papers. 'Yes Chief. This is the final account that is outstanding.'

Surprisingly the amount due was less than she had calculated. She had brought a large cache of money and a gold bar. The gold bar could be a very handsome down payment to a new vessel.

'I would like to have a look – see, before I hand you the final payment,' Grisell demanded. 'I especially want to see the equipment on the bridge.'

The man raised his eyebrow and quickly nodded. Clearly this was no dumb Lady Chief. She had more courage than most men he knew.

'Aye aye Chief. As you wish. 'General Blane wanted imported instruments. We got the best from the continent. Also he wanted high quality wood on the deck. It is as to the specifications.'

Grisell observed the name on the vessel titled: Blane 1. It is a good thing then she and Gadd had the same surname. She climbed aboard the vessel. She did not wait to see if he followed. She inspected the bridge. She opened the draw that kept the ship's stability book and flicked it open. She cast a studious eye at the bulkhead, running her palm over it. 'It is waterproof and effective for anti-collision?' She verified. 'You've tested her?'

His eyebrow popped again. 'Absolutely,' he nodded. 'We put her through a test run in the bay. The integrity of the water tight bulkhead, complies with safety standards.' He walked to the forward most bulkhead on the ship, pointing to the position of the collision bulkhead. 'As you will see Chief, the heavy steel structure is perfectly designed to limit any impact of a head on collision.'

She nodded. 'Good. I'm, glad the position of the collision bulk head is well designed for maximizing cargo storage.'

Again his eyeballs popped out. He was either impressed with her knowledge or insulted that she would even consider that he would ignore those serious safety requirements. Grisell nodded to Alfie. When he removed the wad of notes, she shook her head. He raised his eyebrows questioningly. Her eyes stayed firmly locked to his. His eventual understanding that she wanted him to hand the man the gold bar. Reluctantly, with concerted effort, Alfie handed the man the gold bar. His jaw dropped. His eyes darted from Alfie to Grisell. He tried to speak but no speech came out.

'That is yours to keep,' Grisell stated unsmilingly. 'As full settlement; but I have three requests.'

He nodded readily, without even considering what her requests may be. Grisell continued as she watched his head bob.

'One, you will rename this vessel Dalmahoy IV, right now, before we depart with it.'

The man nodded. He signaled to two men, issued terse instructions to them and sent them off immediately.

'Two,' Grisell continued, 'I want six of your men to accompany us. We want two on this boat and four to transport the boat we arrived in, back to our port. My team and I will travel in this boat. Your men will follow us in the old boat.'

He nodded again, eyeing the gold bar he held tightly in both his hands. 'What is the third thing?' he questioned.

'I am placing an order for another just like this? I want it delivered in six months? You will get part payment in three months and final settlement when you hand over to me.'

'Yes Chief,' he grinned from ear to ear, mentally calculating the big payout he would receive. If she paid him with a gold bar now, which was a very big bonus, then he was looking forward to his next bonus. Grisell thanked him. Alfie shook hands with him to seal the deal. They departed and within two hours quickly made the journey home, with the weather being favourable and the sea much calmer.

Grisell had not received any communication from the Board, but now her attention was focused on Gadd. But first she informed a guard to bring her father to the arena. She sent the message that she was dealing with a traitor and would give him explanations later. When they arrived, she ordered three guards to bring Gadd out to the arena. She changed into more comfortable clothes, had a quick glass of ice cold lemon juice and hastily made her way down to the arena. It seemed word had quickly gone around the clan that there was a sparring match to be held, the place was packed on the seats around the arena. She stood and observed him from the top stair. She found Gadd waiting for her. His hands tied, he seemed to have aged in the two days he'd been locked up. He looked at her nervously. His guilt, betrayal and final reckoning of his fate, etched his face in alternating degrees. She didn't take the four steps down to where Gadd was, instead, she leapt into the air, simultaneously unsheathing her sword.

'Chief!' His voice was half pleading, half acknowledging her in battle gear, her hair tied; a band around her forehead. 'Chief, can we talk about this. I have done nothing wrong! I am innocent. It was Iona that stole from the purse.'

Gadd was nervous that she wielded her sword in her right hand. He knew she was left –handed and very dangerous with her left hand, but today she was toying with him in front of the clan, like he was a common criminal, going to end his life, whilst his hands were tied.

'You insult me and you insult our clan, Gadd Blane, you lying cheat!'

His eyes widened. He had never heard his niece address him directly, by his name. She had always used the prefix 'uncle.' Grisell leapt over him and still using her weaker right hand slit the rope that had his hands tied. She threw her sword to Gadd and signaled for one of the guards to hand her another.

'Today you die Gadd Blane! We made some interesting discoveries in hidden compartments in your quarters,' she informed him, as she circled Gadd.

His eyebrows rose and receded into his hairline. He went pale. He had not expected her to search his private quarters. He had been so sure, she had believed his lies, and that only Iona had betrayed her. Now he knew his certain faith was death, unless he killed her first.

'You want to duel!' Gadd stated picking up the sword. 'You leave me no choice, Chief Dalmahoy,' he spat her title at her. 'It is not my desire to kill you, but I must defend myself.'

From her periphery, she spotted her father in his wheel chair, nervously observing the goings on. He was clueless as to why his daughter and brother were in a duel to the death. He took comfort in the fact she said she would brief him after dealing with a traitor. He smiled to himself, observing her powerful left hand behind her back, and her not as strong right hand wielding her sword. He wondered what his brother had done to betray the clan! Udny always knew Gadd's pride and belligerence would be the death of him, if it was by his daughter the reigning Chief of Dalmahoy, so be it.

'Go ahead, Gadd Blane, defend yourself!' She darted forward and deliberately slashed the length of his cotton shirt down his chest. She made sure not to touch his flesh.

He looked down at his shirt, shocked that she got that close without him getting the chance to make any evasive maneuver.

'Oh.' Grisell added conversationally, as she circled him threateningly. 'Beautiful vessel that, Gadd 1! I've changed her name to Dalmahoy IV.'

Gadd knew with certainty, that was the final nail in his coffin. Still agile at his age, he leap into the air and attempted to gash her shoulder, but she was well trained by him. She stood still, her feet unmoving. She merely bent her back, moving her shoulders backwards, and his sword missed, slicing into thin air.

'Tell our people how you stole their money and hid it in your quarters,' Grisell shouted. 'Tell them how you procured your own ship, with money you stole from your clan!'

There were loud gasps from members around the arena, some murmured whisperings, all critical of Gadd. His eyes filled with hatred. His face contorted with rage. He leapt forward, his sword held high above his shoulder, he plunged it forward, aiming for her heart. Grisell's left foot stepped back, holding her balance, her right foot lifted and connected sharply with the right side off Gadd's face. He fell backwards, still holding his sword. His face murderous, he regained his balance with ease and bounced back on his feet. He lunged forward, went on one knee and his sword drew blood on Grisell's forearm. There was another collective gasp from the stand. She heard the tear of the cloth. She felt the blood ooze out, but she did not waste a second to look at her injury. She sprinted forward, Gadd side-stepped her. His face beamed with satisfaction that he drew blood first.

They circled each other and with quick movements, Gadd, stepped to the left, kicked her in the stomach. She gasped from the excruciating pain, felt his deathly kick knock the winds of her sails. Again there were gasps from the stands. She was disorientated for a moment. Gadd aimed his sword, directing his aim left of centre, straight at her heart.

Anticipating the sound of the death knell, she urged her body into action, with painful effort launched herself into the air, and landed a piercing kick to his temple with all the strength in her body. He fell. Without wasting a second, she pierced her sword into his side, twisted it for effect and ripped it out again and stepped back. Gadd wobbled. He looked up, saw the fierce determination on her face. He knew today, she would show no mercy. It was his death or hers. Damn it. He was the one who taught her all she knew, surely he still had one ace up his sleeve, that he had not taught her. Fighting for his survival, Gadd lunged forward and kicked her ankle. She fell on her back. Gadd stood over her, again, ready to pierce her heart. As he lifted his sword over his head, she kicked him in the knee, he stumbled. She sprang to her feet and sliced her sword on his forearm. It pierced a vein, blood was oozing out like a fountain.

'You die today Gadd Blane,' she repeated. 'No traitor of the Dalmahoy shall live as long as I am Chief,' she leapt into the air, over him and plunged her sword into his back, through his spine, he staggered and knelt forward.

'Get up Gadd Blane and fight!' She ordered.

Clumsily, he drew himself unsteadily to his feet. She leaped forward, and with her right foot, kicked him on the side of his face, her boot connecting to his ear. She kicked again, her foot flush on his face. His nose was bleeding, as was his mouth. Gadd lifted his sword, it wobbled, his vision blurred from all the blood he was losing. He looked up to where his brother, the former chief was seated, blinked his eyes, despairingly. Grisell waited for him to attack. Gadd's eyes returned to Grisell. He shook his head, screamed at the top of his voice and lunged forward. As he did, Grisell stood her ground, her feet steady.
'Today the student becomes the master, Gadd Blane!' With those words, her sword in her weaker right hand, sliced across his throat and dismembered his head from the rest of his body, demonstrating to Gadd, she did not need her full strength to deal with him. There were loud gasps of surprise, dismay, incredulity.

This day, Grisell Blane, proved to her clan that she was the rightful heir and worthy successor as Chief of Dalmahoy. She glanced up at her parent. His face was devoid of any expression. Her head shifted, as she stared at Gadd's lifeless body.
What a shameful and unnecessary waste! He was my uncle. My mentor. My confidant. But worst of all the enemy within!

Grisell issued instructions for Gadd's burial, which she would not be attending. She retired to her quarters, only to be visited by the most senior of the Board Members. She was dabbing antiseptic on her wound and bandaged it hastily. With her eyebrow raised at him impatiently, she questioned silently. After Gadd, she was done playing nice with suspect elements within her clan.

'Chief,' he murmured nervously.

'Speak!' She ordered.

'We have reached a unanimous decision Chief.'

Grisell wanted the harshest punishment for Iona, as a warning to the clan that dishonesty, fraud and insolence would not be tolerated, but if the Council, had come to an alternate judgment, she would permit it, seeing she had delegated the hearing for the Council to deliberate on. She nodded, held her breath and awaited the outcome.

'The Board has convicted Iona Ruadh of fraud and theft,' he announced.

Grisell slowly released the breath she was holding, but she waited for the ensuing sentence. His nervous posture, was indicating he was unsure if the Board had carried out their duty to the Chief's satisfaction. Her eyes bore into him edgily, until he revealed the sentence.

'The death penalty was issued against Iona Ruadh. She will be executed by a three man firing squad at first light.'

Grisell nodded to him. She was pleased with the outcome. 'Do it tonight, immediately,' she ordered. 'Gadd is being buried tonight. Let her join her partner in crime in a joint burial. I want no fanfare or ceremony. I want this to be quickly finished. Do you have any questions,' she asked dismissively.

'No Chief. Good night Chief.'

It was less than an hour later, Grisell watched from the balcony of her quarters, the firing squad end Iona's life down at the arena, exactly where Gadd's life had ended. She was not pleased about the loss of life of her clan members, especially for the reasons they were no longer alive. What she felt a touch of justification about, was her authority was not in question; nor was her leadership. The clan knew who their leader was; respected their leader and had no reason whatsoever to doubt the efficacy of her leadership.

Grisell lay in bed. It was after midnight. After the business of Iona, she had dragged herself to her father's quarters to brief him on the shenanigans of Gadd. Her father had been surprised and more disappointed at his brother's deceit. He'd known Gadd had a rebellious spirit, but he's never thought him a thief. Grisell had been surprised when her parent had taken her hands in his and had commended her for her leadership and she was more astounded when he revealed to her that she was a better leader than himself, or any one before him. She'd thanked him and returned to her private quarters to process the grief and wretchedness of the evening. She hadn't had the stomach for supper, had declined any meals and had instructed the guards she was done for the night and was not to be disturbed, unless there was an emergency.

She drifted off about an hour later, when she felt somebody man-handling her. All sleep disappeared, as she reached for the knife under her pillow. She was about to strike out, when she heard a familiar voice.

'Good evening Grisell.'

'Eskine___ what the hell! How did you get into my room? How the hell did you enter our property? And why haven't my guards killed you?'

He chuckled softly. She watched him, sitting on her bed, his hands on his knees, smiling devilishly. 'Should I answer the questions in the order you asked them?'

She sighed at the inefficiency of the Dalmahoy security. 'I would be dead by now, if ___ you were somebody else!'

'Your security is good. I'm just better,' he grinned.

'That is no comfort to me Eskine Aird. You've managed to breach two levels of security!'

'Do you always sleep with your hair tied up?' he enquired; his eyes trailing the length of her blonde hair in neat plaits on either side of her head.

'Yes. '

'I would want your hair opened.'

She raised an eyebrow. 'I don't like it all over my face.'

'You're beautiful, as you sleep,' he murmured.

She sat up on her bed. 'Just how long have you been in here? And I take it you've entered through my back door?'

He chuckled again. 'Less than two minutes before I woke you,' his palm cupped her cheek. 'And yes to your second question.'

Her eyes locked with his. She angled her cheek into his palm. His thumb traced the dry tear running down her cheek.

'Were you tearing for Gadd?' His voice was tender, compassionate and subtle.

She nodded.

'I am sorry,' he offered in a soft contrite tone.

'How'd you know?'

'My Number Two heard some talk down at the beach. I know Gadd practically grew you up. It's why I came to be with you,' he murmured in an empathetic tone.

Unable to control herself, a fresh tear slid down again. 'The betrayal ___'she whispered.

'That is a bitter pill to swallow,' he concurred, wrapping his arms around her, soothingly.

'I just couldn't believe it,' she relayed. 'He had stashes of money and gold coins in his quarters.'

'You've learnt a valuable lesson today Grisell. You cannot trust anybody. Nobody!' He cautioned, as his fingers, distractedly began to loosen her plaits.

'Is it bad?' He pointed to her bandaged wrist.

She shook her head. 'What are you doing,' she laughed softly.

'I need it opened,' his dark eyes glazed into hers. The full moon shone into her room, silhouetting his hair and face with a shimmering outline.

Grisell continued to gaze into his eyes, as he loosened her hair and allowed his fingers to gently slide through her long silky tresses. He dipped his head and his mouth covered hers in a soft inviting kiss. He caught her deep sigh in his mouth and deepened their kiss. Her arms wound around his neck, her body pressed against his; her soft breasts, against his burly chest. His fingers teased her breast, over the cotton night dress. She sighed pleasurably. The pad of her finger caressed the nape of his neck. He wanted to touch her skin, but the night dress ended somewhere below her thighs and matching pants ended somewhere above her knee.

'Not very lover friendly,' he murmured against her lips.

She pulled away, momentarily breaking their kiss. 'I wasn't expecting you.'

'If you were, would you have been naked?'


He laughed, taking the liberty and removing her pants. She had very tiny silk briefs on. She should stop him, but found it hard to resist him. His palm caressed her thigh. She gasped, her bottom jaw dropping. His fingers trailed higher. She was not sure if she should stop him, but her body made the decision, as her legs opened for him automatically. He lowered her on her bed, and leaned next to her, his hand slid under the dress to cup her breast. He was delighted she had nothing on under the night dress. Murmuring his pleasure, his thumb teased the aroused nipple.

Boldly, she lifted his shirt over his head. Her eyes praised the masculine chest and broad shoulders. He did same and removed her night dress, holding his breath at her milky complexion, beautiful figure and shapely breasts. Her fingers traced the muscles on his arms and found itself engaging the dark wiry hairs on his chest. She felt him shudder, heard his sharp intake of breath. She pressed an open mouthed kiss on his neck. His lips caressed her throat, his tongue running riot on her satin skin, she felt it deep in her very core. Her arms tugged him closer, drawing his chest over hers.

Hastily he kicked off his shoes, ripped off his socks and joined her on her bed. He stared down into her eyes, his elbows on either side of her head. His hands drove into her hair, sweeping into the silky strands.

I love your hair,' he whispered, inhaling its fragrant scent, jasmine and a light hint of citrus. His eyes locked on her lips again, before his mouth claimed them. She drank his exploration, the way his tongue filled her, possessed hers thoroughly. His hands traced over her neck, travelled sensually over her taut nipples, down her well shaped buttocks , pulling her up against his arousal. His lips followed his hands. His tongue laved over the rosy nipples. He worshipped her nipples with open mouthed kisses. She moaned her pleasure, panting heavily. He lifted his head, his eyes holding hers. She wanted to shut her eyes, drink the pleasure and savoir the moment, but she was intrigued by his dilated pupils, the control he was exerting over himself. She paid attention to the riotous pleasure of his fingers trailing up her inner thighs. She felt the acute ache in her core, wanted more; wanted him inside her. He dipped his head, his tongue trailing a path over her stomach, pressed a soft kiss to her navel and continued downward. Her head swung from side to side. She didn't know whether to focus on his fingers, almost inside her silk undies or his tongue pressing wet kisses over the silk of her panties.

'Eskine___' she groaned in a voice, she hardly recognized as her own.


'You can't do that!'

He lifted his head, his lips thoroughly swollen from his ministrations. 'Are you saying, I don't have the ability or you think I should not make love to your most intimates parts that I long to possess with every fiber of my being, darling Grisell?'

She shut her eyes to stop herself feasting on his naked chest. 'Don't confuse me with words, Eskine. We shouldn't be making love. You know it.'

'I want you sweet Grisell. I want you to be mine. Mine,' he growled.

'Your secret lover? Because we cannot have an open relationship. You told me you cannot promise me anything.'

He inhaled, dropped his head on her chest, buried his face between her rounded breasts. Her hands wrapped around his head, her fingers raking gently into his hair.

'Would you believe me?' he murmured, his cheek against her breast. 'I just wanted to come comfort you, because of Gadd. I knew you be distraught after what you had to do.'

'Yes,' she whispered back.

'Should I leave, because I certainly can't spend the rest of the night in your bed?'

'I guess so, but my heart aches to be with you,' she whispered.

He lifted his head, gazed into her eyes. 'I love you Grisell Blane, Chief of Dalmahoy.'

A tear slipped down her cheek. 'I love you Eskine Aird, Chief of DeMartino.'

                                                                -end chapter 12-

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