| Chapter Two | The Book

Thinking about giving this book a second update day....Thursday or Friday maybe. Probably Friday. I'm going on vacation for the week and won't be able be to post anything for a while, so I'm posting things early and may post during the week but don't count on that. I'm gonna be gone for 5 days since my brother's college has a short Thanksgiving break. Enjoy the lonnnggg chapter! :)

Ty woke up, his wrists and ankles restrained to the bed, his back feeling as if it is on fire. His hands ball into fists as he pulls on the leather restraints. When he pulled on his left wrist, it felt as if someone stabbed it. He whimpers and stops moving his wrist. He turns his head, panting, his eyes still not opening up. But when his eyes did open, his vision was obscured, it was dark all around him. He turned his head as his vision cleared, his eyes adjusting to his dark surroundings. A candle was lit on a small wooden table beside him. The table having jars full of different colored liquid, bandages, and a cup. And it also had his headphones on it. He could see beds lined up, some with people on it and some not, but he could see Seto asleep at one of them. Everyone was asleep, but him.

He could not remember what happened, but he wanted out of the restraints. His legs pulled on the ones around his ankles. He bend his knee when the restraint pulled on his foot, he slipped his foot out of it. He heard it fall and hit the floor with thud that made him flinch. He did the same thing with his other leg and started pulling on his right wrist. His left arm hurt too much for him to move it, after struggling for some time, he slipped his arm free. He sat himself up, touching his head before he saw bandages wrapped around his left wrist. There were a bleached tan colored gauze fabric wrap that coiled around his arm. It covered a little below his elbow down to cover the bottom half of his fingers. 'How...What happened to my arm?' Ty thought to himself. He undoes the restraint around his left wrist, he set it on the bed. When he moved his left arm, sharp pulsating pain shot up his arm. He winced and squeezed his eyes shut. A hand grabs his right arm as he tried to move, he looks at the person.

"S-Seto. You shouldn't be out of bed." Ty mumbled. Seto let's go of his arm.

"Neither should you." Seto said. Seto's eyes look at the restraints and back at Ty. "I'm fine, Ty. It's you that has scared everyone." Ty looks away from Seto.

"I-I don't know what happened. I just don't....I don't know." Ty mumbled. Ty touches his head, feeling another headache coming. "It's...It's that recruit..what was her name? I...I forget..crap..not again." Ty looked at his hands. "She's familiar to me, she feels important to me.....but I don't know why. I can't remember, its like I knew her for years yet she a total stranger to me." Seto sits on Ty's bed beside him.

"You could have amnesia or something." Seto said. Ty flinched, not looking at Seto. Seto looked at Ty when he flinched. "Wait...you don't actually have amnesia...do you?" Ty looks at Seto, giving him a shy smile.

"I-I mean I.....I do but...." Ty said. Seto turns more to Ty.

"Why didn't you ever say anything, I could have fixed it." Seto said.

"Can you actually do that?" Ty asks. Seto nods.

"Yes I can...what's your last memory?" Seto asks. Ty looks away from Seto.

"Um...the last thing I remember..was..meeting Adam for the first time in the jungle. I remember getting hurt by..by some magic user and then Adam was there." Ty said as the memories went through his mind. He smiled to himself. Seto stared at him, shocked. Seto's eyes were on Ty's back, he didn't respond at all. So when Ty looked at him, he lost his smile. "What is it?" Seto's eyes look away from Ty.

"Have you ever been in the Ruins of Silence of the Ravencross Ruins?" Seto asks. Ty nods. Seto looks at him and gets off Ty's bed. "Can you walk?" Ty nods again. Seto motions him to follow. Ty puts on his sneakers and grabs his headset, slipping it on as he followed Seto. They went upstairs, to the library. Seto flicked his wrist towards the broken table, the table engulfed in a purple glow as it fixed itself. Seto went into an aisle as Ty stood by the table. "Ah, there you are." Seto pulled out a small leather bound book, he went over to Ty and gave it to him. "Read that to me." Ty looked at it and then at him.

"B-But Seto, you know I'm not--"

"Please?" Seto asked. Ty hesitated, he looked at the book. It had no title, the leather was old and he undid the tie that held it together. He opened it up to look at the old pages that are yellowing on the edges. The writing wasn't words but the symbols like the ones that are on the ruins, the one Ty can read. Ty looks at Seto, he lowers the book. 'Jerome already knows I can read this. And now Seto knows about my amnesia...' Ty thought. Seto gives him a small smile. "You wanna know what that language is actually named as?" Ty nods a little. "The Draconic language, or dragon tongue."

"Dragon tongue?"

"I assume you know what that means." Seto said. Ty looks at the text.

"Wait...why can I read it? I mean...I would know if I was a giant dragon." Ty said. Seto bites down on his bottom lip, looking away. He sighs annoyed.

"Geez Ty, do you actually believe there were talking dragons?" Seto said annoyed. Ty looks at Seto.

"I mean...there are stories about them." Ty said. Seto looks at him.

"Well yeah, those stories are to tell as a bedtime story to kids. They aren't real stories, no. I'm talking about people who have dragon blood in them, not the fire breathing ones." Seto said. Ty throws his hands up in the air.

"Well sorry for not being a mage who seems to know every freakin' thing in the world." Ty said. Seto looks at him and he lowers his hands on the table. "Why are you telling me this anyway? I'm sure people would know if they had dragon blood or somethin--"

"Actually the family blood line who got that gift died two centuries ago, so I'm confused too. But the fact you have amnesia and two scars on your back--" Ty took a step away from Seto, he chuckles shaking his head.

"Dude, I would be dead if I was over 200 years old." Ty said. Seto shakes his head, looking at the table.

"No...you wouldn't be dead presay." Seto mumbled thinking. Ty looks back at the book, he flips a few pages, looking at pictures and reading the text. He stops a portrait, he stares at it. The portrait is too far faded to be able to tell anything, but he can see three people in there. Two have draconic wings and horns while one has wings. Ty narrows his eyes at it, trying to make out the people, but the library doors open.

"SETTOO!" Someone shouted before someone runs pass Ty and jumps on Seto's back. Ty smiles to himself, knowing who it is.

"Ngghh!" Seto yelped when he fell forward with the person crushing down on him.

"A-Are you reading a book, Ty?" Someone asks Ty. Ty flinches and looks beside him.

"O-Oh..hey Brice." Ty mumbled, looking away. Brice Solace, a tall blond haired young man. He has a brown leather jacket, black v-neck t-shirt with golden cuffs on the sleeves. He also has brown eyes, pale skin, a sword on his back, and light brown boots. Ty does think of Brice as his friend, but he knows that Seto and Brice are best friends. Brice doesn't have a position in the Army, at least an not an official one since Brice works at the City of Alamut. He visits the Army a lot though, to see what Seto is up to if he has nothing to do or wants something. Brice frowns, he looks at Ty's wrapped arm.

"I heard about what happened, you two okay?" Brice asks before he looks at Seto. "Cassandra, Seto's hurt." Cassandra gets off Seto, sitting on the floor beside him.

"Ohh! I'm so sorry Seto--" Seto groans as he gets up on his knees.

"It's fine, Cassie." He said touching his head. He looks at her. "Wait, are you supposed to be taking--"

"Brice told me you and Ty got hurt, I had to come see if my teacher and my friend was okay. Besides, the second part starts tomorrow anyway." Cassandra said. Ty smiles a little. Cassandra Bloodgood, a young apprentice that has been studying under Seto's teachings. She's been here for a little over four years and she is the type of person who is always smiling. She has medium length raven black hair, pale skin with brown eyes.  She usually has a pale green jacket that reaches her knees, a black t-shirt with light brown shorts. Brown ankle boots and a black bag that rests on her left hip full of stuff. She puts her head under Seto's chin, turning his head a little. "Are you su--" Seto gives her a smile.

"I'm fine, Cassie. And I thought you said you wouldn't jump on my back anymore." Seto said making Ty smile again. Cassandra shrugs her shoulders and then puts her hands up smiling at Seto.

"Nothing like old habits!" Cassandra said. Seto chuckles, shaking his head as he looks away.

"Yeah, sure." He mumbled. He gets up, she takes his hand when he offers and stands up. She looks at Ty.

"Ty, what happened to your arm?" She asks walking up to the table. She stops. "Wait..." She turns to Seto. "Seto...you don't have any injuries--"

"He blew himself up with a new spell that backfired on him." Ty said.

"WHAT?!" Cassandra and Brice yell in unison. Seto flinches looking away from the three.

"Gee...thanks Ty." Seto said. Ty smiles, looking at Seto.

"Anytime." He said. Cassandra turns to Seto. Ty picks up the book, leaving with it as he hears Cassandra and Brice start lecturing Seto about safety. Seto has never been one to take his safety into consideration when testing spells or doing any spell. Ty stuffs the book into his when he grabs his jacket from the infirmary. He walks outside, seeing the stars and moon. Recruits stationed here and there with a few stragglers wandering the grounds. Ty pulls his hood up as he walks towards his room. His back still hurting him but is bearable for him.

"General Tyler?" A voice asks. Ty stops, turning around seeing that girl from earlier standing there.

"Oh...Hi. I'm sorry, I forgot your name." Ty said. She smiles at him, taking a few more steps towards him.

"It's okay. You've been through a lot these past two day. It's Statilia, Statilia Florus." Statilia said. Ty was about to ask her something, when what she said finally registered.

"Two days?" Ty asks. She nods.

"Yeah, that's how long you have been out. Two days. Are you feeling okay, General?" Statilia asks. Ty smiles a little at her.

"You don't have to use my ranking, Statilia. Call me Ty." Ty said. Statilia nods. Ty looks at the knife in her hand. "You a knife thrower?" She looks at them and shrugs her shoulders.

"I mean...I use to be able to but now, I lost my touch." She admitted. She looks at him. "Oh wait, aren't you--"

"Yeah, a knife thrower. I could show you my technique since with my arm hurt, I'll most likely be under house arrest." Ty said. She smiles and nods.

"That would be helpful, everyone else is better than me." She said. She glances at my arm, losing her smile. "But are you sure? You don't have to Gener-I mean Ty. I'm sure your arm hurts a lot."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Ty said. Statilia then smiled.

"If you say so, so when you want to start?" She asks.

"It's up to you, I'm free since I'm under medical watch." Ty said.

"How about tomorrow morning?" She asks. Ty nods.

"Yeah, sounds good with me." Ty said. She smiles.

"Good, I'm tired. So goodnight Ty." She said as she walked by him, waving. He smiles back at her and looks away as she put her back to him. '....It is like known her for years yet this is my first time meeting her, and she never met me...I am so confused. My head and back hurts a lot....' Ty thought touching his head. Ty walks towards his home, Ty shares a house with Jason, Quentin, and Sky. The home is two stories like most homes are in the base and is on the outskirts, but is nearest to the base. It is closer than most because of safety reasons, to protect them all, especially Sky. Ty walks inside, he stops, seeing Sky sleeping on the couch. Ty chuckles and walks over to him. Ty picks up the papers in Sky's hand and sets them on the table. Ty pokes Sky's cheek. Sky groans.

"Five more minutes." Sky groaned.

"A bed would be more comfortable, wouldn't you agree?" Ty asks. Sky opens his eyes, he meets Sky's eyes. He sits up.

"Ty! Y-You are awake. You shouldn't be here, you should be in the infirmary. Are you okay?" Sky asks. Ty nods.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Ty lied. Sky moves his legs so Ty can sit, which he did. He looked at Sky for a second, until he stood back up, feeling uncomfortable. "I'm gonna go to bed." Sky stands up as Ty walks towards the stairs.

"W-Wait Ty." Sky said going after him. He grabs Ty's right arm. Ty looks at Sky. Sky lets go of him. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or anything. It's only that I-I...You know I don't agree with how you are handling your amnesia." Ty nods and looks away.

"I know, but...that girl...Statila. She definitely feels familiar, I'm waiting for something to trigger but nothing yet. And Seto figured out about my amnesia, so that is great." Ty said. Sky smiles a little.

"I'm glad we finally got something that isn't gonna end up in an dead end like it always does." Sky said. Ty looks away from Sky.

"I-I hate to ask this but I'm going to. Did you go to Nasia, alone?" Ty asks looking at Adam. Sky averts his eyes.

"Y-You know...it wasn't so bad...it's only that..." Sky trails off. Ty smiles a little.

"Hey, you went alone, that's something. Process." Ty said. The door opens with Jerome running in pulling behind him a very tired Mitch.

"Sky! Ty and Seto are both--TY!" Jerome yells making Ty flinch and hide behind Sky. Sky looks at Jerome.

"Ty? Ty's not here." Sky said. Mitch sighs irritated.

"So Jerome dragged me out of bed and outside into the cold weather for nothing? Great!" Mitch grumbled. Before Jerome could continue, they hear a scream erupt from upstairs. Jerome looks up, running up the steps first.

"Jason!" Jerome shouted. Mitch follows Jerome. Jerome opens Jason's door and sees Jason on the floor by his bed with his head between his knees. Mitch looks at him.

"Jason. Did you have another nightmare?" Mitch asks. Jason nods, covering his face. Mitch goes inside. "Jerome, shut the door." Mitch goes down beside Jason. Jerome see Sky and Ty coming the hallway to them.

"O-Oh. Guys we can handle this. Go to sleep, especially you Ty." Jerome said before he shut the door behind him. Adam crosses his arms.

"Well, sorry if we're concerned for our friend after he screamed." Sky said. Ty looks at Adam.

"You know those three are like the best of friends. It might be better to let them help him. They know Jason better than we do." Ty said. Adam nods.

"Yeah, I know. I'm going to bed, goodnight." Sky said before he goes to his room. Ty goes into his room. He slips off his jacket and headphones before he climbs into bed with the book in his hands. He opens it up, starting to read it to himself. As he read it, he was beginning to feel woozy, his back hurt more and more. His head hurting as well.

(Let's pretend that from now on, text bolded like this is dragon tongue because I can't currently translate it into a different language)

"Upon the day the deceived one returns, anamnesis shall remain overlaid and the native, underfoot. But the current knowledge shall be replaced, never to be obtained again. And the corruption shall stay rested, only to awaken till the rise of the new ruler." Ty mumbled under his breath. He tilted his head confused. 'What the heck does that mean?' Ty thought. He winces suddenly, touching his head as it hurt. He felt a overwhelming wave of exhaustion hit him. He shut the book, he started to get out of bed.

"A-Adam..h-help..." Ty mumbled right before he felt his consciousness slip and he fell on the floor. The book falls down beside him as his headphones start to glow a light purple color and fade back to lime green.


As soon as morning came around, Adam looked over at the staircase wondering where Ty is.

'He's usually up by now.' Adam thought before e went upstairs.

"Ty? You okay?" Adam asks as he knocks on the door with no answer. He was gonna open the door but someone was at the front door. Adam went downstairs, opening it revealing Statilia. She smiles.

"Morning Commander. Is Ty here?" She asks.

"I think he is still asleep, but you can go wake him up." Sky said. Statilia nods and Sky moves to the side letting her in. "I'm sorry, I never got your name." She turns to him.

"I'm Statilia." She said. Statilia Florus is a short girl with long black hair, pale skin with grey eyes. A brown jacket with a black shirt underneath, brown boots and dark blue jeans. She also had a jade green pendant on a golden chain around her neck. Adam nods.

"Ahh okay." He said smiling as he went pass her. "Well just call me Adam or Sky, not Commander. No need for formalities." She followed him upstairs, Adam opened the door. His eyes widen.

"What's wrong?" She asks. He hurried over to Jason's room and opened the door. She went in the door and looked in Ty's room. Her eyes widen, his room was a mess. Claw marks in the walls, broken furniture and the window open when claw marks leading to it in the wall.

"Jason! Ty's gone!" She heard Adam say. She looks at his headphones that are knocked off the nightstand and on the floor, cracked. She picks them up, looking at them. Her pendant glows dark purple for a few seconds and she grips the headphones.

"I knew it." She mumbled to herself.

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