Closed Door And Locked
Alecs pov
I walked inside the bulding and right to my locker. We were 10 minutes to early but this was perfect for me. I and Magnus had the locker beside each other and I didn't want to meet him there. I took out my books and closed it then I walked quickly to my first class. It was saturday moring and to be honest I hated that we had school on saturday but that was the thing with privat schools. I usually loved the staurdays because I and Magnus had the whole day the same classes but today I hated it. I walked in the classroom and sat down in the last row. I sat in the corner next to Izzy to make sure Magnus wouldn't sit beside me. I wanted just to go home and cry but at least Izzy was here. I told her last night what was going on anf she was really suportive. She and Magnus were friends too and she wasn't mad at him or said bad things about him which was good. I didn't want that anyone was angry about him because he couldn't force himself to love me. I just wanted space and forget him to be happy again. Magnus shouldn't have kissed me that was true but I shouldn't have thses feeling in the first place. I stared at the blackboard and painted some things in my folder while Izzy put on a lipstick. I didn't even notice what I was painting till I looked down. The whole paper was covered with Magnus name and I bliked a few times. I ripped the paper out and crumpled it quickly. Izzy looked at me confused when I threw it out of the window. I smiled innocently at her but inside I tried to hold back all the tears. My eyes were burning and I had to take deep breaths to hold them back. I leand back and closed my eyes to calm myself down but it was hard to do that with the face that he would walk in every minute. I tried to prepare myself for facing him but it was useless anyway. In the minute I would see him I would start to cry like a baby. Then I saw him walking in and it hit me like a train. He looked at me but I looked at the blackbord and tried to hold back my tears. I felt like dying when I saw all the guilt in his eyes and I knew he was sorry for what he did but I couldn't even look at him. I begged that he would just sit down and not try to talk with me. It seemed like he heard my begging and sat down on his usual place. I couldnt help but stared at him while tears filled my eyes. This was like a recovery from a drug addiction but how should I get clean if the drug was walking in front of me? I was glad that after today I wasn't forced anymore to see him.
Magnus pov
"See you after school, Sweetheart." My mum said when I got out of the car. "Bye." I said and walked quickly inside. I was a bit too late and usually Alec should be at the locker now. I walked quickly to the locker only to see that Alec wasn't there. I walked to my locker which was next to Alec and opened it. I looked at the door and saw a picture of me and Alec standing in front of the school. Alec had one arm around my shoulders and we smiled brightly. This was at a saturday after school and Izzy took the picture of me and him. I knew Izzy would probably hate me now for hurting her brother since she was always so protective. I stood a few minutes in front of my locker and looked at the picture. I felt a single tear runing down my cheek but I quickly whipped it away. I took a deep breath and walked to my first class where he should be. I remembered all the staurday school days we had so much fun even it was school. We always knew how to entertain each other and now all this was over. I stood in front of the door and closed my eyes. I wanted ro ran away so badly but I also had to fix the mess I created. I took all my courage together and opened the door. My eyes fall immediately on Alec who sat not on his usual place. He sat as far as possible from me and I could undertsand him. I walked to the empty place in the second row and sat down. His eyes were so sad and hurt it felt terrible to know that I was the reason for these eyes. I felt tears in my eyes and wanted to go to him and apologize but I had the feeling he would yell at me if I did. I just sat there the whole time and I could tell he was staring at me. I felt how his eyes were burning a whole in my back and I wanted to turn around and look at him but I couldn't. I knew if looked at him I would break and I couldn't break in front of all these people. I sat there and listed to the teacher but my thoughts were somewhere else. I fought the whole class with my tears and when the bell rang I heard how he slammed his book together and almsot ran out of the class. I stood up quickly and ran after him to talk. I couldn't bare it anymore and I had ro tell him what I was feeling. I ran out of the room and ran after Alec who was already on the way to the second class. I reached him totally out of breath and grabbed his arm. He turned around. He had tears in his eyes and he looked broken at me. His bright eyes were full of sadness but I couldn't see anger or hate in his eyes only sadness.
Alecs pov
I just wanted to get out of the class and I did. I slammed my book and ran out of the room. I ran to the next class and was fighting against the tears when a hand grabbed my arm. I knew it was him...his breathing...his touch...him. I turned around and saw how broken he looked. He didn't had any makeup on and his eyes were filled with so much sadness it hurt to see him like that. I looked at him and he just looked back. I wanted to ran away but it was like I was frozen and unable to move or talk. "Alexander, you dont know how sorry I am." He said and I looked at him with teary eyes. I couldn't bear all this but I also couldn't ran away. I was a prisoner in my body and to hear Magnus talking was torture. "Please let us talk and we can figure it out." He begged and I opned my mouth but closed it again. Tears ran down my cheeks and I felt his thumb whipping them away. This was all too much for me at the moment and I grabbed his wrist. "Don't." I whispered it was barly hearable. He nodded and put hid hand back. "Alec, look I wish I could love you but I can't force myself to it." He said with so much guilt in his voice it burned in my heart. "I shouldn't have kissed you and..." "You are right you shouldn't have kissed me." I said and the tears didn't stopped to ran down my cheeks. "I'm sorry but I can't see your face anymore." I said and oassed him. It was all too much for me and I had to get away from all this. I walked inside of the toilet and closed the door. I sat on a toitlet and sobs came out of my mouth. I heard the door opning and heard his steps coming to me.
Magnus pov
I walked after him because I couldn't see him suffer like that. I walked inside the toilet and heard him sobbing. I knew I was the reason for all this and I wanted to fix it. I walked to the room where his sobs came from and wanted to open it but it was locked. "Alexander? Please open the door." I said softly but I only heard sobs. "Please I want to fix it." I said and leand my head against the door. The tears escaped my eyes and I could barly breath. "I need you. I cant lose you too...Alec please." I begged and sniffed but answer only Alec sobbing. It broke my heart to hear him suffering so badly and all because of me. "Alec I love you as a friend and I will always do. Please come out and we can figure that out together." I said and suddenly the door was unlocked. He opned it and looked at me with a weak smile which gave me a little bit of hope. "Magnus, there is nothing to figure out. There is no we anymore." He said and I looked to the ground. I couldn't bare it anymore to see him like taht. "I had hope. This kiss meant so much to me and then you broke my heart. You ripped it out and jumped on it like I was nothing to you. Magnus I'm your best friend and yes I fall in love with you. Maybe we could have figure it out but not after this...not after you broke me." He said with tears runing down his cheek and I know he was right. I ruined eveything and Alec had all right to hate him but I also knew he didn't hate me. "Let me fix that." I said desperated but then I saw it. He got a bit angry and he had all right to be it. "Magnus ther is nothing to fix. You and me are over...done...closed door and locked." He almsot yelled and I cried more. He placed hid hands on my shoulder and shook me lightly. He wasn't rude and he would never hurt me. "You have to wake up and relaize that our ftiendship is over. Now please don't talk to me ever again." He said and the he passed me. I stood in the room and just stared at the wall. There he said what I needed to hear but it didn't change anything. It was clear now that we were over like he said done...closed door and locked.
Okay I think it is already sad but it isnt even the saddest part yet. There will be maybe 2 more chapters and please leave a comment💔💔💔💔😔😔😔
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