Chapter 8: The Survivors of Liberty Island
Hello and welcome back finally to The End of the World, I hope you're all hyped to see the 8th chapter finally arrive and yes, I know it's been a long ass time since I've updated this story but I believe in equal parts of fan demand and reignited interest in Marvel Zombies that it was finally time to update this beloved story and see what happens to our heroes on Liberty Island. Finally, I hope you're all prepared to once again be plunged into the hellish nightmare of blood, gore, and flesh eating super-zombies known as Marvel Zombies. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV, Location: Liberty Island
*Y,N was astonished.....And even then that was too simple of a word for such a wonderous sight, never in thousands years would he have thought of setting up a mini-society right under the feet of the decaying Lady Liberty herself, granted he hadn't gotten out much since the he first holed himself up in his concrete fortress of solitude, but finding another society was the first of many never's he had thought would come to pass. Ironically the first was finding another living human being every again, but that was blown away when he had rescued Emma, Rogue, and Kitty for the terrifying trio. This was......This was simply fantastic and it opened the door to plenty of ventures and connections between his collection of survivors and the society of Liberty Island, perhaps with their combined equipment, scientific minds, and able bodies they could create the cure for this damned plague faster than Y,N had originally thought to be possible. Black Panther had left them to walk down into the makeshift village he and his fellow survivors had built as he was currently attending a special meeting with his advisor Magento and his closest allies in Doctor Strange and Thor, and his chief of security Punisher.*
Y,N: *breathes in and out before thinks* Ok, but let's take this one step at a time. First we need to introduce ourselves to the rest of the survivors before getting into trade negotiations, cures, and scientific/technological equipment they may or may not even have. We can't rush things, especially in this zombie filled society, lest we screw something up and join the undead horde of godforsaken flesh eaters.
Kitty Pryde: *nudges Y,N in the shoulder* Y,N! Earth to Y,N! Are you even listening to me?
Y,N: *shakes his head, before looking at Kitty with a nervous smile* Huh....Wa......Sorry, Kitty I was just inside my head again.
Kitty Pryde: *smirks* Again? Jeez, you happen to do that a lot, especially when other people are actively talking to you. But, I was trying to tell you how awesome this place is! I didn't think anyone else possibly survived the first few days of the apocalypse! And being able to find other survivors alongside you, me, Rogue, Emma, and Valerie fills me with hope for the future! Potentially, if we band together we could band together and collectively work towards a brighter future, possibly one free from the free of those flesh-eating monsters.
Y,N: It's a pipe dream, but it isn't impossible. However, for the first time in a long time let's not think about those undead bastards. *gestures towards the barrier* We're safe for the time being, especially when its a Vibranium generator powering the entire barrier. I think we should both take this well earned time to simply relax and chat with people who aren't trying to consume our flesh and vital bodily organs, god knows that's a rarity in this new hellish "wonderland".
Kitty Pryde: Touché. This is a nice chance to chat and connect with people that don't want to rip out my intestines and slurp on them like noodles or tear my leg off and eat it like a drumstick. Meaning, let's go meet some fellow survivors!
Y,N: *shakes his head* She's always on the move. I don't know if that's her personality or simply the drifter lifestyle she, Rogue, and Emma had before moving into my bunker.
*Kitty runs down the path towards the makeshift village with Y,N following right behind her, obviously Kitty was more excited to chat and connect with fellow survivors than her symbiotic friend, but that was because even back during the days before this monstrous plague Y,N wasn't the most social butterfly in the world and he actively avoided getting into conversations if and when he could avoid them, that and sitting alone in a bunker for a few months didn't help his case of social anxiety when around other people as well.....In fact he was only able to hide it from his female guests due to his compassionate side taking over and craving, nay wanting to speak in a conversation after he had been holed in for the past few months. But, now that he had gotten used to chatting with other living and breathing people again, this anxiety was slowly creeping back into his mind and yet he was forced momentarily pushed it to the side as he didn't want Kitty to be embarrassed by his actions and he certainly didn't want anyone learning of his flaw....He just hoped it didn't kick in at the wrong time. Walking down the path with Kitty, they finally arrive at the village, which was near the end of the island and were simply two rows of constructed wooden shacks and huts, it seems like they didn't have much time to search for supplies before the barrier was raised and it showed in their wooden buildings, yet at least they were able to survive in these things. The materials these people had and the technologically advanced bunker Y,N was held up in was almost like night and day, perhaps an alliance between their safezones would be beneficial for both sides*
Y,N: *thinks* But, first time to introduce ourselves. I wonder who Panther and Magento were able to find before closing this place off.
Y,N: *mumbles* Jeez, this place seems like an old village I we see back in Norway. I certainly hope this alliance can go through.....For both of our sakes.
Kitty Pryde: *yells out* Hello! Is anyone home?
Y,N: I hardly think that's appropriate Ki-----------*his voice falls dead silent*
*Both Y,N and Kitty stop dead in their tracks when instead of response, they both hear a snarl.....A snarl that sounds more akin to an animal, and suddenly their hair goes on end as another presence is felt and fast running can be heard as bushes shift and quake underneath this hunter's feet, clearly this was either a massive prank/punishment for them or somehow a zombie had managed to break through the barrier. Both Y,N and Kitty had gotten into a offensive stance as this thing that was lurking at them through the thick bushes and unkept grass was toying with them at the most or enjoying its own illusiveness.....Yet, before either could react a figure leaped out of the bushes and it had clear drool escaping its lips.....It was.....It was Wolverine! And before either could jump out of the way or throw a punch his claws were already in their face, one pair was decaying and rotten while the other side was humanish and still retained skin on its hand, this sudden attack had caused Y,N and Kitty to fall onto the pavement below and Kitty had closed her eyes possibly accepting the inevitable due to her being completely unprepared for this attack....Yet, the attack never came and instead laughter rang out through the makeshift village as three children, two boys and a younger girl ran up alongside the half-zombie Wolverine and instead of mauling on these kids like a fine dinner, Logan laughed alongside with them and was clearly pleased with this prank. Y,N and Kitty then both got up on shaky feet, with Kitty dusting herself off from the fall and she had an unamused look on her face before that melted away as she saw Logan.....He wasn't a full zombie yet half of him was decaying and rotten, while somehow the other side looked completely human-like and he wasn't trying to turn anyway here into his next meal.*
Wolverine: *chuckles* We got you good, bub. Let me be the first to introduce you to Liberty Island, one of the very few sanctuaries left on this godforsaken planet. *he sniffs the air, before looking down at shock as he saw his former protégé, student, and fellow X-Man Kitty Pryde alongside Y,N and he gives off a smirk* And it's good to see you again Kitty. I almost thought one of those undead bastards had snatched you and turned you into another member of the horde or didn't have the patience and ate you whole....Or worse, especially with that son of a bitch Reed experimenting and tinkering away in his tower.
Young Girl: *laughs* That was hilarious Mr. Logan!
Wolverine: *looks down at the girl and gives an....almost fatherly smile* It sure was Molly. I got both of these bubs without a shadow of a doubt.
White-Haired Boy: *laughs* You certainly got them good Mr. Logan! That could possibly compare to my own jokes and pranks!
Black-Haired Boy: Even if it was inappropriate to scare our guests Speed, they probably thought Mr. Logan was going to eat them alive like every other monster outside the barrier.
Speed: *scoffs* Chill out Wiccan, just because your best friend and possible butt buddy Hulkling turned and died doesn't mean you have to be a complete stick in the mud.
Wiccan: *frowns* Hulkling wasn't a "butt buddy" as you so crudely call it.
Speed: *cheekily smiles* Sure, sure bro.
Wolverine: *turns back to Kitty and Y,N* So how did both of you survive this damn plague?
Y,N: I would tell you Logan, but I believe the better question is what's going on with your body. Half is fine and normal, while the other half is something out of a nightmare, especially with that rotting and decaying green arm you have on display.
Kitty: Yeah, you're half human and half zombie from the looks of it yet you're not trying to eat any of us alive.
Wolverine: *sighs* Come take a seat and I'll tell you everything since that seems to be the bigger elephant in the rooms bubs. However, once I'm done with me story you better fucking tell me yours.
Kitty Pryde: *a shocked expression adorns her face* Logan! Not in front of children!
Wolverine: *shrugs* What? I mean it's obviously not the worst thing they've seen in their lives. They've possibly seen more hell and gore than any kid their age normally should. Yet, then again these aren't normal circumstances now are they? I mean, you're literally talking to a half-human, half-zombie hybrid for instance.....And somehow that might be the least crazy part of this day for the both of us.
Y,N: That is somehow true, I've dealt with crazier shit than this in the past few months.
Kitty Pryde: *frowns* Not you too Y,N! Flesh-eating zombies are one thing, but teaching swear words to kids this young will turn them into Logan....Minus the half-human, half-zombie part of course.
Molly Hayes: *scoffs* Please, do you really take us for "little kids"? I believe we've seen plenty more shit in our lives in the past few months than all of our lives put together!
Y,N: *shrugs, following Wolverine to the table* I mean she's not necessarily wrong. This is certainly not an ordinary society nowadays. Plus, scientifically speaking they're already desensitized due to the flesh-eating bastards skulking and hiding in the shadows in the city, so what's the worse that could happen from them learning swear words early?
Kitty Pryde: *shakes her head, while following Logan, Y,N, and the kids* I guess you're right. Perhaps, just holding onto some semblance of normality back from the days of before the plague.
Wolverine: *sits down, grabbing a bottle of whiskey* Honestly, I can't blame you that, all of us in some form or fashion wish we could turn back the clock and stop ourselves from letting this happen.....We should have listened to that Ash guy, but back then we thought he was some kind of crackpot lunatic. Yet, we have to deal with the choices we make.....Such as allowing this to happen to me in order for some civilians to make it to Final Hope. *pops the top off and takes a large gulp, enjoying the sting in his throat as the liquid went down his throat, before putting the bottle down* That bastard Sabretooth sunk his teeth right into my right shoulder and I immediately collapse to the floor in pain, I guess he still had a score to settle with me, but either way I felt hot almost like my entire body was on fire. I screamed out in pain and yet no one came to help, glad they didn't as that was when my hunger was at its highest and I would of immediately cut them up and turned them into my personal buffet, I'm glad they kept running otherwise I might not be here right now. Yet, unlike all of the other heroes and villains around me I didn't become a puppet to the hunger as unlike all of them my healing factor kicked itself into overdrive and protected me from fully becoming like Iron Man, Colonel America, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Richards, Hank, Beast, Sabretooth, Mystique, and the rest of them.
Kitty Pryde: *tilts her head* But doesn't Sabretooth have a healing factor as well? If yours protected you, why didn't his do the same?
Wolverine: *shrugs* No clue. Perhaps it was because he willing allowed himself to become a zombie, an instinctual beast that only needed to eat. Or maybe it was because he was bitten by several different zombies instead of just once by a singular undead freak. All I know is that my own haling factor kicked itself into unseen levels and actively fought off the infection, something I didn't think was possible as I saw people like Hulk, the aforementioned bastard Sabretooth, and others fall to the hunger like they willing accepted it into their lives. Yet, I didn't.....I didn't want to become a flesh-eating monster, constantly prowling the streets of a decaying New York City, waiting for the faintest sniff of human flesh and going after it like some kind of demented bloodhound. From there, I crawled and waited within a building for the jackhammers instead of my brain to end and soon enough....It stopped, I felt normal, or well somewhat normal as instead of fully healing me, my healing factor taxed itself out at the halfway point leaving the abomination of dead and alive you see before you. Eventually, Panther, Erik, and the rest of the survivors found me and at first the Acolytes and the more trigger-happy members of their group tried to kill me but luckily T'Challa was able to intervene and bring order and reason to their confused minds, and that's how I ended up here, in one of the very few safezones in all of the world. Nowadays, I just need to dine upon raw animal meat to keep my zombie side in check, no consuming the organs of the living or chewing down on their brains like some kind of stereotypical monster of the night.
Speed: *grins* And thank goodness for that am I right? We don't need a decaying zombie bloodhound tracking down our scent!
Wiccan: *mumbles* It's not nice to cut people off when they're speaking.
Wolverine: *takes another gulp of whiskey before putting the bottle back down* Nothing to worry about bub, I was finished with my story anyway. Long story short, thank goodness none of those civilians came back to help me otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here telling you that story right now. *looks out at the decaying remains of New York City* If the cards were played out differently, I would be out there, frantically searching for my next victim and losing all semblance of humanity I once held.
Y,N: *shakes his head* Damn....Well at least we know you're on our side Logan. Imagine if people like you, Thor, and Doctor Strange were apart of the zombie horde. It would be game over for every single remaining survivor.
Kitty Pryde: And that's including who the horde already has in their possession. Geniuses such as Iron Man, Hank Pym, and.......Reed Richards. Alongside powerhouses and brutes such as Hulk, Thing, Blob, and Rhino.
Molly Hayes: *with a somber tone in her voice* Not to mention all of the mutants they managed to bring into the fold. Including my......Including my.....Including my......
*Molly bursts out into tears as the potent and fresh painful memories resurface within her mind, however before she can continue crying Wolverine, in an almost unidentifiable trait of compassion and kindness, scoops up Molly and....hugging her? This positively shocked both Y,N and Kitty as they remember Logan as a stoic, no non-sense, badass that lived with a never back down and never give up attitude, yet here he was now comforting and consoling a little girl. This especially shocked Kitty as she never thought this side of Logan existed, sure he was kind to her and Rogue at points but that was because he was being a proper teacher or took pity upon them, but this was something else entirely. Yet, thankfully the girl finally calmed down and was able to control her emotions before she rejoined an equally comforting Speed and Wiccan, the former of which was telling horrible jokes and puns to Molly's mind off her friends. Meanwhile, Logan turned both to the shocked Y,N and Kitty.*
Wolverine: I'm sorry about Molly, just she lost her friends back during the beginning days of the apocalypse and she was the only survivor of her little team called "The Runaways", long story don't ask. Just, don't talk about people, especially friends, being turned in front of her as it brings up horrible memories and causes her to lash out. Honestly, I didn't know I had it in me to be this "consoling father figure" but I guess with my minimal experience with Laura and Daken back in the day kicked in with a vengeance and since then I've acted as her father figure. Sometimes we're attached to the hip and she won't leave me be or let me go until dinner time.
Kitty Pryde: *smirks* Wow, the once badass and lone wolf Logan is actively a good father when he wants to be. I wonder what Rogue or Laura would think if either of them were here right now.
Y,N: *chuckles* I bet they would be equally as shocked as the both of us, never in thousand years did I think Logan would ever be a father figure, let alone a good and positive one. Damn, either this apocalypse, this setting, or that bite did more than make you a half-human, half-zombie.
Wolverine: *dry chuckles* Laugh it up you two. I'll give you this one, even I never expected these almost parental instincts to kick in, but I guess when push comes to shove I can be an alright father figure.
Kitty Pryde: *raises her eyebrow* "Alright" you say? From that little demonstration you showed, you're actively a good father when you try hard enough.
Wolverine: *in a semi-harsh tone* Moving on. *his voice returns to normal* How did you two end up traveling together?
Kitty Pryde: We didn't start out together *blushes, realizing her statement* I-I-I-I mean we didn't begin the apocalypse with one another. Y,N merely saved me, Rogue, and Emma from becoming possible zombie chow.....Even if our zombified opponents were nothing more than common Spider-Man foes with an added strength boost due to not eating in awhile. From there Y,N graciously allowed us into his underground bunker and we've been living there for the past few days now, it's heavily guarded and no one except maybe some former S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel know of its existence. The only other notable thing that happened during our extended stay at casa del Y,N is that we managed to find Susan Storm's supposedly dead but actually alive kid Valerie.
Wolverine: *he slams his hands on the table and stands up* You did what?! That's impossible! I heard Valerie Storm had died within the first few hours of the apocalypse from a zombie She-Hulk! It was that exact moment which sent Mr. Fantastic flying off the handle and into the well of insanity, bubs!
Y,N: Apparently she wasn't. We're not sure how she escaped or what had happened, but we managed to find her hiding away in the deep dark catacombs of the New York subway tunnels. I'm not sure of the exact science of her survival, but all we do know is that she's alive and well back in our base. If only Reed had know about his daughter's survival....It mat have saved our entire species and help prevent the plague, possibly for good.
Kitty Pryde: No point in asking for "what ifs" now Y,N. We have to deal with the cards we're dealt with and do our best to improvise with them.
Wolverine: *smirks* That's my girl. I knew I trained you properly back during your younger days in the team. If Jean were here right now I know she and the other X-Men would be proud of you right now.
???: Well I for one am extremely proud of her mon amie.
Kitty Pryde: *her eyes light up* Remy! Is that really you!
Gambit: *smirks as he walks up from another building* Well who else would it be? Who else possibly has a memorable and distinct accent such as mine?
Wolverine: *chuckles* You're not wrong there bub, only one person in this entire camp has that unique of an accent.
Gambit: Of course mon amie. It adds to my charm.
Kitty Pryde: *runs up and hugs Gambit* Remy! It's great to see you again! I almost thought you were apart of the horde!
Gambit: I almost thought I was dead as well, but I was barely able to escape with my life. During the final stand, I was cut off from everyone else during the closing moments and was forced to flee on foot, which might have actively saved me from what happened on the Helicarrier. I was wounded from an earlier attack by Luke Cage and I was forced to limp away from the battlefield with at least 4 zombies chasing after me. Luckily at the last moment, right as I collapsed from my injuries, Punisher, Jessica Jones, and Ghost Rider had arrived and slaughtered the zombies chasing me, if it wasn't for them I would of certainly been zombie chow or another member of the horde. From there, the four of us traveled in a group, killing or fleeing from any zombies we had encountered until finally we were rescued by Black Panther, Magento, and the others. *chuckles* Honestly, never in my life did I think of thanking Magento for anything.
Kitty Pryde: *laughs* None of us would have Remy. Especially when we've been constantly fighting him for so many years before the apocalypse.
Gambit: *chuckles* You're right about that, but I guess in situations such as these we have to work alongside our former foes in order to carve out a better tomorrow. Yet, on that day I was glad to have been proven wrong, but then again I never imagined I would be living on an island with a half-zombie. Since then me and the others have managed to set up shop on this island and have been living day-to-day ever since.
Wolverine: *snikt his claws, one pair being the same adamantium, the other being bone* Want to say that again bub? Preferably to my face.
Gambit: *chuckles nervously* Of course I didn't mean that to you in a rude way mon amie, I'm simply stating I never thought a zombie would be able to see past the haze of the hunger and actively join our side.
Wolverine: *his claws retract* You certainly are a quick thinker I'll give you that Remy.
Kitty Pryde: So Remy where is everyone else?
Gambit: *smiles* Well, Black Panther, Magento, Thor, Doctor Strange, and Punisher are at an all important meeting, potentially regarding you, Y,N, and the potential of an alliance. The Acolytes on the other hand are watching the barrier and are ready to alert us at moment's notice of any potential zombie attacks or something else that might peak our interest such as survivors. And finally, the others are all around probably in their houses or working on creating a better mini-civilization for us and any potential wayward souls who managed to survive for this long. No one said creating a mini-society would be easy, and said person never had to deal with a zombie apocalypse during their lifetime.
Kitty Pryde: *frowns* Wait. Who else is here? The "others" isn't very specific Remy.
Gambit: *sheepishly scratches the back of his head* Well mon amie if you're looking for specifics besides the people I've already mentioned, currently within our mini-society we have Forge, Nightcrawler, and Colossus.
Kitty Pryde: *her eyes light up* Piotr is here!? Where?!
Gambit: *scratches his chin, trying to remember where Colossus was before finally remembering* Ah! Yes, currently he's with the Kurt and the Acolytes, apparently monitoring for any "anomalies" or fellow survivors takes plenty of eyes, especially when you're on a sizeable island such as this. I imagine you'll be able to see him at the feast since he's rather busy at the moment.
Kitty Pryde: *nods her head* I've waited a few months to see him again, I can wait another hour or two.
Y,N: *looks around* Yeah, I think you're doing rather well for yourself. I hope with our potential newfound alliance coming into fruition we'll be able to benefit from one another, as I have a garden and raw materials to help reinforce the buildings and provide with more food, after all you're using up quite a chunk of food to feed us and your society with a "grand feast".
Gambit: Touché, yet we haven't such a special occasion in a long time. It's like cracking open a bottle of wine, you should only do so in extremely important or memorable occasions/milestones. And this certainly qualifies as a memorable milestone/occasion. We now know without a shadow of a doubt there's life out there besides ourselves!
Wolverine: And sense we closed the barrier around the island, nothing truly of note has happened here until you two arrived, meaning that grand feast is more than deserving.
Gambit: *smirks* And you thought no one else was out there mon amie, you almost gave up hope that Kitty, Laura, Rogue, and so one were potentially still alive and wandering the decaying remains of the city alone.
Y,N: *while the anxiety was slowly creeping throughout his entire body, he managed to speak through it* Well luckily you can lay those thoughts to bed, as thankfully we've both found out there's survivors outside of their respective groups. Which means, more could be out there somewhere, more could have survived the first wave of the plague. Which means, hope isn't dead yet my friends, it only takes a flicker to ignite a fire.
Kitty Pryde: *smiles* Inspirational Y,N, you possibly could of been a public speaker before all of this went down.
Y,N: *Blushes lightly* T-T-Thanks Kitty.
Gambit: I hate to break up the conversation mon amie's but I must be heading off to help the Acolytes......That sentence will never sound right with me. Yet, I'll see all of you at the grand feast, the first one we've had since the formation of our mini-society. *he walks off to go help Acolytes in their monitoring duties, leaving Y,N, Kitty, and Logan as the kids had scurried off minutes ago to go play some board game they found before the barrier closed.*
Wolverine: I'll be leaving as you bubs. See you at the grand feast....Well for all of a few minutes at least, I can't have anyone near me during feeding time, lest my zombie side decides to get ballsy.
*With that Wolverine had walked off into one of the huts for who knows what reason leaving Y,N and Kitty alone once more, yet the air was silent as both looked at one another but nothing came out of their mouths. The amount of knowledge they were both given in the previous 10 minutes was astonishing and completely re-shaped their former ideals of the apocalypse and the possibility of survivors. If one settlement could survive for the past few months completely by themselves with no outside interference of help, then certainly their could be other shelters, settlements, and safezones out there.....right? Perhaps, if all of them combined and pooled their collective resources into a wealth of resources, then they could potentially survive together as a collective unit and maybe with more scientific minds they could create a cure faster than originally anticipated. Yet, right now there was no time for that as Black Panther and Magento were approaching them and what worried both Y,N and Kitty was at their faces were rather complex to read at the moment.*
Y,N: *thinks* I hope this isn't bad we just got here!
Black Panther: *approaches and sits down* My friends, we have much to discuss. Including preparing for the grand feast and the murmurs of an "alliance" between our settlements. I hope these discussions will be fruitful as more food and materials will help our civilization grow and you need more equipment and scientific minds for a potential cure for this plague do you not?
Kitty Pryde: How did you know about all of this?
Black Panther: *smirks, which is unseen due to his mask* Simple, you see I want the same things as well. I've also been looking into a potential cure for the plague and a way to reverse its effects. And we both equally for our people do we not? You care for those under your charge Y,N and I cared for my people within Wakanda during the outbreak and I now care for everyone in this settlement, including those that used to be former foes. Meaning, I'm sure we can come to a compromise, hopefully.
Y,N: I hope so too T'Challa as we both need individual help in some categories and similar help in others.
Magento: I'm glad to see we could reach some sort of common ground, god knows that was impossible before the plague. But, please come with us back to T'Challa's chamber. We'll continue our discussions there.
Kitty Pryde: *smiles* We would be delighted too. Simply lead the way.
*The four walk towards Black Panther's chamber, hopefully they'll be able to cement an alliance between Y,N's group and T'Challa's....After all both want/need different goods and similar needs, meaning both sides could benefit massively from this alliance and if there's any more settlements or groups out there that are willing to join together in order to combat the plague and either eradicate or reverse its effects then the alliance will only continue to grow and become more powerful. Yet, one step at a time...Firstly an alliance between Y,N's group and T'Challa's group must be met. Not to mention the hundreds of prowling eyes that viewed the pocket of humanity within the barrier as a beehive awaiting to be smashed open by a hunger bear......They only had to wait for the right moment to strike and feast upon their unsuspecting victims, even if they had powerhouses such as Thor, Doctor Strange, and Colossus in there, that only made the beehive even sweeter and more desirable to break open.*
Invisible Woman POV, Location: The Hideout
*She knew this was risky, hell risky was an understatement, ever since her nighttime expeditions had become more and more frequent Reed and his two obedient circus freaks had kept close tabs on Sue and wherever she went, at least one of them would be following her at all times. It was almost like having an annoying drone follow and log every step you take, which had annoyed Sue to no end and made her further resent Reed and his "experiments". Yet, this was a risk she needed to take.....It was "the time" again and she couldn't miss out like she was forced to last time due to getting a verbal lashing from Reed about her constant disappearances in the middle of the night. With a shake of her head, Sue bashed these thoughts back into her subconscious as she didn't want to think about Reed, Johnny, or Ben....They were monsters, flesh-eating undead abominations, with Reed being the worst monster of them all and no matter what Susan had told her, she knew that she wasn't like the rest of her teammates....No she had control over her hunger to a certain extent and that's why she was here, the one place she could act like herself, free from the shackling restraints of Reed and the Hunger.*
Sue: *stops in front of a rundown church and she whispers as the moon above reflects beautifully off her pale skin* Finally, I almost thought I wouldn't be able to come tonight. *she knocks on the door and it slowly lurches open with a soft and gentle voice echoing through the shadows.*
????: Come in Sue, the session's just about to begin.
Sue: *sighs in comfort* Don't mind if I do, I almost thought I wouldn't make it tonight thanks to Reed keeping tabs on me at all times. Luckily, the bastard doesn't even know I'm here thanks to me giving him the slip earlier.
*Another voice, more squeaky and reserved than the other also joined in the conversation through the shadows, yet she barely talked above a whisper.*
????#2: *whispers* Glad to see you've made it Sue. We were both worried you wouldn't make due to......Reed's machinations.
????: *gestures to the empty seat in the middle of the room, a decaying holy cross visible from above the withering preacher's stand* Come, take a seat. You're in a safezone now. Free to talk and share whatever you want.
Sue: *happily takes a seat at the table* I've waited for this night, it's the only time I get to feel and act like myself, instead of pretending to be some kind of flesh-craving monster for Reed and his circus freaks. Nowadays, none of them will leave me alone due to my frequent "midnight adventures", even though we're supposed to be "flesh-eating monsters" who commonly travel and hunt at night. Yet, I guess Reed wouldn't know what a monster is from a revolutionary, to this day he still holds the belief he saved us from fear and doubt by turning us these........beasts.
????#2: *whispers* Well at least you don't have to worry about an actual monster constantly inside of you at every given moment, just waiting to break out. I've only managed to sedate her for right now due to her feasting a few hours ago, I barely managed to wrestle control from her.
????: *smiles* And you've done wonderfully with your progress Jen, only a month ago you couldn't control the She-Hulk inside of you. But now, you're able to actively wrestle away control from that persona and crave out your own lifestyle, wants, and desires. Both me and Sue are extremely proud of what you've managed to do in such a short amount of time.
Sue: *chuckles* Unlike her beastly constantly flesh-eating monster of a cousin. Who only let's go of his control and reverts back to Banner when properly fed.
Jen: *gives a weak smile* Yeah, Bruce doesn't have any control over his instincts, whenever he gets an inkling of hunger he immediately transforms into Hulk and goes on a hunger rampage until he's properly fed and reverts back to Bruce. Only for the cycle to continue when he gets another craving.
Sue: So, what's been happening in your case of isolation........Wanda? Anything exciting or note worthy happen?
Wanda: *smiles* I'm glad you asked. Ever since I was banished from both camps of infected heroes and villains for completely cutting off my dependency upon the hunger, effectively piercing the veil and finding the truth beyond the endless gore and blood, nothing eventful has happened except the occasional zombified hero or villain coming to further pierce the dagger into my heart. Not like their pathetic insults effect me anymore, I'm glad to have found my way out of that hellhole....I just wish I was able to help more climb out alongside me, such as Pietro. *a tear falls down her eye* But, I guess he's decided to walk down a different path compared to me. He's decided to give himself to the gospel and actively chooses to remain dependent upon human flesh, I'm afraid I may have lost my brother forever.
Sue: *scoffs and hugs Wanda* Join the club sister, we've all lost a family member to the hunger. Either they were consumed or they don't want to leave the ambrosic taste of human flesh. I lost Johnny, Franklin, Ben, and.......Reed to the hunger and yet I've still decided to solider on and become better than a flesh-eating monster. I didn't want to join in the parade of blood, gore, and organs....Not after what happened with Fury and I never will join their parade of carnage ever again.
Jen: *hugs Wanda as well* Yeah, I for one lost Bruce to the hunger.....Even if he absolutely loves the taste of human-flesh in his Hulk state. I'm just glad I didn't fully go down the same path as him, in all honesty I haven't began fighting back against She-Hulk until recently.....Down in a New York City sub-way tunnel of all places.
Wanda: *tilts her head, with the moonlight reflecting off her pale skin via the cracks and holes in the ceiling, perfectly showing her dazzling ruby red eyes* Care to elaborate any further Jen?
Jen: W-Well it all happened when me, Natasha, and Steve were hunting some fresh meat. We hadn't seen them before and their new smell made our minds tingle with hunger and caused us to lick our lips in anticipation in sinking our teeth into their succulent flesh. Anyway, there we were down in that withering and rotten subway system.....Before we found our targets. It was a symbiote, a blonde wearing what can best be described as a dominatrix outfit, and finally a beautiful brunette wearing seemingly a biker jacket and black clothes on, domino mask and all.
Sue: *gasps* Wait a minute you me--------
Wanda: *hushes Sue* Let Jen finish her story first before jumping in, I wish to hear more about what happened. And please Jen there's no need to stutter, we won't judge you.
Jen: A-As I was saying, we were following our prey into the tunnels when suddenly another group had appeared, some of Spider-Man's decaying corpses of foes known as Doctor Octopus, Kraven, and Rhino. Well push came to shove as only one group could possess that fresh meat from themselves and after getting into a three-way battle with both the "Terrifying Trio" and those succulent humans, Colonel America died via impalement through the head with a spike after he got his head chopped off from his body by that blonde dominatrix. After that, I got restrained to a wall via the male symbiote's webs which held me down for a few minutes but my hunger was reaching a boiling point at the time and I managed to snap free of those webby restraints. Yet, what happened next I still can't believe myself, almost like the universe brought life back to her so she could taunt me for my transgressions.
Sue: *whispers* Valerie.
Jen: *nods* Exactly. Yet how do you know of this Sue? I know your invisibility powers grant you well....invisibility from the naked eye and you very well could of been down there with us, but that's extremely unlikely due to Reed's constant vigilance of you.
Wanda: *smirks* What an interesting conundrum, do tell us how you know of this Sue. I bet Jen and certainly myself are dying to know....Well if we could "die" that is.
Sue: *lowers her head* Well I knew Valerie was alive due to visions I was receiving, they were more like terror inducing nightmares but I knew my baby girl was alive. So, in an act of desperation, as I know for a fact she wouldn't want to see me or the others like this *gestures to her body, which had long been reduced to a pale pigment, with blood red eyes, fangs, and her hair was completely matted and seemingly lost its original golden blonde glow...Almost like all of the life had been sucked out of it, which certainly would fit the rest of her body* meaning, I had to enlist someone I knew back before the plague who I knew wasn't infected. It was a major risk, especially with Reed constantly wanting to know my whereabouts, but I successfully managed to sneak out for a few hours and finally found what I was looking for.
Jen: Which was?
Wanda: *laughs* Now look who's interrupting stories. She was about to get to that part.
Jen: *blushes in embarrassment....or well she would have if her body physically allowed her to blush* S-Sorry Sue, please continue. It's a lovely story.
Sue: Anyway, I had enlisted the services of the only person I could actively trust at the time. Someone who I knew for a fact wasn't infected and was hiding away in a safety bunker, valiantly working away on a potential cure to all of this. After all, Fury said it himself, there was no point in trying to contain the plague, but there might have been a chance of stopping or reversing its effects. And luckily this certain individual I had enlisted the help of had the notes on a potential cure, not a guaranteed one, but a potential one.
Wanda: *raises her eyebrow* And let me guess, this individual you enlisted the help of was indeed the same symbiotic male and his two girlfriends Jen was talking about. The killers of Colonel America and rescuers of Valerie Richards.
Jen: *stands up in a huff* W-Wait! The people you enlisted to find Valerie inadvertently killed Colonel America! Which means the death of Colonel America can be placed at your feet Sue!
Sue: *puts her hands up defensively* Wait Jen! Please calm down, I didn't think Y,N and his.....girlfriends would kill Colonel America. And plus if I did then it was you, Steve, and Natasha that went down into those tunnels to begin with! If you just didn't go down there, then Steve would possibly survived that encounter.
Wanda: Now we know the name of your associate, Y,N. What a lovely name.
Jen: Even through my rage at your friends killing Colonel America, I got to agree....He was pretty cute when we fought. If I was in charge during that period of time I might have fainted or ran away from seeing such a stud stare at me.
Sue: *her left eye twitches* If any of us deserves to be with Y,N then it would be me!
Wanda: *chuckles* No need to get so defensive Sue, I wouldn't even fall in love with a boy I haven't even met yet. If anything, you should worry more about Jen taking him than me.....Even though her She-Hulk side wouldn't like that one bit. Yet, in both sheer curiosity and intrigue I wish to see this Y,N for myself, before making my final judgement upon him.
Jen: So would I. I only met him in my She-Hulk form and she's really not as easy-going or approachable as myself, plus the only emotion I feel when in my She-Hulk form is rage.....Yet, Y,N made me feel something else besides rage for the briefest of seconds. Same thing happened when I saw Valerie, it was like my mind shut down for a few seconds and in at moment I took the chance to take control from She-Hulk and told her and the others to run. Before I knew collapsed that part of the tunnel system in order to protect them from Natasha.
Wanda: I guess it's settled then. *turns to Sue* Sue, would you mind leading us to this "hidden bunker" of Y,N's?
Sue: *her eyes bug out* Why would I do that?! Jen could immediately turn into She-Hulk either via her free will or She-Hulk's rage boiling over and tear the vault's door off its hinges killed Y,N, Valerie, and everyone else in that bunker!
Jen: *frowns* I-I-I promise to keep She-Hulk under control during that period of time. And if I didn't you or Wanda could simply restrain me long enough to get away from the bunker.
Wanda: *smirks* She does make a fantastic point. So why don't we go on a "girls night out"? I believe we've all deserved a night of relaxation and fancy all to ourselves. Especially with people running you two absolutely rampant.
Sue: *holds her forehead with her left hand and sighs* Fine, I guess you're right Wanda. I'll show both of you the location of Y,N's bunker. Only if you agree to NOT share this information with anyone!? Otherwise I will personally decapitate both of you or blow you up from the inside!
Wanda: Cross my unbeating heart and hope to die.
Jen: I can agree to those terms. *pouts* It's not like anyone chats with me anyway besides you two.
Wanda: *laughs and turns back to Jen* Probably because She-Hulk is so scary and unapproachable, that no one in their right undead mind would want to actively chat with her.
Sue: However, we're doing this on my terms. Which means I have to know if Y,N is even at the bunker because he could be out on a run or investigating the potential of other safezones. So, I'll go check it out tomorrow and see if he's even there. If not we'll wait until he gets back and if he is I'll come and get the both of you, just make you're here Jen and not off hunting as She-Hulk.
Jen: *nods* I'll make sure she's fed before meeting up.
Sue: *stands up from the chair* Now, I have to get going. I can only be out for so long before Reed, Johnny, or Ben knows of my absence. I bet that bastard Reed's already rang the alarm bells and has his personal lapdogs searching the entire city for me.
Wanda: *shakes her head* I wouldn't be surprised, Reed even before the apocalypse was always paranoid beyond relief. This zombification has only heightened his paranoia and insanity to unseen heights. *hugs Sue* Good luck and please inform us of when this Y,N has finally returned back to his bunker. We're both positively dying to meet him.
Sue: *nods* I will, I promise. Just keep your end of the bargain, otherwise the only thing you'll meet is your now death.
Jen: N-N-Noted. I-I honestly can't wait to meet him either.
Wanda: I wouldn't draw dreaming of hurting this Y,N. Especially, when he's apparently so close to your unbeating heart, it would be foolish to take him away from you. Otherwise we'll all feel the brunt of your rage.
Sue: *smirks* Damn straight.
*The screen fades to black as Sue leaves the sanctuary of the church, the only place she can actually be herself and not keep a part of her locked away...It drives her mad to live a lie and pretend to be some kind of bloodthirsty, flesh-craving monster, yet she had to take one in order to make sure she wouldn't become one of Reed's or Hank's "experiments". She just hoped her beloved Y,N was safe, as she couldn't, nay wouldn't live with herself if he was killed. But, she had to have hope that he was safe, really he and her daughter were the only people that mattered in her damned life anymore and even if she couldn't fully be with either of them, she would do everything in her power to protect both of them from the horrors of this world. Little did she knew where Y,N currently was and that a grand feast in his and Kitty's honor was soon to commence, under the beautiful light of the moon.*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter and are hyped for chapter 9: The Grand Feast which will be coming soon and I hope you all enjoyed this dive into the "Outsiders" club featuring Sue, Jen, and Wanda as some zombies have actively unshackled themselves from the oppressive dependency upon human flesh....Yet what will happen when they finally get close to Y,N? Those answers and more will be answered soon. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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