Chapter 7: Safety and Liberty
Hello and welcome back finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've returned to The End of the World and I hope all of you are massively excited for this story to finally return back into the spotlight, what better time to update this story then right after it's younger sibling got it's update. However don't worry at least 4 other updates will be happening today three of them being for already existing stories A.K.A. The Saiyan of Legend, Wrapped Reality, and The Perfect Timeline, while the fourth will be a brand new story, and I'll reveal more about it later on :). Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV, Location: Secret Bunker
Y,N: *yawns finally waking up after the most wonderful sleep he had in his life, perhaps it was the rush of adrenaline or perhaps it was the rush of a job well done, either way even though the world was nearing it's end Y,N was actually happy for once in awhile* Today is actually a rather good. Or at least it's a good start...........damn it I might of just jinxed myself. Luck always want to have a laugh at me.
*Y,N takes a quick walk down the white and grey hallways of the bunker, humming and thinking to himself. He personally knew they were one step closer to the cure since he knew or at least hoped Sue would keep her end of the deal. She made of been an undead superhero, but she wasn't a liar, either when she was alive or hopefully when she was undead as well.*
Y,N: So many possibly variables. For all I know this could be a long con by Sue, however the desperation and begging in her voice, that's not normally something you can fake.
Emma Frost: You should really stop talking to yourself. People might consider you insane. Or worse.
Y,N: What's worse than insanity?
Emma Frost: Paranoia. Always being afraid of your own shadow and who might very well be lurking within the shadows. Never feeling safe ever again. Your life is filled with nothing but fear. Soon enough your life is filled with nothing, until your filled with depression and misery. Until nothing but the sweet release of death finds you.
Y,N: *stays silent absorbing all of this information, also for the fact that Emma can switch from somewhat friendly(in reality it was her being neutral) to downright mysterious, aggressive, and sarcastic* Thanks.......thanks for that information Emma.
Emma Frost: It wasn't information. It was simple chit-chat, or maybe that's your future. No one fully knows nowadays, you don't even know how long you'll live for. Tomorrow could very well be your final day. It may seem like I'm being pessimistic, but I'm simply being realistic. It pays to now the gravity of the situation. Knowing the dangers that lie beyond the vault door, might in the long run keep you alive for longer.
Rogue: What are you even doing down here sugah's? Breakfast is getting cool and I don't want you missing it. After all Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Plus Kitty and Valeria are waiting and I ain't telling them the two of you are lounging around in the hallway, talking about the dangers that lie beyond the vault.
Emma Frost: I guess you're right Mrs. Anne-Marie. I hope you made my favorite meal. *Emma walks off with her white caps flowing in an invisible wind, due to her cape fluttering slightly it also gave flashing views of her wonderful ass*
Y,N: Emma sure is a tease.
Rogue: You got that right sugah'. She's a tease but can also kill you with one glare. In one glare your entire mind would melt to mush.
Y,N: Well we better get going, we don't want Kitty and Valeria getting suspicious, nor do I want Kitty thinking you know......we're doing "it".
Rogue: *blushes* Certainly not Sugah'. Kitty does sometimes hold a grudge and she would certainly hold one against me. But just so you know Sugah' *kisses him on the cheek, leaving Y,N a blushing mess* I wouldn't be against having a great time with you. I've been wondering to myself how big you are~ *Rogue then leaves to the dining room/cafeteria and either intentionally or not near perfectly sway her hips and giving Y,N a clear outline of her ass, while not as big and inviting as Emma's it was certainly more firm and pronounced*
Y,N: Jeez *holds one of his hands behind his head* is everyone here minus Valeria attracted to me in one way or another. It seems to be that Rogue and Kitty have giant crushes on me, while Emma seems to be playing it off but subtly trying to seduce me. Either that or she is indifferent about me.......or both. Somehow. I might need some serious time to think about Emma's alignment later on. *Y,N walks off to the cafeteria with both the memory of Emma and Rogue trying to seduce him and the fact about what happened in the subway tunnels yesterday and She-Hulk.........Jennifer's apparent turn back to the side of light, even if it was just for a few seconds to help them escape. It seemed like Jennifer might be the same as Sue, in that even for a brief moment she can control her zombie side. While it seemed like Jen wasn't a master at it like Sue she could at least build up some resistance to the virus, which was something that had truly shocked Y,N to the core. That perhaps, even if it was a tiny chance these infected could actually be cured or even more insane small traces of humanity were still within them, crying and begging to be released from their undead prisons. All of this was something that Y,N had to consider and think about, this whole apocalypse might of very well changed.*
Y,N: *sits down and begins eating some bacon and eggs, it was simple but it was delicious. Plus this was better than those "nutrient" packs that were placed here by S.H.I.E.L.D. those things were terrible and tasted like bitter apples, after finally finishing his meal, the other occupants of the vault began staring at him(minus Valeria who was just staring off into space, possibly wondering how life had changed so much), all of them wanting to know what their next move was, especially after their last encounter with She-Hulk, Black Widow, The Terrifying Three, and the now deceased Colonel America.*
Emma Frost: So Y,N what exactly is our next game plan? It's not like we're getting any younger here.
Kitty Pryde: Perhaps it's time to see if anyone else is still alive. You know if any other settlements were able to be set up.
Emma Frost: Unlikely. If any other settlements were set up we would of found them.
Rogue: Potentially these could be more recent settlements Sugah'. I say it's worth a try after all, we got nothing better to do with our time. And we could use the help, resources, and allies. For all we know they could have weapons or food or water.....not like we really need food or water but more hands on deck is always a plus. Especially when the Undead Avengers, The Fantastic Freaks, and who knows who else are going to be hunting us soon enough due to Black Widow and She-Hulk informing them.
Y,N: That is true. Even know who possibly on our side. *all three girls nod, not wanting to bring up Sue's name in front of Valeria let it trigger or break her, all the while Valeria was picking at some of her food still coming to terms with this new world* However I believe it is high time to possibly find any other's that may be out there. If anyone is out there, we should unite with them and pool our resources, food, and weapons together. Hopefully they'll agree to our proposition and together we and them can create a stronger and better force.
Emma Frost: It truly depends on who we're working with. If it's someone like Doctor Doom or M.O.D.O.K. I would say the chances of working with them are extremely low. On the other hand if it's someone like Black Panther or Daredevil then it might be more possible due to us being on the same moral alignment as them.
Kitty Pryde: I would say our best bet is the survivors on Liberty Island. I heard from a few other survivors.....before they were eaten alive, that Black Panther had established a base on Liberty Island. It even has a Vibranium bubble shield surrounding it, meaning no zombies can enter the Island.
Y,N: T'Challa is an old friend of mine, if anyone can talk with him it'll be me. I can assure him we're safe and able to be trusted. I hope that'll he agree and see reason, and hopefully we can set up some sort of system between his group and ours's.
Emma Frost: This sounds like way too many "if's" to properly be a fully functioning plan. This sounds more like a half-baked plan that is in desperately need of a miracle.
Rogue: Hey Sugah' don't count this idea just yet, I say there's some merit to it. If this works then it would be a huge load off our shoulders.
Emma Frost: Once again Mrs. Anne-Marie that's another "if". For all we know Black Panther could of lost his mind and became some sort of tyrannical ruler.
Y,N: *shakes his head* Even with the added chance due to this being an apocalypse, that's simply not in Black Panther's M.O. he has never shown to be a dictator or a ruthless king, and that was when he ruled a literal nation, not a tiny island. Meaning for the most part this is a downgrade in terms of ruling.
Kitty Pryde: I agree with Y,N none of this seems to point towards Black Panther becoming some sort of ruthless tyrant.
Emma Frost: Hmph. Don't coming crying to me if this goes terribly wrong.
Rogue: Someone's a sourpuss.
Emma Frost: Not a "sourpuss", it's called being realistic. You can hardly trust anyone in this new wasteland. The only person you can truly trust is yourself.
Y,N: If you're so stubborn about not going to see if T'Challa is trustworthy enough to be an ally and partner, then I'll go alone if I have to.
Emma Frost: I'll take care of Valeria, she needs someone to talk to. *mumbles* She also reminds me a lot about myself.
Rogue: I would love to go Sugah' but I still need another 4 days before my ankle is all healed up.
Kitty Pryde: *smiles* Don't worry I'll go with you then Y,N. We just have to be careful, after what we went through yesterday. Now that those undead meatbags know about us, we need to tread more carefully and stick to the shadows. We can't afford to walk through the streets anymore. The rooftops won't work either since plenty of their undead legion can fly or teleport. We need another route. Something silent yet fast.
Y,N: *smiles brightly* I actually got something exactly for this mission. You see I found this withering and routing away in a S.H.I.E.L.D. scrapyard a few months ago, before I ever met the three of you. I brought it home and even built a brand new area for it. Follow me Kitty.
*Y,N and Kitty leave the cafeteria with Rogue returning to the cams and Emma sitting next to Valeria preparing to talk with her, in order to help her through this tough time, it was a brand new world after all and she would need to learn the rules fast, or else she would be nothing but a pile of bones and rotting flesh lying on the sidewalk*
Y,N: *walks with Kitty* Welcome to my hangar. I simply created one for this wonderful tech I found. I rebuilt this wonderful baby and gave her several upgrades including lasers, invisibility, intangibility, auto-pilot, and plenty more surprises in her tank. I have so many tricks up my sleeves when it comes to this baby. This took so much time and effort, to finish building. But it was more than worth it.
Y,N: Introducing Lady Luck. A bit cliché I know but *shrugs*
Kitty Pryde: This is awesome! Reminds me a lot of the X-Jet. Jeez I haven't seen that baby in a long time, it's probably somewhere in the ruins remains of the X-Mansion.
Y,N: Remind me that we should investigate that sometime, perhaps Cerebo could be of use for us. I could possibly change it to help locate those uninfected by the virus and search only for those who are not flesh hungry zombies.
Kitty Pryde: Remind me again in the future, I still know all of the passwords and designs of the Mansion. Meaning we won't fall into any old traps, may they be withering or not.
Y,N: We'll go in the future, we'll just need to be careful. We don't know if any of your former teammates decided to stick to a recognizable location. And who else knows whatever zombies or even survivors have made that place their home.
Kitty Pryde: Noted. But should we get going now, we're burning daylight and it's hardly to fight them and keep an eye out for them at night. Even though that "zombies moves faster at night" theory is complete bullshit, it was only put together by crazed maniacs who wanted to scare weary survivors. Trust me I should know. And if there's anyone be it zombies or survivors defiling the ground and halls I used to walk through, I'll personally make them regret that. No one should deface the legacy of the X-Men may half of them be undead meat-hunters or not.
Y,N: Let's get going. *both Y,N and Kitty run into the Quinjet and after turning on the Invisibility and hitting the launch button the Quinjet came to life and became whirling back to life before they took off, the blast doors strong enough to survive a head-on attack from the Hulk moving slightly open to let the Quinjet before it closed behind them once they made it out, they didn't want a zombie running amuck in the vault while they were gone* Now it's time to kick back and relax, not even the best technology those undead freaks could muster or salvaged would be able to find this. This baby can even resist the likes of Stark Technology and anything that bastards Richards or Pym could possibly build/create. Hell even the thrusters are quieter than a field mouse in a pillow factory, the only possible way they would find us is if a zombie literally rammed into us.
Kitty Pryde: The view is wonderful from up here. *looks down below and even though the world had gone too crap it was strangely beautiful, it was like all her worries were melting away while flying above the clouds* It's strange because the buildings are withering and falling apart, crumbling until nothing but simple bricks and the sky is a putrid yellow. But it's strangely beautiful watching it all unfold from here, almost like my worries are back on the ground and up here in the clouds they can't touch me. Maybe in the future we should make some kind of air fortress?
Y,N: I would love to but I don't know especially with the likes of Black Bolt and his Zombie Inhuman family ruling most of the air due to their withering city of Attilan somewhere in the clouds.
Kitty Pryde: *sigh* Good point. *looks below and sees Liberty Island* I see it! There's Liberty Island, and I see several tents and wooden buildings on the island, *looks even closer and sees a silverish generator with purple lights glowing on it, it was producing a pale purple shockwave and with it Kitty could barely make out a pale purple bubble shield* yeah this definitely the place. The better question is how exactly do we get onto the island? It's not like they'll let us in like a welcome wagon.
Y,N: I got an idea. Is there any possibility you could phase through the barrier? Perhaps if you tune your powers to the right frequency of the barrier, we could possible phase through with no difficulties.
Kitty Pryde: I guess.......I guess I can try Y,N. I've never done this before, but I'll give it my best shot. Fly us slightly closer to the shield.
Y,N: *moves the Quinjet the closest to the barrier as they can go without crashing the Quinjet into or setting off some sort of weapons system, the nose of the Quinjet was almost touching the barrier* Is this close enough?
Kitty Pryde: Can you flip this jet around? You know make the back face the barrier.
Y,N: I can do that *gently maneuvers the Quinjet to make the backend face the barrier* good luck Kitty, I don't want you falling into the ocean below, you nor me knows what dangers lie beneath the waters.
Kitty Pryde: *smiles* Don't worry I'll be safe, and thanks for the vote of confidence *rolls her eyes*
Y,N: Just joking I know you'll be safe.
Kitty Pryde: *steps out and slowly moves closer to the barrier with it seemingly like she was standing in the middle of the air and before she could even touch the barrier she heard two voices*
???: Miss Pryde you probably wouldn't want to touch that, otherwise you'll get a very shocking result. I know Charles taught you a lot but this seems very simple to understand.
???#2: Thou has to agree with the Man of Magnetism. I hope thou is friend and not foe. By Odin knows how many allies we had to vanquish in battle.
Kitty Pryde: Magento? Thor? Is that you? Or am I dreaming?
Magento: I assure you Miss Pryde this is not a dream, but I'm glad to see you survived in this damn wasteland for so long.
Thor: Magento here nearly met a most terrible fate. However luckily friend Panther and friend Strange were able to find him in time and get him back to health. But perchance you would like to come within our base.
Kitty Pryde: That would be wonderful yeah. Me and Y,N would love to come aboard your island if we're allowed.
Thor: This place is open to all survivors, as long as they don't attack us first. Or their verily regret their decisions.
*The barrier disappears long enough for the Quinjet to land inside and once it enters, the barrier comes right back up good thing too as it seemed several lesser known hero and villain zombies tried to quickly mount an attack, but once the barrier came back on they were vaporized and turned into nothing but atoms, they died the way they lived. Dumbasses.*
Kitty Pryde: *steps outside of the Quinjet with Y,N quickly following behind her* This place is wonderful.
Y,N: Yeah I can't wait to see the look on Emma's face once she finds out this place is near perfect.
Magento: *raises eyebrow* Miss Frost is alive as well?
Y,N: Yeah I managed to help protect Kitty, Emma, and Rogue. They almost got caught by a zombified trio of Doc Ock, Kraven, and Mysterio. Soon after that we helped bring back Valeria Richards to the vault after fighting the Terrifying Three of Doc Ock, Kraven, and their newest member Rhino and fighting Black Widow, She-Hulk, and Colonel America. The latter of which Emma killed.
Thor: What the fair maiden Emma Frost was able to kill Colonel America?
Y,N: Yes she did, she put a giant spike through his head. Killing him immediately. Or well killing him again.
???: That is quite a story Y,N. You were always a great story-teller, even now once the apocalypse has gone knocking on all of our doors. Lady Luck has always had a funny way of shining down on you.
Y,N: I like the new suit T'Challa. It looks like you've literally crafted Vibranium into your suit. Very clever, it adds agility and durability to your suit.
Black Panther: *walks up and gets Y,N into a hug, before after a few seconds letting go* It's great to see you again my friend. After the Helicarrier dropped out of the sky and fell into the Hudson River, me and the rest of my group feared for the worst. We could hear the screams coming, yet we couldn't do anything about it. However we grew hope afterwards as from there more and more survivors were being found. Doctor Strange, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Thor were the first to find themselves on my island, quickly followed by Magneto and his Acolytes. After that more and more found themselves either on resource runs or otherwise. I can confirm the only other habitants on this island are Wolverine, Ghost Rider, Gambit, Forge, Punisher, Wiccan, Speed, Jessica Jones, and a young girl named Molly Hayes. Since then we've been surviving as the closest thing to a family, with their help I've been living on for my people in Wakanda, this is actually some of the last Vibranium we had. We lost most of it once Wakanda has fallen.
Y,N: Damn I'm truly sorry T'Challa I know what it's like to lose a lot of people that care for you. But it wasn't your fault, no one could of predicted something like this would happen. The only thing we can truly do is continue to live on in their memory.
Thor: Y,N is right about that.
Magneto: I'll inform the others of your arrival. I know Logan will be excited to see you again Miss Pryde. *Magento then walks off to inform the others of Kitty and Y,N's arrival, hopefully this would give them the shot in the arm they needed*
Black Panther: Excuse Magento, he's still getting slightly used to this. However he's done rather well as my top advisor. But at least I know you and three others are still safe. To celebrate we'll throw a mini-banquet, we actually have a lot more food than needed so we can close some. Just some though since we're going to need some for the upcoming winter. It'll help slow down those undead bastards, but it'll also effect us as well.
Y,N: That's partly why we're here T'Challa perhaps if we pool our resources together we can help one another out. With our resources, man-power, and weapons we could survive for longer than apart.
Black Panther: I see your reason Y,N. Perhaps together we could survive through winter, as I've been informed this could be one of the worst winters yet, meaning we'll need all the food and resources we can get.
Kitty Pryde: So does that mean you agree to our alliance?
Black Panther: I'll take it into consideration, after all it's my new people that come first. We may be friends Y,N but you must understand that my new tribe comes first of all. Meaning if this alliance doesn't help them, then I can't agree to the terms.
Y,N: *nods* I completely understand T'Challa. Give it all the time you need. I didn't expect your answer to be immediate.
Black Panther: However for now go enjoy yourselves and go meet the others, the banquet will be ready within the next few hours. Who knew Miss Jones and Wiccan were such good cooks? Still be careful about Frank, he hasn't been the same, you see during the apocalypse a weirdo named Ash Williams took Frank's guns and ammo mid battle against the Undead and ran off if it wasn't for me and Doctor Strange's intervention Frank would of been zombie chow. Frank has now made it his mission to hunt this "Ash Williams" down and make him pay for leaving him for dead and taking his weapons. For now I've kept him at bay, but he's getting more and more reckless and rebellious, he hasn't decided to lead a rebellion yet but I feel like he's crafting something. But then again he still is loyal to a fault and helps train those who need training. So he's at the 50-50 point, meaning maybe you two can get to him. Especially when your base is closer into the city.
Y,N: We'll keep that in mind. But for now why don't you give us a tour?
Kitty Pryde: Yeah I would love a tour, and be able to see some of my fellow X-Men again. I thought me, Rogue, and Emma were the last ones in all honesty.
Black Panther: It would be my honor to give you two a tour of Safehaven. Follow me and I'll show you around.
*The screen fades to black as Black Panther leads both Y,N and Kitty to meet the rest of the tribe, neither of them knowing what offense the Zombies are cooking up, all of them getting more and more desperate to feed on human flesh. The final thing we see is lightning come across the screen as a mad scientist is at work rebuilding one of the greatest soldiers of all time. The screen once again fades to black as the mad scientist's yellow and jagged teeth give a sinister smile, knowing that his plan is slowly coming to fruition*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter and are excited for the next one coming soon and I hope all of you are hyped for the next update coming tomorrow which will be for Wrapped Reality and it'll be none other than Weiss' lemon chapter, but for tonight I got one final update and it'll be the Bio for the brand new story so keep an eye out for that. Don't Forget to Punch the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered this milestone and scaled the summit. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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