Chapter 6: The Battle for Flesh Pt.2
Hello and welcome back finally to The Battle for Flesh Pt.2 and it's time for the showdown between Y,N, Emma Frost, and Kitty Pryde vs Black Widow and She-Hulk vs Doctor Octopus, Rhino, and Kraven the Hunter with the life of said three humans and Valeria on the line however it looks like Black Widow and She-Hulk don't want to give up their food source/prey so easily to some at best B or C tier villains....I mean B or C tier undead villains. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or dead OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I've decided to add two last un-infected heroes to The Final Hope and the final heroes are........*drum roll*......... Captain Mar-Vell and Black Bolt, as once again I'm using a former infected zombies, abet two that hardly gets any screen time so I've decided it's best to turn both of them human or well Kree/Inhuman as he could be a possible great help.
Y,N: So who's going to make the first move? *stares down the infected heroes and villains, Y,N clearly seeing the hunger in their eyes*
Kraven the Hunter: We'll give you one last chance to stand aside ladies, I rather not get your dirty and zombified blood all over me.
Black Widow: Nyet filthy comrade we're not going to let some B or C tier villains take away our hard work, now if you three will walk away like good boys we won't forcibly remove your heads from your pathetic undead bodies.
Doctor Octopus: You leave us no choice then......Terrifying Three attack!!!!!! *Doctor Octopus launches his four broken and unpolished metallic tentacles at Y,N, with Y,N jumping atop one of Doc Ock's tentacles and using it as a trapeze and uses his momentum to kick the undead octopus enthusiast into a brick wall*
Y,N: You don't mess with the best Doc, plus it seems like out of all of us it seems like you need a doctor the most.
Black Widow: *lunges at Y,N with her teeth almost chewing down on his shoulder, but Y,N carefully dodged and slammed her against the wall and using his elemental powers encased her in ice up to her head* Impressive Y,N, most impressive but you should know this won't me hold me for long vozlyublennaya, my hunger won't ever stop. Not until I have your delicious flesh in my mouth.
Y,N: *shakes his head* Not in your entire god damned undead life time Natasha.
Kitty Pryde: *yells* Y,N enough fraternizing with the enemy, we still got three more zombies to take care of, plus one who's only out temporarily *while yelling roundhouse kicks Kraven in the face causing his spear to go flying and two of his rotten teeth to come flying out*
Kraven: *clutches broken jaw* You damn girl, I can't wait to dine on your flesh, tearing your legs apart like drum sticks. *chuckles* All signs of a good hunt.
Kitty Pryde: Well news flash Kraven I'm. Not. On. The. Menu *kicks Kraven sending him flying into a wall and having tons of bricks fall, trapping him completely with a single hand struggling to get out of the debris* If he wasn't undead, I would of called him a fucking pervert.
Emma Frost: *sarcastically* Sorry to break your train of thought Mrs. Pryde but I'm currently dealing with undead atrocities barely passing as Rhino and She-Hulk over here, any help you may be able to give I would gladly appreciate right now. *as Emma is saying this both the undead She-Hulk and Rhino are bagging on the barrier protecting Emma from these two undead freakshows*
Rhino: Come one you telepathic bitch, just drop the barrier's and let me feast on her shiny and delicate skin, it looks so tantalizing like a fine dessert.
She-Hulk: *punches Rhino in the jaw sending him flying into the wall* No!!!!! Diamond lady is She-Hulk's too eat, no one else's. IF YOU WANT HER YOU'LL HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME RHINO!!!!!!
Rhino: *cracks his jaw and shows a cold look of determination and hunger in his eyes* I'm gladly tear you limb from limb She-Hulk and the big bad Hulk ain't anywhere near us to come save your sexy ass. Oh if you weren't already undead I would love feasting on your flesh She-Hulk.
She-Hulk: If there's one thing I hate even more than being denied a meal.....ITS PERVERTS!!!!!!!
*She-Hulk and Rhino charge at one another with She-Hulk simply stopping Rhino by holding his single horn and using his own momentum against him She-Hulk simply throws Rhino out of the giant hole Emma and Colonel America made earlier and Rhino was launched at such a rate he became a twinkling star in the distance*
She-Hulk: Stupid perverted undead bastard. *turns back to Emma* Now where were we? *feels a tap on her shoulder and she turns around only to have her face collide with Kitty's foot*
Kitty Pryde: We were at the part where we kicked your green undead ass.
Emma Frost: She's only out momentarily Mrs. Pryde, let's get Y,N and Valeria and get back to the bunker.
Y,N: A little help would be great right now. *runs around Doc Ock's withering and broken tentacles*
Doctor Octopus: Stay still you damn bug, I want your flesh and I'll get it even if I have to rip your heart and watch you slowly bleed out.
Y,N: Huh and here I thought you undead horrors wanted your flesh fresh and hot from the human oven, not cold and tasteless like your brethen.
Doctor Octopus: *eyes narrow* Enough of your games Y,N, it's been educational but know my hunger demands I simply kill everyone off including my own teammate and those two interfering female zombies. *Doc Ock's tentacles take out several supporting pillars and the final tentacle grabs Kraven and both him and Doc Ock flee out the giant hole* I guess we'll just wait until you're good and dead then me and Kraven will come back once you're dead and not putting up anymore of a fight, and just to make sure you don't escape *grabs three cars with three of his tentacles and drops it in the hole, covering it up* I'll simply find flesh that's more defenseless and if I don't I'll know exactly where you are.
Y,N: *feels the entire tunnel collapsing under him, Kitty, Emma, and the returning Valeria* Shit, we need to find a way out now.
Black Widow: *shatters the ice with her Widow Stinger's* Nyet Y,N you and your fine females aren't going anywhere except with us, where you'll be the main feast at the Avenger's party. Now you can come quietly pieces. They'll understand when I bring back a bag of pices of human flesh.
Black Widow: Now She-Hulk back to your feet, tonight we're feasting on humans.....*looks down* She-Hulk?
She-Hulk: *gets back to her feet and the look in her eyes speaks only of hunger....and something else?*
Black Widow: Come on comrade She-Hulk, you should be happy we got four pristine humans, with hardly any cuts, bruises, or scratches.
She-Hulk: *her eyes immediately lock onto Valeria and remorse, guilt, and recollection flows through her like a damn erupting and suddenly her rage shifts towards Black Widow with her punch landing right in the middle of Natasha's gut taking the wind out of her and sending her flying into a wall*
Y,N: What....the....hell. She-Hulk are you free of the virus?
She-Hulk: No....Y,N it's me Jennifer....please *sobs* go....before She-Hulk takes control again....when she's in control, I can't stop her.....she's a murderous and hunger machine.
Jennifer: *looks down at Valeria and breaks into sobs of rage and happiness* Oh god Valeria I'm sorry for what I did to you and Franklin. I don't know you're alive and I know you probably hate me with every part of your being and I understand that.....but please know, I didn't want to eat Franklin and severely wound you.....I regret everything I've done except for letting you four go free. *sobs uncontrollably* Please just go.....before....before She-Hulk takes control and eats you like pigs.
Valeria: *slowly walks up to Jennifer before slowly giving her a hug with Jennifer being shocked all the way down to her broken soul* I understand none of this was of your own doing or choice Jennifer but you ate my brother, ate my only sibling....sometimes even my only friend. I may forgive you somewhat, but you'll always never be fully cleared of my well-earned and justified vengeance. What you did Jennifer was unforgivable but you didn't do it willingly for that I won't kill you right here, right now.
Jennifer: *nods in understanding* Thank.....thank you Valeria. *clutches her head and screams in pain* only have minutes.......go....never turn back.
*Y,N and his team run through the debris with Y,N and Emma clearing it as they run and they run past the ruins of Grand Central Station and run all the way back to their bunker, avoiding any and all stray zombies*
She-Hulk: I'M DISAPPOINTED WITH YOU JENNIFER, YOU BACKSTABBING MOUSY AND REMORSEFUL BITCH!!!!!!! * She-Hulk roars in anger, and picks up Black Widow before jumping out of the ruined subway tunnel and walks back to Avenger's Mansion in complete and utter rage at her....or well Jennifer's actions....that bitch's actions stopped her from getting a fine meal*
*Timeskip, Y,N's Bunker*
Y,N: Rogue open the vault door we're back and we got the objective.
Rogue: Oh god sugah' I'm so glad to hear your voice again. You went radio silent for almost 3 hours and I thought you became the zombie's next meal and it would be little old me on my own in this damn wasteland.
Emma Frost: We're back Rogue and you can open the vault door now, I rather not be stuck out here during night time. They get more active and dangerous during the night.
Kitty Pryde: You can say that again. Is it me or it's like the classic zombie formula? Where the dangerous and flesh hungry or brain eating zombies get more dangerous and ravenous at night.
Y,N: The more you think about it yeah it's kinda like a cliché zombie flick, except you know we're actually in damn hellscape with real life zombies not just actors in crazy suits or CGI monsters coming to eat our brains.
*The vault door then opens and all four survivors enter the high tech bunker with Valeria gasping and slightly taken aback at how technological advanced this place is compared to everything minus the Baxter Building Pre-Apocaylpse*
Valeria: This place...this place is fanstatic Y,N.
Y,N: Yep one of the last technological safehavens in the world. But I think it's time for everyone to take 5.
Emma Frost: You better mean by "take 5" you mean the entire damn night.
Y,N: Yeah that's what I meant.
Emma Frost: Well then with our mission done and Valeria in safe hands I'm going to bed.
Kitty Pryde: *yawn* Me too Y,N, I'm tired after nearly dying twice today, come on Valeria.
Valeria: *sighs* Fine Kitty *mumbles* just when I was getting used to the technology.
Y,N: Now I think the fun has only just begun. *shakes head before helping Rogue to bed and then going to bed himself, promising to contact Invisible Woman tomorrow*
*Elsewhere: The Ruins of Avengers Mansion*
She-Hulk: *drops off Black Widow in her broken down and bloodstained room, with her clearly being knocked out by that punch to the gut* *growls in rage before simply leaving the room*
She-Hulk: That was a dirty move Walters. *no response* Next time I see Y,N and his
merry" little harem I'll tear them apart limb by limb and drink their blood like a fine wine and devour their flesh like perfectly seasoned 5-star steak and there's nothing you can do to stop it Walters, not a damn thing.
Jennifer: Never, I'll find a way to stop you....I can promise you that.
She-Hulk: *chuckles* We'll see Walters....we'll see. *walks down the hallway with her reflection not being She-Hulk but that of Jennifer Walters*
*Elsewhere: Street above the Ruins of the Subway Tunnel*
????: Ah poor Colonel Ameirca, someone of your brilliance in the battlefield can't die to some sophisticated and stuck up bitch with a bad case of parent issues. *picks up the remains of Colonel America's brains* Huh only a fraction of your brain left, the rest is no good anymore, but this...this is the most important of all. This piece of the brain contains all of the wartime planning and experience pre-zombiefication. Meaning the body I place you in will think you're Colonel America be it female or male and retain all of his military experience. Perfect, perfect, perfect. I must go prepare the body now's time for you to be brought back....better than ever. *cackles* Let the experiment begin.
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you enjoyed the 2nd part to The Battle for Flesh and now you now have Valeria back at the bunker and can receive the necessary part from Invisible Woman and I hope all of you are excited for the future storylines coming very soon such as Colonel America and She-Hulk. However the next chapter will being entering Black Panther's kingdom and how he and his fellow heroes have survived for this long. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the long road to 1,000 Followers and the smaller road to 750 Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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