Chapter 5: The Battle for Flesh Pt.1
Hello and welcome back finally to The End of the World and the battle between Y,N's group and some of the heroes turned flesh-eating zombies is finally happening with Y,N, Emma Frost, and Kitty Pryde being forced to take on former friends in the forms of Black Widow, She-Hulk, and Colonel America, with the goal of protecting Valeria from these undead bastards and bitches. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV(Location: New York Subway System)
Colonel America: Now's time for my little secret *begins to take off his cloak but is launched into a wall by a powerful magical attack thanks to Emma Frost*
Emma Frost: *eyes narrowed and in a cold voice* We don't want to see any of your "secrets" you flesh-eating monster. You killed my parents, devoured them with no remorse and I'll avenge them. *her hands glow a bright blue* I'll send you right down to hell for your sins Colonel.
She-Hulk: *growls and roars* ENOUGH SMALL TALK, MY FOOD IS GETTING COLD *She-Hulk tries to attack but her arm is held by the tendrils of Hybrid/Y,N and she's thrown into a wall, which shatters into tiny pieces when she's thrown through it*
Hybrid: Don't you touch her monster. Or else you'll be getting a nice ass-kicking you'll be feeling for the rest of time. *cracks knuckles* Hell we may do that anyway as it would be funny seeing the formerly sensational She-Hulk have a giant red ass for the rest of her undead life. It would serve as a good contrast to your *cough* pale green skin.
She-Hulk: *growls in an animalistic rage* YOU'LL PAY FOR INSULTING SHE-HULK *She-Hulk launches herself at Hybrid and both of them go flying down the subway tunnel with both of them punching one another as they crash into a wall, with both still punching one another hardly phasing the other, with Hybrid climbing up the wall away from She-Hulk's savage strikes and launches several tendrils at her, all of them restraining her to the wall with her screaming and trying to bite Hybrid*
Hybrid: Don't go anywhere will you? *as Hybrid begins walking away, She-Hulk breaks the tendrils holding her and launches Hybrid through a wall and into the subway station, with Hybrid spitting out some blood* Nice strike.
*While Hybrid and She-Hulk continue their aggressive battle, Kitty is fighting for her life against Black Widow and Emma is sending magical and telepathic attacks against Colonel America.*
Black Widow: *sniffs the air* Ah yes you're so young, I love the young ones. *licks her lips* The young ones always taste the best, so full of life and energy. *tries blasting Kitty with her Widow Stingers but Kitty is able to phase through the blasts.* Will you stop moving cyka *she growls in rage* just give up and accept your defeat, maybe if you're lucky I'll let you become one of us.
Kitty Pryde: *roundhouse kicks Black Widow in the face* I'll never give up my humanity like you did Natasha. Huh I think you never had humanity and this seductive monster was the real you after all, the madness reveals the woman you are after all. I'm stronger than you Natasha and I'll never become one of you.
Black Widow: *pops her jaw back into place* Says the words of a great hero. I'll enjoy feasting on your flesh, who knows maybe my "heroism" will come back to me once I've devoured you whole.
Kitty Pryde: Not in your life.
Black Widow: Tell me that again once I've removed your head from your body. *lunges at Kitty, expecting to grab her and devour her, but momentarily forgetting in her hunger Kitty can phase and Natasha launched herself face first into a pillar* Good one molodoy, *cracks her neck* maybe I've gone a bit too easy on you. Not anymore *runs at Kitty with her mouth open wide, her sharp teeth glistening in the glow of bulbs*
Emma Frost: *yells* STAY STILL AND ACCEPT YOUR JUDGEMENT!!!!!! *launches several telepathic attacks at Colonel America, which sending him flying back even when he defends with his shield*
Colonel America: Jeez ma'am why are you so angry? It's not like I ate your parents or anything. Oh wait *smiles evilly* I did eat your parents, they tasted like a high end stake, I only wish I had some more.
Emma Frost: *grabs Colonel America with her telekinesis and launches him around the room like a pinball* Too bad you won't be getting it from me, you monster.
Colonel America: *chuckles* Everyone's a monster Mrs. Frost, the only difference between you and me is that I've given into my monstrous side, while you're still hanging onto some sense/semblance of hope, trying to imagine one day the world will go back to the way it was and mommy and daddy will be back with them.
Emma Frost: *gasps before her eyes glow a dark blue and in a near distorted voice she says* Die you undead bastard.
Colonel America: What? *Emma launches him through the subway tunnel launching him into the street and into a bunch of cars and taxis and then floating up to the street herself, smiling and laughing as she sees the zombified Colonel America try and get to his feet, struggling*
Emma Frost: How does it feel Colonel? *Stomps on him with her heeled boot* I said how does it feel Colonel?
Colonel America: *mumbles*
Emma Frost: Oh not up for conversation? *with her powers she launches Colonel America into the air and her hands glow dark blue and she throws a sharp blade made out of pure telepathic magic and the spell completely decapitates Colonel America with his body and head falling back down to New York City*
(A,N: The decapitation is like this, except it's a powerful telepathic attack that decapitates Colonel America in the setting of the apocalyptic New York City.)
Emma Frost: My parents have been avenged, you demonic monster. The sins you've committed will never be erased by your death will help them reach closure.
Colonel America: *Laughs* I never thought I would end up like this. I bet people like Deadpool are used to this all the time, but I always thought once I was beheaded it would be over for me, but no I've been dead for a long time, please kill me. I wish to be dead and not search for human flesh everyday and starve everyday and everyday be remembered of all the sins and unspeakable acts I've committed.
Emma Frost: For this one day I'll show you mercy and end your pathetic life. This obviously wasn't your own doing but you still did these atrocities. Goodbye Colonel.
Colonel America: *Whispers* Thank you.
Emma Frost: *with her telekinesis, lifts a steel spike and launches it through Colonel America's head, impaling him through the brain and killing him instantly.* May you find peace whenever you're sent be it Heaven or Hell.
(A,N: Just replace the skull with Colonel America's head)
Emma Frost: Time to finish off those other two demonic creatures.
*However Emma didn't know she was being watched*
???: *drools* Fresh meat.
???#2: She's the one. But look at that pristine meat, completely clean and with no dirt, grime, or blood anywhere on hear porcelain skin.
???#3: I'm hungry. I want human flesh and her flesh looks so good, so clean.
???: Let us go my simple minded undead meatbags. You zombified idiots will not be dragging my genius down into the cold, hard dirt. Now we got fresh meat underneath in the subway system let's go treat them to a night they won't forget.
*Meanwhile underneath the Subway*
Hybrid: *restrains She-Hulk with 10 tendrils, keeping her chained to the wall with her trying to snap and bite at Hybrid even though her entire body is chained and trapped*
Hybrid: Tempting offer but no. You'll be staying here until you eventually break out which will at least be a day or two. *yells too Kitty* Kitty you got our little Russian spy friend restrained?
Kitty Pryde: *ties Black Widow in some spare railroad spikes, thanks to some help with Valeria* Yep this little Russian minx won't be going anywhere for a long time. It'll take her days to escape by biting through the steel or a at least a day if our green undead juggernaut decides to rescue her.
Valeria: Yeah the scary monsters won't hurt us anymore right Kitty?
Kitty Pryde: Yeah these two won't be going anywhere anytime soon. We restrained them completely and the only thing that will rescue them is more undead and no other undead know we're down here.
Emma Frost: I'm back. Also Y,N consider this apart of your collection now *hands Y,N Colonel America's shield* he's dead now. Killed him with a steel spike through the head. *wipes the blood off of her gloves* I hate getting blood on my dress, it's so hard to wash off. But Colonel America is killed and I see our two other undead friends are completely immobile.
Hybrid: Yep our two "friends" here are completely restrained and won't be escaping for a long time, by the time we're gone they'll still be struggling.
Emma Frost: Good let us get out of here, especially since I made a giant hole when I fought Colonel America up there and any number of undead monstrosities can be climbing down.
Kitty Pryde: Let's get going then. We got to protect Valeria now, she's our top priority. *picks up Valeria and holds her close to her*
???: You're not leaving just yet, not when your flesh looks so delicious and maybe even nutrious.
*everyone turns around and sees three more zombies enter the fray, being the rotting undead corpses' of Doctor Octopus, Kraven the Hunter, and Rhino*
Doctor Octopus: And we're so hungry and you all look like such delicious deserts.
Kraven: Additionally we'll avenge our poor friend Mysterio.
She-Hulk: *trying to break the tendril restrains* NO YOU PUNT VILLAINS THIS IS SHE-HULK AND BLACK WIDOW'S FOOD!!!!!!
Rhino: Says the lady currently shackled to the wall.
She-Hulk: *growls, before snapping the tendrils and then quickly snapping the railroad spikes in two, freeing Black Widow* Now you puny villains leave, this is our meal and we're not keen to share.
Black Widow: Da finders, keepers.
Doctor Octopus: Too bad, so sad Black Widow and She-Hulk. You had your chance to devour these four delicious meals, but you failed. Now it's time for the superior undead beings to finish the job.
Hybrid: No one is eating us!!! Not today *gets in a defensive stance with Emma Frost and Kitty Pryde behind him, while Kitty demands Valeria block herself back in the side tunnel and she rushes in and does*
Rhino: No simple crates will stop the Rhino from consuming her.
Kitty Pryde: You'll have to get through us first.
Kraven: I'll enjoy devouring you.
Black Widow: You'll have to get through us first comrade. This was our prey and we'll be the one's eating them. Not some moochers like you.
Doctor Octopus: Who says the early bird always catches the worm? Sometimes the early bird gets shot by a hunter and another bird takes their spot. We'll be that lucky second bird.
Black Widow: Da, today we'll prove your little "saying" is wrong when we kick your zombified asses back to the dark hole you crawled out of. *cracks her knuckles*
Rhino: I'll crush your bones Widow. Turn them into paste, who knows maybe crushed bones will taste good alongside the flesh of the uninfected.
Kraven: Don't worry Rhino once we kill these zombies and then devour those delicious uninfected we'll find out if your theory is correct.
Emma Frost: I killed Colonel America, I'll send all of you down to Hell to great him.
*The Screen fades to black as the three teams stare down one another each one fighting for their own independent and vastly different goals. Will Y,N and his team make it out alive with Valeria? Or will one of those zombies be earning a late night snack? Find out in The Battle for Flesh Pt.2*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this first part and our extremely hyped for the part 2 coming soon and I hope you're ready for the other updates coming later today with the next update being for the Deadly Superhero which the chapter will be the start of the Arkham Asylum Arc. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the long road to 1,000 Followers and the smaller road to 750 Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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