Chapter 4: Grand Central Station
Hello and welcome back to The End of the World Story and oh boy do I got some great news to share with you all, I can't believe it but this story has captured #1 for Marvel Zombies, #3 for Harem, and #9 for Fantastic Four and it's thanks to all of you so I must thank all of you for giving this story the popularity it's earned and the time to give it a chance and enjoy the gorecific splendor and this is only the first update of the night with updates coming for a few other stories which I won't reveal yet. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Someone brought this up in the other chapter so I'm going to ask all of you guys and girls, should I genderbend Colonel America? I wasn't planning on doing it but I was wondering if you want me to genderbend him into a her or keep him as a guy? The choice is yours and you have until next chapter to make your votes in the comments below.
Y,N: It had taken a few hours of sneaking around some rogue zombies who were desperate for a tiny sliver of human flesh and while we did kill some, others we just let walk past us as we really weren't here for killing zombies, we were here for a rescue mission.
Emma Frost: *annoyed* Y,N would you please stop talking to yourself? I know we're in the apocalypse but I didn't peg you as the looney type, not yet at least.
Kitty Pryde: Yeah Y,N I really wouldn't consider you as crazy, especially when you're trying to work on the cure to this plague. We don't want some crazy person trying to cure this plague.
Y,N: *chuckles* Don't worry girls I'm not crazy, just informing the audience of our adventure.
Emma Frost: *raises eyebrow* Audience? What kind of joke is this?
Kitty Pryde: Yeah I don't see any "audience", nor do I see you holding any type of recording device.
Emma Frost: *whispers into Kitty's ear* I think he might of finally lost it. If he had it to begin with.
Kitty Pryde: *shrugs, before whispering back to Emma* I really don't mind, he may be a little crazy but he's still determined, kind-hearted, and sexy. All three things I look for in a man.
Emma Frost: It pains me but I do agree with you.
Kitty Pryde: Are you starting to grow a crush for our newest savior?
Emma Frost: *blushes slightly before regaining her cold demeanor* No, why would I ever love or grow a crush for a fool like him? He's going crazy which means sooner or later he's going to lose it and when he does I'll kill him if he dares to try and hurt any of us.
Kitty Pryde: *sigh* This apocalypse has really changed you Emma, sometimes I wonder if it's really you in there.
Emma Frost: I'm sorry Mrs. Pryde but that's the law of the land now "kill or be killed" there's no room for attachment or love. Because it's not long before either you or them gets bitten or eaten alive.
Y,N: *looks behind him* Girls are you keeping up? I don't want you falling behind and getting eaten.
Emma Frost: We'll continue this conversation later then Mrs. Pryde.
Kitty Pryde: Agreed. I'll show you there's more to this damn apocalypse than survival and killing.
Y,N: Well what were you two talking about?
Kitty Pryde: Girl stuff. Stuff you wouldn't understand.
Y,N: Oh. Well then, moving on. We're almost at Grand Central Station just a few more blocks and we'll be there.
Emma Frost: I hope no zombies are in there. I rather return back to the bunker quickly and I rather not get blood on my dress.
Y,N: Hopefully there won't be as Rogue did say most if not all of those zombies were at a "zombie party" hosted by Tony Stark.
Kitty Pryde: For some reason I don't think all of them went. Especially the heroes, as I feel we're being watched.
Y,N: Well if any zombie is following us then we'll wait until we get inside where we can silently kill them without alerting any more of the horde to our position. Plus I know three of them were following us for the last ten minutes.
Emma Frost: Impressive Y,N, but I knew they were trailing us for the past 15 minutes.
Kitty Pryde: Is this really a competition?
Emma Frost: Maybe.
Y,N: *over comms* Rogue we got company following us, those of the undead variety can you tell who it is?
Rogue: *over comms* Let's see sugah', hold on. Ah got you undead bastards. I see She-Hulk, Black Widow, and Colonel America. Good luck sugah's those three are some serious heavy hitters or very sneaky assassins/warriors. I would especially keep out for Black Widow she could be directly behind you and sneak her sharp teeth into your flesh and you wouldn't even know it before it's too late. Plus She-Hulk's brute strength could tear you guys apart limb by limb. Finally Colonel America's military experience has given him plenty of experience. But weirdly enough the good Colonel is covered in shadows like he doesn't want to be since. But either way I recommend caution, especially when it comes to these three. Good luck Sugah's I'll be in touch.
Y,N: Thanks Rogue we will, stay safe we'll be back shortly.
Rogue: I will sugah' this is Rogue out.
Kitty Pryde: Well what are we waiting for? For the grass to grow? Let's get going.
*Y,N transforms into Hybrid*
Hybrid: We rather be safe than sorry.
Emma Frost: Let's get this over and done with.
*Our three heroes walk inside the old, abandoned, and overgrow ruins of Grand Central Station once a bustling place of rush and speed has become a shadow of it's former glory becoming nothing more than a haunting reminder of the past*
Hybrid: *whistles* This place has sure seen better days.
Emma Frost: *sarcastically* You think? What a keen observation Y,N.
Kitty Pryde: Cut him some slack Emma even I get a little emotional when it comes to stuff like this. It reminds me of our failure to defeat the undead and humanity's and therefore mutants fall from grace and finding ourselves no longer on top of the pecking order.
Emma Frost: *coldly* You two get way too emotional for nothing more than an elaborate subway station.
Hybrid: Well it was more than that in its hay day.
Emma Frost: Y,N that "hay day" was a little less than five months ago.
Hybrid: Well that's pretty long for New York time.
Kitty Pryde: He's got you there Emma.
Emma Frost: *mumbles* Let's just go find the damn child.
*Hybrid, Emma, and Kitty make their way down to the abandoned and nearly collapsing subway tunnels and begin looking around for even the tiniest bit of blonde hair*
Hybrid: Valeria!!!! Are you here? We were sent here by your mother.
Emma Frost: How hard will it be to find one child? Also could you please not yell Y,N, unless you want to get overrun by an endless amount of flesh hungry monsters, who will end our mission before we even find the girl.
Kitty Pryde: Will both of you keep your mind on the mission. Emma you and me are former X-Men and Y,N is a former Avenger. I think we're more than ready to find a child and bring them to safety.
Hybrid: We remember though that this is the child of Reed Richards and Susan Storm, meaning this child is very intelligent and has probably booby trapped the entire tunnel or at least created a few traps. We advice caution. Extreme caution.
Kitty Pryde: Got it Y,N we'll keep an eye out. Right Emma?
Emma Frost: Sure, sure I'll look out for some string attached to a brick.
Hybrid: We thought the first thing at first but Valeria is a very smart girl and could potentially take all three of us out without a fight.
Emma Frost: I highly doubt that but I'll keep that in mind Y,N. I recommend we spilt up to cover more ground.
Kitty Pryde: That sounds like a terrible idea. Sure it "covers more ground" but it makes us more defenseless to those zombies if we're not at full strength.
Emma Frost: *sigh* Fine we'll stick together, just know we'll be here for longer.
*Hybrid, Emma, and Kitty search the tunnels avoiding all kinds of clever and ingenious traps and devices some of which almost killed them until they finally made their way to what looked like a but together fort blockading a side tunnel*
Hybrid: *Whispers* Hello Valeria are you in there? We were sent here by your mother, to find you and bring you back to our bunker. See wants you to be safe and protected from this damn wasteland.
Valeria: *scared* H-H-H-Hello are you not infected? Are you know not a terrifying flesh eating demonic monster?
Hybrid: No we're not one of those zombies we're all clean. Me, Emma, and Kitty have traveled a long way from our bunker to find you and bring you back safely.
Valeria: *excited* Wait did you say Kitty? As in Kitty Pryde?
Hybrid: Why yes she's here with us.
Kitty Pryde: Yes it's me Valeria. I know it's been awhile but I'm alive.
*Suddenly the barricade falls apart with the pieces neatly arranging themselves and outsteps a girl no younger than 7 or 8 with very worn out clothes and dirty unkept blonde hair but with bright blue eyes full of hope*
Valeria: *excited with tears falling from her eyes* KITTY!!!!!!!! *Hugs Kitty tightly* KITTY IT IS YOU!!!!! *Valeria is crying clearly, tears falling from her eyes in happiness* I thought you died during one of those ground battles against the undead.
Kitty Pryde: No I nearly was one of those monsters but me and Rogue we're saved by Mrs. Frost then in turn all three of us were saved by Y,N here.
Hybrid: Hello little one we are Hybrid A.K.A. Y,N L,N. Nice to meet you. You're mother talked very highly about you.
Valeria: She always did. I'm glad you guys found me before one of those monsters did.
???: I wouldn't count your delicious flesh until it's torn off your corpse.
*All four of them turn around to see the undead monsters that are Black Widow, She-Hulk, and Colonel America*
Colonel America: I must thank you four soldiers, for deactivating those vicious traps that little bitch set up. But it must please you that all four of you are going to die for your country. Or at least die for your country's biggest idol. *smiles showing his sharp and jagged teeth*
She-Hulk: She-Hulk say enough with the pleasantries, why show manners to a meal? Especially one that's going to go right into She-Hulk's mouth. *Starts drooling* They look so delicious, so ripe, so clean, so juicy.
Black Widow: Da for once I agree with the green beast. It's time to eat finally and I'm hungry. I call dibs on the White Queen. Colonel you get the Symbiote, and She-Hulk you get the kitty cat all to yourself. Then we'll have the little girl for desert. Let's get feasting comrades, I'm hungry.
Colonel America: Sounds like a most excellent plan Nat. I can't wait to tear their limbs off one by one and eat them like Turkey sticks, now that's American.
She-Hulk: She-Hulk has enough of waiting, she's hungry. She wants to eat. NOW. LET ME HAVE FLESH.
Colonel America: Let's get started but before we do *takes off his black robe covering his face and entire body revealing.......*
*The screen fades to black as the words TO BE CONTUINED THIS WEEKEND appear as the two sides stand off against one another*
And that's a wrap and yes I know it's a cliffhanger but that's because due to this brand new poll that sprung up and now the reveal could go one of two ways with the decision is now in all of your hands as we could get two very different sides happening, but it's up to you guys and girls to decide how this goes down. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the face and join the Broski Army as we're on the long road to 1,000 Followers and the smaller road to 500 Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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