Chapter 3: The Search Begins
Hello and welcome back to The End of the World and we're finally at the long awaited 3rd Chapter and this will be the lone update of tonight with more coming soon and yes the search for Valeria Richards is on and this is the first major story arc and I hope all of you are hyped for this chapter as I can tell all of you love this story. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Invisible Woman POV
Invisible Woman: Ok, ok Y,N's on the case now. I won't have to worry about my baby girl getting devoured by me or Reed or Johnny or Ben. God I hope Y,N finds her in time, I don't want my baby girl becoming someone's lunch, that bitch She-Hulk won't get her not again, I'll make sure of it.
Susan: Would you please stop talking to yourself? People will think you're crazy *laughs like a maniac* Just because you won't tell Reed or Johnny or Ben doesn't mean I won't. When I take control I'll inform Reedie-poo of everything you've done and he'll be banging Y,N's door before the sun rises. You're little dream hubbie will be dead before you even get the chance to propose. It'll be so much fun.
Invisible Woman: You're not going to tell Reed or his band of circus freaks.
Susan: Why not? What's going to stop me? You?
Invisible Woman: Yes.
Susan: How so? I would love to hear.
Invisible Woman: *goes silent for a few seconds before Susan shuts and screams in pain as her part of the mind is attacked and brutally getting taken over by Sue's half*
Susan: *screams* STOP!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! THE PAIN!!!!
Invisible Woman: *says in a whisper* Now you know how those innocent people felt, those families you ripped apart, the children you ate without remorse. I'm sending you directly their terror, rage, sorrow, despair, misery, sadness, depression, and every other negative emotion they felt. It's a hell of your own making. Now you won't tell Reed or his "merry little gang" or I'll amply this little attack by tenfold.
Susan: *gulp* Y-Y-Y-Yeah partner. I understand.
Invisible Woman: Good. Time to go back "home". More like a prison. *Sue walks home knowing the verbal lashing she'll get from Reed and praying for it to be over quick this time*
Y,N POV(The Next Morning)
Y,N: I feel surprisingly refreshed and ready for our newest adventure.
Rogue: What adventure sugah'?
Y,N: *sheepishly* Oh yeah I forgot to inform you three we got a rescue mission. One Valeria Richards.
Kitty Pryde: *shocked* Wait a minute Y,N I was there when Sue told me she and Franklin died, it was one of the main things that sent Mister Fantastic off the deep end of the zombie pool. If is wasn't for their deaths just maybe things could of turned out differently.
Y,N: Well I got word from a reliable source that Valeria is somewhere near Grand Central Station, she's underground but still somewhere near there.
Emma Frost: *coldly* And who's this "reliable source" you speak so highly of? I want to know who gave this "little tip" to you before we go anywhere. I'm not laying my life down for a simple hunch and not any concrete evidence.
Y,N: *Mumbles something*
Rogue: What was that sugah'?
Y,N: The reliable source was from Invisible Woman herself.
Y,N: I know that and I was safe about that. I never opened the vault door and she was actually herself. I can tell she deeply cares for Valeria and wants to see her safe and sound. There's no place safer than where we are right now and even though she's infected, she wants to make sure her daughter is safe. From her, from Reed and his band of circus freaks, and from this entire damn wasteland.
Kitty Pryde: *sigh* While I don't agree with your methods of getting the "reliable sources" Y,N. I do agree we should check this out and make sure if Valeria is alive, she's safe here and not someone's lunch out there. While the X-Men may be dead we won't or at least I won't stand by and let an innocent girl die on my watch. Whatever happens Y,N I'm in, come hell or high water.
Rogue: I would love to come sugah' but I still need to heal up from our fight against those "terrifying three" I think I sprained my ankle, and please don't worry I didn't get bit both your medical robots and Emma herself checked me and no scratches or bites were made. I think I just sprained my ankle. Giver me a few days, maybe a week to heal up and I'll be back up and ready sugah'.
Emma Frost: *coldly* I definitely don't agree where you got this information from Y,N but it is an innocent and while I don't care about other human life besides my own, Kitty's, and Rogue's. This is a young child after all and a powerful child to add onto that. So for this mission I'll join you and Mrs. Pryde. Plus that girl does remind me of myself when I was at a young age and what better teacher than me?
Rogue: She is an amazing teacher sugah' and I can't believe she's actually going with you two on a rescue mission. Well either way you two have fun and I'll keep an eye on all the remaining CCTV cameras that are still up and keep an eye on you guys as you make your way through the city. I'll stay on the comms at all times and inform you if I see any zombies near your area.
Y,N: Let's get going then. We got a girl to find and bring her back here. The quicker we finish this, the sooner we'll be back here safely.
Emma Frost: For you're sake Y,N I hope she's alive. Or this entire mission will be pointless and we'll probably end up dead.
Kitty Pryde: With that amazing pep talk out of the way. Let's get going.
Y,N: It's a road trip then.
Rogue: I wish you all the best of luck sugah'. I'll keep an eye on the monitors for you and alert you if anything bad happens including the undead banging on our door or try and sneak attack you. One Above All knows those things are sneak little undead abominations.
Emma Frost: Let's get going then. I want this over quickly. I rather not get blood on my nice outfit.
*Timeskip:Central Park*
Y,N: Keep to the shadows. We don't when or where these zombies could show up. They could be anywhere and everywhere. So be very careful. *over comms* Rogue any sighting's of Zombies near our location.
Rogue: Not yet sugah'. But there's a huge gathering over by Avengers Mansion so I would advise to stay away from their at all costs. It seems like Iron Man is hosting a giant party and everyone is invited, both heroes and villains. For what reason I don't know but most definitely it ain't good for any of us.
Kitty Pryde: I don't see anything either Y,N. Unless someone's got chameleon based power we're safe. These bastards are usually straight forward when it comes to attacking, especially when they're hungry. We find out after awhile the hungrier they are the less rational and smart they become. Soon enough being reduced to nothing but simple cavemen when their hungry reaches maximum.
Emma Frost: As ineloquently as Mrs. Pryde she's right, that's what happens to those soulless monsters when they get hungry. The more hungry they get, the dumbed they become, soon enough letting animalistic instincts control them until they get their human flesh they crave.
*Our three heroes continue trekking through the overgrow jungle known as Central Park seeing how polluted and green the lake had become overtime die the bloodshed and murder those zombies committed at this exact spot. As dumbly enough the National Guard had decided to set up camp here and when the zombies showed up most of them died not knowing the true power these zombies possessed and was at their desposial.*
*Three undead figures watch our three heroes from the shadows*
???: Colonel I want their flesh, they look so delicious. I spy with my little russian eye a White Queen, a Shadowcat, and a former Avenger. What a collection of fine flesh to chew down on. Like the perfect cocktail of huamnity all rolled into three perfect lifeforms. I call dibs on the White Queen I also wanted to hear that bitch squeal and now I can when I dine on her flesh.
???#2: Keep it down soldier we don't want our dinner running away. While Stark is busy throwing his little "party" the three of us will get all the spoils. We'll all get equal rations got it She-Hulk?
She-Hulk: She-Hulk don't give damn what tiny soldier man think. She-Hulk takes as much as she wants, and there's nothing solider man and russian agent can do to stop She-Hulk.
???: I still can't believe your zombification turned you truly into a female Hulk.
She-Hulk: She-Hulk smarter than Hulk. Prettier and more seductive too. She-Hulk still have skin intact as well.
???: So do I dumbass.
She-Hulk: She-Hulk not dumbass, little spider.
???#2: Will you two privates quit it. We don't want the enemy to get away from us while you two are here bickering. We're zombies damnit and zombies don't bicker. They consume. And I'll getting rather hungry right now. So are you two with me or not?
Black Widow: Da I'm in Colonel. I haven't ate in weeks and I'm starving, I'm starting to lose my mind just seeing those walking fleshbags just walk away with us.
She-Hulk: She-Hulk is in as well, She-Hulk want flesh I'll tear off their limbs and eat them like drumsticks and stupid naïve Jennifer Walters won't get involved, not this time.
Colonel America: Then let's get going soldiers. We got rations just walking away. Free meat is up for grabs and we're going to get it all to ourselves. I also heard there's a little girl they're going to rescue, which means four fleshbags for the taking and all to ourselves ladies. We'll follow them for now and wait until they find the girl, then we'll strike and eat all four of them. Just have a little more patience.
Black Widow: Da Colonel I can wait a few more hours to eat, but once they find the girl I get first pickings for food.
She-Hulk: What is child's name? She-Hulk wants to know.
Colonel America: I believe it was a girl named Valeria Richards. I don't know why that sounds so familar.
*Remorse and recollection appears in She-Hulk's eyes*
Black Widow: She-Hulk are you ok? We're going to eat, aren't you happy?
She-Hulk: She-Hulk is fine, just something got in her eye. She-Hulk is ready to eat and devour walking fleshbags.
Colonel Ameirca: Good. Now let's get moving soldiers. Now's the perfect feeding time and we don't want our nice fresh flesh to go cold now do we?
*Colonel America, Black Widow, and She-Hulk jump from the building and closely yet quietly follow behind Y,N, Emma Frost, and Kitty Pryde*
*The screen fades to black as inside the side tunnel Valeria is located in she's still crying and whimpering for "mommy" and "for someone to come rescue her from this horrible place" and she doesn't know her saviors are coming on their way but unknown hostiles are following right behind them, their only intent is to devour all four of them.*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you enjoyed Chapter 3 and the first chapter of the Rescuing Valeria Arc and this arc will conclude in either Chapter 5 or 6, so be prepared for Chapter 4 which will be about finding Valeria somewhere inside the Subway, while Chapter 5 will be about the heroes and the zombies finally coming head to head as Y,N, Emma Frost, and Kitty Pryde while be dealing with the zombified She-Hulk, Colonel America, and Black Widow. Don't forget to Hit the Follow Button in the face and join the Broski Army as we're on the long road to 1,000 Followers and the smaller road to 500 Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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