Chapter 2: A Deadly Agreement

Hello and welcome back to The End of the World and this is the highly anticipated 2nd Chapter and I hope all of you are hyped and this'll be the final update of the night so I hope all of you enjoy it massively as I've seen you massively enjoy this story currently and don't worry as other fan favorite stories will be getting their updates very soon, sometime in the near future. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Invisible Woman POV 

Invisible Woman: *wakes up in a cold sweat* VALERIA!!!!!!!!! Oh god my baby girl is alive, but I thought She-Hulk had devoured her. *walks up to a broken and cracked mirror seeing her blood red eyes, her pale skin, her sharp teeth, and her disgusting, tangled, and dry hair which at this point had lost most of if not all of it's previous life* My baby girl would hate me for what I've become. That bastard Richards did this to me, he lost his fucking mind and turned me into this. 

*Flesh, I want flesh, give me food, I hunger Sue*

Invisible Woman: *shouts into the mirror* SHUT UP SUSAN!!!!!!

Susan: There's no point in yelling Sue, I'm you and you're me. Just because you locked away a piece of your humanity doesn't mean you're better than the rest of us. You're a murderer, a cannibal, a monster. Just as bad as our wonderful husband. 

Invisible Woman: Reed's a monster. 

Susan: Then what are you?

Invisible Woman: A victim. 

Susan: What about those innocent civilians you killed? Or the families you devoured and sank your teeth into their succulent flesh. Children's flesh is the best, so young, so sweet. I'm already drooling at the thought. I wish it was us who had devoured Franklin and Valeria not that green bean She-Hulk. 

Invisible Woman: *crying* You're a monster. 

Susan: Well I'm you and you're me. That makes you a monster as well. Face it Sue we're unredeemable. 

Invisible Woman: *sobbing* No. 

Susan: What?

Invisible Woman: *she stops sobbing and now has a determined look in her face* Valeria's alive you bitch. 

Susan: *drools* I can't wait to eat her. Let's go partner. We got succulent child flesh to consume, my favorite. Even though it does go to my thighs.  

Invisible Woman: No. We're not going. I won't let you consume my only daughter you monster.

Susan: *in a cold and emotionless voice* You don't control me Sue, just like I don't control you. Whatever I saw goes and when I get control of the body again we're finally her and I'm going to sink my teeth into her head and then devour her.  

Invisible Woman: I won't let you. Just like I won't let that bastard Reed or Johnny or Ben eat my baby girl. 

Susan: You can't stop me Sue, whatever you do or did I can do even better. Goodbye for now, I need my beauty sleep before I dine on my daughter's flesh. 

Invisible Woman: *hugging herself and looking in the mirror* I-I-I need to stop her. I won't let her eat Valeria. I can't. I failed you once Valeria but not again, nothing will stop me from making sure you're protected. Not even that son of a bitch Reed or his lackies. *A metaphorical lightbulb flashes over her head* I know who will be able to find my baby girl and keep her safe. Time to give a specific heroic symbiote a visit. 


Y,N: *Staring at his monitors* I'm so *yawn* tired. But I made sure the girls fall asleep first. They deserve the sleep after what they've been through. 

*suddenly one of the cameras goes static making Y,N wake back up and he looks through the camera and sees a hooded figure standing at the vault door trying to open it with what seemed like telekinesis.*

Y,N: *Huff* Damn Zombies. I got this *grabs his Plasma Shotgun and walks towards the vault door and looks to see who it is via the facial scanner*

Invisible Woman: Y,N it's me Sue. I know I'm infected but I need your help. I understand if you won't open the door but please hear me out. My baby girl Valeria is somewhere alive at there, in this damned wasteland. I want her safe and there's nowhere safer than here and I promise not to tell anyone, I can control myself when it comes to you and Valeria. But I want my baby girl to be safe and I don't trust myself when it comes to protecting her and continue being a mom for her. I want you to find her and protect her, from me, from that bastard Reed, from this damn wasteland. Please do this for me, I want my baby girl to survive and have a bright future, one that doesn't involve me, Reed, Johnny, or Ben. Will you please do this favor for me?

Y,N: *Y,N thinks for a second and is in deep thought before sighing* I'll help you Sue. While you may be a zombie you still care for Valeria and want to see her safe and protected. I promise I'll find her and make sure she has a bright future. Do you have any ideas where she is? 

Invisible Woman: *thinks for a second* From the vision I got, she's somewhere cold and alone, there was a railroad and a subway. She might be somewhere near the old subway system or maybe even Grand Central Station. I'm sorry if that's not a lot of information Y,N but it's all I got before I woke up. Don't even question why I need sleep, I just wanted to and I did, you know to feel a little human. Additionally if you find and protect Valeria, I'll get the chemical compound you need from the Baxter Building. 

Y,N: *Shocked* How did you!?!?!??!

Invisible Woman: *giggles* Mind Reading remember?

Y,N: *Calms back down* Oh yeah right. I just haven't seen you in forever Sue so I kinda forgot. 

Invisible Woman: It's ok Y,N. Sometimes I forget I still have these powers. 

Y,N: I know what you mean Sue, But I'll search and make sure Valeria is safe and sound, safe from Reed and his band of freaks and any other undead bastard that dares to touch a single piece of hair on her head. 

Invisible Woman: Thank you Y,N, you know I always loved you and I wish sometimes I wasn't infected as right now I really want to be with you. Both because I love you and secondly because Reed's being the most micromanaging, control freak, bastard. If only I wasn't like this, sometimes I wish I had read Reed's mind, I wish I knew that he was going down the funhouse slide into madness, but that's in the past now. But just know Y,N I love you and please tell my baby girl once you find her I love her as well. Goodbye for now Y,N I must leave before Reed tracks me here or she wakes up and makes me attack you and your home. Goodbye for now Y,N. I'll be in touch. *Invisible Woman turns invisible and walks off into the nighttime silently crying to herself both in sadness and happiness, happy for knowing Y,N will find her baby girl and make sure she's safe and sound, but in sadness as she wished she was able to be with Y,N and hold his hand and maybe even marriage as she, Y,N, and Valeria could be but no she was a monster but at least a monster with a mind and she walked off back to the ruins of the Baxter Building* 

Y,N: Looks like we got a child to find and bring her back here safely. We'll wait until morning as the zombies always get more rowdy at night. For now it's time to go to bed and get some rest. Starting tomorrow I'll inform Rogue, Kitty, and Emma. With their help finding Valeria should be easy peesy. I just hope she's still alive. But is Sue telling the truth? Does she truly love me and wish she was with me instead of being a monster with Reed? Or is this all just a giant game that leads to an ambush? Sue I hope you're telling the truth and this is not some ambush. *Y,N walks down to the beds and he sees Emma, Kitty, and Rogue all cuddled up in their own beds and Rogue snoring lightly while the other two were silent the only indications they were sleeping was their rising and falling chests/stomachs.* 

*Y,N slowly got into his bed and slowly drifted off into the land of dreams, hoping that what Sue had said was true and hoping Valeria was alive and just some dream Sue had.* 

*The screen fades to black as Y,N enters the world of dreams and we cut to a little girl with blonde hair and worn out clothes crying herself to sleep in an abandoned and fortified subway tunnel she locked herself away in and hoping anybody not infected will come rescue her.*

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you enjoyed the  chapter and are hyped for the 3rd Chapter which will begin the hunt for Valeria and I hope all of you like this storyline as this'll continue for chapter 3 and 4 and this'll be the first major story arc in this story and don't worry more updates will be coming later and Chapter 3 will also be coming very soon. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the face and join the Broski Army as we're on the long road to 1,000 Followers and the smaller road to 500 Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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