Chapter 1: New Faces
Hello and welcome to the 1st Chapter of The End of the World and we're finally past Marvel Zombies: Dead Days and we're now going to the originality part of the Story and I hope all of you are hyped and excited for this chapter and if we're lucky the 2nd Chapter may also be coming out today as well. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Chapter as we got some special changes that we'll be bringing in later on.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV(Four months later)
Y,N: Log 106
Computer: Beginning Log sir.
Y,N: Thanks Computer.
Computer: You're welcome sir. Recording started.
Y,N: The infection has been going on for four months now. I haven't left this bunker since the "incident". It's become my home for this past few months and I couldn't ask for anything better as this place is a safe if not more so than Fort Knox and the Pentagon put together. This place has everything I could of asked for in the apocalypse. A lab, a repair bay, a garage, sleeping quarters, a swimming pool, a gym, a kitchen, a giant pantry with food that never expires, a garden, and enough fuel in the generators to last me centuries. But there's one thing I lack which I want but is nearly unattainable and that's companionship, love, friendship. There's no one here but me in this underground safe haven. Sometimes it gets dark and cold down here all by myself, but that's life. The infection has gotten almost everyone I knew and only pockets of humanity remain alive and not eaten or infected by the Hunger virus. I know some of my superhero buddies have survived the virus, as I've heard words that Black Panther has formed a group of superheroes and mutants on Liberty Island and the Island is protected by some sort of Vibranium shield which is how no zombie has gotten in there yet. Besides that new development the cure has been going slowly I was able to find the require chemical compound from the broken down and abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier which nearly cost me my own life when Zombie Beast nearly took a chunk out of my left shoulder. If I want to find and collect the other chemical compounds I'm going to need a team or at least more than myself as those monsters are relentless, they don't stop unless you kill them with a shot to the head, specifically the brain. This is Superhero Y,N L,N A.K.A. Hybrid signing out and I hope anyone that's not infected can hear me. I hope I'm not alone in this damned wasteland. Computer end recording.
Computer: Recording ended. Log 106 is stored in archives for future viewing.
Y,N: *gets up from the monitoring system/computer* I hope I'm not alone in this world. Besides Black Panther's settlement on Liberty Island there's no other signs of human life in New York City.
Computer: Sir I have found three alive lifeforms on one of my scanners.
Y,N: *Shocked and hopeful* REALLY?!?!?!?!? Where!!!!!
Computer: Near this very underground bunker. At least 20 yards give or take. They are almost on top of us.
Y,N: How many are there???
Computer: 3 female's sir. The oldest looks about 29, while the other two look at least 22-23. Right up your alley sir. They look like mutants.
Y,N: Mutants? They're alive? And they're female? Most interesting, time to suit up.
Computer: Good luck sir.
Y,N: When it comes to this world there is no luck Computer but thanks anyway.
*Y,N opens the bunker door and immediately shoots a civilian zombie in the head*
Y,N: Poor bastard, looks like he wasn't killed all the way and turned into a zombie.
*Y,N runs through the ruined streets close to his bunker before hearing an ongoing fight and he looks and sees his three un-infected females battling and fighting an undead and zombified Doctor Octopus, Mysterio, and Kraven the Hunter*
???: This is getting a little hard Emma.
Emma: Don't give up yet Mrs. Pryde. We're X-Men and we're not going to lose to three of Spider-Man's enemies.
???#2: Jeez sugah's this is getting a little too intense. Back in life these bastards would go down without a fight, but now these guys get back up from anything we throw at them.
Doctor Octopus: So hungry, I want FLESH *Launches his octo-arms at Emma before she uses some kind of telekinesis and throws him into a building causing him to crushed under the debris*
Mysterio: Nice one mutant bitch, but you will not stop the great and mysterious Mysterio from getting his meal. He demands your human flesh and I'll get it anyway I can.
*The girl with brunette hair that runs all the way to her upper back roundhouse kicks Mysterio causing one of his rotten and jagged teeth at fall out and he falls to the ground clutching his jaw and is attempting to pop it back in place*
Kraven the Hunter: The hunt is on and I'll have your flesh in my mouth and on my wall. *throws several daggers at the brunette girl with a single white streak in her hair and she dodges it before running up and punches the zombie square in the face causing some of his teeth to fall out and the blonde then launches the Zombified Kraven into a different building which causes additional debris to fall on top of him*
Emma: *wipes some sweat off her face* See girls I told you X-Men always win especially over these imbeciles additionally no one will besmirch the beauty of the White Queen.
???#2: You really think highly of yourself sugah'.
Emma: Rogue why do you have a southern accent?
Rogue: It's just something you pick up sugah'. But I can stop if you want.
Emma: That would be appericated. I rather not be in the apocalypse with an annoying person.
Kitty Pryde: Did both of you forget I'm still here?
Emma Frost: Not at all Mrs. Pryde but I do address caution and that we get out of here very soon, before more of those soulless monsters appear and try to make us their lunch.
Y,N: *reveals himself from the shadows* Then you might want to come with me. I watched your entire fight with the Zombified Terrifying Three. *The three girls get into a defensive stance* Woah I'm friendly, plus if I was one of them don't you think I would attack you from behind not talk to you civilly?
Emma Frost: He does strangely have a point. If he was one of those hellspawns he would of attacked us from behind and be sneaky not be all "hello neighbor".
Kitty Pryde: I agree with Emma if he was one of those monsters he would of attacked us from behind or come charging at us like some sort of Football player.
Rogue: Usually I would be the first or second person to accept a brand new face around here sugah', but it's a little creepy you were watching us the entire time and not helping your fellow survivors well survive.
Y,N: Oh don't worry they wouldn't of eaten you.
Emma Frost: What do you mean by that Mr.?
Y,N: Y,N.
Emma Frost: Well Mr. Y,N why don't you tell us why these creatures wouldn't of eaten us.
Y,N: Simple I would of torn their heads off.
Kitty Pryde: Huh? What do you mean by all accounts you look like a normal civilian *whispers* a cute innocent civilian, one that looks very sexy.
Y,N: I'll not just some simple innocent civilian, no my hero identity before all of this started was....Hybrid.
Rogue: *gasp* What you're the guy that beat up Abomination, Pyro, Blob, Crossbones, Taskmaster, Vulture, Shocker, and the Masters of Evil at once?
Y,N: Yep that's me.
Emma Frost: Wait a minute you're the guy that somehow managed to beat Professor X in a game of chess not once, but twice.
Y,N: *Scratches the back of his head* Yeah that was me. Well I would love to stay and chat we better be going especially since those undead monsters will be here any moment.
Emma Frost: Wait.
Y,N: Huh?
Emma Frost: No witnesses *Emma uses her telekinesis to lift a piece of sharp metal debris and launches into right into Mysterio's brain, making his body flop down and die with blood and brain tissue pouring from the giant wound in his head*
Kitty Pryde: *almost barfs* That was...that was hardcore Emma.
Emma Frost: *turns to Kitty* Well Mrs. Pryde the new law of the land is kill or be killer and rather not be someone else's lunch. Plus if we left him alive those other monsters could find us if he follows us. Now we can go. *puts one of her hands on Y,N's left shoulder* Where to Y,N?
Y,N: *Blushes brightly making Emma smile and making Kitty and Rogue jealous* Well follow me, my bunker is not far from here.
Rogue: *Holds onto Y,N's other shoulder while Kitty grabs his left hand* Great let's get going sugah' I could use a good shower, as you can tell there's no 5 star hotels in this wasteland and even if there was they're currently at full capacity with zombies or dead skeletons.
Y,N: True, let's get going.
Y,N: Welcome to my humble abode. *He flips the light switch showing the girls the lab, repair bay, and monitoring station*
Emma Frost: Wow this place is incredible Y,N.
Rogue: Incredible? This place is....AWESOME. Much better than our last residence. That was filled with zombies and dead bodies.
Kitty Pryde: This is the best safe house/bunker I've seen in my life. This place has everything. What exactly is here Y,N?
Y,N: This place has almost everything you need to survive the apocalypse including a scientific lab, a monitoring station/recording station, a gym, a swimming pool, a sleeping quarters with showers included, an infirmary, a garage, a garden, a kitchen with a gigantic pantry, and the generator room. Enough to last a century, this place was built for nuclear Armageddon, plus that giant door I closed no one is getting through unless we open the door as that door was built to stop the likes of the Hulk or the Juggernaut. Nothing is coming through there.
Rogue: That's incredible. We really got a home here sugah'. Do you mind if we stay? We don't know how long but hopefully there's no rent here.
Y,N: No you can stay here as long as you need or want, I would actually recommend you stay here since this place is much safer than anything out there, and no there's no rent to live here is free.
Kitty Pryde: Great to hear we'll start getting everything we have unpacked right away, which is not a lot in all aspects.
Emma Frost: I don't know about you people but I need a nice long shower. I don't really like blood on my face anyway as I still have class unlike those demonic creatures. *walks to go take a shower*
Y,N: Is she always like that?
Rogue: What? A stuck up bitch? She gets like that sometimes it's just part of her personality. She gets very entitled at times due to her background and where she came from. She's is or was a daughter of the Frost's meaning she got pretty much everything handed to her on a silver platter since the day she was born. But she's a nice and understanding if manipulative and seductive person once you get to know her.
Y,N: She sounds like a great person to hang around.
Kitty Pryde: That's not the half of it, you should of seen here before the infection she was worse back then than she is now. She's more humble and levelheaded since this entire thing started as money no longer meant anything when dealing with those soulless monsters that only want human flesh.
Y,N: Hopefully we can help her crack the rest of her icy personality.
Rogue: Good luck with that sugah' we tried that for years and only barely scratched the surface. No one knows the real Emma Frost besides Emma herself.
Y,N: Sounds lie the rabbit hole goes really deep with her personality.
Kitty Pryde: Sometimes yeah. But when it comes to me and Rogue we're both pretty optimistic and cheerful compared to Emma, but don't let our kind, warm, friendly, and loving personalities fool you we can become serious and deadly if need be. But I think here we'll be able to show our true personalities again.
Y,N: Sounds like a plan, well I'll welcome you two and by extension Emma to my humble abode, welcome to salvation or at least peace and relaxation.
Rogue: Finally at last Sugah' we've been pretty much everywhere in New York City since the start of this damned apocalypse.
Kitty Pryde: Essentially we've been everywhere since the beginning of the infection me and Rogue were originally on the Helicarrier and apart of the resistance during a ground battle against the zombies me and Rogue got separated from everyone else and we ran the zombies right on our heels, I swear I could feel their breath on the back of my neck and I thought that was the end before a giant steel beam hit all of the zombies and sent them flying and that's when me and Rogue came face to face with our savior Emma Frost, from what we know the zombies devoured her parents and almost ate Emma but she used her telekinesis to slam the zombies off the skyscraper she and her parents were on and that day I swear something within in her snapped or at least bent as she became cold to almost everyone and when she saved us from being devoured by our former allies she just walked away and we had to follow her. Since then it's been the three of us against the world fighting our former allies and some villains everywhere we went until you saved us and brought us here we I thank you massively, as for the first time in years I actually feel safe and relaxed even.
Y,N: Well you're welcome and I'm glad I'm not the only person alive in this damned city, for awhile I thought I was alone until now. So anything I have here is yours to use, just pleace stay away from the lab.
Rogue: Why sugah'?
Y,N: Because that's where the last chance for humanity is being made. A cure to this damn infection, hopefully something to reverse the effects of this plague.
Kitty Pryde: Well if me, Rogue, or Emma can help you in anyway with the cure just let us know. For now I'm going to take a rest the best bed I've had in awhile was the cold hard ground.
Rogue: Me too, I haven't slept in One Above All knows how long. I need some sleep as well. *yawn* Well good night sugah' thanks for allowing us to stay.
Y,N: It's my pleasure, I hope you girls have an amazing nap.
Kitty Pryde: Oh don't worry stud we will.
Y,N: Well good night...wait stud????
*Kitty and Rogue were already walking down the stairs both of them giggling to themselves*
*The screen fades to black as a figure in an abandoned, dilapidated room screams in terror before opening her blood red eyes and screaming one word and that's "Valeria"*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you enjoyed and in the next chapter we'll be rescue mission and meeting a certain character with an extreme case of spilt personality due to this apocalypse(It's not Deadpool, he'll be important later). Don't forget to Hit the Follow Button in the face and join the Broski Army as we're on the long road to 1,000 Followers and the smaller road to 500 Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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