" He had waited and searched and fought for centuries: those who coud not match his will. or bow to it. Were unworthy to follow him. The End Times were upoon the world and Archaon's hour of triumph was nigh."
- Archaon the End Times. - Warhammer Fantasy
" " = talking and speaking
= author's pov
' ' = Thinking
(Meanwhile)= Skip, and pov change
(Meanwhile) = Skip
Khorne = Bold and underlined text
Tzeentch = Italic and bold and slashes /
Nurgle = Bold
Slaanesh = Bold, underline, Italic
Chapter 2
The Game None Could Win
In the physical world time passes by in such a predictable manner, the inhabbits of the physical realm could track it by the movement of celestial bodies. That is until you watch the time of a creature or a human run out of time as their body grows, withers and ages into dust. If you watch closely you can watch as their final breath leaves them and next their spirit leaves them. Watch as it slips from reality to its counterpart. A place with too many names to count, but most knew as the warp.
Time passes differently for the warp compared to real space. Yet for what has seemed like trillions of years, the warp has not moved. It stirs no longer, for nothing lives or dies in reality anymore. No emotions, ideas, thoughts go into the warp and yet things still stirr inside. The masters of the warp persist while all others have either faded away or been devoured. Time for those inside is close to running out. The sand within the hour glass has almost run out.
Time was slowed for a time in the warp. This was a desperate life preserving tactic by the architect of Fate. Yet everything inside hungers after all this time. After so long the years within the warp have taken their toll on the few remaining inhabitants. For them it would be as if time has barely passed.
However outside the warp, it has been over one-trillion years since the end of all of reality. While time for them has run out they have endlessly bickered and argued on how to survive. Yet even after all that time nothing worked. After all this time they have never stopped cursing the one that put them in this situation.
For one Trillion years the four chaos gods have never stopped cursing the day the corpse Emperor on his golden throne died. It had been meant to be a joyus day, the Emperor would become the dark king and join them in the great game. Yet that wasn't what happened, reality warred against the warp and their champion the warmaster surged new power to the warp causing it to open and engulf all of reality. The warp tore open across the void even more so than when Cadia fell to their devious machinations.
The armies of chaos surged out past the defenses of humanity and the alien. As the legions marched out and it's forces banged on the doors of Holy Terra as the warmaster prepared himself to slay the Emperor and take his throne for himself. Yet in humanity's final moments, as chaos banged on holy terra's door yet humanity and its allies wouldn't stand down. Grudges and hatred for the alien would have to be set aside for now all of their homes were in danger.
A sacrifice of countless worlds, soldiers, sons, and daughters, heroes and martyrs dying in the Emperor's name, believing in him. The voices, minds, and souls of countless unsung heroes rang through the warp empowering their emperor. A thousand, a million, no zillions of souls fried to him with their last breaths unlike anything before. A constant ringing of pleas and cries rang through his head. As the golden throne glowed with light and energy as the throne after over ten thousand years buckled under the torrent of souls being funneled into the golden throne.
The entirety of Holy Terra had been turned into sacrificial grounds. Every soul of every man women and child that lived and died fighting for him was transported to the golden throne. The Emperor shook with power and energy as he gripped his throne and the feedback became too much even for his most beloved caretakers. Golden light seeped through the immaterial, unlike anything in the emperor's life. Then for the first time in over ten thousand years, the Emperor stood up from the golden throne of Earth. As Terra was showered in golden light and every chaos aligned entity was either sent howling into the warp or retreating from Terra.
As the Emperor walked through his world his light touched and healed all that just saw him. To humanity what they saw was neither a golden savoir or the golden god of humanity they had all been taught and promised. What they saw was an controllable eldritch being born from worship, sacrifice, tranny, and hatred committed in his name. He was neither the master of mankind that walked among them over ten thousand years ago or the dark king chaos had been awaiting.
He was the Emperor and after ten thousand years had been changed, for better or worse. He made one decree to humanity and the races that now aided it, " I have come to save you all, and I have come to deliver our combined hatred for chaos to them... I will have my vengeance for over ten thousand years of torment and pain. They will learn who I am. I am not the god Emperor, nor I am the dark king, I am the Emperor and I bring order and the doom of chaos." He promised this humanity and all the denisons of realspace as he summoned his armies to war.
He marched with his armies, and creations into the warp, his golden light and armies destroying anything born from the sea of souls. Just as Slaanesh laid claim to the souls of the eldar, he took the souls of humanity as his, laying claim to every human soul that had ever existed. The Space marines that fell to chaos fell to their knees in his presence having the souls raptured or burned to ash. For their souls were never theirs to give away, an oath remained an oath. They had sworn to serve him and protect mankind, and he would have them.
His new great and terrible power took all the souls of humanity from each of the chaos gods or destroyed them in his great golden light. His armies marched through the realm of chaos from each of the fortresses of each of the four chaos gods. He stole the souls of humanity from the chaos gods. This act in itself would come to be known as the great theft that would mean doom for all of chaos.
Exhausted from fighting the four and knowing they would come for him any second, he used the last remnants of his and strength to shine a path into the void, the great unknown, taking humanity somewhere not even chaos could find them. How do we know this? Because chaos has done nothing but look for them for over one trillion years and found nothing. He took the souls of his sons freeing them from their chaos gods. Every daemon that dared to try and stop him was destroyed in his golden light, or by a bolter round of his legion of the damned.
As he marched across the realm of chaos the Eldar saw their chance to regain what had been stolen from them and take vengeance on their greatest enemy and tormentor. The eldar joined forces with those from the craft worlds and those that served their laughing god. The laughing god stole the seventh crone sword from the palace of Slaanesh. With this they brought about the newly born eldar god of the dead Ynnead, who aided the Emperor in his battle against Slaanesh who had been empowered from his fights with his brothers. With one final action, the two plunged their blades into Slaanesh as Ynnead stole the souls of the eldar from Slaanesh's gullet.
The joy the Eldar felt to have regained the souls of the fallen woud mark their new alliance with humanity, swearing to forever aid one another. When humanity left the galaxy the eldar followed behind with those that were willing to work together to better themselves along with the humans. They took along a few other races. On that day all the inhabitants of realspace weather human or xeno, fought together against chaos. Once former enemies now fought together side by side. On that day if you fought and bled with humanity you were not called an enemy, but a brother. As the old saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The four ruinous powers crawled out from the great rift chasing humanity destroying everything in their wake. Yet they didn't catch them. The golden light that led humanity out of the realspace into the darkness beyond their galaxy disappeared before any of their clawed hands could touch them. That was that, and humanity was gone and so were all those souls with them. The Anathame through his golden light led his people out of the grimdark to somewhere new.
The green skins stayed behind to "Fight Da Gud Fight". Their prophet brought about the greatest wagggh ever to fight the chaos gods. Even Gork and Mork were fighting alongside them. They fought the ruinous powers slowing them down for the rest to flee. In the end, they barely lost. The four ruinous powers tore the two green gods apart, "But they put up One Hell of a fight".
As for the others. Most of the Tau left with the humans like the farsight enclaves. Those who stayed suffered fates worse than death at the hands of chaos. Some say you can still hear the screams of the Ethereal Caste as chaos tore them apart as they had begun fighting over the souls of the few remaining creatures.
As for the Necrons, no one knows what became of them. It's said they brought all the ctan sards together to power a great and powerful device they believed would say their people. What it did and where they went no one has a clue. All that is known not a trace remains of them and their worlds are all gone having disappeared without a trace.
The dark eldar suffered the worst fate as they were consumed by Slaanesh, she who thirsts no matter how much suffering they gave her. Then the three other siblings fought with her over the souls tearing them apart into dust. Until all their souls had been shredded by the four leaving almost nothing.
The Tryanids left when there was no more organic matter left, probably to search the stars for where the other races left. Leaving chaos alone in a ruined galaxy they destroyed in their efforts to take back what was stolen.
The four waited and waited for new life to return so they could continue to play their game. However, all their fighting had tainted the galaxy forever. No life would return to any of the world no matter how long they waited. The warp had tainted this once great cradle of life, and life cannot thrive in a poisoned cradle.
They came to wage war on one another for the few remaining resources left, but no matter what the chaos gods did no one being could overtake the other. Any ground gained would soon after be lost again and again for what seemed like many many years.
During this time eventually, the things that gave them life and sustained them started to run out. They grew weaker, and to continue living so they consumed every single world and star to survive off their energies. The warp and material realm became one and were consumed by the realm of souls. Until the four grew hungry again and not even the daemons they created were safe from the great maws.
It seemed all was lost, their great game would not end with a bang, but a whimper as they all faded away. Even if one survived longer than the others it would be a fruitless win; they wouldn't live long enough to enjoy it. So for the good of everything they were doomed to fade away.
Until they saw it
A new chance
Rebegin their great game
A chance to finally finish what they started so long ago.
With the choosing of four champions and the great game centered around one world. One island on a pale blue marble.
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