Epilogue -3
A/N: Hope everyone had a great Christmas, and are enjoying Boxing Day today! I'm sorry for the late Christmas present to my fellow wattpaders!
[Epilogue -3]
Slightly later
Third Person’s P.O.V
There had been no worries about things going wrong at all, because it was a given that everything that happened to Daniel would somehow turn wrong one way or another. At the moment, it was the classic case of a runaway bride and while no one ever believed that Kalina would ever leave this crazy man, everyone watched with slight amusement and growing concern as Daniel looked under tables as if expecting to see his future wife hiding there.
He didn’t find Kalina under any tables, though he caught Kieran red-handed with crackers hiding under the table meant for Vergil and Dante’s family.
“She’ll turn up, old man.” Damien reassured, but Daniel was past the point of listening as he dashed towards the dressing room for the tenth time. The wedding was running way behind time, and nothing was done. The guests –little as there was –were beginning to question. Everything was going wrong for Daniel on the most important day of his life.
“She’s not fucking here!” Daniel yelled back, shoving a hand through his perfectly styled hair in frustration. Kalina had kissed him in the afternoon before she went to have her makeup done, but there had been no farewell in that kiss at all! She had been so excited with the wedding, so anxious to finally be his wife that all sorts of goodbye completely evaded him.
“Mama,” Kieran whispered in the background. “Uncle Daniel shaid it again. Wha ish ‘farking’?”
Damien struggled hard not to laugh at the innocent question from the three year old son of Dante, fighting to keep a levelled face in front of his uncle who was obviously having a mental breakdown. Boy, wedding jitters definitely had never hit anyone harder than Daniel.
Wynter appeared silently through a portal at the far side of the dressing room, spying her family members and making her way over quickly, sending a friendly greeting smile at the young boy who had begun to jump up and down in enthusiasm at her arrival. The fact that ‘Aunt Kalina’ was gone had totally evaded Kieran at the moment.
“You’re not going to like the news.” Wynter began, and Daniel’s face twisted in agony in an instant.
“She’s dead?”
Wynter’s next word froze on her lips. “What? What makes you think she died?”
“God damned it! Just tell me what happened!” Daniel grabbed his niece by her shoulder, ignoring the distant remembrance of when Wynter was only just his waist level. Wynter was as tall as he was now, and even more beautiful than her mother had been. The perfect combination of Trish’s supermodel features and Damon’s sharp resplendent ones had manifested perfectly in a feminine version on Wynter, but Daniel wasn’t interested in this face in front of him.
“Dad called her down to Hell. He said he needed to talk to her.” Wynter answered, surprised at the level of angst that Daniel was currently in. She knew the panic attack would set in her uncle, but she never expected the doppelganger of Dante to ever lose himself so completely. Then again, when it came to love, Wynter wasn’t very sure about how it could change a person.
“What?” Daniel asked, blinking blankly as if the words took long to sink in. “What?!?”
Wynter winced when the fingers on her arms tightened in shock, but nodded to show that she hadn’t been lying.
“WHAT THE HELL!” Daniel finally let go, spinning around and sending his fist flying through the air. Kieran screamed when his fist broke mirror and then plaster when Daniel buried his fist into the wall, as if it could make a difference. Lady immediately scooped the freaked out kid before he could cry his shock out, rushing out the door. It was clear now that Daniel had gone berserk, and Dante needed to be here. The men of the family knew what to do with Daniel.
“Calm down, Uncle Daniel. It’s going to be fine.” Damien said again helplessly, sending a look over to his sister as if warning her against more bad news to be said, even if she had anymore to say. Raising her hands in surrender, Wynter stepped back till she was a safe distance away from the crazed bridegroom. Plaster and dust had settled over his crisp suit, but she wisely kept her comment about him dirtying his clothes to himself.
“That hell of a brother! What the hell is Damon doing?!?”
Wynter zipped her lips up and prayed that Daniel’s anger wouldn’t be turned on her. Cuss words continued to fill the room, all sorts of verbal insults thrown in the way of a certain elder brother who had apparently up and stole the bride. Though Damon’s daughter, Wynter didn’t know the reason why the bride, the focus of today’s event, had been summoned by her father, but it had to be something important, for her father rarely abused his power at all.
It was all that the twins could do to stop their uncle from hurting himself and tearing himself up, but their comic chase-down of their crazed uncle was interrupted when Vergil opened the door.
“What are you still doing here?” Vergil demanded, hard eyes piercing through Daniel and the siblings, frozen in the middle of the room and staring at the apparent intruder. “Your wife is here.”
Daniel blinked once, his mind taking a long moment to place a name under the ‘wife’ category. It was a hard work moving that name from the ‘girlfriend’ label to the ‘fiance’ label. And now, he could finally move it to the ‘wife’ label? The worry and concern washed all away as Daniel kicked his niece and nephew away from his arms and legs, then dashed to the door.
The doors at the end of the aisle burst open, and showed a flustered Daniel in crumpled suit, eyes of crazed anger scanning the ballroom left and right. But there was no need, as his target was standing right in front of him at the other end of the aisle, looking every bit the fairy princess that he had dreamt about.
Eyes turned to the crazed looking bridegroom, but he didn’t give it a care as he watched the white figure turn around. Through the translucent veil, the most beautiful smile that could ever appear on any woman turned on.
At her side, holding on respectfully to her forearm, was Damon Kries.
“YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” Daniel’s scream echoed through the ballroom, and growing smiles froze while the groom flew through the length of the room.
The punch landed heavily, and Damon Kries staggered backwards in shock, covering his nose. Demon King or not, a punch to the face hurt, as eyes flashed dangerously red.
“What is that about?” Damon demanded nasally to his brother, both of whom were making a big scene.
“That’s for stealing my wife!” Daniel shook off the arms trying to pull him back, cracking his knuckles and fisting his palms. “This one’s for scary that shit out of me, you bastard brother.”
A few people screamed as the fist sailed through the air, and Vergil’s twin girls began to wail in fear of the din happening. Kieran looked a little scared, but otherwise confused. Damon’s eyes closed, bracing for impact, but none of it came.
When it was clear that the punch wasn’t landing, he peeked open eyes to see Daniel standing before him, hand out in invitation.
“What the…”
“You stupid man. You wanna talk to Kalina, I’m not stopping you. But can you not do it before my fucking wedding?” Daniel grinned.
“I’ll remember it the next time.” Damon growled his reply, but accepted his brother’s hand, wiping the river of blood trickling from his nose.
“You’d better hope there’s no next time, because I’m pushing a sword through your heart the next time it happens.” Daniel promised, clapping his brother on the back before stepping to take his place beside his awaiting bride.
Things calmed down quickly, and everyone was settled quickly in their seats, watching as the couple exchanged vows. It had been inappropriate to have a wedding between demons in a church, so they had changed the venue to a ballroom, the priest changed into a demon hunter. It had been their own twists of the wedding, but no one complained for everyone knew of the everlasting love that the pair would share until the end of their lives.
Eventually, the permission to kiss the bride came, and Daniel grinned a bright one as he lifted the veil off his perfect wife. Wifey. It was so perfect to call Kalina his wife now.
“I so fucking love you, Kalina.” He promised, and before the blush could rise up her cheeks, her eyes already glittering with unshed tears, he pressed his lips against hers, earning thunderous applause from their audience.
In a front row, seating obediently beside his mother, Kieran tugged at his Uncle Vergil’s sleeve, looking up with bright curiosity. The boy lowered his voice, because he knew his mother had been telling him not to ask people, but curiosity never bode well on any boy, much less a son of Dante.
“Uncle Vergyeel,” Kieran beckoned for his uncle to bend down a little so he could whisper into his uncle’s ear. Vergil, cautious of the antiques that his nephew could come up with, bent down but kept a careful eye on the boy who seemed to be brimming with pent up energy.
“Uncle Vergyeel, Mama doesn’t wan me to arsh peepole (ask people), but I wanna know. Wha ish ‘farking’? Why doesh Papa and Uncle Daniel alwaysh shay ‘fark’ or ‘farking’?”
Vergil bit his lip, turning his eyes up to look at Lady who was entirely engrossed in the scene unfolding before her, clapping loudly. Further, Vergil took a look at his bored brother, not surprised to see Dante’s eyes almost drooping.
Vergil put his lips close to his nephew’s ear.
“Kieran, I want you to ask this question to your Papa. And while you’re doing that, you tell him that I will kill him in the near future for never have washed his mouth, especially now that he has a son.” Vergil whispered back, earning an even more curious gaze from the young boy.
“But why do you wanna keel my Papa?”
Vergil took a glimpse at the boy’s father, who was yawning with his mouth wide open.
“Because he’s a fucking asshole.”
“Wha’s dat?”
“How about you ask him?” Vergil smiled.
Vergil didn’t often let his brotherly instincts show, especially not to Dante. But in times like this, he couldn’t afford to let the opportunity slip. He would get it from Marcy and Lady in the near future, but it would be worth it. Kieran was young now; there would come a future where his daughters would be as curious as the young Kieran was and there was always possibility that Dante would take the chance to exact revenge back on him.
But of course, he would never let Marlene and Madeline ever near their uncle’s dirty cuss mouth.
“Tfanks, Uncle Vergyeel.”
“No problem, kid.”
Vergil grinned.
Damon sat at the table with his wife, watching the scene unfold before him as Daniel and his new wife circled around the tables –Kalina stunning everyone with her evening dress –and passing out thanks for attending the ceremony of love. Opposite Damon sat Dante and Kieran arguing about something, while the boy’s mother was engrossed in conversation with Marcy. Vergil was off changing Marlene’s diaper and Damien was taking care of Madeline in the meantime, roaming around the ballroom with the little baby and entertaining guests.
Wynter herself had disappeared from the table, and Damon didn’t find any need to go out searching for his grown up daughter. Damien and Wynter had grown so much since the last time he saw either of them, and with their smart, formal appearance today at the wedding, it had only just struck him and his wife how grown up the two were.
The family was complete, and Damon could not help his smile of joy.
A hand landed over his gently, and he looked to find Trish smiling back at him, the same twinkle of happiness shared in her eyes as well.
“It hasn’t struck harder than today, has it?” Trish asked.
“That feeling that our family is finally full and happy? Yes.” Damon agreed, squeezing his wife’s hand with his. It seemed so long ago that everyone were single souls, venturing out in the world to find their significant other. Now, after so many years, even Dante had a child. Even Daniel was married.
“Wynter and Damien are all grown up and independent; we’re going to just get older and more irrelevant.” Trish grinned at the tease, but Damon pressed a soft kiss on the back of his lover’s hand. They had been through so much together.
“We can be irrelevant together in Hell. If need be, I’ll close all gates to Hell, and leave the two of us in our irrelevant world.” He promised, but Trish chuckled at her husband’s suggestion.
“What kind of a King and Queen of Hell would we make if you close the doors to Hell? You’ll be putting our children out of job.”
“Wynter can reclaim Kries Tech anytime. As for Damien… he will find his own mark on the world. That boy’s just too much of his uncles to even be a worry about.” Damon dismissed, watching as Damien threw Madeline up in the air, catching the baby girl safely back in his arms and earning loud giggles from the baby.
“There’ll be hell to pay when he finds a partner. Dante’s got Lady, and Daniel’s got Kalina. Who else will be out there to control our Damien?” Trish asked, eyes on her son too. It seemed to long ago that Damien was the baby in her arms, being thrown around by his uncle Dante and Daniel. Now Damien was the one throwing babies, earning loud laughter.
“No worries.” Damon smiled distantly at the sight of Vergil walking back into the ballroom, then freezing up in fear as the worried father watched as his daughter be thrown up high in the air once again.
Vergil sent a blast of power to Damien in warning of his displeasure, earning a temporary scared look from the young man as he held on to Madeline as if his life depended on it. Marcy looked over, curious at the sudden blast of power from her husband, but Vergil’s glower didn’t fade away even as he brought Marlene back, transferring their darling girl in the mother’s arms.
“Vergil,” Damon said softly, taking the attention of the angry father as Damien, hanging his head in shame, made his way back to the family table. “There is no need to be so uptight. Damien won’t harm Madeline in any way.”
The angry father’s eyes softened a little, but the frown didn’t erase as Damien silently and obediently passed back the smiling baby girl to her father, taking his seat quietly at Trish’s side as if the temporary moment of obedience could do anything to erase the crime he’d been caught doing.
“Papa, you ish very rude!” Kieran declared loudly, taking the attention of everyone at the table as the boy stood on his chair with a frown. Dante’s face was only amused, looking as if he were holding back laughter, oblivious at the attention drawn to them. “Aunt Wyncher is bootiful (beautiful), and you ish jush jealous of how preetee (pretty) she ish!”
Damon exchanged a look with the boy’s mother, seeing the alarmed look in Lady’s eyes at her son’s declaration, and laughed. The innocent boy’s declaration only reminded him of how much his daughter had grown –into such a beautiful and obedient angel that he wasn’t even sure if she was really his daughter.
Wynter was definitely the girl who had gotten the perfect mix of his wife and his character traits.
“Where is your sister, Damien?” Trish asked, smiling faintly at Kieran’s declaration as well.
“I’m not exactly her handler, Mum.” Damien replied with a roll of his eyes. “But if you want me to take a guess, she’s having a quickie with some guy she met outside the ballroom.”
“What?” Damon interrupted, shock running through him. Wynter? Having a quickie?
Damien shrugged his shoulders to show that he was being entirely honest.
“I saw her five minutes ago outside talking to this guy. Light brown hair, blue eyes. He looked a little familiar, but I don’t know where he’s from. I was going to go ask, but he went straight in for the kiss. Wynter didn’t resist, so I guess it was a two-way street. I didn’t want to be blamed for interrupting her virgin kiss, so I came back in.” Damien explained, earning shocked looks all around the table.
Everyone –even Vergil –would admit that Wynter had grown up to be a very beautiful woman that was undoubtedly the desire of many men and teenagers throughout her years. However, Wynter had never shown much interest in the other gender, and had stuck by her brother’s side adamantly through the twenty years of her life. Damon and Trish had begun to get worried that Wynter would never let go of Damien to find her own lover, but this sudden kiss…
“Hey, what’s everyone talking about?” The woman in topic walked up from the side of the table, appearing behind her brother with a graceful smile all around. The white dress definitely looked very well on Damon’s daughter, and Trish mentally appreciated her daughter’s fashion sense.
“Uncle Damien shaw you kisshing a man, Aunt Wyntcher!” Kieran burst the bubble immediately, earning a hand covered over his mouth to prevent any more innocent words from spilling forth. The young boy struggled against his father’s move, but for the first time, everyone at the table appreciated Dante’s gesture as eyes turned to Wynter.
The woman’s face turned a shade of red that all the blushers in the world could not hope to ever replicate. The glittery look in Wynter’s eyes confirmed things as Damon could not believe his eyes. His daughter, whom he had thought would stay single until he had to play matchmaker, had… kissed someone at her uncle’s wedding?
“Who’s the guy? He looked kinda hot.” Damien turned around to take a look at his twin, grin forming on his lips. “Is he the reason why you’re trying to elope?”
“ELOPE?” Trish repeated, this time with more force. Knowing that her daughter had finally fallen for someone was something, but hearing about Wynter’s planned eloping was… ridiculous.
Wynter, for her part, jumped in shock at her mother’s outburst, then rushed to her mother’s side, shaking her head relentlessly.
“Don’t listen to Damien, Mum! He’s jumping to conclusions, and I just can’t get through to his thick head. I’m not eloping, I’m just moving out after the wedding. I’m not going to run away with a man. I’m still going to stay close by; I just don’t want to live with him anymore.” Wynter explained, earning a grumble about her apparent ‘ungratefulness’ by her brother.
“But why? Weren’t the two of you doing well hunting demons?” Damon interrupted this time, face all serious and business-like.
“We are. But we need to go our own ways, Dad. I know you said we siblings should always look out for each other, but I’ve been stuck with Damien for so long. I think it’s time for us to carve our careers our own way, not together.” Wynter elaborated, pointedly ignoring the grumbles of her little brother behind her as she held on to her mother’s hand in a show of sincerity.
“But what made you the best hunters was the fact that you two worked the best together.” Vergil pointed out.
“Yes, but I want to try making it out alone. I really hope you don’t mind, Dad.” Wynter turned her pleading eyes to her father, and Damon, sitting in his seat, watching as his daughter plead for freedom, could only smile sadly.
“I think I lost the authority to say ‘no’ when I brought your mother moving into Hell with me, Wynter. Neither of us can control what you and Damien do here on DMC anymore. Just promise me that you will still come down to visit us in Hell once in a while to catch up.”
Wynter grinned, leaping over to throw a tight hug to her father whom she had missed for so long. The days and months apart had not blunted the memory of how sharp her father could be, but how loving Damon was to the family. Even though they didn’t stay with their parents anymore, Wynter was still very much a family-minded woman. Damon’s acceptance meant everything to her, and she could only silently pray that he would accept something else a little more…
“Wynter?” A foreign voice intruded on the conversation, and all eyes immediately turned to the newcomer, who approached from behind the standing woman.
Damien jumped to his feet almost instantly, pointing an accusatory finger at the young man who had come up from behind his sister, horror in his eyes.
“You’re that guy! Light brown hair and blue eyes!” Damien declared as everyone stared in shock, both at Damien and the newcomer who looked as shocked as everyone else was.
“I’m sorry?” The young man who looked Damien’s age replied politely, shock turning into polite confusion.
“Damn right you are sorry! You stole my sister’s first kiss without my permission!” Damien declared, rolling up his sleeves in a show that he was about to get physical if an explanation was not made quickly.
“Damien Kries!” Wynter interrupted with an extremely pissed off expression, and her brother wisely took a step back away from his explosive sister’s anger. “It isn’t something you go around spreading like a bloody gossip monger at the market!”
“Then maybe you should tell us why you were smooching away at him outside the ballroom when you’ve been as pure as a nun! Dad was going to match-make you if you didn’t get a boyfriend soon, you know.” Damien challenged back, entirely missing the level of redness that his sister was showing on her face. Kieran began to struggle harder against his father’s restraints, making muffled noises as if he very much wanted to point out the obvious.
“He was not!” Wynter exploded back, cheeks as red as a bright tomato.
“Was to.” Damien retorted, and Damon knew he was screwed when his daughter turned towards him, the anger and embarrassment reflecting clearly in the inherited blue eyes.
“Is it true, Dad?” Wynter demanded, using the exact same strong tone that her father often used on his twin. It was a voice that offered no escape; a tone of voice that commanded nothing but he full honest truth, and even Damon Kries, King of Hell, Demon King, could not escape.
“Yes.” He took the most honest way out, answering simply without showing a single sign of hesitation. Trish knew what he had been secretly worried about, and though he hadn’t told his son about his intention, he guessed Damien had figured it out too through the worried looks he often gave to Wynter’s back when she wasn’t looking.
“Daaaaaaaaaad!” Wynter whined aloud, pressing her palms against her cheeks to shield the redness of it from her audience. “I can’t believe you thought I would be single forever!”
“If it helps,” Damon said levelly, giving a strict one-look over to the young man standing beside his daughter, accused of stealing her first kiss, “anyone who attempts to woo you from my grasp has to get through not only your brother and mother, but also me. It’s pretty hard to impress me, considering all that I’ve been through, Wynter.”
“Ahh!” Wynter exclaimed, throwing her hands up in defeat. “I can’t believe this! You guys are embarrassing me! On Daniel’s big day!”
With that, the extremely embarrassed young lady ran off, presumably to hide her embarrassment until she calmed down, leaving her companion calling after her and looking extremely torn between wanting to stay and wanting to chase after Wynter. He was saved from choosing when Vergil’s hands landed on his shoulders, holding on tightly and trapping him there while Damien scrutinized him up and down, left to right.
“Errr… sirs?” The young man looked around, nervous but unable to make out the situation that he had now found himself in. He had heard about the Kries family, and could not believe it that his father had been related to them. When the wedding invitation came from Daniel Kries, his father had to leave on a mission, so he had been sent instead as a representative.
It had been his job to go to the groom and bride to give his blessings in his father’s stead, explain the reason for his father’s absence, and be done with it. Instead, he had met with Wynter Kries outside the ballroom when he asked for directions, and had been so enamored with the woman that he lost his mind and kissed her on impulse.
It hadn’t been planned at all, but it was clear that Wynter felt very much the same way as he felt –crazy. After she found out the identity of his father, she had insisted that he meet her entire family, insisting that his father was familiar with almost everyone in the groom’s family. He had gone along, but definitely hadn’t expected this happening…
Damon Kries stood up regally from his seat, and the young man tried his best to not tremble before the man who was at least a thousand times more powerful than he was. The King of Hell walked up close, gently nudging his son to one side, and looked deep into his eyes. He tried to struggle again his captor’s hands, but Vergil didn’t move.
“You look quite a familiar soul.” Damon Kries announced, but didn’t back away from the serious eye contact.
“I… um… don’t know you. I mean, I know you’re the King of Hell, but I don’t know you personally, sir.” He replied respectfully, unable to make out what to do in a situation as such. He had only been sent here to give blessings; how had it turned out like this? He definitely had his father’s trait of screwing things up.
“You know you can start by telling us why you’re here.” Dante interrupted, still holding on tightly to his son to prevent any stray words from spilling from Kieran’s mouth. For once, Lady didn’t complain about the physical abuse Dante was putting their son through.
“I was sent to give Daniel Kries and Kalina Ann blessings for their marriage in my father’s stead. We were invited, but my father had a mission.” The young man replied honestly, looking from one face to another, trying to find a friendly soul. Only the Queen of Hell seemed to be smiling back at him, and so he focused his attention on her instead.
“Vergil, do let him go.” Trish put in nicely, stepping to pull her husband back. “I like him; he is polite. He does remind me of someone. I just can’t quite put a finger on it.”
The hands on the young man’s shoulder let go, and he rubbed his sore shoulders for a moment before he straightened to meet the Queen of Hell’s eyes politely.
“Who are you?” Damon asked seriously, and he bowed his head slightly.
“My name is Lorenzo Sparda.”
“Sparda?” The shocked question came in sync from both Dante and Vergil.
“Yes, I am a Sparda. My grandfather is Sparda.” The young man replied honestly, wondering what the shock was about. Granted, he never knew his grandfather, but he had heard enough stories about the Legendary Dark Knight from the streets, and how Sparda rid the world of demons.
Trish snapped her fingers, eyes wide with realization.
“I know why you’re so familiar!” She declared, a triumphant look on her face as curious looks turned to her. Lorenzo too looked over, wondering what made everyone so uptight, wondering why the Queen of Hell recognized him or found him familiar at all.
“You’re Nero’s son!”
Lorenzo blinked blankly. “Does my father know you?”
Damon cursed beneath his breath, unable to believe his luck. Of all men in the world, Nero’s son had found a special place in his daughter’s heart. There was no end to this coincidence, was there?
“You bet, kid.” Damon growled, mood instantly dashed at the thought of the young man kissing his daughter. “He shot me in the fucking head.”
This time, Kieran wrestled against his father’s hand, taking Dante by surprise as he slipped from his father’s grasp. The boy slipped to the floor and dashed over to where the commotion started from. Everyone watched as the young boy tugged on Damon’s sleeve, the burning question in his eyes. Vergil knew instantly what that look was about, and suppressed his grin.
“Uncle Damon! You’ve gotta tell me! Everyone doeshn’t wanna tell me, and I dunno why! Wha ish ‘farking’? Why do you, Uncle Daniel, Uncle Vergyeel and Papa alwaysh shay ‘farking’?”
Lady groaned aloud. Vergil grinned at the horrified look on Damon’s face.
Lorenzo Sparda laughed.
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