Epilogue -2
A/N: Repost! -26/12
[Epilogue -2]
Third Person’s P.O.V
The babies began crying, and came immediately the sounds of sighs from a pair of extremely tired parents. Both of them stirred on the bed, both fully dressed because they had been so tired that taking off their clothes had been a thing too bothersome to do when they collapsed on the bed.
Parenthood definitely hadn’t settled for them, but the babies’ mother wouldn’t have had it any other way. Seeing her husband for the first time in a fatherly manner had made her fall in love with him even harder, and watching him fret about changing diapers had been an extremely fresh change from the usual man she knew him by.
The children were the newest horror in their lives, but they didn’t regret a single moment. The first time their father had carried them in his arms –he had fallen in love with them all over again. There was nothing he could love more than the bundles of flesh in his arms, no matter the hardship.
Little Marlene was wailing at the top of her voice, and her cries had instantly awoken her elder-by-five-minutes twin Madeline. Their cries together formed harmonies of each other, and though they appreciated the perfect pitch of their synchronized cries, the girls’ parents didn’t appreciate the fact that they were woken up in the middle of the important shut-eye.
A hand reached out lazily and turned the bedside clock’s interface to take a look at the time.
“It’s going to be the wedding soon. We should start preparing.” The man sighed as the woman rubbed her eyes tiredly. She needed a whole layer of good foundation to hide the stress pimples, and definitely lots of eye shadow to hide that growing eye bag. She had deteriorated in terms of charms after childbirth and definitely envied her sister-in-law. She couldn’t even remember the times after Wynter and Damien’s birth that Trish ever looked haggard. Even when Trish was in full mother-mode, the woman had been nothing but beautiful and elegant as a new mother.
Hitting her cheeks lightly to wake herself up, the woman pulled herself away from the bed’s gravity, sitting upright but slumping to show her extreme reluctance. These were the times she regretted giving birth at all, but she knew it was just the lethargy making bad, depressional thoughts.
“I’ll take care of the girls. You go change up.” She said with a heavy sigh, pulling herself to her feet and dragging her way over to the twin cribs that they installed at the far end of their bedroom. Her husband had wanted the infants to sleep in their own room, but after travelling to and from the different rooms in the middle of the night, tending to every crying needs, they’d caved in and just moved the cribs to their room.
She carefully lifted the crying Marlene from the crib, bouncing the baby girl up and down while making cooing noises. Oh, she couldn’t wait for the day for the girls to finally grow up. Her husband had said nothing about giving birth to girls, but she knew he had wanted at least a boy. They would discuss about a third child in the future, but for now, the twins had taken up pretty much most of their time in their lives.
She shifted Marlene to one arm, still bouncing the girl up and down, as she reached into the second crib for Madeline. But before she could reach her baby girl, another pair of arms appeared in her vision and scooped up the other crying girl into warm, cozy arms. She looked up with surprise to find her husband standing beside her, bouncing Madeline up and down the same way she was doing Marlene, making cooing noises too.
Helplessly, she smiled at this amazingly domestic version of her husband. How could she fall in love with him even more at this sight; she didn’t understand.
He looked up and met her gaze, a smile taking over his face. He definitely smiled a lot more after the birth of their daughters, and she loved it. She loved that she had made him smile. She loved that their children made him smile.
“Don’t you have to get ready for the wedding?” She asked as they moved back to the bed, sitting down side by side as the girls began to be comforted, cries losing their power and volume.
“I am as much their father as you are their mother. I cannot expect to get ready while you fuss over them. You are more tired than I am.” He replied, poking Madeline on her nose. The baby blinked, the tears gone instantly as the bright blue eyes inherited form her father tried to focus on her round button nose that had ‘disappeared’.
“I can handle them, Vergil.” Marcy smiled down at Marlene, patting her soft baby cheeks and earning the stoppage of all tears and a brilliant smile that could rival the babies’ father’s smile. “You should at least change into something nice.”
“I will, and so will you. We are husband and wife. I didn’t leave you when we fought demons. I won’t leave you when we handle our girls.” Vergil promised, and Marcy leaned against her husband to feel his strength. She was tired out of her wits, but Vergil was still going strong.
“They aren’t exactly demons.” She chuckled at Vergil’s connotation, watching as relief come to his blue eyes. She knew he had been worried about her losing her smile and chuckles, but with him around, how could she ever lose it?
“They are quite the pair of devils, actually.” Vergil commented, bopping Madeline on her nose again. Tiny finger wrapped around his finger and didn’t let go. Instead, the little girl guided Vergil’s finger closer to her mouth, and the small tongue flicked out, licking her father’s finger. Vergil laughed, earning a gurgle of laughter from Madeline before she put his finger entirely in her mouth and sucked.
“But they are the cutest pair of devils.” Marcy replied, picking up the conversation as both of them watch Madeline suck on her father’s finger, eyes blinking slowly as if lulling back to sleep.
“Definitely cuter than Wynter and Damien.” Vergil declared proudly, and she grinned a ferocious one. There was nothing more satisfying to Marcy right now than seeing her proud husband –even if he was putting down her niece and nephew for it.
“You can tell it to them at the reception later.” Marcy suggested, but Vergil shrugged his shoulders.
“Damien might take it as a personal insult and attempt to appear cuter than this two, which happens to be an impossible move. But I don’t desire to see him screw his face up during the wedding and scaring our girls.” Vergil declared again, and Marcy laughed aloud. Much as it sounded crude, it was true. They knew immediately that her nephew could rise up to challenges as stupid as such.
“Damien really learnt a bit too much from Daniel and Dante.” She admitted, turning to see Vergil’s gentle smile on her. Like how she bathed in the joy of being able to put a smile on Vergil’s face, Vergil’s heart always warmed whenever he made Marcy laugh or smile.
“It’s honestly a question as to how he is Damon’s son.” Vergil replied standing up and walking back to the crib, gently lowering Madeline back without waking her up. Marcy followed suit with the more-obediently sleeping Marlene, stepping back arm-in-arm with her husband. She checked the clock again.
“Come on, we’d better hurry. Daniel’s going to kill us if we’re late.” She urged, and Vergil nodded. Neither of them were afraid of Daniel’s wrath, but they definitely respected Kalina for having conquered such a crazy man. Knowing Daniel, even if the reception was off by a second, he would go nuts. Whenever it came to Kalina, Daniel often went overboard and easily crazed. When it came to loving his would-be-wife, Daniel only accepted perfection.
“Marcy.” Vergil’s soft call of her name stopped her before she could reach the door out of their bedroom. Surprised at his further delay, she spun around, but he put on his demonic speed and was in front of her in a second.
Her shock was drowned in love when Vergil pressed his lips to hers and gave her a deep, passionate kiss that left them soon panting for further breaths. Marcy could feel herself beginning to get hotter, but it was no time to get the move on. Still, Vergil smiled at the blush on her cheeks, cupping her cheek with a free hand as gently as he had carried their babies.
“You are an amazing mother, and I love you more than I already can bear.” Vergil professed.
Marcy returned the gesture with a tight hug, the tears of joy coming to her eyes.
Her life now was tiring with the twins.
But it was perfect.
Little footsteps pattered around the office, but still Dante refused to budge, even as the boy’s mother screamed her head off. Of course, the reply came as cheeky laughter, but there was nothing that Dante cared about as he kept his eyes adamantly closed.
He felt as small hands grabbed on his shirt, and soon a small being had conquered his sleeping self on the chair. He felt the boy balance small feet on his chest, and hands held on to his shoulders. Slowly, the hands let go, and the boy stood balancing on him, giggling to himself.
“Kieran Sparda!” The boy’s mother’s scream came closer, but Dante still refused to move.
“Mama! Look at thifff!” The little boy yelled back, and Dante felt the feet on his stomach disappear. A single moment, the boy’s weight hit on his stomach again, but the boy jumped again and again, as if his washboard abs had somehow been degraded into a trampoline.
“Kieran! I told you to wait for me in the shower!” Lady’s voice came definitely much closer, and Dante sighed internally. Kieran had become a sexy-time-gone-wrong, and it definitely made Lady an angst woman. Normal people would call it motherly instincts, but to Dante, it was all gibberish. All he knew was that his darling now spent more time taking care of the little boy than having sexy time, which wasn’t right for Dante.
A man had to have his needs relieved, after all.
“But Mama, thish ish sho fun!” Kieran laughed loud, still jumping up and down.
Dante grunted aloud to let the kid know he was irritated, but Kieran continued jumping and laughing. Barely cracking his eyes open, Dante peeked at the boy still jumping happily on his stomach. Black hair was never silkier on the little boy, and though Lady had only recently brought the boy for a haircut, his fringe was already quickly becoming unruly.
The cute dimples that showed when the boy laughed and grinned was definitely inherited from his mother, but Dante saw his own eyes in the little devil. That round nose was complements from his mother, but everyone said he looked more like his father than mother.
Kieran stopped jumping, sensing a new pair of eyes on him, and turned to his father, putting his face closer to Dante’s to inspect whether if his father was truly awake or not. Big blue eyes filled Dante’s vision, and innocence showed clearly within it. Definitely Lady’s son.
Dante grunted again, then picked the boy from the collar of his shirt. Kieran began to complain about being pulled up by his shirt, but Dante dropped him on the floor beside him.
“Go shower and stop being a nuisance.” Dante mumbled, closing his eyes again.
“You’re the nuishansh (nuisance)! Why are you alwaysh shweeping (always sleeping)?” Kieran hammered his small fists on his father’s side, but the strength made no difference at all.
“Your father’s the laziest ass in the entire world, Kieran. When you grow up, make sure you’re not like him, okay?” Lady’s voice sounded right beside him, and Dante immediately opened his eyes again, indignant.
“What? He’s my son. He’ll turn out exactly like me!” Dante protested, but the little boy wrinkled his nose.
“Ewww! I don’tch wan to be an assh!” Kieran yelled, but Lady had other choice words for her husband.
“You’re finally recognizing that this bundle of flesh is your son? Pray the gods!” Lady replied sarcastically, but Dante waved her words away.
“He’s Vergil’s.” Dante excused. They had been having the same talk for the past three years. Dante would happen to declare that Kieran was his, and Lady would be surprised at his sudden declaration. Dante would then dismiss the idea and say that Kieran was his brother’s son, even though they knew it was impossible.
Still, Dante figured it wasn’t a bad idea at all. After Marcy gave birth to twin girls, Dante knew Vergil would definitely want another boy in the future. He could donate Kieran to his twin, and be done with the little devil. Maybe he could even sell the boy for a discounted price to Vergil, considering how they were family and all that shit.
“Can’t be.” Lady retorted, but picked up the boy in her arms, trapping him. “He’s got your dirty cuss mouth.”
“He learnt it from Daniel.” Dante once again excused, but Lady couldn’t be bothered with arguing again. Years into this marriage, and Dante hadn’t changed a single bit at all. Lady didn’t expect her husband to change anytime soon –but that was what she liked about him in the first place too.
Kieran squirmed as his mother brought them walking closer to the bathroom, but Lady kept her tight grip on him until he eventually gave up the fight. Standing him on the lid of the toilet bowl, Kieran resigned himself to fate as Lady stripped him naked, and deposited him in the bath. Reluctantly, he began to clean himself, but Lady surprised him by lending a hand.
“Mama?” He asked, but Lady smiled her pretty smile at him. Lady had prided herself at being able to force her son to bathe by himself –saving her a whole load of trouble when it came to washing him –but Kieran often took too long. Today was an exception that she would help Kieran bathe, because they needed to keep to schedule, or she would hear no ends to Daniel’s complaints.
“We have to hurry today, Kieran.” Lady explained, and so Kieran stood still, letting his mother wash him.
“Why do we haff to hurreh, Mama?”
“We’re going to your Uncle Daniel’s wedding.”
“Ish thar gunna be food?”
Kieran clapped his hands in glee, splattering water everywhere. Lady wiped the soapy water from her cheeks and glared at the boy until he stopped, blushing up in embarrassment.
“I’m shorreh (sorry), Mama.”
“No problem. Just stand still. After you, I still have to get your ass of a father to shower. He’s the worse one between the two of you.” Lady grinned, earning laughter from Kieran. They were silent for a short while as Kieran felt his mother’s gentle fingers all over his body.
“Ish the Uncle Vergyeel and Auntie Marshie gunna bring their babiesh?”
Lady was mildly surprised at her son’s remembrance of the twin baby girls that had recently been born to her brother and sister-in-law just six months ago.
“Yes, why?”
Kieran blushed a pretty pink. “They’re preeeteh (pretty) and cute.”
Lady laughed. This one was definitely his father’s son. Even at the ripe age of three, Kieran was already looking for pretty girls.
“Wha about Coushin Wyntcher?”
“She’ll be there too.”
Kieran grinned. “Sheeesh boootiful (She’s beautiful). I wike her.”
Lady sighed. Kieran was definitely Dante’s offspring. No one could remember the names of hot women better than these two in her lives.
Kieran continued asking for the attendance of the wedding reception, focusing on the women of the family, before he began to fantasize about the pretty dresses the women would be wearing while Lady entertained her son, washing him up and drying him before dressing him in a mini suit. Soon, Kieran was all dressed up, and once set with feet on the floor again, he charged out of the bathroom back to the office.
“Shut the hell up!” Dante’s growl came again, and Lady sighed once more. God forbid that Kieran ever grew up to be like his father.
“Papa, you ish very rude!” Kieran hammered his father’s side again, but it once again made no difference at all.
“Yeah, like waking someone up by jumping on his stomach isn’t.” Dante grumbled, shifting to turn his back on his son. Lady calmly walked back to the office after cleaning up, put a foot on her husband’s back, and gave a strong kick.
“Wash your mouth, Dante. Go shower and change into something nice. You might want Daniel breathing on you for the rest of your life, but I want to retire without someone hanging off my back harping about us being late for his wedding.” Lady ordered sternly at the grumbling man, but Kieran was beginning to laugh at the sight of his father being bullied. Dante grumbled a whole load beneath his breath, cursing his luck.
“Mama,” Kieran asked as he followed his mother into his parent’s bedroom, sitting on their bed as Lady begin preparing herself for the wedding. “Papa shaid a word jush now. Wha did he mean?”
“What word?” Lady asked, beginning to put on foundation. Her complexion was not very good, but foundation could hide it all.
Lady froze, then turned around to look at her curious son.
“It’s a rude word to say, Kieran. Don’t learn it from your father.”
“But what ish it mean?”
“Don’t ask, Kieran. Listen to Mama, and don’t learn it from your father.”
“Okay.” Kieran lowered his eyes to show submission. Lady turned back to the dresser table.
“Can I asrsh (ask) Uncle Damon about it?”
Lady groaned.
This one was really Dante’s son.
It was already three years, and it finally really sank in.
This one was really Dante’s little bastard.
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