Epilogue -1
A/N: I'm so sorry for the strange arrangement of parts the past 5 days. I'm reposting Epilogue 1 & 2 once more to make sure everything's alright. -26/12
[Epilogue - 1]
Ten years later
Third Person's P.O.V
Demons disappeared and reappeared into view, climbing along walls, streaking down the streets while the people ran about, screaming their heads off. It was a field-day for demons, an easy target of a small town that would eventually turn into a ghost-town ever since someone ventured far enough to open a portal from Hell.
It had been a silly move from an all too curious individual, and the repercussions had been massive. Balrog, the master-level demon, had been summoned on the small town, bringing its smaller minions as they roamed the street, destroying property.
Blood sprayed on the street, while others were locked in their houses, huddled together and praying for help, praying for God. A good number of the citizens of the small town were huddled in the small church, praying along with their prior and remaining safe in their circle of holy water. But it couldn't last long, for eventually they would either starve or thirst to death.
The desperate call had been made to the best demon hunting services in all of Devil May Cry, but it had been made only a few minutes ago. The citizens could only pray fervently that their saviors could live up to their reputation and remove the town from its demonic problems. The fees could be discussed later -they needed to live.
At the far side of town, several blocks away from the church, stood a young girl of five in the middle of a demon infested street. In her hand was still her teddy bear, but the fear was very real as she screamed and cried at the monsters approaching her. She had been torn away from her parents in the chaos, and somehow, she found herself in the middle of an empty street filled with demons.
Her death was ensured as a demon raised its scythe above her, thirsty for her innocent sweet blood...
A black figure suddenly filled her vision, a shadow casted upon her on the sunny day. There was a soft sound of a slice making through the air, and the demon standing before the girl disintegrated into sand without even a warning. She screamed again in shock, but the figure spun one round expertly, sword slicing through the demons rounding up on them.
Holding on to his ending pose stylishly, the figure remained with his weapon outstretched, the demon's imminent attack slowing.
"Thirty-eight." He whispered beneath his breath proudly, certain that he was going to win the bet. There was no way he could lose. They had scouted near seventy demons. So if he had cleared thirty-eight, it meant that he had cleared more than half. He was certain of winning the bet.
The little girl's scream interrupted his thoughts of winning again, and he jumped over her head, charging towards the group of demons that were beginning to advance on them. They disappeared and reappeared again, but the man simply danced in the sunlight, the afternoon sun bathed on him as he jumped and dodged, countering with sure, hard blows.
Soon, the demons disintegrated to dust.
"Forty-five." He counted, dusting himself down now that the street was cleared of all demons. Acting all cool and aloof, he slung his weapon across his shoulder, took on a relaxed, laid-back gait, and began to stroll around the corner.
The pitter-pattering of a five year old's footsteps followed him. "W-Wait!"
He sighed but slowed down to a stop, turning around. "What?"
"C-Can you take me with you? I-I'm s-scared!" The little girl pleaded, ready to wail again if the man didn't agree. She didn't dare to go anywhere alone anymore, and she knew enough that this man had taken out all the demons. He was her new idol, but being his fan was no use if she couldn't live.
The man knelt down on one knee to be on the same level as the little girl, looking into her eyes. His eyes swam a bright ocean blue, and she was mesmerized by the handsome features on his face. His black hair was somehow perfectly windswept despite the demon hunting, but in the near future, his face was all that the little girl would remember. He smiled at her and put his free hand on her shoulder.
"These low-level demons can't do shit to us, darlin'. You just have to point a gun at their faces and pull the trigger over and over again. Nothing to be scared about." He patted her on her head, and straightened up again. He reached underneath his trench coat and withdrew a pistol, handing it over to the young wide-eyed child who dropped her teddy bear instantly.
Child hands had never seemed to small holding up the metal device, and he grinned as he watched the girl's hands tremble. She must know that the gun was something that could kill her. He didn't expect her to be able to fire the gun anyway -he had turned the safety on -but it was better than nothing. Besides, he was training a new demon amatuer huntress.
"Come on." He urged, and moved off down the street, the little girl chasing after him with effort.
The Demon Hunter cleared the streets (counting the numbers as he did so), and moved towards the Town Centre, where the sounds of more demons being killed came. Tapping his foot impatiently in the middle of Town Centre, the little girl watched as the man checked his watch, mumbling incoherently beneath his breath.
There came the sounds of gunshots, and then a second figure jumped towards the Town Centre. The little girl jumped, aiming her trembling gun on the intruder, but the Demon Hunter only checked his watch again.
"You're late, slowpoke." He gave his verdict, but the second figure turned out to be a beautiful woman with strange white hair. The woman was beautiful, and the little girl's grip on her gun slipped in her awe, the weapon clattering noisily to the floor.
"I wasn't aware that you adopted a daughter." The woman smiled at the little girl warmly, but the words were directed at the Demon Hunter.
"Right. Because I totally want to skip getting a woman first. You know, I actually want to make my own baby. Not adopt one." The Demon Hunter replied sarcastically, but the woman only stepped forwards and patted the little girl's head similar to how the man had done.
"Assuming you have the capacity to find a woman who will ever stand to have your child." The woman's words were once again for the man, but the little girl had to smile back on instinct at the gentleness of the woman who had a blood-covered sword in her hand. The little girl was sure the woman had shot demons, but she couldn't find the gun anywhere on the woman.
"Talk about yourself." The man scoffed back in reply, tucking his scythe through a holster on his back, cracking his knuckles. "You can't even get a steady boyfriend."
"Neither have you a steady girlfriend." The woman retorted, but the conversation was interrupted when the woman knelt down similar to how the man had done, still smiling warmly at the little girl.
"Hello, little one. Do you have a name?" The beautiful woman with full cupid lips asked and the little girl, despite her fear for more demons, blushed shyly at being addressed by such a pretty woman.
"My name is Nayla..." The little girl said softly, but the woman nodded to show that she understood.
"Do you know where your parents are, Nayla?"
The little girl trembled a little. "T-They said we were going to the church to hide... but I lost them..."
"Are the town's people all at the church?"
"I t-think so."
The woman nodded and took the little girl's hand, enveloping the tiny hand in her own warm and soft ones.
"All right. Off to the church we go." The woman announced, but the Demon Hunter that the little girl had followed yawned.
"You cleared your side of town?" The man asked in a disinterested tone, beginning to turn towards the direction of the church even though the little girl wasn't sure how the two strangers of the town knew the place. Nayla had definitely never seen these two beautiful people in town before, but she didn't know how they knew where the church was.
"Cleared it. All that's left is Balrog." The woman replied.
"I got sixty on my side." The man boasted, but the woman snorted delicately.
"I got eighty three."
The Demon Hunter stopped in the empty, bloodied streets, staring at the woman in an expression of disbelief.
"You're kidding. We found only seventy during reconnaissance. Ninety tops."
"I walked into a building infestation that we didn't count. There was a portal there. I cleared thirty there. Plus a Witch." The woman explained in reply, but the Demon Hunter groaned, picking up pace to catch up with Nayla and the Demon Huntress who hadn't stopped for him at all.
"Why do you always get the fun side of town?" Demon Hunter whined in complaint, but the woman only chuckled.
"I told you I felt lots of power from my side, but you were too lazy."
Demon Hunter groaned again, and despite the scare that Nayla had been gone through, the little girl smiled up at the handsome man.
"You can't be lazy, mister! Mummy and Daddy always said we must be diligent people!" Nayla piped up, but the handsome man only rolled his eyes.
"That's why your Mummy and Daddy are probably working class people. I'm a demon hunter, kid, and I'm earning way more by being lazy and throwing jobs to this woman here." The man boasted, but Nayla watched as the woman in topic roll her eyes in reply.
"You owe me more than I can count. I wouldn't count myself rich if I were you." The woman scoffed, but they had already reached the church, where Balrog was with a few other minions, rounding up on the church and fighting through the holy water. At the sight of the demons, Nayla began trembling again, but the woman smiled gently, and led the little girl to a corner at the end of the street.
"Don't be afraid." The woman said, patting Nayla on the head, "Close your eyes and don't run away. We'll make things right."
The little girl could not obey faster, and the sounds of demon fighting could be heard everywhere. Nayla tried her best to not cry, clutching her hands together in hard prayer for her well-being, for her town's well-being. Screams came around, but none of them came from the Demon Hunter or the Huntress. Still, Nayla refused to peek.
"Nayla, you can open your eyes now." The woman's gentle voice came from far away, but the little girl opened her eyes immediately, shock running through her when she saw the two stranger standing on top of a dead Balrog. The man jumped off expertly, then reached back to help the woman pick her step daintily off the demon. Nayla wasn't sure how a woman as dainty as her could be killing demons, but she didn't dare to ask the kind woman.
"M-Mister! You're hurt!" Nayla exclaimed as she ran close to them, spying the red gash on his shin, blood seeping through his blue fitting pants.
"This?" The man asked, giving a quick look down, then seemed to dimiss it. "This is nothing. Come on, let's get you back to church. You can pray to your God. I want my money."
The woman smiled, but rolled her eyes again at the man.
"Don't you ever change? You've learnt too much from Dante and Daniel."
"Well, they're lazy, and they have money." The Demon Hunter grinned, then kicked the church doors down, earning screams from the woman huddled inside.
"We cleaned the entire town, and we picked up this little girl Nayla! Any takers?" He announced, and it was all too soon that a tear-stained pair ran up to the demon hunters, scooping up their child with utter relief and gratitude.
The Mayor stepped forwards, tears crowding the corners of his eyes. He had been the one who had called the demon hunters, and the gratitude he had for them ran no lengths for their timely answer to his call.
"Yeah, yeah... Yada, yada. You owe us money, old man." The demon hunter interrupted quickly, but was subdued almost instantly by his companion, who gave another gentle smile to the Mayor.
"I'm sorry, but we are on a tight schedule. Can we work out our payment soon?"
"How much are you asking for?" The Mayor asked, but there was a distant hint of dismay. It was not that he didn't want to pay, but considering the damage that the demons had done to the town, he knew that money was going to be a very important thing in the recovery process.
The woman looked around at the number of survivors, considering her pay quickly. She turned back with a smile.
"One dollar."
"WHAT?" Her companion jumped, but she ignored him, maintaining her sweet smile to the equally shocked Mayor, who stared at her in disbelief.
"I can't expect to pay you so little after all that you have done..." The Mayor protested weakly, but the woman only checked her watch. They were really going to be late if they dragged any longer.
"One dollar, Mr. Mayor. We are rushing elsewhere, so let payment be done immediately now." She replied in a no-nonsense manner, hand out in demand. By pure instincts, the Mayor reached into his pockets for spare change, and found a single dollar coin, which he numbly placed on the woman's palm.
"Nice doing work with you, Mr. Mayor." She smiled once more, closing her fingers over the cold coin, and turned around.
"What? ONE DOLLAR?" Her companion refused to budge, but she put one strong hand on his wrist and forcibly dragged him out of the church back on the street.
"We're late, you idiot. There's going to be hell to pay if we screw the schedule up."
"It's just a freaking wedding." Her brother complained, "I can't get one dollar for all this shit!"
"I'll pay you myself, okay?" She rolled her eyes, then slashed her sword in front of them both. A portal sliced open, and she pushed her brother through, silencing the protests.
She was ready to walk through, following her brother, but a little girl's calling of her name stopped her. She turned around to see Nayla running back out on the street, tears in her eyes. The little girl stopped a safe distance away, waving a book in the air.
"You guys are Wynter and Damien Kries! You wrote 'Demons Tears'!" Nayla exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement.
Wynter Kries smiled gently, nodding.
"I love you guys! I'm going to be a demon huntress like you when I grow up!" Nayla declared, and Wynter grinned outright. Wynter never stepped out trying to be the top of the industry, never stepped out wanting to be famous or recognized. She and her brother stepped out to honor the family tradition, the family job. They stepped out because of their passion.
But if it inspired young souls along the way, then she was doubly happier.
"Take care of yourself, and we'll see you in the industry next time." Wynter Kries bade to the young girl and stepped through the portal.
Wynter appeared from the portal just in time to jump back, narrowly avoiding the charging force that was her little brother.
"Excuse me!" He yelled only afterwards, but Wynter was past the age of giving reminders anymore. At the age of twenty, if Damien still didn't know his manners, there was no way anyone could make him remember his Ps and Qs. Besides, her brother was the perfect mix of Damon, Dante and Daniel all together. With Dante and Daniel's character in him, there was no hope for Damien to ever learn his manners -even with Damon for a father.
With an internal sigh at the man she was stuck with until either of them moved out of the apartment, Wynter turned down the corridor towards her own room. She wasn't even sure why Damien had been outside of his room, since their bedrooms had each adjourning bathrooms so that they never had to fight for the same bathroom.
Wiping her katana clean from a cloth she kept especially for her sword, she rested it on its stand, unsheathed. There was no point sheathing the sword these days, for she was always using it. Vergil would say a thing or two about her disuse of her sheathe in the swordplay the both of them excelled so much in, but Wynter figured that if she could deal with her brother, her uncle's words could be easily tolerated.
Checking the time again, she rushed over to her closet and picked out a nice dress, dashing towards the bathroom for a cleanup. There was no way she could turn up to a wedding covered in demon blood and dust. It was a matter of etiquette that her brother was clear to have discarded, considering how he had suggested that they don't return home to clean up at all.
The warm water touched her skin as she stripped, glad that the sticky blood was slowly removing their layer over her skin. In the showers, where she was alone in the world, Wynter closed her eyes and let the water bring her mind away from reality.
It had been ten years since that thing happened. It had been ten years since her father came back, then left again. She wondered what Damon would look like today. Would he look older? Would he grow a beard? She had gotten a pretext of what her father would look like with a stubble when Dante tried growing one -before his wife got extremely put out by an older-looking Dante.
Vergil had kept blessedly clean-shaven, very much to the utter relief of Marcy. The old couples were going as strong as ever despite all the ups and downs occurring. Of course, Wynter expected fights every now and then -especially with Dante and Lady -but they were still loving each other strongly.
Wynter sighed against the water raining down on her skin, rolling across pale arms.
She never really gave it thought, but she did want to have a lover too. She had grown up with Damien -had been by his side since they were born. They did everything together for so long that everything felt right with him beside her. But now that they were twenty, she could not expect him to be there forever.
They could make the best demon hunting duo in the industry right now because of their twin chemistry, but in the future, she needed to get away from her brother. Damon wouldn't be happy, but what could her father say? They needed to be independent, and her parents knew it.
Besides, she had gone to school with Damien, stuck with the same classes as him, endured the girl-crazy moments of her little brother. She had graduated with Damien, both with honors in their degrees. She had graduated as the Valedictorian, her brother as the Top Student. Then they had uprooted themselves, and moved into DMC, finding a humble apartment themselves. Then they started their demon hunting career, exploding into crazy success and eventually earning enough to publish their own demon hunting guide 'Demon Tears'.
She and Damien had gone far, but it was as far as twins would go.
Such thoughts filled Wynter's mind as she ritualistically cleaned herself, enveloping herself in a rosy scent of shampoo. Clear that all traces of demon were gone, she wiped herself dry and put on a stunning shimmering white dress that hugged her figure. She was in the prime of her lifetime, and she was more sad than stunned to realize that it was the first time in the entire year that she was putting on a dress. She wore more demon hunting shorts than dresses.
Still, she was Trish's daughter, and when asked to doll herself up, Wynter could make herself extremely beautiful -even more than she naturally was. Sitting patiently in front of the dresser, she dug up the makeup set that had always been neglected sitting in the drawers and began to apply heavily eye shadow and eye liner, going for a smoky eyed look that would scare even demons.
Wynter was in the mood to scare.
Eventually, her twin got impatient, and she was through applying the last bit of makeup when the rasping of knuckles on the door announced her brother's limit of endurance.
"You said there was going to be hell to pay if we were late!" Damien complained from the other side of the door, and she checked her clock again. They were late, but she had reason to believe that with the amount of makeup she was putting on, the guests would forgive her. She had to look nice for the wedding, after all. Daniel would kill her if she didn't.
Five minutes later, Wynter was dressed from top to toe, twirling before the full-length mirror at the corner of her room and making sure everything was perfect. Who knew? Maybe she could hook in a handsome man tonight -though she very much doubted any of her uncle's acquaintances to be any good men.
With a given consent, Damien stepped into her room, dressed up in a neat suit and tie. The impressive broad shoulders was carried perfectly well on Damien's black suit, and she never saw her brother in a more impressive light. The goofy grin was out of place, but Wynter knew her brother could be extremely charming when he wanted to.
The wolf whistle was definitely out of place too, and Wynter let her brother watch her annoyed expression through the mirror.
"What?" Damien asked innocently, crossing his arms across his chest in a charming move set to make girls -other than his sister -swoon. "I appreciate a woman's body when I see one."
"I'm your sister." Wynter pointed out, as if the fact had never been obvious.
"Still a woman." Damien shrugged. "Come on, we're going to pay if we're later than we already are. I don't care about Daniel, but at least Kalina's been really nice to us all these years."
"Damien, wait." Wynter stopped her brother before he could reach her katana to open the portal. "I need to talk to you before we go to the wedding."
"What? If it's about how hot I look in a suit; I know. I spent the last ten minutes staring at myself in the mirror, wondering how come I haven't got laid yet."
Wynter rolled her eyes uncontrollably. There was definitely never anyone who had learnt things better than Damien had from Dante and Daniel.
"It's about us, Damien."
"For the records, I'm not looking for an incestuous relationship if you're getting the wrong signals. I just appreciate a woman when I see one." The fire-off mouth was never better learnt from Daniel, and Wynter once against sighed.
"It's not that. After the wedding, I'm moving out."
"What?" Damien barked in disbelief. "This is about the one dollar payment, isn't it? No matter what you say, I can't live with a one dollar payment for demon hunting! At least give me enough for a meal, for god's sake!"
Wynter shook her head. "It's not about that. We need to be away from each other. We've been growing up together... isn't it time we make our own imprint on the world?"
Wynter groaned. Talking to her brother was never harder. She suddenly knew what her father had always been through whenever he tried to make sense with Daniel. There was just no getting through to them when it mattered.
"I'm not eloping. Listen, I just think we should be independent in our own way. We've been together our whole lives. We need to be apart to learn new things in the world. Go our own ways -like how Vergil and Dante did." Wynter explained, but Damien snorted.
"Yeah yeah, you're just coming up with excuses to elope. It must be that Don guy from the last mission. I knew you had some sparks going on." Damien accused, but the cheeky grin spoke volumes.
"For the last time, I'm not eloping, Damien."
"Good." He nodded, then turned around as if the conversation had reached a satisfactory conclusion, leaving his sister hanging. Damien made for his sister's katana -closed his fingers over the hilt.
"Wait. So you're fine with it?" Wynter asked from behind him, and he turned around, facing his twin for twenty years. He had watched over her while they grew up; chasing away the hormonal teenagers who tried to persuade her to lose her virginity. He had roughed up classmates in dark alleys because he overheard them planning to take his sister by force. He had terrorized an entire school, but kept everything in the dark from Wynter. He might be the younger twin, but his father had damned well taught him to take care of his sister.
But Wynter was twenty now, and she was smoking hot. She might not be eloping from him, but Damien knew that she would find a boyfriend soon after she moved out. Wynter was too grounded -like their parents -to ever stay a swinging single.
Damien shrugged at his confused sister with an honestly confused expression.
"I don't know. But I know I'm staying here at this apartment. And I'm going to turn your room into my sex room, where I'll create records with at least a hundred women."
Wynter groaned, but Damien knew he would miss this sound of exasperation from his twin.
They were finally deciding to go their own ways. Damien would miss his sister, but things would change.
Things always changed in the family.
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