Chapter 2: The Resistance (Update)

After sneaking out the sewers, y/n hid the Armor inside a tall box to avoid any suspicions then packing it in the company truck and making sure to hid it.

 y/n changed his suit into a black vest and slacks and sat between them as they drove to the hideout

Cole: Okay once we reach the place "Don" wants to speak with you.

Tommy: and might able to plan something to help you hopefully.

Y/n: Okay do I need to speak German if I come across any Nazi soldier?

But before Cole can speak a police car behind flash his lights telling him to pull over.

Tommy: Shit it's the Police.

he slowly pulls out his pistol just in case

Y/n: don't, last thing we need is more trouble just put the gun down.

the officer comes to the window.

Cole: Morning officer how can we help you?

Officer: Just doing random check Cole, so where are you two headed?

Tommy: just heading back to work sir.

Officer: Just doing my job tommy hmm?

The officer looks at y/n.

Officer: Huh Say I didn't see you there, what's your name kid?

Y/n: My name is Victor Officer, I'm just starting my first day of the job

Officer: well victor quick question have you learned German newcomers must learn their German before Starting work, now tell how do you say Good morning officer Nice weather we are having in German?

the two worried if y/n can't speak German but was surprised when he said it in German

Y/n: Guten Morgen Herr Offizier. Wir haben schönes Wetter. (Good morning officer Nice weather we are having)

The officer was surprised to hear his perfect Germany.

Officer: whoa good job that was perfect, now you three best be careful now, a murderous armoured behemoth is still on the lose after killed our fellow citizens.

Cole and tommy: will do officer.

Officer: thanks take care

the officer goes back into his car and drove away leaving the three and the truck behind, Cole looked at y/n.

Cole: I didn't know you spoke in Perfect German.

Y/n: Thanks to the translator implant.

Cole: Implant?

Y/n: yes American made implant allows us to understand and speak other languages.

Cole: Damn hope you got spares.

Tommy: Yeah They make our jobs easy.

Y/n: In due time come on we're running late.

they got back in the truck and continue driving to a rebel hideout


after minutes of driving they reached the place

Y/n: Lariat shipping and moving.

Cole: yep

they stop as the workers walks up to Cole.

Worker: Hey Cole what took you so long?

Cole: We were stopped by a random check-up and and besides we found him.

y/n leans forward and waved.

Worker: I see, Let them in.

the shutters opened and they drove in, then they got out.

y/n sees the inside of the place they were workers wielding and grinding metal.

???: Welcome back boys!

they see the boss walking towards them


Cole: Hey boss we brought him

don looks at y/n

Don: So Who's he?

Y/n: I'm y/n l/n

Don: so this guy's the black devil? No offense but There's no why he's the thing.

Y/n: maybe this will change your prospective

y/n pulls the door down and goes inside.

don was about to stop him but Cole stopped him.

Don: what are you doing

Cole: Hang on a sec you'll see.

y/n comes down carrying a large box down with a hand trolley.

Y/n: how about we go to a place away from prying eyes.

they enter the empty workshop away from the workers eye view

Y/n: Right then May I introduce you to the black devil.

he unscrews the nails the the box fell apart revealing the Armor.

The don was shock to see the black devil.

Don: Fucking hell it's the black devil!

Y/n: And not's all.

Y/n goes behind the Armor and installs the fusion core and cranks the handle opening the power Armor, then he gets in as the power Armor closes and y/n taking control as the eyes glowed.

(Like this and mute it allowing the music playing)

Y/n: Allow me to introduce myself, My name is lieutenant colonel Y/n L/n Soldier of the Enclave, American's last bastion of humanity.

Don was shocked to see the face behind the Armor and confused on.

Don: Wait, Hang on a sec, why are you here?

Tommy: well doc he has a film.

this got both don and doc looked surprised as y/n pulls out the film can.

Y/n: This thing brought me here for a reason and I'm intend to find out why.

don knew what how valuable those things are but concerned about this stranger having it

Don: Well that was a nice speech but can you hand it to us?

y/n: May I ask why?

Don: Your an unknown, You took down an Nazi helicopter with weaponry we don't understand and you have a Film that Adolf Hitler wants.

Y/n: Really? Well if Hitler wants them it may be something he fears, do you have a projector around here?

Tommy: Um yeah we do.

Don: Tommy what are you doing? 

tommy: what he has the right to see what's on the film

Don: Are you fucking crazy?! He's Probably a Nazi undercover to kill us!

Cole: Hey watch your mouth.

Don: And you I thought you know better I told you to gather information about his gear not bring him here.

Tommy: Hey what the hell does that mean?

Y/n had enough of him and calls out to them.

Y/n: Hey Don!

Don: WHAT?!

y/n punched him in the face and grabbed him by the neck chocking him.


Don: Okay okay!

y/n lets go as doc helps him up.

Tommy: Fucking hell remind me never to piss you off.

Y/n: just next time keep your mouth shut.

Don: Fine

Cole: Hey boss aren't you forgetting something?

Don: (Sighs) I'm sorry, Happy?

Y/n: Not really no, Now if you don't mind I'll like to see what's in this film.

Don: follow me.

don leads y/n to a room with a projector.

y/n entered with the members and sees the projector.

Don: we managed to smuggled this inside thankfully in good condition.

y/n hands him the film to don.

Don: Project ragnarök, sounds ominous

 Then he looks the film with a monocular loupe.

Don: Yep it's the real deal.

he put it in and loads it in and pressed play.

the film screen shows a town that y/n is familiar with

Don: Huh That's los alamos a ghost town in the neutral zone.

Tommy: but why is it in the film?

Y/n: Because where I'm from it's a testing site for the manhattan project.

they looked at y/n if he grew a second head.

Tommy: what the hell is that?

Y/n: It's where the American government made it's first atomic bomb made by Robert Oppenheimer.

Then shows Enclave soldiers in power Armor and resentence members taking on armies of Nazi.

Don: Holy shit Who are those soldiers?

Y/n: not just any Soldiers It's the Enclave soldiers and it seems they killing the Nazi's troopers.

Cole: But how?

Y/n: don't know but something tells me the town of los alamos may offer answers.

Then sees the capital building being rebuild and crowd of people there 

The three was in silent seeing this.

Don: That's the capitol building.

Tommy: it's getting rebuilt.

Cole: but that's impossible right? this can't be the future.

Y/n: But it can be.

then the last side shows a parade with a giant robot saluting and walking with the parade.

(Replace the Balloon Vault boy's vault suit with a enclave power Armor)

Cole: Wow look at that

Tommy: Now that's a parade!

don: What is that?

Y/n: That's liberty prime a war machine to combat enemies of America and it looks like he's giving the salute to the people.

the film continues to show a man standing in a black roofless car waving to people which turns out to be Y/n as a President which greatly shocked the rest.

Y/n: What?

Cole: No...

Don: Fucking

Tommy: Way You're the president of America in the future!

then the film ends as the four was silent don sat breathless as y/n washed his face at the sink cooling himself from the shock.

Y/n: This can't be real there's no way I become a President, I'm not a politician for Christ sake.

Tommy: But what we saw there's no denying it.

Cole: I hardly believe it but after seeing it this could be a advantage what bout you don?

Don takes a deep breath.

Don: Follow me.


Inside don's room

Don: Okay there's a reason why the resistance wants no one look into the films but if what the film shows the future I'll be damn not taking any chances, to get to the ghost town I need you to deliver a package to one of ours in the neutral zone here.

Don unrolls the map of the former united states of America,

Don: Okay to get into the natural zone you need a passport to get in one of my boys will craft you one, and once you inside the state go to canon city and I'll have a contact come and collect the package then you can head to los Alamos to search something there.

Y/n: Okay but how do I know if someone I meet is your contact?

Don: no worries she'll be in a dinner and if she ask 'Do you have any smokes love' Just say 'Mine is in the truck' then she give you money to pay fuel for the trip then you on your own.

y/n: well then how about a cold drink to ease the nerves.

he pulls out 4 Ice cold Nuka Cola and hands them to them

Don: I'll never get used to see shit appearing out of nowhere.

Cole: But hey It's those glass bottles from the film so it must taste good.

Y/n: Here's to us Desperate people who is keeping the American dream alive.

Don, Cole & Tommy: Cheers.

they drink the colas

Cole: Whoa this drink is good!

Tommy: Like wonder if it taste better if you mix alcohol with it.

Don: well whatever it is hope this stuff sells much.


After they finished the cola the passport is finished and y/n climbs inside the company truck as Cole brought the boxed up power Armor in the back.

Don: Okay once you reach the checkpoint you have to hide the package from sniffer dogs it's under the truck.

Y/n: Alright then wish me luck.

Don: hey before you go, I want to apologise for calling you a Nazi, It's just i lost my home and good people I call friends even Family.

Y/n: no worries and sorry for punching you and chocking you.

Don: Nah I deserve it.

Cole: Your power suit is nice and shut in the back, shame you have to go, though it's been minutes but it felt like years

tommy: Yeah hope we'll meet again, hey maybe once you take office can you give me a mansion.

Y/n: Heh I'll think about it.

Don: Well good luck mate we're counting on you.

Y/n nods as he turns on the engine and drove off to the checkpoint. 

Cole: Godspeed y/n.


in the Japanese Controlled state, rumours of a Black devil reached the city and people started talking about this black devil.

some say it's a super weapon made by the resistance some say it's a robot made by the Nazi then gone rouge.

In the Nippon building one man heard about the rumours about the black devil and thought to be a ridiculous hoax.

Kido: The black devil (Scoffs) What a joke properly an hoax made by the Nazi or the resistance.

???: True but have you truly seen it's weaponry?

kido looks behind him to see the Imperial logistics officer.

Suki: If we manged to get our hands on those weapons and that Armor we beat the Nazis and their technology superiority.

Kido: Suki I'm not wasting time chasing fantasies.

she hands him a files containing the time square massacre including the black devil.

Suki: So a fantasy huh? I manged to acquired the photos before the Nazis destroyed them not wanting anyone seeing this and besides have you seen the body of this officer mike?

She shows him the photo which he nearly gagged.

Kido: Oh god what happened to him?!

Suki: Plasma It melted his skin and flesh off.

Kido: Well then this could be a serious security threat to us and the royal family I'll put out a warning to any patrols and once we captured this black devil the scientists will do the work. 

He left and suki looked at the photos

Suki: Just who are you?


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