Chapter: 1 Memories and meeting the locals


Inside the House Nate and Nora just woke up and is eating breakfast at the table.

and in the kitchen area their housemate y/n just finished the second patch of pancakes.

Y/n: Alright who want's second?

Nora: (Laughs) thanks for the pancakes y/n.

Nate: yeah it was nice of you.

Y/n: Nah Just got hungry and started cooking isn't that right Shaun?

baby Shaun giggles happily eating small cuts of pancakes then Cudworth's comes in with mail and bottles of milk.

Y/n: hey codsworth what you got?

Codsworth: good morning, I got letters from the mailbox and today's newspaper and milk just delivered.

Nate: Thanks codsworth.

Codsworth: of course sir.

y/n sits at the table as codsworth cleans the pans.

Nate reads the newspaper and Nora looks at the letter then she sees a envelope with tickets to new York city.

Nora: hey Y/n I got a envelope with plane tickets to new York city on the 26?

Y/n: Aw shoot, it was supposed to be a surprise! I wanted to thank you for letting me live here all this time, so I'm treating the family to a vacation!

Nate: Y/n that's real sweet of you.

Codsworth: sounds fun I'll keep the house spotless while your on vacation.

Nora: That's sounds wonderful right Shaun?

he blows raspberry clapping his hands.

Y/n: That's right Shaun, Look out world, the L/n family is going' to New York city!

Nate: Here's to us.

they raised their coffee.

Y/n: so any plans for today?

Nora: maybe after breakfast I was thinking we could head to the park for a bit, weather should hold up.

Nate: yeah sounds like fun.

Y/n: and hopefully meet someone special there.

They laughed but then Shaun farted making a dookie.

Y/n: Howe remind me never feed him pancakes.

Codsworth: ah someone made a stinky, I'll shall change young Shaun.

Nora: I'll help, Nate?

Nate: sure be right back y/n.

they left to help change Shaun as y/n finished his pancake and put them in the sink, then the doorbell rang.

Nora: Y/n can you get that?

Y/n: Sure!

he walks to the door and opens see a Vault Tec representative.

However y/n can see that the man is nervous by the small sweat on his brow the bags on his eyes being covered in makeup and a small piece of hair sticking out and his hand is twitching while holding the pen.

Vault Tec rep: Good morning, Vault Tec calling.

Y/n: Morning sir can I help you?

Vault rep: Yes is Mr Nate home?

Y/n: He's busy changing his kid's nappy, but I'll take his place.

Vault rep: I'm sorry but who are you?

Y/n: I'm Y/n L/n, I'm the brother of his wife Nora.

Vault: Really? Oh yes your name is on here, sorry My fault, I know you may be busy so I won't take up much of your time

Y/n: nah I'm doing nothing so I got plenty of time

Vault rep: Oh good well I'm here today to tell you, because of your family services to our country you all have been selected into a local Vault, Vault 111!

Y/n: Sounds good.

Vault rep: oh it is. Believe you and me. Now, you're already cleared for entrance, in the unforeseen event of *Ahem* atomic annihilation. I just need to verity information. That's all!

Y/n: ok let's do it.

Vault rep: Splendid, Splendid! Now let's see...

As he reads the list let's us see his great grandparents backstory In 1942 Y/n and Nora's great grandmother Karla a nurse who was put in a concertation camp by Nazi Germany to start a Experiment approved by Hitler himself.

Then she was assigned to Ben, a American solider who was captured as a prisoner of war, she became his nurse hoping to get information from him but in time she fell in love with him.

she knew they will kill him and her for not getting anything out of him so she help him escape the camp and get back to a American outpost, she told his superiors about the camps and some experiment that the Nazi is making named Project Overlord.

with the experiment stopped and destroyed, The war won and Karla is granted asylum to American and rewarded an American citizenship and married the man she fall in love.

then they had kids and their kid's kids birthed Nora and y/n.

after they grew old, Nora had Shaun while Y/n was unfortunately is single.

the rep finished reading the list.

Vault: Wonderful that's... everything... Just gonna walk this over to the vault. Congratulations on being prepared for the future!

he checks his watch and speeds walks to the vault, y/n became suspicion about his behaviour and getting this feeling he closed the door and turned on the TV.

then Nate and Nora holding Shaun entered the lounge room

Nate: was that man from vault Tec again?

Y/n: Yeah but somethings wrong with him, he looked like he wanted to get to the vault quickly.

Nora: Y/n what's going on?

Y/n: I having a gut feeling something's wrong.

the news came on

News reporter: Followed by... yes, followed by flashes, Blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions... We're... we're trying to get confirmation...

Nora: What's happing?

News reporter: But we seem to have lost contact with our affiliate stations...

then they heard what they feared had come true.

News: reporter: We do have... coming in... confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania. My god.

then the broadcast ended

Y/n: oh god it's happening.

Nate: we need to get to the vault Now!

Nora: I got Shaun let's go!

Y/n: Codsworth stay safe buddy.

Codsworth and your family as well sir oh my.

but as y/n exit the house he ended up in a forest but the trees are dead and the sirens still playing.

Y/n: Nate? Nora? Shaun?!

he looked around and sees them sitting on the bench with Shaun on Nora's lap, y/n ran to them.

Y/n: what you all doing we have to go!

Nora: we can't.

she lift her head and y/n gasped in fear.

Nora: you left us to die.

Y/n: no that's not true I tired to save you both,

then Nate who is a rotten corpse pointed at him.

Nate: and because of you our son is dead.

Shaun is now an skeleton of a baby

Y/n: No no please I didn't know.

then nuclear explosions appeared around him lighting up the sky in hellfire.

the heat began to burn around y/n scream in pain and the blast reduce him into a skeleton as well the corpse of Nate and Nora.


Y/n wakes up holding a gun aiming around as he is sweating from a PTSD nightmare, he was still in the storage room, he gasped for air as he put the weapon down and wiped the sweat off of him.

Y/n: god dammit not again.

it had been 2 days since he arrived in a world where the axis won the war, he been trying to contact headquarters but only get static. he didn't go outside due to the city on lockdown of his rampage, with no information and no he was all on his own.

he even thinks the film can is cursed and brought him here and wanted to destroy it but it must be a reason to bring him here.

he lights up a cigarette and pulls out a photo of them before the war. 

(Insert yourself next to Nora holding Shaun)

Y/n: I missed you all so much.

he checks the time on his pad, it reads 9AM and somehow the pad manged to show the map despite no satellite in space hoping to find a way out of here.

but then he hears the lid being moved and hears steps on the ladder thanks to his implant, so he turns off the lights and slips into the shadow.

two suited strangers entered the sewers armed with pistols and flashlights in search of the Black devil.

???1: Are you even sure if he's in here?

???2: well he has to be how else you have to get away I think he's in there.

he sees the door to the storage so he slowly opens the door and sees inside, they saw the power Armor on standby with a bedroll next to a dimly lit lantern.

???2: (Whisper) whoa so it's true the black devil is a robot suit and the guy is asleep.

they slowly walked closer watching their steps not wanting to wake the sleeper.

???1: Hang on Something doesn't feel right.

but it was to late as he pulled the blanket off the bedroll they saw it was just a mannequin.

then the lights turn on and y/n is behind them aiming his laser shotgun at them.

Y/n: Stop right there, you both have manged to locate my hideout and But a question remains, Who the hell are you?

Cole : Whoa easy were with the Resistance we are not your enemy, My name is Cole and this is tommy.

tommy: yeah we heard about a massacre on time squares and saw the aftermath, our boss wanted us to find you

Y/n: really? But how do I know that your not spies for those bastards?

Tommy: Buddy if we were with the Nazis we would have flooded the sewers with gas and killed you rather then come here.

Y/n knew they were right, they would have flooded the sewers to kill him rather then talking so he'll give them a benefit of the doubt and lowering his weapon. 

Y/n: alright but you better not lied to me.

cole: thank you now I bet you have a lot of questions

Y/n: yeah just what the fuck is going here? Why are the Nazis here in new York, where is the government?! What happened? 

cole: You may want to sit down for this, it will be hard to digest


Cole told him the entire story, in 1945 Washington dc was nuked instead of hiroshima and nagasaki, then two years after the bomb dropped and the last of the American army crushed the axis power took control the country while the imperial japan control the west side and the Nazi the east side, then they started to slowly erase all traces of American history and national identity and replace them with theirs and worse killing anyone who is inferior like blacks, Jews and people with disabilities.

y/n was silent while hearing the information and staring blankly to the ground while the rebels call out to him.

Cole: sir are you alright?

y/n stands up and walks to the mirror, tommy was about to check if he's okay but was stopped by Cole.

Y/n: yeah I'm fine it's no big deal that your home county has been bombed by a nuke and the axis power taken over our land and is destroying our democracy and replacing it with theirs and killing those who are deemed inferior, yeah it's grand...

he looks at the mirror and released his pent up rage.

In his blind rage he punched the mirror shattering it, Cole and tommy steps back giving him space to cool off.

Y/n: how? How did this even happen?

Cole: I guess we failed.

Y/n: Bull fucking shit! we won the war!, we pushed the Nazis back to berlin! we bombed hiroshima and nagasaki forcing japan to surrender!

both Cole and tommy were confused on what he just said.

Tommy: wait forgive me for saying this but it did not happen.

Y/n: Of course it did back where I'm from! Now I'm stuck here all thanks to a cursed fucking film can.

then their eyes were wide open on the word film can.

Cole: what film can?

y/n walks to his bag and pulls out the enclave 35mm film can.

Y/n: I found this on recon when I picked it up I found myself in this universe, why you never seen this before?

Tommy: yeah but you found you it in your universe? All that talk is like your from an another world.

Cole: After what eyewitnesses says, it's very hard not to believe the possibility, we have to bring you to the man in the high castle.

Tommy: Cole are you sure about this? only the higher ups are allowed to visit him.

Cole: buddy he could have one of those tapes and with his weaponry we can kick those bastards out!

Y/n: Hang on who's this man in the high castle?

Cole: no one knows but some say he collects films that may tell the past, present and maybe the future.

Tommy: but we don't know if the film he has is even wroth something.

Y/n: well it's wroth a try right? if this thing brought me here to this universe it has to be a reason why.

Cole: well whatever it is the resistance could use your help.

y/n was quiet for a moment but then he insert a power core in the back of the suit then the suit opens up allowing him to climb inside and the Armor closes it self.

both Cole and tommy was in awe seeing something so wicked.

Y/n: Very well then Allow me to introduce myself, My name Lieutenant colonel  Y/n l/n of the Enclave, and With my help we will take back our home.

they grinned knowing with him helping they can win.

Cole: Thank you you won't regret it.

Tommy: good thing we got a truck to take you to our boss.

so y/n followed them to their truck hoping with their help he could get answers and call for help hopefully.


After the massacre 2 days ago by the black devil, the remains of officer mike, the plasma goo even the vehicles that been damaged is brought here to be studied hoping to find out the vehicles that been damaged.

one scientist scan the remains only to discover an strange quantum energy readings 

Scientist: sir we got a reading.

the high ranking Nazi scientist walks to him

Josef: what is it?

Scientist: well the remaining of officer mike is emitting strange energy readings known as Plasma, plus after we scanned time squares the floor which the black devil arrived from air the are was emitting the same energy readings like projekt 701.

Josef went quiet after hearing this.

Josef: what are you saying?

Scientist: sir the black devil could be from an alternate universe.

Josef: Good god, I better call high command we have to find this thing NOW!

he speeds walk to the phone when a hand grabs his shoulder.

???: What's the rush professor?

Josef: Oh just going to call high command.

he looked behind and see the Nazi super soldier.

Josef: Mistress Karla.

her eyes glowed electric blue as she smiles.


the enclave in the high castle Ending Theme

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