Chapter 16

Mew watches the mama and the son playing in the moonlight.

Gulf is happy. He may not see that adorable bunny smile or hear his giggles like rain drops on a flowing river.

Yet, Mew knows Gulf is truly... truly happy to live in that hut, surrounded by too many trees and beautiful flowers.

It looks like a mini forest mountain from here. Mew quickly hides back behind the tree far from that tiny home, that keeps his heart and soul safe at night.

How pathetic of a father is he to only see his son and his beloved from this far!

Mew just hopes Gulf will at least let him finish his sentence tomorrow before leaving as if he does not know that Mew is his husband.

As usual he waits by the half-wall by the mud bridge and sighs seeing Gulf alone. Gulf's friend is scary and he has a very loud voice. He barely escaped the angry mob that day because Touwma, the Local Enforcer, told them that Mew was a new investigating officer.

The murder had happened before Gulf's arrival in the village. That time he narrowly escaped saying he was rookie. She also told Mew that the villagers will not be kind to him next time or he will have to disclose he is the Emperor.

He can't have that. He has to get Gulf's approval before he can move in a politically diplomatic way.

"Gulf..." He jogs to his beautiful but tired wife and his heart skips a beat when he sees no baby wrap on his chest. "Where is our..."

The sharpness of that eyes slices his bleeding heart.

"Sir, please do not follow me."

"Why do you pretend not to know me?! Gulf it is me Mew!"

That is when Gulf walks away faster from him, without listening to what he says. If Gulf reaches the market crowd, there is no way Mew can talk to him without coming off as a creepy pervert sniffing after a vulnerable single young mother.

"Gulf, you have to listen to me. Hear what I have to say. This is all a misunderstanding..."


A misunderstanding that caused Gulf pain, suffering, self-death thoughts... Gulf does not want to clear the misunderstanding that could have caused his death; his son's premature death.

He is okay now. His son is perfect.

He cannot jinx it by doing everything that he did in the past. Gulf's stupidity has a limit.

Emperor just have to find another 'harlot' for what he wants. Gulf is not doing that 'job' anymore.

"Gulf, baby... I know you have all the reasons for pretending not to know me, but for the sake of our chi..." Mew swallows his words when Gulf looks at him like an assassin on a mission. "You know what I am taking about... Gulf. Five moments, somewhere alone and I..."

"You must have mistaken me for someone else, Sir. There are no brothels in this village. You will find one at the Cepal Gambling Home."

"Gulf... I admit I deserve that..."

"Kind Sir, villagers are already curious and please do not taint my reputation. 'My' son and I are living here in peace. Please do not make it difficult for us."

"Taint your reputation, Gulf? I am your husband!" Mew shouts fed up with everything that is keeping Gulf away from him.

The Emperor is not used to be ignored. He has not had to ask anyone for their attention ever. Now, it is his wife; so beautiful and tired who is not giving an ounce of respect that he deserves as his husband.

"YOU ARE HIS HUSBAND?" Gulf and Mew startle at the sudden voice and Mew whimpers. It is Gulf's loud friend. Now he is doomed. Why is this person here?!

"Friend!!! He is my husband's... friend." Gulf beats himself up for the slip. "Or... so he says." Gulf adds but he knows the damage is done. Now he will have to answer Mild's questions and suddenly he just wants to go home.

"Aw... from the army?" Mild asks and Mew nods.

'Please don't scream, please don't scream and call for people...' Mew prays.

"Aahh... you have a message from his late partner? Is that why you are following us?"

Gulf really wants to smack Mild. Now, the Emperor is gonna...

"Yes! Wait... late partner?" Gulf does not see Mew's heartbroken face. 'I am very much alive, Gulf. Do you want me to die?'

Gulf sighs. Oh, Mild!

"Aw... you did not know that your friend died?"

"No... I did not." Mew gulps. "Give me that. Let me help you." He picks up the heavy bags Mild has in his arms.

"Thank you! Come on, Gulf." Mild takes one from Gulf's hand and he skips in the front. "Siwa and the babies went home."

Gulf does not know what to do. Mild now knows Mew!

He rolls his tongue in his mouth in frustration. What does the Emperor want? If he is here for Gulf's son, he will know how sharp the chef knife is.

"We can take it from here!" Gulf shouts when he sees Mew trying to strike up a conversation with Mild. He roughly yanks the heavy shopper bags from Mew and tries to drag Mild away.

Mild knows nothing about palace people. He thinks Mew is a friend; he is not. His visit must have an agenda and Gulf is not going to let his only friend get manipulated for Emperor's selfish reasons.

"Oy! Gulf, what is the rush?! You, man, what is your name? Did you deliver the messa..."

Gulf cannot let this happen. The Emperor will hurt Mild in one way or another. He feels like a sea is crashing its waves in his ears, he sees blue with anger and he wants the Emperor to leave his family alone.

Why can't he go back?!

"My name is Mew and I..."

"KING! I do not know what you have to say or what you are trying to do. We, village people are naive... we are dimwits. People intelligent as your excellent self will find us gullible. We have nothing but honour as badges and self - respect as power. It might be difficult to understand for persons like you but my son and my friends are not interested in any more powerful contracts. So, please... please leave us to..."

"You are a King? From where? You do not look like a King." Mild cocks his head and notices the commoner clothes. A King would be wearing silk clothes with real precious metals and gems. Right? That is how they are in the pictures.

Gulf just wants to die. Not now, Mild!!!

"No." Mew and Gulf answer together.

"Gulf called you King. Who is Mew?" Mild looks at them both and Gulf wheezes.

"His name is Meww... li... king? His name is Mew Le King! Yeah... that is his name. King... that is how he is called."

"Mew Licking? What kind of a name is that?" Mild pouts.

"He is a foreigner." Gulf drags Mild away. "They have names like that in other places. We have to go. P'Siwat has to search for a job and we are keeping him waiting. The babies will be crying."

That is enough for Mild to rush past Gulf, taking the bags. Gulf is right. San and Thorn might have turned Gulf's home upside down and his Siwa will be crying.

Oh Godess!

"Gulf..." Mew begs but the way Gulf turns with fire in his eyes, made him wish he should have just kept his mouth shut.

"Stay away from us, please. I beg you. You have everything a man could ever have, King. All I have is my family... please... I do not know why you are here and I am scared to know. I swear to Goddess I have never step inside your palace. I never even think of your majestic existence or your mighty name. I have a family, now... please... spare this slave's life and leave me alone, Emperor."

Mew can only watch as Gulf walks fast to his friend with those heavy bags that is making his beautiful petal hands red. Mew can only stand here like the empty shell he is and watch that gorgeous fawn gallop away from him.

"I am your family too, Gulf... You are my wife and I am your husband." Mew blinks back his tears staring at his wife who is far away from him.

He has nothing a man should have. He is just a big loser who was played like a puppet by people who he had trusted and loved.

'You, my wifey, you are not with me and our son... our son that had fruited inside you from my seed; he is not with me either. Then how can I have everything a man could have?'

Mew just wants to hold Gulf and tell him that... tell him that...

Mew does not know what he will tell his wife. Yet, that is all he wants. He just wants to talk. Tell him everything that had happened during his absence.

The wine does not taste the same anymore.

The Jeroplat balls only reminds me of you, your blush and the night you conceive my child; the future emperor of Galodhikeera.

How scared and lost he was, not finding Gulf and his son...

What else can Mew say?

"I am so sorry!" Gulf blushes from tip to toe because of his son.

Oh God!

"Hey... hey... he is just hungry. It is okay... drink your fill Thorn."

Thorn, San and Mild were lying on Gulf's bed while he was busy with the dried vegetables and fruits, ready to be pickles and jams.

Gulf does not know how it went down but... Thorn saw the tip of Mild's immi and decided it is okay to climb on Mild's chest and help himself.

Ohhh God his son should have waited until Gulf fixed him a bottle.

"Gulf do not sweat it... I know you don't have enough..."

Mild trails off and Gulf turns his face away.

He is such a failure. Tears fill his eyes and he smother a sob.

"Gulf... Gulf... it is okay, it happens." Mild rubs his back thoroughly. "San on the other hand will eat anything like his Papa... It is okay. You do not mind that I..."

Gulf shakes his head but he cannot bear this pain.

"I am a bad omen, Mild. I cannot bring happiness to anyone I love. I only bring pain, suffering and..." Gulf's eyes shift to his son, who is still busy drinking milk.

"That is not true, Gulf. You have brought me happiness. My Siwa will not let me under anyone's care and I do not blame him for the backstabs he has received for marrying and impregnating me... He knows you, loves you like his younger brother... we are lucky to have you... so is your son."

Mild giggles when Thorn punches his chest and he shifts the baby to other breast. "Was my Thorn baby so hungry?"

"Mmm..." Thorn agrees and Gulf wipes his eyes.

"And the other people you do not talk about... do they matter, Gulf?" Mild holds his hand and Gulf sniffles again.

"I only have my Siwa and my San." Mild's eyes fill up too. "Siwat is younger than me. He is my little brother's friend... I did not know that Siwa's feelings for me were different but I did not push him away when I knew. One night he and I... You can imagine how our 'relationship' caused a ruckus. I have a womb and I should have picked someone older than me..."

Gulf nods; the more remote the village area is, the more remote a logical brain.

"I thought Siwa will wash his hands off me. He could have got anyone but he..."

"Loves you so much?" Gulf lies next to Mild on the bed and Mild blushes, ducking his face.

"Yeah... My parents disowned me and Siwa married me the next day. My younger brother was there; he is the only person who cares for me in my family now... Siwat's parents are okay with him these days but I am still a bad omen. We had to change our homes so many times because... my parents tried to break us up. Bad omen; see?"

"You??!! You are..." Pretty, lovable, an awesome mom and Siwa worships you on top of his palm; unlike Gulf.

He married someone whole Empire told him he was lucky to have but they can't see the hearts that pain.

"When you say you are a bad omen, that is my exact reaction too." Mild chuckles. "You are unaware of the worshippers you have..."

"Mild stop!" Gulf groans.

Mild thinks people are dying for his attention. Oh, that man looked at you; the girl was biting her lips... always the same verses.

"Awww... I think, baby Thorn fell asleep on me." Mild kisses his baby's head and Gulf's lips twitch in happiness.

"He always does that..." Gulf rubs his son's fuzzy head.

Gulf feels tiny fingers pinching his shirt and trying to climb up his back.

"San is a monkey. Making him drink my boobie milk is a huge ruckus. He will climb on me like a... Oh look, now it is you, Gulf."

"Waaahhh!!!" San screams and pokes his head out between Gulf's hand and waist.

Gulf leaves the bed, picking up San. "Well, we are going to pluck flowers and fruits from the backyard. Why don't you rest with Thorn? P'Siwat said he did not let you sleep last night?!"

Mild blushes and hides under the blanket.

Gulf hides his happy smile.

Mild is not a bad omen. He is the luck men search for.

You are the reason why my happiness will not reach me!

Unlike Gulf.

He wonders why then the Emperor is in this village and following him around. Gulf is not there in that man's life anymore. Mew's happiness, aka that person, can reach the Emperor now.

"Aaahwh..." San points to the Pichigen tree with the baby swing.

"Yeah? You wanna sit there, son? Here you go!" San happily sits but will not let go of Gulf and he laughs.

"I cannot stand here like this babe." He pecks San's head and gently removes the tiny hands that are clutching his shirt. "I will be there, plucking fruits for you."

Gulf now knows what families should look like and feel like.

He is happy than he ever was.

Gulf waves his hand with a smile to San when the baby coos and cackles at him.

"Mymi!" A voice shouts in front of his home and Gulf picks up San from the swing and his basket half-full of fruits. He can see P'Siwat thrumming with excitement.

"You are early today, Phi... He is napping..."

"Oh." The disappointment in his voice is apparent.

"What is wrong? Gulf, Thorn baby is in the cra..." Siwa picks up Mild and plants a big kiss on his cheek.

"I got the job! A job Mymi! Your prayers are..." Gulf cannot hear the rest as the husband and wife starting whispering to each other's ears; hugging and kissing.

San starts whining and squealing, wanting to join the family hug. "Let us give them some time, son." He goes to his bedroom unnoticed, to see Thorn already wiggling to wake up.

Gulf smiles.

They are really loving; Siwat and Mild, like the Sun God and the Moon Goddess.

"San, when you grow up and marry someone, love that person like how your parents love."

San leans up to give Gulf a very cute kiss on his chin.

He places San and Thorn in the baby mat to play when he hears P'Siwat calling for him. "Gulf... come here, please... There are some friends outside who helped me carry my work equipment home. Can you please give them something to drink? Mymi was here and I could not find a thing in our kitchen."

Gulf hides his smile behind his palm. "I got it Phi... I will get them some snacks too."

Siwa affectionately ruffles Gulf's hair and he gets the people outside his home, rose infused Hoggut milk, cold water, watermelon juice, waterberry wine and some dried fruits, nuts and salted breads.

He stays a bit far away when he sees Siwa hugging his wife and thanking all the men who have helped them.

"Oh, Gulf come here. Mymi is right. You are a life saver."

Gulf bends to place the tray over the bench but freezes when he sees the person who accepts it from his hand.

"Oy! It is Licking." Mild tells everyone and Gulf sighs. "Thank you for helping my hubby."

"King is fine or Mew, N'Mild. I am glad to help. Gulf, can I have a word? Your husband... has... had... a message for you." Mew's eyes cannot leave his wifey who has hidden behind Siwat. He takes a scroll from his tunic and waits patiently for Gulf to agree.

"I want to hear nothing, King. He was of no use to me then. He will be of no use to me now. Thank you for finding me and trying to pass on the message. I have accepted and acknowledged it. You do not have to waste your time now."

A loud wail is heard from the home and Mew wants to run inside to...

"I've got our son." Siwat kisses Mild and Gulf averts his eyes.

"Gulf..." Mew mumbles when Siwa and Mild goes inside the home, playfully fighting over whose turn it is to sooth their angry son this time.

Mew squirms like a child in front of an angry mother when the rest of the people shuffle away to give them privacy.

"Why are you really here, King?" Gulf feels his heart painfully constricting. "Did I forget to sign a scroll? Am I still standing in your way to your faen?"

Mew opens his mouth and closes. That was exactly why he had started looking for Gulf. If he had married Aan, Mew would not have even thought of a life he had literally thrown to streets.

"We have a son." What else could he say? He was not a husband to Gulf and he regrets that every single moment of his life now.

"I have a son. And you are not his father." Gulf's voice is unyielding.

"Gulf, he looks exactly like me and I know... no one has ever touched you except..."

"You have somewhere else to be, Emperor. You have duties and responsibilities than finding who sired a harlot's son. I am sure, a King has not stooped that low to adopt my son as his. Your faen must be waiting and do not test his love for you, by circling around a retired harlot."

"I... deserve that." Mew admits he looks down and his heart pains seeing the swollen feet of Gulf. He could only watch as they turn around and leave him alone.

"Yo, Mew! Pale Foreigner. It looks like it will rain today. Let us go home!" His new friends holler and he turns around to join them.

When he looks back, the door has already closed and his wife is not to be seen.

Mew does not care how many love lamps he had accidently blown out in Gulf but he will patiently pour fragrant oil in each one of them... and light them up with the painfully burning flame in his own heart.

"We will burn together, my love or I will die trying. You are mine; so is our son."

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