The Event Begins


"Why is she here?..."

Edwin Valschein couldn't help but wear a scowling expression as he crossed his arms and glared at Yumiella Dolkness, who stood a few feet away from him.

'Believe me, if my BFF wasn't kidnapped, I wouldn't be here around a cheater like you...'

Yumiella could only slightly glare back in response, but said or did anything more than that.

"I was under the impression that she was arrested, was she found innocent?"

Oswald Grimsarde pushed up his glasses as he narrowed his eyes at her, unlike Valschein, he did not openly express dislike for Dolkness, but he didn't care for her either.

'Hm, I still feel hostility from you, but at least you're not dumb as the Prince.'

For Grimsarde, Yumiella could only sigh at him in disappointment, even if he wasn't as bad as the Prince, it was hard to like him either.

"She was released because she is going to help us find Princess Alexia, both to provide support with her LV99 power and to prove she isn't guilty, as per General Iris order."

William Ares, who stood next to the LV99 girl, explained the reason on why she was here, though it was clear he wasn't happy about it either, but he tried his best to look more professional about it this time.

'You know, while I never had a favorite character in the game, I always did like your story route the most, though not because I pick you.'

As for Yumiella, she actually has a soft spot for Ares, of course it doesn't mean she would be willing to be his friend, but she didn't dislike him as much as she did with the other two.

'But because when I don't pick you, you were always given a happy ending with Iris.'

The reason being might have something to do with how the red haired man acted and stood by Iris Midgar side, which made Yumiella smile when she saw them together.

'I don't remember if you both ended up married or something else, but you're the reason why I always picked Edwin route when I play the game.'

Yumiella was never one to enjoy romance in her games, but she would be lying if she didn't enjoy personally shipping them together.

"I understand your concern, but like my 2nd in Command said, Yumiella could be a great help in looking for my Sister, not that I don't doubt any of your skills, I have confidence that even without her help, you all would've been beyond helpful in this mission."

Even if most of those in the group had personal reservations and were upset to have Dolkness in the team, they were unable to say anything about it, as Iris, who out ranks them all in age, status and power, so whatever she says goes, and no of the three boys could do anything about it.

"Though, with that being said, who is she? I don't remember including her to our group?"

Though after saying all that, Iris quickly turn her attention to a certain pink hair girl with shy green eyes.

"I-I'm sorry if I'm intruding..."

Alicia Ehnleit looks down as she tries to apologize, though the blonde man stood before her in a protective manner.

"Please do not blame her, I was the one who invited her, as I believe her Light magic would be useful in our mission, also she could heal the 2nd Princess if she is injured when we find her."

Midgar did seem interested and curious with the person that Edwin brought in, as well as explaining her usefulness for this mission.

'I mean, he's not wrong, in the original story, Alicia was the one to both save Alexia and make her turn a new leaf, so I'm not doubting her usefulness.'

Though Yumiella could only express annoyance, wearing a light frown on her face for what she was seeing between him and Ehnleit.

'Though it is still pretty scummy of you to bring her to save your current girlfriend, then again maybe this could be the moment where you both can break it off and be free from each other.'

But Yumiella had no reason to stop the Prince, not only did she not care enough, but just saw this as an opportunity for her BFF to have more proof in wanting to break up with Valschein, so she kept quiet and did nothing about it.

"I see, well, I have no reason to not trust your judgement, so very well, I thank you for your assistance, Alicia Ehnleit."

Iris seems convinced in letting the pink hair girl join the team, even bowing her head and welcoming her in the group.

"N-No need for that, I-I would always be willing to help if someone needs it!"

However, before Alicia could continue to act super nervous and freaked out about the entire situation, or even just start their search for the 2nd Princess, a loud explosion could be heard and seen, along with the sound of some buildings falling apart in the distance, which definitely caught everyone's attention.

'Well I see that you're not subtle in saving Alexia...'

Though it seems that only Yumiella knows what was possibly going on, judging by her emotionless calm expression.

"W-What was that?!"

Alicia was the most confused and concerned about what just happened, though not to say her friends didn't feel the same way.

"HURRY! My Sister Could Be There In Danger!"

But despite the sudden chaos, Iris immediately took charge and wasted no time running towards the source of destruction, with her team following close behind her.

'I still trust Cid in being able to save Alexia, in fact, everything seems to be under control at the moment.'

As Yumiella was following her group, she couldn't help but look up and noticed a few familiar shadowy figures jumping and moving across the roof, which made her let out a breath of relief.

'But besides obviously wanting to make sure she's actually safe-'


Yumiella and her group quickly stopped in their tracks, some looking either surprised or shocked once they saw a very large monstrous beast causing a rampage in front of them, destroying nearby buildings with her large arm, crushing everything on the ground with her huge feet, and just letting out very loud, uncontrollable roars that frightened all the civilians and made them run away.

'I am still just here for the event mainly.'

Though just as Yumiella was about to use her LV99 powers against the creature, all three of the beautiful men immediately got in her way and looked ready to fight and defend themselves and others, specifically protecting a certain pink hair girl.

"General Iris, please allow us to handle this disgusting thing!"

Edwin spoke and wore an expression of pure undeniable confidence and determination, a feeling shared with both of his companions, which was something the Princess couldn't help but notice and admire.

"Alright then, prove to me what kind of Knight you all are!"

And once Iris was moved by their bravery and bravado, she allowed the trio to rush forward and deal with the beast before them. Ares used his large heavy sword to cut off both feet from the monster, which caused her to both roar in pain as she loses her balance. Grimsarde then used his water magic to make the ground slippery for the monster. Next, he used wind magic to make her fall over. Then, he used earth magic to trap her and lastly, he used fire magic to harm the monster as much as he could. As she was suffering in agony from the fire, Valschein took this chance to jump above the beast, pulling out his sword, which he then infused it with magic, before shoving the blade deeply into the head of the monster. She then went limp, which made the blonde wear a triumphant smirk.

"And that's why you never mess with Prin-"

Just as Edwin was about to think he had claimed victory, the monster slammed her huge head into his body, with enough force to break his weapon, some bones and just send him flying back. This startled Oswald and was about to cast a spell, but the monster arm broke out of the earth prison and just simply smacked him away, crashing into the Prince. Once the monster was fully freed, she then went after William next, he actually lasted a bit longer compared to the two, being physically stronger than both of his friends was enough to hold back the monster for quite a bit, but it still ended the same, being grabbed, crushed with enough force to break both arms, before also being tossed into the pile of pretty boys. No doubt seeing three talented people be tossed around like rag dolls definitely made Midgar go wide eyes while Ehnleit wore a horrified shocked expression.

'I guess we now know that they weren't strong Knights.'

Though Yumiella wore her normal blunt and neutral face, as if she was expecting this to happen.

"Alicia! Heal them! Yumiella! Keep them safe!"

Iris then pulls out her sword as she unleashes some of her power, no doubt about to take this fight seriously as she then dashes towards the uncontrollable monster, all the while the pink-haired girl simply does as she's told, running up to her now unconscious friends and uses her healing magic to save them, hoping they won't die.

'The main point of this event was not whether or not if you could beat the Monster.'

But as for Yumiella, she just stood there and watched everything like it was just another episode of her favorite show, completely not worried about the entire situation despite how bad it looks.

'But show you how strong the final Boss of this game would be, basically a tutorial and a warning to players that you need to focus on your combat skills of your characters, and not just your romance gameplay.'

Yumiella seems all familiar with what is happening right now, not only does she feel like she was in control right now, but was very confident that things would end up just fine in the end.

'Luckily I already prepared for that, so nothing for me to worry about, but I do hope these MC remember this lesson for the future.'

Yumiella couldn't help but glance back at the 4 MCs, even if she wasn't personally close with any of them, maybe except one or two of them, she would still rather see them grow up strong and become Heroes, instead of ending up dead.

'Now then, all I gotta do is watch Iris Midgar, who should be around LV60 I believe, defeat this LV30 Mini Boss and collect whatever loots this monster-'

Though just as Yumiella was about to worry about the Heroes of the story at another time, she looked back at the fight and just barely missed the 1st Princess get sent flying past her and crashing into a nearby wall, luckily she didn't knocked unconscious or broken like the trio of boys, but it definitely knocked the breath out of her.


Yumiella, her usual calm face has then turned into something more surprising and confused, as if not expecting what just happened.

'Wait a minute, you are supposed to be LV30, right?...'

Yumiella then looked away from Midgar and looked up at the large monster, who seemed to have gotten more muscular and angrier, she let out a louder roar before slamming her giant fist down upon Dolkness, who blocked it with her own tiny fist.

'This isn't right, only a LV60 should be make me feel anything?'

Yumiella was now even more surprised, even though the hit did barely any damage, in fact, feeling like nothing but a gentle poke to her, but the fact she felt it at all, it was enough to make her go wide eyes.

'Has it gotten stronger than it's original story counterpart?'

As Yumiella begins to think deeply about this new uncertain situation she found herself in, she casually pushed back the monster, making her stumble back, but just as she was about to attack the LV99 girl again, she stopped and noticed that Ehnleit and her unconscious, but healed up, friends were closer, which made the beast change target, roaring at them before charging towards them.


Alicia immediately got scared and, in an obvious panic, used her light healing magic against the monster, but to her and even Dolkness surprised, it actually worked, as the monster yells in pain as its skin melted and bubbled from the pain.

'Wait, has Alicia gotten stronger to?'

Yumiella was about to start to fall into a spiral of "What's going on", she quickly stopped herself and shook her head.

'No, I shouldn't worry about this now, that's future Yumiella problem to deal with... But it is definitely something I need to look back into later.'

Though once realizing that all of this shouldn't be the main focus right now, though it was still something she wanted to investigate later, she turned all of her attention back to the monster, who was about to recover from it's recent attack.

"[Dark Bind]"

Yumiella used her dark magic and in a quick moment, the monster has found itself suddenly being grabbed and wrapped around by multiple shadowy arms, being pulled down onto the ground and being refused to let go.

"You are an anomaly to this world, you should not be allowed to live."

Yumiella stood before the monster and glared at it, as she saw her as a change in the story that shouldn't exist and needed to be dealt with now before it could be a problem later, lifting up her hand and aiming it at her.

"[Shadow Lance-"

But just before Yumiella could put down the monster, a hand suddenly grabbed hers and stopped her from actually killing the monster.

"U-Um... C-Can you not hurt it?"

Not only was it Alicia who had just stopped her from casting an attack spell, but she was now also defending the same monster that just injured her friends and the Princess.


Yumiella couldn't help but be both surprised and curious with Ehnleit sudden change of heart.

"I... I just have this feeling that something is... Less monster about this monster..."

Alicia, even though clearly afraid of talking to Dolkness, still spoke her mind and reasoning in not wanting to kill the monster.

'Less monster?'

Yumiella was still confused about what the pink hair girl was even trying to say, but then she started to stop herself and actually think about it, as well remember something that she couldn't help but notice.

'Wait, when she used that Healing magic on it...'

This was enough of a reason for Yumiella to look back at the monster and try something else instead of straight up killing her.

"[Night Healing]"

Yumiella then started to use her own dark healing magic on the monster, but unlike the MC's beautiful light healing, it was very gross and disturbing to look at, which made the pink-haired girl run off to vomit. However, much to everyone's shock, the large monstrous beast, who roars and growls loudly in pain, its flesh and muscle slowly melted and fell off the body, and it kept doing this until there was nothing left but a young child, laying unconscious on the ground, and holding a dagger very close and tightly into her chest.

'Oh? I don't remember this part in the game.'

Safe to say, Yumiella was definitely not expecting this at all, same go for Midgar, who managed to recover enough to walk up and towards everyone.

"A-A child?"

Iris was wearing a very conflicted expression, as she did not know what to make of this.

"L-Lady Iris, are you ok?"

Though Alicia didn't give her a chance to really think about it, as she wasted no time running up to the 1st Princess and used her magic to fix up her body.

"I am now, thanks to you."

Iris smiles at Ehnleit as she properly thanked her, which she blushes softly in a shy manner, but still accepted the praise given to her.

"Did you do this?"

Though after praising the MC, Iris turned her attention back to the monster turned child, and specifically looked at the LV99 girl who was responsible for making this happen.

"It was Alicia's idea, but yes."

Yumiella nods, though still made sure to give the pink hair girl some credit as she wanted to make sure that Midgar knows that Ehnleit did more than her friends.

"This is concerning..."

Iris wore a very concerned and worried expression, not only because this might be connected to the kidnapping of her sister but also because this type of thing happened at all, which was something she needed to look into in the future, though she quickly shook her head and decided to worry about that later.

"Alicia, when my Crimson Knights get here, please take this child and your friends back to the academy, me and Yumiella will-"

But just as Iris was about to make a plan on what to do next, another loud "Boom" could be heard, however this time, it was no simple explosion of another building, it was bigger, so much bigger, so big that everyone in the entire city was able to see it, not only that, it was powerful as well, so powerful that even Yumiella herself couldn't help but actually express extreme shock, eyes going wide and jaws slightly dropping, however unlike Midgar and Alicia, who could not comprehend the size and power they were witnessing, Dolkness, not only could she properly process what was going on, but even know who was responsible for this, as she managed to look up and noticed a certain "Shadowbroker", jumping through the sky, who also looked down at her and gave her a wink before disappearing into the night.

'... Show off...'
First of 7 servants acquired for the "League Of Darkness", or something, I'm open to suggestions on what her team name should be like, since Cid has Shadow Garden/Seven Shades, BTW, while Yumiella has no problem hurting and maybe injuring people, do you think she would be ok with killing humans? Like monsters is one thing, but actual humans? Or maybe she would only be like, slightly freaked out when she does kill humans, however it won't traumatize her since the people she kills are like really bad people, what do you think?

(BTW, I wanna say, normal LV99 Alicia Ehnleit wouldn't be as strong as Cid and Yumiella, BUUUUUUT, a trained LV99 Alicia Ehnleit, being trained specifically by Cid and Yumiella, well, you can understand why I say they'll be around equal and such)

/Relationship Between Cid And Alicia\

Childhood Friend: Alicia was Cid's first Mob friend, thinking she was a Mob and used her for training in becoming a better Mob, also Cid thought even a Mob Character needs at least one Female Mob in his group.

(I'm thinking she could replace Skel and Po, also Cid is the reason why Alicia was able to attend the academy)

Maid: Alicia and her family lived on the land of Kageno, as both farmers and, Alicia specifically, being the main and first maid of Cid, also Alicia was the one to train the Seven Shades, and a few of the Numbers, when they were disguised as Maids, in how to become better servant to Cid, also also, Alicia gets visit a lot by the disguised Shadow Garden members, unknown to Cid, so that they could learn more about him and how to seduce him, again unknown to Cid and even Alicia.

(Basically the same as the Childhood Friend idea, though with a Maid theme to it I suppose, as Alicia was able to attend the academy, but still has to be Cid's maid, luckily he doesn't really care about having a Maid and Alicia is given a lot more freedom to do whatever she wants)

Family Member: Alicia could be Cid's twin or 1 year younger sibling, or a Daughter In Law, or Adopted, basically closer than a normal childhood friend, but it won't be a romance route type of thing.

(Alicia would be the reason why Claire is less crazy and not someone who wants to marry her brother, but in return, Alicia, while mostly sweet and loving, would have a slight Yandere side to her now thanks to Claire's influence)

Kind Of Knows Cid Secret: During the early age of Cid's life, before he became Shadow, and maybe before or around the time he became the Stylish Bandit Slayer, he was accidentally caught by Alicia, after saving her life from Bandits, so in exchange for keeping his secret, and because he was interested in her unique magic, plus he likes the idea of being a mysterious Mentor to the MC, he personally trained her.

(The same as the Childhood Friend, but with more complexity, also this might be the first of many steps where Cid changes and breaks the original story of the Game Plot, basically Cid is like a hidden cheat code for Alicia)

{REMINDER! This is still a Cid X Yumiella Story}

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