And Then There Were Fairies PT.2

"Alright, everything seems to be in working order..." Max muttered under his breath as he closed the hood down on the front of the Rustbucket while he dusted off his hands before stepping onto the RV and sitting down on the drivers seat. "Everything alright back there?"

"We're good, Grandpa!" Gwen replied while scrolling through her computer only to see no internet connection. "Gah!!!" She exclaimed in frustration while Ben looked at her tiredly, "Still nothing?"

"Yes! It's almost like we're not on Earth any more!" She exclaimed as she massaged her forehead in frustration. "Whatever Malwares portal did, it clearly took us much farther then we thought." She leaned back in her seat and let out a heavy sigh before flinching as Max suddenly honked the RV's horn. "Even my magic can't pinpoint where we are..."

Ben sighed in disappointed as his head slumped down onto the table completely exhausted. Before they could continue, the Rustbucket suddenly stopped, grabbing the their attention as they turned to look at their grandfather. "Why'd we stop?" Gwen asked in confusion as she watched Max rise from his seat and walk over to the door.
"Ugh!!! My feet hurt...." Lucy moaned as she Natsu, Grey, Happy and Erza walked their way back to Magnolia. "Why couldn't we have got a cart?" She asked as she turned to face Erza.

"You can blame this idiot." Grey said as he pointed towards Natsu, who was happily running ahead of the group closely followed by his friend Happy. "What you say?!?!" Natsu screamed at Grey upon hearing his remark.

However, before things could escalate into a fight between the pair, a strange looking vehicle came up from behind them and honked its horn, startling the group. "What kind of magic mobile is that?" Lucy asked as she watched the strange vehicle slowly come to a stop beside the group.

Before the group could say anything, the door began to open and put stepped a kindly looking old man. "Hello there!" He greeted as he closed the strange vehicles door behind him. He extended a hand towards the group, "You lot wouldn't happen to be walking down to that town over there, would you?" He asked while gesturing with his other hand towards Magnolia.

"We are and what of it?" Erza answered, her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she slowly began to reach for her sword.

"We're a bit lost, you see and we were hoping that the town might help give us a bit of an answer as to where we are." He explained before chuckling quietly to himself. "And well, I saw you on walking down the town and thought to myself that you might be able to help us." He continued before rubbing the back of his head with an embarrassed smile. "I'm Max by the way, Max Tennyson."

Erza stopped reaching for her sword upon hearing the man's request, "Of course we can help. It's our duty as members of Fairy Tail to help people on need." She said before turning to look at the rest of her group. "And seeing as how we're doing introductions, then my name is Erza, that's Natsu Dragneel," She said as she towards Natsu who was playing with Happy, "The cat next to him is called Happy, the person who just took off his shirt is Grey and the blond with the keyes on her belt is Lucy."

"Nice to meet you." Lucy greeted with a smile on her face as she extended her hand towards Max.

"The pleasures all mine." Max replied as he shook her hand, "Unfortunately, I don't know if I can pay you, but maybe I can help give you a lift to town?" He said before as he turned to walk back to his vehicle. "Is that alright with you?"

The group smiled except for Natsu as a horrified look settled on his face, "Of course, it beats walking any day." Lucy cheerful accepted as Max opened the door and gestured for them to get in.
"This place looks homey." Lucy stated as she looked over the RV's interior before noticing the two children wearing strange looking clothes sitting at the table.

"I call it the Rustbucket and it's my very own mobile home." Max stated proudly as he sat down in the drivers seat. However, Erza noticed something off with the vehicle, "Where's the SE-plug?" She asked.

"The what?" Max asked dumbly causing the rest of the group save for the two children to look at him on shock.

"You don't know what an SE-plug is?!?" Lucy exclaimed in disbelief causing the two children to look at her in confusion.

"Should I?" Max asked curiously as he looked at the group.

"The SE-plug is special device that powers every Magical Vehicle in Earth Land. It's a mechanism that wraps around the user's wrist, converting their Magic Power into fuel." Grey explained as he narrowed his eyes at the group with suspicion as the girl perked up upon hearing the word magic.

Max made an "O" shape with his mouth as he looked back at the RV's wheel, he winced as he realised that he hadn't anticipated that the new world they were in utilised magic for everything. "There's an easy explanation for that," He began as he looked over at the group. "You see, when I said that my grandkids and I weren't from around here, we ment it." He began as he looked over at his grandkids. "Where we're from, magic... isn't exactly commonplace and as such, people focus more on science and technology," He explained slowly so as to not aggravate the group. "However, we had a bit of a mishap with a portal and it ended up dropping us off here." He finished his story as the group looked at him in disbelief.

"Wait... So your saying that you come from a place where people don't use magic?!?!" Lucy exclaimed in disbelief as Max turned on the RV's engine which immediately made Natsu sick as he collapsed to the ground with a groan, starling everyone expect his friends.

"What's wrong with him?" Ben asked as he looked at Natsu rolling around on the floor in agony. "He just gets motion sick whenever he gets on a vehicle." Lucy answered while rubbing her head in embarrassment.

"Oh... You want me to get him a bucket?" Ben asked as he pointed towards the back of the Rustbucket. "That would be nice." Hearing her reply, Ben hopped out of his seat and walked to the back of the RV and pulled out a small bucket from underneath the bed before walking back and handing it to Natsu. "Here, this should help a little." He said before sitting back down in his seat.

"You know that there's plenty of space for you to sit down?" Max asked as the Rustbucket began to move forward to Magnolia town, the group blinked in surprise, "Really? But I thought...?"

"No butts young lady, I'm giving you a lift to town and it would be rude of me to not let you lot sit." Max interrupted as the shifted gears. The group looked at each other and shrugged before sitting down at the small table with the two children.

Am awkward silence fell over the group while Natsu lay on the floor, clutching bucket tightly next himself, while the red head girl continued to fiddle with the strange device in front of her.

"What's that?" Happy asked her as he clambered onto the table and looked over Gwen's shoulder. Taken aback by the blue talking cat, Gwen blinked in surprise before going back to typing on the device, "It's a computer, a device used to research things back where we're from." She answered, "Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working ever since we got here." She added with a frustrated tone.

While she spoke, Max pulled out a small disk and inserted it into the radio player. Soon, the Gorillaz song: Clint Eastwood began to play surprising the Fairy Tail group as they'd never heard the song before.

"What is this music?" Grey asked as he looked around for where the song was coming from not seeing the embarrassed looks on both Ben's and Gwen's faces.

"Ahem, Grey, your clothes." Erza said as she coughed into her hand eliciting a yelp of surprise from the Ice-Make wizard as he hurriedly covered himself in embarrassment, "How'd that happen?!?!"

Lucy looked away in embarrassment before blinking in confusion at the song playing, "But seriously, what is this song?" She asked as she looked over at Gwen.

"It's a very popular song from where we're from called Clint Eastwood and it was sung by a band called Gorillaz. It's very good." She explained as she closed her laptop.

Ever so slowly, the entrance to Magnolia began to come into view as the Rustbucket drew ever closer. During which, the group of Fairies continued their talk with the other worlders, learning more about the place they came from. Since arriving, the group thought it best to be as truthful as possible with the Fairies with Ben even going as far as to transform into Heatblast, surprising the Fairies as they'd never seen anything like it.

Eventually, Erza had an idea and gave the family an offer, join Fairy Tail to make money and help others until they could find a way home and with what little options they had the group quickly accepted the deal. Of course, Max became a bit hesitant when he learned that they'd need to get a tattoo placed on their body to mark their connection to the guild but relented after a while, stating that they could always cover the mark when they get home with alien tech.

Of course, Lucy was quite eager to learn more about the place they came from with Gwen being more then ready to share. Thankfully, the two cousins had began storing more of their stuff on the Rustbucket in case they ended up stranded in places so they didn't have to worry about boredom with all the games and movies they'd stored.

In addition, their grandpa had made sure to enhance the RV with alien tech so it wouldn't have to worry about fuel among other things.
This chapter went through several revisions before I finally got it up to an acceptable standered! Even now I don't think it's perfect but I do think it's a good starting point to introducing Ben and his family to the Fairy Tail Universe! Having said that I just want to say that I will be using the 5YL, Reboot and non cannon aliens with designs changing depending on the Omnitrix Ben currently has as such since he currently has the OG Omnitrix, he'll have the classic designs for his aliens, right up until it recalibrates into the Alien Force version.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please put them here:

Next Time: Dawn of War

Ben and his family alongside team Natsu finally arrived at arrive at the Fairy Tail guild only to find it destroyed, the perpetrators: The Phantom Lord Guild. Whatever will the group do?

See you guys next time!

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