The Blue Scarf (Raia)

Raia was sleeping in as usual. Patry was banging on his door.

"RAIA, RAIA, RAIA!!!!!!!!!!"

"*Aguh* WHAT!?"

"There's a weird noise coming from Lichts room, I think somethings wrong!"

"DON'T GO NEAR THAT DOOR!!" Raia was now. He walked over to his door and opened it to let Patry in. 

"Raia, what's going on with Licht?"


"But I heard screaming!"

"Pease just stop, I don't want to hear about it." Patry walked off into Raia bedroom.

"Hey, what are you doing in there?" Patry ignored him, and found the scarf Raia always wears, wondering what was so special about it he put it on.

"Hey Raia?..."

"Hey take that off, it's mine and you know it!!!"

"Ugu fine! here!"Patry took it off and handed it to Raia.

"Whats so special about some scarf anyways?"

"It's not just some scarf, it's special to me for my reasons"

"Is there a story behind it?"

"Yeah, I guess, but it's nothing interesting."

"I don't care. Tell me!"

"Why would I tell you my past, in a story?"

"Cause if you don't, I'll walk right into Lichts place and-"

"Okay, fine, just please don't walk into Lichts place, please."

"Yeah, okay."

Patry sat down and got all nice and cozy. Raia sighed and started to tell his story.

"Well one day on my sixth birthday, my mother took me to a picnic. 'Raia I wanted to give you something' she told me. I was shocked considering she had already give me so much. 'What is it mom?' I asked her. 'My scarf, I want you to have it.' 'But mom, you said your mom give it to you before she die'd.' 'I know, but...' before she could give it me humans attacked us, she told me to run, but I wasn't fast enough. They shoot an arrow at me, but my mother pushed me out of the way and took the hit instead. The humans had left when they saw our leader at the time, Lichts father."

"Lichts father was the leader of the elf's!?"

"Yes, now quiet! After that my mother had died there was no saving her. Her last words were 'Take this, it will protect you. I love you Rai...' and then she left me." Patry noticed the slightest tears form in Raia's eyes.


"*augh* Sorry..."

"No, it's thats why the scarf means so much to you, because it was the last thing your mother give to you?"

"Yeah...something like that."

"I bet she was a wonderful elf."

"She was."

"So can I go to Licht now?"



"You don't want to know why."

"What?" Patry was so confused. But he didn't care anymore he liked hanging out with Raia, it didn't really happen much often anymore. Raia and Patry got to hang out tell Licht knocked on Raia'a door.


"Why wouldn't I be?" Licht was confused, Raia got up and put a hand on Lichts shoulder.

"He heard werid sounds come from your room Licht."

"*Aguh!!* Really?!"

"YEAH really!! And scream's!"

"*Aguh!!!* Really?!"

Raia chuckled and laughed at Licht.

"Hey Raia?"

"What kid?"

"Can we do this again?"

"Do what again?"

"This, hang out?"

"*hu* umm, sure? why not."

"YEAH!!!" Patry ran off to join Ratri on the hill top. Raia walked off in the other way. He sat in front of a someone's grave.

"Well mom, I guess your right, sometimes you just have to be nice to someone and you can actually open up to them." Patry walked up behind Raia.

"So...Is this your mother?"

"yeah, I don't come here enough...well not as much as I should."

"I bet she was pretty."

"she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen...well what I can remember at least. Ever day I seem to forget a little more..."Raia started to cry. Patry wen to his knee's and wrapped his arms around him.

"It's okay Raia, if you ever want someone, or need someone...I'm always here for you."

Raia was shocked by Patry's words.

"Thank you kid..."   "yeah no problem copycat." Patry's comment made them both laugh. Raia started to tickle Patry's side causing him to fall to the ground and roll into a small ball.

"*haha* Raia stop it!!"

"Try to make me kid!!" 

Patry and Raia did this for about 20 minutes tell Raia noticed Patry was laughing so hard there was tears in his eyes.

"Okay, that enough for now."

"*awww* but,"

"Hey, no 'buts' now didn't you leave Ratri on top of that hill."

"yeeeaaaah, but."

"Hey, I said no 'buts' now go!"

"Okay, see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah whatever kid, see you tomorrow" Raia watched as Patry ran over the hill top.

"Mom, I may actually have a friend thats not older then me, thats what you wanted right? How about someone younger?" Raia sat there talking to his mother for quit a while. Patry never knew why Raia loved the scarf so much, but he never knew it meant that much, but it all makes sense now.

That night Raia couldn't sleep, thoughts of what those humans did to his mother kept him up. Seeing blood cover his hand, his mothers blood , he couldn't escape his mind. Raia didn't sleep that night.

By morning Raia heard loud knocks on his door, they won't stop tell he answered the door.

"Kid?" Patry was standing there. "What is it?"

"It's Licht!"


"Lichts in trouble!"

"Okay first tell me what you heard."

"Licht was yelling!"

"What did he say?"

"Well umm, bad words..."

"Just say it."

"I'm gonna f**ing kill you."

"Oh my gosh, that dirty little-"


"Oh his fine just stay here."

(Is this gonna be everyday now? Oh well I guess I don't mind the company)

The End

Hope you enjoyed and I will be taking request if anyone wants me to make their favorite Elf have there own chapter, you can even pick a plot which can contain any of the following.




Special Ship's


or anything you can come up with.But most importantly have fun with it!! I love all my followers and thank you for reading!! :3

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