Chapter eleven - Re starting the mission

Jack's POV:
I glared at Ace. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US???? My friend is missing and it has been ONE WHOLE YEAR!!!!" Ace quivered in fear. "I c-couldn't! If I did my boss would be m-mad!" I growled and grabbed Ace's arm. Ace screamed in fear as I started walking to my room. I flung open the door to see Aqua, Aurora and Riley picking out a nice dress for Aqua. I flung Ace on the ground and pointed to the girls. "Fix them." Ace nodded and stood up shakily. He walked towards each girl and poked their foreheads. They shook their heads before looking around. Aqua's eyes landed on me and she glared. I glared back. "Good. You three stay here. I need to find the other three. Riley and Aurora nodded and I grabbed Ace's arm again, dragging him out of the room and towards the pool. Once we got to the pool we saw Graham, Ethan and Caleb. I let go of Ace's arm and he walked towards the pool. He tapped their foreheads and they shook their heads. "Woah! Why are we at a pool?" Ethan asked. Caleb and Graham shrugged. "Follow me." I told them. They nodded and I pointed at Ace. "You too. Your coming with us." Ace smiled. "Really!" I nodded. He fist pumped and we all walked towards the room. The girls looked at us. "How long have we been here?" Riley asked. I growled. "One whole year." Aurora gasped. "But, Storm!" I nodded. "Grab some clothes, food, water, and all that stuff. There are backpacks under each bed." They all nodded and grabbed their backpacks, filling them up with stuff. I turned to Ace. "Grab the black backpack and pack." I said as I grabbed my backpack. Ace nodded and ran towards the black bed, grabbing the backpack and filling it up.

Once we were all packed a alarm started. Ace cursed under his breath. "He knows. We need to get outta here fast!" Ace said as he ran to the other side of the room, opening the window. He looked at us. "Come on! Once we get out of here we can find your friend!" I looked at everyone and they nodded. We all ran towards the window and looked down. "We are three story's high. How are we going to get down???" Aqua asked. Graham raised his hand. "Gravity elemental, remember?" She nodded. "Right." Graham moved to the front of the group and jumped out the window. Landing perfectly on his feet. He smiled and motioned for us to jump. Aqua came forward and jumped. Graham lowered her gently on the ground. Aurora jumped next, then Ethan, Caleb and Riley. I looked at Ace. "After you." He nodded and jumped down. Graham looked up at me and nodded. I nodded and jumped threw the window. I felt gravity move around me as my feet hit the ground. I nodded at Graham and he nodded back. "Ok. Where to?" Ace asked excitedly as he jumped up and down. Aurora giggled slightly. "Storm is being help captive by a guy named Bolt. Know anything?" Ace nodded. "Yeah! Threw the last year Bolt has been capturing different elementals around the world. Most are of value like snow storms, ice storms, and kids with photographic memory's. Bolt has not moved his base since the last year, so he is still around the Florida area." Caleb thought for a moment. "Where are we?" Ace frowned. "Canada." Aurora smiled. "We are not THAT far away! ... Right?" Ace shrugged. "I don't know. But we should start moving. Florida is that way." Ace said as he pointed east. We all nodded. "Ok, let's go!" Ethan said.

Storm's POV:
I looked around my cell to see my new friend. He looked up at me and I smiled. "How long has it been? Since we have been outside, I mean." He thought for a moment. "Well, you were here two months before me... And I've been here almost a year, so you have probably been here for about a year... Why?" I shrugged. "Just wondering. There are sometimes voices around that tell me that I've been here for longer." He nodded. "Ok. Hey Storm, do you remember me?" I giggled a little. "Your my only friend here. I'm just no good at names! Sorry!" He chuckled quietly. "My name is Cole. Remember?" I nodded. "Oh yeah! Sorry!" He chuckled again. "It's fine Storm...." I looked around the dark cell to see a cup. "Is that your cup Cole?" He shook his head. "No Storm. It's yours." I nodded and I picked up the cup. Taking a small sip of the water inside. "Cole, can you tell me one of your stories please?" Cole chuckled softly and nodded. "Yeah. What one do you want to hear?" I thought for a moment before smiling. "The one with Cam!" I giggled. Cole nodded. "Ok, so one day me and Cam were walking down our street when a young girl ran up to us. 'Hi! My name is Charlie!' The girl said happily. Me and Cam smiled back. 'Hello Charlie! What are you doing here?' Cam asked. 'I live here!' Charlie said. I nodded. 'Cool, do you have any friends?' She shook her head. 'No.' I looked at Cam and he nodded. 'We will be your friends then!' Cam said happily. The girl's face lit up as she ran towards us. Giving us a big hug. We hugged back. 'Thank you!'" I smiled and closed my eyes for a second. "Where do you think Cam and Charlie are?" I asked. Cole sighed. "I don't know Storm. I just hope they are safe." I nodded. "Me too. Hey Cole?" He looked up. "Yeah Storm?" I opened my eyes again to look at the boy across from me. "Why do you think my friends abandoned me?" Cole shrugged. "I don't know." I tilted my head to the left a little. "Will you ever abandon me Cole?" Cole shook his head. "Of course not! Your my only friend! And I don't abandon my friends!" I smiled and crawled over to him. He smiled as I sat down beside him. My head fell on his shoulder and his head fell on my head. "Good night Cole." I whispered. Cole wrapped his arms around me protectively. "Good night Storm."

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