Episode Eleven (Clip Three)

----('Night and Day' starts playing)----

"A ghost?!" Rhys wailed.

"Focus on your own racing line and not his. This is a battle against yourself and you only." Louis said into the earpiece. "That's all the aspects you need to finish this on the first run."

"I know you can do it man. Bring us back another win!"

"Ok," Rhys said. "I do it."

"Thanks man. For giving me another chance." The indigo hair thanked.

"No prob, just finish this race!!" Louis said and hung up.

"Focus on your own racing line......" Rhys told himself that as the S2000 was about to enter another corner. Suddenly, the American began to flashback images of his sister years ago during their childhood. Her ivory skin reflected the sunset as her black swung while being chase by her brother.

He wouldn't want to fail her again. Never. Never again. He wanted to win the battle so badly. He wanted to win to repay the years he was absent from her life.

"Ready Razor?" He asked his S2000 partner, smiling.

"Born ready let's rock!!!!"

The corner came, Rhys braked late and did a power over through the curve using the speed he gain from the straights. He passed another corner late braking and only downshifted to clear a tight hairpin by going to the outside and then cutting right into the inside, drifting all the way with tyres squealing.


The headlights of the S2000 began to appear again on Loid's rear view mirror. The lights flickered on the glass and caught his attention.

"Huh?! He caught up??" The black hair cried bewildered. "How in the hell?!! After such a lead and your still on my tail?!"

"Now I'm pissed!! I'll erase you from my rear view mirror!!!" He yelled and began to wear his tyres more aggressively on the next turn doing a insanely fast power slide producing heavy oversteer.

The next corner came in, a left hairpin. Loid braked and downshifted before executing a braking drift into the curve. The S2000 tried following behind. Rhys trying his hardest to keep up with the whine red GT-R as he swings his car into a basic understeer trying to conserve tyre pressure.

The S2000s rear tyres stalled as Rhys pulled the handbrake. Arc drifting into a hairpin, tyres squealing loudly behind. He was closing in.

The S2000 late braked into another left hairpin. Rhys counter steering less and focusing more on his entry and exit of the turn.

It worked. Soon he was chewing in the GT-Rs bumper, tailgating it. Loid grunted, frustrated that his opponent made a hell of a comeback. He clutched and downshift furiously, flicking the steering from a right to a left on the hairpin as the crowd went wild behind the guardrail.

"*static* What hell of a comeback the S2000 made!!! It's right on Loid tail bumpers, I can't believe it!! *static*" The radio cried as crowd stood they in shock and disbelief.

"He's got it." Louis said. "He's gotten back his rhythm."

Rhys had an idea. He placed his hand on the toggle switch and began turning his headlights on and off.

The bright lights shone towards Loid from behind, on and off and on again.

"Darn! Is he trying to pressure me???" The black hair asked as he began to sweat. The rapid flashes of headlights was as annoying as a bunch of files. Loid was having trouble concentrating. "Damn it all!! I can't focus!!!"

So the next corner came, the GT-R started to understeer going towards the guardrail.

"Darn it!! Stupid understeer is acting up on me." Loid's thought cried as his tyres started to slid on it's own.

Rhys noticed and began to attack the insides of the corners more aggressively while the GT-R grips along the outside into the inside.

"Ok that's how you wanna play." Loid asked Rhys mentally in his head as they were about to enter a U-bend hairpin. "Then get through this!!!"

The GT-R swung around drifting, it's huge chassis blocked most of the road as it drifted out. Rhys grunted as this happen in the next corner and on the next one again.

The S2000 did a simple hand brake drift trying to keep up with the GT-R. The indigo hair needed to find a way to pass it or not there would be a second run.

An S-hairpin came, both cars parallel drifted through the curves left and right. Rhys only stepped on the gas to keep his car drifting.

Loid glanced at his rear view mirror. The S2000 was still sticking.

"How the hell can he keep this much speed into the corners and out???" Loid thought as he furiously counter steered into a corner. "It's like he's not braking at all!!"

As the GT-R went into the left L-bend hairpin, Loid lets go of the gas, holds the clutch and pulls the handbrake just enough to upset the rear end and turned his heavy GT-R towards the corner. He stomps on the gas and lets go of the clutch at the same time. Controlling the drift all the way, by counter-steering. He glanced at his rear view mirror and realized what the S2000 did for that spilt second.

"Now I get it!!" He thought. "The dude's S2000 got a naturally aspirated V-TEC engine which doesn't have slightest of turbo lag!!"

"Even though my beloved R35s got a twin turbo six cylinder monster. It takes forever for that 490 horsepower to spool up before I've to brake into another goddamn corner! So dude's never sacrifices his speed by braking into a curve unless he nearly necessary has to!"

The GT-R swung heavily again, oversteering and blocking the S2000 all the way.

"But it's nothing, all I need is to keep him behind just a little longer and I'll pull this into a second run!"

Both racer had their focus to the max. They downshifted and braked instinctively into the corners one by one. Rhys stomping the gas pedal to keep his speed on the drifts.

Rhys stepped on the brakes and power drifted along the tight left bend, his S2000 dropped no speed at all as he drifted out.

Both cars past a corner furiously, the crowd watching behind the guardrail screamed excitedly as they disappeared into the night, tyres squealing behind.

"Wow this battle is worth watching." A teen in his 19s said, wearing a green parka and trousers. A red cap hid his golden brown hair.

"Yer mate! Those skids were smooth!"  An Australian agreed. He wore a white sweater and jeans. Looking at the cars race down the track as he adjusted his pair of rectangle black rimmed glasses properly.

A silver haired teen stood between his two friends. He placed his hand on his chin and thought about the technique the S2000 used in it's drifting.

Loid grunted as he drifted into another corner. Sweat falling from his forehead.

He downshifts as another corner was closing in. Going full throttle entering the curve. He did a power over around it, producing heavy oversteer to block the S2000 mid curve.

Rhys clutched and shifted into third gear on the straights. Then he braked and did a power drift around the hairpin coming up to the GT-R.

"So the key of winning this battle is to forget about your opponent. After all, he is a ghost."

The S2000 and GT-R parallel drifted through the next hairpin. Rhys constantly counter steering to keep his partner sideways.

"Focus on your own racing line and not his. This is a battle against yourself and you only."

"A ghost." Rhys mumbled as he began to visualize the GT-R to disappear and only having it's headlights to lighten up the road in front of him. "This battle against myself only!" 

The R35 soon started to understeer more severely, Loid tried to enter the corners from the inside but he would skid out inches into the guardrail. 

"*static* The R35 is understeering all over the place!! I'm not surprised if it'll start eating guardrail soon!! But the S2000s got smooth and elegant drifts. Whereas the GT-R is wearing the hell out of it's tyres!! *static*" The walkie-talkie blared.

"You think he's got it all worked out?" Marcus asked Louis who nodded.

"I wonder though, what did you advice him to do?"

"I didn't tell him much." Louis stated. "All I said to him was to follow his own racing line and forget about his opponent."

The downhill was ending, a few more corners and the second run would began. Rhys needed to past the GT-R, in fast.

"Almost there, almost there." Loid repeatedly told himself. "The next corners are wieder than the rest of the course. But it doesn't matter, I'll just have to block him at these hairpins!!"

The R35 took the inside not letting any room for Rhys. The indigo hair stayed on the inside, still following his line. The corner came, both cars still hogging the inside line. They exited out and shifted up a gear on the last straightaway before the corner.

"Last hairpin!! It's now or never!!" Rhys yelled and went for the open space on the left. Loid felt the headlights from the S2000 move towards the outer line.

"Oh, so you were trying to fool me by taking the inside line that often before so you can take the outside to pass my oversteering ass! No way! I'm not gonna be fooled!!" Loid cried as he blocked the outside line on the left hairpin but the S2000 braked instantly and went into the inside line, passing the GT-R.

"!!!" Loid grunted, eyes widening as the Honda took the lead at the last corner before the finish.

"Let's go!!!" Rhys yelled as he pushed the buttons triggering his Nos. Blue flames escaped the exhaust turning Rhys S2000 into a 330km/h missile!! The S2000 then let out an aura of a grizzly bear with electrical sparks surrounding it, claws outstretched and letting out a deafening roar.

Loid was stunned by the beauty of an animal emitted by his opponent. He began to grind knowing he had faced a great opponent and gave all his best. 

There was no second run, Rhys had won, passing the finish with an amazing course record.

(Music fades)
(Back at the summit.....)

Both Honda S2000 and Nissan GT-R R35 parked on the summit as the crowd exploded in cheers.

The Order came and congratulated the indigo hair for his win. Rhys cracked a smile as he got out from his S2000 and was surrounded by his friends.

"Good job man!" JL complemented him.

"Sweat drifts!!" Prayter said.

Louis and Rhys then did their signature bro handshake and laughed heartily afterwards. For Louis it's was because he was glad to see the introvert change into a more cheerful person whereas Rhys was because he won.

Soon the cries from the crowd died down. Newman came with the tablet in his hand, he handed it to Rhys.

"You're one hell of a driver there. If you're free give me a call sometime, we can go for a rematch if it's fine by you." Loid said, raising his hand for a handshake.

"Sure." Rhys gladly took it as the crowd cheered wildly in delight. "See ya around Loid."

"Yeah sure, got a hell of a crew there. I would be really glad to be you." He said as he got in his R35 and left the mountain with his teammates following behind.

Soon as the crowd began to leave the summit, Louis and team thought the same. They began packing up and Mr. Kenner started up the van.

"Wow, isn't it the great Louis Flash. What an honor." A voice said out of the blue. The team turned to find the source of the voice.

A teen with silver dyed hair stood in front of the group. Behind was his two friends, one of them had golden hair with a red cap where the other wore spectacles and had white hair too.

Louis was the first one to speak. "Who are you?"

"I'm pretty impressed by your teammates technique in drifting.  Takes a lot of skill to do a power over while paralleling with your opponent in a drift. You've train them well." The silver hair said. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Zendrick, the red cap here is Eric and lastly this Australian nerd here is Dustin." Zendrick finishes introducing his friends.

"Look, we do not entertain anyone looking for trouble." Louis warned them sternly, thinking the three must have thought that way. But Zendrick only laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing," He almost choked on his own salvia. "We're not here to trouble you or anything."

"Ok then let's go." Flash signaled the crew as they began to leave.

"Actually, I can be a great use to you." Zendrick offered the hoodie but he refused as he headed for his modified BMW i8. When the hoodie flipped the door open he could see the tablet glowing really brightly on passenger seat.

"What the hell?!"

"By the looks of the tablet. It reveals that your next target is a highway racer in the Bayshore Route highway in Yokohama City, Japan. He's a pretty decent racer who can go up to speeds of 300km/h on the straights but he lacks experience in the corners. I recommended you send in one of your best racers against him." Zendrick explained as Louis turned and looked at him madly.

"Thought you needed to know."   Zendrick said innocently.

By now Louis was freaked out. "I'm not gonna ask you again. Who are you? How do you know about this?"

Zendrick chuckled. "Let's just say I know a lot. Good luck on your next battle Louis Flash." The silver hair said and reached for the door of his ride.

"A black 32?!" Louis looked at the silver hair's ride in awe.

Eric had a dark gray Porsche 911 GT3 while Dustin went to his matte yellow Subaru Impreza WRX STI. The trio started their cars and drove downhill. Leaving the team alone on the summit. 
(The next day......)

A black haired girl, probably 15 years of age was seen jogging along the pavement of edge of the road on the Beverly hills. She wore a tracksuit with a towel warped around her neck.

She jogged all the way home, stopping at the mail box in front of house. Her dad had gone for work so she was in charge of taking the mail.

She was shocked to see the very name written on the letter.

Her brother. She hadn't heard from him for a long time. She immediately opened the letter right in front of the mailbox.

It read.

Dear Renee.

How's it been? I know I am at no position to ask you this after such a long time but I hope your well. How's dad, if he asks about me tell him I am great here with mom.

I dropped by yesterday to see you but I never had the guts to enter the house because it was such a long time. And that you weren't even at home too.

I'm sorry I've never bothered to looked for you or even send a letter to you for such a long time. I remembered when you were still in elementary school we would go to the playground almost every evening with your friends to play games. But now we've both grown up, I'm already working and you should be in high school.

The girl started to tear and placed her hand on her mouth. She felt her heart getting heavier by the minute but she stood on to read her brother's message.

I miss you, I hoped to visit one day but my duty calls and I should probably get going.

See ya,

Sincerely Rhys.

P.s. ok you can stop tearing like a baby and turn around now.

The black haired girl was shock for the moment as she turned to see her brother who was behind her the whole time.

"Rhys!" She cried hugging him.

"Sup baby sister." He said smiling.

"I'm so glad your here. How's mom?" She asked. Rhys chuckled, chocking a little by his own tears.

"She's fine." He answered, smiling back.

Both siblings talked about the stuff they missed on the spot not even bothering to enter the house because they did not wanted to waste any precious time they had together.

"Why isn't this a bloody beautiful sight." Marcus said breaking the silence. The rest of the group had been stationed across the road where the house was. Watching Rhys and his sister.

"Just shut up and enjoy the moment Marcus." JL said, leaning on his GT-R.

"Well, why not we grab a drink later? How's that?" Joel suggested as the group agreed happily except Louis who was sitting on the hood of his BMW i8 partner.

He thought about the events happening the night before. Where he met the mysterious trio.

"What were their deal anyways?" Louis asked his partner.

"I don't know Louis, but I've detected a strong energy force coming out from those three racers and their cars yesterday." Mercy claimed, feeling uncomfortable. "They're definitely no doubt Elementals."

"Mercy I have a weird feeling." Louis stated standing up. "That we'll have to battle them one day."

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