Chapter Twenty Two: The Earth Queen
(Your POV)
See... We were right. It's been two weeks since we arrived in Zaofu and Opal hasn't learned allot. I'm so shocked. Well looks like we get our way which is good. I also spent that time teaching the damned chefs how to cook. They didn't like the idea of listening to me but Sue made it very clear that they should listen to 'The Thunderer.' They reluctantly agreed but were surprised that I knew what I was doing even if I sucked at explaining it. Let's just say the food quality here has increased quite a bit. Right now I am simply in my room on the Airship thinking. I want to visit Ba-Sing-Se the home of Hou-Ting. The Earth Queen. I don't like breaking promises after all. I then here a knock on the door which shakes me from my thoughts.
You: "Come In." I say calmly. The door opens to reveal Mako. "Hey man. Need something?" I ask him smiling slightly. He nods looking a bit worried.
Mako: "You Okay? You've been in here most of the day." He asks me sounding slightly worried. That's true, I basically woke up and sat here unless I was hungry.
You: "Just wondering if I should pay Hou-Ting A visit since we're close by. I made a promise to after all." I said with a small smirk on my face. He chuckles and shakes his head at me.
Mako: "Good news for you then." I tilt my head at him. "We have to go there. Zaheer may be there." He said returning my small smirk. Now I'm concerned. Why would he go there? Unless...
You: "Any idea why?" I ask him curiously. He nods his head yes to me. I'm guessing he wants someone dead.
Mako: "He hates world leaders. Some natural order crap. As much as people don't like Hou-Ting we don't need her dying." He said sounding frustrated at the idea. I sigh slightly frustrated as well at the Idea I may have to protect her. It makes sense he'd want her dead. Not only is she a leader but she's a bad one at that.
You: "Ah... Well I get to visit at least." I said with a sigh at the end as he shakes his head at my disappointment. Then I think of something that I have been wondering. "Has Bolin asked Opal out yet?" I ask him with a small smile. We've been waiting for the past week fir him to do so. He smirks and nods his head. Nice. "Good. She accepted I'm guessing." I ask assuming the answer especially since i made him look damned good to her. He nods again. "Good. Took long enough." I said smiling as he laughs. I'm so glad that they're dating. Over the past two weeks they have been flirting with each other.. They're so cute together that sometimes I feel like I should vomit.
Mako: "Yeah. Anyway we will be coming back here after that so we can pick up Opal." He said a bit flatly to me. I nod in response. That makes sense since we don't need to drag her with us for this nonsense.
You: "Alright. When are we leaving?" I ask him. He shrugs a bit. Meaning he has a guestimate.
Mako: "A couple of hours." He responds not sounding a hundred percent sure. I nod and with that we exchange a goodbye and he leaves my room. Again here I sit alone. Thinking. I have a sinking feeling something bad is about to happen. To Korra specifically... And I don't think I can stop it.
(Still Your POV)
We are now approaching Ba-Sing-Se. Sue and Opal came to see us off. Well me because I didn't go see them but still. I am currently on the deck looking out at the approaching city. It's been awhile since I've been here. The last time I was here I was almost kidnapped by some religious colt or something... I was... Thirteen I think. Anyway. The City itself is quite... Large. It makes Republic City look like a small town. It is separated into three rings. Each ring, if I recall, is dedicated to a different standard of living. The entire city was modernized a while ago but the lower class has been struggling ever since Hou-Ting took the throne. Though from above it's hard to describe the buildings most have the normal earth bender green as their roofs. I do remember that the city was built mostly out of different kinds of stone such as Red Clay, Sedimentary rocks, etc. And there it is. In the center the Red palace of the earth queen herself. The only building whose outer structure has not been modernized. The Airship comes to a stop not far from the city's gates and begins to lower. As soon as it hits the ground and the engines are cut we begin to exit the craft. We are let into the city gates by some guards men... Gods the lower ring has gone to absolute hell. It was rough the last time I was here but this... Is worse... The people look like they haven't been fed in months, the ground is covered in what I really hope is water and the buildings are in disrepair to the point they look like they might collapse. Maybe she should be removed and replaced though I doubt Zaheer cares about these people. We just continue walking. The middle ring is far better off. Nothing like the outer ring. Everyone here is well fed, the buildings are well repaired and the streets are streets not some mud mess. The high class ring now is damned near spotless. Though there aren't nearly as many people out and about and the streets are a nice white tile. Lin seems to spot someone and pulls me aside.
Lin: "Don't do anything stupid. I know you have an issue with her." She requests of me sounding very stern with her request. I shake my head at her and put a smile on.
You: "I wouldn't hurt the queen." I get closer so she can hear me. "Here." I whisper. I lean back. "She threatened my friends. I may not injure her but I will have words." I say seriously as teh smile leaves my face. She sighs exasperated.
Lin: "Just... Not in public." She requests sounding fustrated with my response. I nod and walk back to see Korra and Hou-Ting herself talking. Hou has her back to Korra and Korra looks upset so I chime in.
You: "You know Hou-Ting. You should be nicer to people. You never know what enemies you may make. Or if those enemies will come back to bit you in the ass." I said in a nonchalant tone smirking in her direction. I could almost feel the rage coming off her. She begins to turn around yelling.
Hou-Ting: "Who are you to talk to me-" She cuts herself off when she sees my face. I see her face go from anger to fear in a split second as her face pales.
You: "Hello there." I said waving while my smirk never leaves my face. "How have you been? Shadow said you were well last time he saw you and sends his regards." I said to her still smirking. She goes paler at that. "Back on topic. I mean I destroyed an entire guild with lightning and fire because they made me an enemy and they just took the contract. Could you imagine what I would do to the person that sent them after me and my friends?." I said rather darkly at the end. I see her shiver slightly. "But hey. I'm not here for that." I said flatly. She sighs in visible relief. I turn to Korra and smile. "I'm going to start hunting for that prick. Meet me at the Firelight Fountain in three hours so I can tell you what I have found." I requested of her in a serious tone. She smiled and nodded completely ignoring what I said to the Queen.
Korra: "Sure thing Sparky." She said in a happy esc tone. I begin to walk away waving them both off. That was fun... I intend to talk with her at some point... Maybe I won't hurt her but she needs to understand what will happen if she tries again.
I begin to head to the middle ring. Zaheer is not dumb enough to hide in the Upper Ring. It'd be too obvious. I specifically head towards the food and housing areas of that ring to ask around. The middle class ring, though not as nice, is far more active. People seem to be smiling more here as well. It's a nice scene that kind of reminds me of Love day in my clan... That was a fun day. Shaking the thought off I continue on. I ask several people if they've spotted a man of Zaheer's description. I got mostly a no or shrugs. They weren't rude about it though just busy and that was the fastest answer they had. There was the nice old woman who offered me some food. I took it and bowed slightly to thank her. She waved it off. She kinds resembles... Bolin a bit. Hmm. I leave after that. As I am walking I notice someone who looked a bit like me walking with someone who looked like Asami hand in hand. I stop and turn around but I already lost them. I shake it off and continue down my way. I repeated this process over and over but got nothing. They are smart and have stayed hidden Then night began to fall over the large city. I would admire the scene but I have to get going. When that began to happen I headed to the Firelight Fountain. By the time I reach the fountain it is dark. It is a simple fountain but the lights here are what makes it special. The poles themselves leading up to, and around the fountain are glowing a yellow light. There are several similar lights within the fountain. Such a romantic setting. I then here about three people walking up behind me. The footsteps are too heavy to be my friends. I knew she'd try something. Little did they know I have already charged some electricity on one hand and have a rope dart around my other forearm. I say nothing until they get close enough.
You: "She's a fool." Is all I mutter I turn and throw out my ball of electricity at one of these people. He goes out like a light after it hits him. I then hurl the rope dart at a second guard. He dodges barely and I yank it back and begin spinning it around myself. They both charge me. I stomp my foot and some electricity goes out and knocks them off balance. I throw the rope dart at one of them. As it impales he grunts in pain and I whip him around so he spins of the dart and slams into the water. I simply touch the water and shock it slightly. Not enough to kill but enough to make him stay down. The third guy looks shocked. In his shocked state I charge him and wrap his arms up and wrap it around his neck so the dagger is pointing at his throat. I speak now. "I knew she'd try something. Where did she lock up my friends?" I asked calmly smiling at him. He spits at me. I tighten the rope and the dagger pierces his skin. "I am not them... I will kill if needed. WHERE ARE THEY!?!?!?" I shouted at him very angrily as electricity emitted from my hands.
Guard: "The Avatar and her raven haired friend are locked up beneath the palace... The boys were last scene with some old woman." He said shakily out of fear. I lean down and smile at him.
You: "See. That wasn't hard." I said in a calm tone again. And with that I unwrap him and knock him out. I drag each of their unconscious forms to the side and leave a note that says, "Electrocuted, cut, and knocked out. Treat Accordingly." And leave.
I begin to rush towards the palace. I decide that taking the streets are too risky so I decide to go down and ally and climb to a roof. I begin running as fast as I can to the upper class ring to get to the palace. I am also keeping an eye out for guards as I jump, roll and run across the city scape in the dark of night. It takes some time but I get to the palace gates. I take a moment to catch my breath before looking around. I see a few guards guarding the entrance. I decide to use my electricity to fly over the walls. I make it just barely over before I hit the ground. I roll into it and begin sneaking up to the main entrance. I enter through a window. Just as I enter what I assume is a main hall I hear some guards talking to a female voice I don't recognize. I take a peak outside and see some familiar green robes. Shit I need to hurry. I wait for a guard to pass and gun it to where he came from. I crack the door open and see no one else. I go in and find a door that leads downstairs. I start heading down the dark corridor until I hear what sounds like breathing. I peak around a corner and see a guard eating in front of a steel door. I walk into the open. He sees me and stands up. I walk towards him as he assumes his stance. He shouts stop but I just charge up allot of power and punch him into said door. It bends on impact and flies of the hinges. It hits the far wall and I see only one door. I begin melting the lock knowing who is in there.
(Korra's POV)
I hope they can find us. That bitch. She planned this from the start I'd wager. I hear the guard shout for someone to stop. I then hear a loud thud as me and Asami see the door leading out fly past our cell. Who did that? I then hear footsteps. We then see the lock on the door begin to turn red and melt apart. The door opens to revel (M/n). He stands there for a moment before entering.
You: "There's a joke here about two beautiful women being tied up and left for me to find but we don't have that kind of time." He says flatly as he begins to blast off Asami's restraints. I look down while blushing at the compliment and shake my head. Smartass. He walks over to me after he helps Asami to her feet and blasts my restraints. He helps me stand and breathes out what seems like a breath he was holding in. "I had to sneak into the palace to get you out. I knew she'd try something." He says before hugging me. I return it gladly "I'm glad you two are okay." He says as he lets me go and hugs Asami. I smile as he looks back at me though he has a serious expression now. "Zaheer's here we need to hurry." He said seriously. We nod and run back out. As we are running I can't help but smile at the idea he risked his freedom to save us. I mean odds are Bolin and Mako would find us but still. He did it without a second thought. Not that I'm surprised I guess. As we exit the room and enter the throne room we see two people standing before Hou-Ting. The one in the green took a stance but (M/n) shouted.
You: "ZAHEER!!! STOP!!!" (M/n)shouts at the top of his lungs. The man in green whom I assume is Zaheer turns around. The woman in blue turns around as well.
(???): "Look. The spirits." She says in a sarcastic tone smiling at us. (M/n) has already charged electricity in prep for a fight.
You: "I hate this "Queen" to but killing her will cause only chaos. Next to that... If you truly believed in the "Natural Order" you would stand down. I am the only electric bender and she." He said gesturing to me. "Is the only Avatar. We are apex predators. That would make you the prey." He finished darkly as a whip comes out of his arm. Zaheer only shakes his head at (M/n).
Zaheer: "No. You and her are not natural and are a threat. Eliminate them." Zaheer ordered the woman in blue. The woman in blue charged us with long water tendrils. (M/n) looked at me I nodded and engaged her. He told Asami to go find the others and chased Zaheer.
(Your POV)
Zaheer didn't see me coming. I punched him before he could hurt Hou. She was in floor coughing up a storm however. He easily recovered as I retracted my whip. I can't rusk hurting anyone. I jump back as he sends a wave of air at me. I land in the middle of the room and we engage. My gods he's fast. I'm having a hard time keeping up. I can't find an opening. Every time I do he seem to see it block it and counter. I finally am able to block a punch hard enough that he stumbles. I go in and punch him several times in the chest. I keep charging more and more elctrcity as I do so. I keep doing this till I wind up both fists, charge them and use both to punch him in the chest sending him flying into the throne. He stood up with several cuts on his arms and face from where the wood splinters tore into his flesh when the throne broke. As he looks up he sees my whip coming for him. He side steps it. I remove it and send it at his side. It hits and he flies into a wall. Before I can rush him I feel water gather on my feet and fling me backwards. Into the wall by the entrance. I grunt in pain as my feet hit the floor. I look at the culprit to see her smirking at me while Korra is having to recover. I know this woman. No arms, Water tendrils, black hair. Ming -Hua.
You: "Really want to attack someone who is basically a walking lightning storm while you're water based?" I ask her to keep her distracted. She seems to think for a moment and that gives Korra time to engage her again.
I run back to Zaheer only to see him suffocating the Queen with an air bubble made from the air in her lungs. Before my bolt that I fired can reach him she drops... Dead. It hits him and he slams into the wall again. He looks at me and I have nothing but rage in my eyes. I then hear a strange noise coming in behind me. I dodge and an explosion hits the wall knocking me back. Combustion fire bending. P'li. My vision is blurry and my ears are ringing. I see the three leave. I try and get up only to collapse again. I look at Korra whose knocked out. I crawl over to her and put her head in my lap since I'm afraid she may have a concussion. My vision fades as I hear footsteps coming in through the main entrance. I then black out.
(Still Your POV)
I jolt awake in... My room. They found us. Thank the gods. I stand up slowly just in case have a concussion. I'm not wobbly so I can safely assume I don't. I then remember Korra and rush out of my room. I rush to the main area to see her sitting on the couch relatively uninjured. I rush over and basically tackle her to the couch in a hug. She squeaks slightly as I do so.
You: "Thank the gods you're okay." I said in relief as I let her go. She shakes her head recovering but then smiled at me.
Korra: "Me? You were the one right next to an explosion! I was worried to death!" She said a bit frantically as she hugged me tight. I hugged back quickly. Once we separated I looked at the others.
Bolin: "Tanked a hell of an explosion from P'Li. That's awesome!" Bolin exclaims happily sounding a bit impressed. I stand up and hug the others. I'm relieved to see them unharmed.
Mako: "Don't forget he also infiltrated the palace without being scene." Mako states calmly though I can see the small smirk on his face. I chuckle and nod.
You: "That was fun." I said as I let go of Asami. "I... I think I know their plan." They look at me concerned. "Their breaking down cities and nations by killing their leaders yes?" They all nod. "I know a new nation they'd want gone." I said sadly at the end. They all go wide eyed.
Lin: "You don't think they would..." Lin says in disbelief. I simply nod in response.
You: "Yes... They could use it as leverage against Korra." I said seriously. Korra looks at me concerned. I look at her. "I know... But I... Have a sinking feeling something is coming." Korra nods in response. "We need back up." I said seriously.
Lin: "We already have Sue and Opal agreeing to help. Zuko is going to pick up Korra's father and head towards us." I nod in response. "They helped arrest them originally so they'll be immeasurable help." She said flatly sounding a bit confident in their abilities. I let out a breath and nod.
You: "I wanted to meet your father." I said in a slight joking tone looking at Korra. She smiled and chuckled at that. "Well then. What will we do until they get here?" I ask looking towards Lin.
Lin: "We head back to Zaofu and tell Tenzin to evacuate. You haven't been wrong yet. So I'm taking you seriously." She said flatly in a calm manner. I nod in response.
You: "Good idea. For now, I need to just sit here. Gods I'm sore." I said with a stretch as I sit my sore ass down. They all laugh at that while I smile. I end up nodding off on the couch and just before I go out I land on something that does not feel like a cushion.
(Korra's POV)
I see (M/n) begin to nod off. He then falls over and his head lands on my lap where is face is facing towards the others. I hear them snicker while I just look at him. I shake my head and begin brushing my fingers through his hair. I see him smile in his sleep as I do this to him. He looks cute like that. I shake my head and look back at the others. They are all smiling at the scene. Even Lin is smiling at the cute scene in front of her.
Asami: "He has a bad habit huh?" Asami asked quietly so we don't wake him. I chuckle and shake my head.
Korra: "To be fair this time. He did get caught in a hell of an explosion." I said in a hushed tone. I hear them all chuckle at that.
Bolin: "Want me to take him to his room?" Bolin asked looking at me smiling. I shake my head no.
Korra: "No. It's not like I was going to get up. He seems comfortable let him sleep." I said happily looking at the sleeping man. Bolin smiles wide at that. I then see Asami gain an almost knowing look.
Asami: "You sure you just don't like him there like that?" She asked me smirking. I blush slightly at the question.
Korra: "No... Well maybe... No." I said slightly tripping over my words. They all start laughing a bit. I just shake my head. "He's tired. I don't mind it's not like he meant to. He managed to keep up with Zaheer and he's ungodly fast." I said to them still sounding a bit happy. They all nod. The truth is I didn't mind and I kinda like it... I hear him sigh a bit in his sleep. I smile and continue to brush my fingers through his (H/L) (H/c) hair.
We spend a few hours talking with each other. (M/n) ended up just staying asleep that entire time. He must be exhausted. Considering Zaheer's speed and that blast I'm not shocked. Again I didn't mind at all. It's not like its hurting anything or me really. Most of the time I was running my fingers through his hair. He never stirred but did smile on occasion as I did so. Once night had fallen I decide to take him to his room. I gently moved his head so I can stand up. Once I do I stretch, pick him up bridal style and carry him to his room gently. He doesn't wake up because I am very careful with him. Once we get there I set him down on his bed. I remove his jacket and shirt gently so they can be washed. I then place the covers over his body up to his neck. Once that's done I stand there for a moment and smile at the scene. He's kinds cute when he sleeps. He looks so peaceful unlike he does when he's awake. I find myself leaning down slowly. I place a gentle kiss on his temple while he is asleep. Again he smiles in his sleep at that. I raise back up, smile and turn around only to be greeted by Asami smiling at me. I blush and rush out quality and she follows behind. Maybe... maybe I could ask him.
(Your POV)
I woke up in my bed again. I also find I am undressed this time. I still have my pants but my shirt is gone. I get up and look around but don't find it. As I am looking I get a knock on the door. I walk over and Open it to be met with Korra holding my neatly folded clothes.
You: "Thanks. I was looking for these." I said as I took them from her. She smiles at me as I begin to put on my shirt.
Korra: "No problem. Zuko and dad should be here shortly so." She said in a slight chipper tone which is a slight bit odd. I nodded and put on my undershirt. She leaves as I get dressed.
One that was done I hear a loud 'thump'. I also feel a powerful presence. That's Zuko's dragon. I smile and rush outside eager to see. I see him and a man that looks to be in his thirties walk off. He has the same skin tone as Korra and fading dark brown hair. That must be Korra's father. I go to where the others are though I notice Lin is gone. Guess she went to fetch Sue and Opal. Then the two said men walk in. Zuko sees me, walks up to me, pats my shoulder and smiles.
Zuko: "Good to see you (M/n)." He said to me gently. I smile back and nod. I pat both his arms as he let go. The other man walks up to me as well. He has a similar eye color to Korra. Yep that's her father.
Tonraq: "I am Tonraq. Korra's father." He said serously. Called it. "Who are you?" He asked me politely. I smile and bow my head slightly.
You: "(F/n) (L/n) but if you please, I prefer (M/n). I am the foretold electric bender." I said looking him in the eyes as I produce some small sparks in my hand. He smiles and nods.
Tonraq: "It's an honor. My daughter wrote about you." He said still smiling at me. I raise an eyebrow. "Good things I promise." He said to reassure me. I sigh in relief as he chuckles at me.
You: "We can talk if you want. Over breakfast maybe. I'm starving." I suggested pointing towards the kitchen. He agrees and follows me to said kitchen. We all then head inside the ship.
Me and Tonraq talk over breakfast. Mainly about how I met the others and what I've been doing with them. I tell him the truth. All about how we met, training, whipping Eamon, Unalaq and Vaatu. At some point he asked me about my past. I only told him I was a wayfarer. He didn't believe me. I told hum it was just a personal thing that brings back horrid memories. He respected that and told me I could tell him when I wished. I thanked him for understanding. I actually ended up asking him what Korra was like growing up. He told me many stories some of which made me laugh. He asked me a new question.
Tonraq: "What do you think of my daughter?" He asked me calmly. I am taken aback a bit but begin to take a moment to think.
You: "Well... She's strong. Very strong. Kinda sarcastic which isn't bad. She takes no crap from anyone which I like allot. I'm the same way. She's also very kind and caring towards others. She's helped me open up and... Helped me with my pasts memories or is currently helping me I should say. All in, all... I'm glad I met her. It's hard to think about where'd I be if I didn't meet her or just walked away like I was going to before Bolin stopped me." I said happily smiling at the end. I look at Tonraq who seems to be smiling at what I said.
Tonraq:" Truly?" He asks sounding a slight bit surprised. I nod I response. "She thinks highly of you to if her letters are anything to go by... I like you as well. You seem very wise for your age." He siad a bit more serious but still has that slight bit of happiness in his voice. I smile and rub the back of my head in response. He chuckles. "I approve. Just be careful." He said calmly. I look at him confused now and he just chuckles. I knew he'd join Senna, Kya, and Pema. Heh.
The conversation changed to things we liked and what not after that. I just hope I'm strong enough to help stop these terrorists. If not Korra and everyone could die. I couldn't live with that. Not again. I'd never get to finish my project for Olivia. I'd never get to tell 'her' how I feel. We will win. Though I think we may have to kill them to do so.
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