Chapter Twenty Three: The Trap
(Your POV)
We are currently discussing a plan to take the Red Lotus by surprise if it comes down to it. Right now the best we have is having myself, and Tonraq waiting in the wings to ambush them. That's it. Being so damn fortified the Northern Temple doesn't leave many ways inside. Korra then chimes in.
Korra: "I know where he likes to meditate. I could go into the spirit world and find him." She suggested rather flatly. We all look at her as she says that. I shake my head at her slightly. It doesn't seem like it would help all that much.
You: "What would that even accomplish?" I asked seriously. Seems like it would do nothing but tell the bastard where we are right now. Assuming he does not know. Or he could force Korra to turn herself over.
Korra: "Could figure out what he wants or try and convince him to stand down." She replies sternly looking at me. I simply shake my head again.
You: "I hate to be the cynic... Well sort of but I don't think he will stand down. He wants chaos saying it's 'The Natural Order.' I doubt talking to him could help... But we have no other option until we can get a hold of Tenzin." I said sighing at the end in frustration. I hated this situation. What makes it worse is that I know Olivia is up there to... I swore to protect her. I look down at the thought. Zuko, who was standing next to me seemed to notice and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
Zuko: "You didn't fail Olivia. You couldn't have seen this coming (M/n)." He said sternly in a reassuring tone. I sigh and nod my head in response. He's not wrong. I look at him and smile slightly. He smiles slightly in turn before returning his attention to everyone else.
Korra: "Alright... Do you think you can watch my body Sparky?" Korra asks me as she turns to look at me nnot uncrossing her arms. I look at her and nod in response. That'll be easy.
You: "No problem." I reply. She smiles at me and I smile gently in turn. We finalize our crappy plan and leave the room we are in. I notice however that Zuko is headed straight for his dragon. I asked Korra to wait a moment and she agrees. I run up to where he is. He is currently placing his bags on the Dragon. "Going to go protect Izumi I'm guessing?" I asked him with a sympathetic tone in my voice. He turned to me and nodded.
Zuko: "Zaheer is targeting world leaders... I need to protect my family." He said rather sadly. I close my eyes and nod before opening them again. I get it... I wasn't able to before but i can now and intend to with my life.
You: "I get that more than you may think... Well then. This is goodbye for now." I said smiling at him ever so slightly. He nodded but I decide to give him a quick hug before letting go and patting his arms lightly. "When we have the time me and Olivia will visit you guys. I promise." I said still smiling at him.
Zuko: "I'll look forward to it. Be careful Thunderer." He said as he boarded his dragon. "Don't get yourself killed." He requested sternly I nodded in response and with that his dragon ran, took off, and flew away.
I go back to the airship and look for Korra. I see her on the deck talking with her father. He seemed really worried not that I blame him. If I am not mistaken she is his only child and she's in danger. I hang back for a moment to let them talk in private. After sometime and hugging Tonraq waves me over. Once I approach he speaks to me.
Tonraq: "Keep a close eye on her (M/n). I don't want her hurt." He said looking me in the eye with astern tone. I nod and keep the stare. I understand why he's worried so much.
You: "I will. I promise." I said just as sternly. He smiles ever so slightly in response, pats my shoulder and walks away. Promise... A honey laced word that can mean everything and nothing at the same time. I am interrupted from my thoughts thanks to Korra.
Korra: "You ready? It could be a few hours." Korra says to me. I look at her and nod in response. She smiles, sits, and begins to meditate. Unlike me or most people however it doesn't take her long to be gone. Now I sit here alone watching her form for signs of stress. I begin speaking to myself as I often did when I was on the road.
You: "It's funny... Today marks the one-year anniversary that I met you and the others... It's hard to believe that'd I'd get close to anyone... I assumed I'd just walk away again." I said looking down with a sad tone in my voice. I think for a moment. I look back up smiling. "Out of everyone here that has helped me... I owe you the most... You forced my emotions out. You didn't judge you just offered a shoulder to cry on... You opened me up... Helped me be less cynical... I laid my entire existence to you and you treated me with nothing but kindness... Out of everyone I grew close to... I grew closest to you... I..." I can;t finish. Even though she's not awake I can't choke the words out. How sad is that? I just shake my head chuckling while still smiling warmly at her. I leaned in and kissed her cheek gently. When I pulled back I heard a small laugh. I recognized it as Asami.
Asami: "You should tell her (M/n)." Asami says quietly as if she's afraid she'll wake Korra up. I just shake my head. And turn to face her. I see her smiling gently at me.
You: "It's not the right time... To be honest I don't know how to act on it completely." I said seriously. She smiles and shakes her head at me. She sits down in front of me.
Asami: "I can't help you there... Just... After this business try. Please? You deserve that much and more. I'm pretty sure she'd return them." She asks me with a kind tone still smiling warmly at me. I nod in response.
You: "I'll try..." I said with a sigh at the end. "Anyway... You know today is the first anniversary that I met you guys?" I asked Asami smiling. She goes wide eyed for a moment and then smiles happily.
Asami: "That's right!" She exclaims happily before hugging me quickly. She lets go before speaking again. "Crazy... A whole year. A whole year in one place for you has to feel strange huh?" She asks with a happy tone still smiling at me still. I nod my head at her not changing my happy expression.
You: "Yeah... But it's been one of the best years I've had since that day. I owe you all... More than I can probably give." I said smiling at the the memories I have made over the past year. She shakes her head at me.
Asami: "You don't have to (M/n). You're our friend and you would do the same. You have in some cases... Like talking to me about my mother. You treat Mako and Bolin like little brothers. You are raising Olivia." I smile wider at that. "You also have been very patient in training Korra and even trusted her with what you were feeling. You owe us nothing. It's like you said we're a family. A strange one I'll admit but one nonetheless." She said still smiling warmly at me with a loving tone a sister might use on their brother to show they love them in their way. I wipe a tear of joy from my eye as she finishes.
You: "Well... Thank you... I didn't realize I proved myself that much to you all... Or mean that much... I love you guys." I said happily as I pull her into a hug which she gladly returns quickly. After I let go we simply begin talking about several things. After sometime Korra begins to stir. The look on her face tells em everything I need to know. I was right again. I was about to ask until we heard Mako yell loudly.
Mako: "WE HAVE CONTACT!!!" Me and Korra rush up and she takes the microphone. I can hear Meelo's voice who seems to be chatting up a storm.
Korra: "MEELO THIS IS YOUR COMMANDING OFFICER!!!! GO FIND YOUR DAD NOW!!!!" Korra yelled into the mike at Meelo. I looked at her a bit surprised at how loud she was. I heard Meelo confirm that. She looked at me and shrugged slightly. She then began to talk to Tenzin. Seems Zaheer had just shown up so they end the call and try to hurry... I know they won't be fast enough. She looks down upset. I place my hand on her back to try and comfort her. She looks at me and we leave the tower to go back to the airship. Once we get there we see the others waiting.
You: "Zaheer had just arrived when we made contact." I said sriously with anger in my tone They all go a bit wide eyed. I just sigh and look down. I knew the bastard would. But threatening children. Now that's really low. Only a inhuman monster would consider doing such.
Korra: "He'll let them go If I hand myself over." Korra said sadly with a frown on her face. I knew that's what he would want that bastard. He's threatening kids. I also know that's not true. He won't let them go. Natural order and all that nonsense.
Lin: "If only he couldn't air bend. This wouldn't be an issue." Lin said with a very fustrated tone in her normally stoic voice. The others nod in response. It's why he was able to escape in the first place and get away from me at the temple. I frown at the thought.
You: "Yeah. If he couldn't I would've been able to end this on the Island." I said sadly. I then begin to think of a battle plan until Korra taps my shoulder. I look at her.
Korra: "Call him." She said flatly. I look down defeated... I don't want to lose her. I guess she can see my turmoil because I can feel her place a hand on my shoulder. I look up at her. "It's okay. I'll be fine. You'd do the same for us." I nod weakly knowing what she meant. I walk back into the tower and call that son of a bitch. He answers.
Zaheer: "Avatar?" He asks coldly. I am shaking with anger. Just hearing his voice now pisses me off.
You: "You'll talk with her in a moment." I hear nothing after that reply for awhile. I ehar him breathe in and reply.
Zaheer: "Thunderer." He says flatly. He has no idea what I plan to do to him and his fellow terrorists when I get my hands on them. Maybe not kill but he'll wish I did.
You: "I just want to say something. If you take her just know one thing." I say waiting for his response.
Zaheer: "What?" He replies. If he could see my eyes, I'd doubt he'd be so confident.
You: "If you take her. There will be no hole, no crack, no cave, no crevice, no abandoned town, or village where I won't be able to find you. You'll wish for something as sweet as the pain I will make you experience... But that will have to wait." I finish with a cold and dark tone as I hear the door open. I see Korra and hand her the mike and leave the room. I go back to the others and we just wait for Korra to come back. I am very, very furious. Zaheer has no idea who he just pissed off. After some time, I hear Korra come out.
Korra: "He says come to the base of Laghima's peak at noon... And to come alone." She said seriously. I nod in response. Smart because if we worked together he'd get flattened and allows him have a quick getaway. I then hear Sue pipe up.
Sue: "I have an idea." She said seriously. With that we begin discussing her plan. An ambush of sorts. Tonraq, and herself will be waiting on the cliff in order to ambush once Korra is close enough. Mako, Asami, and Bolin will be look outs in case something is fishy.
You: "I'm going with Tonraq. Zaheer has pissed me off and I'm not sitting out." I said flatly with a slightly cold and angry tone. The others nod in response. Lin leaves to start the airship while the others go to sit down or prepare for the coming battle. I go with Korra and sit next to her on the couch. We are silent as the airship began to move. I feel Korra lean on me a bit. I move my arm on that side so she can be more comfortable. It now rests on the back of the chair. "Zaheer has no idea who he's pissed off." I said rather darkly as the ship began to move forward. I hear her chuckle weakly.
Korra: "Yeah... Look at what you did to the equalists when we took back the temple." She said not looking at me. I Smile weakly.
You: "Yeah. Tore through them like tissue paper. Zaheer has no idea what he's done." I said darkly as the anger begins to boil my blood. I feel her hug my side and I return it before we return to the way we were. "I'm sorry this happened..." I said sadly to her. I feel her shake her head in response.
Korra: "Like Zuko said. You couldn't see this coming. I appreciate the concern but I'll be fine." Korra said trying to reassure me in response. I sigh and look down. I know she's probably right but still.
You: "I just don't want to lose Olivia or you Korra. You mean allot to me." I said in a soft tone as I look down at her. I see a subtle blush on her cheeks but she smiles at me.
Korra: "Feelings mutual (M/n)." She said softly while still smiling warmly at me. Our eyes stayed locked for a moment before we look forward again. We stay quiet for a time. Just trying to think i suppose. While this is happening Tonraq walks by and sees us. He sends me a small stare before he notices where my arm is. He smiles and nods at me knowing I just want to comfort her. He walks away and Korra speaks again.
Korra: "Did you guys get along?" She asks me with a slight bit of worry in her tone of voice. I smile and nod my head yes.
You: "Yeah actually. I enjoyed talking to him. He respected my wishes to keep my past to myself until I felt I could tell him. He's a pretty cool guy." I said a bit happy to her and I hear her sigh in relief it seems.
Korra: "That's good. He's a bit protective." She said with a small chckle at the end. I laugh slightly in response. It's true not that I could blame him though. Especially since she's the avatar.
(Still Your POV)
The ship begins to lower on the peak and we are getting ready. I have equipped my armor, I have a single rope dart around my forearm just in case, and I'm pissed. I exit my room to find Tonraq and Sue waiting for me. Once the ship docks completely me and Tonraq exit and begin scaling the cliff. Once we reach the top we wait. It takes sometime but I see Korra arrive and Zaheer is waiting for her next to his airship. I then take stock. He's here along with, P'li, and Ghanzan... But Ming-Hua is missing... Shit. I look at Tonraq with a very specific look. Once Zaheer grabs Korra we rush in. I send a lightning bolt at Zaheer which grazes his shoulder. He lets Korra go and Tonraq rushes towards her. Before I can follow A fire ball stops me. I look at the sender. She is the same age as Zaheer give or take a few years. She has amber eyes and has A third eye painted on her forehead. She also has black hair that is shaved on the wither side of her face.
You: "I knew better." Is all I said before attacking her.
I send a wave of electricity in here direction that she simply jumps over, I smirk and bring it up to collide with her legs. It sends her further in the air but she recovers and sends another of those explosive blasts my way. I dodge and throw a whip that wraps around her foot. I pull down hard and slam her into the ground. However, through the dust I see another blast and I side step it. The shock wave from its impact knocks me back a bit. I easily recover and summon a whip. I send it out towards her as she stands up and wrap around her arm. She sends another blast but I dodge and throw her towards it. She has to take time to recover and I take the opportunity to detach the whip and send it into her side. I hear her scream in pan as it knocks her close to the cliff side. She does not hesitate to fire a blast directly at my feet. I barely get out of the way yet the shock wave once again knocks me back. I land on my back and quickly jump back up. I can't fight her at a distance. I charge both fists and punch out sending a large bolt of lightning towards her head. She was charging a move so she dodges and it flies right past my head. I don't flinch and charge directly at her. We then engage in close quarters combat. She goes for a punch to the side of my head. I duck to dodge it and go for a punch to the gut. She blocks with her free hand. She goes for multiple punches while I bob and weave to avoid them. We then have our forearms clash.
P'Li: "You're skilled for someone so young." She says sternly looking me in my eyes.
You: "My time alone hardened me." I said darkly before reengaging. With that I break the clash and go to kick her in the head. She catches it but I kick her in the gut with my other foot that I charged and send her flying towards Zaheer. She slowly gets up holding her gut as I charge Zaheer. I break the clash him and Korra were in and me, her and her father take our respective stances. "Three On Two." I said simply. However, P'Li seems to smirk at me. I then feel an immense force hit my right side sending me flying towards the cliff. Zaheer sends a wind blast at me keeping me in the air and finally P'Li hits the ground below me with a blast sending me off the cliff. As I begin to fall I hear Korra.
Korra: "(M/N)!!!!!!!!" She shouts in my direction at the top of her lungs. I then snap out of my surprised state and try to recover in the air.
I will not be able to stop myself but I can lessen the impact. I use my electricity to turn myself. However, when I do I collide with a rock and tumble down the side. I keep trying to recover only to be thrown off more. Finally, I am able to launch myself off the side and float the rest of the way. I still hit the ground damned hard and am sent rolling on my side. I slowly get up just in case something is broken. From what I can tell nothing is but I am bruised and cut up. I take a moment and begin floating back up. Just as I reach the edge my electricity gives out and I have to grab the ledge. As I begin to pull myself up I feel two people grab my arms and help me up. Once They get me up I raise and sit on my butt breathing heavily. I then look up and see Lin, Tenzin, Sue, and Tonraq... No Korra. I guess they can tell how angry I am as I see them look at me worried. All I say is.
You: "Where. Did. They. Go?" I asked very angrily as my body sparks with a small amount of electricity. That bastard has no Idea how angry I am. He has no Idea what he's done.
Tenzin: "...Zaheer has her... We are going to follow." I nod in agreement with extreme rage in my eyes. I look at the others and they see the anger and stiffen ever so slightly. The air around them is energized and likely hot not that I could tell.
You: "Zaheer has no idea the storm he has unleashed." I said As I stand up straight with cold an d angry eyes. This bastard has all but signed his death warrant. First he threatens and takes Olivia, now he intends to kill Korra. I'll rip them apart at the seams. They'll learn why the others call me 'The Thunderer.' The Equalists got destroyed with my help, The Crimson Brotherhood fell to lightning and Fire and they just threatened me or my friends. Neither managed to go through with the threats however. If anyone deserved to burn it was The Red Lotus.
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