Chapter Twenty Six: A New Title And A Shy Giant

(Your POV)

It's been a month since Korra left for her home in the Southern Water Tribe. However, that is not what I need to focus on. Right now I am getting ready for my final interview for Olivia. I am dressed in a nice outfit that Asami help pick out and decent shoes. I much prefer my coat and boots but I have to be presentable. I finish combing my hair and nod to myself in the mirror. I exit the room and head to the main area where Asami is waiting for me. She offered to come along as a witness of sorts which I greatly appreciated. She walks up to me and straightens my jacket slightly.

Asami: "You look quite handsome (M/n)." Asami says smirking at me. I roll my eyes playfully and chuckle at the statement.

You: "You know I hate dressing like this. But thanks... And thanks for coming with me... My hands are even a bit shaky." I say as I show her my hands that are shaking ever so slightly. "I just hope it goes well." I say in a slightly nervous tone looking at her. She smiles at me gently.

Asami: "It will. You'll be a good father. You've shown that already." I smile at that. Its good to hear it from someone... I just hope I do a good job.

We then leave the temple and head towards the city proper. Once we get to the city some of the buildings look abandoned. Probably thanks to the vines that are still around... Or they ran out of fear. We then begin heading to the office I was told to go to today at 2:00 P.M. It takes about fifteen minutes to walk there but when we arrive. I breathe in deeply through my nose and exhale through my mouth to calm my nerves. We then enter the building. The inside of the building's walls is a dark red affair and it has polished wood flooring. I walk up to the front desk and ring the bell. After a minute a man shows up. He's is six foot five inches tall, has black hair with hazel eyes and seems to be barrel chested. Alistair my man. He's nineteen or so he tells me. He's the son of Ms. Smith so he works here at her request. He's apparently a stickler for organization so he's perfect for this job.

Alistair: "My name Is Alistair Smith. What can I do you for?" He asked smiling politely at us. I knew him already but he has to do that for anyone that enters the office. I smile in turn mainly because he's a friend.

You: "I'm the two o'clock for the adoption papers with Ms. Smith for the orphan Olivia." He nods gently and tells me to sign in. I do and he speaks again.

Alistair: "She should be with you shortly. Please sit. Do you want some tea? I just made some." The large man said smiling gently at us. I nod at the suggestion and look towards Asami. The blush on her cheeks and her staring do not go unnoticed by me... Or him. He looks towards her and she looks away slightly. He smiles at her. "Do not worry ma'am. I don't mind. What is your name? If I may ask." He asked smiling warmly at Asami. She looks back and her blush deepens at his expression. Oh I am so telling Bolin and Mako about this.

Asami: "I-I'm Asami Sato... Pleasure." She said extending her hand. What happens next even takes me by surprise. I have known him for the better part of a year and we became friends not long after the process began. He's told me he's shy around people, women especially due to his large stature. But this shy and gentle giant very carefully grabs her hand, bends down slightly, and kisses her knuckles ever so gently... Smooth. Her blush deepens even more at that.

Alistair: "The pleasure is mine... I hope this isn't to forward but do you have any plans for this evening?" He asks as he lets her hand go. She shakes her head no and he smiles a bit wider yet still warmly at her. "I get off at six today so if I may ask. May I escort you to dinner tonight?" He asked ever so calmly... Not bad man. I said shoot for the stars and he did. And look it worked. She goes slightly wide eyed but smiles at him.

Asami: "I-I'd like that... I am staying at the Air Temple." She stuttered out nervously. This is amazing. Like watching someone flip there car five times but come out not injured at all. SO damned rare. She's usually so confident but he's showing her what's up and he's the shyest guy I know.

Alistair: "Then I will be by to pick you up at six thirty." Someone then shouts his name. Most likely Ms. Smith. He sighs and looks towards Asami. "I look forward to getting to know you Asami." She nods in response and he leaves to answer whoever called him. I look towards Asami smirking a bit. She punches my shoulder and I laugh. We both go and sit down. I look towards her smirking with my head in one of my hands.

You: "So... Seems like that thing called love is going around... Bolin has Opal... I love Korra and now you." She punches my shoulder as I laugh at her expression. She's still blushing a tad.

Asami: "Of shut up... He seems like a nice man... And a good looking one..." She stops when she hears me snicker at her daydreaming. She sneers at me for a moment and I laugh again. She rolls her eyes as I calm down.

You: "I know him pretty well. I can confirm he's a nice guy to everyone. What baffles me is that he's usually so shy around women and yet he asked you out!" I exclaimed a tad but excited which is strange for me. She looks at me confused as I explain. "Look. He's freaking tall. He said when he was younger he always got made fun of for that. It made him shy due to his big stature. One day he was talking to me about it and how he wished he could just get the courage to ask someone out. I told him to shoot for the stars and look! He asked a very beautiful woman out without stuttering!" She smiles at my excitement as I laugh a bit.

Asami: "I'll find out what he's like tonight won't I?" She asks me smiling at the thought of going out with him I assume. I nod happily in response. She smiles back at me. It's nice to see her want someone after what Mako did. They have since become friends but still, she deserves someone to. We sit there for a short while until Alistair calls us back. We follow him to an office where a woman is sitting at a desk. She has raven black hair and hazel eyes much like her son's. She looks to be in her forties. She smiles at us and gestures for us to sit down.

Ms. Smith: "Hello I am Ms. Smith as I guess you could deduce." She says firmly as she sticks her hand out for me to shake. I shake her hand firmly and so does Asami. "You must be (F/n) (L/n)." She said looking at me seriously.

You: "Yes I am Ma'am." I said respectfully. She smiled and nodded before pulling out the file she's made on me. I start to get a bit nervous about what it could contain but she notces my expression and smiles at me.

Ms. Smith: "No need to be nervous. It's mainly information on where you came from and who you know." I breathe out in relief and she chuckles slightly at my response. She pulls out a paper form the file and begins reciting information for me to confirm for her. "It says your clan was located in Storm Bringer Valley?" I nod for conformation and she smiles. "It was destroyed however." I nod a bit at that as a small frown forms on my face. "Sorry I know it must be painful to speak of but I just needed to confirm." I nod as she continues. "You're nineteen?" I nod in response for confirmation. She seems to think for a moment before putting the paper down to look at me with a serious expression. "It's perfectly legal for anyone that is eighteen and older to adopt an orphan of any kind but... Don't you feel you're young for this?" She asked in a firm tone. I shake my head no immediately at the statement.

You: "No... I feel responsible for her in the same way my father felt responsible for me... It guarantees I can take care of her properly. Next to that she's a good kid who deserves a family." I said seriously to her. She leans back on her chair slightly, then smiles and nods at me.

Ms. Smith: "That's what I wanted to hear." She said to me in a more relaxed tone than before. She must have been testing my resolve. She then started signing a few things one the paper she was looking at. "Sorry this process took so damned long." She said as she continued to write things down on the paper in front of her.

You: "No... Between the Equalists and Vaatu's attempted takeover it was expected." I said in understanding. She nods not looking up as she continues.

Ms. Smith: "The endorsements you got sped this up quickly however." I look at her confused. She looks up and smiles at me. "You helped many people. Shall I list off the names?" I nod and she reads them off to me. "Asami Sato here went on record saying you were one of the most responsible people she'd ever met." I look at Asami who smiles warmly at me. I hug her quickly and let go. Smith continues once my attention is turned back to her. "Suyin Beifong is on record saying that you were one of the most understanding people she came across. The Fire Lord Izumi herself said you were one of the most honorable young men she had ever had the pleasure to meet." Now I feel some tears coming on. "Lord Zuko himself said you were one of the gentlest souls he had ever met since his days with Avatar Aang. And lastly Tonraq of the southern water tribe said you were the most kind and caring man he had ever seen. With statements like this from world leaders no less made this process so simple." She finally looks up from the paper and sees me wiping a tear from my eyes. "So now it is a simple question." I look at her. She smiles and asks. "Do you think you'd make a good father?" I stop and think on this for a time. Asami goes to speak but Smith shakes her head. I then smile slightly.

You: "I think so... Odds are I'll make mistakes like many parents including my own did but... I love her as my own... And all I want is to ensure she'll be safe and well off. And me adopting her is what I feel needs to be done for that to happen." I said smiling at Smith. She smiles wide at me liking what she had heard.

Ms. Smith: "That's what I needed to hear... Many claim they'd be perfect parents... Those are the ones that only wish to look kind to others and not love the child... People that answer like you however show that you understand what it means to be a parent... You know it will be the hardest thing you will ever do... That's what makes a good parent... Not money though it may help... But a sense of responsibility... It is my pleasure to say... You are approved to adopt Olivia as your child Mr. (L/n)." Smith said happily as I go wide eyed and smile wider than I ever had before. Asami squeals and hugs me tightly for a moment but I can't respond due to being so damned happy. Smith laughs a bit at her antics. "Now we have some paper work to fill out Mr. (L/n)." I nod and we immediately get to work as Asami excuses herself.


(Still Your Pov)

That took a while but it's done... I am now officially Olivia's father... It feels strange yet... Nice to finally be able to say it out loud. Ms. Smith hands me the envelope with the adoption paper copies inside. She smiles at me as I take them.

Ms. Smith: "I can't imagine what her reaction will be." I nod in agreement. I have no idea either... I hope she'll like it.

You: "Yeah... Thank you so much." I said with happiness in my voice while she simply smiles at me. She says her goodbye as I leave her office. I walk out the main area once more only to see Asami sitting on the desk talking with Alistair whom is blushing. I guess his nervousness is creeping back up on him. They seem to enjoy each other's company. "I'm done." I said to them still smiling like before. They stop talking and look at me. Alistair sees the envelope and smiles at me gently. Asami gets up from the desk so we can leave.. Alistair stands and grabs her hand to kiss her knuckles so he can say goodbye. Asami giggles a bit and says goodbye as well. We leave the building and a breathe out a bit. "I can barely believe it." I said still smiling as we walk back to the docks. She smiles at me and my expression I have on my face.

Asami: "I told you it would be fine... And look a proud father." Asami said very matter of fact like. I smile at the comment.

You: "It feels nice to say it... I can't imagine what she'll do when she sees these." I say looking at her. She laughs a bit.

Asami: "Freak out probably." She replies with a chuckle. I start laughing at the idea. It may happen though.

You: "I can't wait to see it." And with that we walk the rest of the way to the docks to get home.

The entire time I am clutching the documents in my hands tightly. I can't believe it but it's real... I adopted her successfully. I was almost in tears when Smith told me she knew I'd be a good father. After sometime we get to the docks and head back to the Island. Once we get there and get to the courtyard we are greeted with Tenzin, Pema, Mako, and Bolin. Pema goes to say something but then she sees the envelope and squeals happily before hugging me tightly. I hug her back as best as I can since she captured my arms before I could react. She lets go still smiling ear to ear. Mako is smiling ever so slightly. As soon as Pema steps back Bolin squeezes me in a tight hug. I start losing air but he lets me go before it becomes a problem. I breathe in deeply before laughing. Once I stop Tenzin speaks.

Tenzin: "Congratulations (M/n). When will you tell her?" He asks me with a small amount of happiness in his voice. I smile.

You: "Can you guys gather Olivia and the kids in the main room?" I ask looking at Tenzin. He nods and walks off. The rest of us walk back inside to the main room, sit down and wait. I then hear Olivia laughing. She then rounds a corner and runs up to hug me. I hug back still smiling wide at her. She lets go. "I have something for you to look at." I said still smiling. She seems a bit nervous. "You're not in trouble. Just open this and read the first page." I say as a warm smile finds its way to my face. She nods and takes the envelope as my heart rate increases due to me being nervous. Everyone goes dead silent in anticipation of her reaction. She opens the flap and pulls out the paper. She sits next to me and reads the paper to herself though I know she won't get far. Her hands then clutch the paper tightly as she looks at me shocked at what it said.

Olivia: "These... They say... You..." She says in complete disbelief at what the envelope contained. I look at her and smile warmly.

You: "Yes... They are adoption papers..." She goes wide eyed and then hugs me as tight as she possibly can. I hug back as I feel my shirt get soaked with tears.

Olivia: "Th-thank y-you... Dad." She says shakily yet very happily. She's been wanting to say that for a while now. I smile and hug her tighter.

You: "I love you... Olivia (L/n)." I say still holding her. Her grip becomes even tighter at that if that's even possible. I look at the others to see what their reactions are. The Kids have the biggest smiles on their faces. Tenzin has the warmest smile I have seen form him in some time. Pema is wiping a tear away still smiling. Mako is hugging an emotional Bolin as Bolin begins to cry in joy. I smile at this. Me and Olivia stay in the embrace for a while until she pulls away wiping her eyes. She smiles brightly at me.

Olivia: "I... Can't believe it... You're my dad now!" She exclaims happily as she jumps up and down excitedly and happily. I stand up laughing and sweep her into my arms. She hugs me laughing with me as I spin with her in my arms. I hear the others begin to laugh at my display. I then remember something and set her down.

You: "You know since Bolin and Mako think of me like a brother that makes them your uncles? That would also make Asami your aunt." She goes wide eyed at the realization that her family is bigger than just the two of us. She looks towards the three in question and tackles Bolin in a hug first. He laughs loudly as he hugs her in turn. Mako hugs her gently after she lets go of Bolin mush to Bolin's displeasure and Asami does the same after that. She then came back to me and hugged me once again.

Olivia: "I love you dad... Thank you for everything. I love you so much." She said as she looked up at me smiling warmly. I smile back and hug her once more.

You: "Anything for my little girl. I love you to." I said as I hugged her tightly.

The five of us just spent the rest of the afternoon spending time together. Of course Olivia had to take me to the other air benders in training and show me off. They all cheered and congratulated her and myself when she announced I adopted her. After sometime I remembered about Asami's little date. Olivia gave me one last hug before returning to train with Tenzin and the others. I walk back into the main room and see the three talking. I smirk at Asami and she gets a bit nervous. I walk up to them.

You: "So... Asami... Got anything going on?" I ask as I wiggle my eyebrows at her. She sighs and punches my arm again. I laugh as the others look confused.

Mako: "What's he going on about?" Mako asked Asami. I snicker as she blushes and looks away. He simply raises an eyebrow. I start laughing again. Once I stop and calm myself for a minute I speak.

You: "Oh nothing.... She just has a date with the Man I met when I started the adoption process." They both look at me surprised as she looks slightly befuddled. "You should've seen it. She was blushing, stuttering and everything!" They start snickering at the idea as I hold back laughter again. "The best part is he's the shy one!" I start laughing more as they join me. Once we calm down I continue after looking at Asami. "Sorry Asami. You're usually so confident but somehow the shyest guy I have ever met made you into a stuttering mess instead of the other way around." I said still trying to hold in some laughter. She sighs knowing I'm right.

Asami: "I don't know why he did... Something about him just attracted me to the point he made me nervous... Not to mention he's a nice guy." She says smiling at the thought. I nod in understanding.

You: "I get it. Opal was like that with Bolin." I say as I nudge him and he blushes. "Now... Don't you need to get ready?" I ask looking at her smiling. She nods quickly.

Asami: "Yes I do. I'll see you guys later." She says waving us off as she leaves. Shake my head at her slightly. I look at Mako who is smirking.

You: "What's up Mako?" I ask him. He chuckles before looking at me still smirking.

Mako: "It's nice to see... Though I can't help but smirk at the idea of this dude making her the stuttering mess for once." I nod my head laughing a bit more as he and Bolin join me.

After that I headed to my room. I wanted to write a letter to Korra to give her an update. Asami said she had received a letter and said it said Korra missed me. I smile at the thought as I enter my room. I sit down, grab some paper, a pen, and then begin writing the letter.


Sorry I haven't written at all since you left. I've had my hands full with the adoption process. Good news! I got approved and Olivia is now officially Olivia (L/n)! Her reaction was priceless. She called me 'dad' at least twenty times since she found out. I guess she was holding that in for a while. In another week maybe a week and a half after today I will pack my things and head down there like I swore. I've missed you greatly and have been worried about you. I'll see you then Korra.

I'll see you soon


P.S: Olivia says Hi and wishes you well.'

I put the pen down and fold up the letter. I then take it to Asami whom is waiting for Alistair to show up and ask her if she could drop it off on her way out. She smiles and agrees and I head back inside. I go the kitchen and begin helping Pema cook. Still hard to believe... I have a daughter.

(Asami's POV)

I stand here in the courtyard waiting for Alistair. He's not late mind you I just wanted to avoid those three picking on me. I have no Idea why Alistair was able to do that to me... I'm not sure I care either. He is such a nice guy. Still hard to believe that he's usually shy. I am interrupted from my thoughts when I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I am dressed in a nice yet simple red dress. I hope he likes it. I then see Alistair come into view. My he looks handsome. He's in a proper black suit with a red tied. His neck length hair is neatly combed. He then sees me and stops for a moment and stares.

Asami: "What's wrong?" I ask him with a concerned tone as I approach. He snaps back into reality before he blushes a bit.

Alistair: "N-nothing. You look very beautiful and I-I guess I s-short circuited." He stutters as he rubs the back of his neck. He's blushing and it gets worse when I giggle at the statement.

Asami: "Thank you. You look quite handsome." I say smiling warmly at him. He smiles and looks at me with his intense hazel eyes that seemed to shine like stars. He holds his hand out.

Alistair: "Shall we?" He asks politely and gently. Now I'm the one blushing. I nod while smiling and take his hand. When he closes his hand around mine I am surprised at how soft and gentle he is despite his size. It felt warm to the touch almost like a stuffed animal. We then begin walking towards the boat he came on. Once we get to the city he begins guiding me to the restaurant. "I'll be completely honest... I wasn't sure what'd you like so I chose a place that almost everyone enjoys." He said smiling warmly at me. I smile back at him to reassure him a small bit.

Asami: "It doesn't matter where we go as long as we spend time together." He blushes a bit at my reply and I giggle. He still keeps his smile however.

Alistair: "Thank you." He says looking at me still having the warm smile I seem to enjoy. I look at him slightly confused. "For giving me a chance." I then smile back as we begin to enter the restaurant.

It's actually a nice place with only a few people inside. It's nicely lit and seems to be mainly colored in dark red with dark brown wood floors. The smells coming from the kitchen have me anticipating the food this place makes. The waiter nods at Alistair and he takes us to a table. He gives us a nice table next to the window so we can see outside. He takes our drink orders. To my surprise Alistair orders some wine for us. Now I am thoroughly impressed. The waiter nods and then leaves.

Asami: "Tell me about yourself Alistair." I say to him as I lean back in my chair to relax a bit. He nods and thinks for a moment.

Alistair: "Well. I'm sure (M/n) told you about how shy I am normally." I nod. "Yeah... I probably wouldn't even have friends if it weren't for my sister." I smile at him.

Asami: "You have a sister?" I ask him still smiling as I put an elbow on teh table and lean on one of my hands. He nods and smiles at me again.

Alistair: "Yeah. Her name is Sarah." I giggle at the name a bit. "I know... I'm named after a famous knight and they used to refer to men as 'serah'. I got that joke allot when I was younger." He says with a chuckle at the end. "But yeah. She always tried to push me out of my comfort zone a little to help me out. She never pushes to hard though." He says in a happy loving tone. "You should have seen her when I told her I managed to ask someone out." We both laugh at that.

Asami: "She sounds nice." He nods in response. "If I may ask why were you so afraid to ask a girl out?" He looks down for a moment. I begin to think I messed up but he looks back up at me.

Alistair: "I was picked on by mostly girls when I was young... I was taller than most kids my age as I bet you can guess." I giggle as he smiles. "Most never gave me so much as a sideways glance... Then you were staring so... I took a shot... Thanks for giving me a chance." He says as he grabs my hand gently. I lift up from the one I was leaning on and hold his wand with that one to and I squeeze it back.

Asami: "You're welcome..." I say as I stare into his hazel eyes.

The rest of the date went very well actually. He treated me with respect and kindness. He told me many things. That his family moved here from Zaofu when his mom got offered the job. I told him about my family and their industry which he was thoroughly impressed by. He always complimented me which managed to always bring a blush to my cheeks. I always made him stutter when I complimented him however. He told me that out of everything he does he's an excellent swordsman. I in turn told him about my martial arts and he joked we should fight crime together. We both laughed at the prospect. At some point I burped rather loudly. I felt embarrassed but I guess he noticed because he proceeded to burp louder than anyone I have ever heard. He excused himself and winked at me. Overall he's quite intelligent and kind. He also has a good heart. He decided to pay for a homeless man's meal before we left. He told me that he had it pretty good so he sees no harm in helping others. I... I think I'll ask him. We then got back to the temple and we stopped in the courtyard. The moon was full tonight and lit up the courtyard with blue and white hues.

Alistair: "Here we are." He said as he gently held my hands staring into my eyes with his warm smile. I smile in turn.

Asami: "Yeah. I had a wonderful evening Alistair... Maybe we could do this again?" I ask him with hope. He seems surprised at that. He smiles wider and replies.

Alistair: "I'd love to. Anytime... I have Saturday off. Maybe we could spend the day together?" He asked sounding very hopeful yet slightly nervous. I giggle and kiss his cheek. When I pull back he's as red as a tomato.

Asami: "Yes. That sounds lovely." I said in a happy tone of voice He smiles wide at that.

Alistair: "Does that mean were... you know?" He asked looking away slightly. I hum in response to mess with him slightly. I then giggle and make him look at me.

Asami: "That's up to both of us." He smiles and nods. "Then yes. We are a couple." He smiles wide and hugs me tightly in pure joy. I hug him back and we stay that way for a time. He then pulls away and leans in. I thought he was going to try and kiss my lips. I like him but it's too soon for that. Mako taught me that much. But to my surprise and delight he gently laid his lips on my forehead to kiss it. Now I'm the one blushing pretty badly. He pulls back with that warm smile I like so much.

Alistair: "I'll see you then... Sweetheart." He says a bit timidly. I smile at him and his bravery.

Asami: "I'll meet you here on Saturday at... ten in the morning?" He nods. "Good... Bye handsome." I kiss him on the cheek once more and we go our separate ways. I sigh happily. As I enter the temple I am met with a smiling (M/n). "What?" I ask him. He simply chuckles.

You: "Nice job... he'll treat you like you should be treated." He says rather gently. I look slightly surprised. "What? I had my fun already. Next to that you two seemed very happy. I'm happy for you." He says as he gives me a quick hug and let's go.

Asami: "Thanks... You were right he's a hell of a guy." I say to him he smiles. He then waves me off and goes to bed.

I had an amazing time with Alistair. He was so kind and chivalrous. I think a wonderful new relationship has started for me. Maybe I can convince him to bring his sister here to meet everyone. So... I have Alistair... (M/n) has adopted Olivia and admitted he loved Korra... Bolin has Opal... and Mako has been improving himself... Maybe I have found a man I can stay with for... A long time.

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