Chapter Twenty Seven: A Day With Family And Fulfilling A Promise

(Korra's POV)

We just got done with my treatments today and just like every day I feel as though not a damn thing has changed... I know I should be patient but I just want to walk again. I wheel myself back to my room to relax. When I get there I notice there is a new letter on my table. I wheel over and grab it. It's from (M/n). I'm so happy he wrote me finally. I open it and read it. He couldn't write me because the adoption process had his hands full. I figured but I am still happy he was able to write me finally. He also says he misses me and is worried. I smile at that. It feels nice to know he cares so much. I then get slightly excited at the next part. He says about a week or a week and a half after he wrote this he'll be coming down here to stay... This was sent about four days ago so he'll be here sooner than I expected. I smile wider at that. It'll be nice to have someone here I feel so comfortable with... I've been thinking about him more lately. It's strange. When we first met he seemed so cold but he quickly turned out to be one of the most caring people I have ever known. I re read the letter again until I hear a knock at my door. I call them in and it's mom.

Seena: "Who's that from sweetie?" She asks me while smiling. I blush slightly but hand her the letter. She reads it and smiles. She looks back at me. "Excited?" She asks me in a warm tone of voice . I nod and smile slightly.

Korra: "Yeah... It'll be nice having him here... Especially since we're so comfortable around each other." Mom then gains a smirk at my statement while I quickly try and recover. "W-what I meant w-was someone I c-could talk to freely." I stuttered out. She then laughed a small bit as I blushed and looked away.

Seena: "It's fine sweetie. I really like him." I look at her confused. "He's a good man. You know I'm going to make him eat dinner here with us most nights right?" She asked smirking again. I roll my eyes and smile. Both of my parents have praised him before but it's still nice and strange to hear considering they never said such things about Mako.

Korra: "Oh I know... I can't wait for him to get here." She smirks at me again and I roll my eyes playfully still holding my small smile.

After that she left my room and I pull myself on my bed. I read the letter again before putting it on my nightstand. I lay my head on my pillow and smile. He'll be here sooner rather than later.


(Your POV)

It has been a week and three days since I was able to proudly call Olivia my daughter. Currently however I am packing my things so I can move into Kya's home for the time being. As I am packing I get to the grandmaster's mask. I hold it in my hands and debate if I should just destroy it... I decide against it and put it in my bag to take with me. I then take a moment to look around the now empty room. I smile slightly. I've been living in here for the better part of a year. It feels odd to leave but I want to be with Korra. I grab my bag and leave my room after shutting the lights off. I walk into the main area and out my bag down. Everyone wanted to come see me off and I need to wait for training to finish and for Mako and Bolin to get back from... Whatever they were doing. I didn't wait long until I heard Asami's voice. I get up and head in its direction. I see her with Alistair so I stay out of sight so I can watch. They are talking about something. After a while they both fall silent and start to lean in. I watch while holding my breath until their lips meet in a tender and loving kiss. I'm having to bite my lip in order to keep quite. Then a loud booming voice makes them stop but they are blushing messes. I look towards the voice and see... Sarah? That blacksmith. I decide to show myself and walk towards the group. Sarah sees me, runs up and gives me a bone crushing hug.

Sarah: "(M/N)!!!! It's so good to see you!!" She shouts very loudly. I struggle to get the air to respond.

You: "You... Too... Need... Air." She gasps and lets me down. I take in a deep breath and smile at her. "What are you doing here?" I ask her. She smiles wide at me.

Sarah: "My brother here." She said as she wrapped her arm around Alistair's neck as he grutns slightly. She's damn strong huh? "Said you were leaving to help the Avatar recover. I wanted to see you off." She said with a close eyed smile. I laugh at her antics while nodding at her.

You: "So this is your sister?" I ask Alistair. He nods a bit bashfully. "I met her when I needed my armor repaired. She does great work." He smiles and nods once again as Sarah's smile grows if that's even possible.

Sarah: "THANKS!!!" She boomed still smiling at me. I wave it off.

Alistair: "S-sis." She looks at him. "C-can you l-let me go?" He asks a bit quietly. She nods and lets him stand back up. "T-thanks." He said stuttering nervously at the attention he is getting. She laughs a bit at the way he's acting.

Sarah: "Even among friends your shy. Come on we like you remember!" He nods smiling slightly at his sister's comment. "Not to mention Asami REALLY likes you." They both blush at that. Oh I'm going to have a bit of fun now. I chuckle a bit looking at the two.

You: "Did he tell you about how he asked her out?" I asked Sarah. She shakes her head and I smirk slightly as Alistair looks at me wide eyed. "He was a smooth as butter. Kissing her knuckles and everything." Sarah looks at her brother surprised. "Asami here was a stuttering mess. The best part about it was she's supposed to be the confident one while he's shy." Sarah starts laughing at the prospect while I chuckle. Both Asami and Alistair are blushing pretty badly now.

Asami: "I-I couldn't help it... H-he's q-quite handsome." Asami says as she wraps her arm around Alistair. He does the same and looks at her. They peck each other's lips while I smile at them. I see Sarah has a huge grin before she hugs the both of them after they separate. She sets them down smiling brightly. I then here a familiar voice.

Mako: "That was so cute I may have to go vomit." Mako says with a chuckle at the end. I turn and see him smirking while Bolin is grinning ear to ear. I the look to see Sarah look Mako up and down before nodding to herself.

Sarah: "Mm Hmm. What's your name good looking?" She asks Mako. Man she's damn confident and straight forward. He looks surprised but smirks again.

Mako: "Mako. What about you gorgeous?" He asks her smoothly. She smirks in turn and walks up to him.

Sarah: "Sarah Smith. I'm Alistair's sister." She said looking into Mako's eyes. He gains a subtle blush but keeps himself steady. "You got plans tonight?" She asked with her smirk still present. Mako seems to be nervous yet is still steadfast.

Mako: "Maybe a date with a gorgeous woman." He said still smirking though I could hear the nervousness underneath it. I'm guessing Sarah heard it to as she puts a hand on his chest.

Sarah: "That you do handsome." She then gets rather close to his face. I decide to go stand next to Alistair to continue watching. "You know that place on the corner of 5th street?" He nods slowly as his blush gets deeper. "Seven o'clock. Don't be late." She says quietly. He nods once again and she smiles wide and backs off. I lean over towards Alistair.

You: "How are you two related man?" I asked him in a whisper he looks at me. He sort of shrugs.

Alistair: "She took all the confidence for herself before I was born." He whispers back. I stifle a chuckle and look back at Sarah and Mako. They are currently talking to each other. Sarah is smiling wide while Mako has the smallest of smiles on his face. He seems to enjoy her company quite a bit.

You: "I'll say one thing." Alistair looks back at me confused. "You both were pretty smooth in asking someone out." He blushes deeply and looks down. I chuckle at his expression while Asami wraps her arm around him again. He returns the gesture shyly. She giggles and kisses his cheek and he smiles slightly and shyly returns the gesture. I'm with Mako now, I may have to go vomit. I chuckle and head back inside with Bolin to leave the 'love birds' to their devices. "Everybody's got somebody eh?" I ask Bolin. He laughs a small bit and has a huge grin.

Bolin: "Almost... You just need to confess." He says as he wiggles his eyebrows and nudges my shoulder. My smile fades ever so slightly. He notices. "What's wrong?" He asked sounding a bit concerned.

You: "I would... But she's not in the best place right now." I said kind of sadly. He frowns and looks down for a moment. He then looks back up and smiles again.

Bolin: "Maybe as you help her you'll be able to!" He exclaimed. I think for a moment before nodding at him smiling.

You: "Maybe I could at that Bolin. Maybe I could at that." I said smiling. He got a big toothy grin and punched my shoulder slightly. I chuckle and punch him back. He laughs.

After that I decided to go see my daughter. She should be nearly done for the day and I wish to spend time with her before I leave. I walk out to the training area and see them finishing up. I chuckle as I see many of them sighing in relief. They begin to disperse and Olivia spots me. She smiles wide and runs up to me to hug me. I crouch down and hug her in turn. We separate.

You: "You're doing your dad proud." I said smiling as I ruffled her hair. She giggled and swatted my hand away.

Olivia: "Thanks dad!" She exclaims smiling. I then see Tenzin walking up to me. I smile at him.

Tenzin: "She's actually quite gifted. At this rate she'll be a master before we realize what happened." He said smiling warmly at me. Olivia squeals a bit and hugs him. He hugs back briefly before they separate.

You: "I knew you were special." I said smiling at her. She smiles wide at me. "I was thinking Olivia. How about we spend the rest of the day together? Since today is the day I leave to help Korra." She pretends to think hard on the prospect with her finger in her chin and humming. She shrugs and looks at me.

Olivia: "Of course we can dad!" She exclaimed. "Oh. Could we go get some ice cream?" She asked with hope in her eyes.

You: "Sure." I said still smiling warmly. She squeals once again and grabs my hand to drag me off. We enter the courtyard and see the four from before. They see me being dragged by my daughter and laugh at my expense. I roll my eyes. Then Olivia stops all of the sudden. I look at her confused until she looks towards the others.

Olivia: "Want to come get Ice cream with us?" She asked smiling at them. Alistair looks at Asami who nods and Sarah nods as well. "Uncle Mako." He looks at her. "Can you go get uncle Bolin?" She asks him. He nods and rushes inside to grab him. Not long later he comes back with him and they are both smiling at Olivia.

We all then head into town to a local Ice Cream Parlor. When we arrive it's a simple stall that has outside seating. The seating is a dark brown that matches the tables. The umbrella above the tables are strangely white with pink stripes. Maybe they should paint the tables white then. I order my favorite flavor. Olivia gets Strawberry. Mao gets Chocolate as does Bolin. Sarah orders herself Vanilla and her brother some vanilla with a caramel top. Asami gets the same as Alistair and we all get a couple of tables and push them together. Then we all sit down and wait for our large order.

Alistair: "How long will you be gone (M/n)?" Alistair asks me. Way to start a conversation.

You: "I don't know to be honest but I'm coming back for a few days out of every month if I can so I can see my little girl." I said smiling as I ruffled her hair. She laughs a small bit and swats my hand away. "Now my turn to ask a question Alistair." He looks worried now. "How's your dad? Sarah told me he has a hard time moving his joints." He sighs in visible relief the he looks at me.

Alistair: "Thankfully he's fine. We found something that helps with the pain and movement issues. He can't use chopsticks anymore but he's far more thankful now than he was for forks and spoons." He replies smiling a bit at me. I chuckle at that. Sarah giggles a tiny bit for some reason. I look over at her to see her booping Mako's nose. He scrunches his face for a moment before smiling. I shake my head and look back at Alistair who is smiling at the scene.

You: "They seem to be enjoying themselves." I say to him. He turns and nods his head. Asami then proceeds to lean on Alistair a tiny bit with her head resting on his shoulder. He blushes at the action but rests his head on hers. She smiles and sighs happily at his actions. I chuckle slightly at the cute scene. I then hear our order get called at the counter. Olivia comes with me to help carry the ice cream. We grab the two trays and head back only to see Alistair and Asami share a kiss.

Olivia: "Aww." She said smiling. They look over. Asami is smiling confidently while Alistair is looking away to hide his deep blush but is smiling ear to ear. We set the trays down and everyone turns to us.

We each grab our own except for Sarah and Mako. She grabs his before he can do anything. He grabs hers looking suspicious. She uses the silver spoon to scoop a small bit and hold it to his mouth smirking. Mako quickly realizes the situation and does the same though he seems to be a bit timid about it. He opens his mouth and she sticks the spoon in. I am eating mine while watching this like it's some play. After they take their first bites they give each other's back and see the rest of us looking at them. Mako gains a subtle blush and goes back to being stoic. Sarah is smiling wide with her eyes closed as she continues to eat her ice cream.

You: "Well then. That happened." Sarah giggles as Mako rolls his eyes at me. I look at Olivia whom is devouring her ice cream. "Olivia slow down honey or you won't enjoy it." She looks at me nods and proceeds to do what I ask. "Thank you Pumpkin. Anyway what do you want to do after this?" She looks at me again and swallows what she had alreadt put in her mouth. She looks at the others who are simply awaiting her reply. She seems to think for a moment before replying.

Olivia: "Could we go to that street carnival in town?" She asks with puppy dog eyes. Sarah makes mock pained noises saying she can't resist. I roll my eyes at her antics and nod to Olivia. She smiles wide and hugs me tight. I hug her back and we continue to consume the cold goodness.

After we finished we all went to this carnival. They had several games laid out and some vendors who were selling food, art, and other things. Sarah grabbed Mako's hand and immediately darted off before saying they'd meet me at the docks later. Alistair shyly grabbed Asami's hand and they interlocked fingers. They said they'd see me later and walked off smiling wide. I look at Olivia and she grabs my hand and we rush into the carnival. She stopped us at one of those ring games and pointed at a stuffed penguin. I nod and look at the host whom hands me the rings after I played him the small amount it costed to play. I hold all six in both hands and toss them. They each land on a bottle and the host looks amazed. He's so impressed he hands me not only the penguin but also a small bracelet that Olivia wanted. She put it on and hugged the penguin tightly as we walked on. We stopped at an art vendor and looked around. I then see a necklace that has a small blue kite with ribbons hanging off it on the chain. I smile at it. I buy it as a gift for Korra and we walk on. We spent the whole day there but unfortunately the time came and we headed back to the temple so I could grab my large bag to take with me to the Southern Water Tribe. After I grab it Me, Olivia, Tenzin, Pema, and the kids head to the docks. Daw decides to hold down the fort which we thanked him for. Kai came as well but that was mainly because Jinora was going. When we arrive I see the other four waiting. I approach the ship and turn around.

You: "I'll be back every month to see you guys unless an emergency comes up." I say smiling warmly at everyone. Tenzin nods before speaking up

Tenzin: "We'll look forward to your return. I hope you can help her." He says to me. I nod at his response. I hope I can to. Pema walks up to me and hugs me gently.

Pema: "Be... You know what that has been useless. Just try and not make someone mad." I laugh loudly and hug her back. We separate, I nod at her and she seems satisfied. Mako walks up, bro hugs me and smiles towards me as he separates.

Mako: "I'll see you soon man." I nod but then smirk remembering his plans for the evening after I leave.

You: "Be sure to enjoy your date." He rolls his eyes and punches my shoulder as I laugh. He shakes his head and heads back to Sarah who approaches with her brother.

Sarah: "Helping the Avatar again eh?" I nod smiling at her. "No more, dark gods hopefully." She says with a laugh at the end. I laugh in turn and hug her briefly. Alistair bro hugs me and nods towards me but looks a slight bit concerned.

You: "I'll be fine Alistair. No world ending scenarios this time." He smiles and nods at me looking relieved once more. Asami then approaches me and hugs me gently. I hug her in turn. Once we separate she smiles at me.

Asami: "Get her on her feet." I nod at her determined and she looks satisfied. She smiles in turn and walks back to Alistair and holds his hand. They interlock fingers as Olivia walks up to me. I pick her up and hug her. She hugs back smiling. We spate and I place her down.

You: "I'll be sure to write before I visit." She giggles and nods at me. She's been very supportive of me wanting to go help Korra get on her feet. She did say she'll miss me but she knows Korra needs someone now more than ever.

Olivia: "Bring Korra home. I miss her." I nod at her with a small gentle smile on my face. She quite likes Korra which makes me happy since, you know I love her and everything. She smiles wide at me. "I'll miss you to dad. But I know you want to be with her when she needs someone. Just like you were when you found me." I smile wide at that and crouch down to her level. I ruffle her hair.

You: "You're right Pumpkin I do. It works out slightly with your training." She smiles and nods before hugging me again. "I love you Pumpkin." I hear her giggle at me.

Olivia: "Love you to dad." We separate and then she ruffles my hair. "Now go help her walk again!" She exclaims and I stand. I board the ship and one of the crew members takes my bag.

The ship then blares it's horn loud and begins to pull away. I shout goodbye and wave and everyone on the docks do the same. I keep my eyes on them until they start walking away. I then go find a part of the ship that no one is currently at to enjoy the scenery. The water seems clearer today for some reason. I smile at it as the ship sails away. I then go to a corner of the ship and sit down. I assume my meditative stance and fall into that state until we arrive.


(Your POV)

I awake from my stance and see it's now night time. I stand and stretch a small bit and look out and see the Southern Water Tribe approaching. I smile. Most of the lights in the buildings are on at the moment. It must be dinner time or just about bedtime for most. After some more time the ship docks and I grab my back. I get off the ship thanking the Captain before walking into the city. I ask a random citizen if they know where Katara and Kya lives. They give me the directions freely because they recognized me and I walk off. Not long after I arrive at a larger home than most. I knock and wait patiently. I here Kya say one moment before she makes it to the door. She opens it and sees me. She smiles wide and hugs me tight. I hug her back and she guides me inside. She takes me to a gust room and lets me put the bag inside before dragging me to a living room of sorts. I see Katara and bow slightly. She smiles and I sit on the couch next to Kya.

Kya: "We're glad you're here." Kya says rather seriously. I look at her confused until Katara speaks up after.

Katara: "She hasn't made enough progress for her liking. I'm afraid she's going to get angry at that truth and lash out at someone without thinking." I look at Katara and nod at her in understanding. I get it somewhat. Then I think of something that doesn't make sense to me.

You: "What does that have to do with me? I'm here to help but I don't know if I could speed the process up." I ask her. Katara has a small smile form on her face before speaking.

Katara: "She's close to you. Having someone like that, whom she can talk to may help put her mind at ease." I nod slowly in understanding. That makes sense now.

You: "I'll do whatever I can... Is she awake now?" I ask her. She shakes her head no and I nod. "That's fine. It's kind of late anyway." She smiles at me before speaking.

Katara: "I have a question young man. If I may ask that is." I nod looking at her. "What are your feelings for Korra?" She asks me. I go slightly wide eyed but compose myself.

You: "Honestly... I love her. I love her with all my heart... It took a while to understand what it was and more time to accept it but... I do. Its one of the reasons I'm here now." I said looking at her with a small smile on my face. She. oddly, gains a serious facial expression at my statement.

Katara: "If I may ask another question. What do you mean 'understand what it was?'" She asks me. I look away for a moment thinking on how to say it. I nod to myself before looking at her again.

You: "I was alone for nearly ten years after my... Clan died.... To save me." She looks un phased but I can see the sympathy in her eyes. "I can barely understand my own emotions because I kept them all bottled up for so long... So when I felt... I guess 'warm' and 'comfortable' around her I wasn't sure what it was. She always made my heart rate increase when she hugged me or otherwise... When I did figure it out I wasn't sure what to do with it like I said... Then I did before, well... All this happened." I finish in a sad tone. Though I am more open and it has gotten easier to talk about it still hearts to mention my family or clan. Kya notices and puts her hand on my shoulder. I look at her and smile slightly knowing she cared.

Katara: "Ah... I'm sorry child but thank you for telling me." Katara replies with a sad tone in her voice obviously worried that she may of made me sad. I wave her off.

You: "Its fine... You knew someone if I'm not mistaken who went through something similar." She smiles a bit and nods at me. She knows I speak of Aang her late husband. All the air nomads died simply because he was the Avatar but unlike myself he was full of rage not guilt.

Katara: "Very true young man. Oh. Congratulations on adopting that little girl Korra told us about." She says as a smile forms on her face once again. I smile wide at that.

You: "Thank you. It feels nice to finally say I'm her dad." Kya then hugs me. I hug back briefly before we separate.

Kya: "Considering that you already treated her as your daughter it was only a matter of finalizing it." I nod chuckling at that. That is very true indeed and many others felt the same.

After some more time talking we decided to turn in for the night. It was getting pretty late and I was tired. I unpacked my clothes, refolded them and put them up. I put the mask on the said dresser and finally went to lie down after changing into something comfortable. Once I hit the bed I go out like a light.


(Still Your POV)

I awoke to sound of a pot clanging. I sit up and rub the sleep from eyes. Is it there for a moment before getting dressed and leaving my room. Once I enter the kitchen I see Kya cooking something. It smelled good and I let out a sound that showed it. She looked at me and smiled.

Kya: "Hungry?" She asks me kindly. I nod at her and get something to drink from the cabinet. Not long after Katara joins me at the table and we wait for the food not really talking since it was to early for that crap.

After we ate breakfast I walk with Katara to where Korra lives. I am smiling the entire way. I can't wait to see her again. If only it was under better circumstances. Many people recognized me and waved or greeted me happily. I always greeted back kindly. Not to long after we arrive at their house. Katara knocks. Not long after Senna opens the door and starts greeting Katara only to stop herself when she sees me smiling at her. She rushes out and hugs me. I chuckle and hug her back. She guides us inside. Once I enter the house I see Tonraq who looks at me and nods smiling ever so slightly at me. After we greeted each other I speak up.

You: "Is she awake?" I ask her with a small amount of excitement I could not hide in my voice. Senna looks at me smiling wide knowing I want to see her as soon as I am able.

Seena: "Yes. End of the hall. Door to your left." She says with a hint of happiness in her tone. I smile and stand. I begin walking to her room. Once I arrive I knock and I hear Korra say come in. I smile and enter. Once I do I close the door. She's in her wheelchair but she appears to be reading something. Once she's done she turns around and sees me. I look at her smirking,

You: "Surprise." I say happily. She smiles at me and I walk to her. I crouch down slightly and hug her tightly which she happily accepts Once we separate I stand back up.

Korra: "When did you get here!?" She asks sounding very happy to see me while still smiling at me though. I can still see the sadness in her eyes. I sit on her bed.

You: "Pretty late last night. It was... Ten maybe eleven when I got here. Katara said you would've been asleep at that point." She nods knowing she was right. We fall into a small silence until I speak back up. "I told you I would come." I said seriously as I take one of her hands into mine. She looks at me and smiles gently as she squeezes it back.

Korra: "That you did... Thank you... It means allot." She says with happiness in her voice. I nod smiling warmly at her. We hug once again for a time. After we separate she looks at me.

You: "I missed you." I said still smiling at her. She blushes slightly but doesn't look away,

Korra: "Missed you to Sparky... I'm very happy you're here... Maybe I can make some progress now." She said looking down. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looks back up.

You: "If I know you, you will." I say smiling gently at her. She smiles at that and hugs me again. I hug back without hesitation. Then we separate. I then remember my gift I bought for her at the carnival. I pull it out and present it to her. "For you." I said smiling. She looks surprised but takes it from my hand and opens it. She smiles wide as she takes it out of its box and examines it closely.

Korra: "Its beautiful. Thank you (M/n)." She said with genuine appreciation in her voice smiling warmly at me. I return the smile in kind. "Care to help me?" She asks referring to the necklace. I nod and take the necklace. I have to get pretty close to her face so I can snap the necklace back together. I feel my face heat up and my heart pound in my chest. I want to kiss her but I resist the urge. Once it's in place, I lean back and smile at her. She looks at it and back at me.

You: "Beautiful. Like its new owner if I may say." She blushes at my compliment as I smile at her. She smiles back and we start talking.

We then stay there and talk for a time. She congratulated me on adopting Olivia which made me smile. She did eventually tell me she was feeling very frustrated about not making progress. I told her it will take time. She sighs in frustration but nods. I also told I would be here to help in any way I could which made her smile and blush for some reason. After that Katara came in and said it was time to begin Korra's treatment. She asks me to come along and I do. As we are walking to the area they have set up I smile, I will be here for years if that's what it takes. I want her to be better and happy again... Maybe one day... I can tell her how I feel. I look at Korra who looks up at me smiling. I smile in turn and we continue on our way. I love you Korra... and I'll be here for you.

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