Chapter Twenty One: Zaofu

(Your POV)

It's been... A long week... I haven't really said much about it to anyone... I feel bad about that but I am processing things. Tenzin, Jinora, and Kai left for the northern air temple yesterday. I did hug Tenzin and Jinora and say goodbye to Kai. Me and Korra have been training when we are docked somewhere... She's been practicing on her own and has made some good progress though it is rough... She always checks on me before bed to make sure I'm okay which I am very grateful for. Bolin and Mako haven't said anything about it and neither has Asami. I'll tell them in a way. Right now the airship is headed to Zaofu. There is an Air Bender there that we need to find. As for me... I'm leaning against Naga as she rests her head on my lap. Since I got back she's been clingy to me. Not that I mind too much. I guess she knows I'm a bit off right now. I'm just scratching behind her ears lazily as we watch the landscape go by. I smile slightly as I look up and close my eyes. I smile fades when I remember what I nearly did to Korra... She isn't upset about it or anything... I just wish we... My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the door open. I open my eyes and look to the door. I smile as I see it is Korra and the others. I told them to meet me out hear after breakfast at some point and here they are. I wave them over. They smile and start heading my way. Korra sits next to me leaning on Naga as well. Bolin, Asami, and Mako sit in front of me. I breathe in the fresh air still smiling before speaking.

You: "I imagine you are wondering why you are out here?" I ask them not really changing my expression at all. All but Korra nod. She knows what I'm planning. In fact, she helped me find the word I want to use. My smile fades as I continue. "I also imagine you're curious as to why I've been... So quiet." I said flatly. They again nod at me. Korra looks at me worried. I look at her and just nod. "It involves... My issues." I said rather sadly. All three of the gang in front of me look quite concerned.

Asami: "Are you alright? Do you need to talk?" Asami asked me with her voice heavy with worry and concern. Sort of bob my head side to side before speaking.

You: "I just... It's about my clan." The three go wide eyed. "I'm not going to repeat everything I said to Korra." I said looking at said woman. She smiles and places her hand on my back preemptively. "I'll say one word and I have faith you all are more than smart enough to figure it out." I said flatly with a frown on my face. They all look confused. I look down for a moment.

Asami: "What word?" Asami asked me still sounding concerned. I look back up with sad eyes.

You: "Guilt." That is all I say. They all look at each other as I feel Korra rub circles in my back. I guess she heard the strain in my voice. I had to force it out. It's a quiet few minutes as they look at each other having a silent conversation. Then I hear Asami gasp slightly and I see her look at me wide eyed. I simply nod and she looks slightly shocked as she places her hand over her mouth. Mako and Bolin look at her. They look between us. Asami removes her hand before speaking.

Asami: "(M/n)... It's not your fault." She says slightly shaky as if she's quite upset at my response. I simply look down remembering that's how Korra broke me. I look back up to see Bolin and Mako both slightly wide eyed.

Mako: "You... You blamed yourself? All this time since then?" He asks sounding shocked and concerned. I simply nod and I then feel Naga lick my hand that was on my lap. I look at her and pet her ears to try and keep calm. "Brother... You didn't kill them... Why?" He asks sounding a it surprised at the revalation. I figured I'd have to explain that much. Korra looks at me worried and I simply nod. She knows I may need help through this.

You: "Remember... What the Grandmaster said to me?" I ask them with a sad tone. They all nod and I then continue. "The Temple said the same... They all... Died simply because I was born... Because I existed." I breathe in deep to try and keep calm. I still feel tears in my eyes. I hear Naga make a noise that sounds somewhat like a whimper. She looks up at me with sad dog eyes and I simply nod. She then nuzzles into me more. She's far smarter than I give her credit for. "That's... Why I am the way I am..." The three look down as I lean a bit further into Naga, which she didn't seem to mind to much. "I just... Was scared to be close to people..." I replied sadly. I then gain a small smile when I think of the next line. "But... You all proved me wrong... I know you care." The three looked back up smiling at the statement. "So... Thank you so much." I said as my smile got slightly wider.

Bolin: "No problem man. We're your friends and stuff! I told you we cared!" Bolin exclaimed a bit cheerfully to me. I smile and playfully roll my eyes.

You: "Excuse me for being cautious." I said being a bit sarcastically. He and Mako laugh at that. I then feel Asami me hug me. I look at her and hug back smiling. She stays that way for a bit and let's go moving back to her original spot.

Asami: "I'm glad you feel that way... We feel the same. You are an amazing person. An amazing person we worry about... Thank you for trusting us with this. If you need to talk-" I cut her off. I know what she's going to say.

You: "I will... And thank you all." I said softly smiling warmly at them.

After that we just spent time talking about things. Mainly who we think is the new Air Bender. I bet it was a daughter of someone important and they said with their luck probably. After a few hours they went in to get something to eat. I decided against it and just stayed outside with Naga. To my surprise Korra came back out with two plates of food. I smiled and took it thanking her. She actually stayed to my surprise. I didn't mind. Eventually I did head back inside and went to my room to relax a bit. I got lost in my book and before I knew it nighttime had fallen over the land. I laid down and went to sleep.


I jolt awake with tears streaming down my face and breathing very heavily. Again... I thought maybe just maybe... I calm myself enough so I can walk. As I exit my room and can still hear the others talking in the lounge area. I walk that way slowly. Korra knows the dream but... The others don't. I guess it had to happen at some point. I stop at the corner that leads straight to them. I breathe in deeply as I step into the room looking at the ground. I still have some tears leaking out of my eyes. They all stop talking and look at me. I then hear someone make their way to me. They make me look at them and I see it's Korra through the tears. She thins her lips at me as the others, including Lin are looking at me concerned. I breathe out shakily and she guides me to a couch and sits me between her and Asami.

Lin: "The hell happened kid?" She asked with a surprisingly concerned sounding voice. Korra speaks up for me which I appreciate.

Korra: "He's plagued by a certain nightmare some nights... This is the result he says." Korra explains to them. She's not completely wrong but it's a memory... It actually happened.

You: "Not... Quite a dream... It's a memory." Everyone but Korra looks confused. "The day that... My clan..." I don't need to finish, even Lin knows what I'm talking about. I feel Asami gently touch my arm and Korra rub my back. "Lin... I'm going to tell everyone... Just..." She cuts me off.

Lin: "If you want I can leave." I shake my head no and she nods. "I won't tell anyone." She said seriously to reassure me of her promise. I nod weakly. Good. I wonder what she'll think.


They said nothing at first. I guess they are letting it sink in. Lin oddly is the first to speak.

Lin: "You went through that and dealt with this alone for that long?" She asked sounding surprised. I nodded looking at her. "Damn... You're probably one of the if not the toughest son of a bitch I've met in a while." She said sounding surprised still. I smile, chuckle and shake my head.

You: "Thanks... At least you know now in case it comes up." I said a bit sadly looking at Lin. She nods at me in response. She politely excuses herself knowing that my friends will want to talk to me in private. We exchanged a goodnight and she left. I sit there waiting for someone to speak. I then feel a small pressure on my lap. I look down and see Pabu looking at me. I smile and begin to pet him softly to calm myself down. I then hear Asami speak with a bit of authority.

Asami: "How many times have you had this dream since we've known you?" She asked sounding oddly angry with me. I look at her a bit befuddled.

You: "Um... It comes and goes... So I can't give an exact number." I said still befuddled. She proceeds to punch my arm in frustration. She's quite strong. I rub the spot as she replies and I look at her surprised.

Asami: "You, idiot! You should've come to one of us!" She shouts slightly before hugging me tightly. "You should've said something." She said though her voice was slightly muffled by my shirt. I look at the others and Bolin and Korra shrug but Mako looks at me a little sadly.

Mako: "She walked by your room one night and heard crying. She assumed it was Olivia but... She just learned it was you." He says to me a bit sadly. I go slightly wide eyed and look down. She currently has both arms trapped so I can't hug back. I tap her arm as best as I can and she looks at me. She lets go and I sigh.

You: "Sorry... I dealt with it alone for a little over eight years. Between being used to it and being... A bit scared about getting close to people, I didn't even consider that an option. I mean hell... If I didn't fall asleep in Katara's house that day no one would know about it..." I said a bit sadly to her. I know I should've told them. But... I was scared. Asami nods softly and looks at me with soft eyes. I smile and give her a gentle hug. "I'm sorry I worried you..." I said gently as I hug her. She hugs back and sighs a bit frustrated.

Asami: "It's alright." She says as she lets me go. "I understand but still... Just come-" I cut her off.

You: "You already offered that last week." She rolls her eyes and sighs. "Again though I will. Just like now." I said with a small smile gracing my lips. She smiles and nods. After I spent time calming down I ended up falling asleep on the couch.


(Asami's POV)

I awoke from my sleep. I sat up, stretched, and yawned before looking around. I take a moment to wipe the sleep from my eyes. I get dressed on my day clothes and head to the kitchen. I don't see (M/n) So I guess he's not awake yet. I go to his room and knock on the door. I don't get an answer so I open the door only to be met with an empty room. I get worried until I remember him falling asleep on the couch. I close the door to his room and make my way back to the lounge area. Once I get there I see Bolin and Mako looking towards the couch. I walk beside them and look at said couch only to be met with an adorable scene. There's (M/n) sleeping on Korra's shoulder as she leans on the couch arm. And the best part is Pabu sleeping on (M/n)'s shoulder. Oh I wish we had a camera or an artist on board. I am smiling ear to ear like Bolin. Mako has a very small smile on his face. I then see (M/n) Begin to stir as Pabu runs over to Bolin and climbs to his shoulder. I see him sit up and stretch. He yawns slightly as he looks around. He sees us and waves.

You: "Morning... Sorry about falling asleep." He says a bit sheepishly still sounding tired. We are just smiling at him. He looks confused. "What?" He asks sounding confused. Bolin points next to (M/n) excitedly and he slowly turns his head. He sees Korra sleeping peacefully. He seems to linger on looking at her until he realizes something and blushes. He moves quietly to the other side of the couch and stays quiet. He's looking down to hide his blush. They look so cute together. I then see Korra wake up. She sits up and stretches then looks around. She smiles at us.

Korra: "Morning everybody." She says still smiling as she stretches a bit. She looks to her right and sees (M/n) still blushing looking down. She gains a concerned look. "You okay Sparky?" She asks him sounding worried. He nods his head yes quickly. Me, Mako, and Bolin giggle slightly and she looks up at us.

Bolin: "He slept on your shoulder and is a bit embarrassed." Bolin said smirking with a playful tone. We are so going to tease him about this. She gains a small blush but then a wryly smirk. She's going to join us in teasing him. She scoots next to (M/n) and says with a certain kind of smile.

Korra: "Was I..." She gets next to his ear. "Comfortable?" She whispers a bit suggestive like. We are holding in a laugh as poor (M/n) goes wide eyed, stands up, blushes a deeper red and walks away with his arms straight on his sides. The second he rounds the corner we lose it.

(Your POV)

I'm never going to hear the end of this ever. What was I thinking? I wasn't I was tired... I also slept like a rock. I guess she was... No, no, no, no don't think that you idiot. As I am walking back to my room I accidentally bump into Lin.

You: "Sorry. I was lost in thought." I apologized looking at her.

Lin: "It's fine. I was going to tell you all we're going to be arriving shortly... Why aren't you dressed?" She asked a bit confused. I feel my cheeks heat up as I look away.

You: "I fell asleep on the couch." I said a bit shyly. She nodded and walked away. I continue to my room and just before I enter I hear Lin laugh. Great, just great. I go in and get dressed. I'm staying in here until we arrive.


(Still Your POV)

I feel the ship begin to lower and come to a stop. I get up and leave my room. I get to the lounge area and they are waiting for me I guess. They all look at me and smirk. I just roll my eyes and we leave the ship. What I am greeted with is by far the most unique looking... City I guess.... I have ever seen. The city itself is in between some mountain ranges and there is a single clear blue river flowing down. The buildings are in some... Almost flower looking silver metal structures... This place is gorgeous. I have no Idea how long was just standing the taking in the beautiful scene. I had a bright smile on my face. I was shaken from the scene when I felt some place a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Korra smiling at me. I smile back and we begin to walk towards the central structure. I am still just looking around admiring the beautiful landscapes... Wait aren't I in the earth kingdom? Maybe I should pay Hou-Ting a visit for sending those assassins. Maybe I will. We stop when we were greeted by some guards. I just turn away and admire the valley as they talk. Such bright green grass that makes waves in the wind Pure grey mountains with white snow on their peaks. I am leaning on the rail. I hear someone lean next to me.

Korra: "It is nice." Korra says to me happily as she admires the scene. I look at her and nod in agreement. I stare at her for a moment and turn back to the scene.

You: "Yeah... I'd often spend hours looking at scenes like this when I was on the road... One of the few pleasures I had." I said contently still smiling at the scene. I feel her wrap an arm around my shoulder and shake me slightly. I Chuckle.

Korra: "May not have been much but man... I could see it." She said happily in agreement. I nod in response. We look at each other and smile. We then are interrupted by a new by a new voice.

(???): "Such a cute scene! Someone get a camera!" The new voice exclaimed very happily. Korra quickly retracts her arm and I jolt around.

We are met with a woman who... Suspiciously looks like Lin. She has long grey hair that is tied up in some style. She is wearing some of Jewelry wrapped around her head. She is wearing dark green noble clothes. She also looks to be Lin's age. She smiles brightly at us.

Sue: "My name is Suyin Beifong but you may call me Sue and I'm the leader of this place. May I have your names?" Sue as I now know her asks us happily still smiling.

Korra: "I'm Korra. The Avatar." Korra replies respectively but is still smiling. I however delay my response trying to read this woman. Bad habits die hard and all. Korra elbows my side and I shake my head.

You: "I'm (F/n) (L/n) but I prefer (M/n). It sounds nicer. And I'm..." I look towards Korra who nods. I then Look to Lin who nods but looks annoyed. "I'm The Foretold Electric Bender. Nice to meet you to Madame." I said smiling and bowing my head politely. I hear her giggle a bit.

Sue: "My little girl is going to get to know not only the new Avatar but the Mythic electric bender! I'm so excited!" Sue exclaims happily at the prospect. She seems allot more light hearted then most.

Lin: "Sue is also my sister by the way." Lin says a bit irritated to us. I look at her and back at Sue. Such different personalities but they do resemble each other quite a bit.

Sue: "We haven't seen each other in... Quite some time." Sue says nervously. I just nod not really wanting to open that can of worms.

Sue beckoned us to follow her to her home. I am now admiring the beautiful architecture within one of the blooms. I and Korra are walking next to Sue. Sue seems to notice my smile and wandering eyes and tells me that the 'pedals' seal the different areas when a threat is present. I look at her wide eyed and she smiled a nodded. After sometime we arrive at her palace of sorts. Unlike most of the buildings this one resembles a more oriental style with some metal bender elements thrown in. Once we enter she guides us to a kitchen and seats me and Korra on either sides of her as 'honored guests'. She then calls for her daughter. After a moment a young woman enters the room. She seems to be about Bolin's age and has short black hair and bright green eyes. She smiles and waves at us. I smile at her and I happen to look at Bolin who is wide eyed and blushing ever so slightly. Seems like someone has a crush. She sits down right next to Bolin and he smiles widely. He looks at me and I'm smirking. He waves me off.

Sue: "Introduce yourself my daughter." Sue says smiling at her young daughter. The said daughter smiles and nods.

Opal: "I'm Opal. I'm a new air bender." She replies sounding very chipper and happy. I sigh in a bit of relief. That was easy. "And I'm ready to learn from the Avatar." She says still sounding happy though there is a small but of excitement in her voice now. Never mind.

Korra: "Uh... No we were going to send you to Tenzin at the Northern Air Temple so he can train you." Korra states sounding confused looking at Opal. That's a better plan.

Sue: "No. You're going to teach her Korra." Sue says like the decisions been made. I then pipe up.

You: "With all due respect Sue. That is a bad idea. Though Korra, as strong and capable as she may be, is not an Air Bending master. Being the Avatar she's not as focused on a singular form of bending." I see Korra nodding on the other side of Sue. "Opal needs a master to truly understand air bending that way she can one day pass the knowledge on to others." I say seriously looking towards Sue. She shakes her head at me. Well she's as stubborn as Lin.

Sue: "I've made my decision. Now let's eat." She ends it there as if we aren't allowed to argue. I just shake my head and look at Lin whom is sitting next to me. She gives me an 'I know it's stupid' look.

The food then came in and we began eating. Sue kept asking Korra and I allot of questions. She focused on Korra more after sometime. I just sit here and eat my food. It's not bad mind you just... Kind of bland. Maybe I should give the chef some pointers. After she finishes asking Korra questions I feel her gaze change to my direction. I place my fork down and push the plate away and turn to her.

Sue: "What's the matter (M/n)? Don't like the food?" Sue asks me sounding worried. I chuckle a bit and smile at her to reassure her.

You: "I may or may not be found in the kitchen later teaching your chef a thing or two." I said with a small smile and a chuckle at the end. She smiles wide and begins laughing as do some of the others. After they calm down I speak again. "I doubt that was your actual question." I said a bit more seriously as my smirk leaves my face. Sue nods in response.

Sue: "What style of fighting to you use for your bending? Each element has one so I was curious." She asks sounding quite excited.

You: "I'm the only one so I can't say it'd be the same for another but when it surfaced, I was nine and was being trained to use a Rope dart." She looks surprised. "It actually complemented the idea of lightning bolts and the like very well. I create a whip or two depending on the situation at hand and use it in the same manner." I said proudly smiling at her. She looks more surprised now.

Sue: "Impressive! That weapon is hard to use I'm told. Who taught you?" She asked happily smiling at me.

You: "My father taught me. He intended on teaching me to use other weapons as well though." I said as my smile faded ever so slightly. She looked confused.

Sue: "Intended? Past tense. What happened?" She asked sounding curious. I look down for a moment. I look back up and my smile has since faded.

You: "I don't know you well enough for that..." I said sadly trailing off at the end. I end up standing up and pushing my chair back in. "Thanks for the food." I say politely bowing my head slightly before I left the dining area. I hear Sue whispering behind me. Not that I care. Maybe if I get to know her better. I go to a garden area and sit on a bench looking at some flowers. I see my favorite flower and smile slightly since it's in my favorite color. Then it fades again. I hated being like that but I didn't want to talk about it to her. I hear some footsteps in the garden. I assume it's the guards until I hear a familiar voice.

Opal: "Sir (L/n). Are you alright?" Opal asked me with heavy concern in her voice. I look up to see her and Bolin looking at me concerned.

You: "Yes Opal... I just didn't know your mother well enough for that. And please (M/n) is what I prefer." I said a bit flat like. She smiles and nods to me though her eyes still show she is concerned. I scoot over and let them sit down. They sit on either side of me.

Bolin: "You sure man? I know it's a bit sensitive." Bolin asks sounding a bit worried for me. I look at him and pat his back wirh smile. I'm going to make him look extra good in front of Opal as a thank you for caring.

You: "Yeah man. I'm sure. And thanks for caring." I said sounding thankful smiling warmly at him. He smiles wide back.

Opal: "That's very kind of you Bolin." Opal replies sounding happy. I look at her and see a hint of pink in her cheeks. I'm amping this up.

You: "You have no idea. He's done more for me than he thinks." Bolin looks confused when I look at him. I look back at Opal. "He's the reason I ended up staying with Team Avatar as they call it." She smiles and looks curious. "He said some things that comforted me in a way... I've had it... Rough in life." She looks concerned now. "But... His words made me stay. I was a wayfarer and he made me gain a small amount of trust for everyone there. Looking back on it... Makes me appreciate that I have the privilege to call him my friend and brother." She smiles wide at that. I look over at Bolin and he looks surprised. "What? Didn't think I forgot did you? I just don't know how to thank you man. I'm still kind of unsure how I could possibly thank you bro." I said sounding quite happy and thankful to him. He then smiles wide and hugs me. I hug back and then we let go. I stand up and stretch. "I'll leave you guys to it. I'm going to go see Korra and then maybe walk around town before heading to the airship." I said as I finished stretching. I look at Bolin and see him smiling at me. I look at Opal and look back at him and wink. He goes wide eyed and blushes understanding what I was doing. I smiled and walked off. I walk back into the building and head down the hall. I then see Sue walking my way with Korra. I smile at Korra and she smiles back. Sue walks up to me and speaks.

Sue: "I'm sorry (M/n). I didn't know it was sensitive." She said sounding slightly sad. I shake my head at her.

You: "It's fine Sue. You couldn't of known." She smiles and breathes out looking relieved. "I was actually just going to see you Korra." I said looking at Korra. She smiled at that. Sue then looks between us and winks at me before walking off. That was fast.

Korra: "What'd you need Sparky?" Korra asked me.

You: "I was just going to let you know I was going to look around town before heading back to the airship to relax." I said to her with a small smile on my face. She smirked at me a bit.

Korra: "You want to use me as a pillow again?" She asked in a sarcastic tone of voice. I blush, cross my arms and look away for a moment before looking back.

You: "I'll never hear the end of that huh." I said with a chuckle at the end. She shakes her head no smiling at me. I then get a idea. "Want to come along? I'm probably going to get something to eat since that food here was... well there." I said trying to be nice about it. She laughed at that. She then looked back at me smiling.

Korra: "Sure! I could use some good food!" She exclaimed happily at the idea. I smiled and gestured my arm out for her to take smirking. She blushed and shook her head. To my surprise she took it only to spin me into a wall gently. I laughed at the and patted her back. And with that we both left.

(No POV)

Once the young benders left the building the young man had stopped walking. It was sunset and he was taken aback. He was amazed how the yellow and orange light the sun was giving off was reflecting of the metal and stone buildings. He noticed how the stream shimmered the light and was in awe. It was moments like this that he was reminded of his wish to paint. Korra stopped walking when she realized the boy's footsteps stopped. She turned to see his wide eyes and smile. She then got an idea. She walked over to him. She got his attention and pointed to a wall on the edge of the of the bloom. He smiled and nodded and they used their bending to get up to the top of the wall. They dangled their legs off the edge as they watched the beautiful scene play out before them. The boy was smiling wide as the sun slowly sunk over the horizon. Korra looked over at him and just admired his expression. It was one of pure happiness and wonderment. She blushed slightly as she took in the expression on his face. It was rare for the lonely boy to be truly happy and seeing him in this state warmed her heart. They have gotten so close since they met each other all those months ago. Little did either know that there was an event coming that would test their bond... And possibly make them realize something important.

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