Chapter Twenty Nine: Once I was.

(Your POV)

Six more months... It's officially been two years since I've known everyone. I tried to convince everyone to come down here so we could all celebrate but... Life gets in the way sometimes. Bolin is still fighting the good fight. Asami is still not talking to her father but her and Alistair are still together. He's much more confident around her. Sarah and Mako are still together but they are both worried for Bolin... Kuvira has gained a following and it's concerning most of us. I resigned to writing letters telling everyone that I appreciate them and what they have done for me. I am currently waiting at the docks for Olivia. Her birthday is tomorrow and she's turning nine. It's about... Five P.m. I think. I smile as I see the ship she's on come into the horizon. As it docks and the stairs lower down I see a familiar face. Olivia practically jumps off the boat to hug me tightly. I hug her back and we stay that way for a few minutes. We then separate and I look at her. She's grown a bit.

You: "Hey pumpkin. You excited!" I ask her happily smiling wide at her. She giggles and nods excitedly.

Olivia: "You bet! A whole two weeks here with you and Korra! And on my birthday no less!" She exclaims extremely happily smiling ear to ear. I smile, pick her bag up and she grabs my hand before we start walking. I remember when I was young and Mom did this for me...


(Seven Year Old You POV)

Mom and I are walking to the store. She is holding my hand as we walk to the next town to but some food for home. I am very happy to be able to spend a day with Mom while dad is out on a mission. I enjoy training but even dad says we need a break or we will plateau and not be able to get stronger.

Mom: "Happy are we?" Mom asks me as she ruffles my hair. I laugh a small bit as she pulls her hand away.

You: "Of course! You know I love you and love spending time with you mom!" I say happily to her. She laughs at my happy attitude.

Mom: "I know sweetie! I love spending time with you to my little ball of energy!" Mom says happily smiling at me. I smile back and we continue down the dirt path.

We walk for about two hours until a small town comes into view. It's isn't to big but its bugger than home. The buildings are dark and made of wood. The roofs are red and there are many people going about their day. I get closer to mom because I am nervous. I hear her chuckle and squeeze my hand to reassure me. I smile and move back to where I was. She guides me to a store and before she heads inside she sees me looking at some kids playing. She nudges me forward and I look at the ground nervous. She places her hand on my shoulder, turns me around, and makes me look at her as she crouches down to my level.

Mom: "You should try and make friends with them (F/n). You need to make some friends or you'll be lonely." She said gently to me while smiling at me. I fidget around nervous.

You: "B-but what i-if they make f-fun of me... L-Like J-Jacob?" I ask slightly fearful at the idea. Jacob is another kid from our village that was a year older than me but always made fun of me. Mom smiles warmly at me.

Mom: "Then you come back to me and ignore them. You're a wonderful kid. No one can change that." Mom says kindly to me still smiling at me. I think for a moment before nodding and hugging mom. She hugs back and I walk over to the kids that are playing with a ball.

The first of the three is a bit chubby but is able to keep up with the other boy and the girl. He has dirty blonde hair that is cut short and blue eyes. The second boy is very thin. He has black hair that is tied in a tiny tail on his head and has orange eyes. The girl was a pure blonde. She had long hair that reached to her mid back and she had greyish type eyes though she didn't appear to be blind. I walked up and they all stopped and looked at me.

You: "I-I'm (F/n)." I said stuttering from being so nervous. They all look at me for a moment before the chubby one speaks.

Tyler: "I'm Tyler (F/n)!" Tyler exclaimed as he walked up to me smiling wide. "Nice to meet you!" He exclaimed again.

You: "Nice to meet you to." I said a bit less nervous smiling at him. He smiles wide as the thin one speaks.

Zack: "I'm Zack." He said kindly smiling ever so slightly at me. I smiled at him as he fist bumped me. I then heard the girl giggle. She walks up to me smiling brightly. I blush slightly looking at her.

Natasha: "I'm Natasha but my friends call me Natty! Do you want to be our friend?" She asks happily with a closed eye smile. I look at her surprised and then looked at the other two who were smiling to. My nervousness melts away and I smile wide.

You: "Yes! I would love to be your friend!" I exclaimed as they each laugh at my excitement. Natasha grabs my hand and drags me to the field they were playing in.

That's how the day went. We played with the ball. Played tag, hide and seek and anything else we could think of. I even got to meet their families. Tyler was 'adopted.' I asked what that meant and they said that he had no parents. I smiled at the fact they loved him all the same. I met Zack's dad. I wanted to ask where Zack's mom was but a simple picture gave me an answer of sorts. I guess she's gone. He seemed like a nice man but always sounded so sad. I tried making him laugh with jokes which worked somewhat. I then met Natahsa's Mother. Her father left when she was born Natasha's mother said. That makes no sense to me. Natasha's mom didn't seem to bothered by it... I may ask Mom about why someone would do that when we get home. As we ran around they had a hard time keeping up with my energy but they still did it. We had such a wonderful day but like all good things it must end.

Mom: "(F/N)!!! IT'S TIME TO LEAVE!!!" I hear mom shout for me. I frown and look down. The other three look at me and smile.

Natasha: "Let's go meet your mom!" Natasha exclaims with a giggle. I smile slightly and nod. I grab her hand and they all follow me to where mom is. She is currently outside of the store waiting for me. She sees me and smiles.

You: "Mom. These are my friends, Tyler, Zack, and Natasha." I said happily as I pointed to each of them respectively. She smiles at them.

Mom: "Nice to meet you!" She says happily as the other three greet her. "We have to go sweetie." She says to me. I frown but nod until Natty speaks up.

Natasha: "Maybe you could come visit. Or we could visit you." She says happily. I look at mom who nods. I smile and nod to Natty and the three seem very happy at that aspect. "Where do you live?" She asks me kindly still smiling at me.

Mom: "We live in Storm Bringer Valley." Mom says smiling at the kids. They each nod.

Tyler: "I know where that is! I met a teen named Noct that lives there!" Tyler exclaimed happily to everyone. I smile wide at them.

Mom: "Come over anytime." Mom says happily. "(F/n) we have to go now." I look up at mom and nod. I look at the others and we group hug. Once we let go mom takes my hand and we begin leaving.

You: "Good bye friends!!" I shout to them. They all shout back.

Them: "GOODBYE!!!!!" I smile while me and mom continue walking. She was right. I don't feel as lonely now.


(Your POV)

Mom was right. I needed to make some friends or I'd be lonely. I chuckle at that now considering what has happened to me since. I didn't take her advice after the day... I sigh deeply at that. Olivia squeezes my hand and I look at her and see her smiling. I smile back and we head to Kya's house to drop her stuff off. Once we arrive I open the door.

You: "I brought a present!" I shouted in the house. I hear a single set of footsteps and Kya comes into view. She smiles wide at Olivia and Olivia runs up and hugs her tightly. Kya gladly returns it for a time. When they separate Kya is smiling wide.

Kya: "Look at you. You're growing up so fast!" She exclaims happily as she ruffles her hair. Olivia smiles happily.

Olivia: "Yep! Is Katara here?" She asks Kya. Before Kya can respond a familiar voice is heard.

Katara: "I'm right here Olivia." We turn and see Katara standing in the door frame leading down the hall. Olivia smiles wide and hugs her gently which she returns happily. Once they separate we all sit down at the table and begin talking.

Olivia: "Is Korra here?" Olivia asks happily. I shake my head at her and Olivia frowns slightly.

Katara: "She's in town right now. She's coming straight here afterword because she wants to see you." Katara replies. Olivia smiles wide and starts jumping up and down in her seat in excitement.

Olivia: "I can't wait to see her!" She exclaims happily. We all laugh at her excitement until a knock is heard. I get up to get it. When I open the door I see Korra. Senna wheels her inside and the second Olivia sees her she squeals and jumps on Korra's lap to hug her as tight as possible. Korra laughs at her antics and hugs her back. "I missed you so much Korra!!!" She exclaims loud and happily. Korra laughs more smiling widely.

Korra: "Missed you to Olivia!" She says happily. They stay that way for some time until Korra has her mom push her to the table with Olivia still in her lap. Korra has a single arm wrapped around her as she talks. "How's training going?" She asks Olivia whom giggles before responding.

Olivia: "Great! Tenzin says I could be a master within two years!" She exclaimed happily as Korra hugged her. After they separate Olivia got off her lap and sat in the chair next to her. "Well there was one day where I hurt Daw." She said looking embarrassed.

You: "What happened?" I asked looking at her. She looks at me still embarrassed and speaks.

Olivia: "Me and Daw were practicing and I accidentally launched him into a wall and he landed in a puddle. I bruised him but he said not to worry." I chuckle at the idea of a grown man being tossed around by a small little girl.

You: "Then it's fine. After all Olivia." She looks at me with her head tilted. "Why do we fall?" I ask her. She smiles wide.

Olivia: "To learn to pick ourselves back up!" She exclaims proudly. I chuckle and nod at her. Korra smiles at her.

Korra: "He told me the same thing about six months ago. I was angry but... He said the same. And look." She says happily. She lifts herself out of the chair and actually stands for a moment before she has to sit down. Olivia is smiling wide along with me. "I can stand on my own." Korra says happily once more. I smile as Olivia hugs her. I then remember one day.


(Nine Year Old You POV)

Me and dad are trying to see how I can use this lightning in the way I thought about. For some reason though the bolts won't stay attached when I throw them. Luckily dad is a patient and good teacher. I again try and throw out the bolt I summoned only to have it leave my hand and tear through a tree with a loud crack. I sigh deeply and look down. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see dad.

Dad: "Let's take a break." He suggested kindly while smiling warmly. I nod and we sit down in front of the said tree I struck. "You'll get it kiddo. You only discovered this a few weeks ago." He said as he patted my back. I nod but I am rather sad.

You: "True but... I'm the one that suggested rope darts and it could work together... Maybe I was wrong." I said rather sadly. Dad stays silent for a moment before speaking.

Dad: "Why do we fall son?" He asks me gently. I look at him for a moment before nodding knowing what he's going at.

You: "To learn to pick ourselves back up." I say looking at him smiling weakly. He nods at me smiling.

Dad: "That's right. Now let's try again." H said as he stood up. I nod looking at him feeling a bit more confident and stand up.

I once again try again to summon a bolt I succeed and it hangs off my arm. I try to do the same thing again only to have over and over again. This was the case for the next few hours. Over and over and over again. I failed so much. But as the sun was high in the sky I thought about how excited I was to learn I could bend electricity and low and behonld when I tossed out that whip it stayed attached and I yanked it back to catch the tip. I smiled wide and looked at dad who is also smiling at me.

Dad: "See told you, you could do it!" Dad said as he ruffled my hair. I laughed a small bit as he does so.

You: "I just thought about how excited I was that I have this power and it worked!" I exclaimed happily and excitedly. Dad put his hand on his chin and stroked his (H/c) beard for a moment thinking.

Dad: "Maybe that's its drive. A moment that changed you forever." Dad said gently in his way while smiling warmly at me. I nodded in agreement and began practicing with the new whip.

A few hours passed as I reviewed some more of the basic things I have done. We did this for a few hours. Then as was practicing the bolt started going crazy. I tried to detach it and I did. When it hit the rock it ricochet and grazed dad's arm. He grunted in pain as I gasped in horror. I rushed to him and made sure he sat down. I ran inside, got a medical kit, and ran back outside. Dad rolled up his sleeve to reveal that his skin was red and slightly bleeding. I frowned as I started helping him treat it. He was focused on the wound and hadn't noticed I was crying. When he looked back at me after applying the burn lotion he saw the tears in my eyes.

Dad: "It was an accident son. I'm fine." He said in a soft tone while smiling trying to reassure me. I unwrapped the bandage and wrapped his upper arm up.

You: "B-but I c-could've..." I trailed off as the tears intensified. He looked at me sadly before pulling me in for a hug. I continued to cry as he rubbed my back. We stayed that way for some time until he spoke.

Dad: "Why do we fall son?" He asked me warmly. I stopped crying and looked at him. "Why do we fall?" He asked smiling. I smile weakly and nod.

You: "T-to learn to pick ourselves back up." I said a bit shakily while still smiling weakly. He nodded.

Dad: "And what will you do?" He asked me a bit more sternly as his smile turned into a small smirk. I smile wide and wiped my eyes.

You: "Pick myself back up." I said confidently. He nodded quickly and then started laughing. I joined him and our laughs could be heard throughout the clan.


(Your POV)

I smile at the memory. Dad always knew how to make sure I never quit at what I was trying at. I the hear the door open and Tonraq enters the house. Olivia jumps out of her si to hug him as well. He chuckles and returns it before sitting in another chair. We all talk for a few hoours as Kya and Senna cook dinner. We all have plans for Olivia's big day tomorrow. Me and Tonraq did discuss the fact that Kuvira is gaining a following. Sue is apparently trying to talk her down but it's not going well. After we eat dinner, much to Olivia's eternal joy, and a few more hours pass we all head to bed to get ready for Olivia's big day tomorrow. Olivia sleeps in my bed as I take a couch in the living room. I tuck her in and kiss her goodnight before I make myself comfortable on the couch. I then slowly drift off to sleep.


(Still Your POV)

I awake as I feel someone poke my cheek. I open my eyes and see Olivia crouching slightly with a wide smile on her face. I smile at her and sit up straight. I stretch and rub the sleep from my eyes. I look at Olivia who is still smiling widely at me. I set her in my lap.

You: "Happy birthday my little girl!" I said happily to her. She laughed and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back until we heard someone say 'aw.' We look and see Kya smiling wide at us. Olivia giggles as I roll my eyes playfully at her as Olivia jumps out of my lap and hugs Kya. She returns it before Olivia runs back to my room. Kya walks up to me looking like she needs something.

Kya: "Here's a list of things we need for the party and some money. Can you go get them" I nod and she hands me the money and the list. I go get dressed after Olivia leaves my room and I go out.


I am tearing my hair out trying to find this flour she needs. I have been almost everywhere but can't find it. I look closer at the list and see the word is smudged. I face palm realizing what she sent me for and head right back to the store I just left with all these bags in my hands, I'm such an idiot. After I fetch the flower I ran back to Kya's and quickly place the bags down. Olivia is with Senna and Korra right now so me and Kya quickly get to work making food and her a cake. We spend a few hours getting everything ready. I quickly set the table while Kya puts the finishing touches on the cake. As she finishes and I finish setting all the food out we hear Olivia laughing. Kya quickly puts the cake on the table and I use my sparks to light the candles. We both get into position and ready ourselves. The door opens and Olivia comes inside.

You and Kya: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Me and Kya shout happily at Olivia. She smiles wide and laughs giddily. She runs over to hug us both and thank us over and over again.

Kya helps Senna with her bags while I wheel Korra next to my chair at the table. After we sing Oliva happy birthday she laughs and blows out the candles. Then the party begins outside. There are several lights on. Many of Senna and Kya's friends came and it was a large affair that Olivia loved every second of. There was even music that Olivia made me dance to which I gladly did. We just did some silly jigs that many people joined us in. we all had a good laugh. At some point a slower song came on and I sat next to Korra as some of the others began dancing. Korra is sitting next to me on a bench and decides to lean on me as we see one of Kya's friends' son dances with Olivia. He's a blushing mess while Olivia is smiling wide. That reminds me of my last birthday I ever celebrated... Before all hell broke loose.


(Eleven Year Old You POV)

Today is my birthday and the whole clan and the neighbor town where my best friends live have come out to celebrate. I didn't understand why but my birthday this year just so happens to land on the "Convergence." My dad said it was a once and a life time event where all the planets aligned. This made my birthday extra special so everyone came out to celebrate together. This makes me so happy. It's getting close to night time now and my dad has blindfolded me and is leading me somewhere. He soon stops me and takes off the blindfold.

Everyone: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (F/N)!!!!!" The entire crowd shouted I smiled wide in excitement and hugged mom and dad tightly being sure to thank them. I thanked everyone for coming and I got some food.

I saw my three best friends sitting at an empty table and I run over with my plate. I sit down quickly and smile at them. They all smile back wishing me a happy birthday personally and I thanked them of course. They are my best friends after all. Tyler has a mountain of food that he is chowing down on. He's lost weight but still eats like crazy.

Zack: "Here. Happy birthday." Zack said smiling as he handed me a small box. I take it and open it. A brand new rope dart is inside and the dagger is shaped like a lightning bolt.

You: "Thanks Zack! This is so cool!" I exclaim happily. He says your welcome to me before taking a bite of food.

Tyler: "Here's mine." Tyler said with a mouth full of food. It made me chuckle but he handed me a large (F/c) bag. I smile wide.

You: "Thanks Tyler. I can defiantly use this." I said happily. He waves me off smiling. I look at Natasha who is blushing. She shyly hands me a box.

Natasha: "H-here (F/n). F-for you." She stuttered out. I tilt my head and take the small blue box. When I open it I see a small necklace. I take It out and see a locket at the end. I open said locket and see a picture of me and my parents. I smile at that until I turn the slot. I see a picture of the four of us smiling in a picture. I smile wide at that and look at Natasha who is smiling at me. "Y-your mom helped m-me pick it o-out. What do y-you think?" She said nervously. I look at it again. I stand up, put it on, sit next to her and hug her as tight as I can.

You: "I love it... I'll always keep it and wear it. Thank you Natty. Thank you so much." I said happily. She smiles and returns the hug just as tightly. We stay that way until Zack makes a fake gag noise. Me and Natasha pull away blushing and looking away.

The three of us just talk and hang out for most of the day. We laughed, told stories, caught up on each other's lives and even managed to prank a few people whom laughed with us when they realized what happened. As the night time fell on us we hear some live music. We walk over to where it is and we begin dancing together. Not really following any moves just dancing. At some point some slow music came on and we left the dance area. I saw mom and dad dancing together and got a brave idea. I held my hand out to Natasha. She grabbed it shyly and I led her to the dance area. We try and mimic what the others are doing but settle with my hands in her med riff and hers on my shoulders. We just sway gently as the music plays. Both of us are blushing messes. We then close the gap and just hug each other while dancing in the moonlight. I get brave and kiss her cheek. I hear her make a surprised sound but she shyly returns the gesture. We continue to dance together, hugging each other. After the song ends we separate and we are both blushing. She grabs my hand and leads me to a hill where we can see the sky clearly. All the stars are out and there are a few shooting stars. I am in awe at how wonderful it looks.

Natasha: "I knew you'd like it... I spend many hours watching things like this." I smile and turn my head to look at her. She looks at me. "Sometimes... my mom says you need to just stop and enjoy the beauty of the world." I smiled and nod at her.

You: "I agree... I'll be sure to do that Natty. Especially when things get crazy. I promise." She smiles at me and scooches closer. We interlock our fingers and I begin pointing out the consolations my father and mother taught me. We stayed there most of the night. Just enjoying the view and each other.


(Your POV)

I feel a tear go down my cheek as I grip the necklace I have on. I thought that those days would never end but I was so wrong. I feel a hand wipe away the tear and I shake my head and look at who did it. Korra is looking at me concerned. I hug her tightly as I feel more tears build up. She returns the gesture.

Korra: "What's wrong?" She asks me sounding very concerned as she rubs my back. I sigh shakily as I pull away wiping my eyes. I open my locket and turn the slot. I show her and she tilts her head. "Who are these kids?" She asks me curiously.

You: "I'm the one on the bottom." She smiles. "These three were Tyler, Zack and Natasha... They were my best friends... Seeing Olivia dance with that boy reminded me of the last day I spent with them before... Before..." I can't finish as another tear falls from my eyes. She gains a sympathetic look and hugs me tight after wiping away the tear. I hug her in turn and we stay that way for a time. Once we separate I smile. "I had a crush on Natty as we called her... I think she had one on me... She's the reason I love the natural beauty of the world." I said happily while smiling weakly at the memories I have of her. Korra looks at me curiously.

Korra: "How so?" She asks smiling. She's going to love this... Maybe she'll understand my strange hobby a bit better as well.

You: "She told me her mom said that sometimes you should stop and enjoy the beauty of the world... I do it because of Natty. I promised I would and I have a love of the world's beauty as a result." I said smiling. She smiles gently at me nodding.

Korra: "Where is she now?" Korra asks me softly. I shake my head.

You: "I don't know... She lived in a town that was close by but... When I got there the guards turned me away before I could find them... Or her... The guards were afraid whatever razed my clan would follow me... I hope she's happy and well." I said rather sadly at the thought... Tyler's mom would have easily took me in. She smiles and hugs me again and I gladly accept it. I then feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see Olivia looking at me with some boy. I let go Korra and smile at them.

Olivia: "Introduce yourself." She says as she nudges the boy. I tilt my head as he begins to stutter.

Jeckra: "H-hello sir... I-I'm Jeckra... I-I'm... I-I mean..." He breathes in deeply to calm himself. "Y-you're my hero... A-and I wanted to meet you." He said timidly. I am taken aback by this. I take a moment to process it and then smile.

You: "Nice to meet you Jeckra. I'm (M/n)." I said as I held out my hand. He shakes it and I can feel how firm it is. "A firm handshake helps with first impressions." He smiles at my compliment. "You were dancing with my daughter?" I ask him nicely so I don't sacre him. He blushes but nods his head. I smile,

Jeckra: "Y-yes. We became friends yesterday a-and I asked... She said y-yes... Y-you're not mad are you?" He asks nervously. I shake my head no smiling.

You: "If I had an issue I would've stopped it." I said plainly to him. He breathes out in relief. Olivia grabs his hand when she sees something.

Olivia: "They have Ice Cream!" She exclaims before bolting off with him. I can see him look surprised right before she drags him away. Me and Korra laugh at the scene. I look at Korra who is smiling at me.

Korra: "You have people who look up to you." Korra said to me a bit happily. I shake my head slightly at the thought.

You: "Feels strange." I said pondering the idea. She laughs at my response while I chuckle.

Korra: "Tell me about it." We both laugh out loud at that. We then fall into a comfortable silence.

She leans on me again as we look at the sky. He night is clear and despite the lights many stars are still visible along with the Aurora Borealis. We both smile as we just watch the sky. I wrap my arm around Korra. Olivia soon comes back with Ice Cream for the three of us and Jeckra. He is about to walk away until I invite him to sit with us. He agrees and we all watch the sky... I may never be able to see my old friends again... And I'll never be able to have those days again... But new memories like this are what I need to live for. I smile... Maybe one day I can face my demon... One day I can... As long as I have the people I love with me when I go.

(A/n: Fun fact. This chapter wasn't supposed to happen. The next one you'll see was what was going to be next until I heard the song '7 Years by Lukas Graham' on the way home from college because I needed to use the library. I got inspired to show some of the more prominent memories your character has. And explain why you do one thing in particular. Its also why this got released so quickly. I heard it on Sunday on my way home and knew what i wanted to do. The next chapter will likely be released on Thursday or Friday since I already had some of it written. And since Lab doesn't start until next week I have some free time to write tomorrow. I hope you liked this sudden addition. Also I highly suggest listening to the song '7 Years By: Lukas Graham' either before or while you're reading. It's really good)

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