Chapter Twenty Four: I Am Lightning
(Your POV)
The rage. That's how it starts... The fever... That'll turn a good man... Cruel and cold... I should know, I've been there after all. I will not lose her... If I have to I will... Kill them all. We have agreed to a plan... Odds are they will be keeping Korra further down in the area we tracked them to. The air benders... Along with Olivia are down there as well. Now here I sit. Waiting to arrive. Holding in my rage, even so my hands still spark once in a while. I haven't said a word, not that anyone has spoken to me. The utter rage in my eyes made sure that happened. I have my eyes closed just concentrating on keeping calm. I then feel the Airship descend. I open my eyes and stand. I exit the room and march straight to the door. Once I enter the main area they all looked at me. I have small sparks emitting from my body due to my rage. My drive has been threatened so my powers are, erratic to say the least. Once it docks I all but throw the door open and march out. Now I wait in this canyon. It's a simple brown color but what's interesting is the rock spires that seem to be coming from the ground. The sky is dark and in the distance I hear wind. Once the others join me they begin talking.
Lin: "Mako, Bolin, Kai, you'll head inside." I look at Lin with a severe glare that makes her stop talking any further. I will not sit by and not help when my family is in grave danger.
You: "I'm going in." I said angrily to her. Lin and Tenzin looked at me with concern, while the others look slightly surprised at my response.
Mako: "(M/n)... I get that you're worried and pissed off but... You fell down a cliff." Mako says a but timidly to me. He's nervous that my rage will boil over. I look at him not changing my expression.
You: "I don't care." I said flatly to him. He looks a bit worried at my statement. Yes, I am in pain but I could give less of a damn.
Bolin: "I have to agree with Mako... You could have-" I cut Bolin off from speaking further.
You: "I don't care!" I said a little louder than before. Bolin winced a bit but he understood why I was mad. "Olivia is in there imprisoned and they intend to kill Korra! I will not sit it out gods dammit! I will fight!" I shouted at them angrily. They all jumped at the sudden outburst I just had. Lin simply nodded knowing I will not back down.
Lin: "Alright but let Mako take the lead since he can light the way." I nodded and gestured for Mako to get his ass moving. He did so quickly as to not anger me further. I looked back at Tenzin and nodded. He nodded in turn knowing I was promising to get his family back.
We then enter the cave. Mako ignites some fire in his fist and we begin going in deeper. It seems the cave is lined with different kinds if crystals. Again not that I give a damn right now. Not long after walking Mako stops and turns to look at me. I give him an annoyed look but he begins speaking.
Mako: "I'm not comfortable with this. You're injured and furious." Mako says sternly though I can tell he's still tiptoeing around the fact I am beyond pissed off at this point. I shake my head at him but he remains steadfast.
You: "I don't care Mako... They have people I care about trapped. I will fight till I drop dead if needed." I said sternly still showing my damned anger. He looks a bit taken aback at this.
Mako: "I know you're worried but this is way different than anything I have seen before. What the hell is going on?" He asked a bit sternly though I could hear the concern in his voice.
You: "Do I really need to explain Mako!? They have Olivia! They have the kids! They have KORRA!!!!! They intend to kill her and possibly the others!! How the hell could I not be this way?!" I shouted at him very angrily that he doesn't feel the same or understand. My voice echoed through the cave slightly but he didn't flinch.
Mako: "That can't be it. I get Olivia but the utter rage when you said Korra told me something different. What's eating at you? Why are you willing to get yourself killed to save her!? What would Olivia do if that happened!? Why are you so damn pissed about Korra?! She'd want you to be safe (M/n) along with the others!!" He shouts a bit angrily trying to match my tone of voice. I then shout it.
You: "BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!!!!" I shouted a bit louder than intended. The confession echoed through the cave for a moment before drifting off into nothing. He looks at me wide eyed and I heard Bolin and Kai slightly gasp. I do not break eye contact as I continue. "I love her gods dammit! It took me awhile to realize and accept it but I do. I will risk my life to save any I love. She means the world to me just like Olivia! I would gladly die to save them... But I love Korra... You have to understand. When my clan died I thought I'd be alone until my body gave up and died... You guys showed me I was wrong and I'll never be able to repay you, or Bolin, or Asami for that... But out of everyone that I got close to I got closest to Korra. She broke down my thickest walls and only showed me kindness... I wasn't sure what it was when it hit me but... I remembered how my dad said he felt about mom when they were young... So please... Don't stop me. I will save my daughter and the woman I love no matter what it takes... Even if what it takes is my life." I finished as my face softened, It, felt good to finally say it out loud. Gods I've been holding that in since her birthday... I have to save them. Mako's face softened like mine and nodded.
Mako: "I get it... I'd probably be the same if it was Bolin they had... Alright. Just try and not to die... I've lost enough family." He said with a softer tone of voice I nod in response and give him a quick hug. I let go before talking.
You: "I promise... Now let's tear them apart." I said confidently. He nods and we begin to head further inside.
We walk for... I don't know how long. It's eerily quiet in this place... Only some crumbling rock and water dripping can be heard. As we get deeper and deeper the temperature begins to drop more and more. I barely notice but can still tell. More and more of those crystals begin to line the walls. We have to be getting close now. I then here... Small voices... Kids. I tap Mako on the shoulder and point to my ear. He stops walking and listens. He then nods to me and we head down the path it was coming from. Once we get ready to round a corner I have the three stop. I focus for a moment trying to detect any muscle movements. I feel the air benders below us. Must be some makeshift cage. I also since a form with no arms... Ming. I whisper to Mako.
You: "Ming is here... I also feel the air benders in a... Cage below us. Must be a pit." I saod in a whisper so she doesn't get alerted to our presence. He nods in response. "I will attack Ming with Mako. Kai." I look towards the teen and he looks at me awaiting orders. "You and Bolin bust out the benders." I ordered. Kai nods and waits for my signal. I get closer to the corner. I do a three count and rush in with Mako trailing behind me. Before Ming can react I punch the side of her face sending her tumbling down A corridor. I hear Bolin and Kai go to work as she recovers. I assume my stance as does Mako.
Ming-Hua: "You're not dead Thunderer? How unfortunate. I'll just have to fix that won't I?" She taunted smirking at us confidently. I don't smirk, blink or move a muscle. She doesn't understand the anger inside. She seems unnerved. "What's with the stare? Distracted by my beauty?" She asked rhetorically with the same smirk on her lips. I simply shake my head no, my expression unchanging.
You: "No. I see a corpse." I said darkly. She only looks confused at the statement. "A corpse that doesn't know she's dead yet." I said very dark and angrily. Now she looks very taken aback. However almost as quickly as she flinched she became serious once more.
She sends a tendril towards me which Mako simply evaporates with a fire ball. She looks irritated and decides to try and divide us. She grabs Mako before he can react and throws him back. I have electricity emitting from my body. She so much as touches me the wrong way she'd die. However, she knows this as she begins to send water clones at me as I chase her down the corridor. I keep throwing electricity in her direction as I try and keep the clones of me. She then see's that my body is not emitting electricity and knocks me back up through the corridor. I bounce of the walls and floor a few times before I recover and charge right back at her. This time I am able to dodge her water tendrils and get close enough to begin way laying her with punches. The lack of arms leaves her open. Punch, Jab, Punch, Jab. Over and over and over. She manages to dodge one and kick me in the gut. I go back a few feet and start throwing lightning at her. She's damned fast for someone without arms. She's able to dodge them without much effort. I do however notice that with every water attack she uses her tendrils shrink. This fight needs to be a classic Rope a Dope so I can win. So I let her keep attacking me. I dodge, weave, duck, and roll out of the way of her attacks. Then she manages to get a lucky hit on me. The tendril punches my gut pretty damned hard as I am sent flying back. I recover and land kneeling down. I look up and see Olivia and the other benders. Before I can say anything my head and arms are enveloped with water. This bitch is trying to flood my lungs. I do not struggle I know it would make it worse. I can see the fear in Olivia's eyes. I manage to break my head out for a moment to shout.
You: "MAKO LIGHTNING STRIKE!!!!" That's all I can shout until she envelopes my head again. He nods and the others stand back.
He charges it and it hits my chest. I concentrate and it goes straight to my hands. I need to hurry. I concentrate more while losing air and managed to emit it from my arms and head. I feel the grip loosen enough where I can break out. I land, coughing as she recovers. I'll have to kill her. I look back over my shoulder after standing.
You: "Kai. Cover Olivia's eyes." He nods and does as I ask.
I look forward to see Ming trying to stand. Once she does she sends a tendril straight at my head. It envelopes me but my hands are free. I produce some electricity and simply put my fist in the tendril. The water around my head breaks apart and I hear her screaming at the top of her lungs. The electricity is bad enough on its own but with water serving as a conductor it's a thousand times worse. This goes on for a few more seconds and then stops. I see smoke coming from her mouth and eyes as all the water she was using simply falls. I breathe in deep and close my eyes for a moment. I open them and look at her body. It's burned and there is still smoke coming off it. I walk up to her and kneel down to close her eyes.
You: "May you find peace in death, that you never found in life." I said sadly at the loss of life. She forced my hand. With that said I stand and turn around. I take a moment to take in the fact she is the first person I ever had to kill... Even on the road I only maimed or severely wounded... The Red Lotus killed and hurt thousands of people... Still... I shake my head and look forward. I see Olivia looking at me in disbelief... I guess she thinks I'm a monster now. I walk up and look at her. "I..." I can't finish as she hugs me tightly. I am surprised but quickly recover and kneel down to hug her tightly right back. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner... I'm sorry I wasn't there..." I say starting to tear up a little. I am so relieved but I am regretful I wasn't there. I feel her head shake in a no fashion against my chest. She looks up at me smiling with some tears in her eyes as well.
Olivia: "No... Don't blame yourself... I knew you'd save me... You are my hero after all." She says smiling brightly at me. I smile shakily in turn and hug her again. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look and see Mako.
Mako: "We need to get them out of here. Ghazan and P'Li could still be in here." Mako said flatly. I nod and let go of Olivia. I stand up and speak.
You: "Bolin, Kai, escort them out. I'll go with Mako to find Korra and get her out." I said sternly to the two benders Bolin and Kai nod in response and waste no time getting the benders out. I sigh in relief. Then Me and Mako start running down the corridors once more.
This time we are not walking quietly. We do not have the element of surprise anymore and we are likely on borrowed time. The corridors I notice however are getting larger and larger and if I am not mistaken I feel... Heat rising up... We may be nearing a lava pit. I am proven correct when we enter a cavern and a large man is standing there. Black hair, barrel chested. He turned and looks at us with a neutral expression. Has skin tone and facial tells me this is Ghazan. He simply shakes his head at us.
Ghazan: "You survived?" He's asking me I assume with a neutral expression and tone. I nod in response.
You: "Ming is dead." I say flatly not changing my expression. I see the anger in his eyes build a bit. "I killed her." I said with a flat tone once more Then he snapped and sent a rock at me. I dodged summoned a whip and lashed at him. He dodged and the three of us engaged in combat.
Mako stays at a distance providing support while me and Ghazan engage in close quarter combat. When we first engage we collide a fist. Mine as wrapped in electricity while his is wrapped in stone. When they collide a loud boom is heard. We collide our tow fists several times before I get an opportunity to knock him back. I summon a whip and hold its tip in my other hand. He goes to toss a stone at me but Mako's fireball distracts him long enough for me to get in. I go for a quick jab which he manages to block albeit sloppily. I block his follow up punch with my elbow. I wrap his other arm with my whip and proceed to back side punch his face. I wrap said whip around his neck quickly and knee him in the gut and then face. He stumbles back and I pull the whip sending him spinning in the air. He quickly sends a boulder in my direction. I dodge roll to my left only to be met with rock punching me in the gut. I go flying back a bit but mange to land on my feet. When I look up I see a rock flying at my face. I quickly use my whip to wrap it in throw it back at him. It hits his shoulder and I detach the whip and send it straight at him as a bolt. He dodges only to be met with a fireball from Mako and my whip coming at the same side. He goes flying into a wall. When he stumbles to his feet he looks at us with almost dead eyes.
Ghazan: "You're coming with me." Is all he said with an angry expression. I knew what he was saying and quickly rushed him. I managed to grab his throat but the cave began shaking. I look at him with rage in my eyes.
You: "You wish to die then?" I ask him angrily. I pause for a moment and look back at him. "Fine." I have a small spark in my hand and proceed to paralyze him. I drop him and shake my head. "May you find peace in death, you never found in life." I said sternly. I then turn from him and me and Mako gun it towards the exit as fast as we possibly can.
We are dodging and ducking falling rocks in the collapsing cave. Me and him are also blowing ones we see away from each other so we don't slow down. We eventually make it out. We both dive as the cave fully collapses. We take a moment to breathe before standing back up. I hear an explosion and look to see P'li with metal wrapped around her head and smoke coming from it. She's dead as well. I breathe out and stand up fully. Then the ground shakes. I look towards the source and see Korra engaging Zaheer... Yet it seems off. She's fighting like a cornered animal. Without hesitation I use my electricity to fly in their direction. Once I get close enough I send a bolt of lightning between the two stopping them. I look at Korra and see only white eyes and an emotionless expression. She then charges me to my surprise. I dodge quickly and she immediately heads back towards Zaheer. I can take him on but I need to calm Korra down or she'll attack me. I see Zaheer launch her into a rock on the ground. I follow and look at her.
You: "KORRA!!!! CALM YOURSELF!!!" I shout at her trying to get through past this Avatar state. She doesn't flinch or even move.
She proceeds to try and punch me. I dodge and quickly summon a whip to tie her arm off. She tries to punch me with her other fists but I tie that arm off as well. Then she begins flying with me still attached. She begins flipping, spinning, and flying as fast as she can to shake me off. I just tighten my grip as I try to force her back to the ground. In the distance I hear Zaheer chuckling at the scene. I feel something rising in me as he does so... A hidden power almost. However, before I can focus on that she slams my back into a rock. I grunt but push off forcing her back to the ground. She stands quickly still trying to undo my bonds. I decide to paralyze her. It won't hold long but it'll give me time to bring down Zaheer. I use two fingers to hit multiple pressure points with electricity added and she stops moving. She's still breathing but can't move. I undo my bonds and lay her down... As I do so I smell something odd on her. Something metallic... Mercury... He poisoned her. I quickly carry her back to the others while dodging Zaheer's air blasts. He manages to hit the ground below me and I drop her just before I can reach the others. I raise slowly and feel that power from before rise more. I fly up and immediately head towards Zaheer. Before he can react I punch the bastard as hard as I humanly can in the face. He goes tumbling down on one of the spires. I land with a huge boom... The power is slowly rising.
You: "You have no idea what you've done." Is all I say before rising. I did notice my voice changed somewhat before I... Go blank.
(Zaheer's POV)
Nothing more? He has nothing else to say then. Good. I simply stare at the man before me. I'll be able to destroy not only The Avatar cycle but stop this potential new one before it begins. However, before I can attack a lightning bolt strikes in front of me. I see him slowly raise up. Once he opens his eyes... They're white and flowing with (F/c) electricity as more said electricity flows around his body. I can feel the utter power coming off him from here. I here thunder roll in the sky as rain begins to fall. He looks at me with a blank face. He speaks though I can hear a different voice behind his own.
You/Raiden: "I am Raiden. I am Lightning. I am The Rain Transformed. And you have gone too far. And we will end you." He said very flatly like it wasn't a threat but more like a statement of fact. He assumes no stance before charging me with immense speed and power.
He's much faster than normal... Raiden has taken over his body to attempt to destroy me. Before I can react he punches my chest with extreme force. I am sent flying back but am able to recover. I start launching wind at the him only to have him charge straight through them without being fazed. The lightning around his body is more than likely responsible for that. I launch myself further back and he charges a lightning bolt and sends it towards me. I barely dodge and here the explosion it causes behind me. Once I turn back to him I see just how close he is. Again I have to speed away from him. We then engage in a fire fight. Luckily for me my air is faster by a small amount then his lightning. One issue however is the fact the bolts can tear through the air I am sending towards him. Sure they get deflected off but the air dies once it makes impact. However, the explosions the bolts cause are what I need to worry about. This goes on for some time as he chases me through and around the spires. His bolts explosions echo through the canyon very loudly. He's like a walking lightning storm. I also notice he's getting closer and closer during this time. It doesn't help that the rain has seemed to increase in intensity... Is he causing this with his energy? He then summons two whips once he is close enough. Unlike when I fought him at the Island however these are much larger and have nine tailed ends. He then without hesitation begins whipping them at me without mercy. I dodge and weave to avoid them. As the whips clash with the spires of rock a crack of lightning is heard and when the whips are removed there are super-heated lines within the rock. This 'Raiden' intends to kill me with no remorse if he can catch me. His attacks are becoming more and more ferocious. The rain seems to show this as it intensifies into a downpour. More lightning strikes around us as the skies darken. It's almost like he's a lord of storms. He now has detached a whip and sent the large bolt towards me. I dodge but can feel the heat wave it caused. I turn back only to see his knee coming straight towards my face. It makes impact and I feel my nose break. I go flying into a spire. I grunt in pain and once I open my eyes I am met with his blank expression and his hand coming towards my face. Before I can move he grabs it. I then feel heat build-up. Then I see the hairs on his arms stand on edge before a bolt of lightning from the skies strikes him. He seems to absorb the energy as it disperses throughout his body before ripping me from the spire. He then flies us towards the ground as I keep sending air balls at his gut. He doesn't even flinch. Once he's close enough he slams me into the ground dragging me along with him as the ground cracks and shatters as pieces fly around us until we stop in front of the other people. He lets go and I attempt to stand. Once I am on my knees however I feel rocks surround me and restrain me. The Thunderer turns around and looks at me.
(Tonraq's POV)
Me and Lin are having to restrain Korra as (M/n) looks at Zaheer with a blank face. Once he hears Korra scream however his attention turns to us. He walks over and grabs both of Korra's arms. He begins speaking but there is a second voice mixed in with his.
You/Raiden: "Raava! Thrashing the body makes the poison spread faster! Calm yourself or you'll die!" He shouts loudly looking in Korra's eyes. Korra oddly seems to relax as (M/n) looks her up and down as if he's looking for something. "The poison is metal based! Who of you mortals can bend metal to their will?!" He shouts loudly again looking at the others. Sue raises her hand and speaks up.
Sue: "I can!" Sue shouts back at him quickly. He nods and looks at me.
You/Raiden: "Lay her down. Let this Bender do what needs to be done. Your daughter will survive." He says calmly yet I can hear the genuine care in his voice. Both of his voices I should say I suppose. I nod in response as me and Lin work together to lay her down. Once we do that Sue begins working on Korra almost immediately. After what seems like an eternity a stream of silver esc liquid comes out of Korra's mouth. She then coughs and breathes normally once again though isn't awake yet. We then hear Zaheer shout.
Zaheer: "What are you doing!? You're getting in the way of nat-" He can't finish as Bolin shoves a sock in his mouth. Opal compliments him before (M/n) laughs.
You/Raiden: "This is why I like you mortals! SO crude yet effective! Was it dirty?" He asks seriously for a moment. Bolin nods and he laughs once again. Once he stops he says something else. "I am Raiden and... My vessel needs rest." Once he says that he turns back to us. Korra then opens her eyes and I here (M/n) sigh in relief. I look at him and his white eyes return to his (E/c) eyes and the electricity stops emitting from his body. Once that happens the rain also stops rather quickly. He stands next to Korra.
Korra:""D-dad? Y-you're here... W-we made i-it." She mutters rather weakly. I nod as tears begin to roll down my cheeks. Raiden told me the truth.
Tonraq: "Yes... We won... I'm here... So is (M/n)... He helped save the others... And fought Zaheer to save you..." I say as more tears stream down my face. She turns her head slowly and looks at him. He smiles weakly before falling to his knees in exhaustion.
You: "T-told you... I-I'd protect you all... You all are my family." He says weakly gtrying to stay awake for her. He then collapses on his stomach with his face still looking at her. I see her smile weakly before falling asleep. I see him smile one last time before following suit closing his eyes. The look in his eyes as he looked at her before he passed out was one of... Love. Though I know he can't hear me I speak to him.
Tonraq: "Thank you..." Is all I say to him. I pick up my daughter gently as I stand. Tenzin does the same for (M/n). He looks at me and smiles. I smile in turn. The little girl I know as Olivia speaks.
Olivia: "He loves her... I wonder if he even realizes it." She says softly as she holds his loose hand. I chuckle slightly.
I may be protective of my Korra but Know (M/n) is a good person... And if he does love my daughter than I will still give him 'the talk' but... I'll accept it... I know he'd treat her right and protect her with his life... I am also joining Sue and Zuko in sponsoring him. The only thing stopping Olivia from being his daughter is some paper work. He may be young to be a parent but I know he'd be a good one and raise her right. We all begin to head back to the ship. I take one last look at the passed out boy and nod. Olivia called him 'her hero.' I now know exactly what she meant. Once we board the air ship I take Korra to her room and tuck her in. I leave for a moment to go see the boy. I go to his room. I enter and see Olivia and Tenzin sitting there.
Tonraq: "How is he?" I ask with concern in my voice. I am concerned for the boy given how hard he fought. Tenzin looks at me and sighs.
Tenzin: "Exhausted and beaten. Me and Olivia will treat his wounds but I'd wager he just needs some sleep." Tenzin says calmly to me. I nod slowly and sigh in relief. That's good I'd hate to see the boy injured. I need to thank the boy properly.
Olivia: "What about Korra?" Olivia asks me quietly. I look down.
Tonraq: "Mercury is a... Violent poison little one... It probably damaged her muscles... She may have to re learn how to walk..." I say sadly trying to remain calm. Olivia nods in response. She stands and gives me a quick hug which surprises me. But I kneel down and return it. "Thank you." I say while hugging her. I know she wants to comfort me and I appreciate it.
Olvia: "You're very welcome... I'll come visit Korra when we finish... I can also say safely that (M/n) will help her do just that... He cares for her deeply... And would want to help her." She says to me as she lets go. I nod and stand back up. I smile down at her.
Tonraq: "I know... He loves her I think... And I will gladly accept his help when he offers..." I said smiling slightly at the thought. She smiles at that and sits back down. I leave the room quietly and head back to Korra's room.
Once I get there I sit back down and hold her hand gently... I'm so happy she'll live, that the air benders will live and that (M/n) will be fine... I owe him a proper thanks when he wakes up... Odds are however he'll be more concerned about Korra than accepting any form of gratitude... That boy is... Something else... He is lightning... And a protector. I smile at the thought. Seems Korra was right when she wrote me about him. He cares deeply about those he cares about to the point he'd gladly throw himself at death to save them. Despite seeming so cold on the outside... His love, compassion, and sympathy are as bright as the lightning he can produce on the inside. He is a rare soul... A soul that comes around only once in a great while.
(Your POV)
I'm dreaming... I guess I passed out. I am again on the hill yet... Some of the cracks have healed... Not many in any stretch of the imagination but... The scene is more... Solid. The skies are less dark as well... Heh... I guess me confessing everything did help... I bet it will continue to help thanks to Korra... Korra... I hope she's okay... The mercury will destroy her muscles... She'll have to re learn how to walk and slowly rebuild her strength... I will not leave her... I will be with her every step of the way. I then hear a familiar chuckle.
Raiden: "We kicked Zaheer's ass." Raiden said happily to me. I chuckle in response and smile.
You: "Considering what he was trying to do to Raava... I'm surprised you didn't end him on the spot." I say a bit surprised looking at his... Human form... he looks like that statue now. A mid-thirties man in white and blue robes with a straw hat. He sighs heavily and sits next to me with his legs crossed.
Raiden: "I wanted to... Raava is my eldest friend... But it was your body not mine... I wanted you to make that choice." He said sadly looking at me. I nod thankful in return.
You: "Well thank you... I think him living in prison for the rest of his life will be allot better." I said with a small smirk on my face. He laughs loudly and nods in response.
Raiden: "Yes! Humans hate being trapped if I remember correctly." He said a bit happily. He then goes silent for a time. As if he's thinking on something. "I never told my followers to martyr themselves to protect me..." He says rather sadly. This takes me aback. I guess he saw what was written as well.
You: "Defending yourself?" I ask looking at him with a raised eyebrow. He surprises me once again by shaking his head no.
Raiden: "I should've been specific... If I was..." He trails off sounding quite sad. He feels guilty for their deaths just like me. I sigh heavily and look forward. I then look back at him.
You: "Doesn't matter... It's the past." I said sternly. He nods in response. He's immortal so dwelling isn't something he should do.
Raiden: "I think I should tell you something." He says to me I tilt my head before he continues. "Do you remember your first morning after you agreed to train The Avatar?" He asks me. I nod slowly. He looks at me. "You know how that memory triggered without something starting it?" I once again nod wondering where this is going. "I triggered it." He said rather flatly. I look at him wide eyed in surprise. I go to say something but he puts his hand up. "I did it to help you fix this." He points to the broken scene. "I felt so guilty that your clan died to defend me and you... They could've run with you but didn't..." He said sadly to me. I look down. He the touches my shoulder and I look back at him. "So I decided to find you help... I knew they could. And look... It's slowly healing now. You needn't feel guilty... You had no choice..." He said with a soft tone I have never heard him use before. I am now starting to tear up in my dream... I wonder if I'm crying in real life. "I'm the one who should be sorry." He said sternly. I shake my head at him after wiping my eyes.
You: "Maybe at first but... You found me a family and people that can help me... So you should no longer feel guilty either." I said with a smile smile. He smiles and pats my shoulder.
Raiden: "Very well... It may take time for both of us... But we will get there." He says sternly to me. He then gains a sly grin. "I also found you a woman you fell in love with." He says with a certain joking tone. I push his shoulder and roll my eyes as he laughs.
You: "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up... I can't believe I just shouted it." I said chuckling at the end. He laughs some more as I playfully roll my eyes. We then fall into a silence as we watch the semi broken scene... The dream hasn't triggered either probably thanks to Raiden's presence.
The sun is not moving behind the grey clouds above as the scene is slightly wavy. Just real enough that someone who wasn't aware would believe it was real until they woke up but just strange enough that people that can notice would notice quickly while they were asleep. I then feel some small sensations on my back, chest and arms. My guess is that someone is cleaning my wounds which I appreciate. It isn't enough to wake me however. I look at Raiden whom has a gentle smile. He saved his eldest friend and I saved my family, my daughter, and the woman I love. I think I've done well over the past year. Training Korra, tearing the Equalists apart twice, fighting and beating an elite Assassin's guild, fighting a dark god and walking away with only some broken ribs, Helped build the New Air Nation, Found a lost temple, and helped flatten the Red Lotus... I could use a vacation but now my only thoughts are of Korra. I am worried for her. I know how endearing she can be but this recovery will put that attitude to the ultimate test. I wonder if her attitude will be the same when she recovers... Maybe it will but she will be a bit more mature... Maybe she won't change at all... Only time can tell and I will be with her every step of the way. She didn't leave me broken and alone I refuse to leave her in the same state. I love her with all my heart, mind, and soul. I will stand by her until I die... No matter what.
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