Chapter Twenty Eight: A Helpful Spark
(Your POV)
Six months... It's been six months since I moved here. I still go back as promised to see Olivia. She's growing up so fast and according to Tenzin she may master air bending within a few years if she keeps up her progress. Mako and Sarah began dating much to no one's shock. Asami and Alistair have never been happier with one another... Bolin left to join the metal benders so he fight for what he believes in. As for Korra... She still can't walk and her anger at that only increases every day. I predict she will lash out soon. I don't know how or when she will but it will happen. She's been writing Asami for advice on her struggles alongside asking me. Asami always writes back. When I was there a couple of days ago she told me about it which is the only reason I know. Maybe it's time for a lecture or something. After all I am still her teacher... And I love her. Right now I am currently waiting for Korra and Katara to arrive at the area they have been using so we can continue the sessions. I hear the door open and look to see Katara and an irritated Korra. Yep, this has been her since last month. She's made little progress and she's getting frustrated which only makes it worse. Katara looks at me and smiles. I smile back and nod. Korra looks at me and sighs. I look at her thinking my lips as she wheels herself to the mat. I follow her and help her out of the chair. I help lie her on her back so she can move bend her knees. She does so but I can see the strain on her face as she does. It's a huge task just for her to bend her knees in this way, and we are just starting for the day.
You: "You're getting better at this." I said smiling at her trying to reassure her. She just sighs and continues to exercise.
Katara: "I agree." Katara simply states. I hear Korra sigh deeply again. "How is my son (M/n)?" Katara asked me with a blank expression that I have grown used to during my time here. I only got back last night from my most recent trip home and haven't updated anyone on anything just yet.
You: "Pretty good. He's still teaching the benders." She smiles at that. "He keeps telling me Olivia has great potential like Jinora... She's been making me so proud." I said with a proud smile thinking about my little girl. Katara and Korra both smile at what I have said.
Katara: "She doesn't mind you being away?" Katara asks me with the smallest amount of concern in her voice. I shake my head in A no fasion.
You: "No not really. She does miss me at times she tells me but she knows why I'm here and loves the fact I want to help... She misses Korra greatly." I say looking at said person. She smiles weakly at that as she puts her legs down to take a break.
Korra: "Miss... her... too." She says as she breathes in and out deeply catching her breath. Once she does she speaks again. "How is everyone else? What are they up to?" She asks me as she drinks some water that was nearby.
You: "Bolin left to join the metal benders led by some woman named Kuvira I think. He wanted to fight for something and since it's in Zaofu he moved there." She nods as I continue. "That girl I told you about. Sarah. Her and Mako have begun dating much to no one's surprise. Strange to watch them around each other. She's all smiles and positive vibes and he's stoic. Mako says he couldn't be happier however. You should see it. She can make him blush with a single look." Korra laughs a small bit at the prospect. "Asami has been... Well her and her father haven't talked much. According to Alistair they had a huge fight a few months ago when she visited him in prison." She looks concerned. "I don't know what will happen with that. Other than that she says she's beyond happy with Alistair. Over six months later and he's still somewhat shy with her. He does wish he could meet you. You saved his father when the Equalists sieged the city a year ago." She smiles slightly. "He wants to thank you." She waves it off as she starts again. This time the strain on her face is worse. I look at her concerned for a moment before turning my attention to Katara.
Katara: "Then everything is calm for once." I make a 'eh' sort of sound.
You: "This 'Kuvira' sounds... Ambitious. She thinks she and her benders are the only ones that can keep people safe according to Tenzin... She's even butted heads with Iroh apparently." She looks a bit surprised. "If she doesn't calm down I'm afraid, if what I heard is true, that she will want to start a fight to take over the Republic Of Nations." She hums in response. I have a feeling this will come to a head in the future. Though at the moment her followers are few... People do foolish things when they are scared.
At some point we moved on to the next exercise which involve her holding herself up with a bar and moving her legs about. Again I can see the severe strain on her face. Despite how she feels I can see some minor improvements in her movement. Just like building up muscle this is going to be a slow burn... Her personality makes that hard for her to grasp however. I have served as a stress doll of sorts... She vents at me or lightly punches or squeezes my arm or hand out of frustration. She never hurt me however. Just letting off steam like one would do to a pillow or something of the sort. As I am standing next to her ready to catch her if she falls I can see the frustration build more and more on her face. I look towards Katara who looks at me sadly. She then decides to strike up another conversation.
Katara: "How is the city?" I sigh deeply and shake my head.
You: "The vines are still progressing... They can't stop them." She nods slowly. "Lucky for Sarah the vines seem to be avoiding her forge. Likely due to the extreme heat inside though that may not last." She smiles slightly at the fact some people's lives are alright for now. "They also seem to be avoiding most bodies of water meaning the temple is completely safe. Unless that changes. Other than that it has been pretty normal." She smiles and nods at me before turning her attention to Korra. I hear Korra breathing heavily and I turn my attention to her. I see her arms begin to shake.
Katara: "Stop Korra. Tiring yourself out won't help." I hear Korra growl lightly which surprises me quite a bit. She then begins to fall only for me to catch her by wrapping my arm around her stomach. I grab her chair and help her sit in it. She sits there breathing heavily. "Check her muscles would you?" Katara asks me. I nod and concentrate on Korra.
I close my eyes to get a better view. I can easily sense her heart considering how hard it is pounding right now. I then focus on her arms. Pretty normal considering. They seem healthy and well fit. Her upper back and chest muscles are much the same... But after I pass the stomach line I start sensing the damage... Her lower back, stomach, and her leg muscles are still incredibly weak... But I do sense some progress. I open my eyes and smile at Korra.
You: "All of your upper body is healthy and well fit. Past your stomach line however... It's still incredibly weak... But I can tell you've made a decent amount of progress. They are stronger than they were before." She just sighs at my report obviously unsatisfied. I look at her sadly and look down. She then speaks up again.
Korra: "Some is better than none... What's next?" She asks me and Katara. I look back up and look at Katara.
Katara: "(M/n) has set up a new area for you to use." Korra looks at me as Katara says that. I look at Korra and smile at her. She'll love this.
You: "It's a path of sorts... You will use your arms to hold yourself up as you mimic the walking motions." She tilts her head at me. "I think if you had an exercise that focused on all muscles in your legs at once as well will help your progress even more." She then smiles at me and nods. I knew she'd like the idea of making more progress in less time
Korra: "Thanks (M/n). Means allot to me that you would think of that." I wave it off as I stand.
You: "It was nothing... You know I would do anything to help you in a heartbeat... Unless it's eating that stuff Kya's friend served the night before I left for those few days." She laughs at that and I join her. That stuff would have mad a maggot gag. I can even hear Katara chuckling lightly since even she agreed with me. Though she was less blunt than me about it. My honesty always getting me in trouble.
Korra: "That was awful." She says smiling slightly. It makes me happy I can make her laugh even if it's only for a moment. I then stand behind her chair.
You: "Want to try it?" She nods at me and I wheel her to another room where my little path is set up. Naga is lying down on the other end of it sleeping. I wheel her to the front and put the chair's brake on before stepping to the side to help her up. I help her and she grabs the bar. "Okay. Now all it is meant to do is allow you to mimic the motions. You can try and walk but you don't have to." She looks at me and nods quickly before looking back at the bars with a small amount of determination.
She begins once Katara gets into the room. At first she does what I suggest and mimics the walking motions. I again see the strain in her face but she's determined. She, after sometimes takes a break and I help her back in the chair. I leave and come back with some snacks for us and some water. As we are eating I decide to ask Katara something.
You: "I have a question Katara." She looks at me and nods. "Do you know where Toph Beifong is?" I ask. She shakes her head no and I sigh.
Katara: "No... After her two daughters moved away she just vanished. I doubt we could find her unless she wanted to be found." I frown at that. "Why if I may ask?" I look at her and nod.
You: "Even my clan has heard of the story of Avatar Aang and his companions. Out of all of you I looked up to Toph the most." She and Korra tilt their heads slightly. "Out of everyone in the group she didn't really fit the bill. She was blind and thus different from the others... I related to that... Since I was the only natural electric bender... Still do relate o her I suppose." Korra looks a bit surprised as Katara nods at me.
Katara: "That is interesting (M/n). I highly doubt she has passed so maybe you can meet her one day." Katara said smiling at me. I smile at the thought of meeting my hero.
Korra: "I figured you'd look up to Aang or Zuko... But that makes sense now that you've talked about it." Korra says looking at me. I smile at her. I figured it'd make sense once I explained it.
You: "Yeah. Most of my clan liked Zuko the most but I was the only one that favored Toph. I'd love to meet her." I said looking up, smiling at the thought. I hear Korra chuckle at my almost childlike expression and It makes me look at her.
Korra: "Let's try again." I nod and help her back onto the bars.
She grabs them and places her feet on the ground. I look at her confused until she tries to walk. I get a surprised look on my face. I can see the severe stain on her face as she is trying. I'm getting worried. She takes a step but nearly falls. I get ready to help but she scowls at me. I step back and watch again. She tries again but this time she actually falls. I walk up and offer my arm. She uses it and grabs the bars again. I don't move just in case. She... Once again takes a step and falls. I catch her this time. She looks at me and I have a neutral expression that way she doesn't think I pity her. She looks down and nods. I help her back to the chair and sit her down. She looks down for a bit. I lean on a wall in front of her as Katara speaks.
Katara: "You can't rush this." Katara says to Korra. Korra looks back at her and looks quite angry, sad and frustrated. Here it finally comes.
Korra: "You don't know what it's like! I'm stuck in this wheel chair! I can't even walk even with assistance! My friends are out there saving people while one is wasting his time here with me! And you can't even heal me!" She yelled in frustration. That takes me aback. I am not wasting my time. Before either of us can respond she seems to realize she just lashed out. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have yelled... I'm just so frustrated..." She says sadly as she looks down. She needs to be reminded who she is. I look at Katara knowing what I need to do in some fashion.
You: "Can you give us a minute?" I ask Katara Calmly. She thinks for a moment before nodding and standing up.
Katara: "I need some water anyway... And do not worry Korra. I understand." Katara replies to Korra with a small amount of sympathy in her voice. I nod at her and she leaves the room and closes the door behind her to give us our privacy.
I wait for a moment before looking back at Korra. She's still looking at the ground. I debate on what I should do. I then nod to myself and walk up to her. She doesn't look up and I smack the back of her head. She jolts and looks up and sees me frowning at her.
You: "Don't you ever, ever think that you are wasting my time! Don't you EVER think that you aren't worth my time! You are worth every second of it that I have spent here!" I say a bit loudly. She looks at me surprised as I breathe in deeply. "That's not the Korra I have come to know. The Korra I know would never put herself down like that!" Now her mouth is slightly agape in slight shock at my sudden outburst. "The Korra I know would look at this challenge and simply smirk before tearing it down! The Korra I know would never think of herself as less just because of this!" Now she's looking forward surprised staring into the distance. I sigh as I crouch to her level and have her look me in the eyes. "The Korra I know is in here." I put a finger on her heart. "And we simply need to bring her out so you can become stronger." She locks eyes with me completely. I put both hands on her upper arms as I continue. "You won't be the same after this I will not lie. But you will be stronger for this and have a better understanding of who you are... Now I have one question for you Korra." She looks at me and I breathe in. "Why do we fall?" She gasps slightly at that. It's been sometime since I've said that. "Why do we fall, Korra?" I ask softly as I look at her. I see that fire in her eyes slowly build.
Korra: "To learn to pick ourselves back up." She says with the smallest amount of confidence. I smirk slightly and nod at her.
You: "You're gods damn right. And what will you do?" I ask her still smirking. I see that fire in her eyes light itself ever so slightly as she looks at me with confidence.
Korra: "Pick myself back." She says with some confidence. I nod to her and stand up. She looks to the bars and looks to me. I gesture her to try again.
She wheels herself over and grabs the bars on her own. I stand in full attention as she begins to lift her up. Once she stands fully I hear the door open. I see Katara and I gesture for her to be quiet. She smiles and nods at me. I look back at Korra who shakily takes a step. She succeeds and I smile. She shakily takes another, and another, and another. I watch in anticipation as she was nearing the end she stumbles but quickly regains herself. She slowly inches towards the end where Naga is waiting with her full attention on the struggling and straining Korra. She nears very close to the end as I walk to that side. She makes it and collapse into Naga crying tears of joy. It warms my heart to see her so happy again. She hugs Naga tight who licks her head and snuggles her. I walk up and get on my knees in front of her. She looks at me and holds an arm out gesturing me to join them. I oblige happily as she buries her head in my shoulder. We lean against Naga as Korra cries in joy in my shoulder. I am smiling wide at her. Katara approaches us. We look at her to see her smiling warmly at us. She excuses herself to give us our privacy once more. Korra looks at me smiling wide. I wipe the left over tears away with one hand and then hug her deeply again. She gladly returns the embrace as I feel Naga lick my hand once. I chuckle at the giant dog's actions. After... I don't know nor care how long she separates from me. She looks at me still smiling.
You: "I told you... I see that fire in your eyes again." She chuckles a bit at that still maintaining that confident sound. I smile warmly at her as she speaks.
Korra: "Yeah... You're right... I can do this!" She exclaims and I smile at her.
You: "It won't be easy and could take a year to get you walking without assistance." I say looking at her. She just smirks at me. There she is.
Korra: "Then that's what it will take." She says. I smirk back at her and nod.
You: "There's that confidence I love." She shakes her head at me and smiles. I get up and get her chair. I wheel it over and help her get in it. I look down to her and she smiles up at me.
I wheel her out of the training room and she asks me to wheel her around town. I oblige and wheel her outside. We see her mom and Korra tells her where I'm taking her. She smiles and asks me to pick up somethings. I look at Korra who smiles and nods happily. We head into town and many people greet us. They do not ask about her progress out of respect which I think she appreciated. As we were walking around town we saw two people full on sucking faces with each other. I wolf whistled while Korra purred. They stopped and looked at us. They quickly walk away hand in hand we laugh to ourselves. We continue walking around buying what Senna needed with the money she handed Korra. It was getting to be dinner time so we walked back to Korra's home and went inside. Once we enter I smell something amazing coming from the kitchen. I quickly wheel Korra into the kitchen while she chuckles at my eagerness. I see Senna setting the table as Kya and Katara take a seat. I wheel Korra next to my chair and I sit down.
You: "I didn't even realize how hungry I was until I smelled what was in here." I said looking at everyone. I hear them all laugh and a deep chuckle come from behind me. I look and see Tonraq whom has a bag on his arm. I quickly stand and greet him. "Nice to see you again." I said smiling at him. He chuckles and pats my shoulder.
Tonraq: "You to (M/n)." He says smiling at me. I gesture for him to sit in a free chair and he gladly abides.
You: "How'd your meeting with that woman go?" I ask him. He said when he left two weeks ago that he was meeting a woman from the earth nation with Zuko to talk to her about something. He sighs deeply.
Tonraq: "Kuvira is her name." I frown at the name and he raises an eyebrow. "Heard of her?" He asks me. I nod before replying.
You: "Tenzin and Mako told me about her since Bolin joined her task force." He looks worried and I shake my head at him. "He wanted to fight for peace not to work for her specifically." He nods looking relived. "Tenzin said she was... Ambitious. She thinks she is the only one that can protect people. Her and her benders I mean. Mako said she seemed power hungry to him though I doubt it's that simple." I finish looking at him as I sigh. He nods his head in agreement.
Tonraq: "She feels she's just wanting to help people but..." He said trailing off. I nod knowing what he's gong towards and speak.
You: "As my uncle said about a king that used to rule our land, 'The path to hell is paved with good intentions.'" He grunts and nods in agreement.
Tonraq: "Exactly. She doesn't have many followers now but given time and enough fear mongering she will." I nod in agreement with him.
Senna: "If she is really that crazy or power hungry how could anyone follow her?" She asks looking at Tonraq sounding a tad befuddled at the idea. He looks at her and back at me.
You: "People will do foolish things when they're scared... Look at Zuko's father. He was so scared the Avatar was coming for him he started treating his nation like trash. Even his own children." They all nod in agreement with me. I look at Korra who has a small smile on her face. I guess she wasn't really paying all that much attention. Senna notices.
Senna: "You seem happier today Korra. Any reason why?" She asks smiling at her happy daughter. Korra looks at her and smiles more.
Korra: "Someone just reminded me who I was... I know this will take time but I... Feel I can do it now." She says looking at me. "I never said thank you." I shake my head at her smiling warmly.
You: "You don't have to." I said to her simply in a softer tone than I normally use. She shakes her head at me but keeps her smile.
Korra: "I feel I should... Thank you for being here... For giving your time to me to help me." She said smiling warmly at me. I laugh a small bit.
You: "You are most welcome Korra. I'll be here until you can walk again... No matter how long it takes." I said smiling at her. We then turned our attention to everyone else who is smiling at us. I smile at them but I look at Korra who is blushing a small bit. I chuckle lightly and she punches my arm for it.
We then eat dinner together and my gods did I eat allot. I hadn't eaten all day because I was helping Korra and didn't think about it. It was amazing. Probably more so since I was so damned hungry. After dinner I helped Senna clean up as Tonraq decided to head to bed since he was so tired from the trip. We bid him goodnight. Korra stays in the kitchen with Katara and Kya talking about her new progress. Senna and Kya were so happy that she made it to the end of the little path I set up. I smiled as I continued to wash the dishes. After we cleaned up Korra asked me to wheel her somewhere. She didn't tell me where but she lead me outside. She guided me to the outskirts of town to a cliff edge. She had me help her sit on the ground with me. The sun began to set and I saw exactly why she brought me out here. My smile grew as the sun sank over the horizon and it's red and orange hues reflected of the Icy surfaces which beamed the same color back up. I was amazed at the simple beauty of the scene. Korra leaned on me for support and I wrapped my arm around her not taking my eyes off the scene. As the sun began to fully sink over the horizon I looked at Korra who was smiling and looking at me. I smiled at her until she pointed up. I looked and what I saw made my jaw drop. I didn't even see the Aurora Borealis the last time I was here... Here it is. Pulsating it's green and purple light waves as the stars come into view as the sun vanishes completely under the horizon. As I am watching this incredible scene I see a few shooting stars go across the sky and disappear in the light of the full moon that has come over the horizon next to the galaxy that is slowly fading into view. I can feel tears in my eyes. I am completely in aw at the beauty. As one rolls down my smiling face I feel Korra wipe it away. I look at her and see her smiling at me. I hug her tightly.
You: "Thank you... This is the best gift I have ever received." I said with tears of absolute joy in my eyes. She returned the embrace gladly.
Korra: "I knew you'd love it... You're welcome." She said as we pulled away.
We both looked back up. We then hear some footsteps and see Kya, Katara, Senna, and a tired looking Tonraq looking at us. Kya has some blankets and lays them down. I help Korra on said blanket and me and her lie down. Kya lays another, larger blanket down and they each take a spot. I start pointing out constellations I had learned about when I was young and explained what they meant to my clan... This is the second most beautiful thing I have ever seen... The most beautiful thing I have ever seen is watching it with me. Korra... One day... I will admit what I feel. Until that day... I know I love you... I know you can walk again.
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