Chapter Twelve: Location, Location, Location

(Your POV)

I wake up with a start... Though I have been able to open up it's still there. The fire, the blood, the screams... I just sigh and wipe my forehead as I calm myself down as much as I can. As I get up and stretch I hear a knock on the door. I walk to it and open it only to be met with General Iroh. I spoke to him on occasion but never to an extreme extent due to his job. He is tall man that is easily 26 maybe twenty-seven. He has black hair in a military style cut. He seemed like an honorable man.

You: "Hello, General Iroh. How can I help you?" I asked politely. He just chuckles.

Iroh: "Nothing. I just wanted to thank you for saving my mother and grandfather from those assassins. Also dinner is ready." He said smiling. That's not needed. But that's okay.

You: "Izumi's your mother? So you're like a prince then." I say smiling back. He just rolls his eyes. I guess he's not fond of the idea or just doesn't care.

Iroh: "Yes but first I'm a general." He chuckles at the end. Fair enough. Duty above all and what not.

You: "Well you're welcome sir. It was the right thing to do. Anyway. Tell them I'll join them in a moment. I took a small nap it seems." I smiled. He just nods and leaves. I shut the door.

I walk back to my bed and pull out my sandals from my pack. I slip them on. Though I sit there for a moment and think. How are we going to find the guild's location? I will not kill without good reason... They won't talk. Wait. Could we use where these assassins have struck to try and find where they came from? I'll ask the Fire Lord. I then stand and leave my room. As I am walking I notice a few guards give me salutes. I'm guessing Iroh told them to do so. I just smile and nod towards each as I walk. I hear some people talking through a specific door so I head inside. Luckily for me it was the right one. The room was a well lit dinig hall. Oddly though there are two seperate eating areas. A small and a large one. I guess the small one they are sitting at is where the family eats when they are alone. The Fire Lord notices me.

Izumi: "Please. Sit." She said signaling me to sit next to Iroh. I smile and nod and do just that. As I sit I look towards the fire lord and speak.

You: "Thank you Fire Lord Izumi. I really appreciate the food." I said with a small bow of my head. As I look back up I see her once again waving it off.

Izumi: "Please, it's fine. And while were alone, Izumi is just fine." She said smiling slightly at me. I smile in kind.

You: "I have an idea on how to track the guild." They all looked at me. "I have encountered three assassins now. If we could try and track their movements we may be able to pinpoint an area that their guild might be in. The more assassins we have the easier that becomes." I finish as a plate of food is placed in front of me. Iroh looks impressed. This is not my first rodeo.

Izumi: "Clever. If you track where they left this Nation to find you or a general direction the other two came from to kill me you think you can track their movements and find their base." She said looking at me. I do not nod. It's not that easy. But It will narrow it down by a hell of allot.

You: "Not it's precise location but a general area it is located in. I'd triangulate that position and scout the area myself. If I find the base. I'd return and prepare." I said before taking a bite of my food. It seemed to be spicy. Also unlike the air benders it seemed that this place wasn't afraid to eat meat. What a nice treat. Though Pema's cooking is better. Not like I'm saying that out loud though.

Iroh: "And you'd have soldiers to back you up." He said after swallowing some food. I'd prefer a small number so we wouldn't be noticed.

You: "As long as they are quiet. They most likely know I am here by now and I thwarted their assassination attempt on your life Fire L- Izumi..." I just thought of something. Hell! "Hell! Odds are they'll have people come kill those assassins!" I said a little louder than intended. Iroh shakes his head. I guess he already figured that out.

Iroh: "I figured that myself. I locked them somewhere very specific. They'll live. Though It's only a matter of time until those assassins find their brothers." He said looking at me. I sigh in relief. At least that helps.

Zuko: "Enough of that for now. I would like to get to know my daughter's savoir." Zuko said looking at me. Oh boy. This is a sensitive subject.

You: "Ask away but be warned. My life story up to this point isn't exactly ideal." I said he stared for a moment and nodded. I knew he would understand considering what his father was like. Of all people on this planet I know he could somewhat.

Zuko: "You said you came from the air temple. However I do know that Tenzin knows nothing of Rope Dart combat. Who taught you?" I looked down. Contemplating if I should say who... I decide to tell them.

You: "My father... Before my clan was destroyed." I said not looking up. I cannot see him but I know he is nodding.

Zuko: "You have my sympathy. I won't pry into that further. How did you meet the Avatar?" He asked. I smile slightly. This is a fun story.

You: "The ship I was locked in was attacked by the Triad and Equalists. I escaped and arrived at republic City. I met her and her little gang outside a police station. She asked for help finding, well me, and I refused." He looks at me confused. "Listen. I've been hunted for my power for my whole life. Of course I was suspicious." I said looking at him. He just nods. "After that I left and one of her friends followed. I caught her and sent her back. I met the Avatar a second time after I saved Tenzin's daughter Ikki. From there we become friends and now we are student and teacher." Again I smile at the thought. "She's a quick learner. Although she's smacked herself in the face quite a few times." They all laughed. "She's also the one that helped me open up ever so slightly. I was very reclusive and cynical when we met. Now I am still a cynic some what I am much more... I don't know is open the word? Anyway I owe her allot." I finish with a smile. It's true I do. I also... Never mind.

Iroh: "It sounds like you are fond of her." He said smiling. That's true but I never had friends while I was running so. Yeah I'm fond of her and the others.

You: "I never had friends while I was on the road so yeah. She's one of the first friends I've had in a long time." I said looking at Iroh. He just rolls his eyes. What does he mean.

Iroh: "No I mean-" His mother cuts him off quickly.

Izumi: "Enough son. No need to continue." She said looking at him. He just chuckles and continues eating. I glance between the two before looking at Zuko with a raised eyebrow. He just chuckles and eats as well. I just shrug and continue eating.


It's been a week since I arrived. We managed to get the locations that these assassins were seen. Unfortunately about two days ago the two assassins that they arrested were found dead. Hanging in their cells if I remember correctly. Right now me and Iroh are looking through some police files to see if we can find any more useful information. I was just about to take a break until one caught my eye. It was a report of an attempted murder a few years ago. The perp's description matched 'Shadow's'. I Pick it up and read it. The report clams he came from the west. A few witnesses said they saw a man in a similar robe checking in a hotel as he went. I have a small trail. I keep looking and find two more cases that have similar trails.

You: "Iroh. I found three cases of attempted or committed murders. Each have witnesses claiming they spotted the assailants coming from the west. The descriptions also match what 'Shadow' looked like. I think we can triangulate the location now." He looks through the files and smiles.

Iroh: "Thank the gods. I was getting sore sitting here." We place the files back in their boxes and take the three with us. This will be an interesting journey.


We are now in a small room with a map laid down on the table. Zuko and Izumi are with us as I try and get a general location.

You: "Okay since 'Shadow' went to the southern water tribes first we can safely assume he left from this port." I circle the southernmost port on the map. "The other two came from the west entrance to the city" I circle the gates. "This combined with the eye witnesses claiming that the other assailants came from either the west or north, and that they found camp remains here." I circle a small area a bit south of a ravine. "I think the base of this mountain is where the guild is located." I finished circling a large area. "I know the area is large but I believe it would be at the base here." I mark an x on the map at the eastern base. "There is a cave system near there. They may use it to store things." I looked at everyone. Iroh seems slightly confused however.

Iroh: "What makes you say that?" He asks me in confusion. My clan used the caves near our village for storage and a prison.

You: "My clan did something similar. We stored wheat and other non-perishable foods there just in case a drought hit us." I said looking at them. He nods.

Iroh: "Smart. Still we will need to scout the area before attacking." I nod in agreement.

You: "I can go. My years of being on the road have given me experience in, well, not being noticed." I replied. He just nods once more.

Iroh: "Good. You're powers also will ensure you stay safe." I nod. That is very true. I was able to handle Shadow and now I have an idea of how they fight. I will be prepared this time.

Izumi: "Very well. We have a plan. I'll send for some camping equipment for you. I imagine you'll go on foot?" She asked. Horses would be far to loud and they'd see me flying in.

You: "Yes. Attracts less attention that way." She just nods.

Iroh: "Very well. I suggest you leave in the morning. If I am correct it'll take you two days' time to get there on foot." He says looking at me. I smirk. This will be an interesting couple of days.

You: "Maybe I'll get to go home early." They all laugh a bit at the idea... They know I'm lying. Heh.

We agreed to the plan and I went to my room. After about an hour a guard arrived with some supplies and camping equipment for me. I thank him and he just salutes me and leaves. Some time passes and we ate dinner. I go back to my room and lie down. Tomorrow will be fun.


I am dressed, packed, and ready to travel. I approach the city gate and turn around. Me, Izumi, and Zuko say our goodbyes and I am off. After a few hours of walking I start to take in the scenery. I am so used to forests and plains that this canyon and mountain esc environment is interesting to say the least. The browns and oranges that the ground and walls are colored in give this environment a unique beauty. Not to mention the occasional plant. Though most look like they are dead or dying I know they are fully alive. I even see a few snakes and lizards skitter across the ground as I walk by. I stop and look at a single lizard looking at a group of rocks. There are many snakes eyeing him. I think he'll turn tail and run but no. He runs straight at them. I watch in anticipation as he ducks, dodges, and out maneuvers the snakes. As he gets close to the end however one catches him and tries to coil around him. But he somehow escapes and manages to out run the snakes. He climbs some rocks and another snake lunges at him. He jumps and dodges. As he reaches the top there is another snake lunging at him. He leaps over what I assume is a gap and the snake falls. That little bastard actually escaped alive. That was sick. I shouted on accident.

You: "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" I quickly cover my mouth from embarrassment. Then I remembered I was alone and face palmed as I continued walking.

After a few more hours the sun begins to set. I decide to make camp before the sun goes down. After I finish setting up camp I watch the sun go down. I look to my side but remember neither Korra or Olivia is here with me. I sigh sadly and watch the scene again. I've gotten so used to the idea of them being with me that... It feels wrong to not have them with me.I remember all the times Olivia would get excited when the sun finally sank over the horizon. She loves star gazing with me. Often Korra would join us. Sometimes with Mako so they could cuddle. Bolin, Asami, Pema, The Kids, and even Tenzin joined me and Olivia on occasion. However, Korra seemed the most contestant. With or without Mako. I wonder what Iroh really meant. I sigh as I continue t watch. As the sun sinks the already orange landscape gets painted in a red orange hue. After the sun sets completely I go to my tent and fall asleep.


I made it to the area I need to scout at about noon. I already see a trail. It's ever so slight because the wind kicks up the dust and dirt to cover the trails but I see it. I begin to follow it. It takes me an hour and then I see it. A building carved into the side of the mountain. Well at least I wasn't wrong about it being at the base... It blends in well since they seemed to have tried and matched the color the mountain naturally possesses. I get as close as I can and hide in some bushes. I begin to focus and try to see how many people are here. I sense about a hundred or so. Far fewer than I expected but they are elite so they do not need many. I stop focusing and begin to take in what I am looking at. I am right they are using the caves but not as storage. I see some assassins pull out some poor sod who's out cold and throw him into a cart. (In Thought): 'That could be me'. I thought. I shake my head. I see some guards patrolling the perimeter. They won't see me but I slow my breathing a bit. I see some archers posted at the top of the building in some towers. That'll be easy. Though this place has decent defenses they have nowhere to run.


I am approaching the city. Good. This siege will not be easy but it can be done. I have a measure of their abilities, numbers, and positions. Iroh has the forces and skills to help take them down. I enter the gate and head straight to the palace. People have stopped thanking me but they still smile as I pass. I smile in kind. I arrive at the palace and enter. I immediately see Iroh. He walks up to me.

Iroh: "What have you learned?" He asks me. I'd rather not explain it to someone twice however.

You: "Let's find your mother and grandfather and then discuss what I have discovered." He nods and we walk off.

Once we find them I told them everything and we agreed to lay siege with a small force due to their small numbers. We agreed we would head out tomorrow at dawn. Well me and Iroh anyway. We ate dinner and I head to my room. I go ahead and pack everything. Once I finish I'm heading back. Korra should have returned by the point I get back. I decide to write a letter to everyone.

'Dear Friends, and Family,

I am well and alive. I ended up saving the Fire Lord herself. She has agreed to help me and we lay siege in the morning. Well it'll be over by the time you get this most likely. I miss you all. I have an oddly amazing story about a lizard and a lot of snakes. It was interesting. I have also met Zuko. He's an interesting man. He even introduced me to the dragon that lives here. Oddly me and the dragon just nodded to each other. I guess he knows what I have gone through. At any rate I can't wait to see you all again. Also, Olivia, I have a gift for you. And Korra, I hope you're doing alright. It can't be easy to see your home ready to march to war. I wish you all the best and love you all.

Sincerely, (M/N)

I give the letter to a guard and he delivers it to a courier. It'll be nice to be home again. After the huge damn fight ahead of me. Crap.

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