Chapter Thirty: You Think You've Seen Hell?
(Your POV)
A year has come to pass. Korra is now able to walk with crutches and gets stronger and stronger every day. At this rate she'll be walking by the end of the month. Olivia once again came down here for her birthday much to our and Jeckra's joy. Alistair has talked about maybe asking Asami a huge question which I encouraged him to do the last time I was in town. He said he'd buy the item needed and think about it. Sarah and Mako have been helping the city try and fight back the vines and have been a hell of a power couple in doing so. Bolin... I haven't heard much from but the last time we heard from him he seemed quite happy... Today however I was asked to meet with Tonraq, Sue, and Korra. I go to Korra's house and knock on the door. It opens and Tonraq welcomes me inside. I see Sue and Korra sitting at the table. I sit down and Tonraq does the same in his chair.
Tonraq: "Thank you for coming (M/n)." Tonraq says to me in an almost official style tone. I look at him and nod. "We have a request." He says to me in a unchanging tone. I tilt my head and look confused.
You: "Okay... What do you need? I need details before I agree." I ask them matching his tone of voice. He nods and gestures to Sue. I look at her and she looks rather serious.
Sue: "I am going to try and talk Kuvira down at Tonraq's request... We thought if either you or Korra came it may help. Since Korra is still recovering we wanted to know if you'd go instead?" She asks me seriously. I raise an eyebrow at her.
You: "I'm not much of a negotiator... I always tell the truth." I say in a skeptical tone. Its a strange idea thinking I can help with this situation. She nods and looks like that's what she wants. Tonraq speaks up.
Tonraq: "Considering you have... Seen the worse of battle... We thought you could provide insight." Tonraq said to me. I look at him surprised... I told him and Senna a few months ago about the dream and what happened that day... I never thought it could be an asset.
You: "I... I don't know..." I said sounding unsure. I look at Korra who is smiling at me. "Do you think I should... I mean I'd have to leave you for a while." I said sounding quite unsure. She smiled gently and nodded yes at me.
Korra: "If it can help yes. Next to that I know you'll come back." She says smiling at me in a reassuring tone of voice.. I smile back and turn to Sue.
You: "When will we leave then and how long will we be gone?" I asked her. She sighed in visible relief.
Sue: "A week at most. And we leave as soon as you are ready. My sister lent me her airship." She says to me. I nod and smile gently.
You: "I don't know if I can help but... I'll try. After the talks are over I'm coming straight back here." I said as I look at Korra. "I have been thinking of an idea to build your strength up when you can walk on your own." She looks confused. "That'll have to wait till then however." She rolls her eyes playfully at me as I chuckle at her expression. I stand up. "Let me pack a bag then." Sue nods and I head back to Kya's house. I get back to Kya's house quickly and head inside. "Kya, Katara are you here?" I ask out. I here Kya shout yes. I follow the voice and knock on the door. She says come in and I see her and Katara talking. "I have some news." I said looking at them. Kya tilts her head at me.
Kya: "What is it?" She asked sounding curious.
You: "Tonraq and Sue have asked me to go to a sit down with Kuvira. They think my experience with... The worse parts of battle can convince her to stand down." Kya looks concerned as Katara looks a bit surprised. "I never thought that day would be an asset... I said yes and I leave today." Katara nods at me as Kya still looks concerned.
Kya: "Are you sure? I mean we're so close to getting Korra walking and then you-" I cut her off by raising my hand.
You: "She said I should go." Kya nods looking a bit relieved... I then remember something I've been meaning to talk to Kya about. "Katara." She looks at me. "Can you... Give me and Kya a minute?" I ask her politely. She smiles and nods. She knows what I want to say. She gets up and leaves the room. She shuts the door behind her as I breathe in deeply.
Kya: "Is something wrong?" Kya asks me sounding worried. I shake my head no and sit in a chair.
You: "No... I just needed to say something." She nods her head as I breathe in. "You know I still get that nightmare... Somehow you always know and are in my room when I wake up to help me." She smiles at me. "I just wanted to say... Well ever since I've known you you've acted almost like a mother to me... I just wanted to say that..." I breathe in trying to calm my nerves. She's smiling wide at me. I smile back. "I see you as... A parent of sorts... I still love my mom and dad and always will but... I can't help but view you that way. As my parent. Thank you for everything." I said warmly to her. I see a few tears build In her eyes. I get concerned and go to wipe them but she stops me smiling and wipes them away. She gets up and hugs me tightly as I feel a few tears on my shoulder. I smile and hug her in turn. "I didn't think it'd make you cry." I said jokingly. She laughs a small bit and sniffs.
Kya: "Yeah well I was surprised." She says jokingly as she pulls away. She wipes her eyes again and smiles wide at me. "I've viewed you as a son for a while." I smile wide at that. Now I'm going to get emotional dammit. "I'm so happy you see me as a parent." She says gently while smiling wide. I hug her again.
You: "Thank you for everything." I said hugging her tightly. She returned it. I could swear I felt a sense of relief in me... Not my own however... Like someone's who was watching me and finally was able to smile. We separate and I smile. I stand. "I have to go pack. You're going to see me off right?" I ask her. Kya smiles and stands as well.
Kya: "Of course." She says kindly to me. I nod and go to my room and pack a bag that should last me the whole month.
After I do that I pick it up and leave the house with Kya and Katara. We walk back to Korra's house where her, Tonraq, Senna and Sue are waiting. When they see me Sue leads us the airship. I walk next to Korra. Once we arrive Sue says goodbye to everyone and boards. I hug Katara briefly which she gets surprised over but hugs back in the end. Once we separate she smiles at me. I smile at her. Tonraq pats my shoulders.
Tonraq: "Good luck. Hopefully we can stop this before it begins." He said to me . I nod in response.
You: "Agreed. Goodbye sir." He chuckle and nodded before stepping back. Senna approaches me and hugs me. I hug her back. Once we separate she's smiling at me. I return it in kind.
Senna: "Try not to make anyone mad eh?" She says nudging me. I chuckle and roll my eyes at her.
You: "I'll try." I say with a chuckle. She smiles at me. Kya approaches me next. I hug her and she hugs me back tightly. "I'll miss you to." It still feels strange to say but it also feels nice. She pulls away and smiles at me.
Kya: "Likewise... Be safe." She says to me like a loving mother, I nod at her smiling. She goes back to where the others are and Korra approaches on her crutches.
Korra: "Going to miss me?" She asks rhetorically since she knows the answer. I nod at her smiling. She smiles at me. She gets closer and we embrace each other. We linger in the embrace. I guess neither of us really wanted to let go. We do eventually and she rebalances herself on her crutches. She smiles wide at me. "Hurry back. I'd hate to see you miss me walking again." She says with thesame smile from before.
You: "So would I... I'll see you soon Korra." I said kindly with a warm smile. She gains a small blush and a warm smile in turn. I pick up my bag. As I wave goodbye I hear Korra mutter something.
Korra: "Maybe when you get back..." I shrug it off and board the ship. I watch as everyone waves at the ship goodbye. I head to the couch and just sit and wait for us to arrive at Zaofu.
(Still Your POV)
It's late in the afternoon now but we have arrived. As the ship docks I grab my bag and wait by its exit. I see several other ships around so I guess this 'talk down' has turned into a peace conference somehow. I shake my head. The ship finally docks and I wait for Sue. She comes into view and we walk together back to her place in silence. I don't have much to say at the moment. Once we get there I immediately see Kuvira. She is a tall woman and I can see the fire in her green eyes. She has black hair that has been braided into a tail and has a small black mark just under her right eye. She's wearing a Metal Bending uniform. She approaches the two of us.
Kuvira: ""So you this is who you went to fetch Beifong? Think he can help then?" She asks looking at Sue whom nods in response. "He's young. What does he know?" She asks as if I am not present. I get a bit pissed at that but I breathe in.
You: "You have no Idea what I've seen." I said darkly looking at her. She turns her attention to me. She seems to be eyeing me possibly looking for a weakness. She frowns slightly indicating she has found none.
Kuvira: "No matter. This s pointless." She said looking at me in a stern tone. I then eye her up and down. I see a single weakness in her demeanor but do not reveal that I have found it.
You: "Then why did you show up?" I asked as I walked away. I knew that'd piss her off. I know her weakness. I can exploit it. One of the servants show me to my room and I unpack my clothes and put them into the dresser. I sit on the bed and contemplate what's going on... I may be about to reveal to the world at large that... I've lived through hell. I get a knock on the door. I open it and see... Bolin? He hugs me tightly and I grunt before he lets go. "Good you see you to man!" I exclaim as I hug him back. He laughs as we separate.
Bolin: "I heard Kuvira say that Sue brought 'The Electric Bender' I knew it was you!" He said smiling ear to ear. I smile back but it slowly fades.
You: "Why Kuvira?" He looks confused. I shake my head to regain my thoughts. "I mean why'd you join her?" I ask him seriously.
Bolin: "I want to protect people." I nod at him. I knew he just wanted to help.
You: "I figured... I'm just afraid she may go to far." He tilts his head at me. "I'm not judging you it's just many bad things have been done in the name of 'protection.' I'm just worried she may consider violence a valid option." I say calmly. He hums in response.
Bolin: "I don't think she will." He says to me calmly though I can hear a slight doubt in his tone. I sigh at him. I would tell him he's wrong but I don't want to crush him. I invite him inside and we catch up on what we've been up to.
After out little talk we get called for food which I am grateful for. And it seems the chefs here have remembered my little lessons which is nice. Its actual food now not just some jargon. Kuvira was not there not that I cared. After dinner I walked around Zaofu for a bit. It's still one of the most beautiful places I have seen in my life. It even rivals that giant statue I saw when I was fifteen. I smile as I look around. Once the sun started setting I went to the spot Korra took me too the last time I was here. I smile at the beauty but can't help but wish Korra was here... How many times have I failed to tell her I love her? Ten... Twenty? I can't remember. I sigh deeply... I promised Kya years ago I would but still haven't. After the sun sets I go to my room and go to sleep.
(Still Your POV)
I am dressed and waiting in the meeting room which is just the dining room due to the tables size. I refused to wear a suit due to the fact it's not what I normally wear. According to Bolin Kuvira actually agreed with me. She much prefers her battle garbs. I hear people begin to enter the room but I am lost in thought. I have seven days of this crap. I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look and see Sue nodding. I sigh and sit down with the others.
Sue: "Thank you all for coming." She says to the room of people though I wager its aimed at me and Kuvira. "The Electric Bender has joined these talks at behest of Avatar Korra." She says gesturing to me. I stand up straight and look at everyone.
You: "She and the others that are helping her recover from Zaheer's assault believe I can provide... Perspective of sorts." I said respectfully to everyone in the room including Kuvira. Many smile and nod at me . Kuvira is looking at me blankly with her eyes slightly narrowed. I sit back down.
Sue: "Now let us begin." And with that they all started talking. Many voices were heard. Over the course of an hour I mainly sat in silence. Then Kuvira piped up.
Kuvira: "I seek to protect people. My benders are the only ones capable of that." Kuvira states confidently. I shake my head and speak.
You: "Many horrible things have been done in the name of 'protection' Kuvira." She looks at me slightly surprised. "Look at Zaheer to an extent. He wanted to 'protect' the natural order and look. He killed The Earth Queen, attacked the recently recovered Air Nation, tried to kill the Avatar and even tried to kill me. All because he thought it was his duty to protect the natural order." I said to her calmly. I got a few members attending to agree with me. She seemed un phased.
Kuvira: "Are you comparing me to that terrorist?" She asked me sounding a bit peeved at the idea. I shake my head no at her.
You: "No... All I am saying is many people become villains even if they start out with good intentions. 'The path to hell is paved with good intentions.'" I said to her. She seems to ponder on my words as several others begin speaking about what I have said and I fall silent once more.
The meeting goes on until three in the afternoon and then the talks end. I did not speak for the rest of the time. I'm trying to figure out how to get everyone to see the cost of war. Hm. Maybe the two box trick? I'll wait till the last day. I was informed by a reporter that these talks are being broadcasted across the kingdoms. Knowing Korra she's listening in. I walk around town and look for what I may need if these talks go nowhere. I ended up going into a gizmo shop and ask if he can make two boxes that can open if someone places their hands on them. He nods and I pay him for two. One in dark blue and one in black. He tells me to come back in a day to pick them up. I head back to Sue's home for dinner. She and her sons are the only ones there... I wonder how Opal's doing. I sit down and before I began to ate Sue spoke to me.
Sue: "You helped quite a bit today with what you said (M/n)." She said looking at me. I looked at her and nodded. "It's an interesting perspective... How did you gain it?" She asked me with curious eyes. I sighed a bit.
You: "My life... Was rough before I met Korra and the gang... My clan died to protect me... Good intentions but... It made nearly ten years of my life a living hell on the run." I said solemnly to her. She looked taken aback but nodded in the end.
Sue: "That explains allot actually... Why you don't talk about where you came from specifically." She said sounding sympathetic. Even her sons give me a look that says, 'sorry'.
You: "Yeah... I tell you that to prepare you... If these talks don't pan out by the end of the week I have a plan that may help." She looks confused. "I can't tell you." She nods in understanding.
Sue: "Hopefully it will." She said smiling at me. I smile a weak smile back before I begin to eat.
After dinner I head to my room and relax. I finally finish my book that ends on a cliffhanger which irritates me since the author has not released the sequel yet. This 'Solas' is an ancient spirit that wants to world to go back to the way it was before he sealed away his rivals. The main character loses their arm and disbands the Inquisition since they are afraid it will be corrupted by politics and Solas' agents. I close the book and put it in my bag a little peeved at the tease of a place named 'Tevinter'. I sigh and change into nicer clothes before lying down on the bed. I slowly drift off to sleep as I think about how long of a week this will be.
(Still Your POV)
Five more days of this pointless drabble and still nothing. I need to take my final measure. I am currently waiting for the gadget maker to fetch my boxes. When hands them to me he wishes me luck on the final day of this nonsense. I thank him and head back to Sue's house. When I get there I have a guard tell Bolin to meet me in the dinner hall. I set one box at the end of the table and the other at the other end. I then hear someone open the door.
Bolin: "What did you need?" He asked smiling at me. I look at him with a serious face.
You: "Can you help me move the other tables and chairs to a separate side of the room?" He looks confused. "I have a plan." He nods and we work together. We move the tables except the one that has the boxes on it next to the wall and set the chairs in an almost theater format. "Thanks." I said to him.
Bolin: "What's your plan?" He asks me. I look at him with a serious face.
You: "I'm going to point something out to both Sue and Kuvira before this gets out of hand... I hope it helps." I say to him sounding slightly unsure if it will. He nods at me.
Bolin: "Me to..." He said trailing off at the end. I put a hand on his shoulder. He smiles again and we wait for everyone. About ten minutes later they all enter and see me standing at the side of the table with both boxes.
You: "Sue, Kuvira. Would you two please stand at the ends of the table?" I ask politely. They look confused but nod before walking over. "Ladies and Gentleman please take those seats." I say looking at the others and pointing to the new place the chairs are in. They all nod and sit down. Once they get settled I speak. "In one of these boxes, a device that can let you harness power like mine is within." I lied. "It can guarantee you that you'd be strong enough to protect people." Kuvira looks at me surprised. "But... The moment you push the box open... You declare battle." Everyone starts whispering around. I put a hand up. "So. I just have one question Kuvira if I may." I ask looking at her. She nods. "When it is all said in done. When everything is just, fair, and protected what will you do with people like yourself? The trouble makers... What do you do when your ideal gets pushed down by the next one?" I ask her. She simply smirks at me.
Kuvira: "We'll win." She says arrogantly.
You: "Oh will you? Maybe you will destroy all your enemies but not for long. Like the Avatar cycle it just keeps turning. Now you have a chance. Break the cycle." I say to her with hope. She shakes her head at me.
Kuvira: "Why are we even talking? It's completely pointless." She said to me sounding uninterested about what I have to say.
You: "I want you to consider your actions and I'm getting there." I said to her. She shakes her head at me.
Kuvira: "You know what I see Electric Bender? I see a fifty percent chance to accomplish my goals." She says confidently as she hovers her hand over the box. Sue does the same.
Sue: "Us to." Says angrily at Kuvira. I look between them and step back. I clap my hands.
You: "Are your fingers on the buzzers? It's time to play a game. Who's the quickest and who's the luckiest?" I said in a carnival worker style of voice. Sue turns to me and looks a bit peeved.
Sue: "This is not a game!" She shouts at me. I smile and nod at her.
You: "No it's not a game Sue and I mean that most sincerely!" I exclaimed.
Kuvira: "You set these things up why?" Kuvira asked me.
Sue: "Yes. I'd quite like to know that to." I then turn to Sue with a serious face and speak loudly with authority.
You: "Because it's not a game Sue! This is a scale model of war!" I said loudly as I gestured to both boxes. "Every war in history ever fought is right here in front of you! Because it's always the same!" They look at me shocked as I hear the others gasp slightly at my tone. "Whenever you fire that first shot or throw that first punch, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die! You have no idea who's children will scream and burn! Or how many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! And neither of you will realize this until it's the end of the fight and you have to do what everyone should do from the very beginning! SIT DOWN AND TALK!!!!" I yelled at the two of them at the end. Even the man broadcasting this seems to be pondering what I said. Sue is the pondering it the hardest while Kuvira looks upset at my outburst. I then place both hands on my face to calm down before removing them and moving closer to Kuvira. "Listen Kuvira. All I want you to do is think." I said trying to get through to her. She just looks forward. "You know what thinking is really? It's just a simple way of saying you will consider another route of action." I said looking at her. She jerks her head and looks me in the eye.
Kuvira: "I will not change my mind." She says flatly as if no argument could be made against the idea. I then look at her sadly.
You: "Then you'll either fail or die stupid. They will only remember you for your failed attempt at a coo. Or alternately you could step away. You could forget the box head outside and tell your benders to stop recruiting people for your cause." I said looking in her eyes. She sneers at me before speaking to me.
Kuvira: "I will not do that. They would never forgive me and besides I'm right!" She exclaims loudly. Now sneer at her.
You: "You're all the same you sniveling children you know that!?" I asked her. " 'Look at me I'm unforgivable and I'm right' well I'm here to tell you, that you are not right and that I can forgive you if you give me cause to. I can and will forgive you." I say looking at her with genuine concern in my eyes. She breathes in deeply.
Kuvira: "What would you know? You're young! What have you seen that can compare to what me and my benders have! You can't understand!" She yells at me. I chuckle darkly at that last part... Looks like the world is about to know me well. I look at her with a straight expression.
You: "What me? I can't understand? Of course I can understand." She goes to speak but I interrupt her. "You think you've seen hell in your skirmishes?" She looks confused but nods at me. "I was the victim of something far worse that you will ever know! I have seen worse things than you could ever imagine and when I close my eyes!!!" I shout as I cover my eyes and turn around. I remove my hand and turn back as some tears form in my eyes. "I hear more screams than I or anyone should ever be able to count!!!" All the others go dead silent when I said that. "And do you want to know what I did with all that pain!? Do you want to know where you put it!?" She looks utterly shocked now. "You hold it tight! Until it burns you hand!" I say through clenched teeth trying to hold in the tears. I add a small spark to empathize my point. "And you say this. 'No one should have to live like this! No one should have to feel this pain, guilt, or this alone! Not while I breathe!' You'll be completely alone if you follow through... Like I was after they all died." I breathe in deeply. I see Sue close the box's lid out of the corner of my eye. I look at her and wipe my eyes. "Thank you." I whisper. She just nods and we look at Kuvira. She looks like she's thinking but nods to herself before pressing the button. I close my eyes.
Kuvira: "It's empty!" She exclaims. I shake my head at her.
You: "They both are." She looks at me angry. "I tricked the two of you to show who was willing to start a war... You showed everyone here you were." She looks shocked as the others are standing up. I look at them. "There... Point made. She's willing to kill to protect people while Sue was willing to stand down when she understood the cost of battle..." I said to the others in a calm tone despite how upset I was. Many start saying they will not support Kuvira. After it is all said and done I look at Bolin. "Sorry... I honestly thought she wouldn't..." He sighs at me and nods.
Bolin: "I get it... But." I raise my hand.
You: "You actually want to protect people I know... Just be careful please... I think I've lost enough family." He nods smiling as he leaves the room. Kuvira heads to the exit but not before giving me a glare. I stare at her blankly and she leaves very angry. I sigh deeply. Sue puts a hand on my shoulder. I look at her and see her smiling warmly at me.
Sue: "She may not stand down but you have given her supporters allot of food for thought." Sue says to me to try and reassure me. I nod in response.
You: "Making them doubt her would help I suppose... Sorry for tricking you." I said in a apologetic tone of voice. She shakes her head no at that.
Sue: "You did more than all of us in the span of ten minutes then we did in nearly a week. Thank you." She said kindly and then hugs me. I hug back. Once we separate a reporter approaches me.
Reporter: "I have no questions." I sigh in relief. "Thank you... My father when he fought felt similar and now everyone can think about it." I look at him with concern but smile at him.
You: "You're welcome." I say to him gently. We shake hands and he leaves with his crew. I look at Sue. "When can I go home?" I ask sounding tired. She smiles at me.
Sue: "Let's see everyone off and I'll have one of my ships take you home." I nod and thank her before walking off. I wonder what Korra thought about all that. I sigh as I head outside with Sue and get bombarded with questions.
(Korra's POV)
I'm sitting in my house with mom, dad, Kya, and Katara and the broadcast from Zaofu just ended. I am here dumbfounded by what happened. He may not of stopped her but he weakened her support allot. But... what he said about hearing screams... I know what he's talking about but still. It hurts to think it still bothers him. I know it always will to an extent but... I hate seeing him that way. I look at Mom and Dad who seemed surprised while Kya has tears in her eyes. Katara even seems visibly upset.
Senna: "That... Was in reference to his life before wasn't it?" Mom asked looking at me. I only look down. I don't want to answer. "If... He felt that way about all that... How has he remained so kind?" Mom asked sounding a bit shocked.
Tonraq: "Those who suffer the most are often the kindest people." Dad says to mom. Though I can still hear the slight shock in his tone. I nod at that.
Korra: "That's been his burden for years... The thing about 'guilt'... I don't think I need to explain." They all nod solemnly. Kya and my parents knew and Katara had an inkling but now they all know.
Katara: "That's why he wants to help people... Why he plays peacekeeper. Despite the horrid circumstance that got him there he is an amazing person for it." Katara said to us. I look at her and nod.
I then stand and walk out of the room to the training area. I need to vent some frustration. I can't be there for him right now... Maybe he'll come home... I mean back here today. I miss him more than I thought I would and its only been a week.
(Your POV)
I have answered questions I wished to answer and headed to my room here. I packed swiftly wanting nothing more but to leave this political nightmare. Once I do I head back out. I see Sue already waiting for me. I smile at her as I approach.
You: "Sorry for wanting to leave so quickly." I say to her to apologize. She shakes her head and smiles brightly.
Sue: "No worries I get it. Trust me I hate politics to." She says with a laugh. "Be sure to visit if you can eh?" She asks me. I smile and nod at her. "I also kicked Kuvira out of Zaofu." She says in a more serious tone of voice. I look at her and nod.
You: "Less likely to gather more followers I suppose." I say calmly. She nods. I hug her quickly. "I'll see you later." She laughs and hugs back swiftly. Once we separate she smiles at me.
Sue: "I'll see you later to. This man will be flying you home." She says as she gestures to a man in Metal Bender garb. I look at the guard and smile.
We trade another goodbye before the guard guides me to a smaller airship. Once inside I sit down in a chair and he goes off to start the engine. Once we take off I sit back and try to relax.
(Still Your POV)
We finally make it back to the southern water tribe. I smile wide as the ship touches down. I thank the guard and exit the ship. I head immediately to Kya's house to unpack. I get there pretty quickly and knock. Kya answers the door and I pull her into a hug immediately. I need them right now. She gasps but hugs me back.
Kya: "You okay?" Kya asks me sounding concerned. I sigh deeply.
You: "Sure... The whole world knows I've been through hell but otherwise... I'm just tired of politics." I say half jokingly. She chuckles slightly as she lets go.
Kya: "Well. We all missed you. Go get unpacked... Then head to the bending training area." I raise an eyebrow but she just smiles at me. "Trust me." She says sounding happy about something. I nod and head inside.
I unpack everything and put my dirty clothes in a bin. I take a moment to relax before getting up and heading to the bending area. Maybe they have a party waiting or something. I get to the area and my eyes widen and a smile engulfs my features. There she is. The woman I love whom has not walked in years... Standing, walking, running, and practicing her bending. I wait until she is finished. Once she does I start clapping. She jerks around and sees me smiling at her. She runs up and hugs me deeply. I hug her back. It feels so good to hug like this again. We stay that way for a time until we separate.
You: "I missed seeing you walk again dammit." I said jokingly. She chuckles at my reaction but smiles at me.
Korra: "Maybe but hey... You helped me get here." She said in a very kind and soft tone of voice. I shrug it off.
You: "It wasn't a problem. I knew you could." I then smirk slightly as I remember my plan. "You rebuilding your strength?" I ask her. She nods at me in response. "I have an idea then." I say to her as I take a few steps back.
Korra: "What?" She asks me curiously. I emit electricity from my arms and it completely engulfs them.
You: "Let us finish the training we started years ago." I say sternly smiling to her. She goes wide eyed but smiles and nods at me.
I made her go back through the basics which she accomplished quickly. We then go forward form where we left off before Vaatu attacked. She'll get this in no time. Maybe afterward I'll tell her how I feel... Though a few times while we practiced I could've sworn I saw he looking at me with a certain gleam in her eyes or was blushing while doing so... Maybe... Just maybe.
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