Chapter Thirty Two: The Dirty Move And Meeting A Hero
(Korra's POV)
I slowly open my eyes as the clear sunlight seeps into the window of (M/n)'s room. I pull back from (M/n) ever so slightly so I don't wake him up. I smile and sigh happily looking at him. He looks so peaceful and quite cute I might add. His mouth is parted ever so slightly as he's breathing and I can see his eyes fluttering around. I wonder what he's dreaming about. I place a hand on his cheek and begin to stroke it and his eye lashes gently with my thumb. He makes a near purring sound as I do this which makes me smile. A few moments later his nose scrunches and his eyes flutter open. He blinks a few times before looking at me. He smiles at me when he does. I kiss him on the lips and he returns it. Once we separate he smiles again and his eyes are filled with love.
You: "Morning beautiful." He said in a soft and loving tone. I smiled back at him and kissed his cheek.
Korra: "Morning to you to good looking." He chuckles at my compliment and kisses my cheek in return. I hug him closer and snuggle into his chest. I can feel his chest vibrate when he chuckles after I do so.
You: "You know we have to meet with Sue today." He says softly to me. I groan and he chuckles again. "Let's get up." He says to me. I pull back and look at him.
Korra: "Five more minutes?" I ask as I give him puppy dog eyes. He smiles and rolls his eyes.
You: "Fifteen since your so damn cute and I can't resist." He says giving in. I smile and quickly kiss him before placing my ear to his chest as I snuggle back into him. He hugs me a bit tighter but not to the point that its uncomfortable.
He then begins to run his fingers through my hair. I can hear his heartbeat in this position. Slow and strong. I expected as much. I begin to fully relax just enjoying the position I am in. I feel him do the same as his body seems to unstiffen ever so slightly. He starts humming a strange tune not that I minded... Just added to the relaxed atmosphere. I sigh happily and I hear him do the same after his little tune ended. It almost felt like an eternity there. Just embracing each other. I suppose that makes sense considering he's been holding in his feelings for my sake. I smile at that, he showed he loved me without me realizing it. I pull back slightly to kiss him on the lips again. After I do I go back to my spot.
You: "What was that one for?" He asks me a bit surprised. I sigh happily.
Korra; "Just realized something that's all." I say simply. He hums in response but doesn't press further. Some more time passes as I just listen to the sound of his heart and breathe but... Like all good things It has to end.
You: "We have to get up now." He says sounding a bit disappointed. I groan but do so. He lets me go so I can sit up. I get up and turn to face him. I see him burring his face in his pillow.
Korra: "Something wrong?" I ask him sounding concerned. He turns to face me.
You: "I thought you'd want to get dressed with the clothes you brought with you yesterday." He says before going back to his pillow. I then realize he didn't want to peak without my permission. I giggle slightly.
Korra: "Right. Let me get a proper shirt on then you can turn around." He nods in his pillow and I begin to get dressed.
(Your POV)
I keep my face buried in my pillow as I hear Korra's clothes ruffle. I will not lie, the urge to peek is great but if I have a large amount of anything its self-control. I stay this way until she pats my shoulder. I take that as my que and face her. I blush madly as I see her in a top of some kind that does not look like a shirt. It shows a great deal of her mid riff and the top part of her pants. I look away again blushing up a storm. and she just chuckles.
Korra: "I'm covered its fine (M/n). Relax. I know you're not a pervert." Korra said to me in reassuring tone of voice. I nod and look back at her. "See. You're looking me in the eye with those lovely eyes of yours." I chuckle a bit and nod. "You need to get dressed to." I groan and nod. She's right. I stand and take off my white shirt. I hear her growl in a certain manner and I roll my eyes.
You: "I'm not a pervert but..." She punches my arm playfully before I finish the thought as I chuckle. I go to my dresser and pull out my undershirt. I put it on and look back to see Korra putting on her shirt. I quickly remove my pajama bottoms and put on my normal pants. I sit on my bed and put on my boots. I then stand and put my jacket on. When I finish I turn and see that Korra is dressed as well. "Beautiful as ever." I say as I kiss her forehead. She smiles warmly at me.
Korra: "Thanks... You look as handsome as ever." She says lovingly. I chuckle a bit.
You: "So you've eyed me?" I ask her with a small smirk gracing my lips. She blushes and punches my arm. I laugh and hug her. She hugs back and we leave the room together.
We leave the house together after getting bombarded with questions from Kya about why Korra was here. Kya looked equally relieved and disappointed when Korra said she just wanted to spend the night with me. We begin heading towards Korra's home. On the way I ended up putting my arm around her as we walked and talked. She did the same. We discussed mainly what Sue could want. Have a theory but I want to keep it to myself. As we approached the house I let her go and opened the door for her. She smiled and headed inside before me. Once we were inside we were greeted by Sue and Tonraq.
Tonraq: "Please sit." Tonraq said to us calmly. We comply and Sue sits across from us as Tonraq stands.
Sue: "Kuvira has challenged Korra to a duel." Sue says seriously and quite bluntly. Korra looks surprised while I look a bit peeved. "She heard you recovered and wishes to show only she can protect the world." She says in the same tone as before. I shake my head looking angry.
You: "My speech did nothing. She does realize Korra here is rebuilding her strength correct?" I said sounding a bit angry. She nods her head. "So that's her plan. Do this while." I feel Korra grab my hand. I look at her and she nods to me. I breathe in deeply and calm down. "She wants to do this because she thinks she can win while Korra is in this state." I say a bit calmer. She nods her head at me again.
Sue: "Yes... It's a dirty move but she won't take no for an answer." She says flatly to us. I Shake my head. I look at Korra whom seems to be thinking. She nods to herself.
Korra: "Where and when?" She asks Sue in a very serious tone. I look at her worried. She looks back at me. "Its fine... I need to do my job. Besides that." She says as she gently squeezes my hand. "You'll be there to." She says to me. I sigh deeply but nod.
Sue: "In three days time... I'll take the two of you to the location then." We both nod. "Get ready... We're leaving this afternoon." She says as she stands to leave. Once she leaves the house I tighten my other hand into a fist. I breathe in and out deeply to calm myself down. I look at Korra.
You: "Are you sure about this?" I ask with concern. She simply nods at me and I sigh. She wants to prove she's still here. "If it goes too far... If she tries to kill you." I say edging on.
Korra: "You'll stop her I know." I sigh and nod. She kisses my cheek to reassure me. "I'll be fine." She says in a reassuring tone of voice. I nod a small bit.
You: "I know.... I'm just worried." She smiles warmly at me. "Want to go get some breakfast?" I ask her. She nods smiling and we stand. We leave the house and go to spend the day together as a new couple.
We did many things after breakfast. Walked and talked mostly however. Many people as we were walking just like yesterday looked at us either smiling or with a look of relief on their faces. I'm starting to suspect that half of the Republic wanted us to get together. We both wondered what the others will think. I bet her that Olivia would nearly pass out from joy and excitement which she agreed with. That's how most of the day went. Then we had to meet with Sue. Korra went to her house and I went to Kya's. I packed my things and left the house. I met Korra about halfway to the airship. Once we arrived her parents and Kya were there to see us off. Korra hugged her parents and I did the same for Kya. We all exchanged goodbyes and we boarded the Airship. Sue guided Korra to her room first and was about to guide me to mine until Korra spoke.
Korra: "He'll be staying with me." She says to Sue. I chuckle as Sue looks confused. She looks between us and nods smirking at us.
Sue: "Alright. Get settled then. We'll head to Zaofu and in a few days take a mobile to the canyon Kuvira requested." Sue says to us. Me and Korra nod and she walks off. I look at Korra and smirk.
You: "That was fast." I said referring to Sue figuring it out. She chuckles and gestures for me to come inside. I do so and set my stuff off to the side. I lay on the bed and pat the spot next to me. She jumps in and we lay there relaxing.I turn to face her. She does the same. "I forgot how hot these damned things are." I said with a laugh at the end. She laughs with me. I sit up and take mycoat off but leave my short sleeve undershirt on and set it on the small table after very quickly folding it up. I lay back down. "That's way better." I said sighing in obvious relief. She chuckles again and begins tracing some scars on my arm that is on my side. I tilt my head slightly. She stops and gives me a small smile.
Korra: "Sorry... I often forget that they are there." She said a tad bit shyly. I nod at her. I'm usually in my coat Asami bought me those years ago so I get it. "They kind of add to the hotness factor." She said giving me a smirk.
You: "Oh... Never they'd be an asset." I said in an almost joking voice.. She smiles at me and I get a tad closer.
We stayed that way for a time. Just talking with the occasional kiss thrown in.Since we left so late we knew we wouldn't arrive until the following morning.So we stayed in the room most of the night unless I got up to get her something to drink or myself the same. Soon night time fell and I let her change first. Once I was changed we got into bed. We soon fell asleep knowing these next few days are going to be long as hell.
(Still Your POV)
It's been about three days since we arrived in Zaofu. Korra has been practicing her metal bending with Sue while I spar with her in between at her request.She's still rebuilding her strength but she's gotten better every day. Now we are in the mobile Sue is in driving towards the canyon Kuvira demanded. I'm sitting in the back with Korra. I have a cold expression on my face as we drive. It's not that I'm mad I'm just... Worried. I guess Korra noticed and grabbed my hand. I look at her and squeeze it back. She's wearing a green tanktop, some boxing tap, and green pants though I am unsure why. She knows I'm concerned. We ride for a few hours until we see a rather large force waiting for us... And at the front is Kuvira. The vehicle and the others around us stop.I jump out and Korra does the same and we follow Sue. Kuvira eyes me and immediately gains an angry look.
Kuvira: "I did not request his presence." She said sounding very angry. Sue goes to speak but I do instead.
You: "I'm an insurance policy. Just in case you're lying." She glares at me as I say that but I glare back with a look that would make even spirits quiver. She drops the glare and seems content with keeping what she had in mind to herself.
Sue: "(M/n)... Please join my men." Sue asked me. I nod, and then look at Korra. I give her a quick kiss. Once I separate I smile at her.
You: "Kick her ass." I say smiling at her. Korra nods and I walk back to where Sue's men are. Each give me a look that says, 'You're scary.' After Sue exchanges afew more words She walks back to where I am. Korra and Kuvira take their stances before engaging. I can already tell just based on the speed difference that Korra is in for an uphill struggle.
(Still Your POV)
Korra has been beaten pretty badly. She has a black eye, her lip is cur, and she has a few bruises on her arms. She's breathing heavily. Kuvira ends up calling the fight and Korra drops to her knees on exhaustion. I run up and crouch next to her. I look at her and look back at Kuvira.
You: "Want to try me?" I ask in a very dark tone of voice. Kuvira goes to speak but Korra puts her hand on my arm. I look at her and see her shaking her head no while breathing pretty hard. I nod and look at Kuvira. "Leave." I say still darkly. Kuvira smirks, turns and leaves as her forces follow her.
I help Korra to her feet and help her steady herself. Once she regains balance she only looks down with a small scowl on her face. She's probably beating herself up. I gently grab her chin with my forefinger and thumb and make her look at me. She does and I look her in the eye. I bring her in for a hug. She doesn't hug back but does not reject it. I stay that way until she does pull away. I offer my hand. She takes it weakly and we head back to the mobile to head back To Zaofu. The entire ride was silent but she did lean on me the whole way. I had my arm around her and played with her hair to help calm her nerves...Her pride has been damaged again... All thanks to Zaheer. I know that's what she will think and I would wager she'll leave to clear her head. Little does she know I'll plan for it and go with her. Once we get back her and Sue walk off to secretly pack some of our stuff in my (F/c) pack. Once that's done I set it back where it was so she doesn't realize what I have done. Soon dinner is upon us and we eat. After that we head to bed. I lay down next to her but she keeps her back to me. I know why. I pretend to go to sleep and I feel her get up. Ihear her get dressed and leave the room. I get up, get dressed quickly, grab the bag and follow her. I catch up and see her walking out of the city. I call out.
You: "Leaving without me?" I ask her from behind. She stiffens slightly before turning around.I see her looking sadly at me as I approach her.
Korra: "I... Need to clear my head." She replies. I give her a look that tells her I know better. She sighs deeply.
You: "You're heading to Toph's known location aren't you?" I ask her. She looks surprised but nods after she frowns. I sigh and smile at her. "You think I'm going to leave you alone for something like this?" I ask her. She looks a bit confused. "I stood by you as you relearned to walk. You think something as small as this would keep me away?" I ask smiling as I kiss her forehead. She chuckles weakly.
Korra: "No... I should've known better." She said smiling at me. I nod at her.
You: "Yep. Next to that I would love to meet my hero." I said joking slightly.She laughs slightly. "I even packed some things so we will be set." I said to her as I pointed to my pack. She nods to me and gestures for me to follow.
Korra: "Let's go... Hot stuff." She said smiling weakly as she turned around. I chuckled as I followed her.
You: "Sure thing beautiful." I said as I walked beside her. She smiled at me and we began heading to where Toph was last seen. She leads the way for obvious reasons.
We, after what seemed like hours, begin to walk into what seems like a swampy esc area. It smells of mildew and our shoes sink into the ground ever so slightly as we walk. As we get deeper into the woods we both sense something strong. Korra gets into a fighting position but a new voice is heard.
(???): "Nice to see you to twinkle toes." The voice said sarcastically. I get a confused look but Korra looks surprised. She lights some fire and we are shown an old woman that looks to be Katara's age. She's wearing green and light green robes. She has long white hair and on the top of her head its scrunched into a bun. She also has faded whites. I go a bit wide eyed as well... it's...
Korra: "No way... Toph Beifong..." Korra says sounding surprised. Toph smirks at us. I am stunned. In front of me is my hero and I can hardly believe it. "I'm Korra..."Korra says as she approaches. I'm still stunned.
Toph: "I know who you are. Who's this shocked man?" Toph asks gesturing to me.I shake my head and quickly approach.
You: "Sorry about that... I'm (F/n) (L/n) but I prefer (M/n)... I'm the foretold electric bender... And her boyfriend." She chuckles at me. "You were my hero growing up... I was just shocked... I never thought I'd meet you in person. It's an honor 'Blind Bandit'." I said using my favorite title for her. She smiles and at me.
Toph: "You know fire benders can manipulate lightning to a very small extent...But if I remember correctly you should be able to do so much more." I nod at her. "Nice to meet you to kid. I was your hero huh?" She asks me as she gestures us into a cave where there is a makeshift bed. We follow and sit down with her.
You: "Yeah... Out of all of Aang's friends... You were the only one that didn't fit the bill..." She tilts her head slightly and Korra looks at me. "You're blind...You were different yet still kicked some serious ass... Being what I am." I say as I emit some electricity from my palm after I place it in front of me. "My life has been... Rough... I related to you the most as a kid since you were so young and yet kicked ass... But after my life took a certain turn... The reason why changed to being the one that never fit the bill." I finished as I closed my hand and the electricity vanished. I looked at Korra and smiled. I looked back at Toph whom is laughing a small bit.
Toph: "I knew some would see me as a hero. But relating to me is another thing entirely.I'm glad I was able to give you someone to look up to lover boy. And thanks for reminding me of my original title." She says with a chuckle I smiled at her.She then looked to Korra. "Lay down." Is all she says. I get confused but Korra does so. Toph stands and waves her hands over her body. After sometime she stops and sits back down as Korra sits up. "You still have a small amount of Mercury in your system." I go slightly wide eyed but she continues. "It's not enough to affect you but it must be removed... By you Korra." She says calmly. I calm down and look at Korra.
Korra: "How can I do that? I couldn't even defeat Kuvira. I doubt I would be walking if it weren't for the help of my family and (M/n) here." Korra said solemnly. I look at Toph and see her smirking. I think I know what she's going to do. This will be amazing to watch.
Toph: "I'll train you. Get your strength up." Toph says to Korra without her smirk leaving her face. Korra looked at her surprised. "I assume he already has done what he can and taught what little or great amount he knows about his bending." Toph said gesturing to me. Korra nods and Toph continues. "I will teach you in great detail what earth benders are capable of." She says smirking. Korra nods at her looking determined. "Maybe lover boy here could join us." She says as she turns her attention to me. I tilt my head. She said it as if she knows something. I then shrug.
You: "Why the hell not? I'm staying with Korra until she's ready to head back either way." I said as I look at Korra smiling warmly. She smiles back at me with a similar warmth. I then look at Toph. "Why do I get the feeling you know something about me I don't?" I ask her with a raised brow. She smirks and shrugs at me. "Not going to answer eh?" I ask her. She simply nods and I roll my eyes playfully.
Toph: "You'll see lover boy. For now, it's getting late. You pack a sleeping bag or two?" She asks me. I take my pack off.
You: "Yep with a tent. And a spare blanket... Mainly because I was so used to the cold down south." Toph and Korra chuckled at that.
Toph: "Good you two can share. I'm going to bed." Toph said as she lied down on something. I get confused but shrug it off. I look at Korra.
You: "I saw a spot we could set up at when you lit your fire." I say to her as I point to the said spot. She smiles at me and follows me outside. I begin to setup shop under a tree.
Korra: "You brought a tent?" Korra asks me sounding a bit surprised. I look at her and nod.
You: "Yep. I figured we'd have to sleep outside at some point." I say to her as I begin to set it up. It's blue and white and she seems to notice.
Korra: "Your clan's?" She asks me. I shake my head no.
You: "No... I had someone dye a camping set I found into these colors." I said to her as I continue to set up the tent. "Nothing other than myself, this pack, my rope dart, my necklace, and me made it out of there in one piece..." I said as I trailed off at the end. It hurts less to talk about but can hurt pretty bad if I continue. I finish setting it up and set the sleeping bag and blanket inside.Once that's done I stand and feel Korra hug me from behind.
Korra: "I know it still hurts. But I'm glad you can talk about it more." She said happily and softly to me. I turn around and hug her back.
You: "You played no small part in that... My beautiful water tribe babe." I said in a soft tone of voice. She pulls back a small bit smiling at me.
Korra: "Ooh. I like that one. You're welcome my electric stud." I get a mock surprised look. She laughs at my expression.
You: "That's a good one." I then gain a more serious face. "I'm so glad I met you... To think... I thought meeting you all would turn out to be a bad thing... But not only did I find a family and a daughter." She smiles at that. I caress her cheek and she leans into my hand. "I found someone who's a damned good person...And someone I know I can trust with my heart." I said as I leaned in a bit and in a tone of voice that even surprised me. It was gentle and kind. One I have barley used since my clan was killed. She smiled at me.
Korra: "Under that stoic exterior you're a romantic huh?" She said with a tinge of red in her cheeks. She placed a hand on my chest where one of my larger scars are. "I'm so happy I was able to meet you." She said smiling at me. "When I first met you I assumed you'd be cold. You were at first." I chuckle at that."But... Overtime I discovered... Under that exterior was one of the kindest souls I have ever seen. Whether that's because of what happened to you or just because that's who you are... That doesn't matter. You adopted an orphan because you felt you should... You got a known predator arrested... Fought a dark god to save people...And even stayed with me for nearly three years now... Your heart is precious... And I intend to take care of it... Like I know you'll do with mine." She said leaning towards me as well. Now I'm a blushing mess.
You: "That... heh... That means allot to me... I guess I never stopped to think about who I was as a person... Thank you. Thank you for everything." I said in a hushed tone to her as we were mere inches from kissing each other.
We close the gap and give each other a gentle kiss. I try to mind her hurt lip so I am as gentle as I can be. Our lips begin to move together ever so slightly due to her injuries. We break the kiss once air becomes a need. I brush the back of my hand against her cheek. We both know how we feel... We love each other and we both know it. I then grab her hand and have her lay down with me in the tent. She obliges but first goes to remove her tank top. I close my eyes only to have her tap my shoulder. I open them and see her upper half covered in a sports like cover. I sigh and remove my shirt as well. She smirks at me and I roll my eyes playfully. I fully lie down and she lays next to me. I turn to my side to face her. She does the same. We'd cuddle but it's to damned hot so looking at each other is enough for us for now. She falls asleep first and I give her a quick kiss on the cheek. I wonder what Toph knows about me that I don't... I wonder if it has to do with my bending... If it does then... Maybe I don't know what it's truly capable of. I take one last look at Korra's beautiful face before closing my eyes. These next few weeks will be interesting.
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