Chapter Thirty Six: New Faces And A Man Made Monstrosity

(Your POV)

It's been about a week and a half since... we came back from my old home... It still hurts but... I feel allot better about it. Olivia and Mako are currently helping me nail a new shelf to the wall of my room... With Tenzin's permission of course. Sarah gave it to me this morning along with the frames Alistair and Asami bought while they were out and waiting to meet someone named 'Varrick.' Odds are I'll meet him and his current girlfriend before the day is done. We also have to meet Fire Lord Izumi and some guy named Prince Wu after we finish here. Korra has already gone to meet the ladder of the new people we are meeting today. Mako finishes nailing the last bit and looks at me after making sure it's level.

Mako: "There you go man." Mako said to me calmly. I smile at the shelf and look at him.

You: "Thanks." I replied a bit quietly though I don't know why. He nods and waves me and Olivia off before leaving. I look at my daughter and see her already getting the picture frames and item boxes ready for me. I smile at her as she does so. "Thanks pumpkin." I said in a gentle tone. She smiled but doesn't take her eyes off what she's currently doing.

Olivia: "No problem dad. I know these mean allot to you. And to me." She said kindly while her smile never leaves her face. I stifle a chuckle and look at the items on my desk.

The symbol, the coin, my rope dart, and all the photos are currently on my desk waiting to be put away. I smile softly while looking at them. I then hear Oliva shuffle on my bed and tap my arm. I look at her and see that she has each storage item ready to be used. I smiled at her and gently took the first small frame meant for the cloth with our clan's symbol on it. Olivia gently grabs the cloth and places it underneath the glass frame. I seal it firmly and look at it. The cloth is sitting perfectly flat and the symbol is able to be seen quite well. I placed it on the furthest right side of the shelf so that it won't be hidden by everything else. Next is a box meant for the coin and rope dart. Both are formed to fit both thanks to Sarah taking measurements of both. I placed both gently into their respective slots before placing it in the middle of the shelf with its lid open for all to see. Next are the photos and their frames. Me and Olivia gently take one each and place them in their new frames. Once that was done I gently placed each one on the left side making sure none get obscured by anything. After that was done Olivia handed the incense burner Tenzin gave me and I placed it in front of the box. I lit two incense with a spark and placed them in the burner. I smiled as I stepped back and admired our work.

You: "Looks great... Thanks for the help pumpkin." I said looking at Olivia before kissing the top of her head. She smiled at our work and then at me.

Olivia: "Of course dad. Now I can see my grandparents anytime I want." Olivia says happily. I chuckle and nod at her. She then hears her name get called. Likely Tenzin. "Got to go train. Bye dad!" She said happily before running off. I smile and shake my head before leaving my room.

I start heading towards the city since it's about time for me and Korra to meet this Varrick character. After arriving on the city docks I start heading to the area I was told to meet Korra, Wu, and the president at. A few minutes later I arrive and I see man looking at Korra in a certain way. He's flirting with her. He's wearing a green royal outfit, has a darker skin tone, short black hair, and green eyes. He's rather skinny as well. He's flirting with her but she seems more annoyed then anything. I decide to walk up directly behind this person and just stand there.

(???): "You know I'm a prince." He said to Korra in a flirty tone of voice. This must be Prince Wu.

Korra: "And I told you I don't care." Korra said flatly. Wu does not seem deterred by her tone of voice and continues.

Wu: "Come on... Just come with me to dinner tonight. You'll love it I promise." He said in that same tone as before. I see Korra sigh tiredly before turning around. She sees me and I gesture for her to stay quiet. She does so and looks at Wu.

Korra: "I'm taken Wu. I'm sure my boyfriend wouldn't care for the way you're flirting with me." She says again flatly though I can see her fight a smirk off. Wu scoffs at the statement.

Wu: "I doubt he could compare to me." Wu says a bit arrogantly. I look at Korra and nod. She gets what I'm going at. "Where is he anyway? If he exists." Wu says in the same tone as before. Korra gains a wryly grin.

Korra: "Turn around." She says to him smirking. Wu sighs and turns. Once he sees me he freezes slightly while I look him dead in the eye.

You: "What's up?" I said in a uncaring tone. He seems to shiver a bit before recomposing himself.

Wu: "Who are you?" Wu asks with a hint of anger in hs tone. I chuckle slightly before facing my palm up in front of him. I produce a small amount of electricity and he goes wide eyed.

You: "The electric bender. And Korra's boyfriend." I said to him flatly as I closed my fist and the electricity disappeared. He looks a bit surprised at first before turning to Korra. She nods confirming what I said before he turns to me looking upset.

Wu: "Well... What makes you think you can date the Avatar?" He said arrogantly. I chuckle shaking my head. I look at Korra whom is very angry at the statement. I point to Korra and Wu turns. He sees her angry expression and steps back slightly.

Korra: "Because I said he could... Now do we understand each other?" Korra said with a small glare. Wu thinks for a moment before nodding to her. "Good." Korra said in a happier tone of voice. She then walks up to me and kisses my cheek. I see jealousy surge through Wu so I decide to amp it up. I caress her cheek and kiss her fully which she gladly accepts. I hear what sounds like a growl come from Wu. Korra separates and glares at him again. He seems to get the message and shuts up.

You: "Anyway... The names (M/n)." I said to Wu politely sticking my hand out. He looks at it before shaking it firmly. "A strong grip is a good sign for a future leader." I said to him with a small smile. He smiles at the compliment.

Wu: "Thank you... Sorry about... You know." Wu said a bit regretfully. I shake my head at him.

You: "You didn't wrong me. Korra is the one who should receive an apology." I said sternly to him. He looks at Korra and apologizes. She accepts it pretty easily. "Anyway... Where are we going to meet The Fire Lord and The president?" I ask Wu. He scratches his chin for a moment before snapping his fingers.

Wu: "A restaurant nearby. Follow me I'll take you there." He said smiling at me. Me and Korra nod and he begins to lead us to the meeting place. It took a good few minutes of walking while Wu tried to make small talk to make up for flirting with Korra. Despite his... Ways I think he could be a great leader one day. I can see the genuine compassion he has for people in his eyes which is a rare trait in leaders now ... Just look at the now dead Earth Queen. Anyway we soon arrive at the location and are greeted by the guards out front. They guide us inside and I see Fire Lord Izumi and the president. Raiko. Raiko is about Tenzin's age. He wears glasses over his blue eyes and has a slightly dark skin tone. He's wearing his normal business suit and his hair seems to have been cut recently. Izumi sees me and smiles slightly at me before approaching me. She gives me a quick hug and I hug her back. Once she lets go she's still smiling at me.

Izumi: "It's good to see you." Izumi said to me in a happy and gentle tone. I smile at her.

You: "You to. It's been too long." I say in a happy tone. She nods her head but we are interrupted by the president.

Raiko: "You're early." Raiko says to us bluntly. I look at the clock and see we are about fifteen minutes early. I look back at him and see him shrug slightly. "Just means we can start now." He said to me and Korra in a business esc tone. I nod and we all sit down.

We all start talking about Kuvira's plan... She's planning to invade the city according to some spies the President sent to one of her encampments. This is not good. I immediately bring up the fact we need an evacuation plan for the citizens which Raiko fully agreed with. We asked Wu if he could provide Airships and the like to help get the people to safety when the time comes. To everyone's surprise but mine he agreed without hesitation though he said he'd need to begin preparations as soon as possible. Before we could continue I hear voices coming from the entrance. I turn and See Alistair, Asami and a man I have never seen before. He has well combed black hair. Is wearing an expensive looking blue coat. He has a strange mustache I cannot quite describe and blue eyes. The unknown man seems to be trying to convince Alistair of something since he keeps pointing to... A rather large sword that is holstered on his back.

(???): "I'm telling you my good man. Give me that sword and I could make it do things you could only dream of!" The unknown man said with excitement. Alistair sighs in annoyance as they are being guided to us.

Alistair: "Varrick. I said no. I am used to the weight it has and you'd just add unneeded weight to it that would throw off not only my swings but balance. Not to mention I wouldn't get it back for three weeks or more." Alistair said as he ran his hand down his face. I see Asami slightly giggle with her hand over her mouth.

Varrick: "Fine." Varrick says with a sigh. "I'll get you to agree one-day chum!" Varrick said happily... He must be an inventor of some kind or something. Alistair shakes his head with a smile on his face. Not long after that a young woman with... Glasses that seem to not have arms runs in after them. She has dark brown hair that is in a ponytail and grey irises. She's wearing some sort of green outfit and appears to be about Varrick's age.

(???): Sweetie!" The girl called out. Varrick steps and turns around. She runs up and hands him what looks like a report. "The new mechs are functioning... But not that well." She says a bit sadly. Varrick sighs as he reads it.

Varrick: "Drat! Even with Asami's help it's not working." He said as he handed the report back. "Thanks Zhu-Li. I appreciate it." He said as he hugged her briefly. She hugs back and nods after they separate.

Zhu: "No problem honey." Zhu said happily as they continued their approach. Once they get there everyone exchanges greetings with each other save for me. Old habits dictate I am trying to read the two of them thoroughly. The girl noticed and spoke to me. "Um... Hello." She said to me shyly. I nap out of my state and look at her. I stand and smile at her.

You: "Sorry. Old habits. I'm (M/n)... I'm-" I was cut off by Varrick who got excited. He stepped in front of the girl quickly and shook my hand rather quickly.

Varrick: "The electric bender! Ah! I'm a huge fan!" He said excitedly. "I'm Varrick and that's Zhu-Li." He said as he gestured to himself and then her. She waved before Varrick continued. "I am so curious about your powers! I bet you could power the whole city with a flick of your wrist." He said as he let go of my hand and flicked his wrist in a way. I rub the back of my neck.

You: "Probably." I said as I removed my hand from my neck. "But I don't like the idea of being a battery for the rest of my life." I said jokingly. He laughs out loud at that.

Varrick: "Very true!" Varrick exclaimed to me. He gestures for me to sit back down and I do so and we all get tot talking again.

Apparently Varrick and Asami have been working on a small mech force to help fight back Kuvira's forces though they are unsure if any will be any count against her metal benders... Or anyone since they seem to be having problem. Alistair has been trying to train some fighters in the art of chi blocking in hopes to curve the said benders. It seems he's been having more success than the others in his efforts. Wu leaves and comes back after about an hour and says his forces are ready to help as soon as we need. We all breathe a collective sigh of relief. As we are talking the President asks me and Korra something.

Raiko: "I have a proposition Korra." The president said as he turned to face Korra. "Do you think could take a small force and see what she's been building?" He asks her. She considers it for a time before looking at me. I nod to her and she turns back to him.

Korra: "Sure. Me, (M/n), Mako, Bolin, and Asami can... If she's up for it and has time." Korra said as she turned to Asami. Asami simply nods. "We'll leave in in hour." Korra said firmly. Raiko nodded and looked pleased.

Raiko: "Good... We'll leave you to get prepared then." Raiko said as he stood up with Izumi. We exchanged goodbyes and left the restaurant.

Varrick and Zhu leave with Alistair so they can continue their work. Not before Alistair and Asami share a kiss first however... Seems his shyness is beginning to fade since he didn't seem to even hesitate. We then go and fetch Bolin and Mako whom are at the Temple. We inform them on our plan and they both agree easily. We tell Tenzin and the benders that we will be back by the morning hopefully. Tenzin nods in understanding as Olivia comes up and hugs me tightly. She tells me to be safe and come back hoem in one piece. I promise her I will and we get on an Air Bison and fly off towards the location that Raiko gave us. Korra is in the front guiding Oogi. Bolin and Mako are at his sides while Asami sits in the middle with me. We all chat while flying. We mainly go over the plan for the assault Kuvira has planned. I refused to set anything in stone until we see this weapon she's been constructing much to Asami and Mako's annoyance. I hate making plans without knowing everything I can about the situation at hand. After a few hours of flying night time falls. Korra refuses to hand the reigns o anyone. Bolin and Mako fall asleep on the bison's sides and Asami decides to sleep in the back. I stay awake with Korra to keep her company. We didn't chat too much. She seems far too focused on the task at hand though I did give her the occasional kiss on the cheek. I always saw her smile a small bit when I did. Soon after a prolonged silence until I hear Asami wake up. I look at Korra and sit behind her. I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder. She kisses my cheek much to my joy and we stay that way for a time.

You: "Let Asami take over. We need our rest." I said to her in a whisper. She groans slightly.

Korra: "We need to get there. I'm fine anyway." Korra says to me sternly. I shake my head at her and reach my hands out to hers that are holding the reins. I grab them and gently begin to remove them. I hear her sigh deeply before finally giving in. I grab her waist with one arm and move back some. She doesn't fight me as I lean back and have her rest her head on my chest as a pillow. "Fine... You're lucky you're so comfortable." Korra says jokingly. I chuckle deeply. She gives me a kiss on the lips which I gladly return. "Goodnight." Korra says in a whisper. I smile at her and kiss the top of her head.

You: "Goodnight... My heart." I said to her in the same tone. Korra sighed happily as she shut her eyes. I look at Asami who is already taking the reins. "Need me to stay awake?" I ask her in a whisper. She shakes her head no.

Asami: "No. I'll wake you, two up when we get close." She whispers to me with a smile. "Next to that. It seems Korra wants to cuddle." She says with a small smirk before returning her focus to what's in front of her. I look down and sure enough Korra has wrapped her arms around me and is holding me close. I smile and wrap an arm around her and rest a hand behind my head. Soon sleep takes hold.


(Still Your POV)

As I awake I feel someone caressing my face. I open my eyes and squint as the sunlight hits my eyes. I look down and see Korra is fully awake smiling at me. I smile back as she comes up and kisses me. Once she's done I wipe my eyes and try to sit up only to have her push me back down. I chuckle a small bit but don't fight back. She rests her head on my shest again as I wrap my arm around her. I look at the side and see Mako and Bolin still asleep. I snicker as I get an idea. Korra looks at me as I produce a small spark and am it at Bolin's butt. She nods to me and I send it. He yelps as he sits up looking around frantically while shouting something about turtles or something. Mako shoots up scanning for threats before he hears me laughing. They both look and see me and Korra laughing our heads off. Bolin pouts but Mako has the smallest grin on his face even though he is tired. I then feel Korra lay back down on my chest. She gets comfortable right as Asami tells us we're close. Korra grumbles because she wants to cuddle more but she ultimately lets me sit up. I the go to the front with Korra... I then hear a rather loud thump. I tilt my head until another is heard... And another... I then realize that's a walking pattern. Then... Over the mountain we see it... A giant mech covered in platinum at least thirty-six stories tall. I go wide eyed as Bolin gasps at the sight. I'm guessing she's kept this a closely guarded secret. Korra takes the reigns from Asami quickly bit to our surprise the mech stops. It lifts one arm up and I look down the pipe... I see purple energy begin to build up.... She's going to fire at us!

You: "PULL UP!!!" I shout loudly. Korra does just that and we begin to move Oogi out of the way and manage to dodge the first shot. I keep my eyes on the mech as it realigns its shot and begins charging again. Shit. I stand on the side of Oogi and begin charging my lightning beam. "THE SECOND I SAY 'MOVE' DO IT!!!" I shout as my (f/c) electricity emits from my body. Korra nods and I keep charging. Just as it fires I finished charging and fire my Ionic move. The beams clash with a large boom followed by a shockwave... This mech's beam seems allot stronger than Vaatu's... As I hold it I feel... Pain... I'm having to fight back extremely hard on this one... I grunt in pain as we continue our clash and I can't help the expression on my face... Which is likely one of pain... Waves of purple energy are coming from the impact site as my electricity begins cutting its super-heated lines through the rock below us. I hold it for as long as I can. "MOVE!!!" I shout as loud as I can. Oogi seems to understand what I said and flies as fast as he can. My beam dies out as the spirit beam flies just past Oogi's tail. The mech seems to have to rest as it's 'knees' buckle slightly. I drained its battery. I start feeling woozy and begin to fall forward unable to stand. Bolin and Mako catch me and lay me down... The last thing I saw before blacking out was Korra looking at me with a worried expression.


(Korra's POV)

Oogi swiftly lands at the temple knowing we're in a rush... It also helps he's quite fond of (M/n) and wants to help him. I get off first and Bolin hands (M/n) to me gently. He's still out cold but the look on his face tells me he's strained himself. I carry him bridal style into the temple. I hear Raiko try and talk to me but I walk straight past them and get to a healing pool. I place (M/n) in and get to work as Tenzin and Raiko come in.

Raiko: "What happened? Is he alright?" Raiko asked with concern in his voice. I sighed deeply still bending the water around (M/n) to heal his aching muscles.

Korra: "Kuvira... She's built a giant mech that's at least thirty-six stories tall." I said to them sternly not taking my eyes off (M/n).

Tenzin: "Mr. President.... Can you have someone fetch Varrick for us?" Tenzin asks swiftly.

Raiko: "Yes." Is all Raiko said before I heard footsteps leave the room. As he leaves the water around (M/n) stops glowing telling me he's healed. I sighed deeply and looked at Tenzin.

Korra: "(M/n)... He saved us... He used that lightning beam he used on Vaatu... But...." I trail off remembering his face and the grunts of pain that came from his mouth. Tenzin looks concerned. "I think... It hurt him this time... That beam the mech fired was allot stronger... Though he did manage to hold it back long enough to drain the battery." I said as I looked at (m/n) who's face is now normal as he sleeps.

Tenzin: "I... See. I'll get what information I can from Asami and the others... he'll be fine." Tenzin said to reassure while placing a hand on my shoulder. Before I could reply I hear someone speak.

You: "Tell... Sue... Mech... Is... Platinum... Metal... Benders... Useless... Against... It..." I hear (M/n) strain out between heavy breathes. I look at him and see a slight glow to his eyes. "Raiden... Helping..." He strained out again, I nod understanding that Raiden is keeping him awake to tell us what he noticed.

Tenzin: "Anything else you can share?" Tenzin asks respectfully. He probably isn't sure if it's Raiden or (M/n) talking.

You: "Plasma..." Is all (M/n) can strain out before he passes out again. I get a concerned look but I can see that his face is peaceful once more. I sigh in relief.

Tenzin: "Stay here in case he wakes up again. I'll go pass on what he said." Tenzin said to me gently. I simply nod not looking at him. I hear him leave the room as I take one of (M/n)'s hands into mine. I look at his peaceful face and smile as I remember what he called me.

Korra: "My heart." I whisper as I kiss his hand. "I like it... You to." I whisper to him again. I sit there holding his hand waiting for him to wake up.


(Alistair's POV)

Varrick got a call from the president and asked me and Sarah to come with him and his girlfriend to the Temple. We agreed and followed him there. Once we arrive and head inside I see Mako and Bolin sitting down look... Worried. Tenzin is standing with Sue, Lin, and Wu. I also see Asami. I run up to her first and hug her tightly. She hugs me back and buries her face in my shoulder. We stay that way for a time until we separate and share a small kiss. I then turn my attention to everyone else.

Tenzin: "Thank you all for coming. Korra and the others have returned as I am sure you are aware." He said as Sarah brought Mako in for a deep but short kiss. "(M/n) is passed out." I look at him with cncern.

Alistair: "Is he okay?" I ask sounding very worried. Tenzin nods to me and I sigh In relief.

Mako: "He has two abilities that completely drain all his energy for one attack... he used one to save us." Mako said looking at me. I smile slightly at that. A hero indeed.

Tenzin: "Yes... At any rate. He woke briefly and told me and Korra few things." He said to us sternly. "The mech is made of Platinum... Sue your metal benders would be useless against it he said." Tenzin said looking at Sue. She simply nods sadly.

Sarah: "That's because Platinum is one of a few metals that are purified of all dirt and earth components. It's why it's so dense and tough... No room for soft spots." Sarah explained to everyone. We all nod in agreement. Seems her expertise may be something Varrick may be using now.

Varrick: "Meaning we can't penetrate it." Varrick said in a serious tone. Tenzin shakes his head and speaks.

Tenzin: "(M/n) also said. 'Plasma' before passing out again." Tenzin said to everyone. I tilt my head slightly before my sister gasps as if she has figured something out.

Sarah: "(M/n)'s smarter than I thought... Plasma can cut through anything including Platinum." Sarah said to everyone firmly. Varrick gains a wide eyed look before smiling.

Varrick: "Perfect! We could build small plasma saws and cut through it if we got close." Carrick exclaimed happily. "To bad no one here is familiar with the stuff." Varrick said as he scratched his chin. I the see Lin nod to herself before speaking.

Lin: "I know somebody who is." Lin said firmly. We all look at her. "I'll go get them tonight." Lin says again in the same tone.

Varrick: "When you do bring them to me, Asami, and Sarah at my workshop." Varrick says sternly. I knew he'd use my sister now. Lin nods confirming she understands.

Alistair: "I'll gather my chi blockers for the front line." I said firmly as I adjusted the large sword on my back. "Wu." I said as I looked at him. He looked at me. "Bring your fleet... We need to evacuate as soon as we can." I said to him seriously.

Wu: "Already done." Wu said with a small smile. I nod before turning to Asami.

Alistair: "I love you... Be safe." I said in a loving tone before kissing her. She returns it happily as I warp my arms around her waist and she warps hers around my neck. When we separate I look into her green eyes with love. She returns the gaze.

Asami: "I will. I love you to." She said gently with a loving tone of voice. I smile and kiss her one more time before leaving to gather my Chi blockers. This fight's going to be hell on earth.


(Your POV)

I gasp and breathe in deeply as I shoot up in place. My eyes dart around the room. I was half expecting to wake up in an enemy encampment or something but no... I am in a healing pool at the temple. I sigh in relief as I realize this. I then notice I was alone. I then hear the door open and It's Korra along with Olivia. They both see me awake and practically jump on me. They both squeeze me as tight as they can My arms are trapped so I can't hug back.

You: "I've done that at least twice before. You knew I'd be fine." I said to them gently as I kissed each of their heads trying to return their affection. I hear Korra sigh deeply before they both let go.

Korra: "You were in pain though... I saw it in your face." Korra said sadly. I simply shrug at them.

You: "It was worth it." I said gently as I kissed her gently. She returned it briefly before we separated. "Can one of you grab me some fresh clothes. I'm soaked." I said as I removed my jacket and placed it on the ground. It landed with a loud 'plop' sound.

Olivia: "I'll get some... I'm glad you're okay dad." Olivia says to me smiling before hugging me. I hug her back careful not to get her wet and then she runs off. After maybe five minutes Olivia comes back and places the clothes on the table before excusing herself so I can change. I stand and take off my shirt and it plops on top of my jacket. I then go for my pants before I remember something. I look over my shoulder to see Korra watching me intently.

You: "Um..." Is all I say to her. She shakes her head blushing slightly as she comes out of her trance. I then smirk finding an opportunity to tease her. "Want me to go slow?" I ask in a hushed tone. She then blushes deeply.

Korra: "Yes... I mean no!!! Wait... I mean... Ugh! You ass!" Korra shouted at me before playfully pushing me. I laugh a small bit as she recovers. "Before I go... We have determined we have maybe three days until Kuvira gets here with her monstrosity." Korra said to me firmly. I turn and nod to her. She smiles again before kissing me after placing a hand on my chest. I kiss her back careful to not get her clothes wet. After we separate she leaves the room so I can get changed fully.

As I am getting changed I begin to think... Three days... We need to evacuate the city... I bet Wu is already on top of that... The damned thing can't be hurt by our metal benders meaning we have to get inside somehow with plasma. I sigh deeply to myself as I finish getting dressed before grabbing my wet clothes and leaving the room. I drop my poor clothes in the wash room before heading outside... To see Asami's father with Lin... Hiroshi is his name I think. He's a rather... Plumb man whom has grey hair. Everyone then turns to see me as I approach.

You: "Why is Hiroshi here?" I ask in a normal tone of voice. Lin goes to speak but to my surprise Hiroshi does.

Hiroshi: "I know you might not care for me in the slightest." I turned to him with a blank expression. "But... I know how to use plasma." He said to me firmly. I nod at him.

You: "Ah... Well then it seems you can help us then." I said as a small smile graced my lips. He gets confused until I speak. "Trust me... I understand hating a group of people to the point that murder seems like the best option all because of what they did to you." I said to him in a gentle tone. He looks taken aback before looking down. He looks back up and nods to me. I then start to wobble as my exhaustion takes hold once more. Korra places her hands on my sides to keep me steady. "Sorry everyone... I'm still completely wiped." I said to everyone in a tired tone. Everyone save for Hiroshi nods to me.

Alistair: "It's fine man... We're just glad you're okay." Alistair said to me smiling. I smiled at him before looking at Asami. I walk to her and lean into her ear.

You: "Try to bury the hatchet." I whisper to her. "he may be an ass but.. I know he still loves you." I whispered again. I pull back and see her nodding to me. I hug her briefly and begin walking to my room. I stop when I hear Wu speak.

Wu: "Um... Korra I know it's a bit late but where are you going?" Wu asked Korra sounding confused. I turn and see Korra looking at him.

Korra: "To take care of my boyfriend." She said to him flatly. He goes to say something before realizing she was right and smiles at her. She smiles back and we walk to our bow shared room. As I enter I smile as I see my shelf with all my things on it. She has me sit on the bed. I lazily remove my shirt and toss it to the side somewhere before getting under the covers. I close my eyes as Korra gets in her pajamas. After she's done I feel her lie next to me after turning the lights off. "Come here." Korra said in a hushed tone with love. I scooch over and she cuddles with me and lays her head on my chest. I warp my arms around her smiling. "Goodnight handsome." She said to me in the same hushed tone as before. I kiss her on the lips. Once we separate we are mere inches from each other as I whisper.

You: "Goodnight... My heart." I whispered in a loving tone. She smiled at that, shut her eyes and sighed happily. I soon shut my eyes. Before sleep fully takes me I realize something... We're going to war... And we're severely outnumbered and gunned. I don't care... I will fight and protect my home... I will protect it at all costs... Then finally to my relief sleep takes hold of me.

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