Chapter Thirty Seven: Preparation

(Your POV)

Me and Korra woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed the like the morning before to continue the evacuation and preparation. Wu has told us that his fleet will arrive in a day's time so me and Korra went around along with Mako, Bolin, and Alistair to get people to start packing. Some tried to disagree but we told them what was coming and they agreed quite quickly after that. We did this for several hours until about noon as we learned the Air Benders decided to take me and the other's place in getting people ready since we needed to meet with Varrick, Asami, and Alistair. Sarah is evacuating her and Alistair's parents personally to the Air Temple. They refused to leave according to Sarah and wanted to make sure their 'babies' came home safely so Tenzin offered to let them stay at the temple for the time being. We headed towards Varrick's workshop and did not bother to knock. We headed inside and saw Alistair addressing his Chi Blockers. Apparently they will be on the front lines with Lin's forces. We passed him up so we didn't interrupt his pep talk. As we enter the room that Varrick is we see Asami, Bolin, Mako, Hiroshi and Zhu. They all stopped taking once we entered.

Varrick: "Excellent you've come." Varrick says to us in a more serious tone then he's used before. We nod. "Hiroshi here has outfitted one of the smaller air crafts to be able to use plasma to cut through the mech... We just need a supply (M/n)." Varrick explained as he gestured to me.

You: "Got it. Lead the way Hiroshi." I said firmly to said man. He nods and gestures for me to follow him to the hanger nearby. Once we enter said hanger he guides me to a two-man craft. He opens what looks like a storage tank.

Hiroshi: "Don't fill it to the brim but get it full enough." Hiroshi said to me firmly. I nod and take my fire stance. I begin shooting balls of plasma into the tank. "That's enough." He said to me before I shot another ball. I stopped my movements and the plasma in my hands disappeared. "I just hope it's enough." Hiroshi said sounding unsure. I approach him and look into the now glowing tank.

You: "It will be... We just have to get close." I said looking at him He nods in response but doesn't look at me. "Has... Asami talked to you?" I asked gently so I don't come across rude. He nods his head yes much to my relief.

Hiroshi: "Yes... We buried the hatchet thankfully... Thanks for asking her to." He said kindly as he looked at me. I simply shrugged as we turned to go back to Varrick's shop.

You: "I hate seeing families fight so it was no problem." I said kindly as I patted his shoulder. He smiled a small bit as we left the building. As we walked back to Varrick's he didn't say much else not that I'm surprised at all. As we entered we saw that Varrick was discussing the plans we had come up with yesterday.

Varrick: "Have you chosen your stealth team yet?" Varrick asked Korra whom shakes her head no.

Korra: "I'm doing that as soon as we are done here." Korra stated firmly. Varrick nodded in response before looking at me.

Varrick: "We still are unsure how to use you... Your plasma could help but you'd be an easy target." Varrick said to me sounding slightly unsure on what I should do. I smirk at him slightly.

You: "I'll be helping Lin and Sue distract it. Since I can actually damage it in some fashion odds are it will be more effective if I do so... I'll also be on standby if Korra needs my help." I said looking at the woman I love. She smiles and nods to me before Varrick speaks again.

Varrick: "Smart.... Just try hard not to die." Varrick said in his usual chipper tune. I nod to him and he smiles wide. I see him pull a small box from his coat and look towards Zhu... He has to do this now. Really? "Zhu-Li..." He gets on one knee as I begin to shake my head. He shows her the ring and she gains a surprised look. "Will you do the thing forever with me?" He asks her smiling. I see small tears form in Zhu's eyes as she jumps on him.

Zhu: "Yes!!!" Zhu exclaims loudly. Varrick then slips the ring on her finger and they share a kiss. I smile at the scene and look at Alistair whom has since sent his Chi Blockers to report to Lin. He looks at me and shows me a small black box. I look at him trying not to let Asami know I saw something and he simply smiles at me. I look back at Zhu and Varrick the ladder of whom is holding Zhu closely.

Varrick: "Now let's go everyone! We must prepare to do the thing!" Varrick orders the rest of us. We all nod. I look and see Alistair give Asami a deep and passionate kiss. I tilt my head as they separate and see the look of worry in Alistair's eyes.

Alistair: "Please... promise me that you'll be safe." Alistair said in a worried tone.

Asami: "I will you know that." Asami said in a slight jokingly matter. Alistair does not look amused. "My dad knows how to fly well... We'll be fine." Asami said as she wrapped her arms around Alistair's neck and kissing him with passion. Once they separate she smiles at him with love. "I love you... I love you with all my heart." Asami says to Alistair gently. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead before speaking.

Alistair: "I love you to... With everything I have." Alistair said with the same amount of love Asami did. I smile at the scene before Asami walked off with Hiroshi. Alistair joined me and Korra before the three of us started to head back to the Temple to pick Korra's stealth team.

You: "She'll be fine man... Hiroshi wouldn't let anything happen to her." I said to Alistair trying to reassure him. He sighs deeply but nods on response.

Alistair: "I know... I just..." Alistair replied sadly trailing off at the end. I pat his back slightly. "You're right... I need to focus." Alistair said looking forward once more. I nod at him and the three of us continue walking back to the temple to get ready. As I look up I see a rather large flock of birds fleeing from something... Kuvira's getting close.


(Sill Your POV)

We arrived at the Temple rather quickly and Korra has told me she already has a team in mind. She asked Pema to go get Tenzin and the benders. They all come back and Korra started caling names. Most I did not recognize but I did recognize a few.

Korra: "Kai, Jinora, and finally." She stopped and looked at me before looking at a certain blonde haired girl. "Olivia." Korra said firmly. I look at Korra wide eyed. I go to say something but she put her hand up to stop me. "I know you're either confused or pissed off but... She's one of the best benders here. At least this way she won't be in a direct line of fire." Korra explained to me flatly. I open my mouth to say something but I realize she's right... It's either be with the other benders holding off Kuvira's forces with me and the others. I sighed deeply looking down. I feel someone grab my hand and I look to see Olivia holding my hand. I hug her deeply which he gladly returns.

You: "Just promise... You'll be safe please." I asked in an almost begging tone of voice. I feel her grip tighten a bit as I feel her nod into my chest.

Olivia: "I will. You promise me to dad." Olivia asks me firmly as she pulls away slightly and looks me in the eye. I nod to her.

You: "I will... I promise." I said looking at her. "I love you pumpkin." I said as I hugged her again. She returned it quickly.

Olivia: "I love you to dad." Olivia says in a happier tone of voice. Once she pulls away Korra approaches me. I look at her and she simply nods knowing what I was going to ask. "I'll see you after it all happens dad." Olivia said to me gently. I look at her and kiss her head once more before she runs off to get ready for dinner I look at Korra again.

You: "I hate this idea." I said in a rather frustrated tone of voice. "But... I know you're right." I said to Korra with sad eyes. She sighs and walks over to me and hugs me deeply. I return the hug quickly as she whispers in my ear.

Korra: "I'll keep her and myself safe. You know that." Korra whispers to me gently. I sigh but nod my head in agreement. "Let's get some food and head to bed... We need our rest." Kora says to me gently as she pulls back. I nod my head as she takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen.

After we eat and speak for a little bit I decide to go take a bath. Korra of course joked about joining me which made me a nervous wreck much to her amusement. After I dry myself off and change into my pajama's I wait for Korra to come to our room. I am just looking at my shelf and smiling at the pictures. I sigh happily looking at them until I hear the door open. I turn and see Korra in her tank top and pajama bottoms. I smile at her as she sits next to me. I continue looking at the photos until I feel the bed shift slightly. I turn and see Korra getting under the covers. She pats the spot next to her. I smile slightly as I stand and kill the lights. I remove my shirt and get under the covers with her. She smiles at me and moves closer. I do the same and soon we are mere inches from each other's faces. We soon lean in and begin kissing with passion. Our lips moved in sync with one another. She then got on top of me, straddling my waist without breaking the kiss in anyway what so ever... This kiss unlike our others feels different... Almost like a longing for one another... The love is there mind you but... It feels as if this is meant to... Continue. As we enjoy our private moment we break the kiss to take a few breathes before returning to our make out section. We continue our actions much like before but after a few minutes and another break I feel her lick my bottom lip. I open my eyes and give her a questioning look. She then opens hers and sees me looking a bit off. She pulls back and holds in a chuckle before turning back to me. She simply shakes her head and smiles at me.

You: "Um... What was that about?" I ask her in a confused tone. This time she bursts out laughing while I just look at her confused. After she calms back down she smiles at me once more.

Korra: "Don't worry to much." She leaned back down as she said that. "Ever so innocent (M/n)." She said in a whisper with a teasing smirk. I raise my brow at her. "That was an offer for a open mouthed kiss." She said to me with a loving smile. I sit there for a moment trying to figure it out. She then chuckles once more and I look at her again. "After Kuvira's dealt with I guess I'll have to teach you some things." She says in joking tone with a smirk. I flush and look away slightly.

You: "W-well... I'm sorry I have no idea how that stuff works." I said sounding embarrassed. She laughs a small bit and I only feel my cheeks heat up more telling me my blush has only depend. I then feel her place her hand on my cheek and gently make me look at her.

Korra: "It's alright good looking. Don't worry too much. I'd be willing to bet everyone is like that at first... Me included." Korra said to me gently before leaning in to kiss me so she can reassure me. I kiss gently back and she leans back once more.

Yoi: "Thanks... I just wish I could show..." She places a finger on my lips to stop me.

Korra: "I know how you feel about me." She said lovingly. "Me to." She said in a whisper before kissing me one last time. She got off my waist and laid right next to me. I rolled to face her and pulled her as close as possible to me after she got under the covers with me. I rested my chin on her head. "Goodnight sweetheart." Korra said in a whisper with love. I kiss the top of her head as I see her eyes close fully with a smile on her face.

You: "Goodnight My heart." I said with the same amount of love. I hear her sigh happily. I run my fingers through her hair with one hand until I hear her breathing even out. Once it does I close my eyes and sleep soon takes hold of me.


(Still Your POV)

I awake still in Korra's grasp. From the sunlight gently pouring in our window it must be just passed dawn. I gently get out of Korra's gentle grasp so I do not wake her up. I stand and stretch for a moment. I then remove my pajamas bottoms and put on my black pants followed by my boots. I then put on the greaves that Sarah crafted for me and my armor. I stand back up and walk to my dresser and begin pulling out what I'll need. While doing so I hear Korra get up and stand. Then I hear nothing until I feel a gentle set of fingers on my back begin to trace my scars. I jump slightly at the sudden contact but she continues to trace her fingers along my slashes, small cuts and burns. I sigh escapes my mouth as I close my eyes and give in to the relaxing sensation. Its times like these that I realize how little physical affection that I have had through my life. I tilt my head back and sigh happily as she continues down my back. Once I feel her fingers stop I open my eyes and turn to face her. To my surprise she seems... Upset. I grab her hands and she looks at me.

Korra: "Sorry... I just realized how many you have." Korra said a bit sadly. That takes me by surprise. I then take one hand and place it on one of my larger slashes on my chest.

You: "You didn't do this to me. Those men did when I was fifteen. Sure it hurt but... Knowing now it led me here makes me start to think it was worth it." I said to her gently as I brought her closer to me. She smiled at me and kissed my lips gently.

She then proceeds to get dressed as do I. However, as I am putting on my shirt I find myself missing her touch on my scars. For some reason it was rather... Tranquil for me. I sigh as I finish buttoning my shirt. I then put on my jacket and button it up as well. I then place the breast plate and shoulder pads over it. I then place my small arm guards on and finally my armored gloves. Once I tighten those I look myself in the mirror. I look like a man fit for battle. I nod to myself and look at Korra whom has finished getting dressed as well. She looks at me and we nod to one another before walking out of the room. Once we get to the main area I see Olivia and the other members of Korra's stealth team waiting for her. Korra approaches them with me. I hug Olivia deeply careful not to hurt her on my chest piece. She hugs back for a time before we separate. She once again promises she'll be safe and I do the same. I then look at Korra and hug her deeply as well.

You: "Be safe... Please." I said sadly. She looks at me with a loving smile before wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me deeply. I return it happily and we move our lips in sync. We stay that way for a good while until the need for air separates us. I look deep in her eyes. "I..." She pecks my lips to stop me from speaking further.

Korra: "I know... Me to. I will be safe I promise." Korra said to me with love. I nod to her and she kisses me once more before walking off. I sigh deeply seeing her and Olivia walk out of the Temple together. I stand there for a while until I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look and see Alistair.

Alistair: "We have to go." Alistair said to me gently. I nod slowly and follow him out of the temple. As we are walking I feel Alistair put a hand on my shoulder. "They're both strong. No need to worry." Alistair said trying to reassure me. I sigh deeply but nod my head.

You: "I know... I just don't want to lose them." I said sadly. He nods in understanding. We continued on our way to Lin and Sue.


(Still Your POV)

Me and Alistair arrived at the location Lin and Sue told us to. Alistair went off to order his chi blockers to get into position while I speak to Lin and Sue about the plan.

Lin: "we have found a rooftop near our position where you can hide. Once she and her mechs are close enough we'll need you to destroy the mechs as fast as possible. Sue will provide you with back up. Alistair will be with me taking on her ground forces with his sword and chi blockers." Lin explained to me firmly. I nodded to her and she pointed to the said building she needs me to hide in.

You: "Easy enough... How many metal benders do we have on our side?" I asked looking at her but judging by her expression I am guessing we don't have many whatsoever.

Lin: "Counting Sue... Maybe ten." She said looking at Sue whom nods in agreement. I shake my head. We then hear someone approach us. I turn and see Sarah carrying what looks like an upgraded version of Alistair's sword while Bolin and Mako follow close behind them.

Sarah: "Where's my brother?" Sarah asked us. I pointed to the door he went through and she quickly went in that direction. I look at Mako whom shrugs slightly.

Mako: "I don't know. She said Varrick convinced the big guy to let him add a few things to his sword. It can now heat up so it can cut through rock." Mako said to me in a flat sort of tone. I nod slowly.

You: "Not bad. That will be beyond helpful against these benders. Anything else?" I ask him sternly. He nods his head yes before speaking.

Mako: "yeah. Everyone is in position and Kuvira is approaching the city now." He said to us flatly. I nod sternly. Just then Sarah came running back and stood next to Mako. "And She'll be joining you on the roof." Mako said to me flatly once again. I look at Sarah whom is smirking slightly.

Sraah: "Yep. Me and you will be ambushing the smaller mechs that will be following her." Sarah says confidently to me. I nod in response until Lin speaks up.

Lin: "We need to get into position." Lin says to us firmly. Sarah and I nod. Sarah runs off first but before I can follow I feel someone grab my arm. I look back and see Mako looking at me. I step back and turn to face him. He looks to the ground for a moment before looking at me again with... Almost pleading eyes.

Mako: "Keep her safe please. She can be headstrong... it's one of the reasons I love her so much but... I don't want her to die." Mako says to me in a surprisingly gentle tone. I nod my head slowly to him as I place my hand on his shoulder.

You: "I will... I doubt she'll endanger herself unless it's absolutely needed." I said to him gently. He nods again and we bro hug quickly. Bolin does the same to me before they follow Lin, Sue, and Alistair to the front lines. I sigh as I run off to the building. Once I arrive I simply grab a pipe on the wall and slide up to the roof. I land with a small thud and Sarah turns to face me.

Sarah: "Mako make you promise to make sure I stay safe?" Sarah asks with a smirk. I chuckle a bit and nod my head yes. She laughs a small bit before gesturing me over to her spot. I walk over and stand next to her. "You ready for this?" Sarah asks me in a serious tone of voice.

You: "Yeah... Won't be the first time I'm out gunned and out-numbered and likely won't be the last." I said in a serious matter. She hums in response and I can see her nod her head out of the corner of my eye.

Sarah: "Yeah. This will be interesting." She replied in a serious tone. We sit in a silence after that. I'd wager she's just like me right now. Contemplating the battle. Worried about how it will turn out. Hoping the one she loves will be safe... I sigh deeply at that last part... Korra and Olivia both are out there... Putting their lives in danger... Please be safe. Sarah I suppose noticed my changed expression and spoke up. "They'll be fine (M/n). You know that." Sarah says in a happier tone of voice. I smile slightly and nod to her. "Anyway... How'd you confess to Korra?" Sarah asked me in a curious tone of voice. I smile at her and shake my head. I tell her how I just kissed her since showing my emotions was hard. She smiled wide and seemed to get a bit giddy at what I said. "That's just adorable! Almost like something out of a story book!" Sarah exclaimed happily. I chuckle at her antics.

You: "I suppose so. I just wish I was better at showing how much I love her." I said with a weak smile. I hear Sarah giggle slightly at me. I turn to see her shaking her head at me slightly.

Sarah: "Trust me (M/n). If its' obvious to the rest of us how much you love her than it has to be obvious to her." Sarah said with a reassuring smile. I smile back and nod my head at her. "Though it took way longer for you to hook up than I thought it would." Sarah says teasingly. I give her an annoyed look which only makes her smile at me. I shake my head before looking forward once more.

You: "Anyway smart ass." I said to her. She giggles at me. "Do you have a plan or?" I ask her edging her on. She hums in response.

Sarah: "Not really. We'll have to wing it." Sarah says like it's not a big deal. I chuckle at her and nod my head in agreement.

You: "I can get behind that." I said with a smirk that got a chuckle out of the girl. Just then I see another group of birds hauling ass in the opposite direction. Sarah notices this and we take pur positions to get ready for the oncoming battle.

The air is still. The silence is... Immense. It feels strange to hear the city just be dead silent for once. No people... No cars... No boats coming in and out of the city... Just an abandoned city that hopes it can be saved so the people can come home and continue to live their peaceful lives. Short of our, breathes and the occasional bird flock hauling ass out of the city there is no noise what so ever... It's so quiet I can hear the water at the docks hit the said docks as the waves move in slowly. It would be rather peaceful if it weren't for why the city is this way. An army is coming and we have a fight on our hands. I also hear an occasional bark from one of the stray dogs in the city... I guess no one thought to evacuate them either or we ran out of time. Another bird flock goes by... Then dead silence. Me and Sarah's breathing even seems to have been lowered in volume... I know now... The fight has started... And it all begins... When we feel and hear the giant mech take a step. We see the top of the mech come into sight as we here one single very loud noise as it takes a step. All we hear is a loud THUD.

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