Chapter Thirty One: The Final Session

(Your POV)

I've been training Korra in electric bending for six months straight now. She's nearly mastered it as far as I can tell so today we will be doing two things. One will be manipulating a whip she lets go of. Two will be a sparring match between us. I am waiting in the training are for her to arrive. I think... Today I may try to tell her how I feel... Again. I shake my head and chuckle at the thought. I wait a bit longer but she doesn't arrive. I decide to go fetch her. I arrive at her Parents' house. I knock and Senna lets me in so I can go wake her. I knock on her door but hear nothing. I open the door and start talking.

You: "Wake up you're..." I cut myself off when I realize what's happening. She looking at me surprised as she as putting a shirt over herself... She's covered her upper half thankfully but I can still see her well-toned mid riff. I blush madly and shut the door. I walk back outside and back to the training area. I sit down wide eyed and still blushing. I hear footsteps and simply look down. I hear Korra chuckle and place a hand on my shoulder. I look up. "I'm so sorry Korra! I knocked but you didn't answer and I thought you were asleep." I said sounding worried and sad. She shakes her head at me.

Korra: "Its fine. I should've said something but the shirt was over my face." I blush even darker and look away. She chuckles at me some more. "Seriously I'm not mad. It wasn't like you meant to. Next to that it was only my stomach. I've seen your chest before it's not that bad." She says trying to reassure me. I look up and see her smiling at me. I sigh in relief and stand.

You: "Thanks..." I said shyly. She smiles brightly. I breathe in and out. "Anyway... I have two things planned today. One you know about." She nods at me. "If you can accomplish one of these then you have learned everything I can teach you. The rest takes practice and time." She smiles wide. I walk to the center and gesture for her to stay. I summon a whip and look at her. "You've shown you can manipulate a whip's shape to what you want but there is one more aspect." She looks at me intently. I get into piston and send the whip out. I detach it and begin manipulating it in the air. I end the session by making it strike the ground. I look back at her. "It may seem simple but it is the one skill I have yet to teach you... You will see why. Try it." I said as I gesture her to do so. She nods and we switch positions. She summons a whip and gets into position. She sends it out and detaches it. But as she tries and manipulate it simply changes directions and heads towards me. I simply duck and stand back up. "Remember Korra. It is erratic by its very nature... If you cannot control the one you summoned, let it go." I say sternly like a master should. She nods and gets ready to try again.

I watch her try this action for the next few hours making sure it's not her skill or maybe it's something I can only do. She does manipulate them slightly showing me she can do it I then realize why it isn't working. She has something on her mind I think. I signal her to stop and she complies. I walk over to a small area out of the way and pat the spot in front of me when I sit down. She does so.

You: "What's on your mind Korra? You're distracted." I ask her with a stern yet concerned voice. She sighs deeply at my question.

Korra: "Just thinking about all that's happened." I nod in understanding. "I can't get the thought that he just..." She said trailing off at the end. Ever since Zaheer came so close to killing her she's had trouble. Either it be when she was re learning how to walk or just in her room thinking. These emotions and memories haunt her but she wants to move passed it. She needs to accept it.

You: "I understand... Trust me I understand... But if I recall you showed me that wanting to ignore and move past it was a bad idea... Accepting it may be hard but... It is the best course." I said looking at her. She looked me in the eyes and smiled slightly. It faded as she spoke.

Korra: "Just like you though... It's not that damn easy." She says a bit sadly. I nod at her. That's true. I've yet to face my demon and it's been nearly three years since she made me confess in The Temple and yet I still can't go back yet.

You: "No... But we can help each other as always." I said with a slight smile in a gentle tone. She looks at me and nods. She stands and stretches. I stand as well.

Korra: "Thanks... We do have people we can lean on... Let me try it again now." She says as she looks back at where she was. I nodded smiling at her. She goes back into position.

She charges some electricity into a whip and takes her stance. She breathes in deeply a few times before throwing out the whip. She detaches it and tries to control it. Just before it hits a rock it changes directions multiple times in different arcs. I smile at the site.

You: "Do it for as long as you can!" I shout at her. She nods and continues her fluid movements to control the bolt gracefully. I also think I'm blushing a bit staring at her... Today I intend to confess if I get the time and judging by how long she's held it I will. It goes slightly erratic. "Let it go." It flies into the air after she points her fingers up and a loud crack is heard. I clap a bit and she turns to me with a smile on her face. "Excellent work Korra... As of now you have learned everything I can teach you... Now it'll be a learning process together of sorts." She smiles wide at that. "Now... Many fire benders have a final test that really does not matter. A dual of sorts. So... If you wish, we could duel but you need to ONLY use electricity. It's not a proper dual otherwise." I say empathizing my point on 'fairness'. She seems to think about the prospect before nodding.

Korra: "I can manage that... Though I don't expect to win." She says rubbing the back of her neck. I chuckle and get into position.

You: "Not many fire benders beat their Kai. So don't worry too much." She smiles and assumes her position and stance while I do the same. "Ready?" I ask as I summon a whip. She does the same and nods. "BEGIN!" I shout and we send our whips at one another.

They collided and a loud crack echoed in the area. I yanked mine back and grabbed the tip before spinning and sending it back out. She started to spin hers in front of her and it easily deflected my whip. I detach mine and send it straight up and then straight back down. She's forced to stop spinning her whip to dodge. I take the opportunity to change the bolts direction and send it straight at her. She sides stepped and the bolt collided into a rock shattering it to pieces. She smirks at me while I do the same. This is going to be fun. I stand up straight and we begin circling one another. I summon some electricity discreetly and send a bolt straight at her. It takes her by surprise so she has to jump out of the way. I take the opportunity to re summon a whip. I whip it upwards before bringing down to her with force. She looks up and rolls out of the way and sends her own bolt my way. I bring my whip back up and deflect it before yanking my whip back and holding the tip under my foot. She stands up and holds the tip of hers waiting for my move. Took me three weeks to get her patient enough so she would not waste her energy. Over than the occasional sound coming from our whips you could hear a pin drop. She takes a step forward and I immediately kick the whip in her direction. She dodges like I wanted and sends hers. I stick my other arm out and warp the whip around it. I yank my arm back and she stumbles. I use my whip to wrap her leg and trip her. I then charge and hold her shirt holding a fists that's charged with electricity. I smirk.

You: "I win." I say confidently. She groans and our electricity dissipates. I stand and offer my hand to help her up. She accepts it happily. She doesn't let go right away but does when she realizes she didn't. I smile at her. "That's it... You have learned all I have to teach. It appears the prophecy is completed finally." I said with a small smile on my fave. She laughs with me when I say that.

Korra: "Yep!" She exclaims happily. I then look around and see about sundown. I smile and look at her.

You: "Sunset?" Is all I ask. She always knows what I mean. She nods happily and we head to that spot she showed me when I lectured her two years ago. We don't sit this time when we get there however. We stand and watch. After sometime she speaks up.

Korra: "I really need to find a way to thank you for everything." Korra says to me. I look at her a bit surprised.

You: "Korra... I did this because I care about you. There's no need for that." I said smiling warmly at her. She shakes her head at me when she looks at me.

Korra: "I know that but you've gone above and beyond the call of duty... Do you want anything? I could see if dad could get it or something." She suggested to me. Again I'm surprised.

You: "I'd have to think about it Korra but it's not necessary." I say still a bit befuddled at the idea. She rolls her eyes slightly at me with a small smile. I chuckle.

Korra: "Well if you can figure out what you may want let me know." She says sounding a bit annoyed at my denials. I nod at her and we look forward again.

I then start thinking... We finished training and she's in a far better place than she was those years ago. Maybe I could confess now? But how? Just straight up say it? No... That's not good enough. I think like this for a while until I notice the sun starts sinking on the horizon. I then get an idea. I just hope she won't punch me for this.

You: "Actually... I can think of something." She looks at me waiting for me to continue. "Just... Please don't punch me." I request she looks confused before I get closer to her.

(Korra's POV)

What an odd request. Why would he ask something like that I wonder?

Korra: "Alright." I say sounding confused. He then starts approaching me.

He gets rather close to me as I look at him confused. He breathes in deeply as if to calm himself. He then looks into my eyes that are beaming with an emotion I can't quite describe... He then very carefully brushes the side of my face with the back of his hand. I start blushing up a storm when he does this. He does it rather slowly and gently and honestly feels... Kind of nice. He then caresses my face with his callused hand yet somehow manages to keep his gentle touch from before. My mind is racing with a thousand thoughts a minute but soon is cut short when he pulls my face closer to his. My face now probably resembles a bright red blanket. Then... He does something I thought he wanted to do before at the temple and when he lectured me those years ago... He brings his slightly chapped lips to mine softly for a gentle kiss that is full of emotion. I go wide eyed and make a surprised sound. He warps and arm around my waist as if he's afraid I'll run. It takes me a minute to process what's happening but I ultimately sink into his gentle kiss. I wrap both my arms around his neck, pull him closer, close my eyes and kiss back with a bit more force to encourage him to kiss me like he wanted to. He does so and our lips begin moving in synch as the kiss becomes slightly more passionate. I knew it... He does love me but he didn't know what to do. I hear a sigh escape his nose as if he's beyond happy at my reaction. I then place one hand on the back of his head so I can run my fingers through his (H/l) (H/c) hair. He removes his hand from my face and it does the same to my hair as I am doing to his. I can feel the love coming from him and I am sure he can feel mine. We both begin breathing through our noses hoping to make this extend for just a tad longer. We stay that way just loving each other until I feel something wet hit my face. I open my eyes slightly and see tears in his eyes. We only break the kiss so we can breathe. When we do we are both breathing pretty heavily and our foreheads are touching. Once we catch our breath I wipe away his tears, then caress his cheek and stroke it with my thumb softly. He smiles at me as he wipes his eyes from the tears.

You: "Sorry. They're tears of joy. I didn't expect you to react that way. I expected to get punched or pushed away." He says still smiling at me with happiness in his voice. I simply chuckle and peck his lips. Once I am done he speaks again. "When did you know?" He asks me. I smile warmly at him. I know exactly when I began to figure it out.

Korra: "Remember that lecture?" I asked him softly. He nods. "That's when I began to figure it out fully... I think I was beginning to figure it out before... But Zaheer messed me up." He then caresses my cheek and I lean into his gentle touch. "I figured it out about a month and a half ago. When you were telling stories to those kids after practice." He smiles wide at me. He then pecks my lips before I ask my question. "What about you? When did you know?" I ask him softly. I see him blush a bit. He lets go of my face and rubs the back of his head.

(Your POV)

Oh boy... She's going to be either upset or understanding... Maybe both.

You: "Remember your birthday?" I ask her a tad bit timidly. She tilts her head at me.

Korra: "Which one? You've been to the past few." I get slightly more embarrassed as I say the next line.

You: "The one when... My ribs were broken." I said as I scratched my cheek in embarrassment. She goes slightly wide eyed.

Korra: "All this time and you kept quiet?" She asked sounding surprised.

You: "I didn't know what to do with it... I kept allot of emotions bottled before so I wasn't sure what to do with this new one." She nods at me. I take her hands gently into mine. "I remember the exact moment to." I then proceed to tell her when I did figure it out.


(Your POV)

Today is Korra's eighteenth birthday and I am trying to get dressed with Olivia's help thanks to my ribs being broken. I finally get my jacket on and begin buttoning it.

You: "Thanks Pumpkin." I say to her as I continue to button my jacket. I finish and look at her to see her smiling at me.

Olivia: "No problem. Wait here. I know who said they wanted to guide you around at the party outside." She says smiling at me. I nod and she darts out to find this person quickly. I'd wager its maybe Mako or Tenzin. Possibly even Asami. I hear footsteps approach my door. It opens to reveal Korra and a beautiful light blue dress. I tilt my head and she smiles at me.

Korra: "Ready?" She asks me. I nod a bit skeptically but she smiles, walks over and helps me up. We begin walking and I get confused.

You: "You're the one that wants to help?" I ask her. She smiles wide and nods yes at me. "But this your party? I don't want you to have to worry about me." I said looking at her. She shakes her head no at me.

Korra: "I want you to be there so you can enjoy yourself. Next to that I want to spend some time with you." She said smiling at me. I blush a small but smile at her.

You: "T-thanks... Means allot." She smiles brightly and guides me outside. Once we get there many people cheer both of us and I smile. I had to hold in a chuckle simply because of the pain. She guides me to an empty table that has been set up in the courtyard and helps me sit down.

Korra: "I'm going to get some cake. Want some?" She asks pointing towards said cake that was rather large.

You: "Yeah... I would." I said still ab bit surprised at what she's doing. She smiles and nods before walking off. I smile to myself as I look at her. I then think back to what Pema said the day Jinora was taken... She said I love Korra... My dad always said 'Love is... Complicated... You know when you're in love when you feel completely open around someone. You feel as if you can let your walls down... Though with all the good things that come with love, the first thing you will most likely think when you look at them is that this will be hard... But it will be so worth it.' I begin pondering the words but then Korra sets a plate in front of me. I smile at her. "Thanks." I say smiling slightly at her. She smiles at me and sits down across form me with her own.

Korra: "Of course! After we eat we should go around talking to people." I gain a concerned look but she smiles still. "No worries. I'll help you." She said with a nice tone in her voice. I blush slightly but nod at her. She smiles again and begins eating her cake.

That's when it hit me like a cannonball from an airship... I am in love with her... But now what? I don't know what to do with this... Can I even ask anyone without them telling her themselves? No... I'll keep it to yourself until I know what to do with it... I hope I can figure it out... Because I love this woman... And I hope she can learn to love me to.


(Still Your POV)

She shakes her head at my story as I rub my arm out of embarrassment. She then smiles at me and takes my hands into hers.

Korra: "You, dork." She says me jokingly but with love underneath it. I smile warmly at her.

You: "I knew what to do about it at the temple. Thus is why I tried to kiss you." I explained finally. She gains an excited look.

Korra: "I knew it!" She exclaims proudly. I chuckle at her. She calms down and we stare into each other's eyes. We both lean in and kiss again.

No words were needed. We both know what we feel for each other. Love. We kissed as the orange light coming from the sun reflected off the ice. Once we separate we interlock our fingers and head back to her house. Some people on the way glance at us but never say anything. Some even smile or have a look that says 'About time.' I give Korra a kiss on the cheek and we hear some awes. We both blush slightly but we arrive at her home. I open the door for he and we head inside. I see Kya, Korra's mom and dad, and Katara there. It looks like they were talking. Me and Korra join them sitting next to each other. I put my hands on the table and Korra grabs one and interlocks her fingers with mine. I smile as she does so. Kya is practically jumping in her seat and Katara has a gentle smile on her face. Senna is smiling widely while Tonraq, to my surprise, has a small smile on his face.

Kya: "Congrats you two!!" Kya shouts extremely happily as she gets up to hugs us. Chuckle and shake my head at her antics. She sits back down still smiling ear to ear. Katara simply nods at us still smiling. Tonraq then speaks.

Tonraq: "You finally did it." He says to me. I nod at him as I kiss Korra's hand. He smiles at the two of us.

Senna: "I'm so happy for you!" Senna says as she stands. She hugs the two of us and we gladly return it. When she sits back down we all start talking. After sometime Korra says something.

Korra: "I'll be right back." I look at her and smile. I nod and she kisses my forehead as she heads off. The rest of us keep talking. Well Senna and Kya keep asking for details as Tonraq simply looks sorry for me.


Tonraq and Senna went out in town while Kya and Katara went home. I sit here still waiting for Korra. It's been a few hours and I am starting to wonder where she went. Before I get to far into that thought I hear the door open. I look and see that Korra has cut her hair. I know what that represents. I stand and smile at her before speaking.

You: "A new start?" I ask her. She nods and approaches me. "Am... I in that new start of yours?" I ask timidly. She merely smiles and caresses my cheek.

Korra: "Of course... Hopefully, if not forever... Than a long time." She said as I caressed her cheek in turn. She leaned into it as I responded.

You: "I could say something along the lines of, 'Not even death could stop me.' But that's way to cheesy... How about this. I would storm the gates of hell itself if it meant being with you." I said smiling warmly in a gentle and loving tone of voice. She smiled back and we lean in to kiss again. Our lips made contact and it feels just like our first time. We stay that way until the door opens we both separate blushing madly. I hear Tonraq chuckle at us and I shake my head.

After that embarrassing moment I help Senna prepare dinner as I have many nights before. She kept asking for details up until Korra told her to stop pestering her boyfriend. She giggled when I blushed being called that. As I am cooking I look back at Korra and smile at her. She smiles warmly back and I can see the love that irradiates from her eyes. I just hope mine do as well. Then we all eat dinner together. I sit right next to Korra as I do so. Soon it was time for me to go back to Kya's. I kiss Korra goodbye and I head back to Kya's place. Once I get there I see that Kya and Katara have gone to sleep. I go straight to my room and get changed into my comfortable clothes. I lie down to relax but soon get a knock on the door. I stand up and open the door. It reveals Korra in her pajamas smiling at me.

You: "Hey Gorgeous." I say to her in a loving tone. She blushes and I let her in. I shut the door and she sits on my bed. I sit next to her. "What's up?" I ask her. She looks at me and kisses me quickly.

Korra: "I was just wondering if I could... Sleep here tonight?" She asks me a bit shyly. I blush madly but smile at her. I compose myself and nod.

You: "S-sure... On one condition." She tilts her head and I blush more. "I-if we can cuddle together." I say a bit timidly. She blushes a bit but nods and smiles warmly at me.

Korra: "That was the idea to begin with." She says to me. I smile at her as she starts moving.

She gets under the covers and lies down facing her back to me. I do the same and I, very shyly wrap my arms around her. She turns to face me. She scoots closer and warps her arms around me in turn. We stare into each other eyes before we kiss each other softly. Nothing heated. Just a kiss full a love. We share a few more before we adjust ourselves. She lowers herself slightly so I can rest my chin on the top of her head. We get as close to each other as possible and even intertwine our legs. Soon I hear her breathing even out telling me she's asleep. I kiss her head before closing my eyes and joining her. In my arms is the woman I love... And I am so happy she loves me in turn... Nothing in hell or on earth will keep me from the ones I love... Especially Korra. I fade into sleep with a smile on my face... The first one filled with love. And hopefully... Hopefully, one of many more to come.

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