Chapter Thirty Nine: A Moment To Breathe

(Your POV)

I awake feeling someone nudge my shoulder. I grumble but open my eyes after a little bit. I yawned. I look over my shoulder and see Olivia looking at me sadly. I wiggle out of Korra's grasp and turn to face her as I sit up. I rub my eyes for a moment so I can see her clearly. She looks a bit scared.

You: "*Yawn* Sweetie? What's wrong?" I ask her quietly and tiredly. She frowns and hugs me quickly. I hug back and rub her back gently. "Nightmare?" I ask her quietly. She nods her head in a yes fashion. I pull her back slightly and smile at her. "Let me see if you can sleep here." I say in a loving tone. She nods and I begin to nudge Korra. "Korra." I whisper to said person. She grumbles but opens her eyes. She looks at me and I point to Olivia. "She had a nightmare." I said gently. Korra takes a moment to process what I said. She nods weakly and sits up. She then looks at Olivia and pats the bed. Olivia smiles and climbs in between us. Me and Korra lay back down and get comfy. I look at Olivia and smile at her. "Better?" I ask her gently. She nods and scooches closer to me.

She snuggles happily into me before closing her eyes. I begin humming the song I sang her years ago. I hear her sigh happily before her breathing evens out. I then look at Korra whom kisses her head before reaching over to give me a goodnight kiss. I return it and Korra gets comfy in bed once more. I watch Korra as she scooches slightly closer to me and Olivia before closing her eyes. I watch her and see her breathing even out. Once it does I close my eyes and follow suit.


(Asami's POV)

I am currently walking towards (M/n) and Korra's shared room to get them up. We have allot to do today and we need their help... Though we all agreed to let them sleep in a bit considering what they have gone through... I spent that time cuddling with Alistair... or I should say my fiancé. I sigh happily and smile at that as I approach their door. I knock once before opening it. I have to take a moment to process what I'm seeing. (M/n) is at the foot of the bed with his legs half hanging off while using Korra's feet as a pillow. Olivia as sprawled across the front of the bed with her head very close to Korra's side while Korra herself has an arm hanging off the side and legs spread open. The covers are sprawled everywhere and I can hear their soft snoring. I cannot decide if this is cute or funny. I eventually let out a small giggle before knocking on the wall. All three jerk awake. (M/n) falls to the floor, Olivia sits straight looking around panicky while Korra rolls off the bed. Now I'm laughing hard as the three begin to recover. I hear (M/n) groan and see Olivia go help him and Korra up. They all sit on the bed and look at me like they are unamused.

Asami: "Sorry... It was to funny." I said holding back another laugh. All three shake their heads at me as I hear (M/n) sigh at me. "Anyway. Why are you here Olivia?" I ask her with a raised brow. She blushes deeply but (M/n).

You: "Nightmare... And I didn't want to send her away... not after..." (M/n) trailed off at the end. I nod in understanding as Olivia hugs him. She's a bit old for this kind of thing but... In this case I understand. He doesn't want to leave her alone if she doesn't feel safe. That will pass but I get it.

Asami: "Alright... Anyway. (M/n) you need to go with Tonraq to get a suit from a nearby city. Korra. Me, you, Olivia, and some others are going to get some proper clothes for the wedding." I inform them with a smile. Olivia smiles wide and runs up to hug me. I hug her back with a smile.

Olivia: "I'll go get ready now!" Olivia exclaims happily. She runs over and hugs her dad and Korra before running off. (M/n) and Korra chuckle at her antics. (M/n) then stands and stretches. He then looks at me.

You: "I'll go shower then head out with Tonraq." (M/n) said to me tiredly. He yawned a bit before going over to Korra. He kissed her sweetly and smiled at her. "I'll see you later Kadan." He said lovingly. She smiled and nodded at him before he left the room. I look at Korra whom is still smiling gently.

Asami: "Kadan?" I ask Korra curiously. She simply smiles at me. I know what it means now. I may steal the word for Alistair. Hm.


(Your POV)

I have since finished showering and have gotten dressed. Korra and Olivia were already gone before I got out. I am waiting in the courtyard for Tonraq, Senna and Kya. The three of us will be heading to a nearby town to pick me up a proper suit for the wedding. I smile at the thought... Maybe one day me and Korra could get married. Given enough time I mean. Jumping straight to it is like wanting to break your own foot. So... Maybe in a few years. I smile at the thought...I wonder how I would do it. I mean for the gods' sake I can't even say 'I love you' properly even though it's true. Korra tells me she knows but still. I need to say it or try to I suppose. I snapped out of my thoughts as In airship begins to dock at the temple. Once it lands I approach it. Just as I get close the door opens and I am greeted by three familiar faces. Kya immediately jumps out of the ship and embraces me in a tight hug which I happily return. Once we separate she's smiling wide at me.

Kya: "Missed you." Kya says happily to me. I chuckle at her and nod my head in a yes fashion.

You: "Missed you to." I said happily. I then am pulled into another hug by Senna which I gladly accept. "Missed you to Senna." I said with a chuckle. She finally lets me go and is smiling wide.

Senna: "You to kid. I'm so excited!" Senna exclaimed. I smile at her attitude.

You: "It's just clothes." I said jokingly to Senna. She punches my arm with a fake pout before laughing a small bit. I chuckle and shake my head at her. I then look at Tonraq whom has a gentle smile on his face. I stick my hand out for him to shake it but he simply takes and puls me in for a quick hug. I chuckle and pat his back before he lets me go.

Tonraq: "Good to see you son." Tonraq said to me calmly. I smile and nod at him. "Ready?" He asks me as he gestures to the airship behind him.

You: "Yep. Korra and the others are already gone so yeah." I said happily and calmly. He nods to me before heading into the ship. Senna follows him closely looking quite excited. I look at Kya whom simply shrugs at me. I chuckle and follow Kya inside.


(Still Your POV)

I can't quite pronounce this town's name but it does have an excellent clothing store. After we looked through some of their 'proper suits' we learned that my measurements may be unique since nothing fitted exactly as it should. Not shocking I suppose. The stuff I'm wearing now are a size to big so it can fit without bothering my shoulders. So we had my measurements taken and the owner went to the back to fetch me a suit he knew would fit better even if it needed to be hemmed up slightly. I am currently looking through the pants to find one that matches the color I chose. Tonraq is helping me with this while Senna and Kya are looking at dresses.

You: "I've only been to one wedding." I said as I put a pair of pants that were to small back on the rack.

Tonraq: "Truly?" Tonraq asks me. I simply nod yes. "Lucky you. I hate having to wear suits unless I have to." Tonraq said in a calm tone of voice. I chuckle at the statement. "Who's wedding?" Tonraq asked me curiously.

You: "My uncle's actually. It was a rather... Loud affair. Weddings in my clan were more like a party." I said smiling. I hear Tonraq chuckle. "If I remember... Keep in mind it was over ten years ago... My uncle got so hammered after he got married that he asked his new wife if she was single." I said holding in a laugh at the memory. Tonraq just bursts out laughing which makes it harder to not laugh. "When she told him that he was married to her he ran around screaming, 'I'm married to a sexy goddess' or something like that." I said laughing at the memory. I can even hear the man who's been helping me laugh a bit though he's trying to hold it in to look professional.

Tonraq: "Maybe he wasn't really drunk and wanted to make his wife feel good about herself." Tonraq suggested to me after he calmed down. I consider the option before simply shrugging as I look at a pair of pants that look like they may fit. "Do you... Think that one day... You'd marry my daughter?" Tonraq asked me gently and sounding as if he may be unsure. I turn to look at him after deciding that these pants are right. I hand them to the man that's been helping us and he takes them to the back.

You: "That's funny. I asked myself that same question before you guys got there." I said to him smiling. He looks at me waiting for my answer. "The answer I came to was... Yes. Given a few years." I said smiling at the thought. I see him perk up at what I said. "Well... Alistair and Asami are getting married at some point but they've been together for three years now. They've had time to make sure they're... I don't know is solid the word?" I ask him. He sort gives me a look that tells me he doesn't know. "Well me and Korra have been together for barely a month... But given time... I think we'd get married." I said to him smiling gently. He smiled at me and nodded his head.

Tonraq: "It's good to know you won't rush it.... But when it does happen... I think I'd like to have you as a son in law." Tonraq said to me with a smile. I feel myself get nervous at the statement. I look at hum surprised before speaking.

You: "W-well... T-thank you sir." I said in surprise bit with a smile on my face. He simply smiles and nods at me. We then hear his name get called by Senna. He waves goodbye to me before walking off. I then see the Tailor walk out of the back and wave me over to where he is. I walk over to him and he smiles at me.

Tailor: "Put these on please so I can hem them." The Tailor asked me kindly. I nodded and took the clothes from him. I headed to the changing room and changed into the suit that he provided for me. I take a moment to look myself over. The jacket for the suit is (F/c) along with the pants. The under shirt is white. I take a moment and end up smiling at myself. I then exit the dressing room and go back to the tailor. "You look very handsome sir." The Tailor said smiling to me. I smiled back and he gestured to a pedestal. I stood on it and the tailor got to work.


(Still Your POV)

The Tailor just finished adjusting my sides and is now helping me straighten the suit in a mirror. Once it's all said and done the tailor steps back and lets me look at myself... I don't look bad. I turn slightly in the mirror admiring the suit. Little did I know three people walked into the shop and are smiling at me. I then turn around and see Tonraq, Senna, and Kya smiling at me.

You: "How do I look?" I ask them calmly. They each seem to brighten slightly. Kya approaches me and places her hands on my arms.

Kya: "Very handsome." Kya said to me happily with a smile. I rub the back of my neck and she laughs slightly at my reaction. Senna and Tonraq approach behind her.

Senna: "I agree. You look good in that." Senna said smiling at me. I smile at the compliment. Tonraq nods with them in agreement.

Tonraq: "Agreed. You wear it well." Tonraq said to me kindly. I smile a bit wider at the compliment.

You: "Thanks guys... Let me get changed and pay for these... We'd hate to be late." I said to them smiling. They each nod and I go to the dressing room to get changed. Once I'm done I put the suit in the box and head to the counter. Once its paid for we all head straight to the airship to get back to the Temple so everyone can get ready for the wedding.


(Still Your POV)

Once we got back I was immediately dragged by Bolin to help set up the courtyard for the wedding. Kya and the other two laughed at that but Kya told me she'd put my suit in mine and Korra's room to which I thanked her. After helping them set up the arch way thing, all the damned chairs, and all the tables, Pema asked me to help her cook to which I happily agreed. We cooked for what felt like hours. I... Quite enjoyed it. I may have some cooking skill but I never really got to put it in practice... Maybe I should forgo the painting and be a chef. Pema laughed yet agreed with my suggestion. After some time cooking it was time for me to get dressed. I bid Pema goodbye and went to me and Korra's room. I opened the box and begun to get dressed. The second I was done I heard a knock on the door. I said come in as I was tying my tie. I turned and... Words may fail me today. I look at Korra with my mouth slightly agape and wide eyed. She's wearing a beautiful blue dress that matches her eye color. It is adorned in many water tribe items such as feathers and things. Her hair is tied in a bun on the top and her shoulders are slightly exposed. She seems to be staring at me as well in a similar fashion. She snaps out of her trance first and speaks up.

Korra: "You look... I think handsome is too weak of a word." Kora said as she looked me up and down with a smile. I finally come out of my trance but feel myself become nervous looking at her.

You: "I t-think my w-words will f-fail me here." I stuttered at as I looked at her. "You look... There are no words." I said smiling with admiration in my voice. I look at Korra directly and see her blushing at me. She walked closer and put her arms around my neck. I put my hands on her sides smiling at her. We lean in and gave each other a short loving kiss. Once we separate we stare into each other eyes lovingly for a time. "We need to go." I said calmly to her. She sighed with a smile and nodded.

We let go of one another and interlocked or fingers. We walked outside and see that the sun is setting. I smile at it but feel Korra nudge my arm. I go with her and sit next to her while she sits next to her father. Soon everyone arrived. Varrick stood at the front looking as confident as ever not that I'm surprised. It seems like it would take allot to make him nervous. Soon we hear music begin. We all turn and see Zhu. She actually looks quite nice in her dress. She seems to be a nervous wreck though not that I blame her. This is one of the biggest decisions she'll ever make. As she approaches I look back at Varrick to see his reaction. He's smiling wide as he admires his soon to be wife's beauty. Once Zhu is all the way to the altar. Bolin begins the ceremony going through all the normal stuff. What catches me off guard was how he ended it after Zhu said I do.

Bolin: "You may now... Do the thing." Bolin said to the newly wedded couple. I smile at the way he did it but cheer with everyone else once Zhu and Varrick seal the vows with a loving kiss.


(Still Your POV)

The party is now fully underway and I... Shamefully have eaten three slices of cake much to Olivia's surprise. I am currently enjoying my third slice of delicious cake. I am interrupted by its amazing goodness when I see Alistair approach me. I wave at him and he sits in the chair directly across from me.

Alistair: "Enjoying yourself?" Alistair asked with a teasing smirk. I gave him a look that tells him to not go there. He puts his hands up and chuckles at my reaction. "Fine. Fine. Anyway... Can I talk to you?" Alistair asked me sounding quite a bit more serious. I swallow the cake I had in my mouth and look at him.

You: "Sure man. What's up?" I ask Alistair giving him my full attention. He seems to fidget slightly in place before breathing in deep.

Alistair: "I... I was wondering if you'd... Be my best man." Alistair said to me kindly with a smile though I could detect the nervousness in his voice. I take a second to process what he said. I then go wide eyed and look at him. He nods shyly and I smile at him.

You: "Yeah man. I'd be honored." I said happily to Alistair. He sighs in relief and then smiles at me.

Alistair: "Thanks man." Alistair said to me happily. Asami then called him to dance and he simply smiled. "Talk to you later man." Alistair said to me happily. I nodded and he got up. He went straight to Asami whom dragged him to the dance floor after waving at me. I waved back and watched the two dance before finishing my cake happily.

After I finish my cake I take a look around. Varrick and Zhu are glued to each other. Not that it's all that surprising after all. Pema and Tenzin are dancing together which is nice to see. I can see the love they have for each other when they look at each other as they are dancing. Tonraq is currently stuffing his face with Senna. They seem to have the same eating habits. I chuckle a bit at that. I then see Kya coming my way which makes me smile. She sits across from me much like Alistair did.

Kya: "Enjoying the party?" Kya asks me smiling. I nod my head yes and look back at the food debating to myself if I should get more. I hear Kya giggle at me and I turn to face her once more. "Big appetite today huh?" Kya asks teasingly. I sigh and roll my eyes playfully.

You: "Apparently. It's just too good." I said smiling to her. She hums in agreement. I then think of something and look back at Kya. "I... Want to say thank you." Kya looks at me confused. "For everything... I know I've already told you about the parent thing." She smiles at that. "But... The truth is... I... Consider you like..." I breathe in deeply. "A mother." I said with a gentle smile and tone. She smiles wide and comes to my side to hug me tightly. I hug her back just as hard. "Thank you... For being there for me." I whispered to her happily. Kya tightens her hold on me slightly but I don't mind. After she separates from me she's smiling wide at me.

Kya: "Like I said... You're like a son to me." Kya said happily in a gentle tone of voice. I chuckle a bit. She then hugs me gently which I gladly return. "Never the less... You're welcome." Kya said to me in a kind tone. I smile at that as we separate once more. I then see Korra approaching us. Kya sees me looking and looks to see Korra coming as well. Kya smiles and hugs me one last time before walking off. Once Korra is close enough she smiles at me.

Korra: "Was I interrupting?" Korra asked me as she looked back towards Kya whom is talking with Alistair and Sarah's parents.

You: "No. We just had a small chat." I said to Korra kindly. She looks back at me and smiles. She grabs my hand and begins to lead me somewhere. "I'm assuming you want to dance?" I asked her gently. She simply chuckles but nods at me. I shake my head. Once we get to the dance floor I take one of her hands and interlock our fingers. I place a hand on her waist as she wraps hegr other arm around my head. We then begin a simple swaying dance. We dance for a minute or so just staring at each other lovingly before Korra breaks the silence.

Korra: "I know its soon to think about but... Do you think we'd ever get married?" Korra asks in a surprisingly nervous yet hopeful tone. I smile at her and chuckle.

You: "You know I asked myself that earlier and your dad asked me to." I said smiling at her. She looks at me waiting for me to continue. "I answered to myself and your father that... I could see it. Given a couple of years. So we can know for sure that its right for us." I said to her lovingly. She smiles at that and I see a visible blush on her cheeks which makes me chuckle slightly. "Your dad even said he would like me as a son in law." I said to her in the same loving tone. Korra's smile seems to brighten when I said that and we close the small gap between our bodies. Well she does but I simply went with it.

Korra: "That's good to hear...But I agree with you... Better safe than sorry but still... Thank you for even considering it." Korra said lovingly to me. I smile at her lovingly before kissing her forehead. As the song comes to an need our faces inch closer until we kiss each other softly. Once we separate she's smiling at me and I at her. I then see her father looking at us smiling. I then tap Korra on the shoulder and point. She looks and sees her parents smiling at us. She blushes a bit while I smile at them. "I'm going to go talk to them... I'll see you a minute or two Kadan." Korra says lovingly. I smile at her as she kisses my cheek. She then walks off and talks to her parents. I look around and see Sarah and Mako sitting at a table. I make my way over to the two of them.

You: "Hey." I said to them as I sat down. They both look at me. Sarah smiles wide at me and Mako simply nods. "Enjoying the moment to breathe." I ask them kindly.

Sarah: "Yeah... Feels nice. Though I've been eating like crazy." Sarah says to me as she laughs. I nod at her.

You: "So have I. I would still be eating but I think I've had enough." I said while shaking my head at myself. She laughs loudly at that while I hear Mako chuckle. I look at him. "How about you. You doing alright?" I ask Mako kindly. He nods his head at me with a small smile on his face.

Mako: "Never better." Mako said in a surprisingly happy tone. He looks at Sarah as he does so. I smile at the two as they lean in and kiss each other gently. Once they separate they look back at me. "As I am sure you can tell." Mako said to me flatly. I chuckle and shake my head at him.

You: "Fair enough." I said kindly. The three of us share a laugh and continue talking for a time.


(Still Your POV)

A couple hours passed and everything is calming down. I am sitting on the steps in front of the courtyard watching the spirit portal spiral into the sky. The city is pretty much destroyed and the parts that aren't are completely covered in vines. I shake my head and the beautiful yet somewhat bitter sweet scene. As I am watching I hear someone sit next to me. I look and see Tenzin which surprises me.

Tenzin: "Nearly four years since we met you." Tenzin said calmly to me. I hum in response still looking at the scene before me. "To think... You wanted nothing to do with us at first." Tenzin said calmly to me once more. I now look at him.

You: "True... Considering how my life went up until then though." I said to Tenzin calmly. He nods his head in agreement. "Now I can't imagine where I would be now." I said smiling at the thought. He gains a small smile as well.

Tenzin: "All those hardships led you here. To people that care about you and love you like family. Now I have one question." I nod to him waiting for him to continue. "What will you do now?" Tenzin asked me calmly. I simply smile at him.

You: "Stay with Olivia and Korra... Everyone else to... You all are my new family... New clan. So I'm not leaving. Never again." I said to him gently with a happy tone. Tenzin smiles at me.

Tenzin: "Well said." Tenzin said calmly. We both then hear footsteps and see Korra looking at me. Tenzin stands and then looks at me. "enjoy yourself." Tenzin said to me calmly. I nod to him and he walks off. Soon Korra takes his place next to me. I was about to get closer but I feel someone jump on my back. I chuckle as I hear Olivia giggling behind me. I then have her move so she's in between me and Korra. Olivia then leans on me slightly and I wrap an arm around her. We all watch the spirit portal for some time.

You: "Feels... Strange." I said out loud. I look and See Korra and Olivia looking at me confused. "For the first time in... A long time... I don't have a plan for the future... No danger is directly in front of me.. or us." I said as I looked at them. "For the first time since my clan... I am free to do what I want and yet." I said kindly as I kissed the top of Olivia's head and then kiss Korra on the cheek. "I don't care as long as I'm with you two." I said with a tone full of love. Korra blushes deeply but smiles at me as I feel Olivia hug me tightly.

Olivia: "Love you to dad." Olivia said to me kindly. I chuckle and hug her back for a time. Once we separate I look forward once again.

You: "The three of us need a vacation." I said half-jokingly with a content sigh. I didn't get a response so I looked over to see the two nodding in agreement. "I was joking... Kind of." I said chuckling.

Korra: "No I agree. It's been nonstop madness for a while." Korra said to me smiling. I nod my head in agreement.

Olivia: "Where though?" Olivia asked me. I think for a moment before looking forward. I then smile a bit at my idea.

You: "I have been almost everywhere... But I know one place I have never been." I said as I looked at the spirit portal. I hear Olivia gasp in excitement as she realizes what I mean. She hugs me tightly as I chuckle at her antics.

Korra: "That sounds perfect." Korra said with a happy sigh. Me and Olivia nod in agreement before standing.

The three of us got changed into more travel appropriate clothes. We cleared the idea of a break for Olivia that would last about a week with Tenzin. Turns out he planned on the same for her considering what she'd gone through yesterday. We thanked him and went to go pack some things for the journey. After packing some essentials we'd need the three of us said our goodbyes to everyone before making our way to the portal. After arriving in the crater the portal is in we all looked at it with a smile on our faces. I looked at Olivia and offered my hand. She gladly took it as I did the same to Korra. Me and Korra interlocked fingers. The three of us approach the portal and allow its light to engulf us. Olivia lets go of my hand so Korra can take my other one. We stared at each other with loving eyes before we both leaned in for a loving kiss. I hear Olivia giggle at the sight. One we separate I turn to Olivia and hug her tightly. She gladly returns it and we both wrap an arm around Korra as she joins us. I smile wide at this... We all have a moment to breathe... And I couldn't be happier that I get to spend that moment with the woman I love and my little girl. I kiss both their heads as I feel our bodies get transferred to the spirit world. A much needed vacation is coming our way and I get to spend it with people I love... That sounds almost too perfect for me... Not that I'm complaining mind you. It just feels weird to not have to worry about danger... And have a moment to breathe.

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