Chapter Thirty Four: Going Home

(Your POV)

Me and Korra have packed up the tent and are waiting for Toph to come out so she can follow us to Zaofu. We both are fully dressed and leaning against a tree. Then we see Toph come out and we stand straight. She follows us as we begin to track back to Zaofu... Man they're going to be pissed. Or relieved... Both? We all walk for hours talking very little due to how early we left. After a few hours of walking Zaofu comes into view. Me and Korra sigh in relief and Toph chuckles at our reactions. As soon as we enter the city a guard has us three follow him to Sue's place. As we walk up we see Lin's ship. Before we can enter Sue and Lin come bolting out towards us. Once they get there they have a look of worried and pissed on their faces.

Sue: "Where the hell did you two go!? You can't just vanish on people!!" Sue shouts at us sounding somewhere between angry and worried sick. I go to speak but she cuts me off. "We were worried sick!!" She yells at us again. I put my hand up so I can speak.

You: "We went to improve Korra's strength. She's even stronger than she was before Zaheer attacked her. I also managed to discover new abilities." She now looks confused. I sigh. "It'd take too long to explain... Now... I'm glad you're here Lin." Lin looks at me and I smile. "We brought a guest... After some convincing anyway." I said softly with a hint of pride in my voice. Lin and Sue look confused until me and Korra move out of the way. Both go wide eyed looking at their mother.

Toph: "Nice to see you to." Toph said to her children. Sue has tears in her eyes and Lin looks like she's fighting them back. Toph opens her arms. "Come on you big lugs." Toph said smiling and both jump into her arms hugging her tightly.

I sigh happily at the sight though I can't lie... I'm a bit envious. Korra taps my shoulder and when I look at her she's gesturing for me to follow her. I nod and we leave the reunited family to their moment. I tell a guard to tell them we'll be inside. He nods but waits like I wanted. When we head inside my head starts swimming with thoughts... That scene... That's the one thing I want but can never have... I want to see them one last time but will never be able to... I need to accept it but... As I am thinking I don't even realize that me and Korra have arrived at our room. I shake my head as she opens the door and we head inside. I put the pack down and sit on the bed still thinking. She seems to notice and sits next to me. She takes my hand and I look at her.

Korra: "What's wrong?" She asks me looking concerned. I sigh and shake my head looking down.

You: "Lin and Sue got to see their mother again... I guess it hit me harder than I expected... Seeing Toph be reunited with her kids..." I said not looking at her. She hums quietly in response. "It's stupid I know." I said with a weak chuckle. She makes me look at her.

Korra: "No, it's not stupid. I can't say I understand fully but I know it hurts you." She said with a warm expression and a sympathetic tone. "I know it may not help but even if you can never see your clan again... You have us. And me." She said as she caressed my cheek. I smile and lean into her hand slightly.

You: "I know that... And I'll never be able to thank you enough." I said smiling at her. I caress her cheek and bring her in for a kiss which she gladly accepts. When she pulls back I ask something. "What did I do to deserve someone like you?" I ask her in a gentle tone. She chuckles and then smirks at me.

Korra: "You're pretty good looking. That helps." She says playfully. I roll my eyes smiling. "Seriously though. You're just you. A good person." She said in a gentle and loving tone.

You: "That's pretty cliché." I said smirking. She punches my shoulder playfully in response. "Still... Thank you for accepting me.... Messed up emotions and all." I said smiling warmly at her. She smiles back and kisses my cheek before leaning on my shoulder. "Odds are we'll be heading back to the City... You ready for that?" I ask her. She sighs slightly at my question.

Korra: "Yes... It'll be nice to see everyone again... How will they react I wonder... To us and... Everything else." She said sounding concerned. I sigh in response.

You: "I can bet they will be happy to see you but... I have no answers." I said as I wrapped my arm around her. "But... It will be interesting." I said smiling slightly. She hums in response.

Korra: "That it will be... Hey I have a question." Korra said in a soft tone as she turned her head to face me. I look at her and tilt my head slightly. "Have you ever... Considered going back... To the valley?" She asks me very carefully as if she'd trigger something in me. I sigh deeply but nod my head yes.

You: "For the past few years I have... Kya suggested it not long after she helped me with the first nightmare I had after you guys discovered I had them." I said sadly. She keeps looking at me waiting for me to continue. "I always come up with the same answer... I'm not sure." I said sadly once more. She gives me a look of sympathy. "I know I should but..." I trailed off at the end. Korra nods slowly to me and then kisses my cheek to reassure me.

Korra: "I understand... If you ever decide to I'll be happy to come with you." Korra said to me in a loving and gentle tone. I gently grab her chin and give her a kiss in response which she gladly accepts. When we separate we don't really move far and are mere inches from each other looking into each other's eyes with love. "Never gets old." She says in a hushed tone.

You: "I'd certainly hope not." I said jokingly in the same tone she used. She smirked before we went back to the way we were. I then hear footsteps. "Three, two, one." I said right as the door flew open revealing a happy yet irritated Sue.

Sue: "O-okay. Two things... One, thank you for bringing my mother here." Sue said happily though I could tell she had been crying. "Two... While I understand why you left... YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME!!!" She shouts angrily at the top of her lungs. Neither of us really flinch but damn she could be scary.

You: "What would I have said. 'Korra needs to go find a supposed dead person to help her get her strength up and I want to tag along?' You would've assumed I was crazy or worse thought we were bailing on helping with Kuvira after Korra lost." I said sternly yet kept a calm demeanor. She goes to say something with one of her fingers up but stops for a moment. "See. Insane." I said calmly once more. Sue sighed deeply while Korra chuckled at her frustration.

Sue: "Fine... Still I was worried sick and Lin yelled at me for two days straight for losing you guys." She said sounding tired at the idea. I simply shake my head at her slightly.

You: "Sounds awful." I said rather flatly. Sue nodded yes not really changing her facial expression until she finished with a smile.

Sue: "I'm glad you two love birds are okay." She said in a gentle and caring tone. I stifle a chuckle with a smile while Korra does the same. "Anyway... We're heading back to the City today... So..." She said trying to edge us on. I look at Korra.

Korra: "We'll be ready... Just wondering what everyone will think." Korra said in a thoughtful yet worried tone. Sue hums in response.

Sue: "I predict slight irritation and immense joy." Sue responded in a happier tone with a small smile on her face. We both nodded. "I'll fetch you when we're ready." Sue said to us sternly. We nodded and she walked out of the room and shut the door.

You: "And here I thought Lin could be scary. My gods." I said in slight surprise letting my previous emotions out. Korra laughed at my now kind of scared expression. I shake my head smiling finally. "No wonder she leads this place." I said looking at the ceiling. Korra hums in response before grabbing me and making me fall back. "What's this now?" I ask with a raised brow. She simply chuckled before facing me. I do the same.

Korra: "We've been walking all day... Let's just relax." She said to me in a gentle hushed tone. I nod in agreement humming slightly. We move onto the bed properly after removing our shoes and boots respectively to lie down properly. I prop my back up un the head board and sigh in relief as Korra lays on her side and puts her head on the edge of my chest.

You: "I forgot how damn tired I was... looking out for me again eh?" I said half jokingly. She sighed happily in response and we just layed there for a time and I at least fell asleep.


(Still Your POV)

I slowly wake up feeling someone shake me. I open my eyes to see Korra looking at me. I stretch and look around. I see Sue at the door.

You: "I'm getting up." I said tiredly as I put on my boots. I stood up once tha was done and grabbed my pack as Korra grabbed hers.

We follow Sue out towards the airship. Before we can leave the building us and Lin exchange our goodbyes with Toph. HSe tesll me and Korra to kick some ass and we agreed that we would confidently. Lin and Sue both guided us to Lin's airship and we boarded. Once we did we headed to Korra's room she slept in last time and decided to call it a day.


(Still Your POV)

The ship is lowering to dock at the City. Tenzin radioed in and told us Mako, Sarah, Bolin, Asami, Alistair and Olivia are waiting for the two of us at a restruant on fifth street. Once the ship lands I hear Korra take a deep breath. I offer a hug and she takes it to calm herself down. After we exchange goodbyes with Lin and Sue as they walk away. We head towards the restraint. The city is relatively unchanged but the vines are covering much more buildings now and even seem to be resisting anything that the citizens try to get rid of them. After sometime we arrive at the front of the restaurant. Turns out its the same one me and Korra have been to multiple times. We enter the shop and see the group chatting about us no doubt. I look at her and she looks at me. She nods confidently and we approach the table. Olivia is the first to se us approaching and squals loudly. She sprints up and hugs me tightly. She's at the point now that me picking her up is not an option. She's going to be rather tall I think. I hug her back just as tightly.

Olivia: "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!" She yells at me happily. I laugh at her antics and separate from her.

You: "I missed you more." I said looking at her with a loving expression. She laughs as the others approach us. I look up and see everyone smiling at us widely. Olivia jumps at Korra to hug her tightly and Korra gladly returns it.

Olivia: "IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!!!" Olivia shouts happily. Once they separate they both are smiling wide. "You're walking again! And you look allot stronger!" Olivia once again exclaims. Korra scratches her cheek but nods at her.

Korra: "Yep... Trained with Toph Beifong and (M/n) here." She said happily while gesturing to me. She then looks at everyone else a bit shyly. "Hey guys." She said a bit timidly. Everything goes quite for a second until Asami runs up to hug her. Korra looks shocked but hugs back. "I guess you guys aren't mad then?" She asks sounding unsure. Asami nods as she lets go looking at Korra happily.

Asami: "Of course not we just missed you." She said still smiling. Korra smiles at them as a tear forms in her eye. Bolin is the enxt to hug her tightly smiling ear to ear while laughing. Korra laughs as well as she hugs him back to the best of her ability. I smile at the scene.

Bolin: "Why would you ever think that!? We knew you were in a rough place! We're just happy to see you walking again!" Bolin exclaims joyfully. Korra laughs a bit weakly but I can hear the obvious relief underneath eat. Mako, not matter how stoic he may be, always shows his emotions in the end, He hugs her gently but I can see the relief and happiness in his face. She hugs back and one they separate I can see the happiness shown in his eyes.

Mako: "I missed you to." He said in a relieved tone of voice.

Korra: "Missed you to Mako. I missed all of you..." Korra said trailing off at the end. All of us except Alistair and Sarah share a group hug for a bit. After we separate I gesture for Alistair and Sarah to come over. Once they do and Sarah speaks to Korra.

Sarah: "I know we haven't met but I know (M/n) here." She said gesturing to me. "And... Me and my brother Alistair here wanted to thank you. You saved our father when the Equalists invaded a few years ago and we owe you allot for it." Sarah said in a happy yet surprisingly gentle tone.

Alistair: "Y-yeah... Thank you." Alistair said shyly. Korra waved them off with a smile.

Korra: "Please... it's the least I could do... I'm Korra by the way." Alistair and Sarah nod. "I also heard the two of you are dating Mako and Asami." Korra said in a happy tone. Sarah nodded smirking while Alistair blushed but nodded shyly. "Man (M/n) got you attitudes down." Korra said with a chuckle. Sarah laughed as Alistair simply looked away shyly.

Sarah: "Shy as all gets and a confident beautiful woman?" Sarah said with a confident smirk on her face. Korra nodded laughing. Asami gestured for all of us to sit down and we happily obliged. I sat next to Korra, Olivia sat next to me and Bolin sat next to Korra on our side as the other four sat next to their respective partners on the other side. I then look at Korra.

You: "Should we tell them?" I ask with a small smirk gracing my lips. She looks at me and shrugs.

Korra: "Let's just show them." She says in a half joking matter. I chuckle and she simply grabs both sides of my face and kisses me in front of the gods and everyone there. I hear a few gasps and Olivia squeal at the sight. When she separates I am looking at her lovingly.

Olivia: "I knew it!!! I told you guys!!" Olivia squeals in utter joy as she hugs my side tightly. I grunt as she does so but wrap a single arm around her hugging her back. I look at the others who are either surprised or looking quite happily.

Mako: "Holy crap..." Mako uttered in complete shock staring at us... I think anyway. He may be just staring off into space. Look at Sarah who is smiling wide.

Sarah: "WOOO!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!" Sarah exclaims happily as she hugs Mako while bouncing up and down in her sit. Mako doesn't really react due to still being shocked at what he saw. I scratch the side of my neck.

You: "Thanks." Is all I say but it still sounded happy. I look at Asami and Alistair who both have gentle smiles on their faces.

Asami: "I knew you could do it. It's so nice to see you finally admitted it to her." Asami says gently with the same smile. Alistiar nods in agreement.

Alistair: "Yeah... It's good to see you so happy (M/n)... I don't think I've seen such bliss on your face since we met." Alistair says kindly to us still smiling. I nod in agreement. It's true. Though I do feel happy around my friends here and Olivia with Korra it feels... Different in the best way possible.

You: "Yeah... Don't get me wrong I love all you guys to death. Especially you Olivia." I say as I let said girl go after she releases her death grip on my ribs. She giggles in response. "But... I feel at peace with Korra." I said as I looked at said woman lovingly. She returned the gaze before we pecked each other on the lips. I heard Asami make an 'aw' sound. We separate and I look at Bolin who looks like he's ready to burst "Get it out of your system." I said flatly to Bolin.

Bolin: "YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!!! Me and Olivia knew you'd get together and look! We were so right!!!" He yells sounding extremely happy and excited. I flinched at his yelling. He noticed and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry." He said a bit bashfully. I waved him off.

You: "Anyway... How have things been?" I ask with a happy tone in my voice. They each smile and begin to tell me what's been going on.

Asami and Alistair apparently have discussed the possibility of marriage which surprised me and Korra both. I asked if they thought they were a bit young. They both shrugged and Alistair claimed he's never been this happy with anyone and doesn't want to let it go no matter what if he can help it. Asami agreed with him saying she loved him with all her heart. They kissed much to the rest of our joys. Asami also told us that her father has been wanting to see her in jail. She's unsure if she should but I encouraged her to go since you never know what the hell could happen. She said she'd think about it. Mako and Sarah on the other hand have ruled out marriage for the time being. The main reason is that Mako wants to improve on himself first. Sarah is supportive of the idea and didn't seem all that bothered by their decision. She's just laid back I suppose. Sarah has also told us her forge is still functioning despite the vines that finally snaked inside. She says she just cuts them every morning before working. Her and Alistair's mother have been looking into something though they don't know what. All they know is she's working like a woman that is possessed. Their father hasn't gotten better or worse. That medicine they found still helps and everything so that's good at least. During this whole conversation I didn't feel the need to bring up my new powers to them. That'll be a great surprise. Bolin said he's been happy protecting others. I told him about the dirty move Kuvira pulled and he seemed baffled by the fact she would do such a thing. His confidence in her has obviously been shaken. After we talked for a few hours we all decided it was time to leave. Alistair and Sarah bid their goodbyes because they had to go back to work. Olivia tagged along with Tenzin to go back to training. According to him She could be a master as soon as next year which makes me unbelievably proud if my little girl. Bolin had to head back to his group. I asked if he even wanted to but he said he did and I got a feeling he was about to do something stupid but I knew we couldn't stop him. After he left Asami had the four of us get in her car so we could continue to catch up. Korra called the front seat so me and Mako grabbed the back seat. As we were driving and chatting I noticed a couple of cars following us. I whistled to Asami and gestured to behind us. She nods and floored it.

Mako: "What the hell is going on?!" Mako shouts after recovering from the sudden speed change. I pointed behind us and he looked. He became far more serious. I then see a small mech coming in from the right.

You: "Korra can you take the mech!?" I shout so she can hear. She nods. "I'll take the cars. Mako watch for anyone from the air! Asami, just don't wreck please!" I ordered to each though I smirked at Asami on the last one. She rolled her eyes at me.

Korra stood up and put on foot on top of the car door. She jumps and uses her air bending to charge at the mech, which judging by its reaction the pilot was not expecting. I proceeded to stand up on the back seat and jump to the trunk of the car. I stand there and take in who is following us. Kuvira's men are much to no one's surprise. I see three cars following us. I wait for theme to gain on us some. I then take an air stance and prepare my EMP assault. Once they are close enough I fire my first two shots at the one to the far right. They impact and I see the car spark before falling off into the water as the riders jump out. The car to the left makes a sharp turn and follows us on the rode directly next to us. I look back to the car directly behind us and see them begin to throw a bit of metal at us. I switch to metal bending and toss it towards the water much to the rider's surprise. I reassume my air stance and fire two more shots at their car. It sparks like the last one though they lose control and slam into a light pole much to the people on the sidewalks surprise. I then get back into the car and have Mako switch with me. He does so and I climb and balance myself on top of the back left door. I then begin focusing in my air stance. I sense the man's muscles as he floors his car and without opening my eyes I fire two shots down the alley way. I hear them make impact followed not long after by what sounds like their car flipping. I jump back into the seat and open my eyes. I look at Mako and see an expression of pure shock and amazement on his face. Korra flies back after that and lands in the passenger seat. We fist bump and we all agree it's time to head back to the temple.


(Still Your POV)

We arrive back at the temple about thirty minutes after that fiasco. We are all sitting in the main room with Tenzin and Lin just talking. We did so until Mako came back with his girlfdriend and Alistair. After they are settled Mako speaks to me.

Mako: "Okay... I know you control electricity but what the hell were those abilities?" He asked me sounding a bit surprised. I look at him.

Tenzin: "What happened?" Tenzin asked before I could speak. I tell him everything and now even he looked surprised. "Tell me... What abilities have you discovered?" He asked me sounding curious.

You: "Toph apparently had a theory when about my abilities. She had me train with her and Korra with earth bending and my abilities changed when I performed said moves. Earth turns my powers into lightning strikes that strike with blunt force. Metal bending allows me to be a living magnet. Water turns it into a low voltage charge that stays in one place for a time once it makes impact. Ice turns it into points almost like if someone were targeting pressure points. Fire turns it into its most basic form as plasma that I can hurl through the air like fire. Finally, Air turns it into something that can destroy anything that uses electricity." I said pretty plainly. Mako and Tenzin are both surprised by this news while Alistair seems impressed and Sarah is smiling wide at the what I said. They both ask me a ton of questions while Lin just chuckles at their reactions. I answer each to the best of my ability though I do take note that Korra appears to be lost in thought. After everyone stops asking me questions I grab her hand. She looks at me. "Something wrong?" I ask in a soft tone sounding concerned. She sighs a bit and squeezes my hand in return.

Korra: "I had a hard time with that mech... I can't get what Zaheer did to me out of my head." She said rather sadly. I give her a soft look. "I want to go see him. If I want to move past this, I need to." She said sternly. Everyone either gives her a look of confusion or concern. Oddly Alistair speaks up first.

Alistair: "I agree. If she wishes to not focus on this anymore than confronting the cause may help." He said rather sternly. Everyone including myself give him a look. But a look he gives me tells me he has another motive behind it.

You: "I somewhat agree... Facing your demons may be hard but at some point it needs to be done." I said as I looked at Korra to reassure her... I need to consider the same. Maybe it's finally time for me... Before that thought consumes me she smiled a bit at me and kissed my cheek forcing that thought back out.

Korra: "Thanks... I knew you'd get it." She said softly to me. I nod and kiss her cheek. "I would ask you to come with me but... I need to do this alone." She said a bit more seriously. I nod to her.

You: "I get it... I'll be here when you get back. Be safe eh?" I asked with a small smile on my face. She chuckled but nodded.

Korra: "I will... I'll be back in a few hours." She said to the rest of us. We each nod at her and she heads towards the entrance of the temple as Lin follows behind saying she had something to attend to. Once she's gone I look at Alistair waiting for him to explain.

Alistair: "She needs to accept it... Not move past it... This may be the only way she will do just that." He said in a surprisingly serious tone. I hear Tenzin sigh in a bit of relief.

Tenzin: "Smart plan young man... I agree with you completely. Though this does seem foolish." He said a bit skeptically. Alistair nods in agreement but assures him it was the only way. Tenzin agrees before walking off to continue training the air benders.

After all that, the rest of us chat... Well more like they chat as I contemplate a few things. I ended up leaving to think about what needs to be done and headed to the garden. I am standing there staring at nothing. I was so preoccupied with my thoughts I didn't even hear someone enter the gardens until they shouted at me.

Opal: "(M/n)!!!" Opal shouted at me happily. I shook my head and turned to her. I see her running up to me and I open my arms. She jumps into them and hugs me tightly laughing in joy. I bug her back and after a time she separates from me. "It's good to see you." She said in her normal happy tone. I nod at her smiling.

You: "Likewise Opal." I said smiling at her. She smiled back but after sometime it faded. "What's wrong?" I ask her sounding concerned. She sighed deeply looking sad.

Opal: "It's Bolin." I look at her softly waiting for her to continue. "He helped get my family captured." I go wide eyed but she puts her hand up. "They're safe it's just Kuvira has them." I sigh in slight relief. "The thing is... I... I still love him but..." She trailed off at the end. I hum in response softly.

You: "Have you talked to him?" I asked her seriously. She shook her head no. "Maybe you should... He may be willing to help you get them out. Especially since he knows what Kuvira did to Korra." I said sternly trying to reassure her. She thinks on it before nodding to me.

Opal: "You're right... I should confront what's bothering me... Maybe you should to." She said to me in a serious tone. I tilt my head. "Confront what's bothering you I mean... I don't know the story of what happened to you but... You should confront it." She said gently to me. I am taken aback at the statement and think for a moment. "Anyway... I'll go find him... Maybe we can free them by tonight!" She exclaims happily before waving goodbye to me.

I stand there taking in what she said. Between her and what Alistair said about Korra... I begin questioning if I should go back... I decide to meditate on it and find a spot to do so. I assume my meditative stance and focus on my question at hand before succumbing to it. As I do I can hear a voice in my head.

Raiden: "You should." Raiden says to me sternly. "It would do you good." He said in the same tone. I then feel his presence vanish from my mind as I am being shaken by someone. I come out of my trance and see Korra. I also see that it's not late in the afternoon. I started meditating around noon.

Korra: "You okay?" Korra asked me sounding concerned. I look down for a moment before looking back up at her.

You: "Yeah... Just contemplating a question." I said to her calmly. She nodded but I noticed something gleaming out of the corner of my eye. I look over and see a small amount of liquid metal on the ground. I look back at her smiling. "Got it all out?" I ask her happily. She nodded to me. I stood up and hugged her deeply. "I knew you could." I said softly to her. I hear her chuckle before pulling back. We lean in and share a small kiss. Once she separates she speaks.

Korra: "I learned to accept it... Zaheer told me I needed to." I get a questioning look. "He actually helped me since he failed." She said calmly trying to reassure me. I nod at her. "Bolin got Sue and her family out while I was gone." I sigh in deep relief while she chuckles at me. "Yep. Anyway... What question were you thinking on?" She asks me gently. I look down again for a moment before looking at her.

You: "C-can you go get Olivia, Mako, Bolin, Asami, and Tenzin and bring them here please?" I ask her sounding a bit scared. She gave me a concerned look before nodding and walking off... I can't believe this is finally happening. Not long after each said person comes back with a worried look on their face. Olivia runs up and hugs me gently which I gladly return. Once she separates Tenzin speaks.

Tenzin: "What's wrong (M/n)? Korra said you sounded scared." Tenzin said sounding concerned. I sighed deeply calming myself.

You: "Did you guys know I never went back to the valley my clan lived in?" I said still sounding a bit unnerved. They each shook their head no save for Korra. "I-I was too scared... And damaged to do so." I said sadly looking down. I look back up and see each said person looking at me sadly.

Bolin: "You okay?" Bolin asks me in a surprisingly gentle tone.

Mako: "Yeah brother... You haven't sounded like this since we discovered you had nightmares." Mako said in a calm yet worried tone. I sighed deeply.

You: "N-no... I have been thinking on something and have made a decision... And it scares me." I said sadly again. Asami hugs me briefly to try and comfort me as I breathe in deeply to calm myself. Once she separates she speaks up.

Asami: "Whatever it is we'll be with you." Asami said with a gentle tone as everyone nodded in agreement.

You: "I have decided... After hearing what Alistair said and what Opal told me that it's... Time to... Face my personal demons." They each gained a surprised look before I finish. "It's time for me.... To go to my home." I said looking at everyone with scared eyes. Tenzin goes wide eyed as Asami gasps. Korra comes over to me and hold my hand to reassure me.

Tenzin: "Are... Are you sure you're ready? It's been over ten years." Tenzin said sounding concerned for my health. I decide to be honest and shake my head no.

You: "N-no... But I need to face my demon... Whether I am ready or not." I stuttered out. Korra begins to rub my back gently as Olivia grabs my hand. "I was wondering if you all could... Come with me?" I asked sounding scared. I was scared of their answer but each smiled gently at me.

Asami: "Of course we will... We wouldn't want you to face this demon alone." Asami said kindly to me. Mako, Bolin, Korra, and Olivia nod in response and that brings a tear to my eye.

You: "T-thank you... All of you." I said as I wiped my eyes. "W-we would need an airship... I want Kya to come to." I said to them gently. Little did I know someone was listening to us.

Lin: "You got one kid." Lin said from behind me. She was smiling gently at me. "It's the least I could do for letting me see my mother again... Next to that I did say you were the toughest son of a bitch I had seen in some time." She said smirking slightly. I chuckled at her comment. "When?" She asks me. I think for a moment.

You: "Tomorrow... At dawn. We fetch Kya and head... To my home." I said in an almost hushed tone. She nods and walks off. Korra hugs me and directs my head to her shoulder as I feel Olivia hug me as well... I can't believe it... After all this time... I'm... Going home.

(A/n: I am so sorry this is so late guys. :( I caught a really bad cold last week and it put me on my ass. Don't worry though I'm back up to full health and intend to continue writing as I was. Again I am so sorry this was so late. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.)

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