Chapter Thirty Five: What A Wonderful World

(Your POV)

I can't believe I'm going to do this... I won't lie I am scared out of my damned mind... But I need to do it... We are currently docking at the Southern Water Tribe so I can go ask Kya if she will come with me... I need her, Korra, and everyone. Hell even Olivia agreed t come with me... I also packed that Grandmaster's mask for... If I manage to find what's left of them. Once the ship docks I tell them all to wait so I can go fetch her. They all agree though Korra seems reluctant to leave me alone to do this. She's been worried sick for me since yesterday and had a death like grip on my body when we went to sleep last night. I begin walking at a decent pace to Kya's house. I don't really look at anyone that I pass by do to wanting to get to Kya's as fast as I can. Not to long later I arrive and knock on the door. After a moment Kya answers and smiles when she sees me though I guess she saw my scared esc expression and grabbed both of my arms.

Kya: "What's wrong? Did something happen?" Kya asked me sounding extremely worried. I sighed a bit shakily bit don't exactly answer her question just yet.

You: "Can we go inside..." I ask in a quiet tone. She nods and leads me inside. Once she shuts the door I look at her and her worried look gets worse when she sees my fear. "I... I've decided that it's time." I said in an almost scared tone. She gains a slight confused look. "I... I've decided to go home..." I said sadly in a hushed tone. She seems to process what I said for a moment and then gains a surprised look and hugs me deeply. I return it weakly. "I... I want you to come... Please." I said in an almost begging like tone of voice.

Kya: "Of course." I smile weakly at that. "How are we getting there?" She asked me in a hushed tone still holding onto me.

You: "Lin's taking us." I said to her as I pulled away. She still has her hands on my shoulders. "Korra, Olivia, Bolin, Asami, and Mako agreed to be with me when I go." I said with a weak smile. She smiled gently at me.

Kya: "I guessed as much... Let me pack and tell my mom where I'm going." She said gently to me. I nod and she hugs me once more before walking off to do what she said. I imply just stand there and wait. She came back with a small bag and smiled at me. "Ready?" She asked me gently. I nod at her and we walk towards the airship. "Are you ready to go home?" Kya asked me sounding worried. I shake my head no to be honest.

You: "No... But I need to regardless... It's been over ten years... It's time." "I said a bit shakily at the thought. She hums and smiles gently in response.

Kya: "It's probably for the best." She said gently as we approached the door to the airship. I nod in response and we headed inside. Once we got inside Olivia hugged Kya tightly which she gladly returned as I simply walked to the couch and plopped down. Not long after I am joined by Olivia, after she let Kya go, and Korra. Olivia leans on me and Korra wraps and arm around me as I do the same to both. Lin leads Kya to a place where she can settle.

Olivia: "You okay dad?" Olivia asked me gently. I sigh deeply and shake my head no.

You: "No... I've never been this scared of anything..." I said sadly. Olivia latched her arms around me as Korra begins to rub my back. "I only came close to this level of fear when Zaheer captured you and Korra." I said as I looked at Olivia whom is looking at me sadly.

Olivia: "I know you're scared but... I know you can do it. After all you did help get Korra walking again AND save me from Zaheer." Olivia said with a small smile on her face. I return it weakly and hug her. "It's hard I know... But you can do it... And we'll be here with you every step of the way." Olivia said in a more confident tone as she pulled away. I smiled at her.

You: "I know... Thanks Pumpkin." I said gently. She giggled a bit before leaning on me again.

Korra: "She's right. You can do this handsome." Korra said in a loving tone. I chuckle weakly and look at her only yo be me with a gentle kiss which I gladly return. After a time sh separates from me. "Got ya." She said smirking. I roll my eyes playfully.

You: "Between you and Olivia, the surprises are going to kill me. I said jokingly. I hear Olivia giggle at the statement as Korra laughs at it. After that the three of us just sit there enjoying the company. Well they enjoy it as my thoughts drift once again to home.


(Still Your POV)

We are currently flying over Ba Sing Se and I am telling Lin where she will need to land in about thirty minutes.

You: "There is a rather large town outside the Valley. It will have a docking station. My... Clan was not large enough for one." I instructed Lin as best I could. She nodded to me.

Lin: "Got it. The town's called 'Ark' right?" She asks me. I nod to her. "Good. How long after that will the walk take?" Lin asks me curiously. I think for a moment trying to remember how long it usually took me and Mom to get there from Ark.

You: "About thirty minutes to an hour." I said to her plainly. She nodded and began to steer the shop in the direction of Ark... My friend's hometown.

I leave the engine room and head back to my room to take a small nap since I am feeling drained. When I get there I take my jacket off as well as my boots. I plop down on my bed and begin thinking... Odds are I'll never see Natty, Zack or Tyler again. They would've moved out of their parent's houses by now. I sigh deeply at the thought. I would love to see them once again but... Some doors can never be reopened and some questions can never be answered. I again sigh deeply before sleep takes hold of me.


(Still Your POV)

I feel someone shaking me as I wake up. I open my eye and see Korra looking at me. I yawn before she speaks to me.

Korra: "We're docking at Ark right now." She said to me gently. I nod weakly and sit up. I get ready as Korra sits on my bed. "You Okay?" She asks me gently. That's about the hundredth time she's asked that since we left.

You: "I'm scared..." I said weakly as I put my jacket on. I grab my pack as she hums in response.

Korra: "Well... It's time to face your fears." She said to me in a gentle tone. I nod and she stands. She kisses my cheek to reassure me and we leave the room. Once the ship docks we head to the exit and are joined by everyone else. We leave the ship together and as we approach the entrance to the town two familiar guards stop is.

Guard 1: "Halt." The guard said sternly. "State your business." He said in authoritative tone. Lin goes to speak but I do first. I know these guards and am not happy to see them.

You: "I am the last surviving member of the clan known as 'The Scorch' whom sought refuge here over ten years ago as a young child." I said in the same tone the guards used. They flinch at the mention as I continue. "I seek to take care of what was left behind so the land isn't wasted." I said rather flatly leaving my other intentions out. The guards look at each other and nod. "I remember your faces." I said calmly. They flinch again. "You turned me away." I said a bit weaker. I see everyone save for Olivia scowl at the guards. Lin and Kya's however are the most terrifying.

Kya: "How could you do that to a young boy!? He had nowhere to go!!!" Kya shouted at the two as they simply look down in shame. That tells me they regret their decision. "If I wasn't a better person... I couldn't tell you what I would do to the two of you! HE WAS A CHILD!!!!" She shouted at them in an extremely angry and venomous tone of voice. They again flinch at her yelling.

Guard 2: "We were trying to protect our town." The second guard says trying to defend himself. Lin seems even more angry now.

Lin: "So you turned away a child who just lost everything!? That's horrible!" She shouted at them. Kya and Lin both go to shout some more but I put my hand up. They stop and refrain from continuing.

You: "That's enough... I can see the regret in their eyes." I said calmly to Lin and Kya. They both breathe in trying to calm down.

Guard 1: "Once we saw the damage... We were half tempted to resign for our decision. We turned away a child that went through hell because we were scared that would happen here. Please... Forgive us." The guard requested a bit shakily as they both bowed slightly to me with sad eyes. I think for a moment before nodding to myself.

You: "I... I forgive you." I said a bit weakly. They both look up slightly surprised. "I've dwelled on the past long enough." I said sadly. They both look very taken aback by the fact I forgave them.

Guard 1: "T-thank you..." The first guard said on the verge of tears. I smile a bit at him and they both let us pass. "Go... Your home is waiting." He said a bit weakly to me. I take in a deep breath and we enter the town.

Not much has changed overall other than the obvious modernization such as generators, street lights and things like that though the town has seemed to have gotten bigger. There are several people going about their days and even a group of four kids playing in the plaza. That reminds me of my friends and I look down. I feel a small hand grab mine and squeeze it. I look and see Olivia smiling gently at me I smile back and squeeze her hand in turn. We all then walk towards the gate that leads... Home. Once we get to the gate it opens and I am met with a familiar dirt road. I take in a deep breath.

Korra: "Are you ready?" Korra asks me gently. I turn and see everyone looking at ne waiting my answer. I nod to them and each gain a gentle smile. "We'll be with you every step of the way." Korra says gently as she takes my hand and interlocks our fingers. I smile at them as everyone else nods in agreement.

You: "Thank you... All of you." I said in a hushed tone. They each smile at me. I turn around and begin walking towards my home though Korra doesn't seem to want to let go of my hand not that I mind.

Asami: "What do you hope you find?" Asami ask me gently. I ponder on the question for a few minutes before nodding to myself.

You: "Relief..." I said sadly. "And... Self-forgiveness." I said sadly once more. I feel Korra Squeeze my hand for a brief moment to reassure me. I hear Asami hum in response.

Asami: "I see..." Asami replies a bit weakly. She and the others know exactly how I feel about this situation so there isn't much they can say to comfort me all that much.

Mako: "Hm. Maybe you may be able to find something that you can bring with you." Mao suggested to me. I think for a moment. I never really considered that.

You: "Maybe... If bandits and scavengers didn't plunder the place." I said a but flatly. He nods in response meaning he's considered that as a possibility as well.

Bolin: "You never know!" Bolin said happily trying to lift the mood up. Kya gave him a look that said he shouldn't do that. Kya then looked at me.

Kya: "Don't worry about that too much." Kya says to me gently. "How are your nerves?" She asks me kindly. I lift my free hand up and show her it's shaking slightly. "That bad?" She asks once more though in a quieter tone of voice.

You: "Yeah... Like I've been saying I'm scared out of my mind right now." I said sadly as I lowered my shaking hand. "But... I know no matter how scared I may be... That in the end... It will help." I said as I looked at Kya. She smiles gently and nods at me.

Kya: "Exactly... Like Olivia and Korra said though. We're all here." She said as the smile never left her face. I smile weakly and nod before looking forward once again.

The ridge we are walking though is much like I remember it though it seems to be covered in red and green moss. The moss itself does not bury the brown rock underneath it but it's very prominent. The way it looks makes me think it would be slimy to the touch. I am soon proven right as Olivia touches some and makes a disgusted noise. Everyone chuckles as she wipes it off on her robes leaving a trail of slimy wetness behind. We continue walking down the well-worn dirt path for a time until I see the corner that would reveal my home. I stopped abruptly and everyone did as well.

You: "Beyond that corner... My home sits." I said looking down. I breathe in deeply a few times to try and calm my now shaking form. Korra pulls me into a hug to try and help me calm myself. "It's sad isn't it? I'm acting like a scared little kid." I said as I returned Korra's embrace. She shakes her head no but Kya speaks up.

Kya: "No it's not... You were a kid last time you were home... it's only natural that your fear of what you witnessed would come back." Kya said gently trying to reassure me. I sigh deeply as I reluctantly pull away from Korra since I stopped shaking.

You: "I suppose." I take another deep breath through my nose. "Alright." I muttered before walking to the corner. With every step I could feel my palms sweat and heart rate increase. Soon I stood at the corner. I breathed in and stepped around and was met with what I feared most... My clan's home. We begin approaching as I hold back some tears threatening to come forth. Once we get to the archway I can see the extent of what my home looks like now.

The buildings... or what's left of them are blackened and cracked. Many have fallen in on themselves and a few are missing. Probably due to the fire that raged all those years ago. The beautiful multi colored flowers I remembered have since been over taken by the tall, now seeding grass. The tree that stood in the center of our village has been burned badly. There are no leaves and the bark looks like it's rotting off. I stand there looking around as a few tears managed to escape my eyes. I can see some tattered remains of clothes and banners lying about. I crouch slightly and pick up a piece and see my clan's symbol. A sword in the style of lightning crossed with a rope dart over what looks like a cloud. I clutch it to my chest tightly as more tears escape my eyes. I feel someone rub my back and I look to see Korra and Kya looking at me sadly. I hold the fabric out so I can look at it once more. I stand up a bit shakily as Korra grabs my sides to insure I don't fall over as I do so. I put the cloth in my pocket so I can keep it. I look at Mako who is smiling slightly at me. It's not much but I do have something to keep from this place. I wipe my eyes and continue looking around as the others do the same. I then see a particular collapsed building that I recognized as the lay mother's house. She'd often baby sit children when their parents were gone. I whence as I remember the screams that came from that building. I walk towards it and see a few baby toys that are badly burned on the porch. I then remember that she also took care of babies if needed... If there were any they died to. I pick up the rattle gently and see the name 'Noct' written in the side. I sigh in a bit of relief. That means there were no babies in my clan at the time... Or at least ones I knew about. I place the rattle back down gently only to have its handle crack and fall off the main part. I stand back up and walk towards more of the buildings. Oddly I did notice there were no skeletons that I could find. I begin to think that maybe animals drug them off. I frown further at that thought. I look to a field and see that the Bamboo has gone wild and out of control. The farm master would've had a fit if he saw it in this state. That thought makes me smile a small bit but it again turns to a frown since I know I'll never see his pissed off face ever again. I feel another tear creep down my cheek at that. As I walk some more I come to it... My home... It, unlike the other buildings, is only half burned. Likely due to the fact those bastards wanted me alive. The half that is not burned has a red pillar holding up the half of the porch roof that is standing. The red paint is cracking and flaking off revealing the brown wood underneath. The outside walls are the same with its white paint. I look back and wave Korra over weakly. Her Oliva, and Kya come up first before the others follow suit. I open my house door only to have it fall off its hinges suddenly as the door frame crumbles around it. I sigh deeply and place the door down. I take a deep breath and walk inside. The interior brings even more tears to my eyes as I hear the others enter with me. My house was rather large. The half that is not burned is in decent shape save for the paint and some of the wood on the floor. I go to the 'good' side of my house and head straight to my room hoping to find some pictures I had. Once I get to my room I look back to see Kya, Korra and Olivia waiting. I breathe in and gently open my door. As I look inside I fight back a sob looking at it. My covers on my bed are molded but are in the exact same position they were when I was forced to run. I place a hand over my mouth fighting back sobs looking at it... That was my last memory of my room as all hell broke loose. I feel Olivia grab my free hand as Korra rubs my back. I stand there just trying to calm down. After what felt like hours I finally did and remembered something. I crouched down and lifted a floor board next to my molded bed. Once I do I am greeted with a familiar lock box. I lift it up gently. I tap Korra on the shoulder. She sees the metal lock and proceeds to pry it open gently with her metal bending much to my appreciation. Inside are a handful of things. Some money I was saving. I give it to Olivia and she gently takes it and places it in her pocket. I then find my father's coin he gave me when I was eight. It's a unique coin that has Zuko's face on the front and his family's symbol on the back. It's a pure silver and has not been damaged in anyway other than a light almost unseen scratch on the symbol on the back. I feel more tears creep down my face. I hand it to Kya and she gently places it in my pack for me. Somethings in the box have decayed such as a four leaf clover I had found and some other things. I gently dust that stuff out and then see my first rope dart. It was a practice one made of a blunt stone so I would not hurt anyone. I smile at it through the tears. I grab it gently. The rope, much to my relief, is in damn good shape. I hand it to Kya and she pockets it with the coin. I see nothing else in the box I could take that would survive the journey so I place it back and stand up. I wipe my eyes and sniff slightly. Korra hugs me gently and guides my head to her shoulders, I gladly return the embrace until I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look and see Kya gesturing me to a shelf. I look and what I see makes me equally incredibly happy and extremely sad. I approach the shelf and am met with several pictures. Though the glass in the frame has been cracked, likely from the heat of the fire, I can see them clearly. One is a family Portrait of me my mom, dad, uncle, and his wife. Another is simply of me, mom and dad sitting on the hill together smiling. The third is one of the whole clan posing for a photo after we all built the new house for the Doctor of our clan. The last is a bigger version of the picture in my locket of me, Natty, Zack, and Tyler. I gently take each and slowly remove each from their busted frames as to not damage them. Once that is done I take go to my old dresser and pull out a relatively clean pair of pants. I tear of a piece and gently wrap the photos and hand them to Kya. She gently takes them and puts them with the other things I have. I take one last look at my room, wipe my eyes, and exit with the others following me close behind. I then am faced with the burnt side of the house. Olivia, Korra, and Kya hang back as me Asami, Mako, and Bolin approach very carefully. Once I step onto the burnt floor I can feel it's still pretty sturdy and gesture the other three to follow. They do and I then remember something. I walk over to a cabinet in the kitchen and open it. I from slightly seeing many burnt pieces of paper until I remember that mom kept the book hidden. I look for the switch and find it. Once I flip it a compartment opens and there it is. My mom's cook book looking as pretty as ever. I take it out and flip through it smiling at the recipes sadly. I show the others and they smile with me though I am the only one with tears coming down my face. I close it and Kya takes it from me gently. She places it in my pack as we continue to my parent's room. The door to their room is already on the floor. I move it out of the way gently. Once I walk in I nearly fall over seeing what was before me. Korra and Kya hold onto me to make sure I don't fall as I breathe in and out sharply... I now know where my mother died... Her skeleton is lying on the floor on her normal nightgown which has since molded. I close my eyes as more tears fall down my face.

You: "M-m-mom... I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry." I stuttered out as my voice cracked. It's almost as if I forgot anyone was there. I breathe in deeply a few times to calm myself.

I stand back up straight and approach the body. I hear Olivia try to follow but someone holds her back. I get on my knees and place a hand on the skull and say a small prayer to bless her passed spirit. I stay that way for some time as I simply let some tears fall. I feel someone kneel next to me and place a hand on my hand that's on the skull. I look over and See Kya doing the same as I was. The others come up and take turns doing the same which... Hits me pretty hard as I have to cover my mouth with my free hand before I stand. I look at everyone. Kya, Olivia, and Asami look like they've been holding back tears though Olivia has failed as I see tears crawling down her face. Mako, he just looks sadly at me. Korra looks much the same though she seems to be fighting the urge to hug me... I need to take care of the body. I then hear Bolin shout for me in the living room since he left. I head to where he is and he points to some rubble. I approach and see a skeletal hand... I know who this is. I carefully move the rubble and another sob escapes my throat. Before me lies a skeleton dressed in moldy white and blue robes with a... Disconnected neck bone. I again am breathing sharply at the memory. I ran out of my room that day only to see... I place a hand on my mouth and close my eyes. I wish it was just a bad dream but no... It was reality. A reality that I must face. I open my eyes again and do what I did to my mother's skeleton. I placed a hand on the skull and said the same prayer I did earlier. After I do I speak though my voice is a tad bit course.

You: "I'll take care of you guys now." I said in a whisper. I stand slowly and turn to everyone. "T-there's a right... The dead must be burned... And the surviving family must perform..." I said sadly. Korra approaches me and wipe my tears before caressing my cheek. I feel Olivia grab my hand.

Korra: "What needs to be done?" Korra asks me gently. I look back at My dad's skeleton and then look at her.

You: "I... Must gather some Bamboo and set up a pyre." I said through the tears. Korra nodded to me before she kissed my forehead quite gently.

Olivia: "Let me help." Olivia said though her voice was course like mine. Korra lets my face go and I look at her. I nod.

You: "They were your grandparents." I said to her smiling weakly. She returned it as she wiped her eyes. I then look at everyone else. "Me and her have to do this alone... Do you guys think you could clear a spot in that field next to us?" I ask a bit weak and sadly. The others gently smile at me.

Kya: "No problem. How large?" Kya asks me gently. I think for a moment and nod to myself.

You: "Six by four feet." I said flatly. They nod and we all leave the house. Korra and the others go to work immediately as me and Olivia head to the Bamboo field.

When we get there we can see all the weeds that are around. I tell Olivia about how mad the head farmer would have been if he ever saw it like this which made her laugh a small bit as she piled the long pieces I gathered nearby. I told her about her grandparents which, although made me emotional, made her quite happy. She told me she loved them to death which made me smile. We spend a little over an hour gathering the bamboo. Once we were done we begin moving the pieces to the clearing that the others have made. I begin the process of placing the bamboo in the proper pattern after me and Olivia brought all the bamboo over. Once that was done I frown deeply and ask Olivia to stay here with the others. She reluctantly agreed and I headed off to... Gather the remains. I go back into my house and decide to grab... Mom first. I am fighting back full on sobs as I gently pick her up so the skeleton will stay in one piece. I slowly walk out of my house and head to the pyre. Once I get there I see Olivia crying as Korra hugs her. Kya has a tear in her eye as does Asami. Bolin and Mako only have lowered their heads in respect though I can see the sadness in their faces. I gently place mom on the pyre. I placed her on the left side since it seemed fitting. She always slept on the left side of her and dad's bed. I then take a moment to calm down before going back to my home. Just like before I gently grab dad's skeleton though I have to place his skull on his chest. I slowly walk back out and place his body on the right and put his head back to where it belongs. I step back and say a prayer for the departed. I then look back up.

You: "It is my clan's custom that the surviving members place something important on the pyre to be burned with them." I said sadly but with a stern tone. I go to my pack Kya has and open it's front flap. I slowly pull out The Grandmaster's mask. I walk back over to the pyre and place it in on my dad's chest. "I... Stopped him... He won't hurt anyone else." I said as more tears crept down my face. I then hear someone approach and I see Olivia place... That Air Bison teddy I bought her years ago on the pyre. I gained a confused look.

Olivia: "It was the first toy I ever had... I have more now so... I feel this fits." Olivia said to me sadly. I thin, my lips and hug her. She returns it and we stay that way for a time before we separate.

You: "Now... Depart." I said as I looked at my parent's skeletons. I summon some electricity in my hand and light the pyre. "Another custom for us is for the eldest surviving family member to sing a song... A song that describes how they feel." I said sadly. I turn and look at the others and they are waiting for me to begin. Olivia goes next to Korra who wraps an arm around said girl.

(Korra's POV)

I am on the verge of crying right now but I need to hold it together for (M/n). he's going to sing something that describes how he feels about everything that has happened to him. As the flames begin to climb higher he turns back around and breathes in deeply.

You: "I see trees of green... Red roses to... I see them bloom... For me and you... And I think to myself... what a wonderful world." (M/n) began singing. I was slightly surprised at how well he can sing but that song... It's usually meant to be happy yet... I can hear the darker tone in it. "I heard babies cry! I watched them burn! What they could learn will now never turn! While I have to think to myself!! What a wonderful WORLD!!!" (M/n) sang as a strike of lightning hit on the other side of the pyre. I look at his face and see a large amount of tears rolling down his face. I feel a tear creep down my face. I know what the song means to him now. Especially with that one change. He had to hold himself together while alone or he'd fall. What a wonderful world. "I see skies of blue... Clouds of white... But like much else... it's not here all day and night... And I think to myself." (M/n) had to stop himself for a moment to calm himself down. His tears were falling off his face at a constant rate. I wanted to run up and hold him but I know he's not done. He breathes I again to finish the song I assume. "What a wonderful world..." He pauses for a few seconds as the fire finally reaches his parents. "What a wonderful world!!!!" He held the last note for a few seconds. "And I think to myself...." He finishes in a hushed voice. He then falls to his knees and begins balling his eyes out. Me and Olivia take that as our ques to run up and latch onto him tightly. I pet the back of his head as Olivia clutches to his left side as tight as she can. He doesn't stop he just starts talking through the sobs. "I-it's so damn hard." He stuttered out through his sobs. "I-I'm so sorry..." He muttered as I brought his head to my shoulder. Kya and the others walk up and kneel next to him to.

Korra: "Shh. It's okay. We're here." I said as he sobbed into my shoulder. Much like at the temple those years ago he's letting his pent up emotions out now though now it seems allot more... Potent. As the flames burn behind me he cries. It's as if the flames themselves are allowing him to let all his emotions out finally. After sometime he does stop crying and pulls back slightly.

You: "I..." He can't finish just yet as he breathes in deeply. "Thank you all." He whispers to us. I wipe my eyes and smile at him.

Korra: "No need." I say back to him. "We said we would be with you from the start." I said to him gently. He chuckles weakly probably at the memory of our second meeting. He begins to stand after he hugs Olivia tightly. He looks at the pyre before speaking with a course voice.

You: "I stood tall... I just hope... I managed to make you proud but... I can't hold onto this pain anymore." We all smile at his statement slightly. "I swear... I will never forget you. I love you both." He said a bit sadly. I look at his eyes and see the complete utter relief in them. The skeletons crumble into dust after that as if that's what they needed to hear before they could let go. He sighed shakily as a single tear crept down my cheek. "No worries mom and dad... I have a family. I love you." He said as the bamboo began to crumble and the fire began to die down. He turned to us. "The right is complete." He said to us as an almost unseen smile appears on his face.

Kya: "Are... You going to be okay?" Kya asks with obvious worry in her tone. He looks down for a moment but looks back up and nods. She smiles at him and hugs him deeply. "That makes me very happy." She said happily as she tightened the hug. He did the same.

You: "I... Need to move on... And you were right Kya." He said to Kya. She pulled back and looked at him. "I... Needed to do this... I can now accept it... And fully integrate it into my life." He said as he looked at Asami. He then smiled fully. "Because life gets better." He said to Asami. She wipes a tear away before running up and hugging him which he gladly returns. Once they separate she is smiling wide.

Asami: "You remembered." Asami said sounding a bit surprised. He simply nods. "So... It helped." She said sounding unsure.

You: "I won't lie... At first it didn't but... Now... Combined with my new family... It can." (M/n) said to her gently. She smiled at him as Mako and Bolin approached finally.

Mako: "Feel better man?" Mako asked in a surprisingly soft tone. (M/n) nods and Mako sighs in relief. "Good. You're like a brother and this worried me and Bolin more than we let on." Mako said as he and (M/n) bro hugged. Bolin then trapped (M/n) in a huge bear hug.

Bolin: "Yep! We were actually going to try and convince you to come here but look. You did it on your own!" Bolin exclaims happily as he sets poor (M/n) down who takes a deep breath.

You: "Thanks brother. But... I knew I'd need to do this one day." (M/n) replied though his voice was still slightly hoarse from the crying. He then turned to me. He said nothing as he simply wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me deeply. I gladly return it and wrap my arms around his head. Our lips begin moving in sync for a brief time before we separate and he leans his forehead on mine. We just smile at each other lovingly though I can hear Asami whisper to Kya.

Asami: "They really love each other huh?" Asami whispered to Kya as she looked at us. Kya smiles gently and nods in response.

Kya: "Yeah... They don't even need to say it." Kya replied whispered back still smiling at us. She's not wrong. I know (M/n) has issues showing emotions still but I know he loves me. I can see it in his eyes and he knows I love him just as much. He then pulls back a bit and looks at the others. He then notices it is sundown and smiles.

You: "Come. There is something I want you all to see." He says to us in a gentle tone. He holds out his hand for me and I gladly take it and interlock our fingers. He holds out his other for Olivia and she happily grabs it.

He begins leading us up a hill. I then see a single tree with red leaves sitting on the top. He sits down after letting go of my hand. He gestures us to do the same. We do and he looks forward at the sunset. We do the same and... I can see why this was the scene he remembered. The orange and red lights shine perfectly off the water as the light's reflection ripples as the river flows forward. The grass is also bathed in this light and now has an orange tint to it. Even the trees seem to be brighter. I look at him and see him smiling at the scene. Olivia makes an audible 'wow' as she looks on in awe. Kya is admiring the scene along with Asami. Heck even Bolin is sitting still watching intently. Mako even seems impressed. We all sit there just watching until (M/n) speaks.

You: "We're so lucky to live in such a beautiful world." He said as he refused to take his eyes off the scene as the sun began to sink over the horizon as the starts in the night sky began to shine. "Look at the sky." We all do and I can even see the galaxy here just like at home. He doesn't speak until the sun fully goes down. "The night sky isn't black like many assume. It's actually a deep blue. And look." He said as he pointed towards some clouds. "Lighter blues that blend into the canvas that is the night sky. And look at the stars." He said as he seemed to reach for them. "Can't you see how they pulse... Almost like a heartbeat." He said with joy in his eyes. I look and yes... Though I think they call what stars do twinkle but 'heartbeat' sounds... Poetic.

Kya: "I have seen many things... But you're right. We are lucky." Kya said as she admired the sky. I nod in agreement not taking my eyes off of (M/n). The utter joy in his face warms my heart. He smiles and looks at us.

You: "The complex beauty of nature is everywhere we look. Even in people." He said as he looked at me. I blush at the compliment and he smiles. "I wanted to share this with my new family... Thanks for indulging me." He said to us gently. We all look at him and nod. We all group hug with him and poor Olivia caught in the center much to her joy since she's giggling. Once we separate he stands. "It's time... To go home." He said to us gently. We all stood up and looked at him. "Home is where the family is...So lets go home." He said to us gently once more. We all smiled wide. That's the first time he has said that the Temple was 'home'. He held out his hand for me. I gladly accepted it and interlocked out fingers. He held out his other for Olivia who grabs it happily and we all start walking back to the ship. Luckily for us we packed lights for us just in case this took too long. Once we arrive at the blue arch that leads into his village (M/n) stops and looks back for a moment.

Korra: "Think you'll ever come back?" I ask him gently. He nods yes and looks at me.

You: "My clan would want nature to be able to fully reclaim this place. After Kuvira is dealt with I will tear what is left of the buildings down completely and burn the clothes and other rotted things.... Maybe you could come and help me when I do come back to do all of that?" He asks me in a very gentle tone of voice. I chuckle and peck his lips before I answer.

Korra: "Of course." I said in a loving tone. He smiles before we start walking again... He's done it... He's confronted and accepted his demon and now can move on... He needed this and I am so glad I was able to be here for him for this... Just like he was for me for almost three years while I relearned to walk.


(Your POV)

The ship is lowering into Republic City. We already dropped Kya of at Home. She was reluctant but I reassure her. She finally agreed and we hugged for a good five minutes before she walked off. Right now I am looking at the city as we lower. Once it docks Lin heads off to somewhere while me and the others head straight for the temple. Once we get there we are all basically tackled into hugs by Meelo, and Ikki while Jinora looks on but she looks like she wants hugs to. I open my arms and she runs up and hugs me. After they all hug us multiple times We head inside and I see Alistair, Sarah, Tenzin and Ms. Smith talking. I raise a brow but approach them. When Sarah and Alistair see their respective partners they run up and hug them tightly. Alistair and Asami share a few cute kisses while Sarah pulls Mako into a short make out session that Tenzin stops. Once that was over Ms. Smith asks me and Oliva to sit. We do and are joined by the others.

Alistair: "Remember when we said mom was working like crazy on something." Alistair says to me flatly. I nod and he looks at his mother who has a file and is smiling at me.

Ms. Smith: "A few months ago I got curious about where Olivia came from." She said to us in a slight happy tone. "I noticed a pattern as I researched. The pattern lined up with a certain fire bender named Noct Cherra." I go slightly wide eyed.

You: "He was a teen when I was a kid in the clan... He left to train with a fire bending master but often went on missions." I said to her sounding surprised. Smith's smile only seemed to grow.

Ms. Smith: "Yes. He apparently got married when he went on a long mission for a few years... He wasn't their when you were attacked." I go wide eyed at that. "The woman's name is unknown but they ended up having a child... A small girl." I start piecing together what she is saying and my breath hitches. "They realized that the assassins were coming and left her at an orphanage that sent her to this city. She had blonde hair and green eyes. They named her..." She pauses as I try and recover from the shock. "Olivia." Smith finished with a smile. My mouth is agape. "You're not the last." Smith says to me warmly. I look over at Olivia whom seems to be just as surprised as I am. Olivia looks at me before bolting into my arms hugging me tightly. I return the embrace.

You: "Surprising your old man again and again." I said a bit shakily. She giggled a bit and pulled back. "Not only are you special... You are a Scorch... meaning we were family from the moment we met." I said sounding extremely happy.

Olivia: "Yep! That means you didn't lose them all!" She said sounding as happy as I am. I kind of shrug.

You: "That doesn't matter. What matters is that we have each other... My little girl. My daughter. I love you." I said with happy tears in my eyes. She hugs me and I return the embrace.

Olivia: "I love you to dad." She said happily though it was slightly muffled by my shirt. I look and see everyone is just as surprised as I was.

Korra: "She's..." Korra can't finish. I nod at her and she smiles wide before joining our hug. "See. She keeps proving she's special!" Korra exclaims. I chuckle as a response and wrap an arm around her as well.

It still hurts. I won't lie. But... Now I can move on. My parents were laid to rest and I... I can stand tall for my new family... Not my past guilt... Mom... Dad... I love you guys... Thank you for everything. I'll see you one day. But now I need to focus on my new family... A family that I love with all my heart. Olivia may be a clan member by blood. Buts she's my daughter above all. Korra... heh... I love you... I love you with everything I have... They helped me move on mom and dad. They all did... I will always remember you. But I will stand strong for my family. And make you proud.

(A/N: The song not only served as Inspiration for the story but it's what i personally considered the Reader's theme though that is not for me to say since you can pick your own them if you want. :) I hope this payed off all that set up for this moment. I love all of my readers that have stuck with me this far. Thank you all so much.)

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