Chapter Thirty Eight: Everything Can Change In A Single Moment

(Alistair's POV)

We watch as the giant mech enters the city. I am surprised at its size but I do not show it as her forces approach me, Mako, Bolin and my chi blockers. I also see three mechs wondering the streets behind them likely looking for Korra and the others. What looks like their leader tells his men to hold when they are close enough to speak to us. He then shouts towards us.

Commander: "IF YOU STAND DOWN YOU WILL BE SPARED!!" The leader shouts loudly at us like he has some authority over us. I simply pull my recently upgraded sword from my back and slam it into the concrete which cracks slightly on impact. I crack my neck before shouting back.

Alistair: "COME THEN!!! FORCE US OUT!!!" I shout trying to get his and his forces to engage us. It seems to work as he gestures his men to approach our group.

As they do I pull my sword up and hold it in front of me with two hands. I rev the handle twice heating up the blade slightly so it glows a slight bit orange. Mako and Bolin take their stances as my chi blockers do the same. One of The Commander's men is ordered to throw a boulder at us. I step in front of the group and take a wide stance. I rev up my sword more as the man throws the boulder at us. I hold my swords edge to the side as it approaches. Once close enough I swing with the immense force I am accustomed to and the boulder gets cut in two easily thanks to my strength and the heat of my blade. I may have confidence issues with people but my fighting prowess is not in question in my mind.. Bolin deflects the two pieces as I eye the commander whom is shocked at my actions. I resume my normal stance as he recovers from the surprise. He orders his men to rush us. I yell for my men to attack and we all charge the group. The commander sends another boulder towards me which I simply slide under. Once I am close enough I jump, spin and my blade clashes with the commander's metal armor. He grunts as it makes contact as I keep my blank face. He manages to push me back and two of his men rush me. The first tries to punch me. I block it with one arm, spin my blade to where the handle is pointing up, and ram the hilt of my blade into the soldier's gut. He stumbles back. The other man tries to nail me with a rock. I side step it and slash his metal chest plate after revving my sword up once. The chest piece is now dangling from his chest. I then swing me sword's flat side at his side with as much force as I can muster. It makes impact and he goes a tumbling a few feet to my right. As he stands however one of my chi blockers disables him completely by hitting his pressure points. I look back at the other soldier as he gets blasted by a fire ball knocking him out. I smirk and turn to the commander that has covered one arm with a metal spike though I notice he sacrificed his arm armor to do so. I reassume my stance. He points the spike at me trying to taunt me but I remain completely stoic. He then charges me with the spike. I rev my sword three times and block his spike. My blade managed to move into the spike slightly before the heat dissipated do to coming in contact with the cold metal. He tries to push back but a put my left palm on the flat side of my blade and match the force. I see his stance suffer as a result and break the clash. I swing my large sword around my side before resting it on my shoulder. We begin circling one another as I get into my normal stance. We're in a stand-off. Watching to see whom will attack or flinch first. Luckily we hear a mech fall. He turns his head slightly and I take the opportunity to charge him. He barely dodges and we begin to exchange clashes. The sound of metal clashing against metal can be heard over the fighting around us. The way he is looking at me as we collide tells me he is surprised I can swing the large sword with such ease. Soon my blade's edge collides with the spike on his arm and he stumbles. I take the opportunity to quickly rev my sword up to its max of five. The blade is now glowing a bright red. He once again lunges at me. I sidestep and prepare my struck. With one swift movement I swing straight down with immense force. My blade goes straight through with ease and slices his arm off just below the elbow. He screams in pain as I rev up once more. I sear his wound so he will not bleed out. He passes out due to the pain and I turn my attention to the others. Two of my blockers have been disabled so that leaves me with two more targets. The two take their respective stances before attacking me in a pair. I crack my neck once more before jabbing my sword into the wall next to me. I have use for it here. They both jump to punch me. I simply block both and push them back. It's been awhile since I have had to engage multiple targets at once but It should be simple enough. They both come in to engage me at the same time. Likely hoping to over whelm me. I easily begin deflecting their jabs, kicks, and punches as I lead them closer to my sword. Once I am close enough I knock one back by countering his kick and kicking him in the gut. The other goes for a punch. I grab his arm, punch his face, proceed to break the arm I have grabbed just below the elbow, grab his shoulder and send him into my swords hilt knocking him out cold. The other man who has recovered seems shocked at my actions. I simply nod to him and he seems to take a step back before resuming his stance. He seems so unnerved and it shows as he tries to hit me. I easily sidestep, grab his fist, punch him in the gut, stomp his ankle breaking it, and punch his face making him hit the ground. I stomp his head one good time to make sure he stays knocked out. I turn to see Lin looking at me surprised.

Lin: "That was... Brutal Alistair." Lin said in a shocked tone of voice. I keep my face stoic as I answer her.

Alistair: "They threatened my home, family, and friends. They can get fucked for all I care." I said in a very angry tone of voice. Lin looked surprised before nodding and running off to help the others.

I turn to the battle before me. I look up to see the plane Asami is in charge the mech. I then see someone get ejected and judging by the hair it was Asami. I then see the plane crash into the mech's hands... Time seemed to slow as the mech closed its fists around the plane. Then... He was gone... Hiroshi was gone... I go slightly wide eyed at the sight... Hiroshi... He told me a few things over the past few days... How much he regretted what he did... How he wished he could make it up to Asami... How he said he never was able to get over his wife's death even now... How he said he approved of me and even gave me his blessing when I asked if I could propose to Asami... He was so excited that he might have been able to walk her down the aisle while she wore a wedding dress... He'll never get to do any that now. I then see Korra and her team enter the suit. I exhale deeply and say a small prayer for the departed. I then look up and see two more earth benders eyeing me. They flinch... They must see the pure unadulterated rage in my eyes. They have no idea what they have done. I rip my blade from the wall which leaves a rather large slash in the concrete it is made of. I hold it in front of me and scowl at the two men .... They look at each other and nod. I guess they assume they have a plan. I see one try and concentrate on something. I simply shake my head at him seeing as my sword is made of steel sure but is covered in a thin layer of platinum to insure it cannot be manipulated. Then they both charge me as the others did before though these two seem to be in sync. I quickly sheathe the sword and charge the two men which seems to surprise them. I side step one man's punch and quickly grab the others man's arm. I pull him towards me as hard as I can and punch him in his face. I can hear an audible crack as my fist makes contact with the man's nose. He goes back away from me but I pull him towards me again this time kneeing him in the gut. I hear him exhale heavily. I do that same thing once more but I head but the man. I then let go of his arm as he stumbles to the ground. He isn't out cold but I can see the blood leak from his nose. I turn to the other man to see that he has prepared a large rock to throw at me. I quickly unsheathe my sword and rev it up. I can only do it three times before I have to block the rock. Unfortunately, my blade's heat is not enough and it actually knocks me back a bit before it makes impact with the ground. He sends the broken remains at me again but I am able to regain balance and begin slicing through the smaller rocks. As I finish the last one I am greeted with a charging rock covered fist. I quickly go to block. I succeed but am knocked back away again. I regain my balance and see him running towards me once more. I rev my sword up to four and take a stance. My blade now rests towards my right and the point is facing the ground. When he is close enough I swing upward slicing through his armor and cutting him ever so slightly. It's not too deep but it does get burned closed as my blade passes through. He falls to the ground as I step to the side. I then hit him in the head with the hilt of my sword and knock him out. I then hear someone spit and I turn to see the man who's nose I broke. The blood is drying and I see a bit still coming from it. I also see that the combined impact of my fist and head have blackened both eyes. He takes a stance but is a bit wobbly doing so. I shake my head and don't bother getting into a stance. He runs at me but I simply stick my foot out. He trips and lands on his face, That seems to be what he needed to stay down. I breathe out and look to see my chi blockers finishing the ground forces with the others. I smile slightly until I hear a loud cry. I look in the direction it came from and see a lightning bolt strike the giant mech's head as the electricity travel through the rest of its body and and a storm rolls it as it begins raining picking up in intensity quickly. I then see one of Korra's team carry a small form out... No... No not her.


(Your POV)

Me and Sarah see six mechs enter the city after the ground forces. I hear the commander of said ground forces shout at Alistair. I hear Alistair shout back and we take that as our signal to engage. We fly up and charge the first mech. Sarah lights her fist and I am surprised to see white fire. She's turned up the heat as much as she can. I charge my plasma and we both fire at the unsuspecting mech. When both make impact we see it slide into a building damaging the wall a bit. It regains its balance before turning to us. My hands are dripping with blazing hot plasma while Sarah's are burning with white fire. Before it even gets a chance to aim anything at us we both lob two balls of our respective power at the cockpit. It melts through easily forcing the pilot to eject. I fly up and grab the pilot by the collar. I punch him one good time in the face to knock him out before setting him down on a nearby roof. I turn to see another mech coming towards us. I gesture for Sarah to land next to me. She does so and I use my low voltage electricity to form a walled trap. The pilot seems to not see it as he begins to approach it. The second one tread hits the electricity it seems to slow down considerably. I then lob two balls of plasma at its chest. Once that is done it breaks free but I switch to my metal bending stance and hold the bastard in place. It strains my body but I see Sarah's arms get engulfed in flame before charging at the mech's chest. She goes straight through and I see something metal drop on the other side. I let the mech go and it simply falls backwards. She must have removed the power source with ease. Then we here the last one approach. We both look at it and see it's quite a bit bigger than the last two. Me and her go to a roof a bit away from it. I look at her.

You: "This won't be easy... I have a plan." I said to her seriously. She nodded and gestured for me to tell her. "I'll use my immunity to electricity and tank the cables it will fire. Once it does I need you to destroy one of its arms. Once that is done I will over charge the cables and blow the other apart." I said firmly. She nodded before speaking.

Sarah: "We still have the chest cannon... Can you use your blunt bolts to force it off its feet?" Sarah asks me looking back at the mech whom has just flattened the mech we destroyed before.

You: "You'll have to cover me so I can get to the ground but yes I can." I said firmly. She nodded to me letting me know she can do it. "The second the cable makes impact take that arm off." I ordered firmly. She nodded once sternly and I fly off.

I shoot a few bolts at the mech's hull to grab the pilots attention. It does the trick as it begins to follow me. It does fire it's cannon at me a few times but I simply roll and dodge out of the way. Once I am near the water I land on a roof and wait. The second it's close enough it fires its electric cables at me. They make impact and clasp down on my arms. It then begins shocking me but I simply stand there waiting for my opportune moment. I then see a ball of white fire flying towards the mech's other arm. Knowing that's Sarah charging I simply wait. Then a loud explosion is heard and I see the other arm fall off and see Sarah land beside me. I smirk and begin focusing my power into the cables. Soon I can see it travel up said cables and into what I can assume is a battery. I keep amping up higher and higher. We both soon hear a crack and then see the battery explode within its arm. The arm's shoulder shatters to pieces as the rest hits the ground. I then jump to the ground after removing the cables. I hear Sarah get into position and see her start blasting the mech with fire balls and combustion blasts. I get into my earth stance. I stomp the ground once making a bolt hit the underside of the large mech's tread. It goes up slightly and I stomp again making go higher. I do this until I feel its high enough. I then stomp once more and punch forward twice sending two of the large bolts into the tread. Beyond destroying said tread the mech goes tumbling into a building and crashes into it. It doesn't get up so Sarah moves in and removes the pilot. She brings him to a nearby roof and I follow. As I get there I see her knock him out. She looks back at me to see me smirking with a nod.

You: "We work well together." I said confidently. She smirks and nods in agreement. We both then hear something approaching and look up.

(Sarah's POV)

Me and (M/n) hear the something approaching. We both look up and see the plane charging the mech... But Asami gets ejected and the plane makes impact with the mech's fist. I go wide eyed as does (M/n) as we see the mech crush the plan with ease. Me and (M/n) look at each other with sad eyes... Poor Asami... She just got him back and this happened. We then see Korra's team enter the mech. I see (M/n) looking worried for them. I walk over to him.

Sarah: "Go (M/n). I got this." I said to him gently. He looks at me worried before speaking.

You: "But... What about you?" He asks me in a worried and soft tone. I smirk at him and look at the mech approaching us.

Sarah: "Trust me. Sure they can shock the piss out of me but I can handle them. Now go." I said to him confidently while nudging his shoulder gently. He looks at me one last time before hugging me. I smile and hug him back. Once he lets go he charges up and launches himself at the giant mech. I then hear the other mech getting closer as I smirk. "This should be fun." I said happily before flying up and turning to face the mech.

I prepare combustion blasts for this one. I wait for it to fire its cables at me. Once it does I dodge and fire four straight at the cannon. The cannon gets destroyed but does not explode like I wanted. I pout slightly and didge the cables one more. This time I aim the blasts at the treads. One misses but the other makes impact severely damaging said tread. With its mobility severely damage it resorts to firing its cables and arm canon at me wildly but without the ability to turn completely around I simply fly behind it and start unloading blast after blast into its back. Blast after blast after blast and I finally see the building on the other side. I fly into the whole and begin blasting up towards the pilot. Once I'm through to him I let the smoke clear and rip him from the seat. I fly back out as he tries to punch my sides though I have him so constrained he can't. As I exit the mech I send one final blast towards its power source. It blows and the mech falls into pieces. I set the pilot on the same roof as the last one and knock him out. I tie him to the other pilot and turn my attention to the other mechs. Both are approaching quickly. Shit I need a plan. I then decide to try and isolate the closest one. I jump off the building and fly. I send one combustion blast at the closets mech and begin fly as fast as I can in the other direction. I hear it pick up speed but I then hear a loud blast come from behind me. I stop and turn to see that Mako has blasted it into a wall. He lands on a nearby roof and I join him.

Mako: "Where's (M/n)?" Mako asked sternly as he watched the mech try and recover from his blow.

Sarah: "I told him to go help Korra." I said to him flatly. He looks at me with a sneer and I shrug with a smirk on my face. "I knew my flaming night would save me." I said in a teasing tone of voice. He rolls his eyes but can't help but smile at that. "ready?" I ask him as the mech finally gets back on its treads. He nods and we both begin blasting the mech with fire and combustion blasts as fast as we can.

As we do this I see it aim a cable at Mako. I smirk and change my blasts direction towards that arm. Just as the panels open I fire sending the blast inside. It blows the lower half of that arm to pieces. I then rejoin Mako in blasting the bastard as fast as we can. Soon enough we see the pilot simply eject. I quickly fly up, catch him and throw him back down to the roof. The mech he was in simply falls over after that. Me and Mako both blast its treads to insure no one will try to pilot it against us again. We then look at the last mech. Much like the last one (M/n) helped me take down it's a great deal bigger than the others. Me and Mako study it for a time before we both come up with a plan. We need to disable and then overwhelm it. I fly towards the thing as Mako gets into a stance so he can assault the thing. I begin aiming my combustion blasts at the thing's treads. Unlike the others I know this will take time for me to damage. I keep hitting them as I dodge multiple cables. I then hear its cannon charge up. I look and see that it's about to fire. I was about to let myself drop until I see the metal around the barrel get bent into itself and close the end up. The cannon fires but it blows that arm to smithereens. I then look at Mako's roof to see Sue smirking at her work. I smirk back and continue to try and destroy the mech's treads. It takes a damned long time but I am finally able to destroy both disabling the mech entirely. I land back on the roof next to Mako and Sue. We are then Joined by Bolin and Bumi. Then we all begin to unload all we have onto the mech. It takes no time at all for us to decimate the mech. Bumi flies off and brings the pilot back knocked out. We all smile and nod to one another looking satisfied. We all then hear a loud cry of what sounds like anger. We look at where it came from and see a large lightning bolt strike the mech's head. We see its electricity pass through the mech as a storm rolls in out of nowhere. It begins to rain and quickly becomes a heavy rain. We then see one of Korra's team carry out a small form... I go wide eyed and look at Mako and the others. They look shocked... If that's who I think it is not even the gods could save Kuvira now.


(Your POV)

I fly off away from Sarah straight into the hole Hiroshi created... May the gods guide him... Once I am inside I land on a bar and take a look around. I can see the battery from here and I see some of Korra's team working on it. Since they seem to have it handles I decide to start heading upwards. I use my plasma to simply start tearing through everything in my path. On my way up however I see a room full of a few people... It looks like the loading station. I land quietly nearby and get begin melting through a wall none of them are facing. Once I am far enough through I focus my power in a wind stance. I fire a few EMPS in the room. Unfortunately, before they impact I see one more shot get loaded but after all the panels spark and a few explode. While the technicians are distracted I head inside and begin taking them down as quietly as I can. I sneak up behind one and wrap an arm around his neck. He struggles for a moment before losing consciousness. Four left now. I do the same to the next one though he tries to fight back. I simply endure his elbowing thanks to my armor and he slowly loses consciousness. The third guy actually manages to slam against one of the panels but does not get that much of a chance to fight back as he follows the others... Unfortunately, the smoke clears before I could take the last two down so I go into an Ice stance since I am in close quarters combat. They get into a metal stance... So this thing is only coated inplatinum... Too bad I can't just gut the damned thing right here and end this stupid fight quickly and efficiently. One of them stomps and I roll out of the way of a metal pillar that comes up. I send four small bolts towards him. He dodges two but I change the direction of the last two and they impact his gut. He doubles over in pain almost like he was stabbed. I then change to earth and stomp. The large bolt collides with the other man launching him into the ceiling of the room. As he falls I punch forward once sending a large bolt from my hands. It hits and he's sent back into the panel. He makes impact and gets embedded somewhat within. He doesn't get up so I can safely assume that put him out cold. I walk up to the one doubled over in pain. I grab his shirt collar and slam him into a wall.

You: "How do I get up to Kuvira?" I ask in a calm tone. He looks terrified but does not answer. I conjure some electricity in my hand and hold it next to his face. Some of it licks his face burning him slightly. He then tells me the fastest way it to blast through the vents. I thank him and knock him out cold.

I go to where the bender told me and blast open the vent. I begin flying through it as fast as humanly possible so I do not suffocate. Soon I feel shaking and hear Korra grunt. I know I am at my location and melt the vent walls and come out of said vent. I see Kuvira winding up a shot to hit Korra and send a whip in her direction. She reacts quick enough to where the whip only grazes her slightly. I pull it back and it vanishes. Kuvira looks at me shocked but then smirks at me. I then hear a small cough. I turn and what I see... Kai is holding Olivia's head on his lap as she is bleeding form her side... And is completely unconscious as Kai is looking at her worried as he applies pressure to her wound... She must have gotten hit before I came here. I rush to her side as Kuvira and Korra reengage. I kneel next to Olivia and try my healing pulse.... Over... Over... Over... And over again... Nothing seems to happen and tears threaten to fall from my eyes... No... not again... Not more family... Not my daughter... No... No... No... I then close my eyes and feel... Angry... Rage... Kuvira will pay for this... I Open my eyes and look at Kai whom looks scared.

You: "Take her to the temple now." I said in an angry tone of voice though I can hear Raiden's voice underneath it slightly. Kai does not argue and rushes off with Olivia taking the way I came in out since its shorter. I stand slowly and turn towards Kuvira whom is about to attack the woman I love. I send a huge bolt towards her slamming her into the glass that allows her to see outside. "You... You... AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell in rage as I feel my power increase tremendously. I then hear a lightning strike and see a storm roll in.

I look at Kuvira and only see a dead woman walking. She gets into a stance to fight me. I just keep approaching her in my rage. She sends some metal towards me and I simply deflect it with my magnetism. She seems shocked as I continue my approach. I hear Korra try and talk to me but I don't hear her... All I see is my rage. My need to hurt Kuvira...To end her... Kuvira then tried to engage me in combat. I simply grabbed her fist and channeled electricity into it. She grunted but held strong as she stomped her foot sending me into the ceiling. I simply blasted the pillar apart and landed in front of her. Now she looks worried and is backing up more and more before I send her flying into the glass with a bolt again this time cracking it a bit.... Like lightning itself I cannot be stopped... I am a force of nature...Or so one would think. Korra stand in front of me.

Korra: "(M/n)! I know you can see me! Don't do this! I know you're beyond angry but killing her won't solve what happened! You Know that!" Korra shouted trying to get through to me. I turn my gaze to her. "(M/n)." Korra said calmly as she cupped my face. I feel her wipe away something wet. I then realize I have been crying this entire time.

You: "She... She..." I said shakily as I turned my hateful gaze back to Kuvira. I try and take another step but Korra puts her other hand on my chest. "I need to hurt her... She hurt my daughter!" I shouted in tears. Korra looks at me sadly before shaking her head no at me.

Korra: "No (M/n)... Please sweetheart... Your daughter needs you." Korra said calmly as she cupped my face with both hands and made me look at her. "Go to Olivia." Korra said as she got closer. I breathed in and out deeply before looking down... I want to hurt Kuira... I want to kill her... I feel as if I need to for what she's done to Olivia... I feel rage that I ahven't felt in my entire life and I feel I need to release it... But... Korra is right... Olivia needs my attention not the bitch currently recovering from my attack... I nod slowly. She then makes me look at her and kisses me deeply for a short time. I return it weakly.

You: "Please... I don't... I can't... I... I... Don't get..." I said shakily not being able to finish the thought. She kissed me deeply to reassure me. Once she separates I speak again. "Be safe... I don't want to lose you" I say in an almost begging tone of voice. She nodded before pecking my lips and turning to reengage Kuvira. I in the meantime turned and gunned it straight down the vents as fast as I can go.

By the time I get outside an audible boom can be heard. Likely from me exiting the mech at high speeds. I notice it's raining but I could give less of a damn about that. The sun is sinking over the horizon telling me it's going to be nighttime soon... I think. The storm makes it hard to tell though it does seem to be clearing up. As I look down I see Alistair and the others gathering the disabled men and hauling them toward a boat Wu provided. I didn't care. I picked up more speed and headed straight for the island. Soon enough I get to the Island and land in the courtyard with a loud thud. I then sprint inside as fast as I can. The second Ikki sees me she looks at me sadly and leads me to the main room... There is Olivia... Her robe is stained with blood and she's breathing weakly. Pema is trying to treat her wound as best she can and I run up. I get on the other side of her and hold her hand... It's cold... Like she's dead... But she's breathing... That means... She's alive but... I sit there with Pema for what feels like hours... Pema then finishes what she was doing and looks at me sadly... She then looks down in tears as I fight back a sob... No... I move to the other side as Pema stands and covers her mouth with her hands before she hugs her two children that are here. I then cup Olivia's face with my hand... It's cold as well... She doesn't open her eyes and her breathing gets weaker... No... This can't happen to her... No... I can't do this again... NO!!!!!! I cannot and will not accept another death of someone I know and love!!! I begin using healing pulse on her weak and small form... I WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!!!!!

You: "Please!!!" I shout in tears as I use it over and over again... I feel a rumble in the ground but I don't care enough to look back at what it could be... I hear some of the benders run outside but I feel three presences around me. I use it again and again. "Just this once work for fuck's sake!!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs... I begin to sob a bit as I continue this process... Please... Please... "YOU CAN TAKE MY DAMNED POWERS FROM ME JUST LET THIS WORK THIS ONE FUCKING TIME!!!! PLEASE!!!!" I shouted in anger and sadness at... Whoever would listen as I keep trying to heal her... My pulses stop coming out after sometime... I am out of energy... I look at Olivia and see that... Her chest as stopped moving... No... No... No... I put a shaky hand behind her head and hold her close to me as I begin to wail in sadness... No... No... No... Take me instead... Let her live... Please... Whatever is out there and is listening to me... Let her live... Take me if you must... Just let her live... Please... Please... Please...

(Korra's POV)

I have Kuvira restrained and have arrived back at The Temple... However no one is outside save a few benders whom all look like they're... Crying... I tilt my head... Then I remember... I hand Kuvira to one of Alistair's chi blockers before gunning it inside... When I get there I hear (m/n) wailing... No... Alistair is holding a crying Asami as his eyes are closed to fight back the tear coming from his eyes... Sarah is holding onto Mako for dear life as she sobs into his shoulder. Mako himself is breathing a bit raggid showing he's trying not to cry... Opal and Bolin are holding each other... Crying loudly into each other's shoulders... I see Pema holding onto her four kids four dear life crying as they hold her back in tears. Tenzin himself has his head down and seems to be saying something under his breath. He more than likely is saying a prayer for Olivia... Kai... He looks almost like he feels guilty as he just has a thousand yard stare... Lin is rubbing his back trying to comfort him... Then I see (M/n)... He's clutching to Olivia's body crying his poor eyes out... I approach as tears begin streaming down my face... I think back to what happened... One of Kuvira's men ambushed us as we got to the top and he nailed Olivia before I or Kai could disable him... I kneel next to (M/n) whom doesn't even notice me... I am tempted to hug him but... I decide against it... I stand wiping my eyes as my tears intensify... I turn around and see Sue looking down as Kuvira looks shocked... I then fume before coming up to her and decking her to the floor. I was about to bring her up to hit her again but I feel two people holding me back. I look to see Sue and Bumi shaking their heads at me in a no fashion with sadness in their eyes. I look back at Kuvira trying to get out of Sue and Bumi's grasp.

Korra: "YOU BETTER HOPE I NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!!! IF I DO I'LL END YOU!!! YOU HEAR ME!?!?! I'LL END YOU!!!!!" I shouted with hatred as my Avatar state activated. Kuvira simply looks down in sadness. I am utterly fuming. She killed her... She... She... No... I then start crying as I fall to my knees finally processing what's happened as Bumi and Sue let me go... No... Not Olivia... Not her... Not... Family... "No... Why her!?" I cry oddly as I finally give into my emotions completely.

Olivia doesn't deserve this... (M/n) doesn't deserve this... Why her? She was innocent... She loved everyone... She loved life itself. She never judged anyone... She even helped people that were less fortunate than her... Though she admitted it was because of what (M/n) had done for her. She didn't deserve this... She didn't deserve... To... To... I cover my face with both hands crying heavily into them... No...

Sue: "K-Korra." Sue says shakily obviously crying as well. "He needs you... He needs you..." Sue says shakily. I look at her with tears streaming down my face. I then look down again... I... I don't know if I can help him... I want to help him but I'm a mess to... I may make it worse on him. "Please." Sue requests quietly before she stifles a sob.

(No POV)

The end of the road is never easy to swallow... It comes with hardships... Sacrifices... None of them knew what happened... Olivia took the shot for Korra thinking that Korra was the only one that could stop Kuvira... They didn't know that and maybe that's for the better. Kuvira... After processing what she saw... Started crying as well... She never wanted to kill anyone... She just wanted to protect... She realizes (M/n) was right... Many horrid things are done in the name of protection... She got a little girl killed... One who had barely begun to live... She doesn't sob... She simply looks down letting the tears fall... She'll never be able to redeem herself from this. (M/n) on the other hand is only thinking why he keeps losing his family... He wonders for the first time since that day in Raiden's temple if he should have ever stayed here... maybe if he didn't she'd be alive... That's what he thinks anyway... The others are mourning the loss of such a happy soul... (M/n) doesn't know this but while he was gone Olivia always managed to make everyone smile... Like when Alistair and Asami got into a fight over her father... She managed to calm them down and help them apologize to each other... Or when Mako berated himself for not changing fast enough so he could feel like a better person. Olivia always made sure he knew he was a good person and one she loved... Now she's gone... She died for a cause... But that knowledge does not help with heartbreak... The end of the road is never easy to reach...

(Your POV)

No... No... That's all I can think... Why her? Why not me? She's just a child. My child... Another clan member... Family... Gone... I clutch her bod closer as I hear someone fall to their knees behind me... We all loved her... My daughter... I sit there for... ho knows how long crying my eyes out before I feel someone wrap their arms around me. I can't even open my eyes to see who it is... I have a feeling I know who though.

Korra: "I-I." Korra has to stop to fight a sob. "Olivia..." Is all Korra can say before she sobs into my shoulder. I breathe in and out shakily.

You: "My daughter..." I whimper out... I can't say anything else but I feel Korra tighten her grip on me as a result.

We both fall silent after that... Korra is crying into my shoulder as I hold Olivia tightly... I hear a faint noise come from somewhere... But I couldn't care... My little girl is gone... I hear the same noise again but then I hear someone faintly say 'dad'... My mind must be playing tricks on me now... Fitting...

Olivia: "D-dad...." I hear... Olivia say weakly.... I breathe in shakily, loudly while gasping and pull back slightly while shaking... I can't believe it... I see Olivia with her eyes half open... I then look at her wound and see small sparks finish closing her wound... Healing it as if it weren't there in the first place... I then feel someone poke my cheek. I look and see Olivia looking at me with a worried face. "Why are you crying?" Olivia asks me softly. I smile at her as more tears fall down my face before hugging her tightly. I feel Korra do the same as I hear some of the others approach us... She's alive.

Bolin: "SHE'S ALIVE!!!" I hear Bolin shout happily as everyone cheers loudly. I keep holding Olivia tightly for a time before pulling back and looking at her with my sad eyes.

You: "D-don't you ever..." I breathe in shakily as more tears fall from my face. "Don't s-scare me like that e-ever again!" I say loudly but shakily. I see her nod at me before pulling me back into a hug which I gladly return as the others cheer around us. "I love you." I said as I kissed her head multiple times before tightening my grip... Afraid to let her go again. I hear her giggle weakly as she hugs back.

Olivia: "I love you to dad." Olivia says as she tightens her grip on me. Everything around the three of us becomes a blur. I pull back and smile at my daughter whom wipes my face to try and get rid of the tears. I laugh weakly as she does so.

I then turn and look at Korra. She's smiling wide at Olivia before she hugs her and kisses her head a few times like I did. Olivia giggles a bit and returns Korra's embrace. I in turn embrace the two of them as tightly as I humanly can and we stay there holding each other for some time... She's alive... We're alive... I can't believe it. I thought Olivia was dead. Bust she's alive! I laugh loudly at that. Korra and Olivia pull away from me and look a bit confused. I then stand and pick Olivia up. She gasps slightly before giggling up a storm as I spin her around smiling wide through my happy tears. After spinning for some time I bring her close and hug her tightly. She gladly returns the embrace laughing with me. Soon I feel Korra join us in the embrace laughing alongside the two of us in absolute joy much like myself. She's alive! SHE'S ALIVE!!!!


(Still Your POV)

About two hours have passed and I have finally calmed down but I refuse to leave Olivia's side at the moment... I'm just having a hard time believing that she's here. Right now we all are staring at the now destroyed city and the new spirit portal that has formed in the center... That explains all the vines that have been growing over the years. We all are just staring at the scene. Olivia is holding my left hand as Korra has her fingers interlocked with my right. We all stand there just looking at it for a time before heading back inside. Once there we all sit in the main room. I have Olivia sit with me and Korra sits right by the two of us.

Tenzin: "If I may ask Olivia... How did you survive? That wound..." Tenzin said trailing off as he is not able to finish the thought. Olivia simply smiles at him.

Olivia: "Someone helped me remove my spirit from my body for a little while." Olivia says calmly. We all look at her wide eyed while she just smiles. "I met Aang when I passed out." Now Tenzin looks surprised. "He told me dad's healing takes time and removing me from my body would guarantee I'd live." Olivia said happily with a huge smile. We all smile at that. Even while dead Aang sill helps. Olivia then turned to me. "He said to me. 'Your father has been through enough... It's the least I could do.' He wanted you to be happy and wanted me to live." Olivia said gently to me. I smiled and chuckles slightly before hugging her.

You: "Even he knows you're special." I said happily as I hugged her. I hear her giggle before pulling away. She then smiles at me before pointing at Korra. I look at her and she simply kisses me on the lips. I kiss back with love. Once she pulls away she smiles at me.

Korra: "Seems your luck has turned around." Korra said to me happily with love. I smile at her and nod. She then kisses my cheek quickly and we look at each other with love. I hear a faint aw come from Olivia. I smile and turn to her. She's smiling wide at the two of us. I kiss the top her head still smiling. She giggles before hugging me again... It's still so hard believe she's alive. She pulls back a bit.

Olivia: "You two are really cute together. Not like normal you at all!" Olivia exclaims happily. I blush a small bit as I hear some laughs or chuckles from the others around us. I then roll my eyes playfully smiling at her.

You: "Maybe... But... Korra has that ability it seems... Opening my emotions up." I said with love as I turned to Korra whom is now blushing. I smile lovingly at her before kissing her on the lips once more. She gladly returns it and we hear 'awes' from everyone... We both pull away blushing a bit but end up laughing a small bit before turning to everyone. Varrick seems like eh wants to say something. He nods to himself briefly.

Varrick: "Not to ruin the moment but... We have a wedding to plan!" Varrick exclaimed with joy. We all smiled at his excitement. "In fact... I'd wager if we hurry we could have it tomorrow!" He exclaimed once more as he hugged Zhu-Li. She giggled slightly before kissing him. We all smile and laugh at the sight.

I then look at Olivia... I still... She's alive. That's what matters. I hug her again for the hundredth time and just like before she hugs me back happily. I can't help but feel... We are nearing the end of a long road all of us have traveled. I pull back from Olivia to see her smiling wide at me... It's almost as if she didn't nearly die on me. I then look at Korra. She looks at me and smiles lovingly. I stare at her for a moment before kissing her deeply. She gladly accepts as I cup her cheek with one hand. I hear Olivia giggling behind me.


(Still Your POV)

It has been a few hours now and is getting pretty late. We all are eating dinner happily since we all are overjoyed that Olivia lived... However, as we are eating I see Asami get up to leave for a moment. I look at Alistair and he gives me a look that says' 'you know'. I nod to him and stand. I follow Asami and see her sitting on the stairs outside. I walk up and sit next to her and look at the new portal briefly. I then look at Asami.

You: "I'm so sorry Asami." I said sadly. She sighs and looks down for a moment. She then looks back at me with sad eyes. I hug her and she gladly accepts it sighing sadly. "I know it may not mean much but... He died a hero... I know that's not what you want but..." I said sadly. She tightened the embrace briefly before pulling away wiping her eyes slightly.

Asami: "I know... But you're right..." Asami said sadly. I smiled sadly at her. She smiled at me. I then hear a set of footsteps behind me.

You: "Well you have us... Him especially." I said as I pointed behind me. She and I turned to see Alistair staring at her with love. I smile at the two before getting up. As I walk by him he stops me briefly.

Alistair: "Go get everyone." Alistair whispers to me. I think before looking at him. He nods his head and I head inside calmly. Once I get to the kitchen I see everyone looking at me.

You: "Everyone... Come... Alistair is going to propose." I said happily. Everyone goes wide eyed but gets up to follow me. We all head outside and watch what was happening before us quietly.

(Asami's POV)

Alistair pulled back from our embrace and looked at me lovingly. He seems nervous about something but I wonder what.

Alistair: "You know... Me and your father chatted a bit over the past few days." Alistair said to me gently. I tilt my head at him. "Heh... He told me allot of things... He said he felt he could trust me." Alistair said a bit sadly. He shook his head and looked at me again.

Asami: "Like what?" I asked him softly. I wonder what... Dad would have told him... maybe why he did what he did He smiled at me.

Alistair: "He told me he wished he could take back what he did... That he wished he could make it up to you... That... He never was able to get over your mother's death." Alistair said sadly. I feel myself tear up at what he's telling me... Dad never told me any of this... I guess he felt ashamed. Alistair cups one of my cheeks with one of his hands and wipes a tear away. "He also said... He liked me." Alistair said in a bit happier tone. "He said he was glad you found someone like me... Which shocked me." Alistair said with a loving smile That statement makes me smile... Dad approved of him then. I started tearing up more and he pulled me into a hug and held me tightly and securely. I let the tears fall inti his shoulder as he rubbed my back and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. As I began to calm down he spoke again. "I love you... You know that right?" Alistair asked as I pulled away. I look at him and smile lovingly at him.

Asami: "Of course I do. I know you love me. I love you to." I said to him lovingly. He smiled at me gently. I see him begin to get a bit more nervous.

Alistair: "I a-also asked y-your dad something." Alistair stuttered out as he looked at the ground. I grabbed one of his hands and he looks at me.

Asami: "What did you ask him?" I ask him gently. He breathes in deeply as if he was calming himself.

Alistair: "I asked him something very important... He said yes... As long as I am here for you at all times." Alistair said to me full of love. I then see him reach into his pocket. He grabs one of my hands and stares at me with love. "Asami... Before I met you I was a nervous wreck with people...Though I am still in some cases you have helped me immensely... You have shown me nothing but love and love me flaws and all." He breathes in as he continues. "I love you to... You're the kindest person I have ever met and have a beautiful heart and soul... So..." He gets on one knee and pulls out a small black box. I gasp loudly and cover my mouth I my hands. "Will you make me the happiest man on this planet and marry me?" Alistair asks full of love. I feel tears peck at my eyes. He... he talked about it but... I didn't think... I remove my hand from my mouth, smile wide and nod yes before tackling him into a hug. He grunts when he hits the ground.

Asami: "Yes!!" I shout happily. I then look at him and see him in tears smiling wide at me. He slips the gold, emerald encrusted ring on my finger before pulling me into a deep and passionate kiss. We would've stayed that way but we heard cheering. We separated and saw everyone smiling and cheering at us. We both smile and look back each other with love. I caress his face and he caresses mine. "I love you... I love you so much." I said to him happily with allot of love. He smiled lovingly at me.

Alistair: "I love you to." He whispered before we kissed again. We then stand up and walk over to everyone. Sarah gives her brother a bear hug as (M/n) pats his back. Korra comes and congratulated me. Then Mako did as well with Sarah after she let her brother go.

Mako: "I'm happy for you Asami... maybe that can be me one day... When I feel I am good enough." Mako said to me calmly. Sarah shakes her head before making him look at her and slamming her lips onto his. He looks surprised before kissing her back. When they separate I can see a small smile on his face as she is smiling at him wide. I can see the love in their eyes.

Sarah: "You know I love you for you. Don't think like that." Sarah said to him lovingly. I smile at the two as hey kiss again. I then grab Alistair's hand after everything calms down.

Asami: "Come... You need a place to sleep. You can sleep with me." I said to him lovingly. He smiled at me but blushed deeply. I smiled at him and we walked off together... As an engaged couple.

(Your POV)

I watch as Asami drags a blushing mess of Alistair towards her room so they can go to sleep. I shake my head at them as I watch Mako do the same to Sarah though she seems more on board with the idea. I chuckle at that. Mako and Sarah really do fit together. Many of the others begin to head to bed as well and soon it's just me, Korra, and Olivia. I look at Olivia and see her yawning. I chuckle and pick her up. I feel her wet hair from her shower hit my shoulder. She doesn't fight back as I begin to carry her to her room with Korra. Once we get there Korra opens the door for me and I head inside. I pull her covers up and sit her down She gets comfortable and I cover her up completely. She smiles at me and I kiss her head. She smiles a nit before closing her eyes and falling asleep. I sit there for a time just watching her form... I nearly lost her. I sigh deeply at the thought... Luckily for me Korra is there to pull me out as she taps my shoulder. She looks at me smiling before gesturing for us to leave. I reluctantly get up. I kiss Olivia's head once more before walking away with Korra and closing the door quietly. We make our way to our shared room. Once we get there. I begin changing as soon as possible. I quickly get into my pajamas and then sit on my bed. Korra does the same but I don't look and keep my eyes to the ground out of respect. I soon feel the bed shift slightly behind me. I turn and see Korra smiling at me lovingly. I smile back and lay down with her. We sit there in silence for a time before speaking.

You: "I nearly lost her." I said sadly as I feel tears begin to peck at my eyes. I see Korra frown at me a bit before getting closer to me. She hugs me tightly and rubs my back gently. I sigh shakily.

Korra: "You didn't though." Korra says soothingly. "Remember that." Korra said in the same tone. I sigh deeply but nod my head as it rests on her shoulder. I then return her embrace and rub her back just like she is doing to mine.

You: "Thank you Korra... Thank you for everything." I said with a tone full of love. I hear her sigh happily before pulling back to look at me. We stare into each other's eyes with love.

Korra: "You don't need to thank me for anything... What did you call me? Ah that's right. My heart." Korra says full of love. I smile at her and chuckle lightly.

You: "You like it?" I ask her. She nods happily. "Do you know what that phrase is in my language?" I ask her gently as our faces draw closer.

Korra: "No." Korra says gently to me as our faces inch ever so closer to each other.

You: "The word for 'My heart' in my language is... Kadan. Kadan. My heart." I said lovingly to her. She smiled at me. Our lips are now mere inches from one another.

Korra: "Then... Kiss me Kadan." Korra said full of love. I smile and happily oblige... This kiss is full of emotion.... All of the happiness and love we feel for one another is shown in it... It doesn't turn into a make out session but is no less passionate. Once we separate she smiles at me lovingly before moving closer to me. She latches into me and snuggles into my body. I smile and wrap my arms around her and begin to run my fingers through her hair. "Goodnight Kadan." Korra says lovingly. I chuckle slightly.

You: "Goodnight Kadan." I said to her full of love. I hear her sigh happily. After sometime of me staring at the out the window and running my fingers through her hair I begin to feel her breathing even out telling me she's finally fallen asleep. I smile and kiss her head gently and rest my chin on her head... As I begin to fall asleep I hear someone speak to me.

Raiden: "You did well... You deserve the family you found all those years ago... I'm proud of you. So is Raava." I hear Raiden say in my head gently and kindly to me. I smile slightly as I feel his presence leave my head once more.

It's a long road I have walked... I long painful road... But it lead me here... With friends that love me... A daughter whom I love greatly and Korra... Whom I love deeply... I walked a long road alone... Then I walked it with the people I have met here... All that pain I endured lead me to something great... And I can't be more thankful for that now... I smile and close my eyes... I love everyone I have here... With that... I fall asleep with the comfort that I have a family... And the comfort that someone who loves me despite my flaws. I fall asleep in an embrace I will treasure till my dying breath.

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