Chapter Ten: Who Sent You?
(Your POV)
Two weeks later and she has not made a single mistake today. She's a fast learner. Most take months to learn this stuff. That'll change once I teach her how to channel the electricity however. We haven't moved on from just normal rope darts since we started. I need her to have a basic understanding of how to use one properly before I can teach her anything else. We haven't really gone into the city much over these two weeks mainly due to training and me wanting to be close to Olivia since she was sick. She's not anymore so now we could. She ends her session and I speak.
You: "You're a natural. I don't think anyone has learned to use a rope dart that quickly. There is still room for improvement but I think we can safely move to the next step." I said smiling slightly. She looks at me bowing before me. "Stop." She does just that standing back up straight smirking. Smart ass.
Korra: "Well thank you. What step would that be?" She asked. I just smiled. I summoned my whips. "Oh. Finally bending then?" She asked sounding quite excited. I nod smirking at her. This'll be the fun bits.
You: "Yes. You already have your drive. So what I need you to do is imagine the shape you want in your mind. Concentrate on your hand and try and summon a bolt." She just nodded and closed her eyes. I just stand there and think. (In Thought): 'I wonder if she'll do it on the first try,'
She tried and tried and tried again over the course of an hour, however after what seemed like days she finally was able to produce a single whip.
You: "EXCELLENT KORRA!!" I shouted. "Now I want you to try to throw it out like a rope dart." I exclaimed. She smiled. She sent it out but it recoiled off the dummy and hit the ground. I chuckle. "Remember, each thing that exists in this world has mostly positive charges. You need to switch yours to negative. Now concentrate on manipulating its charge." I said calmly. She nodded and began, however something I didn't expect began to happen. It started going slightly erratic. "Korra stop. You're losing control." She obeyed and the whip disappeared. She just sighed. "Hey don't worry too much. I honestly didn't even expect you to produce a whip yet let alone be able to toss it out. At this rate you'll learn everything I have to teach you in no time." I said as I patted her on the back. At least she didn't hurt anything. That's a good sign that she has excellent control
Korra: "Well I appreciate that you think so. It just doesn't feel good to fail." She said as she sighed. I simply smirk. I get her attention before speaking.
You: "Why do we fall Korra?" I asked. She smiled knowing what I wanted my answer to be.
Korra: "To learn to pick ourselves back up." She said smiling widely. I smiled and laughed. I stood back up and looked at her.
You: "Now. Let's try again shall we?" I asked and she just nodded.
We decided to take a break for lunch. She actually managed to use a whip successfully but did smack herself in the face once. After I made sure she wasn't hurt, I nearly died laughing as she just pouted with her arms crossed. I see Beifong speaking with Tenzin. I decide to go say hello.
You: "Chief Beifong. How have you been lately?" I asked politely. She just sorta smiled. That's a good sign from her.
Beifong: "Good. I've been meaning to talk to you anyway." She said. I raised an eyebrow and nodded. "I met a man in a black coat a couple of weeks ago that said he was part of your old clan. He said he wished to reconcile for what he said to you when you fled the village." She said smiling. My eyes widen. What? They're all dead...
You: "None of my clan survived. Even those boys that yelled at me. I found them dead on the road about a week later." I said. Ah hell who the hell did she send here? Shit, shit, shit Her eyes widen.
Beifong: "But he seemed so sincere. I even told him to come talk to you here at some point during the day." She finished. Is she stupid!? She just put us all in danger!
You: "You WHAT!!?? THIS IS BAD!!!! He's probably an assassin sent to kill me!" I yelled. She flinched. Great... I just put my friends in danger again... Gods dammit. I'll protect them this time. I will not be forced to leave a home again.
Tenzin: "Can you be certain? Perhaps someone-" I cut him off. He has no idea.
You: "I knew everyone in my clan. They are all dead. This bastard is here to kill me or kidnap me." Gods dammit.
Beifong: "Hell. I'm sorry (M/N)." She said. Now I'm fuming a bit. She's sorry? She just told an assassin where I was and she's sorry?!
You: "SORRY ISN'T STOPPING HIM!!!!" I shouted at her. I heard Korra walk up behind us and put her hand on my shoulder. I breathed in deeply and exhaled. "I'm going to wait for him in the courtyard odds are he'll be here today since you are..." I said emotionless like as I walked away. Why now? I was so comfortable here...
(Korra's POV)
I have never seen him so upset. Well not since he got that Priest arrested. I can understand though. He's been hunted his entire life and just when he felt safe this happens.
Korra: "I'm going to help him be rid of this Assassin." I said plainly. Tenzin simply looks at me. I'm not arguing about this. I'm helping him.
Tenzin: "I'm sure he can handle it. I'm more worried that he'll leave once this is over." He said. I nodded in agreement. That why I want to help. He needs to know we don't blame him and we will stand with him against this and any threat.
Korra: "I agree that's why I'm going to help. So he's reminded that he's not alone anymore." I said as I turned to walk away. As I begin to walk I hear Tenzin speak.
Tenzin: "If Bolin and Mako show up before this Assassin does have them help if they can." He said. I smiled and nodded and jogged outside. I see (M/N) sitting on the bottom step with his head in his hands. I sit next to him and put my hand on his back rubbing it gently. He isn't crying however. Not that I expected him to I suppose.
Korra: "It isn't your fault you know." I said looking at him. He just sighs and removes his head from his hands. There is that look of guilt again. I hate that.
You: "I guess, but-" I cut him off. Not letting him finish that. It's not his fault period.
Korra: "Upupup! No buts it isn't your fault period. Next to that you have friends and family that'll stand with you now! We won't let them take you or hurt anyone here. We care for you (M/N) and if helping you fight is necessary so be it. I can guarantee Mako, Bolin, heck even Asami will stand by you as well." I said smiling widely. He smiles. A faint almost unnoticeable smile but a smile nonetheless. He then hugs me out of the blue. I just smile and hug back. "And you said we had the bad habit." It's nice to see him this comfortable with us. It took long enough. He chuckles.
You: "You know what they say. 'If you're with someone long enough you'll start acting like them.'" I laugh at the statement. He lets go and looks forward. "Think we can take him? If the Earth Queen sent him like I'm thinking, then we're dealing with The Crimson Brotherhood from the fire nation." I've heard of them. Monsters all of them. We can take him if we attack together.
Korra: "Yeah I do. Those people are monsters anyway. We can take him down." I said sounding determined. I then hear footsteps on the steps leading up to us. He looks forward ready to jump. I do the same but it turns out it's just Mako, Bolin, and Asami.
Bolin: "Geez! I thought you guys were going to pounce us!" Bolin said after he jumped seeing us. We lower our fists and sit back down. Geez we almost attacked them.
You: "We're expecting company. Someone sent an Assassin from The Crimson Brotherhood after me." He said plainly. Asami looks at him wide eyed. Of course she has heard of them considering who her family is.
Asami: "You mean that assassin guild that burned down a whole village just to torture their target?" She asks. He just nods. She looks surprised. When someone sends them they mean buisness. Normally only world leaders can hire them... Who sent him then?
Mako: "Well damn. How'd they find you?" He asked curiously with concern laced in his voice. (M/n) just shakes his head looking annoyed.
You: "Ask Beifong." (M/N) replied slightly peeved. Not that I blame him I suppose. They all just look at him sympathetically. Then Bolin speaks.
Bolin: "Remember what I said when you first got here. We stand with you man! They won't hurt anyone!" Bolin said smiling widely. (M/n) chuckles and smiles looking at him.
You: "I know... Korra gave me a small lecture to remind me." He says as he chuckles slightly. They all join us in waiting. This assassin has no idea what is coming his way.
(Shadow's POV)
In a few minutes I'll arrive on the island. I had used the two weeks to raid the Equalists until I could grab two of their gloves and some of their bolt ammo. I am glad I took the time to prepare since he has allied with the Avatar. He probably has other allies on the Island as well. I also heard Lin Beifong was on the Island. Turns out that's who I spoke to. That's why I am heading there now... I want to see his face when I reveal she was the one who told me where he was. Blades, bombs, small crossbow, and even two equalist gloves. Poor bastards had no idea I was even there. I chuckle. The boat finally docks and I get off. I start climbing the stairs. I don't understand the damned need for so many but oh well. It took me a good five minutes or so to get to the top. When I did there were five people standing and looking at me. My target is among them. He must've figured out my ruse. Ah well. I begin walking forward pulling out my blade.
Shadow: "If you come quietly and peacefully I will not kill anyone else here. If you don't I'll kill you and everyone on this island." I say as deadpanned as I can. My target looks un phased. He must not be afraid of me. Interesting.
You: "That's a lie. I know you're from the Crimson Brotherhood. I know you'll kill them regardless." He finishes as the others take their stances. A fire bender, an earth bender, a normal human, and... The avatar. Joy.
Shadow: "Smart boy. So you've heard of us. Than you know even if you kill me they will keep coming. They'll keep sending more and more skilled assassins till one can kill you and your friends here." I said as I took my stance. He takes his. It looks familiar... Rope darts? An interesting way to use his powers. I wonder how well he can perform.
You: "Then I'll travel to the Fire Nation and rip them apart. Now one question... WHO SENT YOU!?!?" He shouted. I almost flinched. Some (F/C) sparks flew out of his body when he yelled. I felt my heart rate increase slightly.
Shadow: "You'll have to beat it out of me." I smile sadistically under my mask. I then see anger flash in his eyes. This will be good.
(Your POV)
He has no idea what he's in for. I summon a single whip. I look back at the others and tell them to only intervene if they feel its necessary because we don't want to accidentally hurt one another. They nodded and I looked back at this assassin. I slightly shift my left foots position and fling out the whip towards him. He dodges it only to have me whip it to the left and slam into his side. As he stumbles a bit I pull back my whip and step on its tip. He regains his balance and pulls out a small crossbow and fires a shot. I kick the whip out and it destroys the bolt and continues to its target. He dodges and rushes me. I pull the whip back and spin it around my left shoulder. As he approaches we engage. I whip he dodges, he slices I dodge, he stabs I block, I kick he blocks. This exchange feels like it goes on for hours. He finally manages to slice me across my chest. I stumble back a bit as he winds up another swing. Just as he takes it a fireball hits him in the side and he is sent back a few feet. I look up and see Mako engaging the assassin in exchange of projectiles. Once I recover I rush towards the assassin and send my whip at his head he dodges and throws three knives at me. I would've block them but a pillar of stone appeared in front of me. The stone lowers and I immediately sends a whip out. I feel a gust of wind behind me as my whip increases speed. It slams into his gut forcing him away from Mako. Mako jumps back and I again engage this assassin. After a few more minutes of trading blows he slices at my left. I grab his sword in my hand. I grunt as it enters my flesh but I begin heating up the sword. I proceed to charge electricity in my right hand and punch him as hard as possible in the gut. He grunts and drops the sword. I heat up the sword more and knee it in the middle. It shatters. He stands up and proceeds to pull out two small daggers. As he does this I notice he's wearing equalist gloves. I smirk a bit. I know how to take this assassin down. He rushes me. As we exchange blows he does manage to cut me a few times. Once I can counter I jump back and send a whip at him. He goes to block only to have it wrap around his arm and hand. He proceeds to try and pull back only to have me yank it forward. Once he stumbles I send another whip and wrap it around the other arm and hand. He looks at me and then his hands. I guess he's figured out what my plan is. I begin channeling more electricity into the gloves. As he begins to struggle more I pull him forward. As he approaches me I undo the whips and charge electricity into my hands. I proceed to punch him with both fists in his gut. He falls to his knees gasping for air. I charge some electricity into my foot and kick his face. His mask shatters and he does not get up. I take a deep breath. I look back.
You: "Bolin, wrap him up." He just nods and clenches his fists. Only the assassin's head can be seen. "Asami, go and tell Tenzin and Beifong he's down." She nods and heads inside. "Mako, can you make sure Oliva is alright? And make sure she doesn't come to the bath room. I need to clean my wounds." He nods and walks off. Bolin follows him. "And finally. Can you help me clean the cuts on my back?" I ask looking at Korra. She agrees and walks with me to the bathroom. When we get there I take my blood stained shirt off. She gets some medical supplies and I sit down. As I disinfect my front she works on my back. She speaks.
Korra: "I think that was the first time I've seen you take a hit or hits like these." She says as she continues to clean my cuts. I've been far worse before and came out fin. This is nothing.
You: "I've encountered assassins before. I'm just glad I didn't need stitches. He won't talk. I know he won't." I said as I am cleaning.
Korra: "We can make him talk." She says as she grabs some bandages. I know better. These bastards are elites. He won't talk.
You: "They are trained to endure torture. I doubt he'll talk. I could make him talk but he'd most likely die after I finished." I said. She looks at me. "If I focus on someone I can control those impulses in their muscles. That includes the impulses that signal the brain that you have been injured." She just nods knowing what I mean. "The adrenaline would overdose and kill him. We don't want that." I said as I begin to apply the bandage wrap with Korra's help. Once we finish I stand. I look at her as she begins to speak.
Korra: "What will you do then?" She asks sounding worried. I'm going to go get my damned answer. But I am coming back. I like it here. I also feel some sort of... Accomplishment when I teach Korra. I also enjoy her company. I also I wouldn't forgive myself if I left Olivia.
You: "Since you have to go and pull the water tribes heads out of their collective asses. I'll head to the Fire Nation and get my answer. I'll head back here when I'm done. After all you'll need my help with the Harmonic Convergence right?" She looks surprised. "What you didn't think I'd leave you guys did you. After all you all just showed me you care. I like it here. It's nice to have a home again and I'm not abandoning it." I said smiling. She just nods looking relieved. Like I'd leave them now... They mean allot to me.
Korra: "Good. It's been nice to have someone to talk to around here since Mako and Asami are working and Bolin is... Well Bolin I guess." I laugh a bit at the statement. "Not to mention you're my teacher and all." She says smiling at me. I just pat her back. We stand there for a moment in a silence. I just cough and we leave. Why do I feel nervous all of the sudden and why am I blushing? I shake off the feeling and we head to the main room. Beifong looks at my bandages and looks sad.
You: "Look I'm not mad. I was able to take him down with help. Just be more cautious when telling people about me and I'll wave this off." She smiles and nods. I pat her shoulder smiling. I see Mako leaving my room. "Hey Mako. Can you grab a shirt for me before you go? I don't want Olivia to worry." He nods smiling and fetches me a white shirt. I put it on and head in my room. I see Olivia napping. I kiss her head and lay on my bed. I'll see if he will talk. If not I'm heading to their guild and making them talk.
I wake up the next day as someone knocks on my door. I get up and open it. I see Beifong.
Beifong: "He's awake."She says flatly. I nod and get dressed in my coat. I exit my room and follow her. She takes me to the training area where he's still wrapped up in stone.
The man before me looks to be in his mid to late twenties. 27 maybe. He's bald and his face seems to be covered in some sort of tribal tattoo. Maybe his guild's mark? His eyes are a simple dark brown. He's wearing a sinister grin as he looks at me.
You: "Name?" I say plainly. He chuckles before responding.
(???): "Just call me Shadow." He replies. That's a code name.
You: "Let's cut to the chase 'Shadow'. Who sent you?" I said calmly looking him in the eye. He doesn't look phased. Not that I'm surprised.
Shadow: "You know what guild I came from. You know I won't talk." I sigh. I know he's right, but I'm gonna try something. I can tear them apart if I have time to formulate a plan.
You: "I was able to take you down. You know if I am prepared properly your guild will be torn apart piece by piece till I get my answer. So you can tell me or risk your guild dying in a storm of lightning and fire." I said smirking at him. He seems to consider this. After being unprepared yet still taking this man down he knows I'm skilled. He also knows If I take the time to prepare his guild would be no match.
Shadow: "I'm still not talking. I'd rather die with my honor than sell out my brothers and sisters. Torture me if you wish. I. Will. Not. Talk!" He states with anger. I sigh. And turn to Beifong.
You: "Do with him as you see fit. I have a journey to prepare for." I say to her. She nods and drags the Assassin away. I begin to head to the main room. I see Tenzin, the kids, Pema, Korra, and... Olivia there waiting. "He wouldn't talk. I have a feeling the Earth Queen sent him but I can't do anything about that without proof." I say solemnly. I know what I need to do. I will not let them get hurt because of this.
Tenzin: "What will you do?" Tenzin asks me. I look down for a moment before looking back up. I know what needs to be done.
You: "Since Korra is going to have to try and calm the water tribes and won't have time to train with me... I'm going to go get the information. Next to that this guild won't stop till I'm either captured or dead. And since I know they are from the Fire Nation i'll be able to track them given time." I finish. Tenzin nods. He knows I'm right. Korra only stands there. I sigh. Olivia walks up to me.
Olivia: "You're leaving?" She says sounding like she's going to cry. I crouch down. and hug her and she hugs back. I don't want to see her cry.
You: "Only until these people are dealt with. Then I'll come back. I don't want them to hurt you guys." I say smiling. She sniffles. I need to reassure her I'll come back somehow... My necklace.
Olivia: "Promise?" She asks after letting go and looking at me with some tears in her eyes. I take the necklace I was wearing off my neck and open the locket that sat on the silver chain.
You: "These were my parents. I don't want this getting damaged so can you hold onto it until I can come back?" I asked smiling. She looks at it and smiles. This should be perfect.
Olivia: "Yes. I'll take good care of it." She says taking it and putting it on. I smile and hug her again.
You: "I won't leave today. So we can just spend the day together. How's that sound?" I ask her. I hear her giggle and see her nod.
Olivia: "That sounds fun! Can Korra join to? Please!" She stares at me with puppy dog eyes. Oh for the gods sake. I can't resist. I looked towards Korra who is smiling at our display.
You: "You want to Korra? One last day to relax before all the nonsense headed your way?" She smiles and chuckles. I guess that's a yes. Nice.
Korra: "SURE!! I imagine the others will join us to if she wants?" She said ruffling Olivia's hair. Olivia just smiles and nods. So we'll all spend the day in the city doing stuff. Heh. Maybe Korra and I can screw with the people that host those street games. We truly are a family. A very strange one that I will protect... I won't lose another one... Never again. I will not be forced to leave... I don't think I could handle it if I lost another...
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