Chapter Sixteen: A Big Surprise and A New Mission

(Your POV)

It's been a about A month since Vaatu and Unalaq were banished. I'm still recovering from my Broken and Bruised ribs. The damage was far worse than we thought. More were broken and the degree of which they were broken was allot worse than we thought. It's going to take up to another month or two heal completely. We discovered this after a second examination that Katara gave me. Not much has happened. I had to stay down until I could walk properly. Even now it still hurts quite allot. I was able to teach Korra some more basic uses of electricity such as healing and the detecting muscle pulses. She needs to work on the ladder but she'll catch on. I have no doubt. We even celebrated Korra's birthday in the past month. It was a big affair. Lots of people came. It was quite loud but I did enjoy it. Korra even helped me around then even when I told her I could get someone else to do it so she could enjoy her party. She said no she's fine with it and it makes sure she can talk with me at the party, with her normal big smile. I even got to meet her mother Senna. She spent time getting to know me and before she left she told me she 'approved.' For Pete's sake. That's another person that is hoping we get together. I'm willing to bet her father may jump on the idea as well... Anyway before I lose train of thought. Today I am with Korra, Tenzin, and Jinora in the city. I had to go to a doctor for a checkup and they wanted to continue fighting the vines. I burned them as I waited to go back. The damned vines aren't stopping their growth however. That coupled with the random spirits has people on edge. Korra and the other two are trying to destroy the vines but I'm leaning on a wall for two reasons. The main one is that I'm still hurting. They stop and Korra looks around for me. She turns to see me on the wall.

Korra: "Why'd you stop burning them?" She asks referring to the vines. I shake my head and chuckle softly trying to ignore the pain.

You: "The pain is getting to me and I know a losing battle when I see one." She stifles a laugh and shakes her head at me. "You know I'm right." She simply nods. You're damn right I'm right.

Jinora: "I have to agree. I think we've done what we can." I look towards her and nod. As I stand I grunt holding my left side. Korra comes over and makes sure I stay standing.

Korra: "Maybe this was a bad Idea." I have to agree in this case. I'm healing pretty well but I'm still recovering.

You: "Yeah... I think so as well. Can we head back? I need to sit down." She nods and smiles at me. Korra's has been most the most help to me since I broke my ribs. She even watches Olivia when Bolin helps me to a Doctor's appointment. She lets me lean on her a bit as we walk. "I'll have to think of a way to repay you when I get better." She smiles and shakes her head in a no fashion.

Korra: "Nah! You saved me from that spirit beam. And helped save the world. It's the least I could do." She's beaming at me. I smile and nod. I will pay her back with something though I don't know what or how.

As we head back to Oogi I can hear Jinora and Tenzin talking to one another though I can't quite catch what they are saying. Me and Korra chat a bit. It seems that new Air Benders have begun popping up since that portal was opened. I guess there was an Imbalance without them. She and the others along with Tenzin and Jinora will be leaving in a few days to go looking for them all. I won't be able to Join them until I'm healed. Korra was upset by the prospect but knew it wasn't my choice. We've been getting closer over these few weeks. Not that we weren't close as it was when we trained. Still the time she's spent with me was mainly because it's hard for me to walk and even breathe on occasion. She didn't mind. She tells me she likes talking to me allot. I feel the same. Of course Pema kept trying to convince me I was in love with her but... Never mind. Oogi comes into view. Korra and Jinora use their air bending to help me onto his back. He lowers a bit as they do this so it's easier for us. He can sense my pain which is interesting. We take off and begin heading home.


(Jinora's POV)

As we begin to walk back after Korra slung (M/n)'s arm over her shoulder I notice the way they look at each other. They both gain gentle smiles. They are both kind of dense it would seem. I look towards father and it seems he's noticed as well.

Jinora: "It seems they have feelings for each other." I say to my father in a quieter tone as to not let those two hear.

Tenzin: "Maybe... I am unsure it it's love just yet... He may not even understand what that means quite yet." I nod in agreement. After all at that celebration we had there was the girl that tried flirting with him and he seemed completely oblivious to it.

Jinora: "You're right of course... However." He looks at me. "I think there is a spark there. They seem at peace when around each other." He nods but looks like he wants to say something else.

Tenzin: "True, but that doesn't mean they are in love... Yet." I smile slightly at that as does he. (M/n) deserves love. I see (M/n) look back at us and I simply smile and wave.


(Your POV)

We arrive back at the island. Jinora and Korra get off and proceed to help me off as well. We walk back inside and I ask Korra to take me to my room so I can relax. She does just that and tells me just to call if I need anything. I nod and smile. After she leaves I hear small footsteps running to the room. Olivia bursts through to door.

Olivia: "Hey (M/n)! How are you today?" She asks that at least five times a day. I smile.

You: "Still hurts to walk. But I am healing rather nicely." She smiles. "What about you?" I ask. She smiles a bit wider.

Olivia: "I'M GREAT!!!!" She shouts. I chuckle as she continues. "I feel so full of energy today!" She exclaims.

She does a mock punch towards me and a gust of... wind knocks me off the bed and into the wall. I hear her scream slightly. She runs over to help me up.

Olivia: "I'M SO SORRY!!!" She shouts on the brim of crying. I sit up. Luckily I landed on my right side. I look at her wide eyed. She just.

You: "I'm alright I landed on my right side. But that doesn't matter go fetch someone to help me walk." She nods quickly and runs out. She comes back a few minutes later with Korra.

Korra: "What happened?!" She asks sounding very worried. She rushes to my side to check on me. I just smile as she helps me up.

You: "Walk with me to Tenzin. Olivia please follow. And I'm not upset. We just discovered something important." They both nod and lead me to where Tenzin is. He is currently training with Daw whom is struggling a bit. "Tenzin... You're not going believe this." He tells Daw to stop and looks at me.

Tenzin: "What is it (M/n)?" He asks as calm as ever. I look towards Olivia.

You: "Do what you did before Olivia." She nods slowly and readies a punch. When she punches another gust of air flies from her fists. I smile widely as Tenzin and Korra go wide eyed. "I believe she is a new Air Bender!" I exclaim as I sit on a bench. They stare at her for a moment before they look at me.

Korra: "She's an Air Bender!" She exclaims. "That's one less to find." I smile and nod as Olivia squeals in excitement.

Tenzin: "Well this is... Unexpected but congratulations!" He says smiling at her. "KIDS!!!" He shouts. Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo run in. "We have a new Air Bender." They all smile looking for the supposed new person. They stop and look confused.

Ikki: "Uh... Where?" He smiles and simply points to Olivia. They all gasp and cheer for her. They bring her into a big group hug as I smile at them. Little Olivia...

You: "Can you guys train her?" I ask. I know the answer but I wanted to be polite. They look at me like I'm stupid and I put my hands up in defense. "Okay, okay. I wanted to be polite." Olivia runs over and hugs me gently. I hug back. I pull away and look down at her smiling. "I know you'll make me proud." She smiles wider.

Tenzin: "She'll make us all proud. Now... considering I just begun with Daw. Would you like to get a set of robes and join us? If he doesn't mind repeating the actions of course." He said looking at Daw. Over the time I've known him he is a positive and easy going person. If a bit nervous about all this. I smile at the memory of what he looked like. A total stereotypical hermit. Now he is bald at his request mind you, and has a mustache that is one step removed from a handlebar stache. He is in his early thirties or so he claims anyway. He also has obsidian colored eyes.

Daw: "Naw. We only started like five minutes ago." Tenzin smiles and looks at Olivia. She smiles and nods with allot of excitement in her eyes.

Tenzin: "Ikki." She looks at her father. "Take her to get some robes." She nods and grabs Olivia's hand before walking off. They wave bye as I smile. "How'd you figure that out?" He asks looking at me. I chuckle.

You: "She was doing mock punches since she was 'so full of energy' and a gust of wind knocked me off the bed into the wall." His eyes widen slightly and looks surprised. "I'm not hurt. Okay well my back hurts slightly but still. I don't care. My little girl is an Air bender!" I exclaim. I then realized what I said. "Uh... I mean..." They just smile at me. Oh boy.

Tenzin: "It's quite alright. You treat her like a daughter. It's only natural." I smile and sigh in relief. "It'll be Meelo and Ikki that teach her however." I just chuckle. That'll be fun.

You: "Oh I know. I wonder if she can keep up with Meelo's energy." They just laugh. "Alright. I think it's time for a session in the pool." Korra nods and helps me up. We begin walking towards the pool of water. "I can't believe it." I said smiling.

Korra: "I knew she was special." She says smiling. "What I can't believe is that you accidentally called her 'My little girl'." I just flush slightly. She just keeps smiling. "How's that project going?" I just sigh.

You: "Slow as hell." She just frowns at that. "Vaatu's stupid attempted invasion has put it on hold for a while. Not only that but finding people to vouch for me has been difficult." She just nods. "But Fire Lord Izumi has offered to vouch for me if push comes to shove." She smiles at that as do I.

Korra: "Friends with the Fire Lord. You're moving up." She says sarcastically. I just roll my eyes playfully as we share a laugh.

You: "Maybe so but it helps somewhat." She smiles knowing what I mean. We get to the pool and she lets go so I can remove my white shirt I was wearing. She then helps me into the warm pool. "Thanks... It means allot." She just smiles.

Korra: "Not a problem. Just call me when you're done." I smile and nod. I could swear there was a blush on her cheeks. I shake it off and relax.

I just sit there letting the steam engulf my senses. It feels nice on my sore ribs. Much like my room this room matches the white on the exterior of the building. The tiles in here however are brown and the 'pool' or rather tub is a mix of red and brown. Olivia... My little girl an Air bender... I'm so happy for her. She'll do all of us proud. After some time passes I decide to get out. I quickly get out and put my shirt on before the pain comes back. I lean on the wall as I walk. I get to a corner and call out. I wouldn't but the pain has returned. Mako is the one that shows up.

You: "Sorry about this. I tried to get to the dining room before my pain came back but..." He just smiles and waves it off.

Mako: "It's not a problem man." He walks with me to make sure I don't fall. "How are you healing you think?" I just sigh slightly.

You: "Well but it's going to be a few weeks before I can walk safely alone. And even longer to heal completely." He just nods. "It sucks because I can't join you on your mission." He nods once more.

Mako: "Don't worry too much. It's not a difficult mission for us." I just nod slightly. I know they can handle themselves. I just like being with them... Again I'm going to miss my talks with Korra. Oddly both Mako and Bolin have been treating me like a brother to them. Which is nice.

You: "I know. Still... It's a reverse situation." He looks at me confused. "I was gone for a couple of weeks remember." He nods. "Now I'll be the one here while you all leave. Only this time my new 'brothers' are going to." I said nudging him slightly. He laughs a bit and rolls his eyes.

Mako: "You know you think the same." I simply nod while smiling slightly. "Didn't think about that though. We'll be able to call unlike you could however." He says with a small chuckle at the end. We arrive in the dining room and I sit down as everyone else arrives.

I see Korra and she seems... Upset. Not like something bad happened but like she has to do something she does not want to. I see Olivia and Daw both walk in looking thoroughly whipped. I smile slightly. Despite looking exhausted she looks as happy as ever. Daw on the other hand looks utterly out. They all sit as Pema and the kids bring the food in. I decide to break the ice.

You: "Why are you upset Korra?" She looks at me surprised. "It's written all over your face." She shakes her head smiling weakly at me.

Korra: "Tenzin has decided we should leave tomorrow instead." I nod slowly. Ah dammit. "I'm sorry (M/n)." She says sadly. Look at her and smile slightly. I knew this was coming.

You: "It's alright. I figured that this would happen since we can't stop the vines progression." She nods at that. "I'll be fine. With Kya here." I gesture to her politely. "We'll be just fine. Once I'm healed fully I may join you if I can." She perks up and smiles at that. That smile that warms my heart... Never mind that.

Kya: "That could take a few weeks (M/n) if not longer." She says like a mother reminding her child of a chore they need to perform. Like I don't know that.

You: "Oh I know. But still. It's nice to think about." She gives me a knowing look. Her and Pema have been chatting it seems. I give her a 'Don't even' look and she just smiles at me.

Tenzin: "We do wish we could wait to take you but-" I cut him off.

You: "No need Tenzin. This is important so it'd be a bad idea to delay. Next to that it gives me a chance to meet all these new people." He smiles gently at me. Bolin then smirks and pipes up.

Bolin: "Maybe you'll find girlfriend among them." He says cheekily. I just slowly turn my head at him with a 'Are you serious right now?' Look. He starts laughing and I shake my head.

You: "I have a better chance of spontaneously healing man." Everyone smiles or chuckles at that. Except Korra for some reason. I fain being hurt by putting my hand on my chest. "Oww... Oh ye of little faith people. Geez." They laugh at that. Except Korra again.

After everyone calmed down we began eating. Out of the corner of my eye I swear I see Korra looking at me a little concerned. I shake it off and ignore it. The rest of dinner of mainly us talking about our day. One big topic was Olivia being a new Air Bender. Just the thought makes me smile.

(Korra's POV)

I know it was a joke but... He shouldn't put himself down like that. I guess Asami wasn't lying about what he said about the idea of him having a girlfriend. Sure he was joking now but there was a hint of seriousness in his voice. I see his eyes dart in my direction. I then realized I was staring at him and he felt my eyes basically boring into his head. I look away quickly. This is going to eat me alive for a while isn't it? I don't know. Why did I even pay attention to it now that I think about it? Bolin's comment made me pay extra attention to his reaction for some reason. I was glad that he said no... Why? But the way he said it bothered me. It was so nonchalantly. I know he's said something like that before and meant it and he plays it off as a joke... I guess Olivia noticed my look .

Olivia: "Are you alright Korra?" She asked in a hushed whisper. I was thankful for that. I don't want (M/n) to hear.

Korra: Well... It's what (M/n) said." She looks at me confused.

Olivia: "It was a joke right? What does it matter. It's not true." She says as matter of fact. I sigh and shake my head.

Korra: "The thing is he's said something like that before to Bolin and Asami... He was being serious then. He doesn't think he's... good enough I guess." She looks at (M/n) who is currently talking with Kya about his treatments for the pain. She looks back at me.

Olivia: "We know it's not true though... Why are you worried then?" I don't have a good answer for that. I just hate seeing him put himself down like that.

Korra: "I... I don't know... It just bothers me... Putting himself down like that. So easily I mean." She smiles at me slightly.

Olivia: "You care for him allot huh?" I flush slightly at that. "Maybe you should talk to him about it? Or I could." I shake my head no. I don't want to make him uncomfortable right now.

Korra: "If you want to go ahead but I can't... I don't want to push it." She nods. I guess she understands.

Olivia: "I'll talk to him about it and tell you... He trusts you after all." I smile at that. He's made that clear but still. It's nice to hear.

Korra: "Thanks. And be sure to tell him he's freaking wrong eh?" She smiles wide and nods quickly. I continue eating... Why does this bother me so much?

(Your POV)

Interesting sounding plant. A plastic that can decompose can be made from it and it's oils treat severe nausea and pain... Maybe I'll try some though I may eat it since I hate the idea of smoking. I'm in the mood for cookies anyway. I look towards Kya who has been discussing this with me alongside Pema. Kya is a bit older than Tenzin by a few years. She has a lighter skin tone yet I can still tell that her mother was from a water tribe. She has long gray hair that she keeps in a ponytail. She has sky blue eyes and despite her age she is still quite good looking. Many often show wear and tear by her age but she seems to not have any signs of that at all.

You: "I may try it. Though I'd rather eat it... Can it be put in cookies or something of the sort?" Kya smiles and nods at my question. Thank the gods. I hate the idea of me smoking.

Kya: "Yes but it has some side effects." She pauses before continuing. "It makes you slightly sluggish, increases you're appetite, and will likely make you more talkative." I stare at her for a moment. I bet that version of me is more fun.

Pema: "That sounds interesting. Maybe you will open up more." I playfully roll my eyes as she laughs. Yeah I do need to work on that more but I've been here awhile and I think I've done well opening up in that time.

You: "Yeah, yeah laugh it up." They both laugh at that. I shake my head.

I begin to eat once again. I look to my right and see Olivia and Korra talking. I can't hear them so I guess it's private. It's nice to see them talking. They always got along but never really talked like this. After dinner Korra is the one to walk with me and Olivia to our shared room. She stayed for a bit to chat with us. After a couple of hours she headed off to bed. I got into my bed and lay down on the comfy surface. Olivia decides to speak.

Olivia: "Hey... (M/n). Can I ask you something?" I sit up slowly and look at her. I nod waiting for the question. "That joke you made." I stiffen slightly. "Were you serious?" I look at her and see her sad eyes. She's really good at making me do things she wants. I sigh and look down. Yeah it was true... I'd like to think it's not but it is.

You: "In a way..." She looks sad. "I just... With the way I am Pumpkin it's hard... To express myself I mean." She sits next to me and hugs my arm like little kids do when they are scared. "I just don't think I am relationship material... Even if I was I'd be so afraid that..." I don't finish. Flashes of my clan's destruction play in my head. She gives me a full on hug. She's gotten good at detecting when the images haunt me.

Olivia: "Don't think about that now..." I snap out of it and hug her back for a moment. I let go and look at her with a small smile.

You: "You're getting good at detecting that..." She smiles slightly and nods. "Why did you ask that anyway?" Her face changes to one of nervousness. Oh. Someone asked her to.

Olivia: "N-no reason." She's lying to me so I give her the parent look. Her nervousness grows. "I-I-I was j-j-just c-curious." Oh boy. She's close to cracking.

You: "Olivia. You know how I feel about lying." She's on the edge of breaking. I begin to frown at her and then she breaks.

Olivia: "Okay, okay, okay." She takes a breath. "Korra was worried about it. She said Bolin said you said something like that before if that makes sense." She says looking down finding her feet interesting now. Ah. That makes sense. Why would she be worried?

You: "Why would she be worried?" I ask. She perks up a bit and looks at me.

Olivia: "She hates seeing you put yourself down like that." I am taken aback by that. Why am I surprised though? I feel my cheeks heat up telling me I am blushing. I hear Olivia giggle.

Olivia: "Ooooo." I look at her quickly. She has a knowing smile on her face. "Seems like a certain someone can make you flustered." I look down slightly irritated. Korra does have that effect on me.

You: "I-I... Well... It's just out of everyone here, present company excluded." She smiles. "She has the most interest in seeing me open up. It's just strange." She shakes her head while still smiling.

Olivia: "Suuuurrrreee." She says sassily. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me." With that she goes to her bed and lies down.

You: "What secret!?" I say a little louder than meaning to. I just hear her giggle and then nothing. Damnit... I'm going to damn bed... Maybe... One day... I drift off to sleep.


I am woken up by Meelo pounding on mine and Daw's door. I sit up slowly only to see that Olivia is already dressed and ready to go. Maybe Meelo is in for a run for his money. I sit there for a moment before the door flies open.

Meelo: "OLIVIA WAKE-" He realizes she and I are already up. I look at him with a small scowl and he laughs nervously. "We really need to get her a room of her own." I am tired but I won't lie that may be for the best.

You: "Yeah (YAWN) I think so to." Olivia turns around smiling at me widely. "If you wanted one you could've just asked me and Tenzin you know." She rubs the back of her head nervously.

Olivia: "Heh, heh. Yeah... I'll ask Tenzin before they leave in a few hours." I almost forgot about that. I frown slightly and sigh.

You: "Right..." Olivia looks concerned. "I'm fine Olivia. Just go with Meelo. Don't want to fall behind eh?" She smiles and nods. She gives me a quick hug before grabbing Meelo's hand and rushing off. Before he leaves my room I can see him looking shocked. She's strong for a eight year old. I sit there for a while and attempt to stand. Hey I got up without help. I then throw my white shirt back on and walk ever so slowly outside. I make it to the main room and sit down. I sigh. They're leaving today. I then hear Korra.

Korra: "Hey (M/n)!" She says happily. I look up and smile at her tiredly. "Meelo wake you up to?" I nod and yawn.

You: "Yeah. We're going to see about getting her a room of her own." She smiles at that. It'd be good for her. She's nearly eight anyway. 'She's nearly eight... And I hate being jerked awake like that." She laughs at that and sits next to me. "Normally we would be training right now..." I said trailing off at the end.

Korra: "Hey." She says as she puts her hand on my shoulder softly. "You're injured. We'll have plenty of time to train when you get better." I nod and smile weakly. I look at her. And decide to see if she'll act surprised at the question Olivia asked me.

You: "Olivia asked me a strange last night before bed." She raises an eyebrow at me. "She asked if I was serious about that joke I told. You know the whole 'I'll heal' thing." She nods. Yep she's going to play dumb with me. A man that can feel her heart beat rather clearly.

Korra: "Well... If you don't mind me asking what did you say?" I can feel her heart rate increase. I decide to just say what I know.

You: "Olivia is a bad liar. I know it was your question." She looks at me wide eyed and starts blushing slightly out of embarrassment. "But no. I don't mind." She calms down and looks at me. "It's a mixture of 'meh' self-confidence, being bad at expressing my feelings and... fear." She gave me a knowing look on that last one. At least I won't have to explain that one.

Korra: "What do you mean 'meh' self-confidence'?" I guess she knows the answer to the second one.

You: "I don't know. Sometimes I just don't feel like I'm all that great. Not really relationship material as I know you heard." She looks down sheepishly for a moment before looking back at me. "That's just my opinion though." She shakes her head at me and I raise an eyebrow.

Korra: "That's a bunch of crap." Now I look at her confused. "Look at all you've done for us!" She exclaims. "Saving Ikki without want for payment. Saving, feeding, and pretty much adopting Olivia out of kindness. Taking on an entire guild to make sure we are safe. And finally throwing yourself at death to make sure I lived." I think she blushed a bit at the last one. "So I don't ever want to hear you say that again. Got it?" I stare at her for a moment before nodding.

You: "I promise... And thanks." I say smiling at her.

Korra: "For what" She asks looking a little confused.

You: "For always being there for me and making sure the abyss doesn't swallow me again as before... So thank you..." I've said similar things allot over the past few weeks but my tone here was much more gentle than my normal one. Now I know she's blushing it's a little... Strange... yeah strange.

Korra: "Well... Your welcome." She says staring into my eyes.

We linger for a bit. No words spoken. I feel oddly comfortable in her gaze. We both look away after a time. (??? In Thought): 'What is this?' We then just start talking about things. Mainly the mission. As we are talking Asami, Tenzin, Jinora, Mako, and Bolin walk into the room and look at us. I look at them and I know it's time for them to leave. I go to stand and Korra watches to make sure I don't hurt myself. We begin walking outside. Well mine is a bit of a trudge but still. We get to Oogi... Time for some goodbyes... Again.

You: "Well guys... Good luck, be safe... And I'll miss you guys." They all smile at that.

Tenzin: "We'll be sure to call often so we can keep you informed that way when you recover you can join us without having to be caught up." I smile and nod.

They each walk up and hug me one at a time. Mako's was quick like one would hug a brother or a father. Bolin's was a little tight but not painful as he minded the wounds. Asami's was very gentle and short. She sucks at goodbyes. Tenzin's is much the same. Jinora hugs me gently like Olivia does when she's sad. I then look at Korra who seems quite sad to leave. She comes over and hugs me... But it feels different. It feels comfortable like the gaze we traded earlier. I hug back and we linger a bit longer than the others. I can almost feel Pema and Kya smiling at us from behind. She lets go and pats my arms.

Korra: "Just get better alright?" I nod and smile at her.

You: "I will... You be safe and... Well help build a new nation eh?" She laughs slightly and nods.

Korra: "I will Sparky." I've grown fond of that name for some stupid reason. They each then board Lin's Airship. It is far larger than any the equalists ever had. Much like it's owner it's colored in dark green, gold, and grey. Naga and Oogi board as well after recieving goodbye pets from everyone. He'll be serving as a taxi of sorts to send new benders back here. They all stand by the rails and look at us as it takes off.

You & Everyone On The Ground: "Bye and be safe!" We shout in unison as they fly off. They wave us goodbye but I can see Korra smiling at me before turning around and walking inside it's main cabin.

I turn around and I am met immediately by Pema, Kya, and Olivia smiling at me like they know something. I just shake my head. Kya walks to my side and walks with me inside. I'll figure this out... Somehow but I will... 

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