Chapter Six: Future Teacher And Student Bonding

(Your POV)

It's been about two weeks since I nearly killed that priest, Olivia has taken to calling me her hero. I don't really mind it makes me feel less... I don't know is crazy the word? Asami bought her some clothes and Bolin secured a bed for her. She's been getting along great with everyone. Especially the kids. Anyway since Korra's training has been progressing nicely Tenzin suggested that she get to know me more before I officially become her teacher. So we both agreed to spend the day together talking or whatever friends do. Obviously since I am still new to this she will be taking charge. I have a feeling that even if I knew what I was doing she would take charge anyway. I am currently waiting by the docks for her to come down from the Island. As I am waiting I take stock of what's going on around me. I see several dock workers loading supplies onto different ships to be sent to other cities around the globe. I see several people spending time together with one another staring out at the water or just holding hands as they walk. I wonder for a split second what that must be like. I shake the thought from my head and close my eyes.

You: (In Thought) 'Like that'll ever happen.' I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice call my name.

Korra: "Hey (M/n)!" She shouted jogging up to me. She's still wearing that same outfit from the day I came here. Strange. Does she not have different clothes... Says the man that has one set of clothes. Heh.

You: "Hey Korra. So what do you have planned?" I asked her smiling. I saw her gain a stupid grin that made me smile in turn.

Korra: "Stuff. Different kinds of stuff." She replied. I'm willing to bet she has nothing planed at all. I chuckle before speaking again.

You: "You didn't make plans did you?" I asked raising my eyebrow on a questioning manner. She chuckled slightly before replying.

Korra: "Nope! Figured we could just walk around and talk. Maybe get some food." I sighed. Asami before we left gave me some money so we could get lunch before we head back. Oddly I noticed Mako's expression. He seemed almost jealous that I got to spend the day with Korra. If that's true than this is going to get... Complicated. I then reply.

You: "Alright. Lead to way." I gestured her to start walking. She smiled and obliged. Not like I would have a choice in the matter anyway.

We spent the next hours talking. Well mainly she talked and I listened. Thanks to my outburst a week ago I don't have much to tell. I stop at a stall that is selling stuffed toys and buy a stuffed Air Bison for Olivia. She doesn't have toys or anything so I think she'd love this. Well Asami did buy her clothes so she has somethings but not anything like this. As we looked around she told me of her family in her water tribe. Of friends she has back there and why she's excited to be the Avatar. I just absorb all this information as she is speaking. I told her about things I had seen. Like the one time I saw this extremely tall statue of a god. She stared at me in awe as I described it. A statue taller than the tallest building in the city built out of marble. It was dedicated to a god now lost to time. The inscription was in a language I didn't understand. It was pure white. It somehow never, ever yellowed in the sun. I offered to take her there one day since I knew where it was. She smiled brightly. At some point we ended up on this street with multiple stalls for buying things. I was looking at some books that this one stall had. They had an interesting book that the woman working the stall told me was about A man trying to tear the wall down between our world and the spirit world. I would've kept looking but I noticed Korra moved to this food stall on the other side of the street. I walked over and she and the owner were talking.

Owner: "You looking to buy, or, are you just curious?" The owner asked. Korra replied. She looks somewhat befuddled. In other words Korra has been eyeing that thing for a while now.

Korra: "Well I guess you can say I am 'Buy-curious'." She wiggled her eyebrows at the owner. I nearly lost it. It's been forever since I've heard such a perfect pun. I walk over and speak up.

You: "Translation: I'm broke but it looks soooo good." I said in a mocking tone. She nudged my shoulder playfully. I bought it for her in the end though. She ate it rather quickly. I just chuckled and we kept walking.

As we kept walking she began to ask about what it's like to control lightning and electricity as I do. Her first question was.

Korra: "I know what it feels like to bend the four main elements somewhat anyway, but only master fire benders can bend electricity and even then it's limited to redirection and small production. So What does it feel like? Does it hurt or make you angry?" I looked at her and told her we should get some food since this is going to be a long conversation. She agreed and we went to a restaurant and ordered some lunch. The restaurant was a simple place. It had white walls and black tiles with some tables and chairs inside. We decide to sit outside in a corner so we won't be disturbed. I then replied to her question.

You: "It sends shivers down my spine." She chuckled and gave me a 'Really?' look. I then continue. "Well technically that is true but there is more to it. It... makes me feel strong. Like I could take on a god, yet I feel weak in a way." I said trailing off at the end. She seemed to notice and gave me a worried look. "It's not like it hurts me don't worry but I just... I can bend one of the most powerful forces on the planet. Yet despite that whenever I do I feel vulnerable. There is allot of emotions that goes into this form of bending. I imagine depending on who you are it may be good but for me not so much." I finished looking at her. She looked at me and then spoke.

Korra: "Your talking about It's form of the "drive" the thing that sorta fuels it as Tenzin put it. That's the same for all bending. Depending on your experience." She finished.

You: "Yep. I would rather not explain that till you are actually my student however. I don't want to explain it twice." I replied. "Any other questions about it?" I asked as our drinks arrived. She thought for a moment and asked an actually good question.

Korra: "Can you heat up the lightning or change it so it just paralyzes? Kinda how earth benders can change sand to earth and back." I was slightly surprised she'd even consider this as a possibility. I smiled wide as I answered.

You: "Yes to both. I'm kinda surprised that you thought of that." She smiled at this. "Anyway yeah I can. Heating up lightning is the easier of the two. Though to be honest with how hot it is It's not really needed." She laughed a bit. "However changing how it works is harder. Like when I rescued Ikki. I had to be quiet because I was out numbered. Before I went to knock any of the goons out I had to charge the electricity beforehand. That way I could change it before I attacked, It's hard to do it mid combat because it takes concentration. I can but I've had practice and even then I don't unless absolutely necessary." I finished taking gulp of my drink. She did the same and asked another question. Or two to be precise.

Korra: "What's your fighting style called and who taught you?" I look down into my glass and think for a moment. It hurts to talk about them still... It probably always will... I then reply.

You: "It's an ancient style of combat often used by Assassin's hundreds of years ago called "The Rope Dart Stance." It's used to try and fight at a distance. My father was teaching me it before my bending surfaced at the age of Nine. The electricity complimented the style well. That's why when I was practicing you saw whips I threw almost like a throwing dagger." I finished slightly solemn thinking of my parents again. She seemed to notice and spoke.

Korra: "Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry like that." I shake my head telling her it's alright I know she didn't mean to do it on purpose. She smiled slightly and then asked me something. "Hey. Can you... Maybe tell me about them, your parents? It might make you feel better." She said with a genuine tone in her voice. I mule it over for a bit and then speak.

You: "They were... Beyond kind to everyone. Everybody in our clan respected them for all they did for everyone. Mom was a medicine woman. Dad was one of the clan's top warriors. They constantly praised me even when I failed they gave me advice. Dad told me something that sticks with me today. "Why do we fall (First Name)? To learn to pick ourselves back up." I've kept that in my mind. It's probably the reason I'm still alive and didn't lie down and give in. Mom was as loving as any mother should be. She held me when I was sad or sick. She helped me with my studies and even when dad was sick or out on a mission would train me to." I start to tear up slightly. "They were the best parents I could've asked for. But despite their kindness fate saw fit they should die." I finish as a single tear rolls down my face. She speaks with a smile,

Korra; "They sound amazing. I think they'd be proud of you for coming this far." I looked at her and nodded. She wasn't wrong. They would be. She was also right about the fact it felt good to tell someone else about them... She didn't pry further which also helped.

You: "Thanks. You were right, It felt kinda nice to talk about them... It still hurts though." I said smiling slightly as I wiped the tear away. She nods as a response. She knows it still hurts and probably will for a long time.

The food finally came and we ate only making small talk. Talking about hobbies or things we wish we could do. I told her of my wish to learn how to paint and she egged me on to try and find a teacher. I agreed but said it would wait till after we finished training.


It was dark out and we were heading back. Korra seemed on edge at this prospect so I stopped her before we got to the docks sat her down and told her to talk. She took a deep breathe\ before asking me something.

Korra: "What do you do when you have a crush on someone?" I was taken aback. She knows my social skills are on par with maybe a five-year-old but I replied.

You: "I don't know. Who do you have a crush on?" I asked calmly. I have a feeling it's a certain orange eyed guy though. Oh boy.

Korra: "Mako... I know he's with Asami but I like him allot." She finished looking at the ground. She seems slightly ashamed though I don't get why. It happens I'm guessing. I thought before asking.

You: "Korra, what do you like about him?" She looked back at me. She seems to think for a moment and then replies.

Korra: "He's pretty good looking... That's all I can think of." She replied. "What do you think?" She asked. Okay now I'm nervous.

This is a dangerous prospect. Judging by his reactions this morning I'm guessing he feels the same. I wouldn't be shocked if that's what the spat was about when I got my new clothes. This is also dangerous because I am awful at lying when it comes to my emotions unless I'm In a dire situation so I ask.

You: "You want me to be honest or lie to you? Cause the truth you may not like but my lie will be bad." She nodded telling me she wanted the truth. I take a breath, "I think it's really dumb to like someone only based on looks. Give him forty years I can guarantee he won't look like that. It's just a shaky foundation to build a relationship on. Building one based on who they are tends to last longer. However if that's what you want then do it I won't judge you. And judging by his reaction this morning you may not have to wait long." I finished looking at her. She looked at me wide eyed. She's either pissed or surprised. She then spoke.

Koraa: "Well at least you won't judge me. Thanks for your honesty it's kinda refreshing. I'll consider what you said but I still want to be with him." She finished standing up. I just shrug my shoulders. Not a big deal to me either way. That;s just how I feel.

You: "Like I said I won't judge. I wish you the best of luck with it. And as for the honesty thing. You say that it's refreshing but wait till you have to tell a chef he sucks or a woman that she looks fat in a dress. That may change your attitude." I said chuckling.

She began laughing and I soon joined her. After we calmed down we headed back. It sorta bothered me she wanted to be with someone for such a dumb reason but it's not my place to judge. When we arrived. I told her good night and went to my room where I found Olivia reading a book Jinora gave her. I walked beside her before plopping on my bed. I grab my bag and get a gift I got her out. It wasn't much since I don't have all that much money but it was something. Just a small teddy air bison. Nothing more. I tap her shoulder to get her to look at me. When she does I present it and she nearly squeals in excitement. She grabs and hugs it instantly. Then she comes up to me and hugs me as well.

Olivia: "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I LOVE IT!!!: She yells happily I just chuckle and hug her back. It's always nice to see her smile like that. I then reply.

You: "No worries. Pema's been telling me how much help you've been and how good you've been whilst I'm with Korra and Tenzin. So you deserve it." I said smiling. She let's go and runs off to show the others. I just sit there and think. (In Thought): 'How am I going to explain the drive to Korra? Hm.' I just stand up and head to the kitchen to see if Pema needs help. On the way I see Korra, Asami, and Mako arguing over something. I change direction and head there instead. I catch a sentence as I arrive.

Korra: "I'm just telling you what I saw. That's it. If he's got nothing to hide why don't we ask?" Asami looks like she's about to yell before I chime in.

You: "Okay no yelling. What's going on?" I asked sternly. Asami looks at me and says.

Asami: "Korra is accusing my father of working with the equalists! It's outrageous!!" She shouts. I gave her a look that told her to calm herself and she did. I look towards Korra and ask.

You: "Have any proof of this accusation?" I'd rather have evidence before accusing anyone. She looked at me and replied.

Korra: "I overheard him speaking to one of them. They seemed to know each other." She said calmly. That's interesting... And also very bad. I looked to see if she was lying to me but staring directly into her eyes with a slight glare. She did not flinch an inch so looked back at Asami.

You: "She's not lying when she said she saw him speaking to one. Maybe we should ask or find evidence before jumping to dangerous conclusions. If she's wrong than that's it. She apologizes and we move on. If she's right we may have a bigger problem cause I'm guessing you told him about me Asami." I look at her before continuing. "So let's see if there is evidence before assuming anything." They all looked at me. They all nodded before walking off. Korra stayed back however.

Korra: "Thank you (M/N). At least someone believes me..." She said trailing off towards the end. It must hurt her to see either of them act like that towards her. I just put my hand on her shoulder and give it a comforting squeeze. I suck at this.

You: "Don't worry about it. I'm more concerned if you are correct. If you are odds are they know I'm in the city if not on the island. I don't want to put people In danger. You did good by bringing it up Korra." I replied looking at her with a gentle smile. She smiled slightly before walking off. (In Thought) 'I hope she's wrong. If not were in for a fight.'


(??? POV)

She's going to kill me. That much I can expect. I can't imagine however how she will react to his threat. I approached the big double doors separating me from telling my Queen what's happened. I open the door shaking slightly. She sees me immediately and signals me to come closer. I do and kneel before her.

(???): "My queen. The Triad and Equalists attacked the ship your weapon was on. He escaped in the skirmish. I saw him and followed him. He caught me and sends a message." I finish holding my now disfigured arm. She speaks harshly.

Hou-Ting: "WELL!? WHERE IS HE!?"

(???): "He says, 'If she sends anyone else I'll pay her a visit and when I do she will wish for something as sweet as the pain you just experienced.'" I show her my arm.

When he finally released me that day. My arm was burned beyond anything I had ever seen. The skin was... Black and flaking off my body as if it was paper that was burned. The blood was almost non existent it was burned into the skin. Now. It has time to fester. It oozes puss and blood at times. Some bone on the top of my forearm. I lift it up uncover the bandages and show her. She just glares and speaks.

Hou-Ting: "Hmpf. I should've sent one more capable of handling him. GUARDS!" She shouts as one stands at either side of me. "Take this filth away and bring me someone from the Crimson Brotherhood." She orders. The guards nod as they drag me away. I do not struggle. I will be executed. May the spirits guide me and that assassin. This bender is not to trifled with. He will come for her when he does away with this assassin. And she will beg for mercy.

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